ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1927. THREE Some, Of The Are In The Dole Air Derby "1 8,. Capt. C. W, Parkhurst Jack Frost L 1 '.r?? Cv J v. Navigator Al Hentey (left) and Pilot Bennett Griffin of the "Oklahoma They drew first starting position in the flight. KIWANIS CLUB MEETS Thp Klwanla Club's meeting to day was featured by A talk by Ted Post, a former member of the club, who has returned to Roseburg to Aviators Who Ralph Lowes Miss Mildred Doran, pretty school teacher of Flint, Mich.. Is on her way to Honolulu. Auggie Ped lar Is piloting the plane in which Miss Doran hopes to be the first woman to fly across the Pacific. She is taking along her pet, a Great Dane puppy. Pedlar and his com panion flew first from Flint to Selfridge Field, Detroit, where a barograph was to be installed in their plane. j (Major) Livingston Irving reside. The meetfng was Baddea- ed by the announcement of the death of Mrs. N. Illce. wife of the president of the club, anil the Kf wanians voted to attended the fun eral services an a group. X&N f If r t. T'J, J LOCAL From Cleveland Return to Portland . Theodore Reynolds of Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jlunuou re wan lit this city yiHltiiig on .Mn.i- turned to l'orilund thia morning at day aiHM ihmmi. ; ler a visit here with S- 3- Jones. From Elkton Mra. Mudtson ami hoii of Klkton were Kosi'liurg visitors for u inw hours on Moiuhiy. . From Dixonville Mr. mid Mrs. lla.rry Huhn of Dixonville spent Mouduy ufurnoon in Itosetmrg vitiitiiig with frloudti and shopping. Business Visitor Fred IJyron of Olalla was here for u few hours on Monday at tending to bu.sinebH uituiid uud iradiugt Visiting In South Miss Vera Kloiti, bookkoopor at the HoHuburg Natlonul Hank, luCL Monday on a two wnuka' vacation in the south. She will vi.sft with a ulster in Santa Barbara, Cal. In Monday Walter Vashaw, Looking Class rancher, wua in Hoseburg attitnd iug to business affairs ami visiting on Monday. Canyonville Men Visit J. C. Talbot and son, Paul Tal bot, of Canyonvlilo, spent Monday afternoon in this city looking after businuHH affairs. Newcomer Buys Ranch-- liarry I. Collison, recently of Long lieach, Cal., has bought U. G. McLuughlin'ii 23-acre ranch on Deer creek, tour and one-half miles east of Hoseburg. He will raise poultry and rabbits. Leave for Nevada " Mr. and Mrs. W; Newell Wright ami daughters, Dorothy and Jean, left this morning lor their home at Curl in,' Nevada, after a visit here with Mr. Wright's lather and brother. W. S. Wright and J. Wen dall .Wright. t ; ;, Returns to Eugene Uichurd C. Ring has returned to Eugene after spending the week end here visiting at the home of Mr. uud JVlra. Grant Wilcox. Mrs. King and baby, who have been hero since last week will remain with her parents for another week or so. , To Eugene . Mrs. C. M. Runynn and baby, of Eugene, who have, been visiting their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilcox, during the past week were joined in this city over the week-end by Mr. Run yan. The family returned to Ku gene yesterday. Visit Weaver Home ' Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Weaver of Myrtle Creek were the hitter's brolher and wife, Mr. and -Mrs. K. Schepf, of Wash ougal, Wash. They were married at Vancouver curly in the week and cume to southern Oregon on their honeymoon trip. ' . ' Wm. Berdtne Visits Win, lierdine, of Carnes, visited here with friends today im his way home from a trip to northern! points. Mr. Berdtne. with bis brother, D. F. lierdine, and family, of Aberdeen, who visited at Carnes on their vacation this ' summer, left a week ago by auto, touring into Washington. Their trip in cluded visits In Graya Harbor, Washington, Hoods Canal and Olympla. . Enrotite home Mr. Ber dine visited in Portland. Visiting At Eugene Mrs. J. C. Grant of Long Beach, Cal., leaves Tuesday for Eugene to spend a week with friends. She has been spending the past week with her sisters, Mrs. H. C. Pars low and Mrs. L. L. Bell ol Rose burg. On her return here she will be met by Miss Lnura Dorman, an other sister, who lives in Pasadena, Cal., but has spent the past three months visiting in Minneapolis, Minn., Boston and other eastern cities. Both will spend. some time here before returning to California. Try" Breakfasts that "stand by you Say Business Heads If Draggy Mornings Hold You Back Quaker Oats Widely Urged ' RECENT commercial investiga tions show that almost 70 of the day's important work in office?, stores, etc., falls into four short, bc-fore-luncbeon hours. Likewise, 809& of the day's important classes in nearly every school and college in America fall, too, into the same period. Thus breakfasts of wcll-balancetl, complete food food that "stands by" you through the morning are being urged widely today by experts. Quaker Oats, containing the ex cellent food balance of protein, car bohydrates, minerals, vitamine "B" and the essential laxative "bulk" of oats is ideal food for that purpose. No other cereal grown compares in food balance. Delicious and en ticing, Quaker Oats corrects the mistake of inadequate breakfast eating. Start now with Quaker breakfasts. Note then your mornings. Grocers have Quick Quaker (cooks in Z'A to 5 minutes) and regular Quaker Oats. Quaker Oats NEWS On But in ess W. G. Paul, resident of Dixon ville, was a business visitor in this city for a brier time ou Moiuhiy afternoon. On Business , ' FriiR Stauffer,' of Melrose, was In tills city for a t)w hours Mon day attending to business affairs and trading. Visiting In Drain Mrs. N. V. Combs arrived this morni.'ig from Coos Bay and spent a brief time herore going to Drain where rthe will visit with friends. Visitor IVonday ATrs. Otto Matthews, of Melrose, spent several hours Monday fa Hoseburg visiting uud uttending to business uf lairs. Visitor Monday E, Thompson, of llmpqua, was attending ti business mutters and trading in this city during a brief time Monday. From Melroso - Mrs. ()scar Hanson' und Miss Pauline Hansuin; of Melrose, were in Hoseburg sliopping und visiting friends Monday. Mrs. Bond Visits Mrs. Perry - Biond, resident of Glide, was a visitor in Hoseburg Monday afternoon, and was attend ing to business affairs. From Brockway . Mrs. Verno Hixon, of Brockway, spent several houm in . this city yesterday visiting and looking af tor business affairs. . i. Winchester People Visit Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall, of Win chester, were here for a brief time Monday . ufternoon attending to business matters. . ... Bachers Home ' . : Dr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Baoherhave returned homo , from Portland where they spent several days lost week enjoying a visit with friends. In Monday , J a : is , i v ; ' Mrs. OBcar, 'Bnckljind, resident of Melroso, .was' a. Visitor In this oily -Monday afternoon-, und was looking after business matters. Mr. ami Mrs. C. AV, Hughes, who reside in. Garden Valley,, were l Hoseburg Mpiiduy .afternoon shop ping und Irunsacting business. (l Here for Day-rjM , " M i : .Mr., anil Mrs., fVM.. Boyd were here, jtodnyj from, (their summer home above Honey Creek purchas ing supplies iund ! visiting friends. Here from Eugene - ; . Mrs.. Herbert Bellows, - former resident of this city but, now ma Ic ing her home In Eugene, is here visiting with relatives pnd friends. Home from Eugene , Miss Theluia New hard returned home thia morning from Eugene, where she has been visiting at the homes of Mrs. It. Hamburg and Mrs. 'J. B. Sullivan. , , , , . To Fortuna Miss Constance Hendrlckson left this morning for Fortuna, Cal., where she has accepted a position as home economics supervisor hi the public schools for the winter. Embroidery Club to Meet ' The meeting of the Roseburg Art and Embroidery Club will be held Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock ut the home of Mrs. E. E. Morgan, 71f Bogard Avenue. i Return1 to Missouri . ; Mrs. E. B. Mace and sons, who have been the guest of Mrs. Mace's mother, Mrs. Ida A. Staggs, In this city for the past nine weeks, left this morning for their home in Springfield, ' Missouri. Hotel People Visit Mr. and Mrs. H. McKeown of Redding, Cal., were overnight guests of the Umpqua hotel on their way to Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, B, C. Mr. McKeown Is owner of the new Redding hotel. Home from Vacation Miss Esther Edman has returned home after spending a week en joying a vacation at northern points. She was the guest of Mrs. Harry Maybee In Portland and al so spent a few days in Longvlew, Washington. Here from San Francisco Miss Frnnces Chapman returned Monday afternoon from San Fran cisco, where she has been spend ingthe past several weeks viniting wiih relntlves. She will be here 1 during the winter with her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mur ray, and attend school. En route, California Mrs. Robert Dutton. of Wilming ton, California, left this morning for her home after a visit In Coos countv with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Laird accompanied their daughter here from Sftkum and visited here today before their return home. Undergoes Major Operation Word has been received here that Miss Ruby Sanders, former resident of this cltv, underwent a major operation In a Portland hosnltal Wednesday. She in re ported to be doing nicelv. Miss Panders In the sister of Mrs. R. I. Hrorklev and Jack Sanders, of Roseburg. Dpunhter Born Former Resident Friends of M and Mm, R. E. Patterson, of Klamath Falls will be Interested to learn of the birth of a daughter to them on August 1 3. The baby has been named Patricia Ann. Mr. "Patterson Is a former resident of thia clv and in the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Pat terson who make their home hero, Visitor Today . Frank Roberaon, superintendent of tho Pickwick stage company, was here from Portland toduy at tending to company business. Visitor from Elkton A. M. Cheever, of Elklon, waa In this city over Monday viHltfng and looking after business affairs. Miss Brown Visitor 4 MIhs Bessie Brown, of Camas Vulley, was in Roseburg Monday ufternoon visiting with friends nnd shopping. To Visit Friends Walter Welker loit this morn ing for Rice Hill to spend a week vlsitlm? with friends and enlnvine a vacation. Enroute North A. Mosler, manager of the Eldon hotel, at Glendalo, stopped In the city this morning, enroute. north on a business trip. Lft For Portland John Hemlren left this morning for Portland where he will nttend the wedding of his brother und visit with friends for a day or so. Left for Portland Mrs. J. R. Hall of Myrtle Creek was u visitor in this olty today on her' way to Portland where she will enjoy a visit with friends for two weeks. Returns to Salem ' Mrs. F. H. Ireland of Salem re turned to her home this afternoon nfter spending the pnst two months here looking u round with a view to locutlng. Visitors Leave Mr, uud Mrs. Bruce Bridges, who have been In this city for the past few days visiting, left this after noon for Eugene. Mr. Bridges Is employed at Oukrldge. Here From Riddle Today Mrs. J. H. Boyer, Mrs. Mary Welch and Mrs. E. S. Pruner nnd two children of Rtddle spent the dny here visiting. Mrs. Welch is the mother of Mrs. Boyer nnd the grandmother of Mrs. Pruner. Going to Crater Lake ' Mrs. R. M. Day, accompanied by Misses Cnrrlo and Laura Schragg, of Eugene, visited In this city for a short time todnv with Mrs. Dny's brother, F. E, AlV- They nro on their way to Crater Lake, Flnmath Fulls, Josephine Caves and Bnn don. f . Exoeted Here From Westfork Mrs. Frnnk Mengher of Portland and her aunt, Mrs. T. TX Burrv. of Westfork nre expected here Wed nesday. They' will, visit at the home of Mrs. ' Meagher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sloan. MrB. Mengher has been visiting In West fork for the past week or ao. . Back From Seattle . . , , Mr. and Mrs; D. E. Carr of Carr's Variety store and Miss Ethel Ack- orman.i of Yrokn, who have been attending the Buyers' , week pro grnm at Seattle, have returned to Rosobitrg. Miss Ackorman, who Is a cousin of Mrs. Carr, , is visiting In this city for a snort time Mrs. LaPorte Visitor ? Mrs. Lee LaPorte, formerly of this city nnd J nows making her home ,ln .Medford. Is 'a visitor hero today. 'Mrs. TaPorte has Just . re turned from a trio' to Missonln, Montana, where she spent nor va cation. While there she under went a major operation,, from which she has recovered nicoly. ) Left On Vacation Harold Smith, district mnnngor of tho Rvan Fruit companv, left the city the first of tho week for a three weeks' vacation and auto tour through Idaho and Montana. This is Mr. Smith's first vacation In three years. R. . Emmet Hold rldge will be in charge of the lo cal office until Mr. Smith returns, Visitors From Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gross nnd daughter. Miss Roma Gross, of Eu gene spent several hours here to dnv visiting and seeing Roseburg. While here Mrs. Gross had occa sion to visit with several old friends. They were favorably Im pressed with the city., stating that thev think Roseburg a beautiful little city. Mr.. Gross is employed On Trains and During Vacations lettnrH miiHt often ln written without . tho convenience of a deHk frequently In a hurry. LORD BALTIMORE Writing Portfolios are made for just such emergencies. The writ ing case cover, placed on lap. knee or chair arm supplies the desk, and the pnper in fahrlc fliiished stock of high quality. Complete outfit with 50 sheets and 24 envel opes. 50c Nathan Fullerton . Roseburg, Oreoon Kurdy's Surprising SEE THE NEW SIGN AND COME IN AT KURDY!S YOU SAVE MONEY T We have hundreds of items on our bargain counters which we, are glad to show you. Come in and get our prices. ' WE WISH TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Wonderful quality at bargain prices is suggested by the list below: 15c Old Faithful Muslin at 11c 22c Cambric at ............18c 19c Percale at v.......,....15c 29c Best Quality Gingham at ....24c 15c Apron Ginghams for .........lie 45c Peter Pan Prints for ...39c 25c Fast Color Prints a 19c Devonshire at 27c 22c 42-inch Indian Head Pillow Tubjng at ,.34c 36-inch Heavy Outing Flannel at .....15c 81x90 Best Quality Sheets for 92c 9-4 Sheeting at, per yard 42c 49c Everfast Broadcloth at 40c 49c Printed Broadcloth at ....................40c 69c Printed Rayons at ..48c Satin Maid Bloomer Cloth at 40c 59c Lingerie, at 43c Fast Color Plain Violes at ..25c 35c Printed Voiles at 27c $1.95 Silk Crepe de Chine at $1.49 $1.98 All Silk Georgette Crepe $1.49 $3.15 Satin Back Crepe at $2.69 $1.98 All Silk Taffeta at 98c Baronet Satin at 89c $1.1 9 Silk Vest Tubing at L.79c Bathing Suits at 25 discount. Men's Work Shirts at 1..69C, 89c and $1.10 $2.75 Men's Dandee Kpveralls at ....$2.35 Men's Overalls, extra heavy at $1.15 and $1.25 ; : , : . ' , ' ' ' ' ' Boy's Bib and Waist Overalls 98c 83c Value Children's Wajst Overalls .'...49c Men's Khaki Pants $1.65 ............,...v.$1.29 Men's Corduroy Pants, very low, prices. Men's Light Dress Pants, Gray $5.25, to $7.50 values:.:; .......$4.65 Children's Koveralls '.L 69c to $1.25 Men's Pajamas .... ......$1.69, $2.49, $3.49 Boys' Pajamas . ,.$1.19 Men's B. V. Ds. 79c and 98c Boys' B. V. D.s 49c and 59c Boss of the Road Carpenter Pants. extra heavy white duck $2.75' ......J..L.$1 .98 Men's Hose, 50c value for ....;....35c Men's Rookford Work Sox, 15c ' value ,(pi '. i-.'-i ...11c u; r.i .!s.HOES Ladies, Slippers and Oxfords, patent and Kid, values to $6.00 now for ......$2.29 Boys' Heavy Shoes $3.25 values now $2.19 1 5 discount on all regular stock of shoes. Men's Shoes, $6.50 to clear up '. $4.65 Ladies' Felt House Slippers '..i.. i.:...55c KURDY'S CANNERY TO START ' . ? Tho signing or the leaso and other pallors Incidental A tn ), IvnttMfnr nf ttlll Iltllll. qua Valley Cannery to Frank J. Norton, wnB uone luuuy uiu Mr. Norton is takinit over A Ihn npllvn ntlPI'ntioil of tllO plant at once. Clows aro to be put at work Immediately overhauling the machinery and equipment nnd koU'.hk the cannery in shape for the pear run, wineii win suiri about the last or this month. In the baggage depiutmont nt the Southern Pacific depot in Eugene. Reported III Mrs. 11. L. Droekley Is reported to be ill at her home on Kant Doug Ian street -with a light attack of pneumonia. BOYER TO MAKE FURTHER TEST OF "MYSTERY" METAL (Aisorlatoil I'reM Ijfliwd Wire) OUANTS PASS, Aug. 10. W. S. Boyer, division Inspector fr tho department of the Interior, arrived here this morning from Portland to continue his white metnl teHtn. Mr. Hover stated that he expects to de termine before he leaves if the metnl coincn from tho ore. He will be aided by Inspectors I'.unltt and Merrln. Mr. Hover asserted that all ores used would bo secured by him or one of his aides and that the furnnee In which teHts are made will he under gunnl by him or his men day and nlKtit- TODAY'8 BASEBALL Al Cloveland II. IT. R PhllKdHlphia fi 11 2 Cleveland 3 7 2 Hcttcrlps: Khrnkn nnd Cochrnmi; Mlllor, Grant, I,?VHfn, Drown and Snwoll. ALBIAN3 AND ITALIANS CLASH ON THE BORDER VIENNA, AuBlrla, Aur. IC.Dlfl jmlches from Hlgradp, thf Juro Kluvlan capital. Hay It in tfarnful Ihprn (hat Albanian fmldtnni and ItAtlan military InJilruntom rlanh pd ypfftTday at Scutari, and Hint thorn wir dead and wounded on both nldcfi. Quality Store Offers You Sweaters hnl $1.89 to $2.25 Ladies House Dresses for .. .. $2.25 Lnrge Size Ladies House Dresses .. '. $12.50 to $22.50 Ladies Silk Dresses' at .. '. $6.75 to $10.98 Ladies Wool and MEN'S DEPARTMENT Men's Two Pants Suits $34.75 English Cheviot' Silk $37.50 Suits at $34.00 Suits at $27.75 Suits at $24.74, Suits at, AO ?1; Sufta at Rovs' Snort $4M9 Value $4:98 'Value $2.98 Valuer $3.65' Value $3.98 Valuer QUALITY STORE THREE OUT OF EIGHT ARE ON WAY TO GOAL (Continued from phko 1.) podpfltriiuiH mudo thin epoi a Vice ca for a day. H'lie lniKP municipal airport, 825 ncreH of rnclaimed niarnlt land fliir raced wl I h poroun clay, bufitlod with excitement at an early hour. At the grayliiK dawn, race partici pants, employes and others con nected with the flight, heMun stir ring about. Mirny had pone throiiKh an nil niht vill on the field, hut tho appronch or tho zero hour proved a Bliimilua that quick ened tardy : Hteps and brought u new glow lo fogged .mludH. One Plane Ruled Out MUNICIPAL AlItPOHT, Oak land, Cal., Aug. 1f. The Air King, formerly tho City of Peoria, was ruled out of tho Dole flight lo Hon olulu by the pinning committee at 11:15 Q. m., Captain C. W. Sfiun der, chnlrman of the Dole flight committee, announced. The Air King may HlllI take off aH It has a department of com merce permit, but tho ruling of the committee makes It Ineligible for tho Dole flight prize, A rerheck of ganolJne consumption showed the plane had a fuel ntorago sup ply sufficient lo carrv It 2100 miles, 300 mllcH short of Honolulu. A conference between Chnrles W. Parkhurst, pilot of the plane, nnd Ralph Lowes, nnvlgator. with factory representatives of the builder, developed that the storage tanks were built ou the nssumn llnn that the plane would travel fli) miles an hour. Its tested cruising speed revealed that It I ravels only SO miles an hour at top Hpeed. -Hawaiian Welcome Ready HONOLULU, Aug. Ifl.-Hawntl In ready to extend one of her fa mous welcomes to the aerial vis itors entered In tho Dole race. Plana for the reception are com plete, even lo the promised coop eration of tho United Slates weath er man. Governor Wallnre II. t'arrtni t?n and other officials nnd nroml nent residents will be nt Wheeler Field at 5 o'clock WedneRday morning to awnlt the filers. That Is 7:30 a. m. San Francisco time. If the filers have enod lurk and make the trip from Oakland In 22 hours, par, for the diritanre. they will reach the Island of Oahii nt 7:P.O a. m. Honolulu time. Military nnthorHlns erectrd grand stand. to seat 3,000 nt the g YaMei f nrice. . One !ot.'; Boys" Wash Suits $1.49, $1.98, $2.98 Half' price. . . ... .5 ..'",;. !... 59c Girls' Nainsook Combinations at ....39c 49c Children's Cotton Bloomers at ....,...29c 49c Girls Sleeping Garments at .' ....29c Ladies' Cotton Bloomers at 69c ......55c $2.98 Ladies' and Girls' Khaki Suits $1.95 WE MUST CLEAN OUT THE SUMMER STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW FALL SHIPMENT THEREFORE WE OFFER THIS SACRIFICE ,IN DRESSES. ' ' '. , New line of Ladies Silk Dresses, values : at $12.95 and $14.75 now going v . "!' at : .....,...........$8.69 and $10.45 Little Girls' Dresses at half price. , ............98c ......$1.39 ..$4.98 Sport Silk Dresses for ;.$3.98 $7.75 Ladies Wool Jersey Dresses at $2,98 Boys' Two PahU Suits from 6 to ' I 7 yrs. $10 suit at $6.90; $7.90 suit $5.65 lined at $24.75 ..........$aa.75' ,i.....$24.75 ,.......$20.75 ..:..;....$19.50 ,....$22.50 Hats for school, light color, $,2.65 'value for ....;.....'.$1.90 Engineer nnd Fireman's Caps special at 09c . MEN'S HATS , , for ::.L.....i .L.. for ..'....'..Ui;....:. for u.i.i.;.... for ...u.,,,.;.;..::.,... for ..::.....i.;.....,.:..... .$3.50 .$3.69 .$2.15 $2.90 $2.98 EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES in hose , . .;: $1.98 Value Karleen Hose in dark , r. colors for ...:..'.:.;.. :...... '.. ..$1.00 Children's Ribbed Hose in black, ' brown, and grain colors. 3 5c value for 15c Children's 3-4 Hose, 45c value for ......23c landing field. Parking spacer for 8,000 automobiles 1b provided. Quick lunch rostaurauta have: been built to supply "hot dogs," ,mnd wlches, tea, coffee and other rood and soft drinks to the crowds.. Good weather conditions are pro dieted.. :.-. . , Germans May Give Up ' ' DI2SSAU, aormany, Aug,.U;, ProspectH of unother attempt at a tranH-Atluntlc tllgbt ure extremely 1 slight owing to the advanced sea son, one of tho directors of tho Junkers firm told tho Associated PreHS today, lie added, that even from the ffrHt, no flight waa con templated extending bey on. mid August. "Of course, our pilots are all en t h UHiasm for anot her try,'' ' he said, referring to failuro of,. tho pluncs Hremen and Kuropa which were turned back by ndverso weather on their first attempt. "Hut their views necessarily are subordinate to those who are fi-, nancing the flight enter prlse.r ' COLUMBIA BASIN PROJECT PRONOUNCED FEASIBLE (AMoolatwl Pre Loawd Wire) RPOKANK, Aug. 18. Members of the Irrigation and reclamation committee of the national Houso of ; Representatives, with1 their hosts, left this morning about d a spcclnl train for the Grand Coulee, site of a proposed high storage dnm for Irrigating the lands of; tho Columbia llasin project. Members of tho committee look a trip about Lake Pen Oreille, la Idaho, yesterday, nnd viewed Al bany Falls and other parts of the upner Peud Oreille River. Tomorrow a trip will ho made to Saddle Mountain, In the heart of the area It Is proposed to ir rigate, for a survey of the land. , Approval of tho projeet " was voiced by Representative Philip D. Swing of California, co-author of the Swing-Johnson bill for the de velopment of the Colorndo basin and by Representative Samuel Arcntst. of Nevada, himself a min ing and civil engineer, In news paper statements today. "From an engineering stand point, the Columbia basin project Is absolutely feasible and Blmrdo," Representative Arentz snll. "There ! are no serious engineering , diffi culties Involved.1 THAT'S ENOUNOH . "Let's Btop here and get a sand wich. " "Why? There's a rhlcken din n. .dnce Jud up the road. ' 'lat'a wb." Life.