eight, r . .ROSEELURC NEW&REVIEW, FRIDAY,- AUGUST-19, 1027. a: ' I' dJ ;in, J KzJ t: . w t mm U3 nn rv DAYTIME FROCKS H.i HINTING SUBTLY , :1 OF AUTUMN! I A touch of fall will sow- in; the air und tliese, dresses, of sturdy English Prints will serve jou man as weii as ,ow-, f j l Dniniv flfirnl nnd etfmetrl- cal pattcrnB-eliglrtfuily trim med in harmonious color com binations. The colors we guar antee tobc: tub fast 'A.:,f f : V'.-,j.,i-.l.i.U- st-i.. n ; tt v I I it) fjdt tffk'.itvt ' ';' V I.H i. I I !. I , ' I., . I ' JUST YOUR SIZE! ' ; There is a generous assort ment of sizes so you may ex pect to find a perfect fit., !, ' , Juniors 15, 17 and 19 Ladies 30 to 44, , No gain's have been spared, in providing for every type of figure.; All of them youthful and charming. w - L NEW TODAY FOR HALE Fat' 'hen ami fat I live, dressed. Phone 27U-J. r?6lt S ALK A "smaTl 'bit jneiutTln--' iulre at 61 h Wlnihectcr St: FOIt SALK Saddle nony. Or trade ; for cow; mi Harrison 8t. foil RKNT Modern 4-room fur- Fori ' mailed apt., garage. 438 I'itzer. ' Furnished liouKt). Chain- WANTED A good fresh cow, not too old. Phone 492-L. Villi ItiiNT Three modern liouti- ea with naniHOH. Phone 4H2-U I'liUNE WCKEBS WANTKD Win, Weaver, .Myrtle Creek, Ore,; 'COW FOR SALhf-Kreish row ami calf. Call George .Varan, Looking Glass. furnished c 3 -JLL- EACH STRESSING FASHIONS . LATEST FEATURES! ; Charm! Thatia it! Tha't'toiichV -; I of style individuality that lends. . . . personality to thd wearer. Mod- eis, fluttering and; youthful, that arc becoming tat vsry' type. "' The' famous Pollyanna qual- ' 4l ,l.tl, r.. 1. i ; so, well. , You are sure to find some 'numbers ' just to your taste and the price is so mod- est you can well afford to have eVdral. .Come early while, the assortment is. complete. Better Service Better Merchandise ' HORSE RIDING IN: - . ' iAUTO TRUCK IS' CAUSE OF WRECK "1 r Hiirl Tiitkuiv of Hiyrtlo Creoli, wnn hroiiBtit to Mnrc'y' Hospital to, dny .l Buffering 1Irom liijtuiim' sua tnined this' ' mbpilng !iii , nn iiocl leii.li ut Knlloy's' Korner. 1 Mr. Tucker wan ilrlvlng n truclc Hoillh conveying n . horse; i imssliUKer sliiliii passed Ihe.lrlcK.. Iriglileiieil the jiorso which luiiged In one Hide the .Quick 'shift In, weight causing the truck to turn Over on Its side. Mr. -Tucker received severe aprulns, mid uruises and was cut ubout tho race, lie woa liroughl to lliis clly and his Injuries given utlenllpn by Dr. -Stewart and lie was then re rnovt'd lo the .Iiospllul. It Is not llHIfved thai hv ia seriously In jured. The. truck was unite bad ly wrecked, -; - FORMER RE8IDKNT8 OF CITY ' ,T0 SPEND VACATION HERg f(.':..--- . i pr. I.ucotln A. isinlth, wlln, lms lioun Hiiendlng lioi vacation tit Sa l Francisco, relumed to her home (n this llyfliist night. .She. visited with Mr. und Mra. T' a.' lllcks and wllh hero slHleii, ; Mrs. 1 Carrie Clirlstle,' who cunie u lo , San Francisco from Los Angeles.1 ;'Mr. and Mrs. Hicks ncconiiianled : Dr. Smith. -'to Hosehurg ami will visit here tor a wooli or ten days with their uiliiiy friends. They resided here for soveral years while Mr. HlcltB conducted un cngliieerlug huslnuss. He Is now cuimk'cU'iI wllh the Slaiuhird ,tioinpnny-ln tint eiiglheertug diiDiit tiufi Mr. and Mia, Will Singleton of Iled Innds, California, also uro viHiiing Di Smith. They are on tiielJ- Hvay through by auto to ('lunula on a DRESSES $1.00 AT CARR'S i t; ' , ""''i i FOR RKN'I r Phono 61s, ask for Mr., - hers. ... f -1 i ; PARKING LOT Hark: all daj'for 10c, Free ulnand crankcase jaer 1 vice. Oak and Main fits. , -. FOR RUNT Five-room furnished I residence ,Wlthguruge, i ise In. i riione biju.it. , - ' i ' FOR" V RRNT Newlyfiiruished apis.,, electric range, etc. Inquire - at juuu a runiHure-aiore. FOR SAW.' 10 Jersey dairy eov.u; 7 O. I. C. brood uws wjtluplgs; 1 O. J. O. boar. Mi li.; Kiiniiv.'l, ,Hoaglln,;Pre: ; ':"( ' , WANT$D'i HouHeiieeper'af yoii- callafrom Sept. 1 to June 3, For particularly write P. O. Rox 283, : .Myrtle. Point, Ore. .r - green Perry FOR ,nENT-3-room ; .; fiirpished house, 7 s jier inohtli;-, .1. 1J. j lliaughtpn,-; j JyHIIt''M . 'Addition. JtoHeburg. y. '- ' V'. .. . i 'j i ' WANTEP-rPIckera ..for , prunes; pay' 15 cts. hoi'. Uond, Glide. Phone 36F11 FOR RUNT .'ow modern house, ..close ii). JluHement; giinige, ir t cd for electric range. 'Inquire) at ; 215 S. Pine or !Phone 231-U" i ' omNCiirLTA radbiT s"nedf- greet). froinf i-egjijtered., stock, 3 pair 4 mouths old at $5 per pair. A. V. Kitchln, Wilbur, Ore. jFrERTHE"Sunday drive try u chicken dinner ut the Pollyanna Cafe at Myrtle Creel:. Well cooked,, well served, you'll like it. ; ' FOR SALE 700-acfe; Bheep'Vancfn well Improved und equipped, 1(10 sheep, .40 ..goats, - team, cows, turkeys aiid' chickens. A bargain. T.. O. Miiflilnv 404 M Tir.Linn WTIERE? ,OiiehHVf:'tiiire south of Canyonville. Canyon Tavern an Ideal place for tho Sunday . dinner. Rest of service, foods and I. music. Try it Sunday. WH Y "STAV"ttlir7niiirml"kn'' Sunday? " Our special chiidten ; . linners ur) delicious . and. . eco nomical. Excellent cookiiig'und service. Classic Cafe, Canyon jvllle... v,H j,,- r, . , RENT 2room house. 47 mo. See elevutor man Perkins nidg. FOR SALIC Good baled out hay. K tons left and priced right. No weeds. Ray L. Ward. WANTEI-To rent, a good .farm -." stocked- and equipped. Will guarantee to keep every thing up in firqt.- class, poiuiitioiL, ltud ,oji ' erate tlie place in an efficient - niannerrl was'i-ataed on a. Doug las county furm and will be ilad to furnish references ' a :ii niy ability, honesty, etc., If required. Address, Renter, care News-Review. I The same :'houae frocks that Wuuamaker's iNew York store ran for ii big $1.00 special. Fast colors, well 'inade,' tastily trimmed. - See thenL.ttt, Ciit's-j-'w here you save." Mrs. P. W.' Cook and (laughter, Miss Rutii Cook, ot Tleard, are here for nn Indeflnlate visit at the i.uine ui thelr son and brother, F, A. Cook,' and family, - 1926 Ford' Touring. I1I2G Ford Coupe.1 '--i i 1!)24 Willys Knight Sedan. 1MB Nash Touring. i ..- i 02(i Nash Coupe. . 3920 Iiulok Roadster with truck body.-' " " i 1 ; . , ; 1(127 Light Six' Nash Sedan. . 1925 Durant Sedan. 1923 Chevrolet Touring. ' . 1924 Ovorlund Sedan. Oh sale ut L. H. Chambers Mo tor Co. Nash Sales and Service. Rear of 'Douglas National Dunk at Oak A Main St. Phone' Iil9. : FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy; In good condition. Phone 037-R, 1260West First, 6t-5 s-- -FOR " pENTOutui'nlsireAr'five . room .corner house, .with garuge, ' (.'all atIIohrs Garage. j ifu.y. GAS ENGINE TiTnTWif , te stationary fgaj. engine is In ; good condition and; priced right. , jilecker Amort Co. ,' , ' . BROWN" ROT Protect-yoT-ir" crop by'idutiflng with ulfodust. Our car Jowl .Is here. Get our carload- price. iKIecker Amort Co. , WANTED HoVeliing ggs from heavy breeds, Rock's, Reds and Jersey Glurlts. Rogeburg Poultry Market. :50tt North Jack.ion. Phone .279. ' FOR SALE New,' 30- automatic Remington rifle at ' $40 or will trade as down payment on Ford roadster. R.'H. Grluated. Phone 189-J. , ; f ' ;. ; FOR SALE Cucumbers for dill pickles,, only 25c per pal. :, M.ust order In the next 2- or 3 days or they will be gone. Also sQin.s bar rels, 15 to 60 gals. Phone 492-L.' THE 10NA-CO has produced re sults in cases of -diabetes, arth ritis, high blood pressure, asth ma and various other ailments, among youv friends and acqualn-1 tnnces here In tRoseburg. Ask them. Phone S4.0, 222 E, Pine Stl FOR SALE Grey' oats and velch I 80c bu. (32 lt).).vetcli and cheat ! (lots of vetch) S2.95 per 100 lbs.! Also barjey and, wheat. Call be fore.' Friday, ,Aug. 19UW Oscur Weeks, Ruckles, Ore. ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. " ' ' Established 1901' " " " i 'M. E. BITTER, Manaoer ' . Founded and Maintained on Efficient . 1 ? Service and Courtesy .- AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Lady Phona 284 Oak and Kane Sts, Embalmer Something New! Wholewheat Doughnuts . Try. Them Today! Model Bakery 2H STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! First success In a real washing machine. You have only to see It demonstrated to be convinced of its true merit. Washes all garments without the use of rub board. Washer, wringer and stand com plete $35.00.. A clean business chance for making money. A good Invest ment for anyone wishing a pro fitable business.; v j' . R, O. Cunningham r 947 Cobb St. , lANTcLE-RS.I EAT GOOp AID EAT- CHEAP We are still ' iServing, the best meals for the'least' money fill, up here for 25, 30 and -10 cenls. " A clean place for farmers, tour- ' Ists and worklngmen to eat.. ' Ward's Cafe. . j FARM HAND WANTED- A Siltf die aged man without' family to j chore and work on farm year.; round. MuHt,, know hprses, , cows and general iurlulng and be ..wlll-'i Ing to 'batcln Want 'a steady, de-' pendablo man who can give me. reasonuoie retereuces as to abll- . Kay : L.,1 TODAY AND SATURDAY Matinee Dally, 2:00 P. M. Hoot 'Sfc' -Ul i "The ' llJ&&mF?' ... . ... Gibson : ' ' ener , tty, else, .don't, ,a)pl Ward. ' GET a-deed to"your 'lionre. If-you , are buying a home on contract and have it half pr.id for, wjlh ho mortgage, see us about our ' monthly payment , real estate loan whereby you can ' obtain ' money ,td pay oft the contract and get a deed. Monthly pay ments on your loan, generally less than rent or contract pay ments, take cure of both princi pal und. Interest and get ,you, out of debt. Umpqua Savings upd Louu . Ass'n, . Douglas , Abstract .. Co. , . . , IT STARTS WITH A BANG One continuous roar of laughter in the middle and ends with a smash. COMEDY "WHAT AN EXCUSE" i. '..'.' : LATEST NEWS . . . : Mrs. Burch Here ' Mrs. W. C Burch, mother of Mrs. C. A. LockwpoJ and Earl R. Burch. (s here from Gresham anil is visiting ut the Lockwbod home in T.nurehvood. . yncatiou trip. DANCE NONPAREIL i Sat. Aug. 20 Music 4 ORCHESTRA LIBERTY THEATRE " Sun., Mon.,' Tues.-Matinee Daily 2:15 p. m. TILLIE BREAKS INTO THE MOVIES A LAST i vmrsiM Nr .... v 1 ;fiS ts 'iiii.jB..a . . in ine lauqn riQC nrfi MARION DAVIES . in the lauqn riot Tillie the Tbiler - i WITH A BIG NOTED SUPPORTING PAST i-" Matt Moore. Harrv Estella Clark, Bert Roach, Gertrude Short, Arthur Hoyt, Claire mcLoweii. , ' 1 Fox News i Mat. 10c-25c rl. rV BtNnJ tTT . . . 4FLIRTY.R)URFLUSHER5;Jr Evenings 10c-35c 'YOU ARE KEPT COOL WITH THE NU-ARTIC BREEZES BIG Dance AT THE RAINBOW GARDENS Winchester SATURDAY NITE Oriental Gardens j i Orchestra American Legion Liberty Theatre Today and Saturday Matinee Daily 2:15 SILVER CRASHES THRU A swirling -crashing , drama of sage and turf. FRE and die horie with a veriorwlity J LVER I n m ir i. kM r J In the Greatest Epic Smash of His Career DOUGLAS FUNERAL i " : comedy ' HniVIF I THE THREE BIG FAT BOYS g ,; nUIYlt g A TON OF FUN IN Kg " Si""" "HEAVY HIKERS" H . , , Lady Attendant. I g SI I ' Ul - 10c . FABLES PATHE NEWS , 25c . i 13 I Matinee 10c-25c " Evening 10c-25c-35c w.u,...;;starting.sunday;,-.., -I iA !'i! ' '!!. ',-T;-'. Matinee' 2:00 P.' Ml'1"' ' ' '. '":.'' V,f . I PLEASURE BEFORE BUSINESS LAURA LaPLANTE i I !y r t I( , ' ; t; ::t - 10c . FABLES PATHE NEWS -, 25c . "THE LOVE THRILL" A hilarious story of the most, fascinating blonde insurance agent in the world. SUNDAY NIGHT IS ! ' , INSURANCE AGENTS' NIGHT This picture has just completed its run at the Roxy Theatre, New York, the world's greatest theatre. More Comedy Funny Al St. John in "Pink Elephants" Latest News Matinee' 10c-25c Evening 10c-25c-35c . ANTLERS GREATER MOVIE : SEASON STARTS SEPTEMBER 2ND