SEVEN Aluminum Kitchen Ware ! Nothing finer shan , Wearever Aluminum Ware for the kitchen or in the camp. Aluminum Camp Kite Moderately Priced, .. Other pieces that come in handy during the season are v Stew Kettles, any size Sauce Pans, Cake Pans Double Boilers, Skillets Cups, Teakettles, etc. Just peek in at our window and see the comprehensive display and you will find many things to please. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW AOS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE FOR SALE Electric radge. Phone 312-R. BUCK lambs for sale purebred Shropshire. V. Bounds, Ruckles, Ore. RAMS FOR SALE Registered Shropshires. Mrs. W. E. Staf i , ford. 1001 Mill St., Eugene, Ore. "011 SALE Barbecue " machine complete, good condition. Can yon Auto Camp, g mile S. of Canyonvllle. FOR SALE 160 a. DTugTaic, good place, cheap, easy terms. A. Patterson, 3665 West 58th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. - : $95 WICKER buggy, Ivory eiT . amel, crib, mattress aud baby's - bath tub like new, all $35. A big tmrgaiu. 705 E. 6tbSt. . .' FOR I SALfcPrwo good' - milch ..' goats;. ono about 14 years old, the othori nhout five months. ;?15 will buy the two. Arthur R. -wecKB, ltuckles, Ore, FOR PALE Grey oats and vetch 85n bu. (32 lb.). Vetch and cheat 1 (lots ot vetch) 42.95 per lofl.lbs. . Also barley and wheat. Call be- . tore Friday, Aug. 19th. Oscar Weoks,- Ruckles, Ore. - ' . 3 ACRES ' , , ' ' 8 Room House . . V . 2 miles out j y Close to Benson School , i House newly t : : i ' "' painted ' , ' I . : . ! shingled ;.,'? i - i-'-i vrredocoratod-H: yvortn t2uuu.uu k . , ' .; ;, , Yours for ?2250 '" ', ' Half cash or " , - uiuer properly in traiio.: .. McLENDON REALTV COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN , : , . .NEW , BUNGALOW COTTAGE ' West Roseburg . i . 'I . ' ' ' 5 rooms' , ;," -, ... . ' breakfast nook t;i ' ' , : cement basement -J. ! '; . , . j,'; ;) :' ' furnace "1 , garage Appraised valtie 14000.00-.. . . Yours for $2960.00 k. " -., .', Requires $760 Cash. MCLENDON REALTY COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN ; . CLOSE IN V j ; Suburban Home . 16 acre , fine bearing orchard, prunes ', ' .walnuts cherries: and pears : enough open land to ' raise hay i , '.good Improvements f city water , , , : ' '. electric lights : J ; . : worth $9000 Yours for $7000 Requires twelve hundred , . cash or other property McLENDON REALTY COMPANY rnuKPti nAW Awn tutaim. ' . ' . I.EAVe W B EVERYTHlNfi . J . i to us. fie!. I ' dont do C-ci-'r t 0 ANY WORK -L i 9 . i -5T 1 C3r 3 I KNOW IT I . 1 At. "Ml ( ' I vmmw ' FOR' 8 .VLB Peaches ; Orange Cling. Crawford, St. John. Coos ' Bay Highway Stand. R. D. Klclst. WANTED t ili ' i - i r i i WANTED GUI to do general housework. , Call 47K11, WANTED -12 to 15 tier of 16-inch block wood, black oak and laurel. R. L. Olle. Phone 327. - . . LADY COOK WANTED Ejtperl- enced, to cook for prune drying crew. Mrs. J.. O. Bacon, Ump ' qua, Ore. WANTED To rent small equipped ranch for one or more years. Suitable for about 8 cows, by .' Oct. 10. G. H. Burke, Box 893, Medford, Ore. WANTED Slightly" used overstuf : fed set, rugs and bedroom furni ture. Must be in good comilUon and reasonable. Phone 615-H be fore 12 a- m. . . .. , ,.. FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT Phone 296-J. 323 S. Stephens. . .. : FOR. RENT Well furnlshed"apt., Close In. Private entrance. Rea sonable. 331 S. Main. FOR RENT Modern" 6-room, well furnished cottage. Call at 514 S. '' Pine. : : .- , i ' . LOST .'I LOST Khaki tent In bundle, be ' tvbenr Wilbur and Roseburg. Re ward. Return C. O, D, to J. Thompson, 94 Pjerce Ave., San '' Jose. ' .' ' . ' J I miscellaneous"" I CITY AND FARM LOANS. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICE & RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers.' OAK OWNER Don't lurtjet to call 663 when la naed of auto . parts. Sarff's Autu Wrecking House.' 1 . j STORE BUILDING Jackson Street " Good location ' trade . , !' for ?10,000 ranch . or . " othor property. McLENDON REALTY COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN LIBERTY. THEATRE "The Little Adventuress," Vera Reynolds' latest star picture, is said to be strong and attractive In every respect. It Is a MIrIi urade comedy. The stoix doals with a charming girl who elopes with a man and later falls In love with a bachelor who . saves her from her folly. Victor VarconI Is Iho bachelor. Phyllis Haver and Theo dore Koalofl' are featured with Mr. Varconi. "The Little Adven turess" is Ihe feature attraction, at the Liberty Theatre today. It Is said to afford Miss Reynolds one ot the most delightful roles of her screen career. -"Laughter and more laughter echoed throughout the Liberty Theatre last night when "Love Makes 'Em Wild," part of the big double bill, featuring Johnny Har ron and Sally Phipps had Its open ing. The story of "Love Makes 'Kin Wild'-' concerns an office worm who, when romance strikes, turns Into a roaring Hon who "takes it out" on ail those who previously made life miserable for him. ANTLERS THEATRE You'll love Patsy, the vivid little Irish lass whose trials and tribu lations in the Great City are sur mounted by her blithe humor and clear-eyed courage. "Irish Hearts," starring May McAvoy, a Warner Brothers' production directed by Byron Haskln at the Antlers The atre today. ; A western comedy, packed with fun and thrills. Is promised pa trons of the Antlers Theatre here tomorrow In "The Denver Itud'-," the Universal Piettiro starring Hoot Gibson scheduled to hold the screen, for two days. A typlrnl Gibson pirtnrn Is pro mbHl, full of all the qualities which have become associated in l the public mind with this star to make him one of the screen s most ponutar nllniction. . Gibson hf become noted nuuallv fdr hts ahllftv to play comwtv. and for his excellence at inipct'nz 11. rill. an.l -!! l.i Mu urntliv. I Uous L IS FINE MEDIUM FOB PUBLICITYi A very fine publktty effort (or thts territory is evidenced by MThe Volt Annual" recently published by The Callinmla Oregon Power com pany. Copies of this attractive lit tle booklotaro now ready for dis tribution .at local Chambers of Commerce and every Copco office. This new medium of publicity, which is bound to attract much tavorablo attention from tourists and prospective settlers, replaces the monthly Yol(, formerly pub lished - by the power company, which was widely and favorably known throughout the country. In this connection the following foreword will be of Interest to all former readers of the Volt: "Residents of ihe field of Copco service may recall that there for merly was issued by The Califor nia Oregon Power company throughout seven-year period ending with December, 182D, miniature house-organ. The Volt (nani" registered In the United States" Patent Office). With pic tures and text The Volt reflected the activities of .the company, but more often it dealt with general activities, Industrial and recrea tions)!, In fopcoland which name it occasionally used to identify that extensive area In southern Oregon and northern California served by Copco with light, power, and in some Instances with water. The ' designation was solocted be cause of its eunhonlous qualities and for reasons purely serttlnientnl, and was not, it was emphatically exnlalned. lp.'entled to imply any real or fancied proprietorship of the iBnrt which Copco serves. Cop coland Is our homeland: the Inter ests ot its people are our Interests, and ours theirs. , ,'; , ' ' 1 That Is no sentiment but abso lute fact. As asserted hy the slo gan Incorporated In the company name-plate, we, the company: and Us customers,' are "Partners In i nmnlh renrenenlinir a, Blislained " ,,,-, I though .diminutive elfort to . Is - semlnato authentic ' Information lty." When, sometime ago, the company was consolidated with the nation-wide Byllesby interests, this development gained for Copco land, among numerous other, ai vautagpB, far-reaching facilities for the publication of facts relative to this favored region. The Bylles by Monthly News, Byllesby Man agement, and' other. . well-known mediums cf publicity with national circulation serve us as the Utile Volt could not over hope to do. A'ud the tiny monthly stepped out ot the picture to reappcaf now lu the form of Tho Volt Annual." ' . The Volt 'An-jrsl is i.a sixteen page booktet with a beautiful cover m"H UUOttipL HIWI H ll-JULllui design 111 sovoral. colors depleting BOOTS AND HER (7 , iwt ws iosT ftiR vt?'- tsita . . ; , . , :-. . - - :;:7r K,v.,:J, "' ' Aiv t M Tr4r4 1 2 1 ' U -" ' 1., i" V' L (; i.uc? boots aho J, 'smt a Boat on, ' , ,,.',.' ,'."'. -U Hfc M ) liMtUi; itiuJiMcri: T' uh .PiCMlCogtRoM W.V' wait!-- Wttos ; ,; V ,. - ' SuR - N ''"fvt Ci '' HUUtJ,' ' V-tANKSi - OO 4' C-rfgTT f.iln ITTM LII ! v ' CHft f H n- I I I 1 ' ' .I - iT0' -V.V ;' T)I827 DV tltA StRVlCC iwcnrou. pndr. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ' .-On His Way -1 , ; . : By Blosjer : f ) ' ) ) (is'W WMWA 1 7mMn. . " -.-7 ' v, -. ,:v . .tows away om a iscrrBRKcw rgfZsn) wAf, IfliiP '."X-WvwAS Mce. Ay ; IAIWTAADA 7D BOBBIBSVr. S7HFF AJOUO-) .-- I 1' ' ' 1 OowWTo SB6M6- 1 '" Bsmst il ma spa V... . T .mmm-mmr - - - t 1 flllT B "wiiT IH ' '',",''''' . , : , B ' ' ... SALESMAN $AM Breaking the Ice By Swan rjilT. VP OO WA VlORVCtH' -rwt5 eos. vAe yotyo Neyt.R. ti&AR. WF. eVlL H( OOT- GCP.O TPS NO,61R y- HEAR If. "l.tW :Hr 1 1 3t- : a tourist attraction of national l terest. It Is packed lull ot a.trac live iihoioa o this favored ration leatuilng 8 vols ot unrlviiii i beauty, industries and agricultural resources. The subject matter is short and to the point, making it possible lo read tliu entile boomHt in a few nioinuiits. ine "picture story whicn Is told so effectively the spli'inml array of photo graphs wilt attract and hold the interest of all who t-omo In con tact with this excellent publica tion. The Volt Anuual wilt prove a valuable supplement to the usuai Chamber of Commerce literature. This particular seullon of the Copco territory Is especially fa vored through the reproduction of seveiul fine photos of outslumllng scenic attractions, and oilier In teresting scenes In this vicinity. A di.uImI itfrrt,. huu Imnn mini,- to acquaint those who read this publication with our splendid sys dealer who died Juno 6, wus filed tern of highways. A large double- for probata yesterday listing per page highway map, which is up lu sonal property at (2,500,000 and date In every respect, as well as a full Pago man of the Copco terri tory, gives added reason . for the careful preservation of this book let. Twenty thousand of those book- lata hnvn hwn iiuhliulipfl at cnusld- erable exiiense by The California Oregon Power company to promote the best Interests of this territory. I Sevoral thousand copies '-will he manea Dy ine company to a aeiuui - ed list throughout the United States and the balance will be available .for distribution by local Chambers of Commerce mid , the various Copco division anil district offices. Tho booklets are enclosed in attractive envelopes and may be mailed at-a nomlnul cost ot 1& cents per copy. It Is hoped that many local cm- . sens will taki this opportunity lo secure copies of The Volt for mail ing to friends and relatives in tho east: wliomay prove to be pros pective settlers of -this "laml of jpportunlty." Plcnii at Idleyld Park. ERWIN PLANS FLIGHT FROM ' 1 CALIFORNIA TO JAPAN (Associated Prow I.cuic4l Wlro) j ' MUNICIPAL AIRPORT',' Oak land, Calif., Aug. 17. Captain William P. Erwiii, pilot, of ; ;the mnnnithini. riRllRn Spirit tl ' W.I18 enuy nciuing. a. new .y. i cause oi a wina rippcu iuhvuiku, 1 flt.cIr,. (0.ay ho oxpected lo bop lm,,ii,iv . n , llnnolnlii thence to Tokyo, Jnpan, despite the fact that ne was barred from the Basterwood prise and pobably would not benefit from the Dole award, i ; ,..';;,',..' " Mechanics had replaced the cloth q'n. Ihe bottom of Captain' Krwln'rf plane .today, an I aiter refueling, he pilot planned to ttart westward 'across the Pacific, . . ,"','' i '.' Erwin explained his accit'- t yos teiday. by saying that a trap (loor placed in the bottom, of the navi gator's cabin had been attnclied insecurely, permitting; the wind to rush- through and rip the cloth, off the, bottom of the lUBeiage. ; ! u , Arundel; piano tuner. Phone 189-1. BUDDIES IT VlOOLOrt'T VOvJ WeR MVAKeS Mfr NfeWtSK t-05t j p.YPSY WHMFN TAP Hi i I.,-- , : MERCHANT, OF $40 (AMoclated lroN 1a-m1 Wire) KtKlKNB, Ore.. Aug. J7. Two gypsy women are In the coumy jitil here today after robbing a merchant - yesterday, at Oukrhlge. Tliu womeu. while making pur chases, snatched ubout $tt fioiu the cash register and escaped in their car. A telephone message lo Ixiwell on the road to Eugene re sulted In their arrest there. - Camp at ldieyld.Park. o McELWEE'S WILL DISPOSES OF 82,600,000 E8TATE (Awx-lalcit l'n-M Iawd Wir.) WAtlKKdAN. Ills.. Allit. 18. I Tlw. u lll .tf HmIk.pI II MoHIwiim lke 'Forest banker-and lumber! real estate at Sl.ooil Mrs. Ullr.belh Knaldlng McKl- wee, the widow, was named chief heir and residuary legatee. One thouKand shares of sk of the Continental and Commercial Na tional Dank ot Chicago, all real es- j 'ate. furniture and household goods , - i" ; I Trice Waller, Highland Park, nephew, now deceased, a niece, 1 rsnnuie ivuner i-aiiorsun, in men- j ford, Oregon, Virginia McElwoe Martolomew, of Palestine, Texas, wero each left three hundrod shares of bank slock., i ' . . . i -' Three hundred shares of bank stuck wore loft to Fioi-a McKlwoo Miller, or Lexlnf to--. Va. In the ovenl of her death the stock Is to be OIvkIh.I tqual.y between her con. V ll'jii in !! t, r.iincla. CORNS Quick safe relief The most painful corns cease hurting i the instant Dr. Scholl's Zino-pada i are applied. They strike at the cause , irritation, a Zino-pad stops it at once. Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads are thin, medicated, antiseptic, protective, i No liquids, no risk, no bother. Safe, sure, quick results guaranteed. At your druggist's or shoe dealer's. mSchotVsr fZtinO"P&ds 1 Put one onthe poiri Is'gonei, ' THE ABOVE and all other Scholl Appliances and Foot Comfort ' Re liefs are to bo had at the Roseburg Booerie, i Perkinji building, Cass street. tAPiKe. AM , ftA, HOR. HOW cAAHY o' rlftTtlRt'S typ,rjE - I'D MoJLetK fv s NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . Sealed bids will be received liy the Hoard Of Directors of School District No. 91 of Douglas County, Oregon, at school bulldlug at Cam- as Valiey, Oregon, on September 1. 11187. at seven oclw p. m. fori the coustrucllon of a new school ' building for said School District CI, OVWJIUIIIS i,.....a ...... ( ,a speclflcstlous prepared by F. Man-i son White, nrchltect, Sherlock's! nulldlnir. Porllnnd. Oregon. Bids to cover all labor and ma-.lg terlul for the general work ot tholgj building separately from plumbum antl heating, and plumbing and heating to be Included In separate bids. No bid will be considered unless accompanlod hy cash, or bldder'H bond or certlflod check in favor of lieorgo H. Ti'ueman, chairman, for an amount equal to at least ten; per cent ot the amount bid, saldj sum to bo forfeited In case ot fall-1 uro to enter Into contract and suf-i flclent bond on the part ot any! bidder whose bid Is accepted. The! successful bidder will be required to furnish an approved surety com pany bond In the amount ot fifty per cent of tbn contract price, to Insure faithful performance of tho work and payment for all labor and material, said bond to cover details mentioned In the specifications. Plans nnd specifications may be obtained at the office ot the Archi toct, 448 Sherlock Building, Port- laud. Oregon, or from It. J. Dun- Inn. School Clerk, Camas Vulloy, Oregon.' , f. ..... .-. ... ... , - A deposit - of Twenty-Five ($25.00) DollarB will Uo required of each bidder to - Insure proper caro and prompt return of draw ings and specifications. - ' -' Tho right 1b reserved to rejoct any or all bids. ' By order of the School Board of School District No. 21. R. J. DUNTON, , ' Clerk of Said DiBtrlct. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled bids will bo received' by. the Board of Directors of. School District No. 123 at the school build ing at Htversdalo, Oregon, on iA'1" gust 27, 1927, at seven o'clock P. Mftifou the construction of a new school. building for snld school Dis trict No. .123 according to plans and sneclflcatlnns. : ! ' , Bids to cover all labor, and imn-' torini for the, general work ,of the building. -. : , . ,i,,.., rj No bid Willi bo' considered unless accompanied hy cash, or 'bidder's bond or certified check in favoV of J. 1 Bonebrakej chairman, -ftn; an amount equal to at least teiWpor cent of tho amount bid, said1 bum to be forfeited In case of fnlluie lo enter Into cqntriict and sufficient bond on "the imrt of any . bidder Whoso bid' Is. nCcoiited.""Tho Jbuc- cesHiui nituier win l)Q ruquireil to- 'furnish1 tin .'approved 'bond lnj ho i sum of lod per cent of the contract ! price, to insure faithful perform-! ; mice of the. work mid. payment (or nil labor and material, snld bond j , to cover details mentioned In) that (Speclflqnllons. , t y I I Plans and specifications may obtained, at the office of, Tj.i HOW wcw APPReciATe 3o&'s gooo ee Jostj A$ LOM& AS TW SIGN p 3. GOZZCetA CO" HPiMCjr S OVG.R TH 1 is? I' jvietzffer, KoHomirg, , f'""r""' ft"." ," ' - ' - ' '""".? ir.T.wm.m.TnijiTiTiimi TR IT! g ; 3 H M WE BELIEVE We will back our belief with our money. Come in and ask about our guaranteed trial offer. :',S':;-;.t.'.'f -.V''--:- '"': ip See Ua f"ir8t;We (Can Save You Money ; 1 FARM BUREAU i COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ; . AGtjNT8 FOR i , '.!., .'.'.'. J-: Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oaklahd Now Located at Washington Street and 8. P. Traoks. c. .... ', 2, Roseburg, Oregon (HlvoiT.dule). A deposit of Five (15.00) dollars will bo required of each bidder lo Insure proper care and u prompt return of drutvings and specifica tions. ....'.,.-.-" ... - " Tho right Is rqsorvod to reject any or all bids. By order of tho school board of School Dlst. No. 123.' ' .. . ; ' ' : . , MltS. C. J. BJEHO. . . , Clerk- of said District. TEN' DAYS FREE TRIAL ' Wo will deliver, for your approv al our famous "Moor-Rest'' double dock bodapriiig and lut you use it ron'foif dsjyit Twlthout charge. ' If you wish to buy wo-will allow you a good . price tor j our, old spring as part pay. -These springs are sold rogulnr at $20.00, As. a special in- uucemont' uurlug tlio: dull season wo are offoring these at tho low ' cost of J1G.00. Wo gUiii-ilntoo theBbl to give perfect service! and lo lust 20. years. Phone us oi write, or be'st ot nil; come1 in' r nhii un iimua springs. We quarry n full lino ot boils, sprlngd and mattresses. Pow ell .Furniture 'ft: Hardware Com pany, iSS and MO', North! Jiickson I'tA AVlfOL GLAO TA HeAR THAT, ir y-C!?T hy n arnvicE. TT I a ti ? ' i A -o y & it . . - .. .. - , , m - I IN OUR FEED; St., Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. Phono 638. ? Take care Or MV , linens! vboit svwat waists: ANOVOUR LINENS I AT OUR. HANDS WILL m '",'s''(M'vr, ,7' ' We'ro- Just about'- a's careful' peo- plO'us ever got Into tho hgindry business. . What we mean to ay Is that we are expertly careful'. J'here ore a lot of particular meu and women who llvo In this town' who ro duly grateful because, we are in ino washing ana ironing- dubi- Roseburg Steam LaunSry Rn'sebiira. Ore. Phone 79 i 9 RAB.E-I I QUALITY, FOODS :!'.;' v'-. i.i i- u- --)s' at economy prices and .$ .. . ... . ,8?rv'?S' '00.' ... V It r- '''-. ; : ; Economy Grocery t ; . . 1 t '. f I ' ;' . ''''fh'o'Btorq 'niiht pci'voa . ' ' "Vou hesi.." V f 344 Ni J9Koi 8t.j Phn ()3' 'CftQ.G ft UotAAM 31ST dftvie vAe &$ZL2 Bite i.'.c i I