TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10. 1927. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW! , - lMud Dally Exctpt Sunday by Th Nws-Rvlw Co., In. Th. AoeUt4 fre It sxnlulvly entitled to the oe for republi cation of all niwt dispaf-hes crddft.d to it or not oth.rwue credlfd in this paper and to all local news puniljled herein. All rights of republica tion ol cUl dlepatcnee herein are alao reserved. B. W. BAIV.i BERT O. BATES.. -Prrildeot and Manager . KecreUry-Treaeurer Holered aa second elaaa matter May 17, 1920, at th pom allien at , Botebarf, Oregon, under th Act of VUrcb 2, 1871. " Subscription rates" Dally, per year, by mall , Dally, ill months, by mall . Daily, three montha, by mall . UallT. stogie month, by mall tauir, by carrier, per month -14 00 2 04 - 1.00 .(0 . .to ROSE8URO, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUG, 10, 1027. FOUR KI.VDS OF MARRIAGE. ; Id New York City, Mrs. Phillips Barton become en jw'ffl to two men and chooses her huaharid by the flip of a cam, . ' In Fall Kiver, Mass., Mrs. Abbie L. Schlemmer, divorcee announces her approaching marriage to her. ex-huaband'3 brother. In Pawtucket, It, I., James Eaton marries a second wife on the same day that his son is married, and the two couples set out on a joint honeymoon. ; Those three items indicate as nothing else could indi cate that marriage today is held as a gamble, a sporting proposition, a shallow- contract 'to be made and broken lightly. ! Good folk and true who took their marriages seriously will see in these three marriages sure signs that the ok! standards of conduct have been replaced by a newer, more carefree code which they do not understand and can neither appreciate nor admire. For these people who cling to the old precepts of mar riages made ir heaven, news from Springfield, Mass., will be much more comforting. There, to celebrate their goldon t from rheumatisTi, PPUNE I?eiJTC?.12vre st QDD EVEWNer "FOLKS' IFOUB-HOUSES ISTHOrED ir IFIRE TUESDAY by Ur. fiiityott, also located in i th Court, was Ignited ueverui tiaxea, but the damage lit that building waa con lined entirely to itbs roof, although In flaum tat o thrtoatettinx trial alt ol lue fur in sure wa tatt:ii out. Petersen House Burned 'Ilia J- A. hetHfiita bo ewe, Inime- diaiely went or tne Murrie build-1 was aluo destroyed, the flame j apreadiiig to tt early in (ha courue of the litv. The ilorria houxe Vg STOW & UAL COCK2AN PICTURES & KN1CK I The floofy Goo th Tiniej found. jual slightly hurt upon the ground. aa burned: hi.i,an m ..-i irin,liv to trie ground ami only the shells i,h,,y carried him along. "The rea remalrd ol the other three. aon ltme we ran way w ,C11IU4 Uurlng Hie course oi tue fire J we thought you'd hurt us. Now 1 th hrtt UBJI SJJ eriaL thut tt '. Ln.ur u (...rc ur,,n." Spectacular BlaZS in Wtlt!'""1 niu tfJ bave protection' "Why. were as friendly a.i can nun uanif luiiucu .iriia in ui- uc. nam uiowu. wun t aurt der to get close enough to gel wa-jyou. Gee, we merely wished to ter upon the fiarues. A breeze waa f play with you and have some dan blowing ami tma scattered embers idy fun. To be real kind is alwa'.s over a great distance. .Several roof (beat, and now 1 hope we dud the fires started on the J. O. llodgea j reat, for when we do we'll all Join jhorne imuiedutely ucro thefio and sing, and play and run." SEVERE ,aeet from the big blaae. the G.I The little Ooofj Ooo then said. w. riniey, n. Aruuuei and j. c. our camp, I ru aure, la ;uat ahead. Roseburg Causes Much Damage, IS Our ide of a hero ( It the feller , Who usee the f Sew in' basket j Fer an aih-tray. It was rather chilly last night , and many an Umpqua Chief, whose Squaw iz z. the beach, had to HANDICAP draft his march in' blanket to keep , warm. ( WORSE 3o her husband found yer out?" "Not exactly, he found me in and threw me out." The girl of 1850 believed that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. The girl of 1327 has rjund out that the quicK est way to any man's heart is through his "neck." ; Four Wtdl Ito.-:eburg rfcijeutea jwtre destroy ea yesterday alter-TA-TA-TA , noon in one ol the moat aiectaeu- Slie: "So you kissed that painted jar firea to b netn in thin ehy in creature?" recent years. Fanned by a rfliff He: "Ves. I saluted the colore." , breeze and fed by cana ol grease land eookinc oil the flame a for a Lather Barnes has been noticed i tim ihrtifi.i numrmiu. hnmtf nfiirr. havi. imniiiiaU- to be purchasin' rye bread in large '2nd it was only by hard work and 1 to the fire zone and have volun- And lfclJ m-de C!ovny fe-;l real quantities of late and we saw a good fortune tnat the loss was not 'tarily ukea charge of the trafiic ! ProutJ- He stood and looked dumb coupla Tillamook cheese peddlers 1 heavier. 'situation, aiiitinif th firemen tn loundtd a he heard their voices hangin' around his tonsorial parlor, t fi- 0,nrt..., , th ; directfnie traffic awav from the im-: nn- Small Main Did Not Furnieh Sufficient Water Supply to Cope With Blaze. Kuilerton homes were aiao in line and roof fires started on etL-n but were cstinKuished by volunteer tlrefihteia who uaed sacks and but:keti of water to protect tlieae buitdingd. He vera 1 times gtaaa tires v ere starved, but these ere checked, thereby saving' other buildings that would doubt leas bare been ignited. Traffic Officers Help The spectacular tire drew Just truit along ca through the trees and we will soon be there." That's what they did, and found him riRht. The lUtle camp soon came in sight. They saw a lot of Goofy Goos out in the open air. Aa soon a they were on the ground, the Goofy Goos the Tinle3 fund, told ail the others. "Tdm are frienda. They kindly brought me here." And then, their ral re spect to show. the Tinies ail bow- great crowd of spectators, but the;fj very low- The Goofy Coos then traffic situation wad not a handicap j lJ'u th,i Bame- au broke out In a ! due to the excellent work of traf-! cner- i fic offlcera. In recent firea tne ! . Then one grabbed Clowny by tbx lire department had received a ; aad- and saiJ "! lhlnk u would ' great deal or help and cooperation : be p1ra"'1 lt we wou,1 show i from Htate traffic officers. Tnese ' Kftitude by making him our king." rushed t me atners snouteu louu workshop of J. (.- Morrla, Aunt Sadie is very grateful to f n-i.i,ir .w. t,rra TuhCJ ' uAiini rtntnf Aria ma Um htm 1 . . . . - 7 7 " ' '"- """ t aucts comimny. Air. Mums the fire and "The right to rule ua you shall keeping avenned open for the fire own." said one. "We've got a dan- inr.-jr.tiij . u, i...-. r. r.t i dV fhmnt flfltt Vnll fclhll a! 11 n out of medical school but a short t lWkY pouito chip and had a'Kieat aaHislance In the control of j 'l wn a crown upon your head, time but is making amazing strides arKe fceltie of cooking oil on thejlirea autl na b-en appreciated by 'Wee Clowny. thud waa made their esiaoirsning nimsen in a lucra-1 stove. The oil boiled over onto the tne members of the lire depart-: ng. ne inougnt it quite a wond- pe pro-. mediate vicinity of i'ro- j was tive practice. ho, al(,vie immedlatelv I nient. u""" '" '' uiiereu in riui , namej u,( imting the contents ot The losaea in yesterday's fire tr. Ketue and cauAja aa ejcplo-iare entimated at around iio.oou. at least rmce roua thing. Th-- other T;nies clap- led. READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE as to the throne he soon was f. (Clowny has fun being king in the next story.) weading, Mr, ana AlVH. Charles COmette walked (Own the , Jf"Z ' L aioa wl,Icn the entire buildrfAU of the buildings were of frame Shibe Park by taking an 8-1 vie- ' ! t.mnranA nUfn.. Rut rtnuv that church aisle'a second time, renewed their vows, were wed n . Divine Providence has guided Aunt HPi-ltml time tn shnw that thov har mxAa nr. mUtzlrp trnat.l Sadi 10 Doctor Adams the patient r ' J ' . ' v. H..v ... , h morov.d amarinalv. t The prescription which, she re- news regularly once a week reads: "6PIBITU8 FRUMENTI." in each other, had niade their first marriage seriously and kept it sacredly.' ( . : ' ' ' ' r 1 ; ' WHO CO.MTKOI-S THE AIR? LAFE PERKINS SEZ- "The band of kids follerin' the mg witn' tiaines. Almost instantly i construction and were of an inex- inu was till abiaJe and the pensive type, so that the loss there heat wa intense. : , , - iprobnbly will not greatly exceed An alarm was sounded, the fire department making a quick sponse, but because of the fact that this district is protected only by a four-inch main there was not sufficient pressure obtainable un til tne pumper had been connected. tory. Holiis Thurston pitched Wash-) inxton to a 4-2 vie rnrv nr r,.v-1 35,0-jij. but all o the equipment land. j u.ied by Mr. Morris In his work). The Red Sox, eager to increase was lo3t and alao much of the fur-, their winnlns 11 trine nf f ajpaitrhf ice wagon was greatly reduced to-The pump drew ail of the water day." , from the nntins and operated' fit WOMAN DIES IN ' :- JAIL AFTER SPREEIiy '. fAiwhIM IT I'OUTr.AN'I). ltme Uittt nlnlit. lines ol hoe, but the iiupply was i Inadequate to. cope iwitlt the It na il Ion, the firemen being very great- handicapped' by ih lack; of " - j hid -ma. i.J MUIIUIII5 nut: i Aig. - Hi. ffJre- quickly spread! Into Kanitma died in tin: , Court, two of the homes being i cm (a Ore., Klotencf Smith. 37. womon'K, nrl f (h city jnil some j fiitisaiefl very ;cUse to the burning nne nan neen ar- uuuuiug. 1 iiene nouses were 00 .Matthews and 10 wake. Jter fori breakfast ,tiiia Both .of the Icamona Court comes momlng: fotihd her dead.1 ' ' " ! vere destroyed. 'iVe house occupied '. Jack Ldckwill at Summer Camp ) '1' BY GILBERT PATTEN (Creator of Frank MerrKvell)' : ! i The advatac of flying;. raiWs anew the argnmenj; anent that always debaUthle uestion of state sovereignty. Who i going to control the air, tho federal government or the sov ereign states? .Sl.; i ' If old precedents are followed the federal govcrnment will control interstate flying, and each state; will control fly ing within its own borders, for such a general priiiciple'and il vision of interest has been applied to regulation of bus!- r 'V'',"'1 '' ",! tharK itupied-.hj- ;the lriaid .Mat . , ,; , ., V . . .. ..turn' yalfril.iy was- llr.tll Jl. She t family and N. G. Williams. M npss, 10 couiroiioi raiiroaas, 10 jurisdiction III court mauura f ,ioi.lal?-'if fwr hlift; arid nasi -Mrw :MattHttwa;wra- at. Diamond j This preceilent was established in times when;aijouril(iyi!siv''!a "..'iif e h- ti.;; Po!i?e'iji; ointheir vacation ana Mr , . . , , . ' . . . fmeriteno-' physician;' 'She alsd. wllllnmsr n ih' KtiKeue, ho that P.Cl'OSS a lltate Ifne Was ail event, when bu.Slite.ia houses whlcn she had hurt hnr head hlln swim- j Hie .houses were tightly locked and fftrrind on thefr traI nilbddii (heir owii 'r dmmiiiiitv' 'werri i'mlng.' Ft-Ilbw' prlsbnfr.i-h6 tried i mil of -the furniture waa. saved. exceptional. A(day;' journey in these flying times is a J'our-i ney across tht cqmitVy. No airplane constructed even today hiis such clipped ,wings that its flying range is limited ,lq otic state, and for this reason, the argument that all flying control should come'' under federal jurisdiction has much height. (.. .;, :;i "':' ' ;; ' -; One other facl'tvhich adds merit to this argument iii the evidence of the prpscnt move to have the states establish a uniform traffic code for tho regulation of motor vehicle njovomcnts. If even the automobile has made slate regula tion of travel annoying, certainly the airplane, in ten years at least, will make state regulation a nuisance. 0 ' ' According (.0 the very latest sociological rumors, only npartmont-sizo mates an! now in demand by men and majds put gunning for matrimony, and apartment builders are given the blame. Time was when six-foot husbands, guar anteed as handy in 1 '1-foot rooms', were quite the thing. Time was, too, when a girl could be even a H8 and still get a hus band. Science has been using her tape measure and scales sinco then, nnd now city men must shrink in height, and city women must reduce in width to fit modern apartment-house rooms. Science is inclined to say that metropolitan subway nd elevator jamming compress and dwarf the human fig- ',Viro. In other words, that Mother Nature prunes where sin needs her pruning done. Twenty-nine rattlers on the tail of one rattle snab.- is a pretty good example of thrift on the part of the snake. We have never yet met up with one of these lowly creature with "iiuch a display of buttons. In fact, not since the days when the chronic "soak" paraded the. thoroughfares and ended his . spree with "snakes in his boots" has anything I cen told that ''equals this fellow with twenty-nine. niture In the Williams and Mat thews homes. The losses are part ly covered by insurance. This Is the second fire in which Mr. Morris has been concerned, his factory, formerly located on M-iin street,' having been wrecked .'ire only a few months ago. games, were rained out . against Detroit. Other American league teams were not scheduled. I COAST LEAGUE RESULTS ri n it r lit STANDINGS OF LEAGUES E KILLED III QUAKE executive committee and th cen I trai control . commission of me i communist party have resolved to t withdraw the c'Jestion of the ex pulsion from U. party of , Leon . Trotsky and Gregory Zlnovjqff lor violation, of :. pan; discipline, it ' was decided to reprimand them -. with a warning, in view of tueir declarations in which ; they re nounced some of their 'opposition views. Pacific Coast W.' Oakland ..,.r.;,....,83 San Francisco 78 Seattle ,.76 ' Sacramento ......70 Hollywood '.r 64 Portland ....... 4 ' Mission ..'. v. ,.--59 Los Angeles ... .52, . , Nations! ; i , W. 6.5 -.61 . ..59 . 57 -.49 .47 i By tlte Associated ressj . Elmer Smith's homer ; with (the sacks loaded wrecked a perfectly good ball xante for Uiil Fii-rcy yes terday, and gave Portland a 7-3 victory over . the Angels, marking the lfttter's eighth straight de feat, flatteries v Pieroy-and Han-f rrah: French, Hughes: and .Yeile. Shaadilng. ' : . ' ; Ed Rose's htrnie run.1 In' the last of the tenth'broke an 8-S - deadlock and gave the Missions a 9-8 vlctory 1 over Sacramento; : Battries: Kal- i no, Keefe and bevereici; w einert, I frtvt Lfl3'l Wir.) ' ! 'PEKING,' Aug. id.-Fitfy; thod- sand deau in me i,iangcnow uts trict of Kansu province as a con-' sequence ot the disastrous earth quake of .ay ' 23, 1 is tne latest Chinese o.ticial report as sent Trotsky and Zinovietf Have at various times beeu disciplined for their outspoken, pppositiou . tp the commuulst parly leaders ' but al ways were permitted to recant and return to their former activities. Iii June lust the praesidtum of the central control commission, of which the ali-powerful - Stalin from lanthow ny jtousignor The-lis tne guiding spirit, recommenued aoie ououejoiocx ot tne. oteyi nils-; ,ne ajsuiissal ol Trotsky and Zlno sion at uauaiuow. Tne ciei-gyman, v(e( jor "continuous attempts to who'senr rut diis det:niett - ae-bat party unity at a time of seri count of tne terrible quake in ous international complications, (.hum's "wild west" province, says aggravated by partial failure of Mie in a communication dated july i: cniuese revolution, and of facili "Wo are sitting in the midst of tating the activities oT auU-Soviet 'the misery -traduced by the great ' agitations, ywiihla' ! the ) ,. Soviet quakes of .May- 23. .' Shocks are I union " ' - ' J (.'h icago Pittsburgh . St. Louis i .... New York ,. Cincinnati . Hrookiyn .. Boston Philadelphia That blow staggered Lockwill. Before he could recover. Saunders was upon him. Dropping the switch and ducking a swing at his head, Jack gave the bruiser, a poke in the wind, doubling him up. .A second blow reached Saunders' jaw and stretched him on the ,ground. Whirling, the aroused boy met Lizard, coming at him 'again, and knocked him down also. Peewee turned and fed Now York ... Washington. Detroit Phik delphia Chicago Cleveland St. I.ouis Boston ... -39 l W. -.76 ...61 -56 45 .-II .621 .573 .567 .511 ,463 .4 Eckert, Bryan and ney 1 .42S,'r'a' R(iKo; Edwards and Schmidt. .382 Pet. .619 .592 .567 .532 .467 .439 .3SS .386 Pet. .7U4 .611I continuing uauy, out witnout uam-i Walters, Whit-: age owing to i the wholesale de-1 ADfAWCACtCAPro struction of May 23. In the Liang- -AKivAINoAO rACbd Seattle handed three Seal pitch-,how district 3U.000-, were, killed In ANOTHER FLOOD ers a mercflt-ss pasting ani coasted to an fasy 12-2 win. Batteries:1 May, Moudy, S. ' Martin, and Mc- .haif-aiarvod nersons m a ' 1,1 1 1 Aug. 1U.- ;g about the district. The""feept by tnref suct'essive "ooJs i that, quake, official 1 reports.- nomeles3. rhinKf r oifitnp' miu-h us tnis year, southeastern Arkansas their reaoufcek will nermit - : l?da' faceQ inuu"iou again Bill Murphy's, single in the third inning w-as ail that ' kept Pudgy Gould, diminutive Oakland mounds-f " ' " ! ; " " ' ; 1 ; man. from a no-hit contest and a 1 Estimates of the dead in the niche In the hail of ftfrne.. Murphy I Way 23 earthquake in China's re- B0Utn of pjne oinff. was the only star to collect a alnK!c '"' "i r.aiisu . nave Arkansas City, out .from .under as Gould whitewashed Hollywood, reached as high as 100;000. Mis-1 flood waters less than a month, ! poured thru gaiis in. the levees at Pendleton and Medford, 40 miles Kansu . have 9 0. Batteries: Gould and Bool. I sionaries and others familiar with Read; Fullerton, W. Murphy arid . tne area "ave expressed the opin Agnew. j Iod 'hat 2U.O0O square miles were ' affected. The first details were SILVERWARE 15e only received on July 28 and be- t cause of the difficulty of communl- inminnK thft full ctnrv alii) mm,in. with ; t0 be told. ; LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES Solid nickel silver ware real silver nlate. Beautiful pattern. I .53! I finished in the prey silver. Spoons,; TTMnviFFF Awn .5-: ', knives, forks, butters, suKars, ice : V itr r .4S1 teas, salad forks, etc., all 15c each. I .117 1 Also serving ladles, and berry , .;W4 ' spoons and meat forks at 25c. A ! .333. much better value than ever of-; fered before In Roseburg. See them I at Carr's. Practical and pood items. 1 prepared 10 carry on 1f the ap proaching flood reached the city. The water was expected to reatfh the outskirts of the town late to day, but it was not believed the city would again be flooded. TROTZKY GET OFF WITH REPRIMAND .Vwncialfd Tress Leaatti Wire) MOSCOW, Aug. 10. The central "LINOLEUM" For every room In the house. Powell Furniture & , Hardware Co. 238 N. Jackson St. KuKuiio plumbfi's arc iiskiiiK for iiu-rt'iisp jn pnv from eight o nine dollfim n day. Pretty soon they will be di'mand--iiijr time and a half for "t iieliiiK around" the job looking for lout tools. T, Trot out your favorite candidate for president. IJouk- lii8 county, niauy years ago, hai a man who thought he '"ought to be president but that's us far as he got. - o A lot of politicians ought to follow the wake of I'resi dt;iit Coolidgc's etlict choosing not to he a candidate 111 11028. ! Joshua made the sun atand still, but 'i Hays is try ' iii(f to make the stars quit coming out at night. Mr. Ford is not only a proficient manufacturer of trac - tors, but also inakcM a first-class retraction. Z'. o Z. If President Coolidge were the least bit ain, he would "'. suppress those photos of the ten-gallon hat. o " , Wp have many clean-sweeps in baseball, but few on the Somebody, near at hand, uttered an eiclamation of won der and admiration. Turning, Jack was surprised to see a young Inr-ian girl emerging from the woods. The girl came forward and halted, her dark eyes filed upon ,the boy who had is quickly mastered three foes. "You are brave and mighty," she said softly. ( fly the Associated Press) National nailing 1. Wuncr, I'irales, ..IS". Huns i.. Waner, I'irates, 1)2. Hits P. Waner, Pirates, 167. Do. ililcs P. Waner, Pirates, 3.1. . Triples P. Waner, Pirates, IT. Humors Williams. Phillies, 23. Stolen liases Frisch, tilants, won It; lost 3. American 1 Halting Simmons. Athletics. .3!'3. j Huns (iehrig, Yankees, 111. Hits (; hi Ik. Yankees. lt. Doubles Hums. Indians, 43. Triples Mimush, Tigers. H. Homers--Gehrig. Yankees, 3S. Stolen hases JSisler, Hrov. us, 23. PlUhing lladli y, Sennlors, won l'l; lost 2. OUT OUR WAY By .William MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS 1 Pv the A.ssoriated Press) To the Dodgers, who have beaten the Cubs only twice In 1" games, itoes tin- distinction nf stopping the National league leaib-rs after they had won niu- games in a row. The Cubs beat the Kiiliins 2 0 in the j lirst game nf yesterday's double neaiu i . nut lost the other 4. The Cuhs Mayed tliree full games ahead of the Plllshurgh Pirates, who trnnncril ihe (iinnts. 7 i. Only to mutii'R were scheduled in the Naiimial leacue. I.ou (i'h rig's thirty e!gti!)i home run in the ninth sawd the Yankees fnnn their first shutout of the season. The I Her optn admiration tmbarrAssed Jack, who (litshd to th roots ol hit hair. "It didn't Uk much might with such dubs," ht replied, laughing to cover hit confusion. Stepping to the tree, he set Tom Lougpine free. "Thank you. White Lightning," said the Indian boy. "That should be your name, for like lightning ycu strike, and none Stand before you. t have never teen your equal." ei2TYMttVC.fc (To Bt Cont'ttutd) DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Phone ISS Masuic lililg. ' ,i fB : ' ' ' " V W. 'I! 'v;ii$VSIEQ&BEtM yTiAESE ARE. TM r v ' 440 NERviOOS WEVM MIWOA "-,! i : , '4 mm LATeuM , X TrtoT Cowe . JomBO . S3;; i 1 csa perhaps -rue. cone,& -favi m I ' ' '..A HERE. .JOOLO 'rr; VTrAEM RE . P -iS Ijrf Ii3T" BE: GOOD FOR -V . BlCr ,!i 5gaHfe NiE RvE & 1"'- i r-y . ii ; HLio MEROES ARE MADE -NOT BORm. 0CR.nw.IL.am5. -'",'-"',s"v'ct-."l . ... Jrf ;:; A'oist porch.