i ; TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1927. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Dally Except Sunday by The Newi-Rovlew Co., Inc. " Th Associated Prus Ih .;ltilvuJy entitled lo the live for republi cation of ull iiivm dltiputiiUes credit fid to It or out other win credited In tliU pitpur and lu all luuul iiowu publlnhed heroin. All rigbu uf republic tlon of dtaimtelit heroin ttr utHu r nerved. B. W. JiATES JiJBKT O. BATKS. ..Ppsldeui it ml Managor ...Secretary-Treasurer JUniored an secoud class matter .May 17, Jt0, a, the poat office at Uoneburg, Oregon, under thu Act ot Man-h 1, 1879. ppurjE memm "3y IPEUTg.'B'ATES'-e SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sally, per year, by mall JJaliy, six mouths, by mall JLMiJy, three mouths, by mall ; , AJaily, single month, by wall . , ajaiiy, by carrier, per month -14.00 - 2.00 1.00 .60 .60 ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1927. DOWN WITH LAP DOGS. A few days ago tho annual convention of the National -Cosju huts' tpsocintion was held in Kansas City, and Kansas City therefore became the temporary style headquarters ol the country. ;'' ' i ' ' From this august body, in convention assembled,, came alanmiiib' news. The news pertained to the next fad of iashion which it is said American women will indulge in. "",' As the convention bulletin describes it, this new fad will decree that every woman seeking to be in style will procure and carry about with her a doll whose features are to be mo- doled after the features of tho woman herself. This dull shall have a wig, furthermore, imitating the coiffure of its mistress, and On all occasions this doll shall wear clothes of , the same cut and pattern as the lady herself. Lap dogs and lap cats and lap monkeys and lap raccoons will all be dis pensed with, and the doll double will come in. ; .' '. This ia interesting, but rather awful to contemplate, es pecially from the point of view of the gentleman who viill i loot the bills, for it will practically double the overhead on i leminine upkeep.'; A new tea gown for the lady of the house will mean a new tea gown for the doll. A new diamond pret- ly or a new pearl necklace birthday present for the better half will mean ditto for dolly. ' . : . ; ' 7 Such prognostications as these make it look like a hard winter ahead for indulgent husbands and butter and oir men. ' : ; j ,';!:! 1 j ' j ( It is a good thing for the fashion dictators to rally hoy; and then in other, spots than New York, and the trek of tin customers to Kansas City was good for the country, beyond : a d)ubt. It is rather surprising, though, that in practical .,IOtii8a,Qity such fol-de-rol could be concocted.! - -What ;tlvp country as a whole would like 16 bco would be a-fltyte 'conclave -ty Cheyenne, Wyoming, -whicircoiild assimi late hoi-se sense' aiiU Jiand down a decree making it frfshion- able for wonien of leisureto h)t'6 children. ' '. j . - . ,Ji-0 r ,'!.':. .' !' , , ; MAKING Til hT AIR SAFE. ! . : J '! . The national Jiiania fbrlli'olding confefenefc fibont every- - thing that needs fixing or doesnjt need fixing has 'resulted in-a general feeling of misgiving whenever ji now .conference .is '.announced, but Williami Hale Thompsoil's iiroposed eon : lore'iico to find ways for promoting public confidence in.njr- itlanes has a real job cut for itsolf. 1 - I -Of foremost importance, this: conference must agitato - for 'condemnation br all 'unsafe planes,' and must set up an airplane inspection service to which must be submitted- the ..Hying time records of all planesl , ' ' ' ) )' 1 ' When the Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the. 'Promotion of; : Aeronautics sent .out a summary of flying time for the past year, the statistical report was as notable for its blank spaces and cstjrout.es as it was for exact information. - , kj Artjiyj iriivy, and coast guard ' flying, were accurately tuLulafod, iof the services keep 'close tab on their work, am .when a plane has flown its allotted hours, it is junked. Com Mtirclal flying, too, was fairly well estimated. ' '' ' ' ' ''" ' But in addition to these two classes of aerial navigation', there are maliy private owners concerning: whose operations neither tho Department of Commerce nor .the Guggenheim Fund has accurate information. Where these individual op erators got their planes, how long they have flown, how safe they are, and how sale they are not, there is no way ol knowing, l'.efore the public risks its neck to any appreciable extent, it should have ample assurance that the joy-riding taxis of tho air are fit to fly. ..,,' For the second successive summer a county health offi cer has hoisted the danger signal over the swimming hole m the South l!mpiua river at Umpiiua Park. Tests of tin water reveal pollution, as they did last year, and the source ol the impurity either wholly or for the greater part is probably the same: excreta from livestock pastured uloin the course of the stream. Apparently there is no remedy lor the situation. The only alternatives for those who would swim in pure water are a natatorium in or near the city or a trip lo the North I'mpqua river. The first would involve a considerable sum of money, with decided uncer- lainty as to profits. The second may become an ultimate necessity for would-be bathers if serious illness should re sult from continued use of the local swimming hole in do fiar.ee of official warning. From the extent of the patronage oi' the swimming hole last summer and again this summer, it is evident that a large number ol' persons refused to take tho official pronouncement seriously. Perhaps nothing short of an epidemic w ill convince them. And until there are seri ous results, if ever, it is sale to predict that the 'ole swiiu niin' hole" will continue to be as popular as ever as a Mecca for local bathers. The fact that Coolidge "does not choose to be a candi date in lfKJH" means-nothing to a lot of influential politicians wlio are now endeavoring to coax him into the race. Mos' people seem to be of the same mind in reference to the presi dent's remarks that' he does not intend lo seek the nomina tion for president and o'l'forts to coerce him into the race vill not meet with any degree of popularity. The president has said a mouthful, so why not let it go at that. o Now, we have it from some astronomers studying I he titin thiit Old Sol is liable to "blow up" any minute. Then. Again, thoy State the "explosion" might not occur for a mill ion vears. We'll put our faith in tho last conclusion. All we nsk from the old boy is to cool dov, n a little Tha more wo see Of some people The more .... We like , ' Our da'wg. The Hawaiian air derby la on to day and we take pur derby off to'l the fellers who have the inleutinal fortitude to race through the ozone to a two-by-four Island in the mid dle of the Pacific. . The mercury also hopped off to day, settino a now altitude record. -, The Prince of Wales used a pitchfork yestiddy but we'll bet he dropped it soon as the movie cam eras quit clickln'. Sacco accepted a cup of beef broth and broke his hunger fast yeatiddy. Wasn't tiat a heroic thing to do? - . Wo note that the nun. Is gonna blow up. If the dern thing doesn't cool off within the next day or two we're &orna blow tip. r , I . Some kind reader brought ye .ed in a me6s of musk melons today. Now if some kind soul will step up and take out the 6eeds we might have enough strength left to eat 'em. , - ' .', . ' ' ' ' While hangin' a picture this a. tn. your correspondent slipped off'nt a chair, and broke a -coupla the ten comr.mr.drrentc. , As . tha picture wasn't scratched all is serene :n the household, provin' a, man ?la never a prophet In his 'cWn liame. i - 'i ., This Is the time of the year fer tlin bum vccalisto to git on the radio programs. The lisnenln' pub. cotiifiiiHslon ahull represent labor, Mic tliu emplu) era uiul I lie Ihlrd .the Htalu ut large. Prior lo lila up lioliiiiiient Kiugeruld. wuk for eight and unc-lialf yenru deputy atate -labor coiiuiilHsloiier. 1'ur 35 yearn he; luiu been u member of Die Interna-': llomtl ClKur Mnke.-K Union unit for Heveu yeura was fourth vlce-presl-. dent of that organization. Aa a aiFinber of the Portland executive board ditiinK the administration of Mayor UuhIiIIkIiI in JD12 and 1UU r iUKeralil was chairmitu of the po lieu committee, in lnH he was Krnduated from the Xurlhweat Cul lego of Law. EASEE4LL NEW MARCELLER A. 01. PenniKon who operates' the ileauty ilarber Shop at Myrtle Creek hua aa expert marc-eller In W. 0. Fuxatii, who will do tills work. Special equipment for treat ing scalp diseases. Ladies and ' Chicago STANDINGS OF LEAGUES (Hy The Associated Press.) V. I.. P. Oakland :.ts 6t San Francisco b2 til Keattle 7S 6a .Sacramento 71 72 Portland . 67 74 Hollywood Uti 7S Alisalous 1,4 80 SO Los Angeles National Kent' hair cutting a specialty. STATE TRAINING SCHOOL HEADS ARE MARRIED (Awmitlateil I'rcM Lruwl Wire) -KALF.M, Ore., Aug. 1(1. it 'lie uiiuo known iieru luuay liiat L. M. tillhi'ii, fiupcriulendonl of (ho Htate o-ainlng school for boys and Mrs. V.T.l Tucker, matron at the school, weit married last Sunday In Port laii'J. The wedding ceremony was pcn'nriiied hy Jtev. II. II. flrilTia, )mster of the , First Christian, church. In. his auuly. M7. aud Mi-h;) Gilbert are Hpen:ting tlielr honey moon at Mount Haluier and will be at home at tile school after August 22. , : , ...'.' Pittsburgh ... tit. Jxiilis New York .... Cincinnati ... 1 urooklyu lloslou Phlladeiiihla American New York ......... WaKhiugtoii Detroit Phlladeiiihla .... Chicago Cleveland St. Louis 'Huston 08 W. 68 63 61 Hi 411 . 47 44 W. 7!) 05 '60 60 53 47 41 36 .6-M .ti ,M .oli'J .4117 .475 .4.r,li .411 .371 L. 40 45 47 (0 01) 64 Oli 68 V 33 45 48 Dl 58 61 68 74 Si "CTOOY UAL CACU&AM PICTURES KN!Cti .401 .123 .41ii .376 I'. .705 .501 .6511 .540 .477 .423 .376 .327 WATER FOWL DISEASE TAKES . TWO MEN, TO WASHINGTON ( Aoiriull rreia l-Paicl Wire) j PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 16. L. T. Jesufi, United Stalea .asaociate drainage engineer of VVasiiington, D. C, will . leave tomorrow for KlumatU Falls to attempt to Holve the myterious deaths of water fowlK lu the fedei-al bird ' refugea at Klamath and Mullieur l;ikea. Hay C.Steele, United Slates game' war den here, will accouiiiiuiy hlin. o- DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Weather Ilurcau Office, Uoseburg,. Oregon. Data reported by Arthur W. Pugh, Meteorologist lie might think It Is just the static. I marge. ; , , - . i : llnrnme rfn nreSKiii'e (reduced to sea level) 5 a.' m 30.00 Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes terilay (per cent) Precip. in Ins. and 17! Hundredths: picture of" hisself In ;chapi,W'1"t,ln,,8,rlr0 U,Kr.rn,nrf n et . ''""pat temporaturo last night 63 tiny ' Normal, toinperaturo, for tils . ' Cal Cootld&e doesn't "choose" to j amplify his remarks regardin' 'his i not "choosln" to : run -agin. We! think Cal musta glanced at a news paper and BombrarDf and decidedf to hot take a -chance, with the fickle pub Mo agin. . - . . ;1 ilAFE 'PERKINS SEZ-f-f) "Soon as' it cools' off a Bit il'll finish this colyum." ; i I . ! I 1 1 1 1 ; , NEW OREGON OFFICIAL IS !: LABOR, REPRECENTjATiyE C,w-latr.l I'rrsa l.ciiiivl I I iSALICM. fire.. , Alls. III.- V. JI. Fltceratd. who on July I em-reed-' Average seasonal bi'ecin1: feertt'. ed v. A. Miir'sliall aa n iheniherjof j to May' lnpluslVe ..:..........T.;...31.12 tlin state' ImliiHti-inl' iicclilen't c(iin-( Forecast. -fbr 'sonlhWest O'regon: mission., . represents, .iaa, .tiki Mar- Fair 'tonight and--W'o'.lnesilay,. Cem Bhall, organled lalior. Tho law Iporafure above' nornlal with' low nf ilhe humidity. ' r I I - i". LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (Hy the Associated Press) Including games of August 15. National llatliug 1. Wauer, PlrateD, .3S3. Itims L. Waner, Pirates, ' 1)8. . Hits P. Waner, Pirates, 173. Doubles P. Waner, Plrales, 33. Triples P. Waner, Pirates. 17. Homers Williams, Phillies, 23. Stolen bases Frisch, Cardinals, 33. ..-' Pitching Penton, Giants, won 12; lost 3. . . American Halting Simmons, Athletics, '.;1. .- : .'; ....... Huns Gehrig, Yankeeii, 115. HltR-QflbrlK,' Yankees, 164. ' . Doubles Burns. Iiulians, 44. ' Triples Mnnush, Tigers, 15. Homers Gehrig, Yankees,- 3S. ' ' Stolen bases Sisler, Browns. 24. ' Pitching Hoyt, ' Yankees, won 17: lost 4.' i " Wee Bcouty'a plan sure sounJed good. The whole bunuU blurted Bfi-IUitB wood. The pelican that brought the tools had turned and liowu auuy. ha Id one, "lle'a bure a dandy bird. I'll bet you Mcuu.ty's wl.sh he heard. Now, if wo ull gut buHy we ciui make thiu work real Iilaj." 'i'tu-y gaiht'ii (I limbs from near by trees and put them in a pile I with ease. They lound a lot of! anialt oaeu and' Home mighty oneu, ' IJ. too. Wee focouty stood and boss-1 .U3U ed the work and saw that no one i rSJ I Hioimed to Kniili.-.ie realized tuev oo'-S I ail must help 'cause there wan j 554 i heaps to do. "I II do tha cawing." Clowny aaid. The others shoult u, "Gu ahead." And Clowny took the saw lu hand and pushed it to and fro. He'd lay the limba uion the ground and as lie sawed, he'd tura thfin 'rotind. It wasn't very long until he'd cut a lot in two. "Now find a spot of sandy loam, where we can build this little home," said Seouiy. Up spoke Carpy then, and said, "heave that to. me. I am a carpenter, you know and very shortly I will show you just the place you're looking for, us pretty as can be." The spot was very shortly found right out upon.' the open ground. Aud then they started building. It was really lota of fun. They made -some sticks stand right up straight. When wired tog iH hue they look ed great. Wee Coppy saii, "It this keeps on, we soon will have It done." ( "It's getting' late, but we can't j stop until we've finished up the ru?n JVrwettr8;,.ih- -heir fl. 'The shanty roof was' (Tfe Tinym.,.. mJ th.V night." So. when the sun sank i finished and the whole thing look-1 ,-.ble Man in the next atary.) READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE i ..'-', 1 n'oi- ll,u Viin nf. wnrlr llm Tillies ed all right. ' ? . Precipitation, last! 21 hou Total precip. .since 1st mouth Normal precip. for this month Total precip. trom Sept. 1, ' 1926, to date'..'.. ...,..r.: 1.........35:90 Average precip. from Sept. 1, , " 1877 ; .... :,,'.,,,;,., ' '.tf4,21 Total excess' since' Sept. 1', ' ' 11126 , 1.69 FvlAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS After h day 'of Idleness; marked by the Bosron nravoH.' 12-U vic tory in 10 innings over Phlladel- was lii Rosebnrg Wednesday visit ing friends and transacting busi ness matters. XX: - : LADIES! Have your hair permanently waved. Appointments made. One week, commencing Monday, Aug. 21, at Barnes Barber Shop, Cass street. , . . 2 CARS COLLIDE NEAR'HERE; OCCUPANTS - UNINJURED Fred Ohe and G. K. Gruhn ot Oakland. Cal.. and Mr. and Mrs. S. "W. Babcock of SeuKl.de,' 1 escaped serious injuries when' their 1 cars collided about A mile and ' ti half north of Winchester Monday after- PERSONNEL OF CONTESTANTS FOR I trom Dallas. Texas', ;, to; Hpngkhng, i China. . ,; y ' ; t I i , ! -o- noi V PP17P nnO'''' Conrad Long,, of -. Colt's J Valley, . v"""y .v&a a business vl: (Continued from page 1.) isitor in ithbj, city .Monday alternoon. i ' .: . j ; f , , provides that one member : Jack LockwilL'at Summer Camp DI UlLBtK l M l M.N ' (Creator of Frank Mprrjwell) " ;: phia, inlerest 111 the major league noon. The accident occurred when races eelitered today on the Pitts- the Culilornians were ' passitm an-burgh-New ' York ' series, ' opening t other ear. The machine belonging at the Polo Grounds. ' j to Mr. Babcock which was travel- Tbe Giants are only one .game iug southward was completely out of third place. The team has I wrecked. The other car was dam won 14 out ol'-lts Inst 18 games. 12 j aged to the extent of a 'bent left tit which were played on iho road, front fender ai::! bent axle and wo3 I'l'he Pirates, five full games out of I brought to the Hosebuig Garage tor first iplacci hut only three games repairs. ahead of the Giants, wnl be put to '' ' ' n ' a stirf test In the series. - : ' '' With -the Washington Senators disposed xt. the New York Yanks began - their final 1 western, trip, meeting- first the White Sox In I Chicago. Miller Hcgsius' club has CARD OF THANKS' The chase was watched by excited boys on the shore and the float. Though they cheered their friends on, they soon saw that the pursuers were not gaining oh the Indian lad, who appeared to, be paddling calmly away without exerting himself greatly. Pros ently. after he had toyed with the sweating white boys a while, Longplne bent to his work and began to draw away with ease. ' "What's' the excitement over?" asked a solidly built, middle-aged man, coming up to a group of the boys. He was Brick Judge, proprietor of the camps. "I'll tell you, Mr. Judge," said Peewee Lannan, who was one of the lads spoken to. "They're trying to catch that Injun, who busted a hole In our canoe." iSsfcaSii' a 1.1-gamo- lead In flint nlace. lead too great jfor any rival to hope to overcome. . ' Yesterday's One hall game was marked by ,12 safe hlta. Jasnues Kournier of Boston and Jimmy Wilson of Philadelphia hit homo runs. Five pitchers saw service. We wish to thank our friends for tho beautiful floral offerings and their kindness in our .bereave ment iu the death of our father. .Mr. and Mrs, Karl Benedick. , Mrs. Helen Gill. , , Mis. X. E. Gill. , ... Mrs. It. T. Roberts. , , '. , Jack Asher. , ... ; ' . , Charles Asher. ... W. O. Asher, . , . Frank Asher. i , . John Asher. , , pher and meteorologist of the-North f NOTICE TO vCONT RECTORS Island naval air station . at ;.San I Sealed niPeo Ti hv fiv a BuliI AirseJan the -Uoaril of Dlredtorii; dfchool radial . engine, . Gosoline Opacity ' Oregon, at school bunding nt tam 400 salUtns oulTied in fwings aiHl Us Valley, Oregon ; on pteml er luselage.' Wing. area 350 -square V "27, rt seven olotU m tor fnftf lniir.: hi.lft hv tUn tautiunl , 'IlO Construction pf; ftj hSVt iBfhOOl Airplane Works, l.incolrf, iSJebras-; bulklmg for Ulj.fcltqol ,Bi3lirlc.t ika.. Pedlar: taclcodi IWilliani No. 21, uccrtrdiJig; Jo ,pUnjHnd I Malloska; wealthy head 'dfhhfe Lin-i specif icat ons prerared by ;f Man- colntPotroltum .Products' 'company 8. , w,nu- , miteeiM pponocK of l-'IipL Mica. h'pii I Lining, .POrtUind. Oiregofi., $ ; : e.-Chait'l- 'iWilliam I Parkjiurst, Wds t0 covorall Jabof jahfl?nia of JLomiix,-; Ull . Stunt uiaommer-; lorliil for the general; )rk 00. tho cial fiyer.i , fLvjnfft kUlil Kaipm C.j building separately frpnv imblng Lowes, JiPeioria, lllvas:navIga- "I'd heutlng, and dlaipbiJig ianrt tor.. OaiOg i. Air Kiutj biplaiw. ' bating to be included ;aiep:rato Wright : radial motor. Gasojine bids. ' 1 -i - , capacity Ut , gallons i carried ; in 1 No bid will he considered unless fuselage' and wings. j Hfing area 1 accompanied by cash, or bidder's 312 square foet.. . KntmiUs bathed , bond or certtftert'eh'eck in favor of hy Peoria business men who havo ; George H, Trucmaw Chairman, for withheld their ideiMlty an amount1 etpial to"at least ten 7. Ma'rtin - Jensen,'' Tot 'Honolulu; Xejii-tt the amduht bj(.HHfd purchased a mouQiilane in . San! aunt to be forfeited in 'eja?q( pB fall Francisco; lor $l4.00u( -and with nrp Wo enter into contract; ertd suf- jfaiu acuuuer eiuereu nv: ructj. ; ncient nonu on tne pari -or nnv CARD OF THANKS t , Around the Count v J 4 We wish to extend our grateful 4 4 44j thanks to our good friends who of fered cars, sent flowers and mes sages of sympathy, and otherwise offered aid during our bereave ment, , Mrs. Mable Church and family. II. B, Church,, and family. George Church. SOUTH DEER CREEK NEW3 Threshing is about over in the South Deer Crfcelt district. Jack Melton was fn town Tuesr day morning attending to business matters. . , , Mrs. Elsie Kelly of South Deer creek spent Thursday with Mrs. H. .E. Blood, also of South l)eer creek. Ray Blood spent Saturday in town attending to business mat ters. Miss 'Winona Trussell of Dixon vllle and William Bailey of South Deer creek were quietly married August .10 at 2 o'clock p. m. Just the bride and bridegroom's parents and relatives were present at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Uniley will go to Crater and Diamond lakes and como home by way flf Portland to see tho bride's two sis ters, who live (here. They will make their home nt the bride groom's place on South Deer creek. A weinie roast was enjoyed Friday evening ny he Misses rene and Lucille tiross of Hose Helen Russell, Delorlse Boyle. Lo liurg and Arline and Frances Mel ton, Anita Carhelln aud Until Blood of South Peer creek. Also Grant Unyols, Morgan and Hill Russell. Argus Father. Kenneth Alterhury, and Allan Blood of Roseburg. and Tom Melton, Dale Hatfield. Beech t-r- Eminent and Ray Blood of South Deer creek. All reported a fine time. W. G. Paul nf South Deer creek was In Uoseburg Friday attending to business matters and visi.ing with friends. , Sherman Conine. Beecher Ein ert. Mrs. Kithy Blood. Ruth and Kay Blood and Frank Betts spent Tuesday evening Ht the W. B. Mi tnu. Sr.; home at South Peer creek. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Vox spent Saturday in town. - Mrs. Gin, Co of South Deer i creek left Saturday for Drain j where she will visit with her par- j cm f"r a few dav. Mr. and Mrs. William Mellon. Jr.. His piano is equipped with a Wright ' radial motor. Gasoline capacity 3S0 gallons carried in wings ant fuselage. ' Wing area square feet.-- . Cruising . speed be tween fld-llS miles pel- hour. 8. Arthur, C. Goebel of Santa Monica, ( Cal. Backed 'by, Los An ficlcG uiul Hollywood business men whose 'idontty' Goebel refused to reveal. , Flying alone in ,'Ti-avelalr monoplane. Motor, Wright " radial type. Gasoline capacity, 125 gal lons carried in wings and fuselage. Wing area, 310 square feet. 9. Captain William P. Erwin, of Dallas, Texas: World War ace. Accompanied by' A. Eiehwaldt. They are flying a Travelair mono- bidder whose bid ia p.cceptrrfli The successful bidder fwill bo, required to furnlnbiun1 apwoved surety com pany -bopI In' the amount of j'fifty per cent of the contract prfojp, to insure faithful performance ht tho work 'and payment for all labor and material) said bond to cover do'tnils mentioned 'iu the1 specifications. Plans and specifications -may bo obtained at tlie'oifiee of thfi Archi tect. 44S Sherlock Building, Port land, ': Oregon, or from- D. jj ;Iun land, Oregon, or from R. J? lun ton. School Clerk, Camas Valley, A deposit '. of Twenty-Five ($25.0f) Dollars will' Tie required of each bidder to insure proper care and prompt return of draw- plane, chrfstened "The Spirit of Ings and specifications. Dallr.s." Motor, Wright radial type. Gasoline capacity 460 gal lons. Wing area square feet. They are competing for the Dote prize nn;l the W. E. Easterwood award of $2R.ufN)'for the first aviator to fly The right is reserved -to reject any or all bids. By order of tho School Board of acnooi uiHiricc jo. li. i T t TfSTTVT'f-rXT ' Clerk of 'SRid- District. 5 OUT OUR WAY By Williams ti..... . mi.i.l,,. .ir." .-...rltd Lockwill. who had walked ui. from the float. "It was another Indian who did that. Peewee choked, thinking Jack would tM what they had meant to do to Loncnine. He was amajed when Lockwill avoidtd tpeakmg c Saunders' assault on the Indian boy and the subuoue.it attemct to whij him on his tore back with tht hickory ;wilcii. DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated I'bnae 4SS Masulc DIdg. SO VJORRO THATVAIE VlOWT FIMO 1ft EM ALU V.Jj.vJt. OMUW FOUMD OME. AL-TUlS DlSTAMCH. Ov VvlW Did THAT TRMGr HAME.TO GO AMD E. REAL i - ' . " . " . OH VvlW DID THAT STRiMGr S' , -' HAME.TO GO AMD BREAV"? , f I DOMT VNORRV, . ; VyEM'RE. REAL PEARL'S Do,ut VWORR-. i-J?rssr--rro 35"V Too. I tve. omlM ' MreW'- : T CCME. FOOR MILES, 13 U S.PT.6r. ' tme round op. r'-',' . ?'5 " 0f?.WiLLiM3 e. 9Tt IV ma scwicc wc."