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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1927)
SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1927. I f NEW TODAY 111 Speculative Fever It iH tin hi llmL "Nearly everyone suffers from some form or bjjw: ul ti ll vo fever." lie wine, uvold specu lative uml risky Hellenes. Invest anfoly at a fair rate bv depositing regularly with I IHs Jliuik. 4 Intercut Paid on Savings . h 'Accounts. TheKoscburNalional Bank Roseiur$,Ore mil TERRORISM STRIKES AT TRIAL JUROR (Continued from pago 1.) ! bad no misgivings us to his safe ly. Jlo is employed In. a ehoco lnH? fur: lory In Milton, ' During the investigation by Gov ernor Alvnn T. Puller into the- en tire cam., MoHardy had been called Tor . an Interview. Ho was in .the executive chum bar .ubput two bourn, ho said. Sln.ce llion, ho wild, ho hud received no throuls of tiny ' kind .' l. . v- Son Describes Crash "The first I know." mild Then- I 3 LIBERTY " Last Times Today Matinee Dally 2:15 What'a fllM wld, ullful,;deyastat tnqly ; b'oautiful -as thfc-'ocpirt .from ivhlch (she emerged! tie'il.' carry you, too, Ion the; hlghsVnBjof ro mnnoe and' ndvefifurel;!; ; with ..: ' 1;;" LARS HANSON ; ' i PAULINE STARKE MARCEL1NE DAY ERNEST TORRENCE , ; Directed by. ( . JOHNS.1 I l:':A i ROBERTSON ! f i HAL ROACHAHisRascals TIRBD A ... Patlie News Mat. 10c-25c Eve. 10c-35c Coming Wednesday and Thursday A DOUBLE BILL VERA REYNOLDS in "The Little Adventures" and "Love Makes 'Em Wild"- With an All Star Cast, Both Comedy Hits of the Season. (8sm6potanW f" fShoughlf I J dire, from lime k ' " to lime, have juti one objeel-lo make you Intuit more about a nted that may enter your life at any moment. , DOUGLAS FUNERAL ''' . HOME : H. C. Stearns, Mgr. , Hut. 1920 . ,. , ; l'hono 112 ' ; ( , Lady Attendant 82 dore MoHardy, " foliml. myself on tho Moor of tho little whore Jaek and I had our rooms. ' r thought at first 1 had simply fallen out 'of bed in" ft nightmare or something' of the kind, li rid then suddenly the floor begun' to shuke under' mo and 1' heard a dull roar, followed by a atrahge humming sound like an ulr plane i,he .distance. , t( , . "'l'h. door ,l',ull l)i upon 'me, the glass tit. tfit window frll Hinntth(ng on. (ho floor 'and, hofor,o I, yns really., awake tho .roof opened ,ip and j e'onUl, Hoe the sky' , ' ' v (Ho said he groped bin way lo f,he room Jin' whlcti .jjtH brotjior, ,.Iaek. hti boon sleeping and Lite two tlien fceurche,!! j'ur( their sister,' and led her out tlirpuKjijij Jiolo It Ihy Hide of 'tho house., .They went back af ter I heir, parents and I'otjnd their mother' lyliig o the floor, cut ami bruised, and th'oli; ty'lhor groping about, livtlip debris.' , t. ' ,,('. Arguments Submitted ' nORTON; Aug. ix ld.Four ' Jifo tlces of the NlasHitchuselts supremd cotirt, sitting an the full1 bench, to' day hoard arguments oil the 'excep tions taken by counsel 'for Nicola Sueno and Ilartolomoo Van.otti; to decisions made hy Judge1 Wohsler Thayer of the superior' court and Justice tloorgo A. Sanderson of the supreme court. - There' weroiLw.oV hills 3 tfi -exceptions. The flrstwfts to' the denial t Justice Handeraon.of a wrlttof error for -which, defontie couushI had petitioned on the ground that the defendants' constitutional rights had boeu violated by the alleged projudlco of Judge Thayer, who presided at their trial for mur- dor. The Becond ' bill oxcepted to 'Judge Thayer's refusal to grant a hew trial, a revocation of sentence! or a Htay of execution. -Exception also was taken to his refusal to decline lo hear the motions and to request thai another superior court Juugo be assigned to hear them. ; TEN DAYS FREE TRIAL VTe will deliver for your approv al our famous "iMoor-Rest" double deck bodsprlng and let you. use it for ten days without charge. If you wish to buy we will allow you ft good price Ion your old spring aa part pay. These springs are sold regular at ?2u.U0. As a special in ducement during the-dull ".season wo are offering those at the low cost of $15.00. Wo guarantee these lo give perfect service and to lust 20 years. Phone us or write, or best of all come in and see these springs. Wo carry a full lino of beds, springs and mattresses. Pow ell Furniture & Hardware t'oni pany,'2:s and 240 Norlh Jackson St., jtoHCburg, Douglas County, Oregon, l'hono G3S. in Hit Clrtiull Oom-l of the Hlntv of Oivboh Tor DuiiKhi.t t'ounlv, l. It. Alkliihon. I'liihiiiff. vm. .Iimeplihn' Alklnsim, hrfoniliiut. To JeHi-phtiM' AlktiiNini. tin' al'nvo niiiufil tl.-ffiiilunl : In tin' tmnif of tin Sttt of Or(.- Kon: Vim r hi'ri'bv lctintrcit lit tip- Pai' tiiul miswt'f tlu1 conipliilnt rttnt .iHtilnni yon In the ahmtt (MitithU Miiir( tuiil cnuNe, on in- htMtiri' thi t'Mtlriitloit of lln time proMt'tltiiMl hi the drih'r ftir I'uhllin lion, tii-vlt on r !n-fm ih fpiniiun t rnur I wt'ek riftn the Unto of ttn first pul.lirutliMi li.-ifof, uml If you full 1 lo nppi-ur or iinswor for want Ihoro-j of. pliitntlff will nvy to tho vonrt l for tho n-liff pnivtMl for In ilo t ompliilnl wliti h i in wubstam'o tin ; follOWNl Kor n .b'orco of tlift oonrt dH noiviim tho m;itri"Ko contrtu't now1 'Xlfttlnn holwoon htm ntol doti-ml- 1 not it ml fur f Hi h nthi-r n ml ftirihi-r i rt'lfcf uh to tht. rourl inny Ht'Oin i Jhhi ami ?rojr. Thin MUiiiniMiiH In pwlillMifil piirmi ant to Mil orrior of th Konornhlr- , J. W. Hamilton, oiri'uit JuiIkp of1 PoilKln Comity, (irt-gnn. in tut i Qtn i entcrt'd Aurusi tlth. )M7, unit the,1 fh-st puhliiiitlon hiM-pof t nniclo on ) the ISlh day of AuRust. IftL'", and tho lust pnttHiMttltin horonf l nnulo on (ho Ulh 1iv of S.'Ott'in'tfi-. 921. IIOWAHD M. ItnoWNKI.l Altortx-y for Plaintiff. Hf.5l1l.MiC mm address; l-'.uKone, Oronon. DUE TO FLOODS Wells and Streams Showing Unusual Amount of Pollution This Year. Tho wells, springs, crooks , and rlvorH of tho county am showing an uuiiHiifil amount of pollullon and contaniliiatloii this year, according to reports from the state board of health whore samples of water from the various streams have boon tested in the laboratories, J)r. I.araway, county health officer, has been securing numerous sam ples from wells and streams and with few exceptions the- tents show tho proHenee of injurious bacteria. In some caHos particularly thore Is a great deal of pollution, this be ing especially true In the Oanyon villo and liays1 Creek sections whore several cases of typhoid have already resulted. While no definite reason for this condition has been advanced It is generally believed that the bad floods In February are responsible. The water was higher at that time than at any other period for more than 40 years. This resulted in the flooding of numerous open wells and the seepage of much sur face water into drilled or filled wells. Then too a groat deaL of refuse wuh washed -Into tho rivers to' contaminate the streams and now that tho water Is down to the low level; and hot weather has come on the streams are showing a great deal of pollution. At Canyouville the city council Is preparing to call a special meet ing to consider a bond Issue to pro vide a municipal - water- system where' the water for domestic use can he treated and kept pure. If It Is decided to -go ahead with the proposition fin oleeiiou will he called soon. Keveral cases of ty phoid havo resulted from- tho use of wafer from private wells In that locality and the residenci are quite nrouHed over thw sltua-llon. t . : The water of the South ,Ump(tia at Umpqua park has. been declare:! unfit for bathing and sampler have been secured at Winston and Can yonvlllo (0. aicei'talir whether or not the .entire strain is fuiffiilent ly containipated to Condemn it for bathing". ,- Hapipleif have also been sent 'from' the North 'Umpqua and are being , tesled,. ., . ; The water used for domestic pur poses, In J.ho city 'in ' tested every w.eek by thq siate hoard of houlth, and .eyery .possible Wfi.gnard is be ing .placed around the city's ,up ply. f The tests, hav,e shown (hat pur.o, wulor !(ls belli,; furnished' the city residents anp,. po coiuajnlmi tipp 1b present. (,,As ill lit Is . vacation season and piimy ,, persons are oanipln?! leslde streams and rivers, and are, taking wuler, frutu muosted our res, it in advised, that all water med lor drinking purposey he jjolled as the contamination . ,h so widespread that every , precaution to. prevent typhoid should be takon. ' SURVEYS GIVE . VISION OF NEW i RAILROAD LINE (Continued from page 1.) plausible ' explanation of tho pres ence of the surveying crews is that the Rogue River Timber company is seeking an 'outlet fon its hold tugs and with other interests In endeavoring to determine If a rnil road can be constructed at not. too great a cost, Into the Klamath area. .-;.. Two old surveys of the Pacific and eastern line run through this section. One survey runs southeast erly towards Klamath Falls, tho other towards Rend. James 11. Owen, general man ager of the Owen Oregon company plant said yesterday that ho did not know anything about the pur pose of the surveying crews or by whom they were employed. He said that he had heard reports of one crow being at work, and another one coming this week. News of the death or Frank Saga herd, aged about rf years, a well known resilient or the lower Ump qua dlntrlct. was received here hint night. Mr. Sagaberd had been at the Mnrshfield hospital since July I suffering from a malady from which he was unable to secure re lief. Ho was a member of n pio neer family of the Seotlsburir dis trict, where he ws born, and for all of his life he has been n resi dent of that section. He was em ployed when unite voting !s mi engineer on a river boat and for more than 30 years operated the Sleanmr Kvn between Scottshiirir and Winchester Pay. He wns the owner of this vessel whieh for years made recular trips in alt kinds of weather and under all kinds of conditions. Mr. Sapalwrd passed a Picturesque life and be cause of his contact with tho nub ile won ninny close friends. He is survived hv n widow and one daughter, Margaret. Mrs. Sarnberd Is a dnuchter of Mr. and Mis. J. II. Ruders of Rosebnnr, The funer al will be held at Rrottfrhunr to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. From Days Creek Mrs. R. Fate of Oayn Creek snout the morning In this rttv vbHing with friends nnd shopping. iltOOM FOR ItKNT Phone 295-J.; J 323 S. Stephens. j i WANTKIJ Furnished houses""lo j j rem. Phone 55-H. - I j FOlt HaM Stx:, ripe waieniiul ! ons, at new stand. i. Coon, Jjlt-I j lard, Ore. I lif)7WR "ROAnSTKil This our is j a gift lit ?50.o0. C. A. Jx)ckwood j .Motor Co. j f 0JSTJurtwetiii Oliver plaeji aiid j Glide, balloon tire with rim. W. i RJVice, (Jlde. I 20.0(l"XrBKl) FOItDWlil rim a long ways yel. C, A. Lockwood -Moior Co. PIPE, PIPK, PIPF All "sizes. New) i and second hand. Farm J)ureaui Kxchango. F()H""hAMC 'o. 1 baled ul fulfil hay at J, h. Potvlu's janch, Car- j den Valley. j DUSTING SULPHUR- Dry mix ! sulphur, efficient for brown rot. Jjenn-Cerretsen Coj s F7RSA LE FI ve sows with G dgs each, 2 wks. old, $10 each. John O. Vedder, Roberts Creek. FOR' RENTTwo-room f uTnished house. $7 mo. See elevator man, Perkins Itldg. FOR SALE Singer sewing ma chine, electric, new, half price, j-ash. 427 East Douglas. ' MARCH hatched " Ancona " pullets at 50c and 7Tc each until August VI. Eima Dubell, CanyonWllo. OASKNUlNES Fairbanks Morse engines uo better and low in price. Farm llureau Kxchango. WANTED Experienced well dig ger and husky helper to dig rock well. R. Allen Lee, opp. golf club. ' FOR SALE Underwood iypewrit- er. Now keyboard aud parts. Koasonable. Call 403-R,, or 112 Brockway St, LO ST 1 lo t we e u Wool worth's and Churchill's iidw., man's gold El gin watch. Iteward. Return News ltevlew. , . G II . P. gaa ""engine, Fairbanks Morse, used very little. Also l'i h. p. in good condition. Farm Bureau Exchange. FOR SALE A slxteon-valve-heali complete for a Ford. As good as new, $35. Win. Deardorff, 112 Brockway. Phone 403-R. ' FORDSI0llAN 192 "model, good tires, 1027 license and runs good, for $50.00. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co. - ' $05 "WICKER ; buggy, Ivory, on- , amel, crib, .'mattress ami baby's bath tub like new, all $35. A .big bargain. 705 E. 6th St. , - . , ! WATER " ' SYSTEMS (let our prices. It-costs very little to in stall one of our. home .water plants. Farm Bureau Exchange. FORD" TO U RI NG :1 92 l7no w Tm'i'nT, three new tires, li!27 license and motor In good, mechanical, condi tion, 5140. , C. A. Lockwood Mo tor Company. FOR SALE Angora UucKs, only a few left,, they are of tho best, blooded goats in the .stato, also a, few does., D. ,W. ,Fate Days Creek, Ore. f , , REMEM PER tomorrow" is ourfegu lar Wednesday chicken dinner at. 40 cts. Come and see how you like It. Opposite ,the Auto ;Park, Golden, Rule. . , FOR SALIC 2(i00-acre catlle ranch, 250 head ' of cattle, 52 hogs, horses, fully equipped; well-Improved. :A. bargain., See . L, O. Maddux, -101 N. Jackson. . WA "NTH I ) SI ighTl y used o ve rs I itf -fed set, rugs and bedroom furni? lure. Must be In good condition and reasonablo. Phone (J15-R be fore 12 a. in. FORR ENT Furnished a p tTTiard wood floors, furnace, electric stove, garage, strictly , modern, with or without linen. 02 S. Main. See G. W. Young & Son. LOSTKIutkf Tenf 'in bundle, be- , tweon Wilbur and Roseburg. Re ward. Return C. O. D. to J. Thompson, 1M Pierce Ave., San Jose. . ; WANTEDPi-lvate money for , good real estute loans. Calls for $1000 and $1250. Will pay S'P in terest. Also can use larger sums. G. W. Young t Sou, lit) Cass St. l1hone417. FOR'SALE 6-foom bouse, full basement, two large lots, sandy loam soil, pears, apples, berries, extra value $1300. Terms. Also good furnished house to rent. Chas. Kyes, 82( N. Jackson St. FOR SALE Grey oats and vetch S5c bu. (32 lb.). Vetch and cheat (lots of vetch) 52.115 per 100 lbs. Also barley and wheat. Call be fore Friday, Aug. JUtli. Oscar Weeks, Ruckles, Ore. FORSALE Work team, about 1200 lbs., also saddle or pack horse. Lost, blue endgate of truck bed, between Deer Creek bridge and top of Winchester street. T. A. Troxell, Winchester, WANTED Windmill tank nil tower In good condition; gaso line engine washing machine; trapsnests; pipe if lo inch. Iron or galvanized. Slate prices. Address "Windmill" care News Review. A LOAN on" the homeT A mort gage loan. If made in terms con venient for the borrower to meet is no great burden and often en courages thrift. Our plan costs you less and has many attrac tive features. Umpqua Savings it Loan Association, Douglas Ab stract llutldtng. TEN" DAYS Kit EE TRIAL -We will deliver for your approval our famous "Moor-Rest double deck bedspring and let you use u ior leu uays wiiuoui marge, ii you wlslfc, to buy we will allow you a good price for your old spring as part pay. These springs are sold regular at $20.00. As a speclnl inducement during the dull season wo are offering these at the low cost of $15. On. Wo guarantee these to give perfect service nnd to last 20 years. Phone us or write, or best of all come in and see these springs. Wo carry n full line of beds, springs and mattropses. Powell Furniture and Hardware Com pany, 23S and 210 North Jackson St., Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. Phone MS. SALE NOW ON Men's Shoes Women Shoes BUY NOW AND SAVE Repeating our time honored custom of a new stock for a new season this Clearance gives you the twice-a-year opportunity to buy better shoes for less. Out where you can e asily see them arid grouped in sizes for your convenience you can see at a glance the shoes you want. All our short lines and discontinued styles are offered at a fraction of their- value. All the above taken, from our, regular lines arid.' formerly sold fom $4.00 s . '.' ' i- . . ':, ,.: j ! fOR SALE Two good milch goals; one about, li years old, tho others ubout five months. f $15 will buv the two. Arthur R. t Weeks, Ruckles, Ore. J. OGDEN ARMOUR !; DIES IN LONDON ! . ; ' i ' fjsrifrlutpd l'rpw LftiiBod Viro . LONDON jtAugr; lti, Ogden Armour, heiid of Armour and com pany of Chicago, died here today, j aged till yours. He was the oldest spit of Phillip D. Armour, Sr. found- j er of tho great, packing industry I that bears his name. j J. Ogden .Armour assumed com- plele control of the packing estab-j lishment upon, his father's death in ii)01. Under his management 'the j company's business grew,? "from 61X2,000,000 a year to one billion j h. yer- By opening world t maiv )iets through South American suh (iidaries, the younger Armour broke the valuable monopoly held py P.rltlsh interests in. the cattle business of Argentina. Today there )tre flvo Armour ; plants' south of the Equator, 15 in 'the" ITnlted ;Slates, and one in Canada. Thore also are approximately 400 branch houses' In the United States to fa cilitate distribution. KELLEY, WILLOS PLEA NOT LIKELY TO SAVE LIVES SALEM, Ore.. Aug. 1G. Will R. King, of Portland, who Was at torney for James Willed and Ells worth Kelley at their trial in the lower court, appeared before Cov- ernor fatierson to ask commuta tion of their sentences from death to life imprisonment. They nre to be hanged next Friday morning for their part in the prison break of August 12, li)2". when two prison guard 3 were killed. ; King tohl the governor that the appeal to the United States su preme court had not been pres ented properly by the attorney who were retained in the case at that time. Also ho emphasized the point that neither of the two did any shooting at the time of the break. Numerous appeals are reaching (he governor for executive clem ency but Indications are that he will not Interfere. o From Glendale - George Oiinghouso, city marshall ,'nf f.lomlale. made a brief business trip to Roseburg todny. DANCE Every Wednesday Night Rainbow Gardens WINCHESTER Music by Star-Six Orchestra :5e IRVIN v i Shoes That Satisfy tnd Fit? Fleet 1 BABY AND PRE-JSCHPOl, CLINIC By i & f $ 'i - Dqugl as Cbunty Health Unit 4- i l iii.. M i! i7;i-4 p. m. Office In Courthouse, Roseburg Elite Pleaters ... J ; :, . ,i f f . . .- , Ali .Kinds of "pleating ' and ; ,ii t Button Making, ii PHone 1B7-R 610 So. Main CHIROPRACTORS ; Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 327 Wsst Cass Phone 491 "LINOLEUM" For every room In the house. . Powell Furniture & Hardware Co. 238 N. Jackson St. DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting of Qlassos. 116 Jackson St. "MATTRESSES" Our 50 lb. Pelt Mattress li All Quality. Powell Furniture Co. 240 N. Jackson St. FIRE HAZARDS are Increased during this season of Ihe year. Play safe by carry ing adequate Fire Insurance. Our agency Is at your service. We write all lines of fire and automobile insurance. G. W. Young & Son INSURANCE 116 Cats St. Phone 417 BRUNN , ?e. ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. ; 1 j ' 1 ' Established 1901 M. E. RITTER, Manager Iff Founded and MaintalnetJ 'tin Efficient ? ' i il.A V Si AMBULANCE SERVICE U : I .1" i ! Licensed Ladv Phnn PH'4 lIS Oak and Kane'Sts. t Preliminary ; preparations are now being made for the Older Girls' Conference for southern. Ore gon to be held in Roseburg during the latter part of September. The exact dates' have not yet" been de elded upon but within a few days this matter will be settled and no tices will be Riven and Invitations sent out to the various organiza tions of the district; . . . Mrs. Jean M. Johnson, director of religious education for the stote of Oregon, and head of the girls' conference work In the state, will be in Hoseburg in the near ruture to meet with the t Roseburg Wo man's club and the high school girls and will make the detailed ar- OLDER GIflLS TO ... MEM ill Last September ANTLERS THEATRE : STARTING WEDNESDAY 1 ' Matinee Dally, 2:00 P. M. ''' 1 r For Feelings, Fists rem iMi'illljlHI!1'! Comedy, "Newlyweds Matinee 10c-25c LAST TIMES TODAY GLENN "PAINTING : ( 1-' Embalmer rangementa for tlie! conftjren'cb that time. ' ? : , The Roseburg Woman's Club, the Uftfpqua Chiefs and Squaws and (lie Chamber of Commerce are to cooperate in the preparations for the conference. f J It is' asked that residents of the city be prepared to open their homes. 'for the entertainment of the visiting girls. There will bo ap proximately three hundred of the older' girls ;in Roseburg ' for Ibis meeting and Roseburg people will be expected to take these girls In to their homes and provide bed ami breakfast for them for' two days and nights. A committee to secure reservations will - be : appointed within a short thne and' accommo dations will then be listed. PORTLAND SWELTERS (Associated Press Leased Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 16. Just as hot us yesterday" was Ihe promise of the weather bureuu this morning. The reading at 10 u. in., was 78, the same as yesterday at the same time, and the weather bureau expected yesterday's maxi mum of 84 .to be reached this af ternoon. Humidity with a minimum of 25 per cent was indicaled. 1 and Funny bones! !B.!SH HEARTS MMWAVOY JASON ROBARDS WARNER RICHMOND-KATHLfcN KET WARNER BR0S.PRODUCT1ON Novelty, "Golf" Evening 10c-25c-3Sc TRYON in THE TOWN"