Aluminum Kitchen Ware! Nothing finer than Weatever Aluminum Ware for the kitchen or in the camp. Aluminum Camp Kits Moderately Priced. Other pieces that come in handy during the season are Stew Kettles, any size Sauce Pans, Cake Pans Double Boilers, Skillets Cups, Teakettles, etc Just peek in at our window and see the comprehensive display and you will find many things to please. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. sffiGHSa ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOR SALE MARCH Ancona pullets for sale. Blma Diibell. Canyonvilio, Ore. KOH SALE luTwethor coats and two billion. M. T. Dawson, phone 331'"24. .: FOll SALti Crab appies for jeuy. Inquire at Home ltestaurant. Bnertuan St. FOR SALI2 three, registered yearling Shrop. rains. J. F. Staf lord, Oakland, Ore. FOK SALE Viiiegar barrels, no- tato and sugar sacks. Stephens street store, oiu s. Stephens. SEVERAL KINDS ot siding and flooring at apodal prices. $17 to . ifss. rago Lumber &. Fuel Co. &AMS " VOll "' "SIUJ3Kegistere"d Shropshlres. Mrs. W. E. Staf ford. 1001 Mill St.. Bucene. Ore.- ' HOME grown watermelons; musk melons, tomatoes and vegetables ; at u. cooirsstana, Dinard, Ore. FOR- SALE ICO, a.T pouglaiT";uo7, ; good place, cheap, euBy terms.' A. j ' Patterson, 3665 West 58th I'lace, Los Angeles, Calif; -.' i FOll SALE Oil TRADE Young t - Learn or oiacK marnH: win trarin ( 1 for cuttle, hogs or sheepi. J, i ! ware, uiaua, ure. - KEFRIG ERATOll FOR SALE ' ( $15 Alaska Star, refrigerator, just j like now: i Priced for quick sale I at $20. Phono 560-J. FOll SALE One Gulbransen play j er piano just like new. This' pi- ano has been used very little I and sold at a real bar- gain pi'ico. li Interested vjitej - . j. uua i uucunu, ure. PAYS ITTTWAY UUY property that 'Trill' pay fdr"it- i self. Stock farms are the kind I that will do it. Here is one con- i sisting of 568 acres all fenced with ; woven wire fencing; 60 acres i slashed, ready to burn and seed; i plenty of farm Jand; fruity ,-and j berries; good house and out- ! buildings; running stream j through place, as well as a num- ; ber of springs; on good road. ; For $12,000 on easy terms. ' ' Soe N. Hice of! IUCE & RICE. WANTED WANTED High school girl wants , work for board and room. Leona Lehman, Myrtlo Creek. WANTED Used Fordson traotor. Douglas Park Stock Ranch, Suthorlin. FOR RENT) FOR RENT house, $7 llraughton, C-room furnished por month. J. . D. Miller's Addition, Uoseburg. "HOUSE" . to Rent . Call McLENDON REALTY CORNER OAK & COMPANY MAIN FOR RENT 3" rooms, ground floor, completely furnished, elec tric nguts, not and cold water and fuel .furnished, 2 blocks from con lor of city, $25. O. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St Phono 417. . . ... Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Maklnfl. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Ssrvleo" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 327 Wost Cass Phone -191 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In tho fitting ot Glasses. 116 Jackson St CLASSIFIED SECTION II.T.I.I.I.I.I.I.T.T.IiI.T.T.I.I.I.T.I.T.1 FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOll RENT Nov.iy furnished , house with, garage, near Rose school. Inquire 4U1 South Maiu. LOST LOST Pair of men's Kryptok glasses, dark horn rims, in case. Return ' to " Monogram Cigar store, . . FOUND ' " . , FOUND On Oak street, man's purse aud money, Phone 42-L. I MISCELLANEOUS I o . , GUARANTEED 'VULCANIZING' Reasonable prices. Highway Service Co., Douglas & Jackson. CITY AND FARM LOANS. BONDS BOUGHT, AND. SOLD. RICE ft, RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers. CAR OWNER JJout lornec to call 553 whon in naed of auto parts. , Sarff'a Auto Wrecking nouae.- CURWOOO'S CONDITION EXTREMELY CRITICAL , (Associated Prc Leased Wire) ; . . ' orwbsso, Mich., Aug. 12. frtie condition, of James Oliver pur wood, suffering from a blood! In fection, remnineuV "extremely ! cri tical" eafly totlny, his' physicjaiis announced. . A blood1, transfusion. wis . "Per formed yesterday and the patient apparently rallied for a short time. However, Ills physicians Bay lils condition still la .extremely grave wan crisis yet. to be reached. TWb' WOMEN SLAIN (Associated Press Leased Wire) r J . ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 12.r-fA bull dog crouching between them, two womon were found shot' ;to death Here today ' under clroum stahces which prompted the police to declare they had been murdqred. They were found in a, bed rooin'of a home of one . of the better resi dential districts of the city. ! ; The women were believed to be Mrs. Ruth Barrett and hor sister. ' They appeared to be about '25 and 30 years old. j ; ANTLFISH WHEEL LAW IS i ' " . APPLICABLE TO INDIANS . (Assnelated Press Leased Wire) ; SALEM, Ore., Aug. 6. The law against the operation of fish wheels in the Columbia River and the use of fish traps and seines in the same stream east of Cascade Locks applies to Indians as well as to white people, says an opinion by Attorney General Van Winkle, Tho opinion was written In reply to an Inquiry by M. T. Hay, mastor fish warden of the state, who want cd to know if Indians could oper ate wheels. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weathor Bureau Office. Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported by Arthur W. Pugb, Meteorologist in charge. Barometric pressure (reduced to sea level) 6 a. m 20.98 Relative humidity 5 p,' m. yes terday (per cent) 60 Preclp. In Ins. and Hundredths: Highest temperature yesterday 76 Lowest temperature last night 57 Average temperature lor the day .. 66 Normal temperature for this date , 68 Precipitation, last 24 hours .. 0 Total procip. since 1st month : 0 Normal pronip. for this month .32 .Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 1926, to date 35.90 Average preclp. from Sept, 1, ' 1877 84.16 Total excess Blnce Sept 1, 1926 1.71 Average seasonal preclp. Sept. to May Inclusive 31.12 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Fair tonight and Saturday, cooler tonight. FIRE HAZARDS arc Increased during this season of the year. Play nafo by carry. in adequate Fire Insurance. Our aKoncy Is at your nervlce. Wo write all linen of (ire aud nutomohllq Insurance, URT A score or more tax foreclosure suits have been filed by Douglas county in the circuit court (or the collection of personal -taxeK due for the year 1920. These suits are brought by (hi county through It. L. Whipple, special tax collectur, recently appointed by the county court to collect delinquent person al taxes since the year 1920. The taxes of that year will outlaw lu October if action la not brought and Mr. Whipple Intends to flN suit against all taxpayers who havo not yet paid. A good many have already made their paymenta, but those who havo not are to ho brought into court in an effort to force collections through that channel. Mr. Whipple is now working on additional complaints ana expects within n few maw days to bring action against an other group of delinquent taxpay ers. As soon as the sultB aro started covering all of the delin quencies for 1920 it is proponed to begin action on the 1921 taxes and so on until all amounts now out standing have been collected or settled by the courts. r Picnii at ldleyid Park. UKttxUIN MJtJJ UIN : August 9. Tho only bidder was PRfiPriQPTi IFACC Charles R. Miles, whose bid wns vc iouVmo cirr'18 1,er cent of the tlsh causht a,,d ' OF FISHING SITE; 50 a year minimum. Tho .:om- . , plaint asks that the board be eu- f Associate,! pres. Leased wire) " Joined from awarding tho contract SALEM, . Ore., Aug. 12. Suit;10 M"e8' against Governor Patterson anu, other members - of the stato land board was filed ln the circuit court here by Alma P.. Katz ' and Louella Ames GlllBon to enjoin the board from leasing for fishing pur poses accretionary lands on the Columbia river in Clatsop county. , The complaint avers that the Wtcttcri bootsSdHHSdSiE 5 AY WE IftVCfc A FRECKLES AND "m:r- ' If ' c-'' ' -: '''l-M' l turn " ' y ' UK. J -r,7.,r-l ) W""- fsa COME IAJ AND TELU Ma I JuuMwtww JlMia 13 OUbl . 3fi BMi iBm? rxrW& MI1 ;T' WL,4 P7s';Tv''' ' P $ALESMAN SAM J ' We'll Say So! 1 , i' rA(G06H, 5(VrA, HA GOT TWi S 'imJertT0RTl f -h RtcSWT. W! FR&rt MR (r-xr mgfeT'-'wi: (JIUT of hoor ftow-noA - 23 fvw to wwe . & - OT THERe's mo- m f IM-8U!IM-mtMV S3 go on our mv TMXe iw wr To- KsL. ooM ooT THtvr cpn see! iK M&it4LjtaS3 BSMfl ufl : M ISIT fMW&w you ntrer set, aid our Service to Cpcicncf. dquipmenl ' f DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME . H. C. Ettarnt, Mgr. Esc. 1926 Phone 112 Lady Attendant 11,,, uoara ln 1907 deeded theui a .Hrtuin nf luml iii,-h. hv uo- cro,i0. has Increased until it is now a tract of over SOU acres They claim that tho accretion be longs to their property and thai they havo a right to dispose of the fishing privileges as they see fit as long as the game and fishing law of the state aro observed. They seek to. protect the ulleged rights ot W. E. Tallant to , whom fishing rights on tho . land' ; were granted by them last April." Tho laud board, claiming the right: to CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends -for their sympathy and kindnoss -following the denth of our beloved wifOj daughtor and sistor, Kdna, and for the beautiful floral-offerings. ' ' ."-' : r s-'": '. ' ' Guy McGee, "' 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Leonard, ' -. Mrs. Bernl.ce Newton. ( ; BAND CONCERTS AR1? ENJOYED WEEKLY BY LARGE CROWDS Tho weekly band concerts given by the DouglaH County Conceri Band aro not only proving of great interest and enjoyment to yie mU slc lovers ot Uoseburg, but are al so attractive to the tourists visit ing in the city. The crowds have been exceptionally large and tvv appreciation has been shown ln tho liberal fipplause accorded each se lection. A great deal ot favorable conunont has been heard from vis itors in the city, who have bqvu Buri;rit;gid to hear a band iof such outstanding ability. j Eat barbecue sandwiches and tlvft forever. Brand's Road , Stand. HIS FRIENDS :;:;-:::":r""! '. -vv .Lo8 and Foun ,OuO! .' kj.M::'!;;:;':; . By MartU k ' SyT UA: I, -vJ" 1rj:.l,V-. : . . . . I ; . I ill r-n . 1 1 t-i H ' ' j'n.'ii n. in , I ; Stats Market Agent' Letter -i (fly Seymour Jones) i The eastern wheat market be came very much excitfd Mowlay i Mill "VVllllg H L-(JlltlI7 J , ported over a large area ln Canada, 'ami the. 3 was a raise of six cents a liUKhtil thrniiL'ti Ihn iluv. Th t Por i land market did not go quite! '. riu high, but there wuu an advance ' at one to three cents over alur- day. Portland quotations were' to tt.32. Much of the wheat I In the northwest this yenr is lack-f lug in protein aud not up to i standard for uillUng purposes, but i will be sold for export. The grain Inspection depart j handled some 300 carloads of wheat Monday and expects an av erage of 200 carloads a day dur ing me next three months. Hope for Good Prunes W. F. Drager, a prominent fruit grower and packer, with interests tu on iuiii Him 111 ijuugius county, j b)H uiu irun iiuii'Ktfi uus readi ed the bottom on prices aud that the grower who harvests only first class prunes will be able to obtain good prices for them, but he ad vises against luvvestlug scabby or interior fruit, us it will not payj me grower ana will also destroy the reputation of the Oregou prune. Dinger blames the short j selling packers for the depressed condition of the pruno market, t Selling Summer Apples j Fly pooling their supplies, apple I dealers of the Mllton-Freewiler district recontly shipped out the ; I'll bt carload of apples of the sea ! son, says the Oregon Farmer. The price was 52 a box, the highest yet recoivod there for summer apples. Shipment was to Calgary. The district, npple crop .is short, but growers ure anticipating good returns, due to the short crop throughout tho United States. Organize for Next Year All eft'orts -to perfect a prune marketing organization - for the 1927 crop having failed, Henry Crawford, chairman of the com mittee of nine appointed at the prune convention at .Corvallis, to outline a plan fcr marketing, of prunes through (cooperation of growers and .packors, has called a meeting of the committee ln Port land on Thursday of this week to discuss plans for marketing the crop of 1928. ; ... '. . Oldest and Youngest ' ! C. O. liorlnnd. n?ed 78, - nnd Maurice Saufrer, aged 13, were the; extremes in age of those at tending tho Oregon Stale Grange at Corvallle some weeks ago.! Mi, Borland, j who Joined the order ' In Nebraska In the early 70's, belongs to Oswego Grange and . Is gate keeper of the stato grange.' Stauf- for. belongs tq Four Oaks Grange In 'Lane county. . .Making Woman's Weapons The town, pfi St. Unions, 30 miles doi Vn 'tho1' Columbia Jfrom Port- laud, has a handle factory which is becoming an, Important hive of In dustry! fit shipped 600,000, handles The More BEAUTY'S BEST IN BALTIMORE 1 8 'f I (NI5A Service, Baltimore Ilureau) ' Queen of tho heart of Maryland is Beulah - Goldsbcrough, Balti more's prettiest of face and form. By her victory, in the recent city oontest there she won the high ti tle of Miss Baltimore 1927 and the high honor of representing her heme town In the- Attantlo Oly beauty pageant. ' ' ; during i July, reports tlio SentlnQl. ' Pears Soiling Well V J Cannery men S and j wiiroUonao men Bt'artod rivalry in the buying of peitra in the Yakima-section la Washington recontly, with the: re sult that a lnrge quantity was pur chased on a basis of. 960 to $08 a ton. , ; ;.; ., Profitable BedM , I ' I -A -7-Hcvo tract of strawbem'iosiat Hood Hlver yielded 1900 orates of packei berries and 700 crates of berries tor cannery purposes, says the Portlaud Journal. ' The revenue froln . the,' seven acres exceeds 7,000. ' The, borrles ' woro Clark seedlings.' M ? J i1 .; M -i ) ; To Montana 1 h " . : J ': Mrs. Emma Monro, left yesterday mi iv linn r in ii, itiuiiLiiiiti, wumu she expects to upend somo time. the Merrier 3 r.TJKHr.-i.w.'iimiT.Tirj !3 i: .. We are able to figure your power and pumping installation. See Ua First We Con Save, You Money FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGtiNTS FOR Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oakland Now Looated at Washington Street and 6. P. Tracks, (Associated Press Leased Wire) PORTLAND, Oil)., Aug. 12. Qonoi'ul atciiiililuwB win evinced In pricoH lor most wholemilu iuhI re. lull produce tlilu moinlnir. Hun. plies In most lines were uot exltii j luiRo but CallrornlH aliipnieutu ut pcuohes and wulormolong ni'o con- 1 1 11 lllitsr llOlll'V Tl.-ih w.ul,.rv Into coiiBuminlon quite reudlly t Biuiiiiy priuea. jon piu-ea tor jui bertn ponrltos runged from to Sl.!tR. I.Hl'ln Vlillnu limp,l 0 lK and medium $2 per box. i ne wiitermoions moved front 24 to 2'i cents at wholesale. , Epr prices aro unchanged luday and butter is Konerally steady ex copt that the ' dairy, ' oxcJiaiiRC quotes standard : oubea halt, cent liIKner at 41b. , : '. . , , , Country cliuascd meats and potil try prinoa' were fully t firm; Ihla morning with unchanged quota tlona. Meat receipts Wore light. ' .: 1 .,'! POltTLAND, Ol'oi,-. Aui!, jl3. Butter:- Standards and buttcrfat' UP 4 cent, i prices i ' Kx- tl'ft CllhOH CitV 41AMHtllllltMt.tM .11 prima firsts 331- firsts. 374. Crown- j iiiitra. s-rtiim u cuius aao.vo cube standards; buttertat 42 fi o. b.i Portland. v i I i j i ( JVIIllt-, , Duttqrfat' tin .li cont.il3Wa to. farmeri Haw milk' 4 jier ce)nt:(' S2.225 cwt. f, o. h. Portlmid; b!mtef 42 cents f. o. b. Portland. i Eggs stoady; current receipts 2D cents; fresh mediums r2,T; (fresh itindurd; firsts do extras, 2S. , Pouiti'y steady. Jjoss 5 per cent eonimlBBloii! ; Heavy lions 2M1i23,:' .light 1214; Bprings 18; br'ollurs '1819; iiBkln white dticko 18;: col-, orod nominal; turltoys alive liom lnnl. . - . Onions steady;- locarsl.7Ggg,o6; v la Fairbanks Morse Ga Engine : Water Systems Light Plants Motors t Centrifugal Pumps potulocs steady, i2.50if!!.2! sack. Nuts steady; walnuts 27 5j ,11; filberts 19fIS0; alinonda iWiii; VmM nuts 1 1 (If-1 II ; Orogou cheat, uuts 17i oj: SO; peanuts U'u'll. Cuucaru bark steady, 7 (fr 8 cents; Oregon grape root nomluul. Hops 1112(1 crop nffi l'J oentB. POKTLANll, Ore.. Aug. 18. Cattle ami culvoa steady. Cows, low cutters to uutlora f2.S0lip4.UU; olhors unchanged. . Hogs Eteady. . feeder and Block er pigs 70fy 1,'iO pound medium to choice 10.00j( 12.50; others un changed. : 'BOSTON,' Aug. 12, The Com. merclal UullQtiu tomorruw will say: . r . e , -.. ;, "Tho wool market is hardly ' us active but fully as firm. Stocks o( foreign wool aro woU-niglit ox. haiiBtod audi demand necOBSttrlly falls on! the domestic desorlptlorus. Prices-aro unchanged. ( .- "The manufacturing outlook is considered very brigut with our rent conditions extremely 1 healthy. The now season has hardly . got well startod as yeu :- '-. "Foreign , mai IteiB aro giudnallj Btiongthenlng.i .Higher1 prices urn predicted by Bradford1 before the next London sales and most men In the trade look for u advance at tho opening of the primary mar kets at the first nf September. - "Mohair Is in moderate demand with prices stoady." 1 ' The CHmniercinl '.nullotlu. -will publish . the following voqI quota tions tomorrow: ; lohulrs; Original bag average 12 nicntlu Orogon G355c. jloilffvANi),: ' ' Orq.. 'Au(5.i-12. Wheat:. IiHB; ,lmrd ; white, ;hurd white, bluestqm,. hanrk Jl.llli;' hard federation, soft , .white, western white, , I1.3J; hard winter .11.31 ; northern .spring $1,31; ; woatorn red By Blosser . j -r .. J -t. . By Swan "MATTRESSES" Our 50 lb. Felt Mattress it All Quality. Powell Furniture Co. 240 N. Jackson 8t. G. W. Young & Son INSURANCE 119 Cast St. Phone 417 -Jik. r ntnvirc inc. Tr. ') 5 pst