lull i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 uj i n 1 1 n in 1 1 n u LOCAL NEWS 'our money back at your grocer's instantly ---if you don't like Schilling's best. Your statement is enough. You keep the coffee. We pay the grocer. Schilling Coffee j f Baking Powder iQSPfcesQi Extracts q"L Tea 3 llllll....MlllUIIllllMMIIIIIlti FOR BAIVD CONCERT The UBiml weekly' band concert will be given Thursday night, the band, under the direction of Prof. Applehoff, having arranged a par ticularly good program for this concert. The numbers to be pre sented are as follows: March, "The Shrlner's parade" Deluca. , Medley .Overture, "Old Time Fav orites" Arranged by Barnard. March, "The Spirit of Youth" Goldman. Caprice, "Irridescence" G. E. Holmes. ' ' Waltzes, "L'Estudiantina' Wald teufel. March, "Castle HnHM..J...'..McNichol "Star Spangled .Banner", ... 2 NAVAL FLIERS SLAIN IN CRASH : AT POINT LOMA i (Continued from page l.T .. the body of the plane rested on the wings. The plane had a -wing spread of 47 feet six inches and was seven feet wide. Seven fuel tanks with a capacity of 645 gal lons of gasoline and 35 gallons of oil were carried on the plane, which weighed two and one-half tons and had a cruising speed of 100 miles an hour. Flames Follow Crash .The plane was destroyed less than 15 minutes after they had left here for the Oakland, Cal., airport where they intended to take off Friday in the flight to Honolulu. The plane burst into flames after it struck Point Lorn a.. ! An orderly from the United States naval coaling station at La Playa returned to his station and reported both bodies had been re- f covered. From the position of tlie plane it was believed it had struck 1 ho west bank of the point as the airmen were endeavoring to gain altitude. , Lieutenant Covell was born in Kills, Nebraska, March 1899, and -joined the aviation service of the navy in 1925. He resided at Cara nado. was married and had two children. Lieutenant Waggener was a na tive of Warrington, Kla., and was 26 years old. He made his home nt the officers quarters on North Island. Waggener was not mar ried, but fellow officers stated that be was engaged to be married, al though they do not know the name of his fiancee. . MOTION TO DECREASE HENLEY BOND DENIED BY JUDGE HAMILTON . A motion to reduce the ball in the case of Roy Henley, ac- H cused of assault with Intent to kill, was denied by Judge Hamilton yesterday, after- noon. Henley was arrest- after he had fired a shot at Jack Bailey, of Medford, the bullet striking the plate glass window at the Peo- pies , Supply company store. He was placed under bonds k of $10,000, which his attorney Carl K. .Wlmberly declared to a he excessive. Judge Hamil- ton refused to -lower the amount of bonds required, al- though Henley - stuted he could raise a smaller' amount. To Dixonvllle 1 Visitor 'roday Mm. Gleudora Blakely of Port- Ed Weaver of Myrtlo Creek was land and the two county neuitmm tuts ciiy today on business nurses went 1 to dixouviiih - mi morning. From Brockway Mrs. L. R. ThruHh of Brockway was In this city for a few hours yosterday shopping and visit ins with friends. From Melrose Dave (ioode of Melrose was in this city attending to business af fairs and visiting Tuesday after noon. . , From Melrose Vincent I'reschern of Melrose vis ited in this city Tuesday afternoon, looking after business uffnirs und trading. 1 From Wilbur Mis. W. It. Klnsel of Wilbur spent several hours, Tuesday visit ing and attending to business af fairs in this city. Mr. Gurney Visitor F. C. (iurney, resident of Win chester, was attending to business matters and Visiting iu this city yesterday afternoon. t Here From Myrtle Creek H. J. Hodges of Myrtlo Croek and his boh, who is visiting from I ho state of Kunsas, were In this city Tuesday on business. Adrian Fisher Here Adrian Fisher has arrived from Medford for an indefinite visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fisher, in Laurulwood. Visitor Tuesday Miss Katie Jacoby of Looking Glass was in Hosehurg shopping and visiting with friends for n short time Tuesday afternoon. high buildings under construction was emphasized, in a paper by Chief John. Kenton, of New York City, at the international conven tion of fire duels here- today. Most of: the day was devoted to study of exhibits of fire fighting. . - FULLER AND HIS COUNSEL WEIGH FINAL APPEAL ( Continued from page 1.) 1 EFFORT MADE TO RAISE BAIL FOR NEIDERHEISER (Continued from page 1.) government, as well as private lands the case nay be taken over by the government and tried In the federal court. CHURCH IS SUED The board of the Church Erec tion Fund of the U. S. General As sembly of the Presbyterian church has brought suit in the circuit court here against the Presbyterian church of Myrtle Creek. Foreclo sure of a mortgage in the sum of S1.176 Is asked, it being claimed that the church has violated Us agreement by abandoning the church 'edifice as a place of wor ship without paying the amount still due on the mortgage. II. L. Kddy is the plaintiff attorney. bill would be put In final shape this afternoon. i Uet'ore the exception can come before the full bench of the court, Judge Sanderson must give his consent. Doomed Men Silent STATE PRISON, Charleston, Mass., Aug. 10. Nicola Sacco and Eartolomeo Vanzetti waited In si lence today for news df the legal battle being waged to save their lives. Vanzetti was the more rest less of the two and he kept moving about his cell. Sacco, who has in dicated Lhat he has given up all hope, continued to lie on his cot staring at the celling. Mrs. Rose Sacco did not visit the prison today, the first day in several weeks she has not Been her husband In the morning. Mrs. Sacco has remained silent and has refused to discuss the case. Sacco appeared weaker today. the twenty-fourth day of his hunger strike. However, he is still able to stand and showed no other ill etrect from his fasting. .Both men had a number of books In their cell, but they did little reading. BOSTON One hundred million dollnrs extra insurance was writ ten in 24 hours, according to local agents against damage from ex plosion, strike, riot and cfvll com motions, following blasts In New York, Utica, Chicago and other cities. LIBERTY THEATRE Norma Shearer's New Picture One of Season's Best FIRE EQUIPMENT FOR SKYSCRAPERS ADVISED Goffs Visit Mr. and M,rs. V. Goff and daugh ter of Garden Valley were visitors In Rosehurg Tuesday afternoon and were shopping and transacting business. Visit Enroute Home ' -Mr.- and Mrs. Wi J. Meredith of Looking Glass visited in . this, city Tuesday afternoon on. - their way home following ft weeks' stay at Reedsport. To Riddle to Visit , 1 Mrs. Viola Hnrrelson of thto city went to Riddle this mornlni to spend a week visiting with her sis ter. While there she will also look after business interests. 1 Led Devaney Here 1 Leo Gj Devaney, former resi dent of this city arrived Tuesday from . Portland where he has been located for the past several months and has been preparing to take -up commercial flying. Ho will bo hero for a short time. ! , j , Going to Bandon City, Superintendent of Schools W. M. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell and family are going to Bund on to day and will spend some time at the beach, following which they will return homo and then go to Idleyld for, a brief outing trip', , Home Grown Melons The season's first lond of home grown watermelons made their ap pearance in Hose burg today. They were brought in to Stone's Cash St ore by K. A. H ub- bard. of Dlllard and comprised load of about 1,000 pounds. In size they are small, but the quality Is very good. Local stores are tailing them at 5 cents a pound. Leave for Chicago Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Vlrden and two daughters, Eugenia and Louise, left today for Portland and Seat tle where they will visit before going to Chicago. In the latter place they will visit with Mr. vlr den's pa renin and also plan to make trips to other points In Illi nois. On their way home they w stop In Denver, Ogdcn and San Francisco. . From Reedsport T. J. heenan; Reedsport and his family were here Tuesday on a visit. man, over Our cow spray Wharton Bros. kilts the flies. Visits in Eugene- Miss Hazel Richardson hns gone to Eugene to visit her sister, Mrs. Fred Iteeee. . From Rice Creek- Mason Welckle of was In this city this tending to business trading. Rice Creek morning nt affairs mid Visitor Tuesday Lawrence uenn or camas vaney was a visitor In Uoseburg Tuesday for a few hours and was looking after business affairs. . , Visiting At Kocken Home Mr. andv Mrs. John Buckley of Portland arrived hero tills moraine and will visit at the G. F. Kocken home at Cleveland for several days. From Medford O. H. Drenneman of the Medford California-Oregon Power company division was an arrival hera last evening in look after business af fairs for a few days. From Salem Free Farmer, former resident of this city but now located nt Sa lem, where ho is connected with the public service commission. was a business visitor in Roseburg Tuesday. Home From Lakes Mrs, lona Radnhaugh and son. Vernon Orr, of this city. and her granddaughter. Miss May Rada- baugh, of Spokane. Wn., returned here last evening from a vacation of a few days spent at Crater and Diamond Lakes'. Miss Radubaugh will remain hero for a visit with, relatives for u time longer , Going to California Miss Constance Hendrickson, who has been spending the sum mer vacation hero with her moth er, following her graduation fromj O. A. C. this spring, is leaving; the; first of the coming week Tor Eure,-I k a,1 near yi'horels'heiiH tilaeft 'in the public schools tap head jot Who home economicVtdepartmerk-. -j s, Chair Catches "Fir In- Hotel--" i i leather chair in tin? lobby of (he Hotel Grand' was discovered to4 be 'afire earl tuffe ihorulng,. by the 'night clerk Hvho1 smelted the smoke ami. immediately extinguish- off UU3 sniajl bla.o. The chnh; had evidently caught fire from "a smol dering eigareUo .which had dropJ ped in between the cushions. Home From Northern Trip-1- Mr. and Mrs. Grant' Wilcox arc home from a motor trip to north ern points during the past week. They visiled in Monmouth, Salem, Albany, Newport and Eugene and were accompanied home from the hitter 'place by their two : dnuph tors and their children, Mrs. C. AI, Runyan and Mrs. Richard C. Ring, both foimer residents of Ihte city. Purchases New Nash Taxi O. J. Swan son, of Taxi 44, today purchased a new Nash Sedan which will be used hereafter In the taxi service. Mr. Swanson, is as sociated with Mr. Gilliam at Taxi 44 and they are planning to give a night and day service with two sedan cars operating. The Nash was purchased from the L. R. Chambers agency. Visiting At Wriqht Home Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Newell Wrltrht and daughters, the Misses Dorothy and Jean Wright, of Carlin, Neva da, arrived here touay ami aro visiting at the home of Mr. Wright's brother, J. Wendell Wright, and with his father, W. S. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Wright are well known in the city, having been residents a number of years ago. Mrs. Wright was Eva Seber before her marriage. PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 10. Need for fire fighting equipment in PORTLAND. onKOOH .artful .ap.rrl.loa, .rlrt aim laUaa. ...I.I tdtulil" an. ami inwui. - - - aacrMIr ...t aa rea.. One of the most delightful, well balanced, easy-moving comedies the screen has offered for a long time is "The Waning Sex," the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture star ring Norma Shearer, which opens at the Liberty Theatre today with Conrad Nagel as leading man. Two girls and a man are the focal points of the plot. One of the girls wants him but doesn't love him, the other, the heroine, loves him but doesn't want htm because she's not quite sure of her own mind. The menace In thin case la the girl w ho wants him but doesn't love him. She plots against him. tie is invited to her home for dinner and while there an unfortunate mishap deprives him of his trous ers, a compromising situation and just what the girl Intended It to be. AH of the fair plotter's wiles are punctured, however, by the cleverness of her rival, and her; frustration Is just as complete and aa aallofi-intr aa If aha WPrP thp conventional male villain of the story. Home From Lake Trip Noel Cnvender has returned to Rosnburg from Medford, whnr.j he was the guest of Mr. and Mn. El bert Lenox for a few days. With Mr. and Mrs. Lenox and their house guest, Miss Maxlne Kol kemn. of Alameda, Calif., a former Rosehurg girl, Mr. Cu vender weni to Crater Lake over the week-end. Mist" Knlkema will be remembered by many In this city, having at tended srhool her. Her mother was formerly Mrs. Melva Cannon of till', rltv. Home From Coast Dr. and Mrs. ft. C. FInlay and family of this city and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cas- oadden of Tacoma, Washington, are home after a trip to Port Orford, Arizona Inn and coast points. Sun day they stopped to visit the Boy Scout camp nt Elk river. Mr. and Mrs. Cascadden are here for a few weeks' visit. The latter is an aunt of Mrs. Finlay. D. E. Oleman Home Mr. and Mrs. D. 13. Oleman have returned to RoBeburg after an absence of sevoral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Oleman are both Instructors in the city schools, Mr. Oleman be ing principal of the junior high school. They attended the sum mer session of the University of Oregon and then went to eastern Oregon for a visit with friends and relatives. faHMMSBSaSSSMSMtj Former Residents Here Mr. and Mrs. A. Caro Miller of Ran Jose. California, arrived the first of the week by auto to visit at the home of Mrs. Miller's moth er. Mrs. Lucinda Hatfield. Mrs. Miller was Miss Lillian MooTe be fore her marriage and Is' well known In the city, having attend ed the public schools here. Mr. Miller Is manager of the band in strument department 'of Sherman Clay and company In San Jose. They will be here for. two weeks. S A L A D S 0 R C E R Such a pretty witch! He is quite willing to be enchanted. He pretends it is; ":. ; magic potion her white hands prepare , for him, but it is really an extremely-1 good French Dressing, i . : i ' i It is very easy to look bewitching , as you play hostess and mix and blend, , ' and combine for your guests' delight. , , That is probably one , reason sci ( ' many hostesses always dress their salad at the table. French Dressing, of course, );aVd easily;mlxed. 1 ' j , 1 ) ' 1 - Somej like it - mild . . it three parts - of Wesson Oil: to one of vinegar ot j lemon' juiqe, Spmd like it tart; ; two, parts of (vinegar or lemon juice, lit k depends largely on the strength of the vinegar or lemon juice. Salt' and pep . psr and for color, a, dash of paprika.. Freshly blended, thus, just before It is served, this simple dressing is1 ! perfect on any salad.1 But it1 is a little ' ' . more.thaa perfect, if, you yary it,with different condiments. ,Men usually like! , a little grated cheese mixed into it dr i Chili sauce on green salads, or some-"' times currant jelly, on fruit salad per-... haps or for fish or meat salads add a sweet pepper relish. . ' 'i'1 ' You must be very critical of your ' ; salpd oil.; Wesson Oil is such a choice I bil' that, it is a highly nutritious fqod. ; j And it is so delicate in flavor that it i makes a perfect French Dressing. y -mi i -1 1 OP From Green Mrs. Fred Ageo was In Rosehurg this morning visiting and attend in gto business matters. Buy fencing now ' while the ground is firm to haul It over. Wo have a large carload of American in stock. Wharton Hros. Mrs. Oden Here . Mrs. Allen' Oden, of Portland, is visiting here as the house guest ol her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. A. Ilogard. From Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kocken of Cleveland were in Rosehurg this morning vlHlting and attending to business matters. Marriage License Issued A marriage license was issued yesterday to Wm. H. Bailey and Winona Trussell, both of South Deer Creek. Enters Hospital Mrs. John Ilachor, of Days Creek, was admitted to Mercy Hospital today for troalment. Kho Is suf fering from typhoid.. On Business Trip1 :: John 13. Flurry went to Portland this afternoon and will look ,; after business interests there for a few days. , Returns Home A. W, Pardon ot the Soldiers Home returned to this city this af ternoon from Table Creek whore he spent several days. Guests Mrs. McCfung Mr. and Mrs. Doran Loughtln of Portland are here visiting at the home of Mrs. Sallte McCluug on South Stephens street. To Portland Mr. und Mrs. Bruce Stephenson left this afternoon for Portland where they will visit with friends during the next few days. Miss Penland Here Miss Wllma Penland ot Marsh field Is spending a weok in the city as the house guest of Miss Helen Falbe, a sorority sister. IB9BHU J (.-.....a.....-.. - Leaving For Northern Points Mrs. V. M. PItchford and daugh ter. Miss Agnes PItchford, county juvenile officer, are leaving for J j will remain for a few weeks to I visit with Mrs. C. L. Welch, an other daughter. Miss PItchford will be joined In (he metropolis Mon day by Miss Vents Houser, steno grapher In the offices of the coun ty judge, and the two will motor to Washington points. Miss PItch ford will attend for two days the national convention of Juvenile and Probation officers, whlrh Is to meet August 12 lo 18 at Tacoma. This Is the first meeting on the Pacific coast that the organis ation has held since Miss PItchford has been juvenile officer of this county. Following their stay In Ta- roma. Miss PItchford and Miss Houner will go to Seattle and other Washington points. They will be away about two weeks. The McCormlck-Deering tractor Is becoming more popular every season. They are a high grade ma chine and will save you money n the long run. See this tractor nt Wharton Bros. Damages Asked Damages In the sum of $2,000 are asked In a suit brought by Johanna 0. Mack against Cather ine K, Johnson. It, is alleged that the defendant failed to furnish a clear title to property purchased by the plaintiff. J. T. Long ap pears as attorney for Mrs. Mack. Conference Is Planned Around 50 visiting ministers from all parts of Oregon. Washing ton. California, and possibly Ida ho, are to b here for the minis terial conference which opens Thursday at the fair ground In connection with the camp meeting of the Lighthouse temple. The conference will run through Fri day, Saturday, and Sunday, and possibly the first few days of next week. Sunday will be ordination day for ministers. The conference opens at 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning. F. E. Crook of Roseburg will be moderator. The meeting Is held here because the Light house temple Is the headquarters for the Bible Standard organiza tion in this district Kugene Guard Here For Week C. T. Springs, evangelist of Grants Pass, is hero for a week or ten days conducting the evangelis tic tent meetings In Be.ilows grove. Returns to Home Miss Tina Hume, who has been dm h rm an viiuul nt hot hrnthnr mwl wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hume, left for her home in Portland this after Curtis Jackson stopped over here to visit thin morning on his way homo to Han Francisco after a stay In Myrtle Point, where he visited. Left For Notl Ralph Fullerton, Southern pacif ic employe, has been transferred to Notl, Oregon, and lelt this af- lenioou for that place-. Mr. Rex Visitor L. A. Rex, of the Giant Powder company ol' Kugene, was in this city today on business with Demi Gurretsou company, the iocul deal ers. To Oakridge Mr. and Mrs. Clair Digit return ed to Oakridge this afternoon after a Ylslt with friends In this city during the past few days. Mr. High Is employed by the Southern Pa cific company. From Medford W. F. Quisonberryof the Med ford division of line . California Oregon Power company was an arrival hero Tuesday evening to look after business affairs. Visiting at Rapln Horn The Misses Anna and Mary Tor- ncs ot Tacoma, Wash., arrived Tuesday and are spending n week or tun days visiting at the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rapln, Myers pumps have been used In this locality for over 50 years. They are reliable. Wo carry a corn icle stock. Wharton Bros. Divorce Granted A divorce was granted In the circuit court today to Vlrgle F. Bushnell. Cruel and Inhuman treatment was charged. They were married In Roseburg October 11, 1!U7. Attorney M. K. Rice repres ented the plaintiff. , Divorce Suit Filed Suit for divorce was filed In the circuit court today by Olive B. De Vaney against Leo O. Dn Vaney. Cruel and inhuman treatment Is charged. They were marrted at Grants Pass October 0, 1!21. The plaintiff Is represented by At torney M. F. Rico. Mrs. Jack Schlenker returned to Portland this nfternoou after vis iting with friends here for a few days. She was the guest of Mrs. S. Mcf'lung while In the city. Mrs. Schlenker only recently moved to the metropolis, there joining Mr. Schlenker, who Is employed by the Southern Pacific company. EUGENE ORDINANCE HITS AT BARKING CANINES 13UGI3NB, Ore.. Aug. 10. When Is u dog tho greatest friend of man and when is It a nuisance? Phis will be the problem fuced by Chief of Police James Strait In the future as a result of an ordi nance passed at a meeting of the city council last night. From the scores of complaints received from citizens ho will have to separate the good from the evil. ' The new ordlnnnce provides lhat the owner ot a dog which keups the neighbors awake at night by continual barking will be liable for arrest for keeping a nuisance.' Fines tor such an offense will range between $5 and $50. A dog under the new law will be allowed to let out a few yips, but loudor sounds are taboo. BANK MESSENGER THUG'S VICTIM; $10,000 BOOTY (AMoclatod Preu LphmmI Wire) SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. V. An unmasked robber slugged William Manton, veteran messen ger for tho Marine Bank of Ocean Park near here today und robbed him of $10,000 in cash which he was trans f erring to a Los Angeles Mrs. Arthur Bantn and her daughter, Margaret, have returned here from San Frnnclsco, where they have been visiting for several weeks. Accompanying them from tho bay city worn Mrs. Damn's sis ter, Mrs. A. A. Jacobs and Miss Mary Ruth Jacobs, who will visit with Mrs. Baum ami father, II. Wollenhorg. GOWNS Dry Clenned in our estab lishment makes even hus bands sit up and take no tice I Perhaps because they think new modiste's bills are on the way. Miss Haze) Kuykendall, a former resident of this city, but now mak ing her home In Los Angeles, and Miss Rose Scheehan, also of Los Angeles, arrived this morning and am spending a few days visiting with friends. Miss Kuykendall will be remembered by ninny here, being a member of an old and well known family. She is the niece of Dr. Kuykendall of Kugene, also a former resident. The two are on a tour through the stale with a party of Irtends, I Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call.