Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 19, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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New Fall
The Beautiful ,
New Printzess
Line of Latest ,
Fall Styles
Now Wmrl
I lien qv I
; You are under no obligation to purchase
but we invite you to visit our store and in
spect these coats. ,
Prune Growers
Forming a pool for canning prunes. Lib
eral advances. Growers of other - canning
products see me Saturday at Cannery! of
fice, Roseburg.-
"The watermelon business is
Kront this year," declares J. P. Will
iums and Son, proprietors of the
Dillard Cardensstand at Dillard.
"Wo can't keep enough melons on
hand at the Btand to supply . the
trade and instead of planning to
. Hhip to other points, we believe the
local market will take all we can
Other Dillnrd 'growers report
. similar good business and the liigh-
way between the long row of fruit
stands at Dillard is quite congest
. ed until late at night with parked
cars. :
For 4 days, Saturday to Wed-
nosday, we offer several dozen
Hems at a special price of $1.00
each. Dresses, bed spreads, alumi
num, glasswares, pottery, rugs,
purses, serving trays, etc. Many
about half price at $1.00. See the
, display at Carr's "where you
' save.' j
Hl3 new fiance: How can I
make Burn you won't forget about
our engagement when you go back
to the city?
Hp: Well, denr, you might or
Fivcl?ricf morning mlnutM is
ell you need to put a piping
hr,t dish of tasty, wholesome
Albcrs Carnation ivlush on
your breakfast tabic. It helps
take the work and worry out
of breakfast preparation!
Try it tomorrow!
c4ibm tends foTeEttteTcBTcakfiu
Coats l
let me take along t fie ring as a
constant reminder. Life.'
We wish to thank our friends
for their kindness and sympathy
extended in our bereavement in
tho death of our husband, father
and grandfather, E. H. Smith, and
lor tne many oeauinut uorai ui-
leriugs. especially to jr, n. v.
Hoover and H. C. Stearns are our
thanks due. .
Mrs. E. H. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. J. tf. . Heckley,
Mr. and Mrs. Clair' High.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hollows.
First movie actor: " So tho pistol
was loaded with ball Instead of
blanks; well, that certainly was
Second movie actor: Ob, ' I
wouldn't have minded it so much,
hut, the director yelled, "That isn't
the way to fall when you'ro shot,
you poor sap." Life.
" 'Xenth onr eyes he faded slow
ly. I Growing tiay by day more frail,
j Hearing sweetly all his suffering,
I Without murder, without wail."
;A Chicago paper's "In Memorium"
i column.
j "Not, evidently, a typical Cbica
i gonn," comments the New Yorker.
9 -1
, M '- v . .
The First Methodist Episcopal
Church, conior of Main ami Lauo
streets. Tlie Sunday school nieem
at 9:45 a. ni. The Junior church
U conducted In I ho basement at
the same hour as the church ser
vice und all parents are urged to
have their children attend. The
Kpworth league will moot at 7 p.
m. This Sunday morning James
McCllntock will preach. He sure
and hear him. In the evening the
union service will be held ut the
Christian . church, Rev. Achor
preaching the sermon. A cordial
iuvltatiou Is extended to nil.
Bible Standard Temple, corner
of Douglas and Chadwick streets,
F. E. Crook, pastor, i Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. Evorv one
who does not attend Kuiulnv
Bi school elsewhere Is invited to at
. l,i,l m. ,.nu,nn ..,
11 a. m. Hloliard Hodrlck, "the
Ittle Minister., will ureaoh at
(Hungary Sunday afternoon, and
again at the Temple In the eve
ning at 8 o'clock. Following tho
four day's meetings by the Llttlo
Minister, Brother Poster, a return
ed missionary from India, will
preach the rest of tho week. Every-
uuuy is urgeu to join tne revival.
Church of Christ. The tent
I meeting in Bellow's park came to
' a close last evening. We will re
sume the work and worship in the
I meeting house, located on corner
I of Cobb and Roberts Btreets, a
week from next Lord's day, as
most of the congregation Is mo
i torlng to Eugeue next Lord's day,
I the 21st, for services. We wish to
thank those who attended, and lis
lenod so well. C. T. Springs, min
ister. Catholic Church, Kane and Oak
streets, August 21. Muss and ser
mon at 7 a. m. Catechism classes
and Biblical instruction at 8:45.
Second masB and sermon at 9:30
a." hi. Qlendnle'iMiiHS' and sermon
at 9:30 a. m,, f
First Church of Christ Scientist.
The regular services of First
Church of Christ Scientist, are
hold in the church edifice, 312 East
Douglas street. Sunday services
are held at 11 a. m., and Wednes
day services are hold at 8 p. m.
At .the Wednesday evening meet
ings - testimonies of Christian
Science healing are given, Sunday
school for pupils to the age of 20
years convenes at 9:45 a. m. The
reading room with side entrance
to the church building 1b open
! daily . except Sunday and holidays
! from 2 to 4 p. m., where the Bible
j and all authorized Christian
Science literature may be read,
I boriowed.or purchased.'" The sub
ject . for ; next Sunday's lesson is,
"Mind." A loving invitation is ex
tended to, the public to attend the
church services and use the read
ing room, .
'The Methodist Episcopal Church
at Dillard, T. F. Allen, pastor. Sun
day school at 10 a. m., U. A. Hei
cher, superintendent. While the
attendance was fine last . Sunday,
yet we tqok third place with Camas
Valley and Looking GIhsb in at
tendance. Just try coming out to
church in the good old summer
time. A cordial woleomo Is extend
ed to you. So nil together this
Sunday. Tell your friends.
The Methodist Episcopal Church
at Looking Glass, T. F. Allen, pas
tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m., T.
Itodley, superintendent. We tako
this opportunity to thank those
who helped us get back in first
place in attendance. This is
where wo belong, however, do not
rest on past accomplishments for
we -only lead by three and very
little to boast about. Wo are do
pending on Looking Glass people
to hold up the honor of our Suu
day Bchool. . Invito your friends to
come study God's holy word and in
so doing you will be helped your
self. ,
The Methodist Episcopal Church
aL Ten Mile. T. F. Allen, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m., T. God
frey, superintendent. - We were un
able to get our reported attend
ance in for last Sunday, therefore,
do not know where we stand with
the other four churches. Every
body come out Sunday so we will
have a good showing to report
next week. Preaching at 7:30 p.
m. Come worship with us.
The Methodist Episcopal Church
at Camas Valley, T. F. Allen, pas
tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m., W.
Keetz, superintendent. Preaching
at 11 a. m. We had second placti
in Sunday school attendance last
Sunday. Does this satisfy the
Camas Valley folk? If not show
your colors this Sunday. Just a
little personal work and over the
top we go! Everybody say Amen!
Something to think about these hot
I bought gasoline; I went to the
I bought some new tubes for my
big radio; ,
I bought candy and peanuts, nut
bars and ice cream;
While my salary lasted, life sure
was a scream!
It takes careful spending to make
money go around;
One's methods of finance must be
With habits quite costly, It Is real
hard to save;
My wife spent ton "bucks" on a
permanent wave.
The church camfl 'round bagging.
It sure made me sore!
If they'd let mo alone, I'd give a
lot more.
They have plenty of nerve! Thy
forcet all the pat!
I gave them a quarter tho year be
fore last.
' (From the lookout).
Baptist Church. Sunday si-hool
at 9:45, Carlos M. I'age, stiperln
lendrnf. Preaching al 11 by Rev.
Karl Cochrane, of Tacoma. Mr.
Cochrane -is a good preacher, a
tine singer and one of the best
, Z T
- i
The ten-yeat-old ' evangelist,
nicliard Hcdilck. who lias preach
ed from many of the large plat
forms in the oast, will hold a meet
ing in the Bible Standard Temple
here. - . .
The meetings will begin Sunday,
Aug. 21st, und continue for four
Richard Is known as the "Little
Minister." He was at one time the
wonder child of the screen; but
was converted from the movies to
the ministry. Richard lias spolten,
and played bis violin over the ra
dio. .
Everybody is cordially Invited to
nttend these meetings.
evangelistic leadoi'B of music In the
northwest. 13e Bure to he on. hand
at these services. . n.
Christian Church. Preaching ser
vices at 11 n. m. Sunday morning.
James McCllntock will bring the
message. Union services in the
evening at the Christian church.
Strangers and visitors in our city
a,re welcome to these services.
Lutheran Mission. 214 '..Cass
street. Every first and third Sun
day of tho month. Divine service
3 p. m. R. Trautmann, pastor,
Eugene, Oregon.
Tho hurnlng of. a hupp . slashing
on the Dover Brothers place east
of Roseburg v attracted a great
crowd of spectators , last night.
The slnnhhie woa very ! dry ' asd
burned with a great glare and was
a very beautiful sight, particularly
after dark, Many , carloads of
poople from 'the city went out alongt
the, Dlxonvillo and - South Deett
Creek "roads where good views ofj
the Hro were, obtainable.. , At Di-v
ouville a- graHS fire was set out
to protect tho buildings at the road
Intersection from damage and this
fire also was quite spectacular tor'
a short time.
NEW YORK, Aug. 19. In
creased activity In new business
In the lumber Industry for the
week ending August 13 was shown
iu reports from 840 of the leading
mills or the country to the Nation
al humbor Manufacturers -association,
compared With the week, be
fore, .oft wood milts showed in
creases in shipments and new busi
ness, tho heavier in new 'business,
and a uominnl decrease in produc
tion. Compared with a year ago',
new business was larger, produc
tion the same and a slight gain in
shipments. Hard woo:l operations
were smaller in production and
shipments, hut over the orders tho
week before.' Unfilled orders- of
223 southern pine "nnd west coast
mills were 620,1)24,804, against 626,
370,926 feet the previous week, j
Pure linen cloth and 4 napkin.
Assorted color stripes. One of the
big specials at Carr's . dollar days,
Sat. to Wed.
U. S. Weather . Bureau Office,
Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported
by Arthur W. Fugh, Meteorologist
in charge.
Barometric pressure (reduced
to sea level) 5 a. m 30.03
Relative humidity 6 p. m. yes
lerda" (per cent) 20
P reel p. In Ins. and Hundredths:
Highest temperaturo yesterday 92
Lowest temperature last night 05
Average temperature for the
day 71
Normal temperature for this
date 03
Precipitation, last 24 hours .... 0
Total precip. since 1st month 0
Normal precip, for this month .33
Total preelp. from Sept. 1,
1926, to date .....3P.30
Average procltf. from Sept 1,
1877 34.21
Total excesB since Sept 1,
1926 1.66
Average seasonal precip. Sept.
to May inclusive 31.12
Forecast for southwest Oregm:
Fair bright and Saturday, not
much change in temperature.
Drugless Health Center
"Complete Health Service"
327 Went Cuss Phone .101
Specialist In thi flttlut oi
11S Jaokaon St.
CMYKs' Vbll&v Days
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Aug, 20 to 24
VALUES TO $1.95 FOR $1.00.
Crochet Be4 Spreads, white, good weight, '
i fabric, each ...i ...,...,...$1.00
Crib Blankets, nursery figures, large size, ea." $1.00
Suede House Slippers, asa't sizes and color, '
pair ",. $UK
ilome Frock Dresses, a Wonder Syndicate
' ' Special, each '.. ...... J:...;........ ...... $1,00
Explosion of Sun Like One on Star
Recently Would Result in Earth's
Destruction, Prof. Frost Asserts
(Auocllted l'reu LcKd Wire
CHICAGO, Aug. 19. An explo
slon ot the sun, similar to that
which occurred recently on the
star Nova Aaquila ot 1U27, as It is
designated, would bring death and
destruction to tho earth, Profes
sor K. 1). Krost, of Verkes Observa
tory said today.
The expansion or explosion of
thu star, similar in type to the sun,
was announced yesterday by Dr.
Mux Wolff of Heidelberg Univer
sity and confirmed by photographs
taken at 'Harvard University.
''Those actions," Professur Frost
said, "are believed to be due to
sudden trigger-like releases of in-tor-atoinlc
energy, due very likely
to tho unbelievable heat of the
sun's intiM'iors. Temperatures in
side the stars vary from 600,000,
000 to 100,000,000 degrees, Fahren
heit. - ,4
Illustrating energy contained in
atoms, nnd what icould be accom
plished It 11 could be released and
utilized, the professor said a glass
of water contained enough energy
(By The Associated Piobs.)
DhJWISON, Iowa. They danced
In Malu Street when Clarence
uhamberlln came home,'
, EAST MILTON. Mass.-r-A flag
loaned by. tho American. Legion,
tiles from a pole in front of I ho
tioiue of Lewis McHardy, Succo
Juror, which was wrecked 'by a
bomb. '
IS LAY, Hebrides Islands.Says
an inscription, on the grave of Sir
Hurry Lauder's wife: . "To my
sweetheart, darling wife, the sweet
est flower that in the garden grow.
As a memory you will nevor fade,
you had all my love. Harry."
NEW YORK.-Whims of fashion
seems to havo caused ftho deatli
of Philip Horwitz, manufacturer.
Decreased demand' fer ; petticoats
caused hhn to make silk under
wear and ho converted, a losing
business into a profitable one.
His estate has been appraised
at $100,000. Hays an affidavit filed
by his estate. "He HteruDy work
ed himself to death in building tip
his business."
, NEW YORK. Folks who loso at
poker In Florida must pay, appar
ently. Michael J. Wolf lost )0
to Max Thuna at Miami. City
Court Justice Evans gave Thuna
Judgment, pointing out that "Fior
lHa dooB aolj choose to civilly pen
alize, tho game of poker." Such
debts are not collectible under a
New York statute if contracted In
New York.
ure Is decidedly more decorative
than the female, in the opinion of
Dr. Thaddeus L. Bolton, psycholo
gist of Temple university, and he
suggests that beauty contests , be
extended to Include males, in or
der to promote real appreciation of
the beauty of the human body.
HOT SPRINGS, S. D. Girl ft In
the Black Hills are anxious to
dance with John Coolhige. One,
two, three, four, five of them itui
rounded him on the porch of the
country club and suggested that ho
come again when the attraction 1b
au orchestra rather than the links.
New York Two young men put.
a ladder against the front of the
building housing the New York
society for tho suppression of vltfe.
One of them climbed up and did
something. Then a crowd was- at
tracted by a poster on tlie society's
sign board depicting a chorus girl
kicking a champagne glass bold
by a man In lofty headgear.
"Friendly render" tipped off the
papers in telegrams. Official! of
the society 'arrived ahead or tho
photographers and had the poster
J i I lA Mn, itlHHH. iillHnlllps Iliri't!
i ynars, a homing pigeon has ntuin
i ed to the loft William Pautlur
owned when the bird w as lost In a
townsfolk are going to cut goOKn
bcrry plo tomorrow Hftcrnonn, un
ft triat. from tho iieopln of Mhcif
fleld, I'.nglHnd. Tho town wkr v11l
call tho population to tho town
hall for I ho formal corurnotiy of
culling the 20 poiyid ple.
CIIK'AflO, III. John. A. OIkIihw
wan (llMjilswcl by a maglatrntu
wlit a arralgued uu a charge ot dis
to send the Mnuretanla across the
Atlantic Ocean and back. Or It
would send all the automoblleB In
the country from Chicago to New
York and return. , i
"This energy, suddenly released,
drives from the Blars, the encirc
ling gaseous cells which reach the
planets In the wake or 'shriveling
heat. The stars are not destroyed
by expansion. The 'nucleus re
mains and In time aciiulrns an
other gaseous shell," the profes
sor said. ' ,- ' ! :
"The' heat 'from1 an explosion 'of
tho suu would rench the earth
In about eight minutes and would
be followed by the deadly gases in
13S hours. Should the expansion
bo 1,000 times the sun's present
size, the heat would make life on
the earth Impossible anywhere
but at the poles, and ndt long
there. Should the expansion' lie
30,000 times Its size, as 'is Novo
Acqulla ot 1918, destruction of life
would be but a matter of a ' lew
minutes over 'the ' entire1 earth,
which-would be shrivelled up." 1
orderly conduct baaed upon his'
turning a flashlight on the "spook '
at a spirit seance.. . '' . s
rjlghway Construction, i Douglas
;; I. County, Orogon M
Sealod bids .will, be recotved by
the i County. - Court, of Douglas
County Oregon,! ut tho court Iiouhu
In ' Itosoburg, Orogon,. at 10 o'clock
a. m. on the 20th day of Aug., 1827;
for construction 'work'1 In Koad
Dlsts. 11 and 74. Tho work involves
approximately 1200 nil. yds; of sur
facing In II. Dlst. . 11 and 800 cu.
yds. ot surfacing in a.', lllsl. 71.
No bid will be 'considered unless
aocompaniedby cash, bidder's bond
or cari'.t'ul chock tor au amount
etuul to at least five (5) p.-r ::tut
of the total amount ot the bid.
A sufficient bond will be required
for the faithful performance ot tho
contract in a sum.; equal ' to .ono
half' the total amount- of tho.' bid.
flans, , specifications, forms of
contract, proposal blanks, and -full
information for bidders may be ob-
Lained at the. otllco of the county
clerk or the county roadmaster,
Court House, . Kosuburg, Oregon,
upon the deposit of , five dollars
The right Is rosorved to rojoot
any Horn or all proposals, ov to ac
cept any ruparale Uom of the pro
n tul or proposals doomed best for
tho county, , -
Ira 13. ltlddle,1 County Cloik of
Douglas County.
Geo. K. Qulno, County Judge. -C.
h. Deckley, County - Commis
sioner. 1
Huron W. Clough, Com
Highway Construction,' Douglas
. r. County, Oregon. i
': Sealed bids will be received by
the County Court of Douglas Coun
ty Orogon, at the court house in
Roseburg, Oregon, at .10 - o'clock
a. m. on the 20 day . ot Auguat,
1027, for construction work on
section of road between Pass
Creek Smith River No. f'37. Tlw
work involves approximately 11
miles of grading.
No bid will be considered unless
accompanied by cash, bidders
bond or certified check for an
amount equal to at least five (5)
per cent of the total amount of the
A sufflclofit bond will bo reiiulr-
ou ror me taitnrul performance ot
tne contract In a sum equal to ono
half tho total amount of the bid.
Plans, specifications, forms of
contract, proposal blanks, and full
information for bidders may bo ob
tained at tho office of the county
ciork or the county roudmastor,
Court House, " Roseburg, Oregon,
upon the deposit of . five dollars
The right Is roservod ' to reject
any Item or all proposals, or to ac
cept any soparate Item of the. pro
posal or proposals deemed best for
the county.
Ira U. Riddle, County Clerk or
Douglas County.
Geo. K. (Jitlno, County Judge.
C. L, Oeckley, County Commis
sioner. Huron W. Clough, County Com
missioner. -
: Tokonobe Vases, large 1 2 to' 1 5 inch size, ea. $1.00
' Linen Lunch Set, cloth and napkins, buy' 1
; now, set ...............$1.00
; Serving Trays, glass bottom,-wood frames, .- -
, now, each ...'.:................:. ..'..$1.00
I Krinkle Bed Spreads 80x90, colored stripes ' 5
i ' only, each J.....l........-i::.:.u. .$1.00
A great deal of discussion lias
been caused by the supposed tu
berculosis curu' discovered by Pi.
Klrkpatrlclt of Portland. A recent
test was made with cattle and the
results of that test are now being
checked by , physicians.. It would
appear from the first reports that
a verj positive cure fpr tuberculo
sis has been found, und steps to se
cure definite proof are now belug
taken.- - : 1. 1 ; ,
The nuriioso oC the .experiment
was to find out, definitely und of
ficially, whotlier or not at particu
lar, renjedy, discovered bysa vet
erinary, Dr. George Klrkpatrlck, of
Portland, Oregon, really euros tu
berculosis. , Cattle were used, be
cause cattle , and human beings
contract the disease In the same
way,; and, it Is equally fatal in both.
Biologists say there is no specific
difference between the human and
bovine typus qf the tubercle ba.cll-,1
lus. The microbe becomes Dovine
In a cow, and It assumes the hu
man type In a man, the. difference
belug caused by the environment.
When either type finds a i weuk
spot in the tissues ot men,, or cat
tle, the result Is the same tuber
culosis. - Five I months ago, . there wore
two herds of condemned 'cattle' In
tho stock' yards here. ' From both
herds, the health officers of Port
laud picked 20 (hat were known to
be afflicted,, then fi(tm 1 these the
ton worst oasos Hvere Bolectcrt for
the test, No doubt about them be
ing tuberculous. They were regu
lar reactors, Bkin and bones, and
If they had not been saved for the
purposes of the tost, they would
have been killed and tanked.
They were removed fuom the
stockyards to a farm, but before
the treatment' could he Btarted two
died. Later, on, a third one died,
leaving Bovon to be treated. It
was decidod, however, to reserve
two of the seven as "checks" iu
order that their condition might be
compared with thoso thnt wore
placed under treatment. -
The first dose was given to the
five on the 25th of March, 1927;
Thirty days thereafter, duo to tho
fact that the two "checks" were
bocomlng 'vory decrepit, it was de
cided to Include then) In the .treat
ment. The Inst dose to all seven
was given August 2, 1027. So five
wero treatod 130 days, and two on
ly 100 dnyB. Only tho tlvo that
had the full treatment were includ
ed In the. test. : . , . , ; i, .
Because of tho official chnlaclor
of the test, together with the faot
that scores of . human bolngs were
Claiming to have been cured ot tu
berculosis by Dr. Klrkpatrlck; the
experiment aroused national inter
est. And on tho 8th , of .August,
whon.the first throe cows wero
killed, tho "killing floor" of Swift
& company-was packed with sorl-ous-minded
veterinarians, bacteri
ologists, hauds of tuherculoslSi sani
tariums, health officers from far
and near, representatives of vari
ous federal buroaus, and sulentlsts
Interested In seeing whether ol not
these cows hud died in vuin. -
' Tito post mortem was coiiductod
by Dr. Jacob Traum, of tho de
partment of Veterinary .- Science,
University ot California. , He wus
ably assisted by Dr. A. J. DIiibo,
United Stales inspector at the
Swift & company plant. It sounds
simple to say that a post mortem
was held, hut that does not tell
what took plnca here, Traum and
Dlnso explored every organ, with
in mid without, from the boglnnlng
to Ilia end ot the alimentary canal.
As microbe hunters, they wore liu
mn hounds. And it a single suspicious-looking
, flehpot escaped
their scrutiny, It was pointed out
by some of the scientists - that
crowded round tho gory tables.
Those guntleiuen were further
assisted by Professor T. D. BecK
wlth, bcctorlologlst ot tho Univer
sity of California, who will carry
(he hunt ror tho deadly microbes
Into the laboratories at Berkeley.
Thus, one afior another, all five
were killed and combed. And
what was tho result? No need
asking Traum, Dlnse or neckwlth.
With pleased races and tight Hps,
they rertised to answer questions
In advance of their formal report.
And that report cannot be render
ed until the microscopic work has
been concluded anil guinea pigs
have been Inoculated. Since It
hikes guinea pigs ' nearly throe
months to react lo Ihe tubercle
bacillus, a definite report cannot
bo looked ror before nuxt Novem
ber. But It did not take lh United
States Inspector 'more thai! a inlu
uto lo decide that the carcasses of
all five cows would make first
class meat; Ho passed them all as
fit for people to eat. And these
same cows were, 130 days ago. In
a dying condition, ready to be
tanked. ' The difference betweun
theni then and now was apparently
caused' 'by - a body-butlding fluid,'
which Dr. Klrkpatrlck gave them
orally, 'in two, ounce doBes diluted
in water. Once dally for five days
the. doseB. were given, then for
five duyB the cuws were given
nothing but hay and grain.. Again,
from the 10th to the 15th day, the
same dose was given, after which
the - "patients" iWoro , allowed a
ten days' rest. Over and over, tlie .
Bume treatment was .' 'repeated.
And what it did for oue cow : was
this: At the .beginning ot - the ,
treatment, she weighed 1120, , and '
at- the end of: the treatment -she
weighed 1400 pounds. ;
To the observers it :' appeared
significant that those In charge ot-.
the post mortem took from all five
oarcasBOB only 19 small samples of
various kinds ot tissue- for labora
tory examination, it tlese bits of
tissue ' were rolled together, they
could -all be carried- lilt a .person's
vest pocket. Certainly a small
haul' for such capable,' hard-working
microbe hunters. . i I . ,
I killed those other ten cows,.'.
said Nort Johnson, veteran killing '
floor foreman of - the packing plant,
"anu I saw tuese cows at tne name,
time. You wouldn't know these
were the same anlmalB. ; These
cowa ;Xnlght have had tuberculosis
once, 'but they're fine, fat, healthy
animals ' now-t-botter 3-thaui. you'll
get ,ln the average run. . If till l
treatment they talk about did' It,
there's: something In 1U" 1 .... .
Dr. A. M. Blackwell, . United
StateB Inspector, declared : "Tlioaij
were t typical- tuberculous - eows i
few months , ago. .You could hang
your hat on their bones, Look ut
'em now.' 'It Is ono of (he most
.remarkable things I have ever oil
countorqdi in, my experience.!; ; ...
The fact that makes this trout
hieilt so Interesting Is Its effoct on
human, beings, i; At .the meeting,
held August 8 In the Benson hotel,
Mayor Baker called atlontlon to
the presence tot persons who had
recovered from extrbme' tuborcul
ous afflictions. There was D. K.
Nlckerson, for example, head of the
Oregon State Federation of Labor,
who left the stale sanltorluai
weighing 119 pounds and jiov
weighs 108 pounds. "The bug,'.' no
says "got away with 79 pounds t
my -flesh, but Dr. Klrkpatrlck got
away with the bug, and gave me
back, my flesh," J
As result of that Interview,
plus the things they saw during
the post mortem of tho cattle, Com
missioner Hnnley and Dr. Slitu
placed an order with the Muyor
of Portland for a supply or ' the
Klrkpatrlck Temody to be used on
patients In the Seattle snnitoilum.
And' us soon as he heard from tlie
-Mayor, Dr: Klrkpatrlck Bald-i ,l "I
shall be pleased to present the
hospital with nil'' the modlclno It
wants." Tlutiu to mo ho'wont. on
to say: "If wo can get people, lu
believe that there Is a sure cum
for. tuborculoBls-t-that It in a fen I
euro, and not an oxporlmont, and
get thorn' to Btnrt taking treatment
early, why, It's no harder to (rot
i rid of this dlseasa than a bad
I cold.. If people would treat them
j selves In the right way, I bullovo
-we could stamp out tuberculosis
within the next ten years."
Elite Pleaters
All Kinds of Pleating and
Button Making.
Phone 187-R ':. '
810 So. Main '
opening of private studio, ,
September 12
- Lucile M. Sappington ;
, Dunning 8ystem Improved
', Music Study ' "
Piano ' Kindergarten
Brand's Road Stand
Lunches , . .-'. ', .,
Served inside or In the Gar
den. "'""
Soda Fountain '
Our Own Private Moon
Every night Is moonlight at
Brand's Garden.
Fruit '
Garden Valley Watermelons'
Dillard Muskmelons
Crawford and Elberta Peaches
Gravenstein Apples
Pacido Highway 3 Miles North