ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, "FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1927. fey Western Auto Supply Ga Th WorU't larfol retailers of Aula Sutpllo , . . Saving At KutoriK ilttc 1909 '. ' '' , with gnanaiteni Aoectterlw, Tho, Camp (Jood and RaoUo. MSB MBS Good Service Best r Foods. Monev Saved , 'Shopping: at the 20th Century Stores is really a pleasure. It is truly satisfying for you7 to' know' that with our good service you . have received the best food mo -ley can buy, and with it the as-1 surance that you have saved money, regardless of the size of , your purchase, lafge or small. i Features Saturday; Aug; 20; to Friday, Aug. 26, Inc. PENCIL TABLETS Each .." ". 5c TUXEDO 10c; dozen $1.15 PRINCE ALBERT, VEL- ,01 JC VET 2 for 25c; dozen...: 0 I if J LIBBY'S SLICED JPINE- H JC APPLE 22 25c; 6 cans 0 I IT J HORSESHOE, STAR, CLIMAX 2' cuts 25c; plug '- . ?.".. .. 69c , CHESTERFIELDS, OuqelsV Old Gold,' Lucky Strifces 2 for 25c;' Carton -.: (...i.....:.... , $1.19 CRYSTAL WHITE.SOAPr-1 6 for, 25c; 12 for,..' :.L 49c LlfiBY'SMILK 6 for .! 59c KELLOGG'S CORN i . LAKE,fqr;:j;4, PALM OLIVE SOAP ' 4 for l. 23c SEARCHLIGHT t ) MATCHES-p6 for 'Jl.t:..L 25c, On a 20TH CENTURY COF 'Z3b,! FEErllb.'43c; 3 lbs $1.25! : u , COFFEE KBwf HILLS,, M.i J. B'.MVIAXVVELL HOUSE, GOLDEN WEST, ROYAL CLUB-1 lb. cans 49C WESSON OIL ' Quarts cans 49c SNOWDRIFT 4 lb. cans . 91C CALUMET BAKING POWDER lb 27c LIBBY'S SALMON , : 1 lb. cans 29c; 3 for 85C FRUIT JARS Pints and. Quarts Ball and Kerr per doz., 73c and 83c GEM BROOMS Each .. .............'..... 33c BLUE ROSE "RIC& 4 lbs ; :. , 25c HERSHEY BARS 3 for 10c FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR 49- lb. sack.. 00 1 0 Roseburg Store 130 N. Jackson St Oakland Store n Baker-Flannary BIdg. v iiuuu uuuuuuu n n n nnnnn End The Flat ' r' . Tire Nuisance l OhtNail vitt V" bu t the 'I IK ' I 4 It I 1 ITm uw ii ja m Tlia specially deilinl Inner -tread In, a Pooa Tube self seals all ordin.iry punctures Instantly aad permanently. They , ell mlnate roadside tiro changes and costly delays caused by punctures. But Puncturo seating fa only one advantage.. Their heavy construction and the inner tread Increases tire mlleace 20 to 25S&. eiishlnnina ''.the tire ndatnst road shocks and stone bruises and nroventliia f ubrlc breaks. . One set nf Poison tubes vilt unnues tlonnbly last you as long as you drive your present car, for - tney wui ueuver d,vuw mues or more 01 trouDie-iree asms. NO UQUIDS NO DOPE 'l Mm than 150 Store In the Wat- buppfytJo. '117 S04U1 Stephens Street ' rnone vt Preservation of fTimber Is V Important If Fprest Resources ' ( Are to Yield Future Returns Protection Agencies Building up Vsset for County and De-' ; serve Cooperation Greater Part of Fires Are Caused . From Carelessness South Umpqua District ' Has Well, Organized and Efficient1 Fire-Fighting1 Force. -1 , FOREST SERVICE MAKES 1 A STUDY OF EFFECT' ' OF' GRAZING IN RESERVES Llveslock men or. the. northwest ' will lie interested in'recent studies made on the Snnta Rlla Range Re . servo of lhe ' Forest Service, - in southern 'Arlzoua; accordihg to the District Forester, Portland, Oregon. Theso studies', have shown , that where- lange deiiletlon torin over grazing has not gone -so 'far. that, . the princluar forage plums ' havo been practically killed out and the .value of the soil reduced by ' orof sion, the recovery o't western range lands, under prqper protection and use Is generally rupld., . ' Those : studies, conducted ' by .range .specialists of 'the forest1 service, also have thrown consider able new llKht on tho tendency of typical range lands to recover from. 1 misuse if Riven a chance. "They 'fli'iw thai 'rsnge1 improvement ran be brotffeht about by natural reveg station under r carefully regulated grazing, and that this method - is much more' practical and economi 'cal than artificial reseedlng, which is costly and uncertain. . ' Conservative use. of the range by livestock'- does'; hot v interfere with natural revegetatlon, and In many cases helps it along materially, ac cording to these experiments. Ite rexetation of depleted ranges can be brought about just as effectively by ' properly controlled grazing: ns b'keeplhg cattle off .the arearen tlrely. ' It was fbund that generally: total protection oven a number of years 'tended -to- encourage plants of low forage" value' to crowd out snd replace 'the rftost valuahle range plants.; ; . , : Tho amount of foed produced over' a period of years on properly grazed ranges will exceed that on ranges closed io llvestor'f g ra z I n g QUALITY. FOODS . '., ' '"."- . ' r?) at economy prices and : I ' f'C" - service, too I - , ' Economy Grocery t fPti&iifl , 1 "The. Store That Sertos . i ViW ' : ' Y"U Dest.". . ' ' - 344 IV.' Jackson St. , Phone 63 or those oyer-grazed! . .Regulating the amount of grazing on a range to . obtain -tills Mnaximuin produc tion without running the danger of depletion from, -overgrazing, how ever, requires careful study of the carrying capacity of the individual range, the grazing experts (eclaro. KITTEN KNOWS ITS EGGS,' MAIIVSVILLE, O., Aug. 8. A robin and a maltese kitten are tak ing turns in incubating the cggii in the birds' nest- When the mother bird leavos tho nest, tho : kitten climbs In. Iind lays on tho eggs. Persons who have seen tho phe nomenon say the kitten is trying to 'Insure a dinner of young robius in the near, future.'. ,, , .. 0 - : -. Fish at Jdleyld Park. , ' , ' TEN DAYS FREE 'TRIAL ' . We will deliver for' your approv al our famous "Moor-Hest" double deck bed8pring and let you uso-lt for ten days without charge. - If you wish to buy we will allow you a good price for your old spring as part pay. Those springs are sold regular at 120.00. As a special In ducement during the dull season we are offering these at tho - low cost of 115.00. We guarantee theso to give perfect service and to last 20 years. Phone us or write, or best f all come In and see theso springs. Wo carry a full lino of oeds, springs and mattresses. I'ow cll Furniture & Hardware :Com J liany, 238 and 240 North Jackson j St., Hoseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. Phone 638. Among the really big industries of DouglaB county there is'one de serving of more study and consid eration than it usually ; receives from the general public. It is tlm' ber culture, an- essential adjunct to lumbering, i ; -t' vr Scientific, systeniatld forestry,1 as praotlced by the big noiuing corn paples,- tho state and the -federal government. haB passed the theoroV ticak stage and now is accepted as a souna Dusmess proposiuon. jjui ai the fruits of forestry can not be measured in dollars and dents this year or next the interest ' of the neonle is merely passive.-' Korestry look far into the future and alms at Mot only a perpetual BUPpiy oi timber but a continually 1 increas ing supply' of the best timber ' It' is building ub hi( asset' fdri the county that deserves the active, sympathetic 'support o every ctlfr ze'n. 1 .' 3 1 ' V . ' ' 1 ' ' The ' Umpqba l National Forest; with its'mllllod tuld a '-quarter foi' iSsl.hrivnrrifl ' ilfires. Is iust sure ly, a 'i'Dcuglaa cotinly' (tulustry' sifs prunes, ,l),roccoii pr, stock janavas such shpuld . receive, k greater, ' de gree' of our attention titan' t dpfis. The .fact that . the forpat Is; being efficiently managed by Supervisor Neal and Ills corps ot 'forestbrs' un doubtedly has instilled Jn the, peo ple a seuse of security, concerhlug this valuable 'property but; there are a great many ways in' Which the public can be of real assist ance, v Fire is the' great 'menace lo the forests and its prevention and sup pression during the dangerous dry season eacli year -requires ,tno; cl fdrts of hundreds of men' und -the expenditure of thousands of dol lars. It Is a deplorable fact Unit more than one-third of the firos on the Umpqua National Forest are man-caused and therefore humanly preventable.. Here Is a great 'op portunity (or the public to ,. lend the Forest Sorvice Its active sup port. Let each user of the forest lands simply use reasonable -care In the use of fire and tho burden of (he service will be llglitened. But the shameful part is that 11 per -cent -of all the'flres aro 'set with mnllclous Intent. Here again is a chance for the law-abiding cit izens to assist-in-stamping out a lawless practice that has no con ceivable justification. An aroused public condemnation of these crimes, particularly in tile locali ties .In which thoy are prevalent, Is tlio best possible remedy und good business dictates - such a course.". The forest fire-bug. as a rule, is not a ' hardened f criminal but one who for selfish: ends Is witling to sacrifice public property- and an adverse public opinion, freely expressed, Is the strongest deterrent. - - - ' A few facts concerning the field organization of the Umpqua Na tional Forest during the fire sea-' son may be of interest In giving the public a more Intimate knowl edge of actual working conditions. For administrative and protective purposes the 1,221,391 acrds of for est lands in this forost arc divided into five district, ranging 1n urea from 156,000 acres in the North '-Umpqua' to 383,000 acres in the 'South Umrnua district: 'With tho idea of protection to the 'growing timber 'and forago to the fofe, accessibility In case of fire and difficulty1 of administra tion from one '-headquarters' are the primary considerations in lay ing out the districts. -As a conse quence the boundary lines usually follow ' divides . between water sheds., In charge of these sub-illvl-slons, known as Hanger -District?, are placed men selected for their proved ability as- practical execu tives. .' The position of District Ranger Is one that carries with it n vei y considerable weight of responsibil ity, 'and requires a technical and' practical knowlcdgo of many dif ferent lines of forest work. Under his direct supervision conies the primary duly of preservation of the forests from fire, a heavy re sponsibility considering the fact that the forest-covered area under his control Is larger than - msny counties. Tie also has dlroet charge of the urazlng areas open ed yearly to privately owned sloek, uud In order to properly adniiuls- ter these lands he must mako a close study of and have scientific knowledge concerning the native forage plants and tho - effoot of lection of tho forests Is greatly de- iwnaent upon - adequate F tines 01 transportation' and- communication " ' uonaequenee uie ;1J1S111CL Ranger must -have export V knowl vuku ui luau-HUU UHU DUlUllllg UUU telephone construction, as all of this work is done under his supmv vision. .Taken' all 'in all the typo of -man necessary ' to mako a suc cessful District ranger is 'one nvith a high degree of executive' ability, practical knowledge, : good 1 Judg- nientl nn, ,Iinitlmtt.irl-. liitopd, ! .,ml enthusiasm in his work; '- ' ' Typical of the -five districts Into which -the Umpqua Natlonal Fbrost is1 divided is 'the . South Umpqua district 'This dlstrlctj the. largest 0( the' five, Includes approximately ttHH nna .i'n''ii,.,. A.,i.,ii,r i.t.t,t.i;. the' Water-shed' of; the' South 'Uitip- fiuii i-ivi,-, yi. inisvas 'area iU3,"un Hares,curiy,a heavy .stand of mer chantable Douglas . fir,.' the '-'bet1 nyy -iituo nuuiy ms"" ,"1. ..wesiurn lumber,-, and-about' 35,000 iteresjqf treo that; will;: within 4ho "course of a,iew years, reacn maturity;:, Tno hftlinre ennulata nt nlim ham1nl. Kvoodland8 and grazing areas. , ; .' ;',u; r. fitter is District Raugoi' in. charge with head, quarters. at Til ler, .Because, of the' size' of. his rllfjtjict mid tho volume of busluess transacted, especially during the Stimmer months -It I la '-normai,...-,. that Mr! Illttor spend the greater ul ins umo. in tne neio' in specting and supervising the varied activities being carried on In wide ly .separated parts. ' : During ."his nnsonce Mine orric-6 idulios c and nmpt-L'enev illaiiiilrtliln ' lu vn,.rn..... ed-by. Clare Geddes, I'roteotlvo As- 'inii;, ui juiei, .... ..Walter. ITjii-t'iH. nf llwiur lo4. ant Hanger and acts in a suporvis- u. j-wiwiiy unuur - 'IIIQ ijistrict Hanger. - His' chief- responsibilities consist In maintaining telephone commuueation between the units Of' the fireflehllnn. f,,,,... ,.e sioh of the outlying stations of lookouts.. and. firemen and- execu tive worn on tiros. Mrs. . Fnyill flitter 'to. teleliltnnn nu,aln. n. Til ler during the flro season. ine regular field force ofviho fire protectiou organization In -.this dial Met -fnttulut.,.. nt ....i -"'' l"U IIIIIUI lookouts, six secondary lookouts ,11m ocuil I1IUIIIUI1, ' Thll tWI Tll'lnilll-V'l.. -TI '. T, Looney on lied Mountain null 13. s! ua''"" on uevn s jvnot), are con stantly on-duty In t .their ' lookout Iiouscb and are1 never called upon to leave their stations to fight fire. The men stationed at tho second ary Innknilta nm elau.1 .... i i. - " -J nn iui,n- out-fircmen and in addition to their regular- dituns-as lookouts are re quired to extinguish fires occur rlng'withln a mllo or so of their, stations. The lookout-firemen In the South Umpqua district this years arc Lawrence Hamilton on Diamond Hock, Hunt 011 mil ler Butte, Sylvan itunkol at Windy CainO. Wllltm- l.eru',ll .,, 1 ........ . hopper, Marvin Taylor on Calahan nu nuroiu niece nn A ),nu Unite. '. , The firemen "m,;l,n.,.t,..'UA..'f they are culled, are.placed at- stru- "'sic, poiius inrougnout the forost for nntelf nlltiel, nn o ,l I- part of the district. Delbert Poole Is stationed at Summit Hanger Sta tion, Edwin Knbeig at Devils Hat, Sam 1'erduo at South Ump qua Falls, (Jeorge Harrows at Du mont Hanger Station, and Irn Poole at Tiller. In nil,llfl,, ,l.UA.r nlar firemen two special firemen, Jamt-s Vaughn and CO. Hill' are oinuoiieu ai neaiiqtiarlers at Tiller. nn me, suppression work the Hying Srniadroti eniiKlnlf.-irr . nr o- men under Fire fhlnr Curl-Fisher' are always avalluble ut Ilia South Umpqua road camp, ten miles above Tiller. Two-way trail eon- StrilCtioll tur Inn ....l,' uniler Trail Foreman Jack Mauley n wiinin can for supproKBloii work along tho South Umpqua aim). ' Andv )int-vv til lll nt !, ..nAl. string that supplies Iho Isolated looKouis, firemen nnd wav en With food. anil liuilerlul. C. Smith. In charge of the gove "i' iiuck, uots sucu hauling 01 ewa (1 iJendablsLign Show the way to rT?AKE no chances . . Jbe sure vour liehta are deDendaUe-ankf law- .'X complying . ."iYou 11 drive in ,greater safety -and peace 6i mind. lo assure satistiction,, buy. at " Western Auto" where you'll find a 'complete line tf guaranteed - lighting equipment at pleasingly low price. .' Safety Step Signals lWtiecil iVbur Choice "this weckcnly - Is Regularly' $i;75 . Xt,y Jff l- U ' L- COMPLETE with necessary " "y 4? wire, bulbi switch and spring, ffr J. I .. KAY-BEE" HUBYi RAY , C A A compact, tiindome(t)op ilsftiil...duat aqd wettherproofi with thick long distance leni. ' Easily attached without drilling holes to u(L light' or. ..cento bracket. - Durable enimel wun nicicei trimming. - Reduced thll week ; 98 DRUM TYPE STOP SIGNAL lUguUttly $2,40 I Protect and beautifies your car. Dust and weather proof, Handsomely enameled and ' nickel ttrmmed. -Supply limited . . . buy early. this low price our stock will soon be. sold, ; ; ;V) This week . . . only,H.M,M..M... ( Other Spotlights, Readlights, Stoplights and HeasZZti We sell such well-knOwn brands as tli6;"S SCvM," Kay-Bee"i "Stover" , ; , i i and !''Williams" ..; also the famous "Ilco"; Ryan-Lite Headlight - wunvuic . ' Turnfe tvltK the fro wheels. Perfect illtimln&tion fornlghc .' dnvlns,- polntt' automatically in' direction of tron? wheels,' '.' keepintfllghtrayalwnvaontlie - road ahead of vou. 'Mounted low on frame brace ot bufnpeiytc.getieundet thjs.fog.' Reliable, lasting and fully guaranteed.'- ; ,1' Black enamelled... ;.,...'.'.,,..$12.50 Nickeled .';';.., ,i , $14.50 . Other guaranteed Rotdllghu.,..........$4.85 to $13.00 "S Si M" SPOTIIGHT A powerful, wll.corismicted ; light Bcautifbl jossy baited on enamel,, ndefel .trimmed. cult, and' pateiht damp pre4 j .Hl.e, takA ' viik LrciMH Liiivrna 1WW high. ,IrulaiUd tm. Reeuhr'ito throws 2000 ft. beitUi I' I 'I I ! "I I. , FREE G ATA LOQ i . t-Just vff the trim XMany every motoriit shouui have a copy. ,: - Wui untitnet. 4 t l -ill -rtir i.J a.. i :.!.'.'i.iF''-30 Larger-ilzetbaowa 3000 ft. beam..i......eA$13-0O Other 'miaraneeed Stiotlllit.....:......j S 1.28 to t&00 !T i 'I.' ' ' "'" i i" ; t ' 1111 V "Moulds iBulbsifar Gar or Home. j. .;.'AI1 Our -- '.': - -IbcU guaranneed lfMazda',f. Jamps,. riAll $hti .ore tnnirii'ned ln.oll.ciriMl ;uWWlSLt5fTl 1 I 1 I i'l): j Wiere ue!nai tldrej,. io: .J ,!" ,'T?lrt !WJ5f'';Jj jlhat,irpuTclKHed,TOmj . 4 f lTrtltal sT I - nsct i us.nifij he properly audi ' - ' I s Uili'LL y J)ij9 wl. SKI,.rf fs;:f.;17!'Sotith'Stphbiis Street ml a V St 4 : BXJLB CHST j Abutned-out bulb l no tttuae... Garry anJOr let In one. oftheae al i metal, chctta. ': .NeatMrr tlincaodteufortwo ltn i 'andJthrt. amall baUba ChcMtontvaMttch. SS 'suppHosi uud men wi' bwjt bov ; ijo qulred. .. - ' Thu iloloctlon uud sudiu'obbIou milts o the oiBtinlziitlon are wold-od-. iiilO' nt comiwct, wliolo by ! 110 miles or Wcll-cuuutruoteiltcloihoiio Hues which 1b jouloualy Kuaitlod (luring tlio iliuigoious buuboii, ouch uecllon, uclng eart-iully cheokeu jjeverul' liuies a flay.---- A"iiet-work of trailB i slid wuys, ' nuiuly 'UO iinieo in length, miiKSH nil narts of-'-thO'- dlati-ict- rensoimbly" ncceasi- uie-io-pacK -lltilus unci mo.IiyUUnu crows. . - , ., j Tho entlro ilold ' force.' excont when actually enguged in flro flglillng, ls eniployed in limprovo nient woikuucli as trail and road building, lookout hoiiBO and cabin construction, lelico building and land-clearing, j As a result of this work- -the -stations are becoming better equipped , and ' uioie comfortable- and the trails , and .tele phone lines aro being extended in to the more lnnccoHslble leniioiy, muklng . for quick and efficient pro tective work. . e- 1 .0 : ' JAPANESE RAO RUGS ' i lilt and miss rag rues. ' fnm;od ends. 18x36 Inch size 39c each. 24x36 Inch. with beautiful floral de sign border, 69c. .-As above In 27x54 inch, 89c. Largo rug 3x6 feet nnisneu wnu rioral . pattern ends, $1.79 each. Practical and inex pensive rugs. Buy them at Carr's "where you savo." -' NO KICK IN IT Manager: Vol? , You emno Into zees famous restaurant, ilrlnk ze glass of water an' zen walk calmly our , , Scot: " HqoA, mon! Old ye ex pect mo to stagger oot? London Opinion. ...... No auction at the Auetlon House next Saturday, but don't. -miss tliu uig one on Sat. . in., Aug. 27. ' NO DETAILS , Fihc: Whyrshould I let you kiss me? lie: 'Wnll. If vnil Wnitl u feeluii. enl explanation, thai, will take some nine, no use tins " 'Oh. -go abend And uIhk me." Everybody's' Weekly. . . o - . dont; be 1NSULTINGI Dignified , snorlsnian : no ' von follow the hounds, Miss do free? Miss do i'roo (a vaudeville head- liner): , In your ' hai, major; I never was spotlcd lu-xt to an ani nisi act in i my wliolu nrtlstlc career. Life. BIQt ORAPE - CROP Ul8 ' 'V ''V " STARTING t&' MARKET' -, How to .dispose prtfiWWy, of the large production' of 'griu.ieS butweeii now und Deconibei-'iB iho problein confronting "'grupe gi orfors and shlpiiui'B, partlciilai'ly I'.lioiio In Cul Ifoinln, wlioru 90 per' cent ot the crop is produced.- llficant eiional shipments' of - fresh 'i grapes have amounted to 75,01)0 - or 80,000 curs. In addition,'' many f"thciusnnd i. of tons-must-be dlsponed-of'4ocu3lyi by drying or other manufacturing pro cess. .This season's -total ignapo crop of some 2, 6(H), 000 tons probab ly will bo at loast 8 perf cent heavier than inift yenifs Iargei crop and hlinilt' '20 per cent abnvft 'Hie -t -r-- rr n? . -', i fjivorago, produbtloaioftho' tast five yearn- Eastern lirapefl inaybe' a relatively short ; 1 crop, . compared with '192511 but the I California r pJ. ductlon has'beoii incroiialng each season. ' Clrowors.' are'" renewing their -cooperative- ! efforts ' in-' the .handling ot this important product. 1'oak. shipments bl grapes usually occur in. September" and i .October, the -weekly -movement': for a short porlod-'Sometimes eocceedlug 10,000 cars. Last yean about 60,por cent of -the total output -Ivont to 10 largo markets: New- Yorii, Clilcago, Jlos Ion, Philadelphia, iPItttiburgh, Ban Francisco, NewarltJ Detrdit, -nlll waukeo nnd, Cleveland. Now York City nlono takos neaily one-fourth the 'total Shipments. V ' " : WHATISC -WORTH? ,-1 'TpIMB Is one) of the most important clc. ' , , . x--, ; merits of mo.dcrn business. "Hour . " " cost" has beccjimc a byword Jn tho plant. ;l r .Productive time of Office employes is . " J , i ) equally imporfont. Various devices havo ; ' , - ' ' been inducted to' increase production - j , i f and eliminate time waste. .: - .: , . - ..:.,, t ' ' ' .- An adequate telephone installation in . ' . Z ''. office or plant prevents unnecessary in- ' ?" ) terruptions to work avoids confusion ," ' j j- expedites business transactions and tarn - , valuable time. Consult the business office " :' of the telephone company for an cxtcn ' sion telephone plan best suit to youttif : ll ; quircmcnts. , ' :. i Cxtenshn telephones Greater business efficiency '3rV'; ve if ' ' ' TUB PAOT1C TELEPHONE 7 ' AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY - ST! 'f 3 ! i' r! V"i7 ', i.-V'r, ,