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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1927)
"EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 18, 1927. i m lit G';'? rm. i t i'Mi"siii i jsjy CREAMERY BE STARTED BY One More Week CORVALLIS CO. (Continued from pftg IA Dress Specials K fri'lKlit cosIb Mr. KuuplKth rownlly A ' flf'Hllfll tn nrtJttll'.i lilu .Mu. lilliiitliiK hyhlciii urnl Hohi'Ijuik wao Ki.lfft-il as one' of llm bIhh for a ili'Iiol. Thirty four Iruckx uro Ih'Iiik put In oiicruilon lo curry uroiluctH oul of I'ortliiixl In Die vitrloilH iliKlrlli- : mini? center, TIioko trucku are of , Hi rsfiltiailiiK ivim, liavlne In ly drowned after a liquor party aboard Nelson 'h yacht during lilt,' eurly hours of July mi. j FOR SAI.f- J. .M. hi. am alic. 1'none 351-v. i FOR LOST FLIERS ivNTKD-Miicii cow, row ivi7Kj num. . r.. j iionipuii, w nuur, : .Oregon. ilNUl AI,li' 70 u".7tli..i- u.TTfu A 'J'lie Air KI1114 liad no rudloi i.;. Aiiiiaril. Lookliiu UIhhh. ' Ore. I'liona l'.iV23. OCEAN COMBED (f.'iintlniinil from jiukb 1.) I '-.. SACCO-VANZETTI CASE Cocker SpanM pui8.7 UCM"W iwmuhhow NEW TODAY OCOIID, so this shin was expected lo cruise. ..Ix.iit Aim i. , c il reTurn """-FOR SALIC Kxtra ooil registered i jrmcr ncuei fan. r , a. uuii. explain KrwJn announced lie planned to zig-xag ai'roHH to the Hitwnilun Islands, keeping the Gjeat Circle lino as his center Uut sulated rrork bodies, bo tliul the cutting buck und forth across it-lo Cllll'fl W IIIYt t Oft Oil fl'ftm fill ut.viu if - . .. Dress Values $19.75 to ' $29.75, going at ......... S1 1.75 Wonderful Assortment of Silk Dresses at $8.75 FINAL CLEARANCE The Ladies Shoppe 139 N. Jackson St. i cargo Ih protected from nil sorts of weather. ! A local (ruck will ho placer) In I operation to supply nil stores In j the county hand J I ok the creamery's products. The majority of the ! productK will he trucked In to he distributed from (lie local plant, j hut Die nutter will he made In Jtoseburg. The company Iiuh also i leased Mm fee plunl., which Tor the j present will ho used for refrigoni ! linn purposes only, hut eventually ill Ih I ho plan to mnnulucluro Ice laud ice cream In connection with Hie other creamery productK. Clarence Jllaxall.a former resi ' dent of Knschurg, who has recent ly been travelling for the creamery company, will ho mummer of the I local plant, which will employ thron experienced hutter makers in the manufacture of hutter. II, iy, the plan of the company to buy cream direct from the Douglas county fiu morn und to turn It Into W hutter to supply the local trade M ; l uli-W.ur nu lUa enrn GIRLS MARRY EARLIER LONDON. -Mun mgeH In Fng Ifuid a to running more und more p the "spring and winler" variety, statistics show, (Jlrls ul-e niurry- Inff yoitiiBer than hefore the wur und men at a later nge. The ma jority, of brldea today urn between 20 mid 15; the uvnniKO uned to hetweeir 2U and 30. P f vv j FRIGID AIRE! Always Colder Than Ice Uo ATTENTldN fNECESSARY No- Water Drip No Muss dlKli-lhutlnx Hie stirplUH to other branchoH M'hero the demand ex ce'dH the mipply. i Th Ik -will I itrnlHh an additional outlet for (lie dairy pioducU of the eounty und will Klvn kI IiiiiiIur In the mnall dali'les, Iho money dis tributed to the farmei-H by the creumerle beinj; an important, fac tor in the dairy Imluxtry in tlilr, county, a thn oxIkIIiik (reaineriea liave for many years distributed large Bums anions tlie farmers in tile purchaso of milk nnd cream. It Is expected tlmt. the now cream ery will ho In operation within !I0 to fill days, as the remodeling Is being rushed to completion. Sec'y Jardine's Plan For Farm Aid cover an ureu of several miles on either side. . Strange Object Seen I'KAKI, ii AltliOU, T. II., AllK IS. Hepo.fis ot 'uewspuper coi responilenls on the Inland of Ha waii today said tliut a small float ing object moving slowly was be lieved possibly lo be one of Hie missing Hole lllght planes. , Observers were convinced that It was not u suiupan, Japanese fishing boat, us the color was dis tinctly while and sampans always are blue. They requested tliut an Investigation be made. Naval officers ordered two sub marines to investigate. The biplane .Miss Doran lias red wings, while ruselage and blue tail.- The Oolden Hagle, also mlss- uiK, Is gold colored, with blue land ing gear. - n- Jtoseburg, FOR SALK I'lckllng cucumbers, largo or small. I'lione J7F3. ti. W, Hurt, Koceburg. FOIt S A I.K- A'good'm'tle "iiheep and turkey ranch. See owner, second house north of Itlverslde store. LOANED" KKlii; WHO eacil BHV-' .ings account opened we loan one of our Jonitf Savings banks. First State and Ravines Dank, FOil' S A TwoboTtom, 2dn'. tractor iilow, or trade for Ford son disc gang. Alro baled straw lor sale, V. I. Butts. 'Phone f)F2D. fAancUlM Jrm L&il Vltt.) JIOS'l'ON, Aug. 18. Ail- nouneement that the decision of the Massachusetts au- jneme court on exceptions and n petition for a writ ot 4 error in Die .Sacco-Vnnzeitl 4 case would be made public 4 touiorjtiw morning, was made 4 ; at the office of the official re- porter of supreme court de- ' 4 cisions this aftenioon. 4 i IJOIJGB coupe special, 192(1, like new for sale cheap. Used car or motorcycle part payment. Ad dress "Dodge," care News-He-view. .NOTICE . . . : The Business and Profea- slonal Woman's Club ' picnic for Friday evening - the 19th ha been postponed. Wat-h for further notice. " ROTARY CLUB BACKS HORTICULTURE SHOW In addition to keeping milk, butter, fruit, vegetables, meats, etc, (J degrees, freezes ample Ice for homo use.,. Freezing H Way's provide facilities tor making vdo'llcoii9 ifrfcehVfKissqrts B a!nd salads.' VJust ioijneot to light ockt.ah4 tijr'ni'tie (twitch. B 4 U . . . fTITIfl.ll inin f-imj-w" r ''"' -DOUG t A3 -00.' AGENCY" tii i ii tit iRostitura.; orei ; ( ' ( f p i-1 ! ! ',: ;i a r aJlff.KH'I'H.KI Hi I Liberty Theatre I Last Times Today Matinee Daily 2:15 i 1 1 ' i .ti i A BIG1 DOUBLE BILL WITH fcVera jRfeyriolds . . , , ,n ,er ,iteflt Metropolitan Star Picture. . . .- "THE LITTLE ADVENTURESS" ' ' , ' WITH .i VICTOR VARCONI, PHYLLIS HAVER, AND THEODORE KOSLOFF A William DeMille Production "''' i . A Comedy of Matrimonial Errors A Cocktail of Chuckles. " . i ; . . : , ' - i ; ' i i i AND William Fox Presents , . "LOVE MAKES 'EM WILD" ' 1 ' A riot' of joy in every foot of the film , '' ' V V ' ( with great cast ) Johnny 1 Inrron, Sally Phipps, Florence Gilbert, J. Terrell McDonald, Arthur Housman, Ben Bard. Come nnd laugh while you are kept cool. ' by the ARCTIC-NU-AIR BREEZES CARTOON COMEDY FOX NEWS Admission: Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-35c COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FRED THOMSON AND SILVER KING i' ' ' ; IN " .1 "SILVER COMES THROUGH" Hooretnry Jurdlno'H plan' of aid lo the farmer differn front that of j Iho oquullzatiou fee ndvoculo.H In i Hint ho iiropoKOHi lluit the govern- K'tnent HGt the fannerH o the way gjto help iheuiNolveK, Kuys the Port land' wniniiuii.if i nvy , u' wHItn "to organize on a large neii 1 o and to adopt HtrotiK, hiiHineaH poli!ieH.' ThiiH organ l.ed,. growem of-, oach farm commodity could (uu'ry (lie HtirphiH ovor, from year to year, could. "Hocure a more reKuliir flowt iof the produce "into. Iraile chanuelK" and could thoreby ptahll le prlcen.t They could nlao collect nndidlKent data, on .. pvoductiqu tn ouch reglon-of the United StateH with a view to adjiiHltm uf. of pro dilution tn demand.. ,The govern ment icouid' aid by providing;. a ro volving fund for loan ,to farm mar ketinp, aHHociat Inoa, by . fonnu lut ing platiH for handling t ho Kurphta and by isupplying Information on cropH and mi tin-operative organ lallon. ,.. . . i , Tim iinerit - of thin plan Is that the government would lake .no part to: buying and selling, nnd that UitM'o would the-no price-fixing by the -government .or by any, ()thor niToncy, hut (hat thoifanuerH.would he enabled.. to take full advantage of market condiltoiia In order to Hectire the best poKnlhlo pricoR. Owing to the custom of each for hintHolf . among farmerH, this ud- vanlage ban rested with the deal-ei-H, who ttvo V-rop, and market. In formation to ctiUHO huIch when they will profit, no inuller what, hup peiifl to the producer.1 An no-opera tivea become Btrong and firmly es tahllHhcd. they will be more and more able to do an dealers now do, gaining that advantage for their members, and to guide mem-hoi-8 as to what and how much of It to plant. Most commendable In Mr. Jar dlne'H view of the problem is his knowledge of tho limit.. beyond which the government cannot help, beyond which In attempting to help It would hinder the fnnnerR in doing that which nobody can do for them. One of the many objec tion; to direct net Inn of the govern ment In marketing and price fixing 1b that It Inclines farmerH to leave it to Uncle Sam. therefore deters them from doing It thomselves. Tho Komau fnblo of the teamster who appealed to Jnvo to pull his team nut of the mire Is much tn the point. When the teamster put The Rotary club went on record today to asIst in every possible munnor hohling of a horticultural show In Ibis city, in lieu of tho usual laii-1. products show which It bus been found unable to properly flnanee this vnr. The matter was brought lo jhe at tent ion of club members hy Dave Husenhurk, a member of ttie rural urban ac quaintance committee' and fully (lhicuKsed before favorable action was taken. Plans for assisting In the exhibit will' be lei't to Art Crowoll (di'i his connuU.teo who will a! once-plan, .for elin all pos sible atiuititanco to the. Chamber of Commerce and oilier civic bodies tha participate. Toduy's program was In charge of Iho aboye committee nnd many Interesting . mat ters pertaining , to the welfnre ' of thn farmers anil farm youth .were discussed.. Joe i llonn was . appointed' .by PrCFident. MefMlnlock to look after the dutiei of the sucrelarv's office tn .tP nbspnee ,nr IJprf l.mvrenee who Is leaving this week Tor Call forniu. ... , The nrv-d'if nt n"d seeretnvv v'll leave -next Tlinrsdav morning fn I.on.T'lew. Waf'i.,, where they will ntn'cl n. twn davs' ennference of pi'riq((l(ln i pMi-l q nnyff n'rfcS, ' 1 1 , ,N"xl TPf''av's nvrif"-'"! w;III''n tn,ebi'f--n of 'hmmue'ly service ennimli on' it' Is ptuniifd to ''ifr ttr. t-o'(""'l mnt- nw r v'.'.,iimnn''t"Mp in (hp way of civic fmnrnvcp-inls. FIRST CARLOAD PRUNES SHIPPED The first carload of fresh prunes from the orchards In the vicinity of Jtoseburg was sent east last evening by Fred Hamilton. These green prunes, which are of finest GUARD VOUIt v'ALfjABUSS By n"0i""b "iGIU wo .uo emu yuau w ere lourieen nunui-eii eases deposit boxes lu our strong there being sixteen pounds net to ru,.. wuuuic luca uuxBa. 1'irsi a case, me prunes are being sliin- FOR SALK40 American liliie rubblts, ranging from 3 months np. Lot or in parts. Deer (.'reek Babbitry, Douglas St., Kast, I quality, are expected to bring the Vprowoiwii fancy price, in ; Uie cur ftoad were fourteen hundred "cases, I... Speculative Fever It is said that "Nearly everyone II miuii. frnm uimn; ffirm nf miecilla-' III I - tive fever." He wise, uvoid speou- I . Speculative Fever It Is said that "Nearly everyone Buffers from soma; forni of specula--"tive fever." He wise, uvoid speou lullvo oni;, rltiky Hellenes. Invest Barely at :a! fulf rte by-dfrtoslli.iiB regularlyilth ilhlM. Bank, ; J ; A'o ihtsrest 'Palclfco'it 8avlngs TheRoseburNdtiondrBank ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Slate and Savings Dank. FOR ItKNT 10-room rooming house, rooms furnished. Good lo cution. Inquire ut 843 Miller St., Jtoseburg or phone 130 between hours 7:3(1 a. in. ainl 4 p. m. FOR SALE Angoia iiucksronly a few left, they are of the . best blooded goats in the state, ulso a few does. D. W. Fate, Days yreelt, Ore ITXCEI'TKJNAL" contract offered , to good man to represent us In - Jtoseburg territory. General, Sav ings & Loan. Association. A mu tual 7'o association. Eugene, Oregon. WEATHrB HAW"ICAPS FIPF" FIGHTERS IN FORESTS . ., ,fAwrliilr,l Preafl 1,,'nwil Win.) f ' j'ORTT.ANlV rtre.1, A tie.' ls.--lOtii't, wind, and inw liumidify, a roiiihlnnllon feared by fore1-.! I'lre ftghl.o-s mitdo conitittons In ' the fire awi'lit rccioml of Hie Cotuinbln Miitionnl . l-'orest more menacing to day. . . The Slnuvon fire, which lirok from control yosterdnv, was stilt defvlng Imttline crews todav. InleKl repoi'ts liuliciiling. Hull it was spreading. , . . The Rock Creek . tiro, another diuivcr snot, was being ludd bill wind and humidity were favoring the blapo. , Two fires in the Qulnnult River ,11-ty'ef ,,r,i tho ,Ptorm King fire also were Ihi'cntetlill.s to heenme moro serious. FOR SALE Homestead relin quishment, 160 acres, new bldgs., , make me an offer on improve I meuts. Harry K. Grove, Uox 64, Oillard, Ore. or call 'on llice Creek, 1 mile from highway. PoirsAT;Tr"oirrt755r6crem Duphsx. bungalow' tin. : imved Ktreet, two blocks of. -campus. lOasy terms, or will consider Roseburg property. Address "Owner," 1745 Olive St. Eu gene, Ore. ; : ... 1 OK llu.NI- Modern seven-room house with 7A acres of creek bottom hind, also1 ' Including chicken houses and bifrn. Item part cash 'and ; part1 imprnve ment. Write R. F. D. llox 18, ' or call after 5 o'clock. J'honc 2IS0-R.- j j, .. , , ,., i MORTGAGES to fit your ' needs. If you aro in tlie market 'for mortgage financing or re-financing on your Douglas county real- t ly this association has a very ' attracllvd 1 plali for taking care of your needs. Consult us before placing your mortgage: ' UmpuuS ' Savings and Loan Association. Douglas Abstract Jluildlng. AGENTS ' WANTED Ma n "wit h inachine to sell RawleiRh firo- ducts Ini W. Douglas county. I Profits 5100 to ?500 per month I selling these good-health' pro ducts. No selling experience' re ' (lulre'd; We supply products, sales and advertising literature and service methods. Lowest, prices. Rest values. W. T. Rawlelgll Co., Dept. OR. 4027, Oakland, . Calif. lied to far eastern markets for dix- trlbiillon. j HARVESTING EMPLOYEE ' ! '. BURNED AND MAY .DIE, (Associated l'ress. Leased . Wire) LA GRANDE, Ore., Aug.- 8. Burned so seriously that his life Is in doubt. Will Woodruff, 42,. Is In the liospltal here fighting against death, lie was working on a com bine near Union yesterday when an explosion occurred, burning more than a third of tlie surface of his body., . ' -' -'.. ' LINDGERGH MERELY TO NOD ' j .' AXi .CAPITA!.' OR 1OR6GON " '(Assoclan-d l're' teased Vtre) ' " ' . SALEM, Ore., Aug. 18. Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, hero of the trans-Atlantic, . flight , from New, York to Paris! 'will not stop In Sa lem whem he, vlsils, Oregon next' month, hut he may.tly low. pverj the' cily and (Iron a messntre nf; greeting.' I'his Is the substance of S a message received by Senntor, S ' iinries- -ij. - McNarv from -Hi'- 1,. Kelfer, secretary or-conimerce for H iioioivnitlcs. At the request of the! D halem Chamber - or ' Commeice! Senator McNary 'l'equesto'd- thntl Llndbeyglij plin lierq )f. pqi(8ibe. : PLANE WINGS RETURNED L0ND0'iN 'A li g.' 'IS.--Reiiler's,1 Rlinnliai eorresiiohtfent States tliati tne cnineae nullloiltles" IheTB "to nlfeht1 retuined to the Diltish the nil plane wiiuts seized 'receiMly when the machine was forced down in Chinese territory, outside" the : In ternational Settlement. "i M. Established 1901 E. RITTER, Manager . Founded arid Maintained on Efficient : Service and Courtesy -' '',-'. ,t AMDIM AKirET -SEOUICIT Phone 'fat r - - y.- Oak and Kane.8t-,.-.; ; H- , . , , , Licensed Lady Embalmer AMMUNITION DEPOT THIEF a $ QETS MA HINT'S BUL,LETj i (AMooioted Prosd leased Wire) . HI NO HAM, Mass., Aug. IS. The ammunition depot of thp United States navy here, covering; 660 acres, today was unfler the closest guard that hd-'Ueen- set' over :,it since the World War while civil ian, authorities aearched qr-a man tiiought to have been wounded by the marine guard. ,wlo. foiled, an at-ternjulodejiiouef of pounds of explosives stored there. - f ' - ? i .-!.' V. One of .the trio discovered ia qunrter .nilo inside the er.clcsuro dropped under the rifle fire which was poured Qpon them but was car ried off by his companions. In the belief that be wotil. have. to, seek medical treatment for his wounds, pojjce, asked all physicians and hospitals in tlie district toM'eport promptly any, gun shot cases. (, ' ' TO ANNOUNCE opening of private studio' , ; . September -1 t-, .( Lucile M. Sappington Dunning System Improved ' t ' ' MUsIc Study ' i i i lano ' i j. Kindergarten TODAY'S BASEBALL American At Cleveland Pbilndelphln . Cleveland Hut t erics: ' Honunelt, n. h. e. 1 X I 2 8 0 Grav and Cochrane; Khaute and Swcll. Mrs. T. P. Stephenson and Miss Margaret Htephenson went to 12u Kene tills til'ternoou to spend the next several days enJuyluK a visit with tViends. FARM REMINDERS his own shoulder to the wheel, .lovti made the sun shine and dry up the.vivtHl Tuesdav lu Kucem mud. thus renderirtK his task easy, connected with the fai-ult (Aworliilcil Prt'M l.onttl Wire) KVC, KNK. Ore., Awr. IS. The news that Martin ,1 onsen, of H(n olulu, entrant in the Dole air race to Hawaii, had finished second in the event, was warmly received b (ieoiKO H. (iodfrey, former Hawaii newspaper man who Is a personal friend-ef Mr. Jensen. Godfrey al and Is j The destructive peach nnd prune j root borer Is easily and cheaply I controlled lu Oregon-hv use of a dichlorohenzcne, the experiment station announces. Full directions for urn are sent out Ironi the sta tion I iDiii lime to lime. Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and . .. Button Making. ..'. , .. '.'!;' Phone 187-R j ' ; 610 So. Main . i , 1 , V ' ri'LU-TY 1 1 Re-cleaned ri White 5 f .Testing 60 Jbs. and Better CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health 8ervlce" 1 8ULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 827 West Cass Phone 491 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fittlni of ; Glasses. 116 Jackson St With his rovolviiiK fund nnd with the wealth of Inl'ortiiatien he can collect and distribute. Uncle Sam enn nlnv the part of .love, but not tilt thn farmer puts hs shoulder to the wheel by organizing on bit; buslnettH lines nnd by acting on Round business policy. It was In the same spirit that the secretary said: "Kffective co operation must be built from the bottom up. not from (be top down" by "farmers willing to act together" and hy "leaders able to work to- irnltioi tn lnrirn feil.irnl lunu for n common pur nose." We have hfid j 11 ls (,',,t"' -(tmi)Ica tf coonenilives built nlnmui scluml nf jmirnullsm of tlie uni vers! I. v. 'Mensen is an evcelleut aviator, und only the fact that lie was lost for four hours kept him from win ning first prize." declares Mr. God frey, "lie had a fast plane, which he knew thoroughly, and he un derstands cverv phase of hiindilnu It." Mr. Jensen is described ns a modest, unassuming younu man. inclined lo be rather bashful. ITe is only 2t years old, yet he already has more than 2500 flying bonis lo lit liettun his enreerus horlly after tin Many of the best Oregon potato growers are now hilt selecting their crops for seed, repoits the experiment station. This has been ttie chief means of potato improve ment for a century. The main of the j value is elimination of disease, not production of n new variety mar kedly different f rom the stock grown, for which tlio method has very little value. No one interest ed In glowing disease-free, good cooking and high-yielding potatoes ls advised to practice hill selec tion to develop a new variety. i; if- v i "ii- ,r.,.i .Per .100 lbs. For all around resulls--quality of ingredients care in mixing arid uniform feed, you cannot buy ' better Poultry and Dairy Feed than those packed I . , .' i . under the Umpqua Brand. Douglas County Flour Mill v - . , , ... Roseburg and Myrtle Creek. Those who nre snvin Auto Cnrdj will please turn them in nt the box office Saturday with your nnme, nddress nnd amount in each bundle, so thnt we may enter your name on the contest. The close of the contest will be announced later. The best remedy for rickets of Oregon fowls is exposure to sun shine, says the experiment slut Ion. When direct sunshine is not avail able the substitute recommended Is nddlug coil liver oil lo the .mash ration at tho rate of one pint to every hundred pounds of mash from the ton down. Their career I when he entered the employ of the : fed. This is not to be taken ns n bns been brief nnd snectacular. and ; ,l'nn Aircraft company, where he ; complete substitute for the sun- ill have crnshed. The onlv sound 1 m ,I,n'1 ,,n xP'i nuimer oi plants . slitno but only as a temporary re foundation Is groups of men. each deeplv imbued with the co-opera-live idea nnd nil working together for t he common purpose. FIRE HAZARDS are Increased during this season of the year. Play safe hy carry ing adequate Fire Insurance, Our agency is at your Bervice. We write all lines of fire and automobile Insurance. G. W. Young & Son INSURANCE 116 Cass 8t. Phone 417 lief measure. ns well ;is a flier. Gives Wife Credit Mr. Jensen, before the flinlit.f IHackhead of turkeyn, somewhat told Mr. (iodfrey that if he won common in Oregon, is best treated j ine credit siiouiil go lo his wife, iiiy giving all affected birds 1" SEATTLE MEN CHARGED j w no not only nas consiantlv en-i drops of ipecac daily for three days BECAUSE OF GIRL'S DEATH t'nntT.geo mm in nts itie work, mil j tn a utile water, the experiment wim wiiikimi iimiu iinti n;iy 10 station says. 1 ins ireatmeni is to RKATTLK, Wash.. Aug. 17. The KitiR county prosecutor's of (ice announced tonight that manslaugh ter charges will be filed Umionow against K. Creigh Nelson, wealthy Seattle clubman, and F. Armory Uell, nkippcr of Nelson s yacht. raise hinds for the Hawaii venture, j When. James lole made his fii'd announcement (be Jensens were the first to declare iheir Intention to enter the race. It was Mrs. Jensen who led the campaign for funds, and who liunlly tent her palatial husband (be limit insc-llmvni tor his plane just a few days befon he given every bird as soon ns It fthows symptoms tf the disease. The entire flock if the disease Js present may be treated hy giving 0110 level tablespoonlul of ipecac i In the wet mash for each 20 tur keys once a week. Strict sanita tion with use of new rouges where. possible and kept separate from The two men will be accused of, the flight. Mrs. Jensen herself nut i the chicken runs are helpful rui- responslbillty In the onth of Miss'nlt her savings, amounting to over ! plementni v precautions, but only Violet Maude Payne. onng music. f 2.000 In the fund and this repre 1 partial results need be expected In and dunce tenoher, who supposed- j sented the entire Jensen fortune, j keeping down the disease. Brand's Road Stand Lunches Served Inside or In vthe Gar. den. Soda Fountain ' Our Own Private Moon Every night is moonlight at Brand's Garden. Fruit Garden Valley Watermelons Dillard Muskmelons i Crawford and Elberta Peaches Graventteln Apples BRAND'S Pacific Highway 3 Miles North ANTLERS STARTING FRIDAY Matinee Daily, 2:00 P. M. Hoot f . fgjfi. V ' " "The Gibson Sf '' !' Denver ifife Dude" IT STARTS WITH A BANG One continuous roar of laughter in the middle and ends with a smash. COMEDY "WHAT AN EXCUSE" . LATEST NEWS Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-25c-35c Antlers Greater Movie Season Starts - September 2nd. LAST TIMES TODAY MayMcAvoy in "Irish Hearts" 1