TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, SATURDAY, AUCUST 13, 1927. ' 7 SI III ill 5 1 ROSEBURG NEWS -REVIEW rT J l,,ue' EMP Sunday , - The AnoofatM Vrvmt Is excluulvely untitled to th use for reDUbll Utlon of all nuwa din pat Chen credited to It or not otherwise credit. In ibla paper and tn all local news putjliniitd herein. All rJtfhta of riubllc.v ; (I. W. BATHS ;; BERT 0. BATES.. Watered as second class manor May 17, 1U2U, iat, the- post office at ; Boaeburg, Oregon, under the Act of March 2, 187(1. , 8 u b so rTptToKTr at es V 7 '77 7 7 ' 7 - "TlT uany, per year, uy man Dally, six mouths, by mall Dully, three luoiilliB,. by ruull Oallj, single month, by mall Vally, by carrier, per month . ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1927. LET US HAVE " Some people harbor a very peculiar idea in reference to the publication of news items and a newspaper's duty to the-public. A recent, issue of this paper carried an Assocint ed Press 'dispatch and editorial comment dealing with the tin deposits of Douglas and Josephine counties, PV6fessor 'C. E. Newton, dean of the school of mines of the Oregon Agri cultural college, being responsible for the BtiilenVerit that the mysterious white metal round in southern Oregon showed ; signs of having been ."doctored" by various assayers after the ore had left 'the mines.; As to the correctness of Prof. Newton's statement it is riot for this paper to vouch, but ill;; fact that he holds a position of importance in one of the lcad Sng. educational Institutions 'of Oregon is good and sufficient ' reason for giving his utterances publication. We hope the , professor is entirely wrong in h!s deductions. But, the point . thfe paper wants to bring out is the fact that it does no . suppress any new item coming from legitimate and authen tic sources it never has, and it never will. We do not wahl ''to be rated in that calago'ry of having misled our readers, to encourage them in other than dealing with truth aiid facts, from which ho harm can come. Those interested in mineral 'properties ih -'this county, should welcome the fullest investl gation "Ha t') the Veal Vprth of their deposits. By so doing ; they will 'gain the confidence of the public, a necessary a'c tjuisitioh to pla'c6 'aiiy1 legitimate 'enterprise "6 "a 'su'c'c'Cssful j ' arid prpfitable basis. . . , ; ; : , . The edict published elsewhere 'in today's fce'ws-ttevTew frofil W7'S..Ti6yeiy district, inspector for the United States Interior' pepartment, to the effect that he is anxious to "go i';to "'the .mat". Vilh the Oi-egon Agricultural dean, and prove : ,.th'e hitter's assays of minerals in the southern part 'of tlio ' St'a't'e to be. entirely 'ervdnebiis will (juite 'likely bring the ini . poriant question as to their real value 'tq ah end.; 'Nothing Would he more ' welcbme to the people of Southern 'Oregon jttiran' to receive '-nil adverse -(report on VroiP. Newton's; assay r arid it is' ppit'B-tlieso ineil'Jiwho ltnow their riietal" to tlo the. tV Arid 'hnre'Ri hanin'ir' Vhiv Vay -that Sviil l'cav tin doult in the ini'nds of the public As to the true tor.lh (if soulherni Oregon minerals. ;,U Hi H7' i' :,i !I ' '"'-' ) . ( ' I i' Wdr4 thaU Thpmas-' Al 'Edfsoh 'is to lakt!',iip Vh nct of li rubbeV plant which can -he 'g'roW'n.jii the Uiiitcd States" and j no -give this country, a . rubber supply to nialio it independen) j of foreign rnbbor' growing hioiiri)olies may strike Muy poo-; ; pie as strange. For Edisoil is iiririiai'iiy a' physicist an 'ex i p'erimenter with material forces rather than with plaiit life. EdiHon as a Burbank creating a new plant is not,, however, ; such a far-fetched conception as it' might seehi at first glance. Edison's 'success ha h'fien .principally duo to his pjislrikiriS laboratory work. In developing his lamp fila ; inents, lie tried every sort lof m'Clal arid fiber that ' ' JouiVd-ora'nufactured. h perfecting his-storage battery, iie used the Same method coristaiit painstaking trial 'after ; trial and by the process 'pf elimination achieved his d'esir ; ed rcsults.7 it is' just such "method that will bring success in ; search' for a temperate zone rubber plari't7 "" .it's sU'ch r. relief to hchr ativity is to be. chariged. We never could undorslaiid why th(W 'ilVrjught the old way wns riglil. , ' : ,7 7 '; ''' -"",' ' 7. 7 V' y ' 71 77;)', ' f '-Ah '"advertisement reminds folks that the saxophori'e Was "Jirjpnted iilm'ost a ltundved yoiii-A iVgo. .Yes, the evil that men "dtTllves a f lev them. 77. 7 77" A Woman recluse in California wrote hoi' Will on, A cor set and it was found to be binding. The garment still staves off obscurity. . 0 . Almo'st every Shy the cables bring word that Charles A. fcevine has started another fight across the Atlantic. 1 0 , ... ...,, ,An 6'2-year-old SVohtan irt tenncssee has never seen an :7 a'ulo'iniibile. ;No wohder she lived so lori'g. 77,T All thai Women's cldlhcs loavo to the irtinglimtioii i '.'.'Hvhnt mute th'cm ho nsiicnslw. .,' o ' ' 1 .'-",': lUsunlly, the first thing t Imt strikes n visitor lo this '..'country is a motor cnr. . , 7, ' Italy lins put it tax on lmoholors. tlieir inifonuity is taxed. ,1 FRIGIDA1RE FOR THE COUNTY ' V. K, ()l. lirnptleliir of (Ill's 7KltiBln .Store; today look over the imugliirt county agency for Frigid niro. Klocllie ruttlgeiatloii Is sweeping Ihv country, ami the frig i.i,.i,. liMKut-linlfl foulninetit In In ureal demand every w hero, and M pit expecls tn devoto n great deal i,m. (lond nnenkers aiv helni: iu if,,limH In (lie- future to 'be sal" ranged for the piogiams. t'ollee. mm servlro of Hie various models rui and crmkeis will be siimiI of t'lectrle refrlK"ialors prniiii I, bv the ciimimny wlilcbhe now n'P- '. nytwiits. While Iho lino is n coiisid . fviVh!.? (lepnrtui'o from the othciv huuditd by him. Jib uimi&auuu by The News-Revlew Co., Inc. , ..President and Manager .tsecretary-Treauurer ..t.oo - 2.0(1 - 1.(10 .CO .60 THE PACTS. I..' show tin the colleire dean 111 a that the Einstein theory of rel In Hi is country, only iiuul Kiuipmi nt enables him lo give , evcellenl service lo Hie pillions In this hicullti. The luteal models or Krigidairo equipment ave now be ing placed on display at the store and Mr. Oil Is prepared lo furnish all desired Intoi inutlnii und demon jslinllons lo Interested parlies. SOLDIERS ANO SAILORS REUNION AUGUST 31 The Soldiers and Sailors lie-' union iifsneiiition of southern Ore gon will hold their grand reunion In I.llblil park at Asliliilid com-1 nienclng Auaust ,n and iitsitnir llni'e.iluys. one of tlie features of the nit'ctlng will bo tlie program In iiriernnini and ovonliiK put. on by Urn ltetlef Corns of (irants I'ns cntiiil Point, Meillonl and Ash free at tho luncheons. Several (,ivii War veterans Hie planning lo to finm thU rtly. I Vlah .vt idloyld Parfe. PPUNE maims 'Q'cod yn:tftNst "Folks Tonight's Bawth Night , put on acct. of - f - i Ve pd. acquirln'i , A new dwg today ; , ( We'll hafca Put off the - Bawth a day , , As the dawg has , ' ' , Fl-c crrd needs A bawth ' . Woree'n we do, , '' . '; -., The same peppy executive who holds an Apollo-like face against a young man will, for business rea sons, . invariably insist upon a Venus at his typewriter. w ;. 7 ;t "I've got bad meij oyer. In the cow country, and I've caught hoss thieves on the plains, but by 'gad, that's the fust time I ever let, a man git away,", said depity in discus&in handcuff case. prominent the ml83in , ,..!" , '' There' ia , abme question ,afi, tp whether "there is tin In them thar hills" but there seems to be . no doubt that there's plenty of the ; wmio meiai in tne ueauiy ,invvers iaoput llandou. That trip ivat im that traverse the main stem. possible for tbii ediloi- of the. Ilul- . .. ; ' letln and wo will probably always . On acct. of a squtb whicl appear- regret that. , ' - id In this great colyum of concll-i : li( our opinion (his was the beat meht. yestlddy eve, yo ed. cannot meeting of the six gatherings ol visit the coorthous'e until the storm Oregon editors wliieh we have' at blcws over. - We're a fearless writ-! tended. Very probably that was Ue er, Its true, but by dang lf we j cause the, svene was laid In the out wanta meet a disgruntled law fen- skirls of sunny southern Oregon forcin' osslfe'r. ... . .. , i ,, .j wltere excellent. climate coopeiutod j ,,, . ', ' .' j splendidly with (lie exceptional , They'd better, net liiafolo (fa- ,'tiikni otllie piwuius uiid. Uiu de wallah fllflht started before all the Ulklitl'lil good humor ot (hoisa 'pros- entrants kick the bucket. .,,...,(. , Charley' Chaplin? Is gonna, fight his. wife's divorce suit, havlh' evi dently cached in on his tnw. pic ture and now havln' enough jack' to pay his attya. !, ', ' ' ,j I , ; ; j r a. j J. LAFE PERKINS SEZ .' L "That extry blanket klnda feVt flo'Ad .last night'.". ! .' ' 1. !, IDENTICAL DAYS IN i ' ' . . LIVES 'OF- 2 WOMEN i , . , ; , . l-'UflKNR. ( Ore., 'ug, li ' .Mrs. Koagan llaiiHeii of l,or-. 4 line and -Mrs. Leo Kcolt of 4 Kagle Voinl havd been frlonda 1 v Hlttce clilldhood. 1 hey - were graduated from VtrhoO! the Hiihie day, announced their engugi'ineutH together,, their friends, held Joint p(i nuptiiil tsltoWHi-Hiln ilu-ir , llptio'r .and they wrt'ii niarrleilr ili'e. name day. Tndtiy they ate being oongrntulnlod; Wis. Hansen Is the molliot' oi'.n baby si-'l.and Mrs. Scdlt, the iiluthor 'ot j a 4 son., both born the same day. Jack Lockwill at Summer Camp BY GILBERT PATTEN . . (Creator of Frank Mo'rriwell) .r'LJ Her Saudi'ig; to Lock Vviil't for t nVcr.snt in a Warm prtitti;,. In ti'nt momont, a , lathing cry o( mockery, cotn Irfc !rbm the lake, caused them tc turn that. way. ' Now It was tlie Indian maiden's lace that (lushed Warmly rod, '. and her lone, thick lashes drooped over downenst eyes. Longpine, noticing with surprise how much his sister was affected, spoke quickly: "Wo must go now. Rose." She flashed Jack a glance. "I shall not forgot what you did for my brother," she told him. step, bing forward and giving him both hands. . . 1rr' ft 3 "Why. hc' a rogutar squaw-mani" whooped Lizard. "Let mm toy wttli hitt squaw or wim across th lake," cri?d Saundert "We'vt got hi canoe." "That is my canoe they have," atd Jack, TH huve to iwim across or walk all the way round." "Neither," longpine declared. ''My cnno It hidden not far WV Comf. Hi hd Jtck inrl Roso to where hit canoe was concealed. t MtA uxvict, thu (To Bt Continuid) - j ; , ; STATE PRESS I v Roseburg Adds to Her Laurels , The cIumh of I'ntertulnniHiii and U'h::l ; lieurttfd uiiontunelly Willi which Ilia fnclil' jClllzcniy of Knm-bui-.t1; enUiiuvoi't'tl (o finuKe' jiifiua. nnt and uKiomihlu tlifi v.lalj of (Iji, .uditoi'a at Orufou iu .tliut city, luat iMituiy and SatMnluy 'muming waa the most uppai'diit. thing ot liu vllt to our nilml, ' ; i , ltOKebuig eutortulucd (he editors royally." Thoy are M'ell lixud to' do tliia u'illi their, aiilcndid lOlk'u temple In Kiiiuh the bimlinii( and lecture aeisiuiia were held, their set-onii-lo-none couniry ulub wltere tne baiiyui t, band conceit, ; ball and annual gnir uiurnunieiu Were hold and tlnilr oxcollent luilvla where line acroimnodaifon wan had. Bert Uaii'H and his dad are tine people and cordial and eiiicient Iiost, but wo tditora have experi enced tiiat Ja Oregon .iriany times. We are Inclined to lliink that the Bates' have by their fine newHpa- per aervice in KpuuburK reached' a place in the ealimatlun ami good; will oj the people or their cuninnin Hy, by the cooperallou which their eomuiunlty , guvo them for thla: event, tliut Is the desire o evory; newspaperman. When wu see tninus like llils with our own eyea we jire , inclliieil to. believe that there niay soin'e Ko'od cume out of this business of bulUB :oi7 editor yet.' - A lot of the new'siianerinen who had their mouth's bills all collect ed, the Job prlntlnK all up lirshape, plenty .-of copy ready for the: next ii;sue, b'c went on to Iiandoh b- llio-bti, anu 1 my nay line tuings eht.--(;riuii.s Pass Iltilietin.v - SPECIAL' NIgSttT?; r OFFICER ENDS TWO 7 ; YEARS OF SERVICE ;..G..- '."Doc" MiirOii,; special. Diiirclmi.tH police ofi'icur, tast ictjtj (ICirioK vlilch.Uino he has lqst bhlysj two imji) u tie. uim-Ha. nii'.'aiK,', t.i.. vtiusj k-iupJoyeii hy morchanls to kivp-l'ciiil patrol duty In the business , tllylrjcL and (Luring , Inn' two yearp hi .office? ihorej has been! only oih rol))Hry nut ol four known. tilti'iuitlH. Tliat robbery was at tho Wilder ami, -Ak"c , Htore and the men vire iMtrnenjd and captured and uent to-the penileiuiary. : The HcrvlcK it'iidi-nMl hits heen viry ef aivt ban Kivwi ,the busineHH district ,vg,ood protection. ( The mchnian Imn also saved consider- Hide . property by discovering and reporting-ImMpLent firea.- In onff cnac, when fire Htarted in ihe.Vull- man iCiKar nore. sovorai buiI:liiiKs would probably have been lost ex cept., lor,., IJie .timely discovery of At somo distance from the. bluff, Saunders, Lizard and . Peewee, sitting; in a canoe, ; were gazing at them. "Oh, hal ha!" shouted Buke. "Lockwill's ' got a girl!" 4 , The International Uniform Sun day School 1-eMon for Aug- (14: txaltlng God In Individual, and INatlonal Life. 2 Samuel 2:3, 4; '5:1-3; 6:12-15. ' By WM. E, GILRfY(, D. O. , Editor of the CongrgationaMBt, With tho defeat and death, of Saul in the Hattle ot Gllhoa, Da vid's opovtnnlty aB.klng became 'definite. He hud a chance now to1 dcyote to the service of the nation the enei'KfeH that hitherto he hud 'Hpent na the leader of a somewhat irregular band, and he was freed alHo from the dangers which Saul's jeulouAy and madness constantly created for him. Apparently also tlie nation rallied to hid leadership and at Hebron, the principal city of J ml ah, and made that solidarity evident. , Needed Religious United.. There was, however, allll an Im portant work to bo achieved iii Is rael. It was the work, of creating a religious unity similar to the new national solidarity. " Let us not forget that it Is a primitive age that we are dealing with and not an era of enlight ened spiritual Christianity. The Bible revealB to us the stages by which true religion came to Its expression in the lives of' men. As we go beyond the more vital ex pressions of religious feeling In the consecration of Individual hearts to (iod, we find .religion . consisting more in form's and symbols with emphasis upon, its social aspect In the community rather than upon: its Individual and personal, aspect. Hitherto for a long time the! Ark of the Covenant had ceased! to have the-place of prominence that ltf had: occdpled when ,lt had; been carried before, the, people In j their coming., to. ,;Canah, and In: their labonof conquest In fact,' the Ark was. M present not even, in the custody of Israel, but was In iliie 'f jeplng : of a : Philistine, : Ohededom. .;-Tlie; .repoj't', however, was that Obededom and all his affnint .prospered .greatly becauso of IhoArk, und this, with the pur pose of giving the nation a rally ing center religiously, led JJavkl to bring the Ark from the. house of Obededom into; the, '.'city of, Uavld," on .as wo should saylnto the capital of the nations , i : . , It Is. easy, to be critical : of the element of superstition that; was undoubtedly present jtygU of this; STANDINGS OF LEAGUES 7 Pacific Coast ' ! VV.' I, PcL i, OiUtiuhw SeaiiKi ...'..!.' San Francisco daeraniento ..... Portland liollywood ...... Mission v 87 ' b,i 'Ml ! .......78 fii) .& t ,..r...7!) 60 'MX : 71 7 .514 '64 ' 73 ' .407 , (15 7G .4(il i 0..1 SO 43G 52' S7 .37ti Los An pe I es w. l; pet. U6 ' 40 .023 Gl 45 .575 , (il , 45 .575 00 50 .545 ... ,40 57 .402 ..47 $2 .431 Chicago I'ittHhuiKh St. Louib Now Vorlt . Ciiicinuuii , Hroolilyii .. Boston ...... 41 01 -402 Philadelphia . ........v4l) .05 .381 American, ' AV. t. fr;t. Now Y('n-lt .!-.77 $3 .700 Washington : 05 43 .002 otVoil ..f 5S 4S ,547 Ph.kuh'l'nhiu : .57 51 ..".30 Chicago ,...'. ,52 . 57 .477' Cleveland ......... t,. Louis , Boston ..: ..4(i 03 .422 41 00 .303t 36 73 '.330 LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (Aswiclnted Press LoaRoil Win') (liicluding games of. Aug. 12.) National ' Uniting 'P. Vaner, Pirates, .384. Runs L. Waiier, Pirates, 95. , Hits P. Waiier, Pirates,, 171. Doubles P. ..Winter, Pirates, 33. Triples P. Waiier, Pirates, 17. - Homers Williams, Phillies. 23. Sotlen bases Krisch, Cardinals, 33.- Pitching llentou. Uiants. won 11; lost 3. American Halting Simmons, Athletics, 3S3. ... . Hiins liehrlg, Yankees, 112. Hits Gehrig, Yankees, lti2. Doubles Hums, Indians, ! I. ' Triples Manush, Tigers, 15. Homers tiehrlg, Yankees, 3. Stolen bases Slsler, Ilrowns, 23. Pitelilug Hoyt. Yankees, won TG; lost -1. COAST LEAGUE - RESULTS . t AiH'ij,ifO I'rw I.t' Wirr) Phil Weinert kept Sacramento well In hand yesterday while the Missions bunched hits off Jtachac In the sixth to M-ore three runs and new up the contest 4 1. Hut- terle.: Hachac. Siimletnn and txoHiler; Weinert and Walftns, Whitney. l.os Aimelcs ilropped her eleventh consecutive name by ins Inn to Portland attain. H I. Khner Smith pot his fifth homo run In I'tvedayrt. nattcrhv.: Gardner, L. Smith aud Sandherg; Vorkes nud Velio. . "Seattle and Sun Francisco divid ed a twin hill, the Seals popplim tho opener In vhich the only run coiimI v;ih O'lNiur hitpivr. StNitlle belied Mitchell savagely tn the second pame to win, 0 4. Halterlc: Geary and Krgo: Martin and Schmidt. Second mmte: Mitchell anil Vaivas; Prandt and Jenkins. Hollywood stovpvd the L'hL:,' BASEBALL WEEKLY SUNDAY EXALTING GOD IN LIFE ; ' , ' t ' ' - ; - -- t . ' ' .'7 ' J ' " L' !: 7 :,.:f !.:S;. ':VM5 , Tejt: '2 Samuel 2:3, And his men. that Were with him did David bring up. every lAan with his household ; and they dwelt, in the cltiea of .Hebron. '' ' : And the men of Judali came, and there they anointed lJavl.d king over the house of Judah. ; And the'y told David, saying, That the jnen of Jabesh-gllead were they that burled Saul.' Then came all the tribes of Israel 'to 'David unto Hebron, and spake, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesb. " ' ,i "; ' AIbo in 'time past, when Saul was king over us, tlio6 wast he that leddest out and brou'ghteut In Israel: and the Lord said to thee. Thou ahalt feed my people Israel, and thou slialt be a captain over Israel.. -Bo all the eldei-H of Israel eame to the king to Hebron; aud king Duvid made a league with them in Hebron before tho Lord: and they anointed David king over Israel. i t ., , Vi i - : , ; , And It . v'us told king "David, saying Thei Lord biith blessed ithe hotiHe of .Obe'dedom, and all that pertalneth .unto, him, because of the ark of God.. So David went and brought up the ark of .God. from the house of pbededom Into tlie city ot David .with gladness. v ; And M, was so, that when they that bare the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed 'oxen .and failings. , . And David danced before the Lord wlthTall his might; and David was .'girded with a .linen 'ephod. I i ,.-. t I . . " 1 - So David and all the house of. Israel brought tip the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with tho sound of the trumpet. ' winning streak,' piling" 'up1 - a. '9-1 score. Batteries: Bo'ohler, " 'Hasty and Bool, Lombard!; Huivey and D. .Murphy. ' MAJOR Ik AGUE RESULTS I " ' (Auoctaied Vteu l,envett Wire.i ' 'Pittsburgh's ail nation had-' ,'a gruVe aapect , today.' - Unable i j.q match tho siieed of tho- teliacibua Cuba.' thw Pirates, have fallen- into a tieT&ith. tho 'Cardltmla foi:'.-sec1 ,'pnd iilace,' Yesterday thoy traveled; II strenuous innings , against;. he St. Louis team and lost .a 2-1. -uu-cislon. : . - , ' ' The B'r'Jlvefi h'aniinered out a 12-6 victory over Philadelphia.- j jfuger xiornaoy s uonier was a big factor, however, Iu New York's 7-0 victory over . Brooklyn. The Giants' ' second baseman. Itn'ocKed the ball but of the lot in the eighth with tho bases full 'and two down. ' - : ' j Ty Cohb and Zack Wheal, vefr an outfielders 1 of tho. Athletics,, each collected four hits in the Mackmen's 74' victory over thn Ked Sox. i !.(. Detroit, won its third straight over the Browns, .7-3. t Other teams em not scheduled. Parabase Motor Oil 100 per cent pure paraffine base. At General Independent Dealers. Arundel, .piano tuner; Phone 189-L, SRQ&t 4" HAL The Goofys cave had quite a i door that reached up two febt from f the floor. The home was under- j heath a hill und hidden well from I view. Of course, as soon as it was spied, tlie Tinies saw 'twas uark In side, and wondered it there was some way to let 'the right come through. j One Goofy said, "Way up oh top, we've got a board that we et drop. That opens up a. little place and let's thy,. sun shine In. When this Is opened, we just crawl riht iu and it's not hard at all. - ltut (fat folks couldn't enter. It is lucky you a ie turn. ' j King Clowny then stood hp m.rt 'roared. "Please hurry, now, and move that board. I'd like lo go in to your cave and see just what It's like. I think I'm rather lircJ Iasaiu. I'll look around a while, and then sit down and rest because we'vo had a rather lengthy hike." . , "Won't you please help mw move (ho board? ono Utile uotfy tioo im ; iplored. "Why, sure I, will," weo ; Clowny said. "Come on, now, lead! ; the way." So up the hill tho t.;ooIy ! went. To let In light was his inieni. i ;And then they found to move, the: board was work, not merely play. They tugged and tugged, for It weighed heaps. "I guess that bowl is there for keeps," said Clowny. as he wiped his brow. And -Ihnn they tugged some moro. Then Carpy shouted, "Idko as not, 1 know what ails that board tlry'vo got. It's much too big. They should havo used a little two-by-four." Just then there came' Vi -.;ash nnd creak. Tho bunch wfj Scared und couldn't speak. Soon Clowny and the tioofy (,oo were not flhe.e i.he,- had been. The earth.hove ,he ta,e bad dropped and flonn, and , - -, - : . 7 --. - .. - .4 SCHOOL LESSON 4; 5:1-3; 6:1.2-15. ! NEW tORK YANks: 77 j ' MAY HANG UP NEW I 7 PER CENT RECORD t " -'. ' 1 1 ruin : :. i . ,' ,.j . , (Afswlatt'd I'raw i.tal .WlVf),. . i ; P'HICACOb Aug, 13 T'V.'o, major letim-percentage records - may. go by the boards, when the sea Ison ends. , , ,( , -i .,, -', ' 'With' the New Yorlt 'Yankees ! eleven ganies ahead' of their-near- 'est comrietitors. Washington.' land' jstlll winiiiiig most of .their gaoies',' ' a new high team percentage record seem probable. in i the American league. : The highest percentage -by I'll major league siuco-its organiza-' I lion was the .691 ot the Boston Red Sox in 1912. The 'Yankees have been far above that jmark all season and now have a percentage Jot .700. i .:. ,. ... . j In the national , .league, , .a. new low team, percentage appears prob lable. Iist year the St Louis Car- dinala. broke a record of 38 jy ears standing by taking the pennant wirh . n norpdnrntro nf R7R -It -wuc t the lowest mark that; ever won al j national , flag. This season the pcii- Jnant race is a four-comored af ) fair .between the, Pirates, Cubs.; i Cardinals and Giants, wlillo, tho in-: j creased, strength of the second dl-! i vision clubs,, indicates the pennant :!can be won by an even lower per-J ! centage than that of 1926. The Cubs I now lead by five games, but they f ,have.a Jong hard eastern Invasion iand.a series with the Cardinals atli tat. Louis ahead yhlch . is, not mi COCHRAN PICTURES KN.CK" READ THE STORY; THEN the Goofy fionned 11 ,nmi ,i,... ',, ' - rWMa'U ' ml&V to.U ,l,e cave iu. . - ; v'l, s but perhaps ono chould dhillugulah betwecliijuero superstition and that really devout . religious . feeling which exprdSsts Itseir very large ly In forms aud symbols. It would bo a great mistake to assumo that because people attach much lm portance . and reverence to .forma and sym'bolB tnelr worship Is 'not real.- These things' are to some extent matters of teniporumeiit, but it Is noticeable that It Is not easy either id political qr ellglous life to solidify the Interest's and -life of a people without certain outward signs and symbols.'- There ore "shrines, ' for ihstuhco. Iii the national life today that have a vory real' meaning, and though it might be said that one can live essential Iv 111 the spirit of Lincoln without . ever Beeing the. Lincoln monument, yet that monument lias becpmo.a very real symbol of tho nation's do votlon to -the ideals of-, the man whom the nation honors? ' ' . Religion's Place In Life.- i " Tho Ark of the Covenant' minis tered 'in a prlmltivo. way in Israel to tills factor in the life of tho peo ple David, as wo hav'o already seen, was a strange mixture ot roughness and fineness, n peculiar blending of warrior and poet, with certain elements of tho saint badly bulled beneath his deep tempta tions and his -gross sins, but :iione the less In evidence as he camo Into' leadership of the people.; It ihight, perhaps, bo remember ed that here, as aealn and again In history, we have 'exemplified the place that religion doos play In tho life of a people and nationally. It would bo folly to 'suggest that- na tiosn that still" aro so far removed .from the idoalo and ways of Jesus, as are the modern nations of Hie western world,- are - essentially Christian. Yet wo may oasily un derestimate the Importance of re ligion in the life of a nation with , secular- foundations. '. , Religion, as the' word suggests, is a great binding power, and It Is largelv In the simplification aud purification . of the - religious life of the people that we. 'create the conditions for sound national prog ress. If we could at the present hour bring the' entire American people into practical alleglanco and devotion to tho Ideals of Ipve and brotherhood exemplified by Jesus if Nazareth, what, a; changed nation this would be. ' , -- . .- - likely to cut 'their ' centage of .623. 'present iper- Pure wnole nillK, :and It's, pas teurized. Roseburg pairy Phoue 1SS LAYMEN MAY BE 7 ADMITTED TO THE M. E. CONFERENCES 1 1 ' (AsBoclati-'U 1'rvsj -Iugoc! Wiiu). - CHICAGO, Aug: 13.-A pvoposea amendment to the constitution- of tlle'Methodist' Episcopal' churcn, providing for; the udmissiou rof luy m'oirto the annual church cunfer onue was issued todays by tho Gen eral Laymens association- oE .lhe church as. its first important stop In a new movement toward, gain- ling tv o!ce in the annual -.'.confer- enee aotivities.- The amenilment would provide for ..the participation of laymen in the conference on the basis ,o one laymen for each- S00. church mem bers in the bounds of tho .coufer- fence. At present the laymen, havo ne official voice at ,tho conference. Eat barbecue sandwiches - and "ive forever.. Brand's Road Stand. DR. NERB A S : DENTIST. ...... , Painless Extraction' ''' Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Phono 4S8 - Masiilo liidg. COLOR THE PICTURE