SIX ROSEBURC, NEWS REVIEW. THURSDAY, AUGUST II. 1927. OBICIPFI P GIRLS BACK FROM I SMITH RIVER GAMP t'Tlie Alinlm-liama (iroup of Camp- . flro Olrls of Drnfli, riitiiiiii-cl Wed iiosdny, AiiKiiot 3, from their camp ojl Hiulm rlvjr. Tlu kIi-Ih report having had an oxtM'llonl time nwlnimln In iho rhllly wnlor of Hnilth rlvor, unl blitzing trullx ovi.t tlio hlllH, and iiijoyinn Uio many thrilla of cnmp We .... '' 'Mono of llin fflrlB proniwt ianHwl the first two nwlintiifiie lontn which nj-.e tlio PollywoK and Ki-ok. and btiuan working on 'tlie FIhIi tost which In I lie third tout. Tho Hiiro 2rlH who awaru BOO yards nt one lime woro Harriot Durroo, Kdyti.o Stcvona, und Mildred Youiik. Thiy arn worklw? on Iho Flying FIhIi temt which Ih the final teat In BWlnunlng. The Rlrls who took tho camping rank of Fagot-flndcr wore Francos StnVltilo, Lovlna Wilson, and Mil-ili-cd Young. This rank Is reacn fd hy doing reiiiilrptTionts such ns can ho dono iu camp only. 1 On Thursday, July 28, they had n Bpocill Council Flro that EIkIo Short might hecome a Camp Flro (llrl and a full fledged member of the camp. The girls wore pleased to have with them many visitors on differ ent occasions, they wore. Mi", and 'Mrs. F. W. Kayo, Mr. and Mrs. Rprague and family, Mrs. Jim Hor Ington and family, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Whlnplo and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilson and family, Mrs. Newton Travlor and daugh ter, Mr; and Mm.. Will Traylor and family, and 0. V. Sanders, u II from Drain, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl lirant and family. Hoy Ili-flnt and Hannah Schosso of Yoncalla and Capllolal and Vorn Milllgun of 8mlth;rtlvoi The1 girls are certainly Indebted to Mrs. O. V. Sanders, their Guar dian: for giving them hor .tlmo no as to ;mako tills camp possible, i' lid I alHo very thankful to B. G. Whlilplo, 0. V. Sanders, N. I). Cool and John Kont for conveyances to and from camp. They also appreciated Iho aid of othoils Wio helped td mako tho camn a success.. ! Those prosont at the camp -wore: Porothyi Whlpnlo, Elslo Short, Francos iMcVittlo, Eilylho Stevens, Marjory! Fayo. Maxlno Sandors, Ilea Sanders, Mildred Young. Mur iel Spraguo. Naomi Smith, Lovlna Wllsopi pud Harried Durfoe, also I li r.l i- former guhrdjiin, Mlkii ftcnrji Wilson! and tliolr preHont fluai'- dlan, Ulrs. G. V, Sanders, in.(1si)iilll; HUllHi imp mm ItOOUl'L. jpyiNA WILSON, Scrlbo. : Buy fencing ; .now wlillo tho ground Is firm to haul It over. Wo have: ft' large onrlbnd of 'American In stock,.. Wharton Bros. ')''; ).U ' o AmocIiiM Prom IitKil Wlro) ' KEYST0N15, S.' D Aug. 10. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln nnd lloosevolt, by following tho truth, built for eternity, Presldunt Cool ldge declared (lore In Iho heart of . the Black Hills today, at oxorolseB beginning work on the glgnntlo "Itnshmoro memorial to tho four American presidents." "Tho fundamental principles which Ihoy roprosenlod." Mr. Cool Idge said, "have been wrought In to Iho vory being of our country. They are steadfast ns these ancient hills." The president hnd como far lnlo (he wilderness to dedicate this massive pleco of granite out of which Iho flguro of tho four pros! dents are to ho carved, a memorial sponsored by tho peoplo of South Dakota, and In eulogizing their en deavor, Mr. Coolldgo paid them a high tribute. "There Is no power that can stay tho progress of such a people." ho said. "They aro predesllned to success. Our , country Is fortun ate In having tho advantage of I heir citizenship. They have boon pioneers In the development of their slate. They will continue lo be pioneers In the defense and de velopment of American Institu tions. ltwns the first foruinl address which Mr. Coolldgo has nmde since coming into the lilacs Hills nnd his first speech of any kind since he announced that he does not choose to run for president next year. Pointing to the fact that the South Dakota peoplo unaided will not bo able to completo Iho monu ment they bnve begun, Iho presi dent urged tho "sympathy nnd sup port of private beneficence nnd I lie national government." "Money spent for such a pur pose," ho declared, "Is certain of adequate returns In Iho nature of Increased public welfare." t BRIEF SPORT NEWS 1 0'Leary Philosophy Don O'Loary, famous walkor, says ho will still be young oven should ho IIvs to bo a ccntt narliin. He Is 88 .now. This It the Babo'i Idea Babe Ruth thinks that hitting hasn't Improved as much as pitch ing since the days when he was a hurler. Ha Hat No Bananas Joe Freschl, Washington tanrl loiter and banana eland proprietor, COpUDGE LAUDS : CHARACTER OF 4 '; PREDECESSORS ' .'V- :". c THIS NURSE GOODjlEALTH Praises Lydia . Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound "I Iibvo taken Lydla E. Plnkhom's Viritll Compound for some time and 1 would not he wllhuut It In the house. As I am a children's nurse, 1 have to ho on my feet a great deal ana your medlciue has helped me wonderfully, 1 was hardly able to do my house work when I be gan taking it. and new 1 uui a strong and well woman, able to do all that und' go out nursing' besldeB. 1 have also used the Sanative Wash und found It beneficial." Mas. Gt;aiituii: L. Stkwabt, U3 Davis Si., Green field. Mass. Valuable for Wtaknui 'I have found Lvdla E. Pink. ham s Vegetable Compound a valu able medicine for weakness." .Mas, J. A Pikth( ii, Iiox .1117, Lancaster, Pa. Hundreds or letters like these uro received by the Plnkham Medlclno Co., Lynn, Mass., from grateful women who say that their health has Improved since taking Lydla IS. Flnkham'S' Vegetable Compound. has quit the banana business to Join tho Yankees. Indians May Sign Him Tho Cleveland Indians are watching Elinor Klumpp, 20-your-old Milwaukee boy, and may buy lilin from Ottumwa soon. Just Another Yankee Ellas Funltfjust another Yankee out oil option, Is hitting ubovo tlio .300 mark In tho Aniorlcuu associa tion. , ' ! ; " Has No Bad Eyeslaht nobby Voach, former Detroit fielder, is among the swat leadora In the American association. i Failed to Go Over i , , Efforts of Milwaukee promoters to have Jack Dempsoy roferee i a bout In that oily Ivoro banned by tho boxing authorities. j i.j Wrljht to Try Aflaln ill. Joo Wright, Canadlun scullor, plana to go back to Honloy In 11)28 for tlio diamond bcuIIs cham pionship.,. - II, , j I ; 1 ' K' i. t-ip-J 1 ?: ; T SHEEP ' H.i Turkoys and poultry 1 ! J - Bring. y ...v. the fnrmors good returns : Wo havo , ,.,.j,',; .: . '. " Bonio splendid places ' suitable- -. : : - ; ' : for this business which you ' can buy on oasy torms . . or ,: . , , , , trado In city .properly . , . ' .' Cull .. McI.ENDON niSALTY COMPANY CONNER OAK & MAIN '. BLACK SKUNK FARM TO BE ' . ( OPERATED AT OLALLA ' J. A, Itavllln and L. S. I)oud 7if Olulla, are slnrllng a binder skunk farm. I'hoy received a slilpnie'nl of three erates of the anlninls last night nnd expect: lo secura more for breeillng -purposes In tho' near future. Thu, fur of the black skunk la vary 'Valuable nnd those . fur furms have proven a vory -profitable Investment' In other parts of the country. Both of the men are experienced and havo spent con siderable llmo and money con structing pens nnd'otherwiso get ting their place at Olnlla In readi ness to opernto a fur farm. 15o GLASSWARE Specials In dandy usoful plecos. Bowls, vases, crenmors, sugars, bowls, frogs, etc. Clour and amber Btylos. Carr's. ADDRESS PUBLISHED An address given by W. C. Schuppel of tho Oregon Llfo In surance company beforo the Hobo burg'Klwunls club recently appear ed In full iu the current Issue of tho Life Association News, the national nuhllrntlnn of Iho associa tion of life lnsuranco companies. Tho address was on tho subleet. "Making Sure of Your Success by Getting Kid of Your Mental Hiu ards." NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 7000 Toot of co hum it niiJowulk will bo built In Laurolwood Addl- tlon. W. M. VAUOHN, Chief of rolloo. Double Strength TLY-DI Ask Your Druggist (or the Amber Bottle nnd secure the high power Insectfclde pronounced the Deadliest of All VII I C F""' Moth' Bugs. IVlljLiO Mosquitoes, etc. PLEASANT ODOR Non-Poisonous, Will Not Stain. Mem Not Ire of sole of gnvernmrnt tim ber. Ui!Urul iind Orflc, WhhIiIiik tiMi, II. :, July IK, 1!)27. Notice 1 hercliy glvn Hint subject tu the centlllloiiM und llmltatluns of the set of June u, l!lu (:tli Hlat., ilk) and Jiiriiunt to di'purtrnentul retfii lulloilH of April II. 1!(J4 I,, jj ;i(ti). tin; tliriher on th rollowliiK ImiilH will Imi nolil at ten o'clock ii. in. K.-nt. H, lj; at public auc tion at tin- f. . i, ii l office at Niile lo .. hiiI.I..i i, n T V i lit Ih.. HenrsNn't- ,f , t . , Mm pnrchttHf price, with un addl tlonitl um of oiif-fifiji of une lt(,r com ther'ff, Ih Juk c-onnnitiKlonH al io vvpiI. iniiHt he (Jetmllwl ut tiMie of ttiile. inoiuty to to rettirnet jf Hide Ih not finprot'ed, otherwine it., ut ii i win iwwut) ior uim t rnhc wnh-h iiiuvt rrnifjvi'fl within 10 yeitrH. HI.Ih will l reer lvf from . n.nn ui mi! uniieil Ulatl-J. UHO ClIltfONri Of HUl-ll Cltixi-IIH li nit ..- miiiitloiiH nrtrii nixed under the Iuwh i tin iiiiiit-u niitiPH, or nnv Ht;i (rrJlory f,r iiintrlt thereof only. eluiHi-r tin timber on nnv leicn huU dlvlwlon will he offer-l Keparntclv iifiore nenijf HTliwled ft urv ttf-r i'. XKH HWW yellow pi-.. M. KKW HW'tf y.-llnw pine 4W) M lioiMi of Ihe tlinher nn lliin Heetloi in ho Hold for I-hh than It.fin per M. TlirjM. C. IIAVKM. A linB Coniinl Hioner. K.YI'XI.TOHMI NOTICE In the Ooiinty rourt of tho State nt Ori'Knii fop I(,uirlas f.'nuntv. In Un- nifitlfr of tho ,-Htate 'of John Ifiincock. tlfci.-aio'il. N'otli'. Is lierfhy nlvi'n tioit H'O iiiKli'i-Hlffn'-'l has lH-en rtulv an polnlfil I'Vfriitor of tho iiiHt will nn'l IcHtiunt'iit of John llnnror-k, (lo ooiisoil. hv ord.T of iho ithove on tllloil court ami that ho liui iluly niinllfloel nn hih-i oxoeiilor. All per sons hnvlnir rliilms nKuitift lo ohIhIo of ho 1.1 ilocoiiKiMl an-. horohv ronulreil to prowont tho,n. wiih nropor voiioMorH, ilnlv voririoit n" h" Inw roonlroil, to Iho'iimlorKlirnod nt ills roNlilonco near Hlktnn In Dour. Ins rniuilv. Oro'fon. within six (ll) llionlliK from tlio (Into of tl,.. flrnt niihllcritlon of this notice which In AllKllHt II., tl7 . , I,INroi,K irAN'r-nrric, Ktoculnr of tho Ii-t Vi'Ht p,j Tostnniont of John Hancock, -lo- COOHCU. XOTICK OF I'-IN.W. dH'I-ri.miBNT Notlco Is horoiiy Kvon that Iho "ndorBlBiiod. admlnltrutor with a, 5' , annexed of the estate 'of ilJ "y""' dweaseil. has riled his final ncconnt In the county court of the state or Or, -iron for DoiikIhk '"""'V, and tho. .Honorable Ueortfe innSl"V"V ""IU ''"rt '"! anno utcil Aloninv t w. I'm. .i.... Meptoinhcr, JU27. nt 10:0.1 o'clock In tlio forenoon of snld ,iav , i the county court room nt Iho court nniiHo .in Hoscbiirtr, HoukIiih Onun- r!' 9r0Kf"' "1 ,,ho ,lnl nl 1'laoe for henrlnir objections. If any. to there"?''0""' "'" set"'mo"t All persons, ltlterouto.l Ii, nni.i eslnto nro herein- notified to file their objections. If iiny. to stilil flnni account at or before the time 110- sii'il " ' rlna1, bearing; as aforo lJ?'Ml I '"i"' ,'n.jrof A'iBust', ; pnxTnin !nroB, Administrator with Hie will, an nexed of tho estnto of Albert W. ItyiilU ileceased.. ,. - , . CITATION !(.'1M'! Tn thP Countv'Colirt of tho Rlnto of liiR uounty Of noiiff- Jn hi mnltor of Iho f'Btntn nf ' . Saiinicl .rosi'pliTlnnftmi doW'rtBAd. " " ' Alldo 11iini(i1. (,no .ToHiiph TIiihopI, i Frnnlc liVrbcrr num...,- '.ToHoph !. . llanool, HiMuiifl K. HohooI. nnlf. T.aurln IlMfffi,. Olcndfdo .KUito - wa"J5' H lyntklnir ror.nooillon. nnd. M. D. flwlirhl. nnd to nl) nthprs unltnoivn lnivlnir nnv lnfrnHt hi or tn (ho fnHowinff-dosorlbwl rt'Ol prnpfrly: nrnntlnpr: Tn tho un mo nf thi nintn of rim. ffon. von uro hiM'iibv. cMnd hnd ro nnlrfd to fipponr ln tho - County r.ourt. of tho Htnto of Ot'okoh. for County nf Doiib1ih. nt tho Sent, if) 2 7; toi'tii' tluM'oof, hi rourt room of wild uourt, ut non.biirK,- in tho OntinlV nf nonirliiM Hinin ..i Orniton. on li'rldny, tho. nth duv nf Hoploinbor. 197. at thnihifur of ten o einuk hi tho forenoon of thnt div, tlicii and Llwr-o to Hhow chuho. If uny nxittt, why un -oldisr of milo Hliuuld not ho mndo of tho following di'ncrlbod roul proporty lieloiiff ior to th nlinvo untitled oHtnte. to-wlt: Tniot No. 1.. NUV, of -NW'4 of h.t tlon i!7. towimliip V, houUi ' riiimn 0 wont, V, M,f toMKlan County,- Ore gem. i , : . Tm't No, 2. L,otn 7 nnd 8 In blnrK 1ft. ,flty of QlPiiduhv DouKlas coun ty, DreKoii. ,', , v , Trnul No. Tl. AVost hntf of Lot. 2, bloi'H 2. city of UlomluK., , OoukIhh county. Oregon. . ( Truet No. 4, IotH 1 and 2. block 1, MtlhortKons' Addition lo the city of (tlondalo, OrcKon. Triict. No. fl. I.otw a nnd 4 in block 1, ULlbertHoiiV Additions to the city of Ctloudule, DoiikIub coun ty nrcKon. "WHiiesM, tho Hon. OoorKo K. Qiilno, Judffu nf thi Countv Court of tho Hlnto of OroKon, tor the County of DoURlllft. with the el of tilt' fcilfll rnnrl , i rr I v,.il ! Ii I u i nil. diiy of AiiRUHt. AIlOHt IRA 11. ltlDDMC, CI (County .Court Honl) rlc. SVMMON.S III the Circuit Court of tho Rtnte of ("ircpon for Douuina Countv. The llonebura; National Hunk, n hniiklnu cornnrn Hon Pin lm l ft v Clonruo Tn r unit nnd Anna .1. Tur rant, bin wife, ulno all other per ming or part Ion unknown chilmliiir any riKht, tide, entitle, lieu or lutoreHl In tho real entate de-' Kcrlhod ln tho complaint heroin. Oofeudiitilit. To: OoorKc Tarrant and Anna J. Tnriant. hln wife, nlno all other perMitiifi or parties unknown claliiiliirT any rlicht. title, estate, lion or Intercut In tho ri-nl estate described In the complaint here in; dofondnntH above named. In Ihe name of the state of Oro- iCon: you. and'ench of yon nro hore hv renulred to armour nnd nimwrr pininitrrn cnmnialnt avahift voii now on file In the nlmv entitled court and eaiiHO nn or before the last nay or tbo time prescribed tn the order for publication of this ummoim, to-wlt; on nr before the Sth day nf Siptemhor 11)27. s;tld diiy belnir the expiration of four week from Ihe date of the firit publication nf thin summon: the time prescribed for Publication be lli once n week for four consecu tive weeks, and If von fall n to nnppnr nod nnswer. for want thefe of. the ptiitnttff will nnplv to l court for th relief demnndt-d In said complaint, a mice t net state ment nf whtfh In ns follows, to wit: that each nnd nil of von be required to assert nnd disclose In this ttult tho nniure. extent nnd cbarac.tcr of nnv adverse ebilms, estates, liens or Interests wlib-h vmi, tr nnv of you. nxnerl ip or to t bat certain rcnl property sltMitd In lnuttlas County. OrcKon. tnd de scribed an lot six '"!. nnd the wt-st twenty C!0 reet off or lot five. (fi. In block three d. In tho town of G I end ii , In said count v n d state, which town was oriKln"'!' platted ami recorded ns Julia: th'tt each and all of ion b. df-rved to have no rlKht. estate, lien or Inter est In or t snld real oropert v, or nnv part thereof, nod thai voti he each forever nmred from scttiuit up ny en tale, rliht. lien or Inter out In or to said real propt-riy: tbt plalnllff's til'" to vnid r-ii nroper tv be uuleted and pin let Iff ad Judrd to be the owner of all of, said real troprtv in fee simple; and for eeeral rpiTer j This summon Is published In f nosehif- ivs-U''Vlew a nAw snft- : per pulillshed In Ouirlas County. Oreron. by order of the Hon. K. Oulne. rnunlv JudHe of st'd count v is"?. The date of tho first Publication of this summon 1 Aunost 11th. 1927, nnd the date of the last rub- lUutton in Keplfinljf r St It, 1027. IS. U KltUY, Attorney for plaintiff, poat of t if alUrfRti: Ilonutjurjf, Oretfun, xotivis ok iti:iiti(; In the Cnxinty Court of th Ktulo of Orctr'tn for UouKhia (futility. In the hi H Iter of the t-atate of 4Jliiirl's Albert Moore, deceased, .NOt U- lierehv- iflveli thai Hie ii adniinlHtrator of the eMate of Charles Albert Moorrf. ile- ' 1 '"Un'-u. nan Ilieu m IIH! iiiidVU I It t H'U COurt II II tj niatlcr th final nr. count of IiIk admlnimratloii of Huid'0,11 UB "ie t,-0uniy t-Htutf and thut waiu court, itv nrd r ;, Ul; in ui m i.uupny duly made and entered, buf f K.-d '-ourt ou,H'r' ui tho pluco tor ht-ur-Krlday, tb !th day nf H.-piriiii. r. In, obJccMon to Hal d final account lt27, ut tb hour of ton o'clock j,, ;aol th statlcmfcnt of tiftld t-Htato. the forenoon of said day. im ih-1 ,(1.,at;ti and rirat puhllnht-d Auk. 4, time, and the county court room in1-' ,,, thft mirt Houho at Jtoscbur, Umtn-1 . AuTiUjH HO Kit, uift i rouniv. tirt-Kon, a a tin; iju for bcarlnir obici-tlotifi. If nnv. Haid final account or to thu ;;eltlii-m-nt of mild t'Ktute. Dated and first published August 11th, 1J27. C.UY COUIiON, AdmlnlHtrator of the catatf of CbarlcK Albert Moore, dtceaHcd. notk i; to ni:i(Trms In the County Court of the State of Or-Kon for DouwbiM County. In the matti-r of the entiite of Not Ire Ih bereby Klven that tlie underpinned has been duly appoint- I HdinlnlMrntor or tne OMtate . or Her I., defoaiHf-d. bv ord of tlie above entitled court. All per koiih bavintf claliii ueainKt aald eHtute are brebv rertilred to pr$ Hent the aaine. duly verified at hy law r-ouired. lo the underwlR'nod nl hiH office In the l-'IrHt Stale &. S-iv-ins Hunk. Itofc-burK. Oreuon, with in kIx nmnth from the dale of tby flrnt publication, of this notice. jintT or rirsi publication Autfust 11. '.MT, I-.te n last vjhll'.'atlon h-t-tm-h ;r ".1)27. OUT COTt'H N, AdmlniRtrntor nf tlio .hHI j (, Wn'ter I. Co-:ad. deceased. NOTICE OP ilM-'HIP-"' BALE OP It E A li IMIOI'EHTV In the Circuit Court of tbn State of Osteon f(,r JJOUCfinw v-nnniy. E. K. Cnulo and Bortha Ca&lo, Philntlffa. vs. i Malker E. Jfdinson, Hastel .Tohn- BOn. .1. II. Venoer. Bi'i Uift vvuoer. and Itlddlo State Bank, a corpora tion. Defendants. n-Vitifn la lionh' irlvon that bv virtue of an execution and order of salo lamied out of tho above en titled court In the above, ontltled cause on tlio :ira nay oi aukuhi, ii!7. tn mn directed nnd delivered. cnmmondlnB" mo to sell tho heroin nfter described real property o satlsfv the sum of 200l).00 with interest thereon nt tho ratn of six per cent per annum from Anril I1.. l!12fJ. and the further sum of $ft3.fif) and tho further sum of '$21.20 oosta and disbursements. In accordance with tho decree rendered 1 tii en tered in tho above entitled court and cnuae nn tbo 3Rt 'Inv of Au fit. 1027. T will, on Saturday, the 3rd dav of Sentember. 1027. at th, hour of ten o'clock In tbo forenoon of said day at tne rroni uoo ot rnn enurthouso In Uoseburcr. Pouplni Cnnntv. Oregon, offer for sale nnd Bell nt public anctlnn to the hlirlt- OHt nidar ror ensn in nnnn im im lowlntc described real, proporty, to- wlt- . . All tho land and Improvements commonc.Inc at a nnint fortv chain" north of tho Hnuheast co-ner of claim number flftv-two fii" of jQlin ijftnnnerr m towiihu'o , t south of ranffo C west. Thenrn south RO'detrroea and 30 mlnuttss st jo.isi cnnnia. tfiauco pn"in ' dKteoB nnd minutes oust 10 ohnlns. Thence pnrlh SO deKroeR nnd .10 minutes easr.. ,cnnii;s. Thence north 10 ehnlnn to ihr place nf begflnnlntsr. contnlninir 10Tr nore. moro or leas, aiso ripnc or wav llnkH whin running- on- rim went sldo of tho tract (Inscribed, In up nnrthorlv. rllrocf'on fmm the lnd ennveyed bv John .Tones to It. ROuor. to tho countv ' road from UnRnbnriT to Colea.i Vnllev, evcop- Inir a pler-o or innn sofri to n n. Annlebnff enntainintr two and ono- bntf acrei of land, alt' In 'Douglas fcpMnrv.fOreffon. . ' i anhtect tn redemntl.nn s provided ihv 'law. and will apply the Droceeris Uil'lR nnri Ovoonsps thereof nwil the ,halanc;o I will nnv to tho olork, of tno nnnvo ptii'(iii cuu't in i1" up- piled in pntltfoetion of said decroo, as reuulred .by lav. 1 , Dated August 4th. '17. i ' ' S. W. PTATIMEP: o v Sheriff of Douglas County OrQr son. ,; i ' ry SUMMONS 1 - Nn. KI20 Tn Iho Circuit Court of tho Rtnto of Oregon for Douglas Countv. Ttnlnh U H1cbt.'r nnd .Annlo F. M'ood. "Plain I if fs, vs. f JohniF. Culver. P. W. Culver. TT. V, ' Culler. Oeorge W. Co'vor. Phoo bo IS. Culver. Pnllv N. Hellows. Nobert Mnrtlndnle, Riolinrd Mnv tindalo. Mrs. .Tnm"s Sobl, rrs. "Wtlltain Henhnm Sr.. R P. An- dorson. Mrs. .Teff "Wilson. Kvn, Oov. Naiicy Rtfnson: also, tho unknow'n helm of Soloniftu Fitz IhikIi, deceased; nlso. nil oilier peraons or pnrties unknown ' claiming nny right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described In the complaint here in Dofendnnts. To TT. F. Culver nnd Nnncv Rtinson, defendants nhove nnmed; nlso. to tho unknown heirs nf Solomon Pltzhugh. deceased: nlso. to all other persons or nnrties unknown olnlming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the renl estnto described In tho complaint hero in, defendants: In tho name of the State of Ore gon: you. and each nf you. aro hereby required to apnea r nnd an swer the complaint filed against you In the above ontltld court nnd causa within four weks from tho date of the first publication of this summons, or within four weeks from tho dale of service thereof, if the same lie fcorved upon you per sonally without tho state of Ore gon, and If you full to npnear nnd answer snld vomolnlnt. for want thereof the plnintlffs will nn-dy to the court for the relief then-ln de manded, n succinct statement of whlrh ts ns follows: for tho decree of the above entitled eourt nnletlng Plaintiffs' tltln In nnd to tiio fol lowing described real property, to- w i ' : Commencing at a stone In the eentor of the Unehurg nod Myrtle Point WBfron road 1.08 chnins south and 70 east nf the portbonst cor ner of the Alston Martlnddle Do nation Innd Clali. theneo south 70 east 2.92 chnins to n stone, thence east nn a line Parallel to tbo north line of the southwest quarter of section 20. township ? south ranEo 8 West of the Wt Unmet to Meridian, a distance of 2.02 chains to a stone, thence north 98 cast 4 flS chains to n stone, thne noth ss west n distnncA pr r-hnlns tn a stono placed In the center of said wagon road, thence south 1t wet along center of said w-nir-n rnnd 2.1 chains to a stone. thneo south -4 west 1.S7 chains to the place of bearlnnlnK'. contain ing two acres more or les. nil alt ua In Douglas County. Oroon. This sum-nop is served PPn you and each of you. known nnd un known, bv puMient''n thereof in the Rosburtr News-Rnv lew, R tp'Ws pnper of general circulation pnbU-h-ed nt Itosebura:. in Donirlas Countv Crcson. pursuant to the order of tlrn Hnno'ablc J. Y. Unmlltpn. lodge of tho Rbnvw entitled court, dulv made and eere.t on the 1 st dav of August. 1$',7. dlreetfmr ad iuiitmrjtir,ir that this summons be , published oni'O f Week for four ! nsecutiv weebs. nid r(iiitrin' : thnt yon ftppwnr nni answer p)ai- tirfs- nmMs(nt w'thm four from the date of the firt ptttdien tmn f fnts summons 'kJ" ! tin nv of Ai"usf '"or after Personal servlre heren' vou. If Pnrsonnl torvlc nf this Attnrpev for p)'nilffs. ciitnc, nnd post office address: Roseburg, Oregon. - of th, t,st puhHestio. of ;h. -on,. Ve'st ntWl .omlt ;?orA" i Jno toui? cSnnt y Oor1 V rfms,0V-nr ,h .tL.rty.of 'of: thenc west three hundred ev- nmount 1hn due $4.?t with i;r"i;-li TJi!,i'" lTJw.:!ny-th" feet; thyc notthlint"e"f,;i St ltd from said date, xotick of rivi, H'ITI.KMKXT In the County Court of the State of Ort tfon for Uouulas County. In thu matter nt the estate of iluhfl A, itoyer, dticeaiied. Not I L-a la hereby tivt-u that tlie unUurttltfned adnifniutrutor of thu I fcstato ot Aiauei a. uoyer naa pro I eenled and filed his flnul account : of hln adnilnlutratlon of khIiI estate fcstato of Alahcl A. Uoyer has pro ' WJtll 1116 i.lvrK OI 1(16 aOOVU I, Oil ft, ud the above Court by an order nnd enK-red haH fixed Friday, IiIia 'n.i duv tit Kftilnnltcr 1!i!7 nt.S'JS- ,,ie nur or iu o ciock u. m. or nam .."". uomvu u Mubol A. Uuyer, deceased. .OTICI2 OP PINAL KKTTI.RMKXI In the County Court of tho Htnto of Oregon for DoiiKlafi County, Tn the matter of the cfltalu oi Scott T. Uf.HHo.Tt deceased. Notice ist hereby kIvcii thnt iho undrHiKned baa flb-d tfi the nhuv entitled court tho final account of hlH ailminlHtriitldii nf u'.oi ..utui,. nmi I that mild court haa fixed tho nt h idny of Scptemhor, 11)27. at ten (10) o i:ioi:k u. hi, an uit) linni. ami tlie ' , ,, 1 j1""111 in the Court Jl01180 ln "OHeburif. Pou!as County. t !- . in-iirum k;i d final account and nil otiio.- tlona thereto and for tho nuttlcment of aald estate. CARL E. 1VTMBETU.Y, Administrator of the en tula of Senit t. Jieaser, deconJK'd. ceased. NOTICE OP HM.n OP KRAI. I'ltOlMOItTV In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for Douglaa County. In the matter of tho estate nf ltobficca. Stevenson, deceased. Notlco ia hereby given, that tho undersigned administrator of the estate of Itebecca Stevenson, de ceased, under and pursuant to an order of tho above entitled court mado on tho ljt day of August. 1927. will on and after Iho '3rd day of September. 1027. nt tho Partners Security Bank In Yoncniln, Douglas County. Oregon, orfcr for sulo "and proceed to Roll at private sale for cash In hand tho following describ ed real property of ald esUe, to wlt: The south half of tho southwest quarter of section twenty-one: tho northeast quarter of tho northeast quarter of section twontv-nlne, nnd the east half of the southeast quar ter of section twenty, all in town ship twenty-two south, rauiro four west of Willamette Meridian, In Douglos Countv. Oregon. A. U LASH WE LI. Administrator. NOTICE OP PINAI, ACCOUNT In the County Pourt of the State qf Oregon for Done-las Countv. Tn the mttnr of the estate of Allen E, Moore, deceased. ; .. Nnlce is herehv ulven , that , tho undersigned. nx.mtrix of said es tate, has filed her final account in Hflld court, and that August fll, 1027. at 10 o'clocir a. m in the eourt room of said eourt., Pnsebnre Doufrlnn eountv, Or"on, b-is boon (inpolnted as tho , time ami . place frit t',rt bearing of obctlons lo snld final 1 account and tho settle ment thereof. !"'"'i and first publlshod 'July 28- 1027. - i. 'Uo or last publication Aug.t 2fii 1027. ' . - LTLLTR L. MrtOTtF. . Executrix nf said estate. NOTICE TO IIEIHTOHS 1 Tn the County Court of tho Statft'of Oregon for DnunMnB County. . Tn the matter r tho estnto of r'" 1 Clmi'loLt.o B. Wells, deceased;! ' . ( i -Not lea Is hereby - given, -that (he linibn'Higned by order of the above entlllod court dulv mndo.., and - en terd of record, has boon' appotntml ndnilniHtrntor with the will annexed of, tho estate of Charlot.ilo IT. "'oils, deceased; aud has, duly quali fied as such. V- i i- f All persons having olulms fltrnlnst snid ostnti) are' herebv -notified' lo P'-efiopt thrt nipe' fn t ll U nloaI crn ed at his office In Rosobui'ir. Doug las County, nrciron. wli'iin nix mop) lis from tbn rirst. nn'' b-ntlon of this notion whtcli Is tho 28lh nay of July. 19'J7. t. . - A. N. nnpnTT. - i Administrator. SIIPfPP'l SI.F1 OP TIP.At, l'ltOIMUlTV ON PORHUI.O.HtJHl! Notlco. Is hereby rrlven, that i"i der and hy virtue of an execution dulv Issued out of Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,, In nnd for Iho CnniHy of Do'Jtrbiu. tn tho 12th day of July. 1927. and to mo directed, bnsod unnn n I u 1 1" -m on t and decree duly 4'endored, made nnd onlerod of record and docketed In a nd bv sold Court f,n tho 2nd dnv or July. 1027. In n "er tnln suit In snd Court pninir. wheroln Peter W, Culver, as Kxn entor of the Inst will nnd tostn pient and of tlio. estnto of S. J Culver, deceased, is plaintiff, and .T. 13. Stobio. Violet Stohlo. husband nnd wife. U o. Thirold. M. H. Chan- man. Laura Chapman, his wife, nnd .Tames Uussell nro defonda nts. be-Ina- ease No. filOl ot said Cnui-t. which .ludtfinont and decree Is In favor of plaintiff nnd against said defendants, bv virtuo nf which exe cution nnd. pursuant to nn order of sale dulv given, made nnd entered in said decree, commanding mo to sell the real propertv In said exe cution nnd decree and hereinafter described, to nnv tbo sum dun the Plaintiff of 1 3,003.33, with interest thereon at Ihe rote of five per cent per annum from tho ?nd dny of Julv. I92T. fi nt 11 paid, nnd a fur ther sum of S3S6.R1 for tnxes nf Doutrlas Countv and interest se gregated, on snld premises, wlih In terest thereon nt the rate of five per cent ner nnnum from the 2nd day of July. 10?7. nnd for the fur ther sum of Si. 20" 00 nttorno fees, with I n t crest th ercon rate of flvo ner cent Per nt the , annum i from tho 2nd dav of Julv, 10"7. to gether wttn tne costs nnd disourso nients nf said suit taxed nt t.'.S.On Itli interest thereon at the rule of five per cn per annum from tbo 2ml dav of July. 1027. and costs nnd expenses of said execution, and neruine' eosts. 1 will nn Sntuidiiy the 20th dav of August. 102" nt the hour of 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of sn'd dnv nt th front door of tbo Countv Court House In Rnichiirir. DnujrH Countv, Oroiron. of fr for sab and sell nt pullie HP-Minn to th- blu est nnd best bidder for eah In hand, and mi'siiint to the" rnvl ions of snhl doeroo and Ord 'r nf sale, all Hie Hirht. title. Interest nnd este to which th wild defend. nts nnd each nnd all nf them nnd nil persons eln'mlnr" nn'or them, suhseonent to the plnlntlffs m----!.( u..n. hv n of end to tho fo'towtnsf deserlbed rnl proper ( v: The south h.tlf of nonstl-m Ijind Clnim fortv-fonr fi) in Mun Iblrtv-ono ' 311 nnd thirty t?,, township twenty-nine r"!"!' jmutb. rnnee eleht CS. went nf WlUfinif m Meridian: nUn nuth fiftv-nin.i fr.) oers of Donntn T-and Cl.tlm v,v fnrtv-tHrep mi n sections twonlv. pine tH npd thlrtv (301 l town mhn twnt v-ptne f 2" sn"S nnrn nltrhl fS we nf the W'titnm.rte Meridian: south half of lnn;?inn Tjnd Claim Nn. 37 In e.'-t ion a tw-ntv-flve f ?.0 nnd thi-t v In townshln twentv-nlnn ro I south, rangn nine (!) wst. "Wil lamette Merldlnn; nlso lot nuinhcr lone 1 of section thlrtyl tJfli n township tweiitv-nlno t21 south, (range nino (0 west Willamette i Meridian, excepting the following ideseribed tracts: I Pep inning at a point in the south holindary of ,nd lot number one ! iii tnree nundretl , etvn fin fot : fifteen (15 degrees M mlnut.-a . iob nunureu uncieen !MJl jfeet; thence east one hundred, fifty f f l !f feet: thence south nine decrees fortv-siT minutes east f ive I hundred eight ('.0 re; to place of ' beginning, containing three O) acrea; also bejflnnln? at tho rtortli eust corner of the nortliweit ( ter of north east auurttr. tmmtt fng lot number one (I) o.' said sec tion thirty-six theruo nouth twenty-four 24) rods: tlieneo cikl thirty (:ioj rods; ihumu north twenty-four (2 ro.U and thonce west thirty C40) ruiU to place of UKinnitiff. contalnlntf octcj; al - . v,'l".t "l-';: oi iatm von- veyed by b. J. Culver nnd S. V. Culvor. His wife, to A. V. Coon, by .tlflcate of title covering K-j deed retMirdeil In Hook 7 ut im7eKM,'i:. i..t. in i.ii c.ihariin uti2'JA"9 lJM-1 Hfc';rdn; also exoepilne cum yeu y noi. j, i;ih- -',,v"r " 8 ': to jJoiiKlu County. Oregon, by deed ri;cord-d In Houk i J at pugo 12 of i..;vu jiuwriMi ior iJouKiaa t;ounty. Oiotfon; itaid land horeby offered, ror naio containing S!U. 48 acres . un in uouBjas jouh- lb I . K . ii . Sald sale being mndo subject to redemption In thu manner piuvlJ.-d bv law. Dated this 21st day of Julv, Htzl r,. - a- W STAltMH;:. Bhqrlff of Douglus County, Ore gon. Oeo. V. Toppinff, attorney for Pluiutlff. N OTIC 13 In the Circuit Court of the Htnto of Oregon for DonglaH Countv. Douglas County, a body politic nnd corporate of tho alato of Oregon, Plaintiff. VS. Cnrrol J. Dlerktnft nd numerous ntheTH, Includlnir J. P. L'use Co.. W. a. Tlognrd. Mabel Harness. J. O. Cropley. KtU M. Cummlngs. P. H. Wttite. Jtoy Stenrns. PlaH J. Van Dusen, A. L Olllette, Jr. P. Alden, Anna D. Hehmldt. A. C. Huswell, Kd. W. Mueller, nnd Limo Land Co. Ltd . Def.-ndnnts. To J. V. Luse Co., W. A. liogard. Vnhel Harness, J O. 0"nev, )-'ttn Cummings, V, H. Wnlto, Roy Ktearns. Plntt J. Van Dusen, A. L. Olllette. II. P. Alden. Anna r. Kehmldt. A. C. I3iiswll, Fd. W. Mueller, Luso Land Co.. Ltd.. and also to each and every norson. f'rm or corporation owning or claiming to own, or having P' clnimlni' to hnvo nnv right, title, estnto. Hon or intercut in tho renl property hereinafter described, defendants nbove named: You. and eneh of von. will Plenne take notice that on the 13th dav of August, 1027. fit tho hour of ten o'clock in tho forenoon, or us soon thereafter ns counsel enn he heard, tho plaintiff county will file a peti tion In. the above entitled' court nnd enuwo, Iho Jndirment nnd decree having been dulv made and outered In the above ""titled lv fr,iitM'p suit on tho Cth duv of May, 1027. nnd nil of the horoinnftor described real prnnertv having hoen offered nt public sale bv tho sheriff of Douglas r-nuntv. Oregon, on tho 2S to day of May. lf7. nt tho hour of ten o'cldck In tho forenoon. nnd '' s'bl ulierlff hni'inq- riivrrl nn bids for nnv of said tracts or pnr eols tho plaintiff ' countv Ihorebv became vosted with the title to each ploce. parcel or tract of renl pion eery h nn f ,l..r.bed und.T t" rosneotivo dellnquonr tnx eertffl entos nd nil nf s1d renl ipropf-rt hqrolnaftir, , discrlbed heinr land rogistered under tho Torrens ' net. the plnlntlff enunty win,-'imrs'rinnt in ..i.rini 1 niirq iitui , section inoyi; of OroTon Tjaws, move he Mmvn entitled court for nn order niitlior I 'mil dlr.iilin"- lbf.' rn-ister nf Douglas countv, Ori""in, t.i en pcol tho niitstnndln.r eer H f leu to" of title to the land hereinnf leV described nnd covered bv fl'" respective .. dp linquont. tx , corMflentes hrnlnnf ter niiiilini'fi'l nnd referrpd f . end further n iithnrlKing nnd directing the said r-ir(itrar , to malt.' trans, for of suh tltlo to tho plaintiff countv. ' And von will1 further take notion thnt tho nomas of, tho resnoeiivn owners nf the flnbl registered land tho.numtior of tho certlfb-ntQ of titl h'eld by Rtich owner, tho do scrlnt inn of tlio renl proneriy nnv ood .hv sneh cerliricntn of tm- tho reshoctlvo'numher of Hie rerllC- t..-.t. n. fn-O'-tMHCd, "t,. nn. .and the nmnunt .of the. Judg ment' entered 1 ngninst1 n'"h 'piece, trnet' or pnreKi rosiioetlvoly, "ave 'ns follows, .to-wlt:. , . .... JT.? i'V T.Triifl rr, .ryfip"1 ownnr of Certificate of fUl" 1ofl2 cn"er 'g 1nn''is in se. m t. 2H f. n R W.T1.,- :iNo, 000 Douebis Cnunrv Ootohor'R. 1022, amount Omn due, rv I tli : Intovest nt .1 ' ,fnn said dn'.oi1 jvmVIng 'iiitorest JO.-IO. ousts a:;;rR. tojni isju: ; ) J. P. LUR'S CO.. prinunt owner .certificate of title ?.W. covering binds in aoc. lo and 15 T. 2T S. . ti W D. C. r.lOO Issuod to Dotiglns Countv Octobor- 0i 1022. amount tlien duo l.tir. with Interest nt 12c from said date, maltlnir InLorost JO 00, costs 2. 30. total 14. 8R, W. A. TIOCiAnD. prosent owner nf certificate of title 3213 envorlng lntu J-2-3-4 blk. 2, pogard-s Add. to Itosobnrg. D. C. 0225 Issued tn Douglns Countv Octob-ir 0. 1022, amount thon duo $23.60 with Inter est nt 12e from said dnte. maklnir 'Inlerest J12.07, costs $2.05. .total $US 02 , MAPTCTj TTAPVITP. present own er certificate of title 2430 covering lots ti-6 blk. 7. 1st Add. lo Klunev's Add. to Itosnburc. D. C. 0212 issu ed to Douirlas Countv October 0, 1022, amount then due $1 .11 with Interest 'thereon at Vlfr from said dato. mnklna- Interest $0.77, costs $H '15, total 1.23. J,' O. CltOPLFIV, pm,ont owner eortlficnto of titlo 1753 coverlnt lot 10. blk. C of Putherlln. D. C. 0314 issuer to Douglas County Oc tober 0. 1022. amount then due M.R5 with Interest nt 12. from Fnld, datK nmkinir interest $2.40, costs $2 n. total $9.00. ! KTTA M. CUMMINOS. present i owner certificate of title ? cov ering W'4 lot 22 nnd all lot 23 In I blk. 12. Rutherlln. D. C. 0215 issued i to Douglas County October C. 1122. nmount then due $4.22 with lut'-r-est at IS"- from snld dto. inakliiR" Interest $2.32, costs 42. Oo, total 9. ro. J. T LUSP) CO., preQont owner eortiflento of title 3003 covering lots 18 to 34 Inclusive In hi He 23. Sulherlln. D. C 0323 Issued to Douir las County October 0. 1022. amount then duo -$07.07 with interost nt 12 0t- making Interest $37.21, costs $2 5. total $106.03. 3. F. LUS13 CO.. prosent owner nniirinniA nf tltlo 3H04 env.ii-Inc intq on to 24 Inclusive in blk 21. Putherlln. D. C. 6324 Issued to Douglas Countv octoner i.. tajj, amount then due $36.88 with Inl.-r- st nt 127- rrom sniu une. iniiKinv (nt0rest $20.28, costs .'Jj. loiai iro 21 J. P. TUPR CO.. present owner I eertlflento of title 35 2 covering lots 17 to 28 Incluslvo n blk. 25. Sutherlin. D. C. 0325 issued In Dnuglna Countv October 0. IS22, amount then due SS2.35 with inter est nt 12r- from said dnte. makitur lulevst $45.29, costs $2.05, total $ls.6l. . p p. 1VA1TR. present owner of eortlficnto of title 870 covering lot R-fi blk. 28. Sutherlin. D. f 0329 issued to Douglas Countv October 6. 1922. amount then due 532-f.o with Interest at 12(.o from snld tst... inn kin it In t Test $30.9:1, costs $215, total M45RS. J F LUSB CO., present owner certificate of title 3040 covering lots 7 to 12 Inclusive, blk. 3fl. Suth erlin. D. C 6330 Issued to Douglas Cmmtv October 6, 1922. nmount then duo $57.1 d with Interest at 12r', from Bald date. mnklnr Interest $31.46 costs $2. OS. total $90.64. J. F. LUSE CO.. present owner certificate of tltlo 3S70 covering lots 9 to 17 Inclusive (n blk 31, Ctiihorlln rv C. 0337 Issued tn rniic-lA Countv October 0. 19: amount then due $'.a.7S with Inter- t '.' Wr rnm fcni.1 dnte mnkinir est nt l2ffrom Snhl l i-0 6r7S l,,i,"der of sale and In compliance with r-JnnthM'nhe Ilo,,", nt Hoebur. Orefron. rinl imS with Inter'e?; t v nubile nnetion suhjeot to frZJmJa Vnl making lnterct'rp,lrmntlnn) to the highest bidder ,J,Rr?vCSTKAV.5fl l;i.;nl owner ! "tst which the nbve certificate .of tlti Ts covering lt I, i Quih.rlin r C K(i i- rankinr Interest $2.32, costs $2.0; to'Al I' "0. rt,ATT J VAM DUSKV. present owner certificate of title nn rrtv- .ring lotn In Mk .11, Suther- nn. D. C. 40 Issued to lonlns County October 6, 1922, amount then due $6.13 with Interest at Vl&c from said date, making Interest. S3.36. costs S2.05. tola J ill. S3. A, U GILLBTT E, present owner of certlfiiaie of title coverlnK lot 31, blk. 24, Sutherlin. . C. Ibrfued to Doutflua County October ft, amount then due S3. 211 wit!' Interest at ):'' from nufd date, !uiaklnic Intereiic 1.I1. costa iut.11 .15. H. P. ALDEV. nresent owner cer Land & Water co. tracts. Plat -u." jj. c. 6344 lBHU d to LmUKias County uctotit-r 0, amunni tinn i due IC.Ot with interest at M,U from said date, making interest j.SL'. costa IL'.OS. totul 911.41. ANNA IJ. SCHMIDT, present own er certificate of titlo JiHr covering lot 4, blk. 'Z. of Hutberlln Iand & (Water Co.. I'lat K. ' D. C. 645 I- sued to Douk'lus Countv October fl. 1H22, amount then iluu $t::.40 with interest at i2ln from said daiu, making intoruat $:3.hC, costs $2.05, loiai oa.oi. A. C. liUaWKLL. present owner certlficatu of title 2011) covering part of lot 2, blk. 1 of SuLherlin j-ind water c;o, iiut "i." iJ. u. C348 issued to Douiflas Countv Oc tober fl, 1022, amount. then duo $0.07 with Intermit at 12 from said date, making Interest'' $4.00; costs $2.03, total $10.11. Kl w. MI.'Kl.I.llIl. present own er, certificate of title 2005 covering lot A In blk.. 2, of Sutherlin Land & Water Co. Plat "K." D. C. 0350 Issued to Douic as Countv Octob. C, ,1!)22. amount then duo $1.30 with Interest at from said . date, making Interest $0.71, CohUj $2.05, total 1.06. LlISK LAND CO.. LTD., ' present owner certificate of title 77GII cov orlng.part of blk. 4 of Sutherlin land & Water co. i'iai "M. i. u. e.:ic, IhhiumI tn Dnuir las Countv Oc tober. 0, 1922, amount then due $0.51 with interest at 12 from said date, mnking interest $3.57, costs i.iift. touu iiz.i.i. .T V. LIISR CO.. present owner certificate of title 2884 covering lots 10 to 21 Inclusive nnd lots zz-33-35 in blk. 1 of Sutherlin Iund & Water Co. Plat "O." D. O. 63C3 is-sue4- to Douglas County October 6. amount men uue wiiu interest nt l-Vr rrom saitt uaie, making interest $0.35, coats $2.30, tiitnl 120 22. You will further take notice that the plaintiff county will base Its said motion upon the Bald petition atm upon ait tne papers nuu pieuu Ings now on fllo in the above en tltloil court nnd cnuse. Dated tills lllh dav of July. 1D37. GUI- COUPON, District attorney and attorney tor JJIUIIIIIIL tUUIUJ. NOTIC1-1 TO CltlODlTOHS -Notlco is hereby given that the undersigned linn , been duly ap pointed by tho County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Douglas coun ty, administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of T. J. Mellor, deceased. All persons having claims against saiu esiiuo are nereuv ro oulred to orescut the same to me, proporlv vcrihed as required by law, at Itoscburff. Oregon, Within ix montus irum nua uiu. . Dntud this 11th du" of Jnlv 1927. ' IS. Li. JiDin , : Administrator with the will nn nexed ofvthe eatato of T. J. Mollor, dpooasod. XOTIClfl TO CItKDITOHS ;In the County Court jot tlio Stato of i uregon for immxuis i,,ounLy. !In tho matter of the estate of IuriL ll. l-'oster. doceasedw Notice Ih herohy given.,, thn t the- umicrsignen nas oy , oruer or -in iibnve entitled' court been duly ap pointed administrator of the estate nr l iiira ic, i osier, pencil seu, uuu . All pei-'ions having claim.! n irn int hii Id onintn n re herebv dulred th nreaent the j samo- 'duly verified'' to jthe un'uerslgnu nl KoHchurg. Douglas ConnLy. Oreffniu wlihln six nionihs from the rirdr nuhllcnilon- of IlifH inotipn wJi kcii i tho 14th day of July. wn. - .., (.- . tt 1'., I'J. , C 1 ML ; Administrator. 0- NOTICIS TO CKIcniTOHS 11 Notiao is hereby given that tho unucrtngned, . curl Ji. vimueny, una neon uuiy appointed auminis ti'ntor of tho esliLte of IClsle "Parks deceased, by tho County Court of mo mate or uregon ior uougms Couny. All persons having claims against tho snld estate are hereby rutiuest.ed to present tho same, duly verified, within six months from thu daLe hereof, to the undersigned nt tho First Stato nnd Savings uuiiK iiuiunng, jioseuurg, uregon. Dated this 21st dav of July. 1927. CATlTi K.fwIMRiiUlLY. Administrator Io' bonis nan with thu will annexed of tlio u state of I'Jisie iJai'Ku. ucceaseu. XO'l'ICI'l OI S1II0HI1.'K'.! S A 1.1.1 In the Circuit Court of tho Statu of urugnn ior i-iougius uuunty. The Union Central Life Insurnnco Compiiny, it corporation, plaintiff, vs. jiiiua. it. jrugcr, Herman K, Kritger and A. F. Stearns and C. L. t;henoweth, co-partners doing uuhiuchh us s earns cc ununu welh. defendants. Hy virtue of an execution, judg inent. decree and order of mil a Inmu ed out of tho nbovo entitled court in tho nbovo entitled cause to me directed and dated tho 2Sth dav of .uny, upon a judgment and de cree, entered in said court on the 22nd day of July. 1D27. in favor of Tlio Union Central Life Tnsnrnnco Company, plaintiff nnd ngalnst the paid above named defendants for me iouowing sums or money to wn: ;iu.ii) wiiu interest n 10 from August 2. 1926: $147.27 .with interest at 10 from Juno 15. 1925; $154.05 with interest at 10 from June 24. 1920; $131.02 with in terest at'10 from April 26,. 1927; $135.92 with Interest at 10 from December 1. lOlifi: $4051.90 with In terest at '6 from December '1, 1926; the- further sum of $300 at torney fees and-- plaintiff's costs at $20.S0 nnd tho costs of and upon this writ: connunnding me to make sale of tho following described real property situated In Douglas Coun ty. Stato of Oregon, to-wlt: That portion ot the Jonathan Tibbetts -and wife Donation Land Claim number forty (40) Ivlnff with in section tlilrly-four (34) town ship twenty-four (24 souih run wo five (5) west nf the WHlnmetto Meridian, described as follows: Petri nn In ic nt a point iwnnlv. eltrht nnd soventv-two hundredths (28.72) chains east of the south west corner of said claim .Number forty (40) whl"h Ii nlso tho south west corner of said section thlrtv four (34); thence norih fnrtv (40) chains to n point in the Cnlapooia Creek ; thence east nineteen and twenty-elirht hundredths M9.2S) chains nlso In said crock; thence south forty (401 chains to the south line of said section ihlrtv four (H4); thence west on snid lino nineteen and thirtv-fjvo hundredths (19.35) chnins to the place of be-j Klnnlng enntnl ulnar seven tv-evn and twenty - eight hundredths (77. 2S) acres, excentlnc therefrom j two nnd etehtcen hundredths (2.)S) I acres orr io south end or the above described t'-nct. being thnt portion Irinir south nf the center of tlie countv rnnd which piid tract wns ennveved to A. C, LonhA on Dpt. 30. 1 I1 4. hv deed recorded In Rook 74. paro 405. of th Ded Rec ords of Douirlas Countv, Oriron. eontninlno- not iventv.flve nnd ten hundredths (TR.10) ncres. -nw. tnereoro. ny virtue or sni execution, iudirmcnt deer nnd o .ow. tnereoro. py virtue or snia the oopimnnd of Id writ T will rn,rfdrnd:,nJ ''V1 of b"T t" dt f M-fn' J- orv ,nct h,lLd2t, h?d 1n 'he above jIH r;al ri or to firnnert v or nnv part thereof to snttsfv said execution. JtirtKment. decree and or der of sale, interest, costs and ac cruing costs. Dated this 2Sth .'iy nf .T,.lr 1137. 8. W. STARMKR. Sheriff of Douglas Cuunty, Ore- 'admixisthatrix koticb . 1 In the County Court of the State of In the matter of the estate ot itonert Jviua, ueceaseu. , Notice is hereby given that tba undersigned has been duly appoint ed adniinistratrlr of the estate of Robert Kidd. deceased, by order of the above entitled court an J that ' she has duly qualified as such r.U- ministratrix. All persons havintf , claims aguinst said estate are here- ., by required to present them to the -undersigned with propor vouchers. duly verified as liy law required, at the office of Carl ii. Wimberly n ' Itosetmrg. Oregon. within six f months from the date of the itrt ,. nuhiicMtion of this notice, which Is-, July 21. 1927. nA 1inn f; Administratrix of the estate ' of i Hubert Kidd, deceased. 15XKCl!Tn' NOTICE TO i LHI'iUI'iUltS i In the County Court of the State or Oregon for DougluH County. Jr Tn the matter of the estato of Silva Delilah Ilouser. Deceased.' Nolca is hereby given, that tho , undersigned. '. has been duly, an- pointed executor of the last -will and testament of Silva Delilah Hoi- ; , ser. deceased, by an order of th -County Court for Douglaa County. Jn Oregon, therefore all persons buv- 1 -ing claims against said estate ara ; hereby notified to present the same -. at the office of R- W. Marsters,, 220-21 PerklnB building, Roseburg. Oregon, dulv verified as bv law rt-r quired, within six months from! dote hereof. . i Dated and f'?ot published this 14th; day .of July, 1927. - ' 1 D. 8. HOUS13R. Kxocutor of the Inst will nd, testament of Sllya Delilah Ilouser.y deceased. - - . NOTICE. TO CUEDITGIIS In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. Tn the matter of the estate of Jamei A. McGinn 18. Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that tho undersigned by order of the above entitled court duly made and en tered of record has been appoint ed administrator of the estate of Jamos A. McGlnnis. deceased, ami lias duly qualified as auch. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to prosent tlie same to the under-L signed at his office in RnQburew Douglas Countv. Oregon, within sl months from the first publication of thin notice which is tho 21st ' day of July, 1927. : f W. F. HARRIS. - Administrator. NOTICE TO CHI3DITOHS In tho County Court. Stato of Ore-' gbn. County of Douglns. , Tn Iho matter of the estate of II. D. Davis. Deceased. Notlco Is hereby . givent.that the i 1 undersigned has been duly ,np pninied administrator of thV t-Etnto of TT. D. Davis, deceased.' bv Hie County Court of tlie State of Ore-, gnn for the 'County of Douglas.'' All persons having claims ngalnst said .estate aro herebv notified to present the pamo to the ndminlKtra--tor at his office in Ropobm-g. Ore?-.-gon. wHiln-al (0) months from rim" dato of tho first puhllcntion of ihs notlco, tho same to be duly verified as bv law required; ' ' Dated and first published this 21st day of July, 1997. ' f iE. R; KENNY. ; i .1 . AdmlnUtrnlor NOTIOIS OF FINAL SI3TTLKMI3NT In .tho County Court, of the Stato of Oregon for' Douirlas County. -Tn tlm matter iof the estiitoWif Gobrtre" TI." TTi(chlirs. Also ' known ' ns Oeorgo TT. Tlltchings, Sr.. do - e.nsod. "' ; " -"..'it: .J cNotlee'ls lioehv. fflven, thnt, the" undersigned Administ'-afor with tlie will 'nnnoxed of the estate ' of Oooi-go 11. T-ritcblngi. nlso' knowj ns OeorHre H.- i intelilnors. Sr.. de nnnnhd, has filed In Iho'nbovo en titled' court his finnl rtccoiuvt ' in settlement o' snid ootnte: and' b orde'iOf snid cnurl dulv ni'ln nnd entered of record. Mondav the stti day of Annat. 1927. nt 10' o'cloe'f ' i im..i In the couptv enuftroop in, i hi court boue In Rcncbi-'-tr. D"iiF'" Ins eountv, OreTon, hnp been fi-rc.1 ns thf - t Inio and plne f o i hnrle'' obieelions. if nnv there lie, tn, sniif flnni cccnunf, and for the aettle nlent thereof. A. N OCT'TH . . Administrator.- NOTICI3 OP FlN'Ab surri,KMRT In tho County Court of the State-or Oregon for Douglas Countv. Tn tho matter of the estate of -George Cutlack. deceased. Notice Is hereby given, thnt tho undersigned executor of tlie last will nnd testament of George Cut-1' lack, deceased, has filed ' In tho' above entitled court his final ac count in settlement of said estate, and by order of snid court dulv mndo and entered of record. Mon day, the 20th day of August. 1027., at 10 o'clock n. in. In tho countvj courtroom in tho courthouse in Roseburg. Douglas county, Oregou. hns been fixed ns the time nnd place for hearing objections if any there be to snid final account and for tho settlement thereof. HARRY CUTT.iVCK. ? Executor. ADDIIXISTHATOirS NOTICK In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for Douelns Countv. Tn the matter, of the estate of John Smith, decensed. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been nnpointcd ad ministrator of tlie estate of John Smith, deceased, and has dulv qual ified as such. All persons 'having claims against said estnto are here by required to present them, with proper vouchers, duly verified, ns bv Inw rcnuircd. to tin. m,i..t'U;o-.i at his residence In Drain. Douglns county. Oregon, within six months irom tne uaie or tno rirst publica tion of tills notice. Which ie .lulu 28th, 1927. J. L, KENT, Administrator of Mm -i.nn nr John Smith, deceased. XOTICB OK SHERIFF'S SALE OV KXKCL'TION IX KOHKCI.OMI UK Under nnd bv virtue nf n nrj.. of sain and decree of foreclosure is--sued out of the circuit court of tbo State of Oregon and County of Douglas, on July 23. 1927, in a mit wherein A. D. Addison, plaintiff recovered n lllitumnnl n I r'm 51. Sprngue nnd Maud Spraguo. de fendants, in the sum of S'.on.oo and Interest thereon from May 2!. Wit at 9 per cent pc-r annum, and the further sum of 132-1.15 taxes, with interest thereon from .TunA k. ,1!2, at 6 per cent per annum, and i ror the fnrther sum of $mo.00 nt torneya fees and for plaintiffs costs and disbursements taxed nt $20.00. which said decree was re corded in Volume 26. at Page 29, Circuit Court Journal, and an exe cution Isoiieil thereon hv the Clerk of said Court on July 23. 19'7 I am commanded to sell the fot to vlt- 'dt'scribed real property. The north half of the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter nf the southeast quarter, and lot three of section twenty-five. townshit twenty-two uooth of rang" twelve west of the Willamette Meridian. n th. County of Douglas. State of Oregon. Notice Is herehv eiven. that on Saturday, the 27th div of August 1927, at one o'clock p. M. of that dnv, at the frnnt door of the Doui?-lr-s County ConrthouRe, I will io nbedlenc- to said order nf sale nd jlcre nf foreclosure. fn Rt pub lic auction th, above d,erthed real property, or so much thereof as mav h, necessary to sntlsfv plaintiff's Indgment. with interest thereon anil cost, to the highest and bet bidder for ensh In gold ooin nf the iTntted Ptats. Dstcd at Roseburg, Oregon. July 2fi, 1927. ' R W STARMKR, Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon.