TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1927. Woman's pag. G,M II.. . w . 'it -- I Hi? t Ml J '1 1 society BY GRACE CARROLL All Contributions to this PageSociety, Women's Cluoi, and ' ' FersooalsBbould Be Telephoned to the Society Editor by Friday of Each Week. ; .V ' Kvi-n though I In; suinmnr iiionl Hh - have liven (litm-n by n number of - the younger maids for I licit wcd J uiuK.-, the hitler part of Auguat and frly autumn will bring sv ' era) niiin'lHKc-H of importance bo.h v In the (ify and out o( town. r An out. of town wedding which Was recently solemnized and came hh an liiLcrcHf ing affair lo ninny In the city wns lite maiTiagtr of How "j. aid Kurcher, the son of a former - Jtoseburg family, und Miss -Muxine. Campbell' of Portland. The inur- riage of MIhb Kvelyn Hutey and Roy Ifufhum of Itoschura; early In the week wub a surprise lo many of their friunds. . Much social. (ntcwtMt will center V About th weddliiK of Mlsg Adele Hemis, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. K. A. Fiends of HoHcburg, and Loien lii'lil, tbe Hon of Mr. - and MraS. M. Hrilt of Corvallla, the ceremony to be a lovely home C event of (lie coming ' week, i're- mptlHl nifnirs are being planned : and several an arrlvhm from out ' of town lo be present lor the. wed- pJ ding, among those coming . this Week being Mrs. Andrew J. ' (ieorge, a sister of Miss Ueinis, ' who arrived from San FrunuiHco Monday to be matron of honor.:' ' Out of town visitor were Inapli- atlonfl for much of the cntei-taln- log of (he past week und delight ful indeed hav been the variety of social ulialrs. Late Hummer continues lo setf many Rosehurg ; folk leaving on motor trlim, among :::,Jhoie moat recently to go being .'Mr. and Mr. C. S. Hcinline and '- 'MlfB Martha Yen, who are tour- lug to lirkiHli Columbia. ft to K - , Britt-Bemis Nuptials to Be Lovely Home . ' Weddihg Wednesday ,,One oC tho season's loveliest ... hridet will be iMias Adehj Ilemitt, " youngest: daughter of Mr. and Mm. K. A. Bern in, whotte marriage to lyoreit ifrltt, son of Mr. mid Mr. 11. M. IliltL of CorvalliH, will take place WedneHday eveniim, AugUHl, 14, the home of, (ho hildH-.ulect'H , parentH, -1X7 Kowler atreed ,heing lhe scene of the-; ceremony. Dr. , Prank H. Matthewa will read the fiiarriage service at 8 o'clock.. Miss Uemis Iuim (-hottcu an herat- . iendants, her siKler, .Trs. Andrew J. George of San Francisco, who will be matron of honor, and Mbm ,, Ann yimmit aa bridesmaid. Krnest JJritt, a brother of Mr. Ilrltt, from CorvalliH will he hest man. (leo. ' Singleton und Fred. Porter will act ..'as, UBherH. . Several from put. of , town are coming the first of the week to at tend the wedding. Andrew J. UiUH'gc will arrive Sunday to Join ;. Mis. (ieorce at. the l!eml heme. O 3; n'f Days Creek Man. ' 1 ' Celebrates Annivarsary Itelatlves and friends of J. S. Moore of Days Creek numbering ; Ihlrty-fivo, iiHKemhled nt his home Hunday lo spend the day, the occn rtion being Mr. Moore's sixty-ninth bin Inlay anniversary. ' A noon dinner was followed by games und swimming unlit eve ning when u hutfet supper' was Her veil the guests. The guesls spending the' day included all of Mr. Moore's children and grand- children, who were there to extend i good wishes on his anniversary. ' Popular Visitors Return to Los Angeles After a dellRhtful vfnlt with friends in the city Hie jmxt week as the hoiiHtt guests of MImh Hens! Wharton. MIhs Hazel Knykeudall, a former ItoKeburK maid, and MIh Hose Sheeban of l.os Angeles left Thursday for tho souih, being 'jollied here hv .Mrs. Claire Chap- of ''"'"""U. I'allliirnlli; Miss num. who bin been visiting i ( Mil-I I'.limd. Miss I'imrl Jones, ' Portland, and Tom Kllea. who hna i A1 I'"uIh Trnliu.r, of Boston; heeit. Hpending a few duvs wliliiMI"" ,l"sllll1 Grubbe, of Myrtle ; frli-mis In Alhuny, I he party . tarnliit; to suulltcrn ('allitaniK Miioidr. id! , Dii H UK I heir ulity here many )lcasant sochil ulluits rtiiin hiit'Nii tu i ii li n wvie Rivrn Mis Ktiykominil, who spent for h-i Miss Shcfhan. who hits hien a Verns HoiMtT jolnoil as hOMli'wsct ; visitor In l he city on vcrnl nr-!fnr one of the doliRlKful tiftjilrs of cvsroil!. Hundiiy evenlni;, with ettrly v wk nt whleh several of the Mrs. I. men SiivaKe of Han Fran j yonniicr urorip wtr KiM'sts on i'cls'cv, Mr. and Mrs. I.. B. Skinner Tmsdtiy nvonlnff at tho Met-s, the and Toyman ', they wereistimm-'r en nip of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Ii frnosrs nt the summer loilce of t Frank Clemens nnd han Pleknt. local ed on The North rntiKitin. Mr. I 'and Mrs. Waller (i. I'anl enter-l twined the two maid: nnd .Mlnsj ' WtH Wharton and Frank riemens h tttf thofr attractive eoiiniry hnmi) . rt frf.xonvllle In the evening on I Monday. Onn of the liuRer eve -I tifng nffnfrn wns on Tuesday, Riven n.t (ho country home nf Mr. nnd . nirfl. U. H. Skinner, nt which Miss i Knykeudall and MIkh Sheehan 1 khab'd honors with Mrs. Loren nvftffp of Han Fmnclseo.. Mrs, Ho-i hert nunrHU of t'lnclnnafl ' and ' Mlsa Kmnm T'elnnd. rlsltora hero, for the summer. Mm. fl. V. Wim i herlv was a luncheon hrmtess mi 'ednesflnv for Miss Kuvkendall. SMss Sheehan, Miss Hess Wharton 'm and Frank Clemens. A porch aun i, per was the enlortnlnment chosen ; on VVdnosdnv cvrnlim hy Mr. and t Mf C;o. Wharton In conudlment ; ' to tl.e two visiting maids. : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wharton Porch Supper Hosts ; for Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Whurton en tertained ut their aitractlvu home on Claire at reel Wednesday eve ning with a porch supper for the Misses Hose Sheehuu and Hazel huykeudall of I,oh AngeleH, who have been popular visitors in the city. :. Heated about the tables, arrant?;! wilh early lull bloHSonm, were Miss Hose Hlieelmn. Miss Hazel Kuykendall, Mrs. (Icnevieve Hill- man of Hollywood, Mrs. Loren Savage of Kan Francisco, Mrs Frank Mngher of J'ortlaud, Mrs. i, Sklnm-f, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. ft, Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Par geter, Mr. nnd Mrs. ti. V. Wlm- berly, MJhh liess Whnrt(n, MIhs Alice lieland. Miss Kmma He land, Lyman SKinner, Frank Cle mens nnd Oonahl Wlmberly. Following, the evening was spent minimally Willi music. Wedding of Early Week of Interest An Interesting -surprise (o their inendH hi (he city this woek was the wedding of Miss Kvelyn llatey, daughter of Frank Haley, and Uoy Hutham, the marriage being sol emnized Monday In Portland. Tho bride Ih an attractive young woman nnd both site and Mr. Hufham have a large circle of friends in HoBcburg. On their return from a trip to Ilrltish Columbia points, Mr, and Mrs. Hufham will make their home In this city, tf Mr fl'nd Mrs. Grant Osborn spent the early part of the week as (jtiesl h of Mr. nnd Mrs,' Klmo I). Henderson of Eugene ut the Price summer lodge on the McKen,le highwuy. ' Badoura Club Entertains for Mrs. L. L. Crocker ' nsdnui-a Club, Haughtem of the Nile, .entertained with a charming evening party .Thursday, .the mem bers ussembllug at the home of Mrs. M. H, Hreeu to bid adieu lo Mrs. L. L .Crocker, who will make her home In Portland. , Five hundred and bridge were arranged for tbe guests and a love ly gilt was presented the henoree. At the end of the games refresh ments were served. included In the lint were Mis. L. L. Crocker, Mrs. M. li. Hreen, Mrs. A. tl. Hutherlnnd, Mrs. A- J. Young, 'Mrs. fieri Wells, Mrs, A. C, MeClellau,. Mrs. Win. Hell, Mrs. (leo. K, Quine, Mrs. 1. 1.1; Stephens, Mrs. F, W. ChaMe, Mrs. Max Hull, Mrs. II. It. Nerbas, -Mrs. Albeit Mtcelli, Mrs. Will II. Herretseu. and two added guests. Mis. J. l-l. Sullivan of Wauxaii. Wisconsin, und Mis. U. O. Hoff. & . Miss Louise Trainer, of tloston, Mass.. spent last week In Hose lui lit im a guesti nt the A. W. Helm holdt. borne. She has gone to Oak land and Loh Angeles to visit with ft lends before her return home. 0 . Mrs. Ralph Bell Hostess at Porch Party Mrs. Haiph Hell arranged a pleaaanl al ternoon meet Ing for the members of the M. (. A. Club of Kdetibownr und a few ont-of-town guests on Wednesthiy, asking l hem tor a porch party and sew ing. Luncheon was served at I he tea hour, covers being placed for Mrs., (leo. Hiekle. Mrs. C. W. Cook. Mrs. A. W. Helmholdt, Mrs. J. P. Mr Kay, Mrs. tieo. Powers, Mrs. Alll sou, Mis. K. U. Cloake, Mr.-.. K. CloakeTMrs, L. Connelly, Mrs. Wal ter Hlnes. Mrs. P. W. Cook. Mrs. Kwell. Mrs, Marchland, Mrs. Tyn- i i rn, to to to I Two Maids Entertain 'With .Swimmina Pnrtv , o - i . ... . and rtcnic bupprr Miilmr and Mr. snd Mrs. Paul Ha har. The Iji1.Ii was sit for s 7:0 o'elmk pirn it supper following a swim in the rlvr. (limit oeeitpled ihf s.-re.-r of the etiests during 'he ifnt of the evenlna. Aked for the nf fair wen Miss Mnrion Nefis, Miss Kldress Jndd, i Mhs Alhe linker of thfkiand, Mts Kmi Vowlpnhl of sitiherlln, , Miw i Ida Kinney, Hert Tom tne?. ('hstjt .hwt. Fill Mvv. Alfred Trman. Pen y Wehh. Ford Siimleton, U Vi-nie llnwn and Mr. and Mrs. lesn H. Hutmr. 'to to Mr.t. T, H. Skinner has as her hnne Biie.nt her sister. Mr, (lenevh ve llillmsn. l.os Ann'lei mntron who neeomo'inted Mr. nnd Mrs. fcirx Inner and Ihelr son, l.ymttn fklnnr. home follnwlne Ihelr trip to riritrsh t'tdumhtn, where they wi-M ffiiPHta- Ht Ihn Kt ISklnner ho in o. , i Miss Nellis McBroom ; Home From Year of (Study in Madrid ! - Interesting news tn her frleuds 'in (his city Is the return to Wash ington of Miss Nellls McHroom, a former Hoseburg maid, after a year I spent In Madrid, Spain, where she I was doing extensive research work and teaching. Miss McHroom spent the summer here three years ago, ;u( llrltll fullltllOM mill will 1)14 . remembered uy a numuer in tue city. She Is (he daughter of Mr.. and Mrs, Elmer McHroom, who now make their home in Caehalis. She attended Vassar, graduating two years ago from the school, where she took a prominent part In college activities. Miss Mc- flroom will be in chargo of the forehni language department of tho high school in Chehalts this wlnte-. to to to - i Howard Zurcher Weds ' Portland Maid An out of town wedding of last week coming as an interesting event to many in Hoseburg was the marriage of Howard Zurcher, formerly of this city, and Miss Muxine Campbell of Portland, sol emnized August 0. An account of the wedding, from the Orcgonlun, hi as follows: 'Miss Maxlue Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hale Campbell, be came the bride of Howard Zurcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Zurcher, Tuesday night, August 0, nt the Rose City Park community church. F)r. Donald MacCluer officiated. The bride, who was given m mar riage by her falher, worn white sat In beaded In pearls and veil arranged In cap fashion and caught with a wreath of orange blossoms, Her flowers ( were . a shower of Iirhfe's roses. - Her at tendants were Mrs. Lester Bray, matron of honor; Miss Alice Julia Collins, maid of honor; MIhs Ade line Zurcher and Miss Priscllla Tid hall, bridesmaids. They wore frocks of pastel-tinted georgette, made in bouffant mode, nnd car ried bouquets oC summer flowers. , Robert Johnson acted as hest man and ushers were Richard Fields, James Campbell and Ira Gardner. MIsh Klla Bradley play ed the wedding march and John' Ilradley sang preceding th c:ere-1 mony. , , A reception wsb held t the home of- the bride's parents follow ing the ceremony. Miss Lillian Schumacher. Miss Louise Craig and Miss Marguerite Hnlllns cut ices. Mr. and Mrs. Zurcher will be at home ufter August Hi nt the River view apartmenta In Oregon CMty. . - to to ... . Mr, nnd Mrs. Floyd Chapman of Tn, cot n a are spending two wesks In this city visiting at the home of Mr. Chapman's brother. F. W. Champmau, m Laurelwood. Mr Chapman came Sunday lo Join his wife, who has been a visitor as the guest of her sister. Mrs. Ken neth Quine, the past three weeks. to to to Two Maids of Younger Set Honored at Party Mrs. Alva E. 'Matthews' Invited a few of the younger boys and girls to her home last Saturday after noon for an affair which compll-1 meuted her II 1 1 le house guest, Grace Mario Ockelmanii, nf Tilla- monk and Mary Carol Leigh. ! Games and sports nnd nrvcrnl prize contests occupied the Inter-! est of the young relit and later In the afternoon refreshments were served, the guesU being seated cuinptire style about, a low table, which had as a unique centerpiece a woodland scene, with miniature lake and tiny wood animals. ! included In I he group wore Grace Marie Ockelmanu. Marv ! Carol Leigh. Elizabeth Williams. 1 Genevieve Moore. MadHyu Moore. Lota Cloy Hatfield. Helen Carol Oleson. Lillian Armstrong, Hetty I Shoemaker. Vivian Harlley, Sybil I Hartley. Ivan Hatfield, Gordon j Armstrong, nilly Wharton. Leo O'Mara, Frank Hoadman, Hohert L. Matthews, Jr., Maurice. Mat-j IhewH and Caileton Wilder. FORECASTS OF STYLES FROM SARATOGA 40 Mil. J, A. Rnhati t. r. Ross Weds : ..;;;.; Cottage Grove Maid COTTACiK tiKOVE, On?., Aug. 20. MIhs Mabel Marie Gordon, daiiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. . W. Gordon, and Theodure Itonald (toss, of Canyonvllle, were united In marriage at high noon H und ay at mo AietnouiHt camp ground tahernacle. Rev. Crook, of Hose- burg, performed tbe ring service. Gertrude Cochrane Bung "I Love Yon Truly," and the wedding march was wlavcd bv Mrs; J. f! 0ss at the plao, with Chas,. Cochrane ou the clarinet. The bride was gowned fit a frock of queen' blue silk aint car rled a bouquet of Cecil Hrunner and bridal roses and ferns. Miss Dorr is Mulvlhill wus muld of hon or and Paul Gordon, brother of the bride, was best man. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the Jn-ide's sister, Mrs. Jack Hanson, and dinner wus served on the lawn to 50 guests,, , Mr. ami Mrs. Ross, left for a ten days' honeymoon trip to points south and will make their homo In Cottage Grove. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hoss of Drain; Murville Chapman, Poet land; Mr. and Mrs. Wright. Drain; Mr. S. H. Huffman, Seattle: Mrs. Stone, Brownville: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gordon, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Red wick, and two sons, Los Angeles. Mrs. Tyndal, of Pomona, Cali fornia, .la Hpending several week here visiting as the guest of Mrs. Jake. Jones. Mrs. Tyndal formerly wede her home at Edenbower. MIhs Estella Little, of Centralia. Wnnhp.ietnn. who ban hen a. mast tuiinlar the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Travle,- left Saturday for Port hind and northern points to visit before her return home. to to -to. ' ; ' Mrs. Morgan Entertains Club Group Wednesday For the meeting of the Roseburg Art and Embroidery Club, Mrs. E. E. Morgan asked the members to her home at 715 Bogard Avenue Wednesday evening. he ladiea dining their business !S"'h W0. J2ld Sa iniia this yuar. . .' 1 Arter nn evonhiK of newiiiK the! hostess served refreshments to fif teen. The tames were placed on the lawn under two larxe trees and Japanese lanterns were used in Hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Halden D. Grant and Arehio Thomas of Dallas'. Oregon, are guests for a few days at the home of Mr. Grant's broth-' er-in-law and bIhUt. Mr. mill Mrs; J. C. Ponsler. The party, is en route homo from Los Angeles. . . San Bernardino Folk Visit at Ponsler Home Mr. and Mrs. John Heck and daughter. Miss Kthel Reck, and Mr. Heck's mother, Mrs. John Heck, Sr., of San Bernardino, Cal., were Week-end guests of Mr.' and MrH. . J. C. Ponsler on their way south from Hoiiulam, where they hive heen spending two months. It'or their house guests Mr. nnd Mrs. Ponsler entertained at dinner Halurday evening. . ; it Dinner Honors 7 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kor Mi. and Mrs. A. T. Law rence, who left loday to make their home in Pasadena, Mr. anil .1. H. Chirk entertained with a tltn- jier party on Huniliiy. Scaled about tho charmingly nn- "nlnled table were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Anna Clark of 1m Angeles, Miss Ollie Lawrence. Miss Kern. Lawrence, Miss Barbara Clark and the hosts. & - Mis. Horace Campbell and her two daughters, Mrs. Hubert Dun can of Cincinnati and Mrs. Walter Leake and Mrs. Duncan's two chil dren. Helen Joy ami Ruber!, Jr., returned home Friday aflur a trip lo Gold " Heach, Ilandon ami Marshflelil, where they spent a week. Longer Skirts and BY BETSEY SCHUYLER NEA Service Writer SARATOGA SI-KINGS. N. Y.. Aug. 2H. Saratoga is Just unbe lievably lovely this season whli its green stretches. gorgeous flower Iwds and playing fountain, funning what I always maintain is ihe most ideal selling anywhere for guy races. Kvery house is taken and Ihe season has a running start Inwards being Stiralogn s best. ,. i,., iiHimuuai m evnryiniiig . nnely pleated skirt was safely and On a white background, splashv II does and sponsors, fiaratnga. II sanely below ihe knee and its orange Uowora vie for color dnmi nole seems lo inspire Ihe samel tunic was al least three quarters. I nance wilh touches of lip-stick red spirit in all ihe Xewpnrteis ami with surplice side fasienlng. A ' in an outlined flower. Twin whlio s-onthampionlies saihere.1 tor the ; tight gold belt held It at tho waist- bands hem the pleaied skirt and races. I niloubledly they have con-; line. ! the white blouse has two appllnu. d served Ihelr most unusual and Mrs. Raymond T. Ilaker also flowers livening It one of the vcl sinarlesl chillies for SaraiOKs: sponsored cent embrolilerv with ' low, one red hiirlianllnaly lovely as riot lies t scallops edglmr tittle tiers that ran Popular Purpla Shades have w en ihe first few days if : round Ihe frock frnin yoke to hem. ; She wore a while wool coal over uie season. Hiey have one dlsi our- For uiiihu.i1 treatment of suit. ; It that for Its pin-line orange check aging feature. 1 hey are. wlihiml patterned fnhric. Mrs. MnCnllneii and iin n,, niinf ,iu. deubi, Illrlhig wilh ihe lunger-, sklit Itlen. It Is impossible lo fled a single chic cosinme ilmi dorsn i I'tivue Whitney always hail a Hair j to Southampton that I ha've never at least him at a iniiidltMiMhe-L'alf for distinctive touches. This gown ! noticed before. Itirple and Uven Iriigih. wilh sashes, tlnuiws. psn-jwas of the softest of grey, slinky ders Bre very popular. Mre. A. els or some llutiei lng snmeiliing i rreivs, with n oddly ii!!:n-dotici! ! Perry Osborne looked regal in a setting ihe new tow level nt styles, j border In fuchsia anil purples. i loliclsh tunic frock nf purple crepe. ' v Tun!e' T?i, I ADDroorlat Jock.v Vi.oe I Willi heavy white embroidery Iwnd- Nexl to long-r skins. L,ft trr- Appropriate Jockoy Visor M )f Mrs Miirtn (( s)01.t. hl) iiiisrler tunics impress me mosl us ' The hordr Tarleil the slv.e o( : several mauve and lavender cos being a gesture lo new styles. An-! tho dols and had some Milid- col- ( tnmes. as have also Mrs. Milton : " leinjih wtikun, not mf for lunics : bnj cants ami suiu,. , i i, inreqin let-a iellglh WIHlhOll, not vmlY for tUllk-K ijlJL (NEA Service, New York Bureau) , Eileen Bennett, English net star, who Is one of the beauties to com pete In the forthcoming women's tennis championships on Long Island. : i !i . ' Affair Given Tuesday for Illinois Maid In compliment 'to her niece, Miss Hlldegard Roselund, who has been a, visitor here from Klwanee, dm... .i xtn n ct n i i i M '.Voornd and ZZ to her home on. Tuesday evening to. meet her guest. The evening was spent informal ly Willi music nnd the hostess served refreshments at tho, close, placing covers for Miss Kosehind. Miss Hazel Kester, .Miss Vesta Ueckley, Miss Helen Kester, Miss Hell -Kester. Miss Thelma Pearce, :Mrs. Geo. Dietsch. Helen Joy Duncan1' Honored at Party, r -For her granddaughter, Miss Helen Joy Duncan, who is here from ' Cincinnati, Mrs. ' Horace Campbell entertained with an at tractive afternoon nai'ty on Friday, asking a group of ten of the honor ' guest s young cousins in Roseburg Uo. the Campbell home. ... Games and sports rilled the af ternoon hours, with prizes given for some of the contests.' Later refreshments were, served. Tor their niece, Miss Hlldegard :Hoselund of. Kawanee, Lllinois, Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Roselund, with their three young daughters, ar ranged a motor trip taking In southern and' eastern Oregon points nud the coast last week. They visited the Oregon Caves and motored over the Redwood high way, returning and visiting Crater Lake, then going over The Dalles California highway to Bend and reluming to. the coast for a few days. Miss Roselund left (or her home Thursday. Miss Casey and Miss Scott in California Miss Helen Casey, who has been in Portland visiting, and Miss Nao mi Scott of Portland are spending a few weeks In California, having left last Friday on the boat Willamette . for San Francisco, where they joined Miss Scolt's brollier ln-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Slocuni. The party will motor through southern California. Tunics Presage New Autumn Modes Printed chiffons, crepes, lace, Her hat, too, had Its odd touch enibroiiiery and combinations of ; a draped beret of French grey felt these materials lead the alluring. ' with Just the suggestion of a colorful panorama. I note with a ! jockey's visor to give it the Sara start that It has taken Saratoga to ; toga flavor. pill the ubiquitous two-piece1 Mrs. Frederick Johnson nnd Mrs. jumper sports costume or Jersey , William Zlegler also sponsored or silk on Ihe shelf, temporarily.. ' prints the former favoring the clr Mrs. John W. Converse summed i culnr skirt. mode and the latter gel up Ihe main new style points in j ting stepping fullness by side her becoming costume Saturday. pleats. - , Kcru lace and eyelet embroidery; '.Mrs. J. A. Itonahan has one pnt- itllnetl fflffe. 1,1 iBihlnn If tta ' lapno.l alll Ih.t la 4, .it .l..lnt Kl.. Miller's costume yesterday won l 'i- ' i-iire fir mhiku ti. r.,t.,i, tors anil some Just ullinel so the ; : nhli-rtttinMhl., i-..fflMrllv t Uin .nil PUl oblectlnnali poika-tlols was avutiled. Dinner Party Given for Five Visitors j on Tuesday Eve . j Quite the loveliest of avenu ou ) me suciai caieuuur eariy in tne week was the f o'clock garden din ner given at the attractive coun try home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Skinner on Tuesday evening for five interesting visitors in the city, Miss Hazel Kuykendall and Miss Hose Sheehan of Los Ange les, Mrs. Robert Duncan of Cin cinnati, Mrs. Loren Savage of San Francisco and Miss Emma Ueland. The tall maples in the garden, where the guests wero seated at the large exquisitely appointed ta ble, shed beams of light through their leaves by means of conceal ed Japanese lanterns. In the evening following the dinner hour the guests danced and Mrs. Savage delighted the group with several vocal selections with her own accompaniment. Besides the honor guests, ' the list Included Mrs. Genevieve HIII mau and Mrs. Claire Chapman of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wuine, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quine, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Catching, .Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Wlmberly, Mr. and Mm. Geo. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker. Mr. anil Mrs. Carl Wlmberly, Mr. and Mrsi J. R. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. a M. Herrie, Mr. and Mrs. C. 3. McKt hinny, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Nichols, Mr. and 'Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Knudtson, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cordon, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hruby of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Throne, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Skinner, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Baclier, Miss Alice Ueland, Miss Helen Casey, Miss Bess Wharton. Lester Wlmberly of Eugene, Frank Clemens, Tqm Shea of Los Ange les, Joseph Murphy, Geo. J. Duell er, Jr. . , , . Band Entertains for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lawrence On Thursday evening the Tlouir- ibs uonnty concert Band enter- talned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Strang on East Douglas street following the band concert, the affair complimenting Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lawrence, who left today to make their home in Pasadena. Mr. Lawrence has been drum major and manager of the band for the past few years. . For the men there was a smok er on the veranda of the Strang home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrcnre were presented with a beuuliful gift, an electric coffee urn, by the band. T...H. Ness making the pre sentation talk,.- . Mrs. Geo. Wharton assisted Mrs. Strang In the rooms and Mrs. A. T. Lawrence and Mrs. T. H. Ness cut ices. Afternoon Party Compliments Recent Bride Honoring Mrs. J. W. Alliu, a re cent bride, who, before her mar riage, was Miss Mildred G. Bel more of Portland, a group of her friends arranged as a surprise a miscellaneous shower on Thurs day. The guests assembled nt the Al lln home near Mllo in the after noon, taking a picnic lunch and spending the time Informally. In cluded in the group were Mrs. AI lln, Mrs. R. A. Moore, Mrs. W. T. Hutchinson, Mrs. R. L. Spore. Mrs. Peter Ulam, Mrs. J. D. Wright, Mrs. Arcfcie Forguson, Mrs. M. K. Dean, Mrs. Vernon Poole, Mrs. W. N. Pople, Mrs. A. V. Moore, Mrs. Paul Hlrschlnger, Mrs. Frank Al vord and Miss Abble Claire. a Group Bid Adieu to Edgar Howard A group of members of the Christian Endeavor society of Hie Christian church arranged an in formal affair on Tuesday evening In compliment to Edgar Howard, a member, who with his parents is leaving soon to reside in Corvallls. The members'of the society motor ed to the Howard home near Roso- (Continued on page 3.) served a nut nn Ihe heck- p..,.tn. u.irt . ..nt .....t. Holiten. Mrs. Graham Fair Van- ,lurnr.t l 1...., I tieorte Mesta. tAURA. LA PLANTE A, yXe LOVE IHWILL.. TOM HUUKt '' -.AUNIUCMAI. jwBt PRODUCTION ANTLERS THEATRE "Love Thrill" With Laura La- Plante Coming to Antlers A highly entertaining and fast- moving farce comedy is "The Love Thrill,' the Universal-Jewel . pro duction which opens Sunday at the Antlers theatre, with , Laura La Plante as the star.- " The action of the nictiire hlncres around the attempt of Joyce , to sell an insurance policy , to , a wealthy man who refuses to listen to hor argument. ; ' . : . ' , LIBERTY THEATRE.-. , "Tillle" Has a Marvelous Cast. In Marion Davios' newest star ring vehicle, "Tillle the Toiler," a Cosmopolitan production filmed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the; blondo star is supported' by the most able cast of comeciiaiiR ever assuiubied in a single film produc tion. Matt Moore, who has played for years In lilm farces, or outslnml- MARION DAVIESmTILUE; THE TOILER." Ing comedy roles nf dramatic pro ductions, is suen as Mac, the whim sical office drutlgo. . Bert Roach, star of Metro-Gold-wyn Miiycr s comedy hit, "Excuse Me," has an Important role a3 Dill, Je Mrs. MeCulloch Miller " I . V . '"II T'"', v- aTSI lX (vVi r I ,y , CIS vjj-sK 1 Joyce masquerades, as the widow of Creelman's best friend, who is supposed to have been killed in Africa. Creelman after one, look at Joyce, forgets to grieve over his friends' death and spends bis time consoling the widow. Joyce goes -to his bachelor apartment and dis covers that even widows must be careful with wealthy bachelors. When the "dead husband" makes his appearance on Now Year's Eve, the complications that- involve Joyce provide more frothy comedy than has been seen in many a day. Tom Moore does some splendid acting as Joyce's "husband." the habitually intoxicated brother-in-law of the frivolous but lovable stenographer-heroine. ; Gertrude Short, who wou her comedy spurs m the "Telephona Girl" series of comedies put out a couple of years ago by FBO, has the role of the stenographer in tho 1 office, next door, and George Faw- cett; who has played innumerable comedy roles, including that of tho . king in "The Merry Widow," lias the part of Mr. Slmpklns. "Tillie.the Toiler," a screen play by A. P. Younger, based on Huss Westover's comic strip and direct ed by Hobart Henley, will be seen I Sunday at the Liberty theatre. LIBERTY THEATRE Thomson Scores Great Successl Fred Thomson and his wonder horse. Sliver King, breezed across the Liberty theatre screen last night registering another conclu sive motion picture triumph. West, Thomson wanders off the I beaten path in this latest of his starring pictures for FBO "Silver Comes Through" and by virtue of his splendid performance in an uni que story wins his way character istically Into the hearts of his en thusiastic fans. "Silver Comes Through" possesses a liberal quota of thrill material developed to the nth degree by the vital perform ance of the popular Western star, aided by hla wonder horse, and A. has a well-defined love theme of a most wholesome type. ! This young lady will reprd. ;ient Michigan at the Atlantic City .contest. She Ii Mils Margaret iTinney, a 19-yeanold stenographer and she's off, cully known as Miss. Pcntiac now-though ,he hopes h be Miii America later. 1