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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1927)
THREE It's Easy to Lock the' Car studeeAke Ma 1 II JK. .Hi. . t . i WHEN YOU WANT, JO Hj i AN ACTUAL 70- - HERE IT IS - - - WITH THE SWEETEST, ....... . ; ',::.'' ' ... ' . IH '.,!'( Hi ; I. .:. . 'tf. I Today STUDEBAKER J $ ' ' J SMOOTHEST TOURING SPEED offers the most beautiful, EVER DELIVERED Mi the most powerful, the t ! ; ) most r comfortable and "ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17.' 1927. 5LA I IT, T'" ' ' rH L i': .' ll r the most economical Studebakers ever built--; and offers them at prices definitely lower: than other manufacturers are forced to ask for com parable cars. I j - i 1 ; i Dictator Sedan, fully equipped - , , . , , . i ; , F. O. B. ROSEBURG Commander Sedan, fully eqUippedl - $1795 1 ' .' IV,' " " ' ' " F.O.'B. ROSEBURG, 1 , Erskine :JSix Sedan, fully equipped - $1155 i ! ! : '. I , ! 1 , I F. O. B. ROSEBURG ; ; ; J .1 ..' 1 O; M: BERftlE Central Garage. ( '; ; . ) 131 S. Rose St. '. f 1 . !rV It 1 Phone 38 STUDEBAKER DEFERS The. dollar of the "good old pre war daya". piny have bought more food and ciothiug-.djuU paid moi-. rent than it. does today, but It cer tainly, didmot buy so much automo bile' 'Economic experts assert that the dollar of today is worth only 00 cents compared with the dollar of 1.114, but according to O. M. Herrle, local Studelmker-Erskine tlstribulor, today's "greenback," by .the same comparison, actually has 'the purchasing power of $1.42 when, spent," for a current model Ktudebaker car. 'r ' In his interesting and illuminat ing defense of the humble dollar, Mr. Berrfe draws attention to Studebaker sedan prices of 1914 mid loday. "Today. The Com man dor, Studebaker's . Big Six super performing sedan, sells for $1495. In 1914, a -Studebaker sedan which was comparable In size to The Commander sold for $2250 Mr. Uerrie points out. "Yet, even that wide variation In price Is not an accurate measure of the greater 'automotive value which the 1!27 dollar buys. Even If the .1914 car sold- at the same price as The Commander, who of the thousands of Commander own ers would be willing to exchange on nn .even basis? Bark In 1914. 4k f ACADEMY B0V3 PORTLAND, OREGON f carefnl upervUlon, trtct dis cipline, oclnl tlTuntasei ona Moral trauuii. v - the only cars to reach and main tain a speed of seventy miles per hour were stripped-down racers.' Passenger cars simply could not stand such strain. Yet, The Coin maniler recently traveled 500 miles in less than 5000 minutes at Culver City, Calif., and set 10 world rec ords. . "Back In 'the good old days' bal loon tires, .all-steel .bodies, four wheel brakes and the many other automotive., engineering ..'improve ments which contribute so ii"ght ily to today's motoring crifort and safety, were unheard of. And who is there who will say that the 1914 car even approached the beauty of The Commander? "Perhans the dollar doe&n't go quite as far as it once did in buy ing a necktie, but it certainly does a real he-man job in the automo tive market." Recipe- LOCK YOUR CAR r On the grounds that unlocked cars are an open invitation for theft the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce has started a campaign urging "each car owner to lock his cur, when not In urp. 1 30x3K GUM-DIPPED TIRES $7.65 Other Sizes at Very Low Prices Jgj From a few hundred miles of B: improved roads In 1917, Canada gj;has jumped lis total to 42fi,2fi!( imiph. or this annum i, 47,17 miles are gravel road and 7500 are of macadam and concrete. C. A. Lockwood Motor Company f ROSE AND OAK STS. . PHONE 374 for making ' balloon tires i j s easy to steer 1 I Add air till pressure gauge shows exact number of pounds prescribed for your size of tire. Repeat once a week to make sure pressure is right. Note: We have courteous attend ants who put in the air and test tires forour customers. One reason why women like to driveonSilver towns purchased here... - Harrison's Garage Phone 447 136 South Stephen, Street Roieburg, Oregon 2 CANADA'S ROADS JUMP How good news 'dons spread! ) General Gasoline Is still the best. PRIZE WINNER LOST I Some one who totes a name of jAlan JJare Is roaming nboiit Enp lane! ignorant of the fart that a , brand new Wolseley automobile ; Is awaiting him as bis prize In a ; went competition. Attention Automobile ' Owners We have all the latest equip ment for washing your car. High pressure system for road oil. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also The old reliable Q. A J. Tires and Goodyear Solid Truck Tires, Hohl's Garage Stephens Street Most cars today have what are called "coincidental locks" which lock both the steering or-.transmission apparatus and the Ignition at the same time. Yet many cars with these locks In good order are stolen, because they haye been left unlocked. Automobile clubs are trying $o educate owners not to forget that locking is essential. Police, too, as showrij here? 'are doing their share reminding car owners to avoid thefts. . . I '; FLASHES OF LIFE J : 1 (By Tho Associated press.) . CHAULQ-TTETOWN, P. E. 1. I'liniB Mlnlmcr lliildwln, whoxe mother was a MnuDonald, thinks highly or that clan. Addressing Islanders, he said: "I' understand .that in the early days yoy brought ovci 5at)0 ' AlaeDonulds fjom the Isles. Three hundred MncDonalds i(re worth S.OOO ot any oilier set." i 'OAKLAND. iCal. Miss Mildred DovaHj Pacific .lllor, is heart whole and . fancy., free . now, bn. the coat she, wore ,vhen, she whjged west ward was. lined . 1 with ll'raternlty liiiia.-from the. Ixiys ut'Mlchigan State college. "These are ; only medals from past conquests," she exnlaiiiAd. 8. . . 6 . . . ' . (Min ' ' CAMDEN, N. J. Having hitch hiked more than 7.0U0 miles , to Portland, Oregon, and hack, Louis Uuuniunii, . wile und ly-yeai-old daughter, are hack honje. They say-.motorisLs-In: their home state were -the 'least respouslve: to their Uhuiubtug.' i . 1 ; 'MAN'flHlS'l'Kll'. TCniirlKnil British .' and' Irish towel hmanufttc-' urers ire, worried by reports jlhat uiutiuru muuucuiL uainieouiu are ' . WE'RE FAR'AHEAD AS AUTO COUNTRY : 4, ' ' (Dy NBA Service) WASHINGTON, ' Aug. 17. Statistics reveuled by I. H. Taylor, assistant chief of tho automotive division ot the Department of Commerce, show thut the United States 4 Is Inr in the lend of the world in the number ot auloiuo- biles. . 1 1 ' ' ' The U. S. hus oiie aulo for every' five iforsons in the country . Hawaii und Canada ulnlc next with eleven per- sons per cur. Now Zealand is fifth with -12 . persons per car, while the ' United King- dom, Denmark, Argentina ami e France follow 'In order. ' 4 1 India hus the feweHt. num- 4 bnr ot automobiles, with one for every 3893 persons. 1 1 Matthew is iitiUis is upbte- t'reHHient J RAPm CITY, S. T). jOj BntjliQff, of New Vor MIR U 1101 UlUl'OUKIl in Cialiou , tff -tlllH.t fl'ieiHl, ConlidKe: t j ... "In the 25 years I haVe known Mi'a Coolidpu,- he has u I ways been. right1." i , 'wAl.ONE,' N.; :y. Movie folks desiring to wed in the Adirondiicks should have their divorce decrees with them. Betty Mttrirf Shelton, seennrio writer, had jiers. Alan Dwan, director, dldpU. have hla. No decree, no license, 'ruled the town clerk . And jlilr mai-rlnge was postponed ;n day amtll tho 'decree arrived. . 1 . -.,- Pa in base Motor Oil 100 per cent pure paracrine base, Ab General Independent Dealers. 1 - t ; t BRIEF SPORT NEWS J I I j "Attended jSamdchdir'' ' fl MiYank HHlelHn anrtMullUB "CellB 8011,, who are, young, toanlH Htai'H nf 'Inilaj.f plltjilduU thoViuno school In Stadium is Completed ! North Carolina's Hhuliimi Is coniideled, a full, 'three. montliB ahead of scheduled time. Greates Illinois Quarterback Polsy Clitrk, - Butler ' college coach, is considered the greatest quurterback In Illinois h'lstory. , Played With Champions : Hilly (illhert, who died recently, was u member ot the world rhnm. Ol'Trusty By Wotton ' " :( M THAT THING, )y V) I PONT THINK Y j4 V VOU Ll-EVJEI2. 1 I , SIX CYLINDERS SURCHARGED WITH POWER. PRODIGAL POWER, CONTEM P-; ;. SLOUGHS AND DETOURS. r:-:;: : . CK :: 5 r : 5 ) f ;v ; r Li' ? r ; M ; GRASP THE RIG WALNUT WHEEL OF 'i him jTHE ; GRPAT,. ;PQ DGP , S.ENIOR ANDFEEL f .. ,v ..... ::. rTHE URGE TO TRAVEL FAR AND FAgf : ..';,! ' ; YOURS IS THE LEFMIAND SIDE OF THE ::- iiifiTiwA virniviitf a Nil"- fiv ;TTiK:;,r.AT.Jsii, j-'-;. GO SEVENTY; ANY:: TIME YOU CAR ElJ ' J 4 OR DARE TO! MI RAC U L O US PER FORMANCE. -AND YOU'LL DRIVE DRIVE IT AN IT FOR YEARS It ' . ' v ;. tt .': , ".bM. Vij .:... . .','., J. O. Newland & Son . V .'''',. .'...-.. J' . ';'..'. , Phone 458 Roseburg, Oregon ; .-. DODBE 1 SEN ID EDAN pion New York Giants In 10B. It Youth In Yeara Winston Oueat, No. 1 on Ameri ca's nolo team. Is just Iwcnly-one years old. Praise for Carrigan The recent wlnnhiK streak of (he Boston Hd Hex has caused critics lo shower praitm on Till! CiutIkuii, nianugor, Fifteenth for Zuppke This will hn Boh SCnppkc's ftf 'oeulh year as coach at Illinois, First to Win Twenty f'lmrlfy Hoot, of t he Chicago Cuhs, was the first biff lenguo pitcher to win twenty games tills season. '- ' ' Only Have 12 Teams . Tim Mitr a has announced that tho National League or profession al foot hall cluliK will consist of twelve teams this year. TWO-PIVOT TURNS Left turns generally ate frowned upon, especially in busy parts of large cities. They can be avoided by keeping right a block ahead and then crossing at the desired corner. liut sometimes a left turn can't be avoided. So cars are permitted to take them, with the result in many cases of holding g up traffic in a jam. This is especially true if two cars going in opposite directions on the same street, want to turn left at the same corner. To doB this, one has to wait for the oth er. There's o delay at least, and generally a mlxup. Los Angeles has tried to solve this difficulty by making it 1 possible for two cars going in opposite directons to make a left ' turn at one corner at the same time. This is accomplished by pro-! viding two points in the street Intersection around which to ; pivot, rather than the one central point that has caused trouble. ; The diagram shows how this is done. The cars pass to the right of each other, there's no confusion and less delay for those going straight through, I 1'-: I M Genuine 13 Plate BATTERY Now $10.00 AND YOUR OLD BATTERY THIS OFFER GOOD FOR 30 DAYS C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. Rose and Oak Streets