FIGHT m' ROSEBURG NEWS.RF.VIEW, SATURDAY; AUGUST 13, 1927. LIBERTY Sunday, Monday, Tuesday YOU WON'T FORGET' THIS ' ONE ! " 1 1 . " 1 'j - . i Oceans . V -r-rvv . : I . , i : 1 i : Mighty: as; jth'e sen in 1 , thrills,, this spectacular rp-v j j .'I man . WuV absolutely." sweep yoK , off your feet I.. - A betuUyamazjngly cost ; rr U.f. wjr -, ; oiu.(l, t fHiliqni - ,j stofrri andisttifo Into the : , ! Swimilo liy -Jack OunnlnKhani. lives1 'of rnehl 'Made Vrdm' V J','""1 '."?, ''"'-'VI 1";"""!".;k Wlj t . . . , . . .- Hum Wullauo. THICK uy.Jobn .Col- the famous ovel. and.. ., ., (author of -"Halii", and "The serial, With a notable cost I ' Khimnlial (ifaUn'o.") ' 1 A! (jTsmopolitari f?rodyictj6n OurGangComedu tWL RUfltHIlfMMWMII pssqsiS' Tired business me W r-: I ' , MUTT. AND JEFF-f-FOX. .NEWS .: ' Matinee 10c-a5e fyfTTJttf'' Evening 10c-3Sc 5 LIBERTYfTHEATRE Last Times' Today Matinee Daily 2:15 P. M. ITIKMEEtS OF THE starring TIM McCOY ' ' ' with IVAN CRAWFORD ' . ,ROY D'ARCY Dlreoted by W. S. VAN DYKE ' Titles' by Marlon Alnslee JL i" Wtth fWYMONO fc WHY KARY N" 10c i i FABLES AND Metro- THEATRE Matinee Daily 2; 15 P M. -5 .with LARS HANSON PAULINE STARKE MAKCtLlINt PAY ERNEST TORRENCE ' ... J ;j. i : ? i- u W P f SoTcnli ''l ' ' KUBfcK t SUIN . s v , , . t 'J0III1 B. JtOIWI IHOII I' I'OUUm 11)11 'V !' I- I' Qentlemen, , i t 1 You Are My Prisoners!'. Uclying dentil, he pene trated to .the heart of the k enemy camp: for just one ) , glance from the eyes of nn amazing beauty, ' A rare romance I A crack ling picture of pioneering daysl Indians, worfare, intrigue, action all the j time! - ! : A GREAT ROMANCE OF THE i OLD WEST r. McKf f. RUTH MIATT PATHE NEWS 2Sc VISITS 111 CITY MonilteiH of (,ljq,(clfy council of looii Ilivi-r vlnited' In liOHftburg JiihL iiJkUl on their tour of, Inspuc- lon of Oi't-Kon oitlnH. Hoo Klver huH voted hondrt in Hih mim of WiMfiW lor u inuniciijal wutt;r nya tm iim'l MtriHt .ighiH. , liftore f 'IdlniiiJOii ttiH plurm for f nut a Ha lf on (lift lflcr tiro vtyiyt all of thf ImHInK 'CUIhh of Tii Male und urn iitakfiiK Mtudy of Die va ir ulni light, syfiN'rim lireuch placo, Thy art Hfcui Ink luformallon wUlch will lonult ilicm to lake ad 'antir( ol llio exirlcnz-oH of the oihei riMcn' whwn ,tliejf frome to 111 iiirmillufion nf Un'ti- own HVH- .Icin 'r'i riiwnhflfK of Hip parlv tABY, AND PRE. SCHOOL : CLINIC ' ' by Douglas County Health Unit Aug, 17, 1-4 p, m. Health Office, in Courthouse, ,. Roseburg 3 DANCE! AT' ' Tiller, Ore. ' ' 6lVEN BY S. Umpqua Rod and '- Gun Club - ? ; Sat. Aug; i3! ; EVERYBODY WELCOME DANCE ' ' ' -AT' ' ' ' LONG'S HALL COLE VALLEY 'Saturday' Nite i .J August' 3' ; Music by' Clifford. Bunch and T ii i .HOMEGROWN.' i -. Watermelons Maskmeloiis Tomatoes , at the new stand, but an old a COON- .-V . -. Dlllard, Oregon - "LINOLEUM" For every, room In ' the house,' Powell Furniture & Hardware Co. 38 N. Jackson St. it -FIRE HAZARDS ; arft Incrase ilnrlns tlfln soason of (ho yenr. I'lay Bafe by carry ing htftwuato; 'Flro lnsurnnco Our ngency Is at' your sorvico. Wo wrlto nil linos. of flio and automobilo inaurauco. G. W. Ybung & Son INSURANCE 116 Cass St. Phono 417 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR if OPTOMETRIST, i Bpsclallst In the fitting of Qlasses. lit Jackson St. "MATTRESSES" Our BO lb. Felt Mattress Is All Quality. Powell Furniture Co. 240 N. Jackson St. Elite Pleaters Alt Kinds of Pleating Button Making. Phone 1S7-R 610 So.. Main I CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center I i "Complete Health Service" - SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS S27 West Case Phone 41 wti'H jHiues Struiialian, uiuyor; W. L. Clark, city englnei'r; C P. SOMIlli:)lH-(J, J.' K. Sill It htJOIl, CharlfB ( 'an trier and C; A. Jtloh ardH, nouncllmen. ; o ) A lingo Kroup of nicnilmrH of Oik ChrlKllun chiirctit'S of the conniy Kullicrcil ut Oakluud yes tM'iluy for ttiH fii-Ht aniiuul iiienic to b held by the member of UiIk reJlKluiiH oi'Kuui.atioii. All nf the j uiiiiii;iit'n wtriw I ,tJ eHi nieij ( jy I ItirK deleHilfJiiH and a mottt .en- joyuliln limn waa hail. A biK iiii.-nic lunch yuh served at noon and ut l:HH a program wiih ihob enlful. The huirine.HH lloimes ot Oakland were closed and (he peo i pin of the city Joined with Die cnni-ch delegations in enjoying the 1 I grain which was featured by ad .dreHseH und kiiiuis by represctnta llves of eucll church.. Tlie princi , pal aildresu was made by Itev. H, ! fi. Alow, pastor of ihe ItoHeburg , chureh. ,. A .baseball learn compoa. ed or members of the OuUland church .then defeated a.teani com posed of members of ..the Hose burg and rjralu churches, the ganie being closely, it' not sklllt'ully. played, the score being 20 to 17. It was voted lo make Ihe. picnic uil annual afiair and in the future to hold it on Sundays with a religloua urogram in the morning to lie fol lowed by a picnic lunch. iuud so cial time in the uftenuion. o Try our buttermilk It'a dirfer cut. Doseburg Dairy. Phone 180. FOUR QUALIFY FOR AIR DERBY; ' 5 AWAIT TURNS (Continued from pagg 3.) ' wal(lt( 27-yoar-old nnvigator. ". The "City of Peoria," u tiny bi plane to Ito l'lown by Chatieu W. Pai'kliurst, was on the compass teat tug lablu und plans were made for the half Joad tHtilH. Ralph LoweH, navigator, has the tests of Lieutenant Wyutt before htm also. Cuptuln Frederick Giles, Hritiuh army flier during the world: war, Jh the only official entrant left who has been unable to reach the starl ing point. r lie hopped off from De troit today. " 1 i i . i European Fliers : Wait PARIS, Aug. 13. Prospoctff were nut brilliant this morning for IranH-Atluntic flights. -While there was-some hope that three .French pilots camping at ho Uoutset might take off- Sunday on their trans-Atlantic expedllionsj the Ideu 'Was not encouraged by French weather ''men. i - ' r .-.. HuhIhk their calculations on mos anges i fro in "Whips making weather obHorvntions 'on. the 'Allan.tlo by govornmont. orders, these experts luslst Ihero Is' little chance of pro- per 'flying weather until the ne I ginning of next week. ; Charles A. Levine, owner of the Uollanm plane- Columbia, which is ready for n return flight to AmerW cu with (Maurice Droulilu us pilot, a p pea in to share the pessimism ot the weather i experts. ' . Levine Again Halted PAlilM. Auk. iS. Fresh misfor tune affecting the Itellanca mono plane Cniummu cropped up today; and it nppeared this afternoon that there was slight chance of her be lug ready to fly tomorrow, even if the: weather over the Atlantic dears. 1 ' 1 i iMaurico Drouhin, French pilot, engaged for the -flight by Charles A. Levlno, was inspecting the plane when he found a blade or t lie propellor twisted. The bend was such as might he mdc with a pair of pliers.' 1 - ' -V Slralghtening of the Idade will be a delicate operation, as the sur face .must he absolutely true. HKRMX, Aug. 13. Lieutenant Otlo Koennecke and Count Solins ha u bach hopped off (bis ttt'ter- 1 noon for Cologne, where they will jreinel their Caspar biplane for I their attempted, t r a n s-Atlantic flight to Ihe Uuiled States. I CALRHOT, Kuglaud, Aug. 13.. i Willi unfavorable weather condl , tlous ut various spots over the i Atlantic, Captain Frank T. Court I uey said he had no idea i when he j might get away for the trans-At- lun tic hop in his Dor liter "Whale.'' One More Gets O. K. I MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. Oak land, Cal., Aug. 13. John Auggy Pedlar, of Flint, Mich., and his plane, the "Miss Doran," were list ed today .as the fifth official en try In the S;ir,0ut) Dole air ruce.lo Hawaii, after completion of all tents for navigation, motor and plane performance. That puts Pedlar, his navigator. Lieutenant Viles It. Kuope of San Diego mid Miss Mildred Derail ut' Klini. their passenger, fifth on the starting line for the race Tuesday. Lieutenant Kuope was substituted for Lieutenant Mauley I.awing ef Sun Diego, who failed in his navi gation tests. How good news does spread I tloneiul Gusoliut) Is still tho best. HOP PICKING STAP.TS IN LAN E COUNTY ; HALF SOLD KTTOKNK, Ore., Aug.' 13. -Pick ing of the enrly hop crop has start- j ed in yards of Lane county and j there Is a big demand for pickers , at one and a quarter vents a pound, j Whtle no estimate is being male of the size of the crop at ihls time I Laue county annually contributed 1 about fiM'O hales to the market. ac- cordlni? to Frank Hyer, local buy-i er. Th first bales of ihe early; crop will be ready for shipment In about 10 day. Approximately r,rt 1 j per cent of the crop bas been con-' ; tract ed and the price will be' around II Cents a pound. This Is lower .than. a. year ago. and Is ft-' H tired from reporln of the world I hop crops. I CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all tho friends und neighbors fi Mrwl their loving kindness und beauiirul rlow em, in our beieuvemeut, the death of our beloved wile, mother and grandmother. . W. S. Wright.' - Arthur W. Wright, r Mr. and .Mrs, Geo. Marsh, Mr. uikL Mm. W, F. Cox. -o- ; . CARD OF THANKS ' Wo w ish to'exu'nd our thanks' to those who assisted us in removing Our household goods,' and reudered dlil during the-rectnt fire.. . ' . sir. and Jfra; J. A. Pelorsen. IIow good news does spread! Genera! Gasoline js still the best. NEW TODAY I.ATII aro cheaper at rages'. J'OIl SALE Five' sows and . pigs. Call 42F2. 30 FOH SALE Crabupplus. . $1 bush- cl. Phone J8F3 1 . , ' J . . I'"OItSALE Jersey (Slant pullets. Cheap. Phone 004-J. Italph Jlell. WANTED A good 25-35" or 30-30 carbine, llox 1010. Jtoseburg, or plione 130. ' , y(m SAI.H 22'liend ewes. O, C. Long, Melrose, Oreg in. l'hone 1UF21. ' ' v -''' TOR KENT Well furnished apt. Close ill. Prlvute enlraii(;e. Heu sonable. 331 R. Main. . F'Olt SALE Joraey ' milch cmv. Will be fresh soon. Ralph Hell, lit. 2, Box 68. Phone (iol-J. mil SALE CHEAP 1925 Dodge touring, terms. Camp View Gar age, 1 mile north of Roseburg. FOR SALE 3 "sheep" ranches, also houses. 10 acres of land, $400. Close in. See me for barguins. C. .Merrill, 601 Mill St. FOR SALE Washing machine and wringer, operated by gas engine. Uood condition, cheap. Phono Wi. Mrs. J. II. Carries. Cedar Shingles Putent Shingles Ron Roofing All Grades. Coen Lumber Company TH13 POLLVANNA Cut'e ut Myr tle Creek serves a special chick en dinner on Sunday. Good food, well served. You'll bo glad you slopped there. , ' M ALEHE'LP "WANT ED Farmer or farmer's son or man to travel in country. Stoady work, good profits. McConnon & Company, Dept. C295, Winona, Minn. COKD'WOODFORSALE 8 cords white fir, $3 per cord, 6 miles from Roseburg, good road, near highway. Address Wood, care News-Review. FOR SALE OR TRADE for wood 2nd hand Universal wood range. Hpt. 4-burner ; electric range. Simplex 3-burner elec. range. ; 'v - iRoHeburg Plectiic - 1 TRY OUR special fried chicken on toast,- 60c. Delightful foods, quick service. Good music. Can yon Tavern, k mile south of Can- i yonville. ' ;. ; ; WE SERVE the best chicken din ner for the price -that can be . found iu ; Douglas county. Full course dinner. Try it Sunday. Classic Cafe, Canyonville. GET a deed to"your home. If you are buying n home ou contract and have it half paid for, with no mortgage, "see us about our monthly payment real estate loan whereby you can obtain money to pay off the contract and get a deed. Monthly "pay ments on your loan, generally less than rent or .contract pay-i nients, tako care of both princi-j pal and interest and get you out! of debt. Umpqua Savings and 1 Loau Assn. Douglas Abstract j Co. ' Okanogan, wash. Ranch to exchange. -110 acres fine bunch j grass land, fine water, land i fenced and cross fenced, good j gravel road to place, 12 miles to; Okanogan, 8 mites to Omak,. ,5i miles to Riverside, good creamer-1 les at Omnk and Okanogan, a i fine dairy proposition, cattle, ' turkeys or chickens. This is n : fine stock or dairy ranch. Price ?I5 per acre. Reason for ex j change, the wife breathed some! , of Umpqua's fine air when a girl I nnd I can't get It out of her I. blood. Do you blame her? Como in and tell me your excuse for wanting to exchange. I may agree with you. I havo made sev eral exchanges up there and all seem satisfied. Stock on place could be bought. J. W. Tollman Real Estate, Riverside. BIG ance AT THE RAINBOW Winchester SATURDAY NITE Oriental Gardens Orchestra American Legion ROSEBURd MAN MEETS DEATH I - i IN ACCIDENT (Continued from page 1.1 ' who was an expert and exper ienced baker, was employed by Mr. Mulchings, (or .many years and on ly 'recently resigued his position as head baker. He went lo Co quille for a short time, returning to Itoseburg about a mouth ago. Ho, had been working for Mr. Har ness only about a week. I lu the fall of. 1018 he was mar ried to Maybelle Wilson, who is an Instructor In the Jtoseburg high schqol. His widow and a small son; Wilson, survive, : lie also leaves four lirnthers, Howard Church, a local mall car-1 rlei,; Georgd. formerly of Itose burg, now of San Francisco; L E of Ilriukhaven, Ohlog aiid DurfSe, of nanvlllt, Ohio. A sister, Emma, j also resides In Iraiivillc. Ills null-1 er and motbcr'.are both dend,;the: father having passed uway abinit : two weeks nsu. ( i : i :i ! ; ' ifoward Church left this tnprn-; ing ,ror Tlllatnooki where tint body waa taken, and will make arrange-1 meuts for the -funeal ' - ' Tho body' .will' . probably I bo brought either : to Jtoseburg 'or Yoncalla. - i ; ; ' ; i iYs-if fiMn ianTiTii tm nlylbf giving , uncommon 1 Service do tie gain uncommonly 'Valu able ITriends. - - DOUGLAS FUNERAL H. C. Stearns, Est.. 1920 Mgr. Phone 112 Lady Attendant xs'artof iie TEST Subject our tirej -repairs to the most exacting of tests continuous running, bad roads, .-. hot. weather, any thing and you will consid er it a lucky day that you let us mtiKC -youTTcpniru.' 1 ,SEE GEORGE THE TIRE; .' ' MAN ' Highway Service Co. Douglas and Jackson equipment WE ARE EHUIPP60 TO MAN OLE ANY MOVING JOB. WHAT 15 . you r PROBLEM ? fessgy; y ' r . . . . II . - . V n ws i m'.' ; - - ' -r. II lCA IK 3 ON I ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Eitabllebed 1901 -; i - . i ' I . M. E. RITTER, Manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient ' Service and Courtesy ' ' . .... - AMBULANCE SERVICE Phon 284 't'" ' Oak tjntf Kane St. ; 1 , - . 4 , , 't' . j- Hf eience THE tYf 0'ro4cAliol' jt : ei' " '" . True education not only ppens up stores of know ledge but develops the alert mind, The chief glory of modern science is ' i ., 'r '...v.-..: .. ;'.,! i ' THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT Higher education in the field ofi applied science ' combjnes technical study with the fundamental train-; Ing essential to citizenship. Its degrees open the way not only to leadership in ('the several, pursuits and , professions in life" but also to ; a larger community service. , ., . i-. . y ;)' OREGON STATE LAND-GRANT COLLEGE Maintains schools of Engineering' (civil, electrical, mechanical, chemical) , Mines, Forestry, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Home Economics, Vocational Education, Commerce, and Military Science, all offering accredit ed colleged work.' The School of Basic Arts and Sciences, Industrial Journalism, Library Practice, Phy sical Education, and Music afford sound basic and specialized training. 1 1 '- .'- -1 ; ' " . - -'.' ' .''"' For catalogue and other Information address the Registrar. ': . ....,. 'v . , - :.,-, .' ' (Oregon State 1 ' , f ' Agricultural College '' "'" Corvallls 1 ; ' TueVday. September Six The Regular Fall Term at begin Tuesday, esday, September Six. j Thereafter each Monday will be vt da'y..y; L Jili1- ' snrollment i Our up-to-date equipment,- efficient Instruction, and reason able rates make this a good school where you are assured of a business training that will fit you for a responsible position. S ; - tj , Eugene Business college A. E. Roberts, President '992 ANTLERS LAST TIMES TODAY Matinee ! TONIGHT ONLY Guests of the Antlers Call Taxi 44 and Ride ..... to the Theatre rj,D'CT,Cv from anywhere inside the r IVLvJif city lim;ts. If we charged you a cent a laugh, you'd owe us $50.00 when the show is over From the Saturday Evening Post story. Comedy, "Better Luck," International News Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-25c-35c STARTS SUNDAY The First of the Big 3 Laugh Specials A CLASSIC IN "WISE CRACKS" CAALILAEMMLS LATEST I . y NEWS - ANTLERS GREATER MriVTF SEASON STARTS 3 ' ' Licensed Lady Embalmer ' ( 7 ' Ihe Eugene Business College will Willamette St. ' Eugene, Ore. THEATRE Dally 2:D0 P. M. iLOC IM A BCAWTV VAALOd. cJimmie Adams Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-25c 35c EAuiyklAMvD' SEPTEMBER 2ND