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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1927)
EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1927. tROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. 5 ' "' Established 1901 ' ' ' ' . : M,, g. BITTER), Manager I ', ' I " ' ".' .' Founded and Maintained on Efficient 'l Service and Courtesy AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 284 :,'' Licensed Lady Oak and Kane Ste. i ' ' . ' Embalmer STRIKES STARTED TO SAVE SACCO lire confined. ,' ! l wuh understood Uiut the po lice were considering u nian .' in AND VANZETTI aciiiu guns "i intervals , , . along Ilia walls i tomorrow ,-, (Continued from page 1.) WF.YF.RHA1ISF.I? HFAn sertlon on reports he had received ' a MMnt IKtr-rc oi a xio from officials of local unions. H ANNOUNCES PLANS IvliiKoa Huhl he wus informed FOR KLAMATH Mil I GENERAL WOOD . i IS BURIED WITH 5 MILITARY POMP f , (Continued from page J.j 7- . John T. Axton, was designated to conduct. the service., nt- thOjgruvo, nHslstcd'by Cliuiilaihi Wi H. Walls. , nte-burial spot' selected ut'tiic dlrecllon of Mrs. Wood wan a plot cloHe to the grave of Admiral Samp son, a hero of the .Spanish-American war, In which General - Wood ,ulno gave brilliant service. , Depot Ceremony V "NEW YORK, Aug. a.'l'hvu 'the gK'Ul stone unil steel train filed of the Pennsylvania . station,. Us vastness heiglitened by tiie giay of early duwn, the strains of "Tups," whispered tills morning, r ,Muled by the bugler and again from the high dome of the waiting rooms, the notes echoed sofl ly to the eurs of u few grimy trainmen and u few scattered travelers, doz ing on' the benches.! j i ti "In the baggage car of a south'. ho.und express, a squad of soldiers stood Immobile at uttenlion around a ousket whose- simplicity wuh omphnsizod by Its rich drnplugs of silken flags: behind tho soldiers ranged a few newspaper men, heads bared. ; v ', ' The Imbromptu but none the leas Impressive ceremony ni tended the . nlaclue uuon the cnffin nr the Major Oeueral Leonard Wood a ! wreath from Hie Urovor Cleveland Memorial .association. Clav.ilniiil and Wood iwero ''mutual' a'lialstns III) the dayg when one was) chief oxeciitlve and the other a. rapidly rising army officer. Tho brief hnlt here, enioule to -Washington -was arranged, by the artsoghition.C , f. . whose rulings are the dubIs' df the I exceptions taViii by tile lawyers, in this case Judge .Sanderson, . - I The move was takun as a Blen I In the efforts of tle - defense '--to utilize every possibility of the istate courts' before seeking action in Hie federal courts, to wlilch us yet no appeal has been muile. ' t .i , BORN N1CIIOI.R. To Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Nichols, of Hrockwuy, Tues day, August 9, 11)27, at -Mercy llospltul, a daughter. i af.ADWEI.r,. To Mr. and Mrs, H. tjhulwell, of Winston, Monday, August 8, I!iz7, at Mercy Hospital, a son. Ihul eight thousand inombers the I'ucketbook Makers' Union, had joined the strike, M.uiio cloth ing workers, capital work ers, zu.uuu Jewish workers on the east side and 45.000 cloak makers. Identical resolutions addressed to tiovernor f uller of Mussachu- setts were adopted at all the meet ing places of the sympathy strik ers "energetically . protesting" uguinst bin decision In the Saeco Vanzetti cuse, which was describ ed as "an offense to the con science of mankind." Suspect Released NEW YOHK, Aug. . Maurice Selgel, a dentist -who hud been held Without hall on suspicion of i Implication In the bombing of tw o I sunnny stations Friday night, was discharged in Yorkville court day for lack of evidence, FIRE SITUATION MUCH IMPROVED J . NEW TODAY '. POItTl.ANJ), Ore., Aug. D., Completion oi the Clearwater Tim ber companies bin saw mill i I.ewlslOII. Ilhlhf). II Wl'Vortiimii.,,- I Tlmiii-r company project, is to he followed In the near future by an announce in uhout two weeks plans construction of u similar project at Klumalh Palls, Oregon. ' . i (ieorge II. Long, general man ager of the Weyi-rhaUHcr Timber company, on a visit at Klunmth Kalis, was quoted as promising to announce in uootii twoweeks p inr ine iMiunuin enterprise. . The Lewlston. mill represents an Investment or between two" iind (An-icbiH rm. I.-,I wi.,) M'I'.l 1AI. price ou fruit tree props '(JUTLAND, Ore.. Aug. U.-The ! - - . Storm King lire In the Olympla j I'OI.ND-On Oak street, mans national forest near . Lake Cuh- purse and money. Phone -I2 U . man, Washington, was one of the SlAHCH Aucona pulleui for sale, few remaining dangerous fires! Kllnu iJub'-ll, Cunyonville, Ore. being fought today by crews direct-, gfi a Y Ulack CANADIAN WHEAT DAMAGE I REPORT EXAQQERATED U j MMoc'lutcir I'n-M Lpnicrl Wlr) WIMNIl'IM, , Man., Aug. 9. Wheal declined on the Winnipeg exiinnge from 1 8-8 tu 2 5-8 In the rll-Mt ll,llip'r .ll'Mfllnu llilu ,..... I 111,- tnrlliiin,.u,t r... I.I., reports on crop conditions. Heports received today Indicated that no frosts occurred in Saskat chewan or Manitoba hist night, de spite predictions of colder weather and warm sunshine is promised by the weatlier man for tomorrow. . 'Iteports of frost yesterday morn lug In Saskatchewan sent to Win nipeg and Chicago grain exchanges which caused ' (i groat flurry" in those: murjetH apparently . wore greatly exiiggerjited. : d'Yost dutn agerto.grajn crops Is unestlinuled us. Jet, but It Is believed to have been negligible. Tender garden stuff .at a . few :lioJ,nts suffered opme'dumugp., , ;i V". three million dollurs by the Weyer- nauser interests and in audition a to-1 hydro-electric plant costing be ; tween three and four million dol- Selgel wus arrested eurlv Satur-1 'a has been erected, to be operat- duy by a patrolman who suid he el1 l,y , h0 ''"cl"c Power .and Light ed from district heudtiuarters here of . tiie forest service. 'Jills lire was expected to be controlled tonight, i Two new fires were reported to day ou the .Skikumish and the Hiima llama rivers. Progress wus being made against a blaze near Meta lake wtiere campers and Y. .M. C. A. boys were pressed into service yester day. Oilier fires lu the Columbia national furest were welt in hand. The Herman Creek fire, south of the Columbia river. In . Oregon, ns was pructfcally extinguished today ulter burning over about J0O acres. The blaze was on a ridge between two forks of the creek, and fight crews pumped water from the two streams and a pipe line that skirt ed the fire on one side. A number of men were discharged in that re gion today. muley cow at my place. H. M. Wood, j'huue 31 a, i'll'IO, i'il'E, I'll'i:' All sizes. New and second hand. Farm Ilureuu Kxehunge. Tit AY CLOTH -Get our prices. Also roofing and shingles. J'urm Iltireau Excluinge. JUDGE THAYER -RULES AGAINST ' 4 DEFENSE PLEA ,f ( Continued from'pago 1.) d'lil not find one point Hint Indlcat-od-prejndlco. He said lie wus will In? in lm .iiwiijn.r iiu wii',. iw. li.v'.r Sliid and done.. . . ' Defense Loses Again ''BOSTON, Aug.' 9. Counsel i for Uurtolomeo Vunzettl 'nnd ; Nicola Bacco today filed wllh the clerk of the stale supreme court an ap peal from tlio decision of nllliremn court Judgo George A; Sanderson! uenying tne condemned men a writ of error. Judge SundUiBon's decision was rondcrec! yestortlny. The petition, which was filed by Richard C, Evnrls 'of the defense legul staff, alleges that tho denial of'tho writ of Judge Sanderson constituted a violation of tho de fendant's rights under bath the Massachusetts and federal consti tutions, . ,' Before the. appeal can go before the full bench of tho supremo court It must be passed on by the judge , , ... i , 49c SALE ; "A collection of Items' at a spe cial 49c price. Includes embroider ed, scarfs, Kotex, 1 1 r lb., boxed cuhdy, pillow cuses,. pictures, tbys, liandkorltlefs, those; (underwear, old. Also your choice of nny Jap anese' pilrusol In the store, values .!? RUo, Shop nt jL'urr's. i(ud HIIVU. . ;i . ;.. . , , I , , AUTO OPENS MAIN PIPE- I (Auclntnl I'ri'M U'ltMil ,Wil'o i 'PpitTLANlV Ore.,' Aug.' 0. Wa ter gushed 'forth In torrents at Twenty-third and Washington streets eurly tills morning when nn unoccupied automobile rolled down Vistu uvonuo and knocked a lire plug from lis foundations, . ,,, OREGON PEARS MOVE., (AMOrlutrd i'n-M ,1.1'aa.jd .VlrJ , MEDKOUD, Ore., Aug. 9. The first carload of ltogue River vul- ley. Harllclt pears forlhls; season will ho shipped rrom the orchard or II. V"n lloi'vouburg, , nt - (loltl Hill tonight. They tiro consigned lo New York and are extra fancy. liberty Theatre Last Times Today Matinee Daily 2:15 EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA VAUDEVILLE Gorman & Revere Singing and Talking "HOW HIGH IS UP" Toots and Tommy Jordan i. THE SMALLEST ACT IN VAUDEVILLE Toots 2'2 ft Tall, 23 yrs. of age. Tommy 3 ft. 10 in. tall, 27 yrs. of age. iiecumu suspicious wnen lie saw the dentist peeling Into a window of St. Patrick's'' Cathedral at Fifth avenue and 50th street. Coolidge Keeps -Hands Off' iiAI'll) CITY. S. fj.. Ani- l It .was reiterated at the summer White House toilay that President Coolidge considers the Succo-Vun-zettl case entirely a matter for dis posal by Massachusetts courts. The president knows of no an neal to him by the Sacco Vanzet tl derense connsel. Ttocommendations for clemenev hove reached Mr. Coolidge from lime to time, sent to him on what Is considered to bo the erroneous Impression that the United States government has an Interest In the' case. These have been referred to ! the department of Juslfcu. I An English Joke? LONDON, Aug. II. A bomb wns exploded in the Aldwych station of mo, underground Unllway at 10 o'clock this morning. No one was injured. The bomb caused no damage. Some newspnpers mudo a sensation of the explosion, connecting It with the woiid-wldo demonstrations over the Hacco-Vanzelii case, hut an official report Issued by the Under ground Hallway company express ed nener inni tne explosion was the work of a "practical joker." ! The statement by the railway company, said a small can contain ing somo sort of explosive mix ture had been exploded in the lava tory of. the Aldwych station., caus ing ; considerable smoke- but no damage, -i -i v , Pickets Arrested. noSTON. Aiig. 9. Tho nrrest or between 40 nnd 50 pickets from a lino of hourly TOO. parading In front of Die slate house toilay protesting agutiist the execution of Nicola Suc eo and Ilartblomeo Vnnzetti ' fol lowed failure of the pickets to heed police warnings to leave the Htreet. . I v.(,lltl,u I 1L-I IJUI I ItUIHinill said ,today. Unit fitatii pollco hud peon sent to a camp :tf miles from Boston nnd to another nluco nearer I mis cjiy wnero no nail .reason to believe explosives were stored. The Information, ho said, came through the iptesllonlng of two men arrest ed as. suspicious pursous. , ( : . 1 Bomber Frustrated OHIOACO, Aug. a. A dynamite bomb with. an electrical timing de vice set lo cause nn explosion :il II o'clock tonight was round today III a dilapidated building iiiljolniug tho stlb-poMofrleo lit 1201 West Mtidlson street. The Inl'einnl ma chine wns found by a hobo who heard the. clock ticking. He in formed the police. - .Heveritl .slicks of dynamite were round In a shoe -box.. Wires con necled Ilia explosives Willi Iho alurtn clock. . ; The hobo, scarcely able to speak ' from excitement, Informed llui postal employes in the sub-sln-tlon, nnd they, advised the pollco. An officor. disconnected the wires. Chief of the postal inspectors to day asserted . that he hud been warned that an 'nllompl would he made to damage government proii erty. The custodian of (he gov ernment building iihio declared two telephone culls today carried tllroals of violence. . Father's Plea Fails company or Foiilund. . Tills plant will furnish' I ho mill with power. The Northern Pacific anil Union Pacific have conslrucled Jointly 41 miles of new railway and rebuilt many more miles, a development costing uhout $4,000,000. Inl'oi million in lumber circles here is lo the eKect that plans ror tho I.ewiston. project are likely to be the basis of the Klamath Fulls l development. The Klumuth Falls work is expected to he under way belore the end of the year. Sister Mary Suggests Hot Day Dishes By Slater Mary. When waterniclun i itut from rind ii iid JuhL tlio heart served, tho rind van bt niudii Into a delicious .iwueL picltlu tluit Ik nlwa.VH uccupt ablu with cold meat. Spiced Watermelon Rind Tlirue pounds rind, li pounds light brown suku., 4 cupa vinegar, :l cup wnlor, ! i tublospuuntt whole cloveH, 4 tablespoons broken stick ciiiiuiiuon, 2 teaspoons powdered alum. , Trim off pulp nnd green skin or melon rind and cut Into neat strips. Add alum to omt cup cold water and pour -over rind. Add wa ter to cover, cover with a piute and let stand twelve hours. Heal to the boilfiiK point i.nd let simmer lil ten minutes. Drain and plunge into Ice wuter. Let i stand until thoroughly cold, about two . hours. Drain ami dry. between towel. I'ut BUgar, water and .vinegar Into preserving kettio. lJring to the boil ing point and add spices tied in a cheesecloth bag. Hoh about twenty minnhiH and add prepared rind. Simmer until rind fs irM)dti;ii-vr. and tender. I'ut into sterilized Jars and Hoal while hot.. , . , , . .Later when quinces .come into muj-ket tho following reeiprf- fur "medley", conserve may help to 'conserve'V some fruit that might otherwise go to waste.'. ; Medley Conserve. iTwn pounds quinces,. 3 i pounds pears, i pound green, apples, . 2 pounds, ripe peaches, 3 lemon, 1 orange, 1 cup chopped nut moats, 0 pounds , migar, , l'aro and core quinces, pears apd apples. Cut lemons and orange in to slices, and remove seeds. Hare Hid .remove tdones Irnm peaches, LYTLE RE-ELECTED AS VETERINARIAN fABWtlated 1'reas l.t-awMl Wire) SALI'JM, Ore., Aug. 9. Ur. W. II. Lytle was re elected state veter inarian for uuother two-year term ut a meeting of the state livestock Banilary board in Portlund yester day. He has held the office since 11)13. Harry West of Scappoose . was elected president of the board to succeed Walter K. Taylor of Cor vallis, and Mr. BrigKs of Prine vllle was elected vice president. The board decided to wage a campaign against contagious ab ortion In caltlo similar to the cam paign now being waged against tuberculosis. Dr. Lytle will be sent to u convention of the Amerlcun Veterinary. Medical association in Philadelphia this fall to make a study of the disease. Rules governing the regulation of tiie poultry industry, similar to those of other stales, were adopt ed by the board. r NATIONAL WAR ON RATS BEGINS TO SHOW RESULTS Mats are probably decreasing in numbers, in the United States, says the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, although their decrease is only beginning to be apparent. The chief fuctors re sponsible for any decrease arc presont-day sanitary, requirements and modern building, which make It increasingly difficult for rats to find food and shelter; . u national urge against nil, unnecessary waste; and a better underslunding generally of the relation, of rats to human economy. Furthermore, us facts relating to I uio spread oi communicable di sease have become better known, more general Interest lu rut con trol has been stimulated, more ef fective menus of destroying rats hnvo beeii developed, and informa tion regarding these methods has been widely distributed. Farmers' Bulletin 1533-F, "Hat Control," pre pared by James Silvert of the fiio logical Survey, and Just Issued by (he department, contains many suggestions for the control of rats on the farm and in the city. Pnriii:iii.nt nvr.tnul.... ne ....... ....... jhe brought about by rut-proofing buildings and other structures commonly inhabited by tlio ro- FOll HUNT 2 modern Croom , houses. Reasonable und close In. Phone 39-J. FOM SALK Nice fat Leghorn hens, will dress and deliver. ; Phono GF31'. SPRINKLING SYSTEMS All kinds. Let us figure your Job. Farm Hureau Exchange. FOH SALE Second hand-wood 4. range and four burner electric range. Roseburg Electric. FOR." RENT Two-roomfu7nlshed huuse, $7 per month. See ele- vutor mail at Perkins building. F'OR SALE 20bdenbsit on a. new Essex for $100. See L.' R. Chambers at Oak and Main Sts. FOR SALE Fifteen 2-inonths-old pigs. C. C. Slegrlst, near Umji qua, Ore., P. O. Wilbur, Ore, K 1. LOST Pair of men's Kryptok glasses, dark horn rims, lu case. Return . to Monogram Cigar store. '' '' - " THE GOLDEN RULEdpposite the auto park servos a 'cnicken dinner every Wednesday at 4Uc aplato;Try us. 7 , 12 H.P. GAS" ENGINE Just the tiling for a dryer fun. Also a 6 h. p. used only two weeks. Farm Rureuu Exchange. HOME LAUNDRY Washing, Iron ed or rough dry. House drosses and men's shirts finished for 10c. sail Winchester St. . ; 1920 NASH speclal.inirsupe n't" a real bargain. Looks and funs Ilka new. Nasli Sales and Service, Oak and Main St. h FOR SALE OR TRADE Young team of black mares; will trade for cuttle, hogs or sheep. J. M. Ware, Oialla, Ore. . i REFRIGERATOR FORSALE $45 Alaska Star refrigerator, just like new. Priced for quick sale iit520. Phone 660-J. milestone and Lime ' or Ready Mixed itordo - Coeu Lumber Company FOR SALE Angora bucks, only a few left, they are of the best blooded goats In the state, also a few does. li. W. . Fate, Days Creek, Ore. HAVE IS cement foundation blocks, 2 ft. squaro by 18 in. ! EXECUTIVE ABILITY . . Executive a b i I i ty requires ': knowledge, experience and in-j itiative. Successful " executives highly regard the service of this bank for its usefulness to the 'people, - ' ' ' ' TheRosobiirNdtioridl Bank Roseburg, Ore. ; ' GRASS SPECIALIST VISITING FORESTS A. S. Hitchcock of the bureau of plunt Industry, Washington, D. C, and Mrs. Hitchcock arrived in Roseburg this morning and are spending a few days in the city. weBtern yellow pine nnd sugar pine of which there la about 2, 733.000 feet; $1 for Douglas fir and 60 cents for white fir and other species'. - . ' DAILY WEATHER REPORT '' V. 8. Weather Hureau Office. Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported Mi. Hit,.iinnck lu cnniiiMnir with i by Arthur W. Fugb, Meteorologist tlw I'm'nul Horvipn nntl Ih n RTiArfn- in. charge, i , , list In grasses. He has been trav-! Barometric, pressure '(reduced ellng with Mr. Ingram, representa tive of the Portland office of for estry, through the national forests of Oregon and noting the grasses of the grazing areas. He recently returned from a tour through the r'HKpnilf, llpaphntpfl nnd tlninnuu forests. Following his visit here! he will go Into the Slsklyous. to sea level) 6 p. m. -. 30.00 Relative humidity 6 p. m. yes terday (per cent) .. 23 Preclp. In Ins. and Hundredths: Highest temperature yesterday 87 Lowest temperature last night 64 Average temperature for the day 70, Myrtle Creek News Briefs rut an tne linn through food chop- items; py removing any per using the coarse knife. Mix snener; anil by cutting AND PICTURES ROAR WITH MARY BRIAN Al Cook, Kit Guard, Frankie Dnrro. , COMEDY Harry LangcJon in "LUCKY STARS"! MatiiiiU'Hif.PATHE NEWS 10c25c ... ... Vaudeville only at Night ! i Eve. 10-35c ROME, Aug. 9. Answering n Idea from Mlchele Sacco ror his personal intervention lo prevent Iho execution of Mlchule's son, Nicola, in Massachusetts, Premier Mussolini has telegraphed him: "! deslro to communicate to you' ror a long time, and assidu ously I hove occupied myseir with lite Sacco-Vnnzetti case, and 1 have done everything possible compati ble wllh Inlet'liilllolial rules to save Ibem from exectillon." Ford Opposes Death DETROIT, Aug. 9. Regardless of (he rulincss or unfairness of the trial of Nicola Suoco and Har- tolomeo Vnnzetti. they should not be executed, Henry Ford said'tu day in reiterating his belief in cap ital punishment. "1 do not know much about the court record of the case," the au-j tomolitle mnnufneturere said. "If there Is tiny doubt about the fair-' ness of their trial, -they should he given n new trial, lint In any event they should not li killed. We can-! not upprovo the slate's doing what we would not do ourselves. Killing' of human beings Is always nn net of vengeance. I ean't see it nny other way. 1 don't believe In It. "I believe Snoco and Vnnzetti; should not he executed. The soll-j tence of death could he revoked without the verdict of guilty being annulled, nnd liiis would give op-, portunity to weigh new evidence that may unpenr in the men's fa vor. Provided the man is guilty, i Imprisonment protects societv. If he is not. it gives time a chance to turn up new evidence nnd right a great wrong." Trt Fortifv Prison ItOSTON. Aug. 9A minute tn spectlon of the state pi Ihoii walls, wns mode todnv lv Ivnuty Super Intendent (loode of the Hoston po lice n)id Warden -Hendry, rnrtlcn lar attention was paid to tin Ruth erford avenue side near the deolh house wheru Sacco and Vaniettl irult and sugar and let stand over night. In tiie morning bring lo the boiling point, ami cook slowly tin Ill thick. Watch carefully to pro vent burning. Ten minuies before removing from the stove udd nuts. Turn into sterilized juts and seal while hot. Corn and cabbage nlcklo is n good relish wllh cold meats and may save somo gooil sweet corn from going begging. Corn and Cabbage Relish Twelve eurs sweet corn. -1 nound head cabbage,. 2 pints vinegar, 2 tnblespoons white mustard seeil,'2 tablespoons tumeric, 1 cup brown sugar, i tablespoons constrach, 1 tablespoon dry mustard, 4 green peppers, suit. Cook corn ton minutes, cut ker nels from cob. Qimrtur und chop cabbage. Sprinkle generously with suit and let stand while preparing other Ingredients. Heat vinegar Willi mustard seed, tumeric and ImSwn sugar. Mix cornstarch and mustard adding enough cold water to make a smooth paste. Add to hot vinegar and cook until thick ened. Itlnse cabbage through sev "ial waters and drain thorouglilv. jiemove seeus and pith rrom nip pers mid mince flesh. Add corn, cabbage and peppers to vin gur mixture and bring to tho boiling point. Cook fifteen minutes, four Into sterilized Jars and seal. possible .off their Mr. Mcl'all and Ralph l.lndsev. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph engineers, were here from Portland today visiting tiie local plant. food supply. Details on methods of accomplishing these objectives lire discussed in the bulletin,'' as well as such control methods as poison ing, fumigating, trapping, and use of deterrents. - - ; Although getting rid of rats ' is largely an Individual problem, rat infestutiou has a serious effect ou the whole community, and organiz ed control effort is highly desir able. A person who allows rntB to Increase on his property until they menace the entire neighborhood becomes an object of public con cern, and a city that permits Its refuse dump to serve as a breed ing place for hordes of these pests is committing a grave Injustice in Its population. Ridding a whole community of ruts can best be ac complished by organized efforts of all tho citizens. The depnrtment will gladly assist such organiza tions through the biological survey In planning, organizing, ami prose cuting nntirnt cumpnigus by fur nishing preliminary plans, general Instructions, sample copies of post ers, and other publicity material und, where possible, the personal services of a leader. Mrs. R. M. Shlrtcllft who has been very 111 for a long time is now convalescing nicely and has been moved to her home. Mrs. Fred Hascall of Pilot Rock, Oregon, .is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Hascull is a niece of W. A. tMulkey. ., Misses Dorothy Rice and Lucille Aldridge are spending a few days in Medford. ' ' '" -- - Mr. and Mrs. Emory Williams and family and their -guest Mr. Raymond Chapman motored to Bridge last Sunday. Mr. Chapman is. a seaman on the U. S. S. Cali fornia now stationed at Bremer ton, Wash. ' v ' -; - Mr. W. C. Vnlontlno and 'family are taking their' vacation at Kitton Springs tills aumme'r. : 1 .-', A wedding of much (Interest to many people in ' this community f took pluce ut Brownsville lust Gtln.ln.r ...Km. UIdu 'fan..,. IJ.Ktlu.,.. Who are dusting bec.lma tho bride o Rev. Eldou Wood. Mr. Wood was pastor of the,.c..tll nh.iw.1, f,.H aavui-ul years prior to going to Lexington lnRl vpbi' u'hoi'n lin la now 'tiMKlni FOR SALE 10 "acres on highway, I Mrs. Wood has been instructor in Normal temperature for1, this date .. Oil Precipitation, last 24 hours .... 0 Total preclp. since 1st month 0 Normal precip. for this month' .32 Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1926, to date 35.90 Average preclp. from Sept. 1, 1S77 1.. - 34.14, Total excess since Sept. 1, ' 1926 1.7U Average seasonal preclp. Sept. to May inclusive '. ,.31.13 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Fair tonight and Wednesday, mod erate temperature. . . . . thick in center. Will sell cheap or trade for smaller blocks. J. It. Osborn. Phone 40F4. SICK and drive the new Nash be , fore you buy any car.. Nash sales and service, rear of Doug las National Bank, Oak and Main St. Phone IHI1. OKCI-IAIilJISTS for brown rot in accordance with county agent's recommenda tion see us for your require ments. Denn-Cierretsou Co. : CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Servlco" 8ULHUR VAPOR BATHS .327 West Cass Phone 191 rich creek bottom . land, small house, good water. Ideal place for berry gardening and poul try. Price S900. Easy terms. Chns. Kyes, S2li N. Jackson St. MONFVTOTLOAN -Vemake loans on business residence - or nereago property, or ror building purposes. Improved plan. Doug las Building & Loan Association, 147 Jackson St. FOR SALE Now automatic 30 Remington rifle. Reliable 1500 lb. work horse and harness, J30. Oliver chilled Bulky plow, fully equipped, and . Cnso walking plow. Both $26. Excellent Jersey cow, freshen before long, $50. R. H. Grinsted. Phone 1S9-J. A LOAN on the home. A mortgage loan, If made in terms conven ient for the borrower to meet is no groat burden and often en courages thrift. Our plan costs you loss and has many attrac tive features. Umpqua Savings and Loan Association, Douglas Abstract Building. DR. DEAN B. BUBAR li ; OPTOMETRIST) . Specialist In the fitting of , , ,- Glasaei. . . , i I f S 1 ' i f ... . 116 Jackson St PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS SILVERWARE 15c n funeral ihouU run, beautiful S(emory in the mtnJi of all tiAi attend it. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME H. C, Stearns, Mgr. Ksr. 19JS Phone 112 Lady Attendant Solid nickel silver ware with ronl sllvor plate. Beautiful pattern, finished in the grey silver. Snoons. knives, forks, butters, sugars, ice leas, salad forks, etc., all 15c each. Also serving ladles nnd berry I spoons and meat forks nt 25c. A 1 much better value than ever of-! fered before in Roseburg. See them ' ut Chit's. Practical nnd good items. VERNONIA POWER PLANT RECEIVER ; , IS UNDER FIRE Elite Plaaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main ' in It to ut tlio Iiifrnun Itlhlu utitoup. sity tor several yeura. Almost (he entire population of Brownsville and ' community, be sides numerous friends from other places Kiithered at the church to witness the happy event. Mr. Wood is u Myrtle Creek boy find has a host of friends here who all wish him much happiness and 1-roHperily. Mrs. Frederick Brook who Is so liciting for the E. B. U. 'orphanage has been working, li) this civinity for the past few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald TIbbils and Harry Tibbils of Los Angeles have been visiting . friends in Myrtle j Creek for the pust few days. Mr. and Mrs. C J3. ' Starbuck and family accompanied by Sliel-, don and- Maurfne - Hermann and ' Mr. and Mrs. C. C. March and Mrs. Mulkey and Mrs. Fred Has call of Pilot Rock spent Sunday af ternoon at weaver creek. Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Bates and Mrs. Bates' moth or, Mrs. Golden I and Miss Grace Adamsou motored to Wolf Creek Sunday to spend the 1 day with the Camp Fire girls. ! Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Uuell are spending their vacation by taking a camping trip south over the Red wood highway then home via the coast road. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Adams and family spent the week end at Ban don. X. "MATTRESSES" Qur 50 lb. Felt Mattress Is ' All Quality. Powell Furniture Co. 240 N. Jackson St. ' ' FIRE HAZARDS arc increased during this season of the year. Play safe by carry ing adequate Fire Insurance. Our agency fs at your service. We write nil lines of fire and automobile insurance. G. W. Young & Son INSURANCE 116 Cass 8t. Phone 417 U, S. TO SELL TIMBER PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 9. About 6,631,000 feet of timber on Tolman Creek lu Crater nationul forest has been advertised for sale by the forest service. Minimum prices set are J3.50 a thousand for DANCE Every Wednesday Night Rainbow Gardens WINCHESTER Music by Star-Six Orchestra SI 9 lr . r.. nt S. I ust atttin in Shair i (AMnrtati-il Prvwa l.uw I Wire) I IOHTI,AN!l. Ore., Auk. 0. P.ondholdcrs of the Veruonin Unlit and Power company filed a peti tion in circuit court todnv asking that the manairenient of the com- & puny's affairs lie tnken from the'S hands of the present receiver. ' W l.loyd U. Smith. Smith Is also receiver for the H ; Northwestern T r H s t company. A ivhich sold bonds for the lli;ht rnntpany. 1'nymenls by Smith of snm 1 111 u-i'. m-w n ih., I.-..,: 1 Of the churKos liy bondholders, 'ffl vh0 vl" be n"L who are represented by Sevmour R II. Hell, their trustee. j A poition of the money wns nl-'fej lined to have been pall on an al- J lini'illy Invalid rote held by the M Northwestern Trust rompnnv. and S Olfler payments' were for fees, sal- lj Ay seo fnllar slttln In rock- g lug shalr do Oder day. May l vas big an healthy nn nil clat S but liny had bane slttln der g over sax weeks and lind yust ij about dat much longer tu sit & nn tlnk on account hay kotildnt stand on legs dat jl had bane busted In Oalmoblle S reck. Dnt fnllar vouldnt had tu is tlnk so hard of big expense of doctor an hospital bill if i hay had von of our accident policy. Kno ay dont expect it vlll happen tu yu. Hut den S again fnllar never kan tell K mhhu aries and otfice expenses "OLE" (Copyright 102(5 P. p.) Quine & ComDanv I 1 pi ANTLERS THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY Matinee Daily 2:00 P. M. DOLORES COSTELLO "THE HEART OF MARYLAND" A stirring romance of Civil War Days, based on the nlav DAVID BELASCO by Comedy "The Jelly Fish," International News Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-2Sc-35c COMING THE ANTLERS TO Wednesday and Thursday, the Dempsey-Tunney Fight Pictures , MAJESTIC LAST TIMES TODAY FRED HUMES "RANGE COURAGE"