Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 09, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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Aluminum Kitchen
Nothing finer than Weai-ever Aluminum Ware for the
kitchen--or in the camp. -
, Aluminum Camp Kits
J; Moderately Priced,
Other pieces that come 'n handy during the season are
Stew Kettle, any size
Sauce Pans, Cake Pans
Double Boilers, Skillets
Cups, Teakettles, etc. '
Just-peek in at, our window' and see the comprehensive
display and you will find many things to please.
The Winchester, Store. , . ;
WHEN you think ot SHINGLES,
think of PAGE'S." . ,.iS f
BOSTON Bull iiuppiesTor Billot
voeksolo803 W.Mosjier St.
XSk""aSout ouruMlaTTow" prlCa
on myrtle and maple block wood.
South End Wood Yard. ,
BAMS " FOH SALE ltegibienni
Sliropslilres. Mis. W. E, Staf
ford 1001 Mill St., EugeiieOre.
iUST RECEIVED Anoiner car of
' nice shingles. Get yours today
at the new low price. Pages'.
F"Ol SALE Large wicker, baby
buggy, crib and mattress. ' 842
Mill street. ; "
FOR BALE 100 wether goats and
two billies. M. T. Dawson. Phone
3F21. ' .
FOll SALE 1920 - model Dodge
touring, 476. Terms. Gamp View
Garage, 1 mile north of Rose-
burg. . . -i ; .
FOR "SALBWrodrow eiuclrkj
washing -machine. - Fine condi.
. lion. Unrgulu. Terms. 437 Ras(
WHY "wairtTll the rush-'is-on?
Kentucky 'Wonder string beans
1 for canning. Royer Bros. Hlgh
, way stand, near Dillard. . P, O.
Roseburg, Ore.
PORTSALE 0"he Gulbransen play
er piano just like new. This pi-
auo has been used very UttlQ
. and will be sold at a-real baiv
gain price. If interested write
' ' P. O. liox 141, Yoncallai Ore. .
FOR SALE -Auto camp, cabins,'
,', 4-rooui house complete, grocery,
Bervice station, in town on Pa
cific highway; at a sacrifice
price. Year around business. All
buildings, stock and ground in
, : eluded. . Address : "Auto Camp,"
care News-Review.
' UUY property that will pay for it
j self. Stock farms are the kind
that will-do it. Here is one con-
sistlngof 608 acres all fonced- with
I wovon wire fencing; 60 acres
, Blashod, ready to burn and seed;
: plenty of farm land;'' fruit and
berries;- good house and out
buildings; - running ' stream
through place, as well as a num--'
ber of springs; on , good road.
For $12,000 on easy terms. .
.. See N. Rice .00 RICE & RICE.
,'-' ,
WANTED to buy, 20 or 25 sheep.
Ewes, not. over 6 -years old. Les
v . ter Jordan, Looking Glass, Ore.
" WANTED TO RENT Furnished
5-room house; must be modern.
P. O. Box 375, Roseburg.
WANTED Plain sewing of all
t kinds. At 1127 Harvard Ave.
Phone 4'1'1-Y.
Spring I
,: 8 IS MOVING Erf
, ' ( WINTER- y
r i LET US j U
B H OO IT. ; I H
FOH RENT 5-room modern house.
Furnace, electric range equip-
ment. Call 658-J,
VA,'TEI-Used Fordson tractur.
Douglas i Park Stock Hanch,
Sutherlln. !
WANTEW 25Tfers 22 iuTblaclt
oak and laurel wood for fall de
livery. 420 ; N. Jackson St.,
Apt. 4.
FOR RENT 0-room house. 812 S
Main St.
FOR RENT fv-room
house. Call at 800 S,
FOR . RENT 3 rooms,
floor, comuletelv furnished, etec-
' trie lights, hot and cold water
and fuel furnished, 2 blocks
from center of city, S25. G. W.
Youug & Son, 116 Cass St.
Phono 417. - ,
: : : -.--
Reasonable prices. Highway
Service Co., Douglas & Jackson.
' RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers.
CAR OWNER Don't lorget to
c call -553 whon in -&qed of auto
parts. Sartf's - Autu Wrecking
House. . .
'".. (AsBoulnlciJ 1'rcHs Leased Wins)'
PAUIS, Aug. 9. Charles A. Lo
vlno and the French aviulor, MHur
Ipo Drouhin, today signed a new
contract. As soon bb Levine de
posits '300,000 francs the start of
their Paris-to-New York flight will
do pond only on the weather condi
tions, v .
The! 'contract provides that
Drouhin - shall ' receive ' 100,000
rranc3, (about $4,0u0) for a year's
services,' dating from July 7, pay
able at the nito of 2,000 fruncs
weekly. In addition he-.wili re
coive half the profits ' accruing
from motion pictures, atorjes1 of
the flight and so forth.
Levine agrees to deposit 300,000
francs with the Bank of France
payable to Drouhln's wife at tho
rate of 10,000 francs a month for
six months in cae.e Drouhin is lost,
the balanco to be turned over at
tho end of that time.
With. the slgnaturo of tho much
delayed contracts, Lev In a 'b attempt
to return home by air and thus bo
the first man to fly the North At
lantic In both directions, may be
possible within a few days. Every
thing now Is ready for tho hop off.
UTICA, N. Y., Aug. 0. Two un
occupied dwellings within half, a
mile of each other in tho Italian
section were wrecked by mysteri
ous blasts early today. One of "the
explosions damaged sevural houses
and businGHS blocks.
Police discounted theories that
Sacco-Vanzettl sympathizors were
concerned. Several persons In ad
joining dwellings were cut by fly
ing glass but none was seriously
LONG REACH, Calif., Aug. P.
A heavy explosion aboard an out
bound yacht off the Craig ship
building yards hore today blow one
man overboard and set fire to the
craft. Another man was seen to
jump overboard. Fire apparatus
was summoned from "San Pedro.
The name of the yacht could not
be made out from shore.
LKWISTON. Idwho, Autr. 9. Tho
new five-band saw mill of the
Clearwater Timber company hero
made ltn Initial run today, with
nonio 300 men employed. It has
hnen under construction for more
than a year.
Althounh minor adjustments to
marhinery necoHKitated frequent
interruptions today the company of
ffciaiH eurlmatod that 20,'00 feot
of timber would be Rawed. The
daily capacity of the mill under
normal conditions In 40O.O00 feet.
From 350 to 4oiT men will bo cnl-
ployed when all machinery is in
I operation.
I Operations in the woods were ro-
ftunicd by the Clearwater company
today.' There are 12.000.fK0 foet of
Iocs in tho milt pond here, with
20,000.000 feet additional in thej
woods ready for shipment, taflyj
nhiiynenta amount lu 450,000 rci of,
logs. ,
BZ7 W NEAStrw it
Xtttiiipttt have been mado on the
j IKo of Kltgtt Marberry, an Ameri
can gin owning eoneuieraflu pro
perty near Urn little tuwu of Porto
Verdo, iu Wt:tt ceutrul llm.ill. bhe
has escaped harm Uue to tho
shrewdness of her cousin and pro
tucor, Vilak, who with his trlend,
Lincoln Nunyally,- an elderly
American chemist, is trying to
loam the reason lor the strauge en
mity for Kline.
Living uear Porto Verde is one
Qayloril Prentiss, a atrange and
forbidding character, who has
evinced a hatred for Elisu.
Tlnky, KUses two-year-old or
phaned neiihew, is kidnaped. A iu
tlvo reports Prentiss has been
seen with the baby, Tho (mil
leads Into the Jungle. . ,
Calamity overtakes the expedi
tion Vilak 01-gauizes in pursuit.
Native trackers are iujured or de
sert. Troachory breaks out. Their
white friends are fever victims
and are left with a friendly tribe.
Kllse, Vilak and Nuunally final
ly emerge tram the jungle. Pres
ently they come to the outskirts of
a strange city, resembling old Inca
civilization. Here they are made
prisoners. T'hey disco vol they are
in the power of Carlos D'Alutm
ttira, whom they had known as tin
engineer back in Porto Verde.
The black rulor of the city de
cides to marry KMyo and to put
Vilak and Nuunally to death. They
are to be tortured at the feast of
Raymi. From liis prison window
Vltak can observe the beginning
of the ceremonies incidental to the
feast and sacrifice. He and Nun
Uttlly'aro brought to the temple.
"Got that ceremony from the In
cas, too, probably," Vilak mutter
ed as he turned his head to look
at the old maq lying on the stone
two feet away. "Often a custom
of fire-worshipers. Chief, hend
man. or king, whatever he happens
Lto be, goes off to receive the first
rays of the sun alone. You d bet
ter try to sleep a liule. Good as
a drug in times like this." ,
' These wore tho last wordo he
spoke for hoiu-B. ' AH day he lav
rigid, ' motionless, as though he
were another of the gloomy stone
figures carved in the mined temple
As when he had lain in his room
In Porto Verde, th,e pupils of his
Mongolian-like' eyes dulled until
they appeared -the eyes of a mum-,
my rather than a' man, while the
thin film, like a bird's inner eye
lid,, crept out from the corners. 'His
swarthy skin became bloodless; his
breath came stertoi-ously through
his open mouth. '
In the afternoon. hiB broathlng
and his face became normal again;
ho spoke cheerfully to the old man,
sweating profusely In the hot' sun,
and begau watching a group of In
dians ereat a rude pavilion facing
the idol and perhaps a hundred feet
away. ' j
- Just before, sunset this , pavilion
, 1
Potltc.'St-y MoT LE5
TM OfilL To fr-
k"" 'ii ',y
FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Picking It Fair . ' ByBIoaser
MS V. 66T DOME VaXAy i I VLh CMCf 1 PP-V-V I fL VOOAoTck A h' ' 6 OST BWS '
SALESMAN $AM Well Named 1
-i r- iJ.f v i ..fl
i was the ceuter of another proevs-
stun. Kilst1, garbed in a robe of
' brilliantly woven wool, wUa burnt on. a litter and srt upon a
; stone chair. He). ore her came the
' fat liatf-tneed women with the
j painted aprons and ringed ears
i who hud beeu ier escorts a few
I days belore, then a lohf )lne of nu
: live women of all 1 varieties of
I drutis, stature and racial mixture,
j Each deposited a flower or fruit at
; at her feet. At huiuiown Ualalagos
; appeared, titggling, he threw a
j great veil or mantle uf bcuutitul,
: uucient -ttesigu over Kllse antl she
1 was lifted onto the litter again and
I carried away. ;
For half an hour the court was
once more deserted. The prison
ers had been given no food during
the day; now one of thu hideously
painted priests brought them wine
In two clay ceremonial1 vessels,
held the bowls to their Hps so they
could drink, then put the vessels
ut their sides in depressions cut
especially for the purpose In the
stone. Throughout the ceremonies,
which began soon after, they re
turned at intervals of approxi
mately an hour to touch the bowls
to the captives' lips, as though an
act of purification which made
them lit to be a gift to the gods,
Tho court now filled anew with
a swarming, buzzing multitude.
Ellse was brought out again and.
placed in the pavilion. Rutalngos
took a seat beside her. D'Alhen
lara stood at the altar. A dance
was begun.
Thirty or forty black, brown and
reddish-skinned vomen, tlmlr feath
ers bright with paint and with
metal ' ornnmeiits, leaped, bowed,
quivered, gyrated, while rows of
men; with faces painted like death
masks, stamped their feet anJ.bea
time with thudding tom-toms. .
At a command from Uatalagon
the dance ceased. A fowl, a wild
pig aud two oxen were laid upon
the altar-like atone, killed with a
knife, and their hearts thrown Into
the crackling fire. Wore dancing.
A fil of native soldiers came
forward, each holding aloft a
spear. On each spenivtip was' a
dried, shriveled human head. The
soldiers fixed their burdens like
standards in two rows on ouch side
of the open-mouthed idol. Nuu
nally noticed that each trophy
bore the same tattooed triangles
which had marred Prentiss fore
head, while a tattooed line circled
each shrunken neck just above
the point where it had been severed.-
New a native with a particularly
ferocious lace was flung down near
Vilak and made fast to another one
of the seven stones, where he lay
alternately screaming with terror
and pleading ' piteously - with his
captors. A socond young -deer was
slain to- coiibuU the omons; they
decreed hnni"diate sacrifice. Three
of the soldiers danced a short pan
tonine in which there was much
clashing of spears: and stalking
through imaginary bushes, 1 .
' "This poor devil near '.us Is, a
To oe
'I r-'-jK
murderer," Vilak whispered to the
old man. "I got that from what he
said when he was begging for
mercy.. This . paiitomino is a fa
vorite custom of 'savages They're
tthowlng now how he committed
the murder. Stubbed his friend in
the hack while ttmy wen put hum-tug-''
; ;? : ; i
The pantomlmo continued for a
few, moments Jongt-r.. Then u bowl
of wine waa put to the criminal's
lips, iteughly he was if I to J from
the stone to which ho had beeu
tied and dragged to the larger one
serving as the altar.
Oik of the pilouts swiftly tat
tooed throe teeth-like triangles up
on his i ore head, then a thin, black
lino around his neck. The Indian
with the enormous nose came for
ward carrying a great knife, looked
at the lattoolug on the forehead,
pah'scd the back cf his knife experi
mentally about the peck-line, then
nodded approvingly. 'The tattooer
put away his iustrumoutH,
The struggling victim, whose
mouth had been stuffed with wool
to slop his cries, and who was re
garding his captors with bulging,
agonized even, was now strapped
down so that his forehead was di
rectly beneath the three great
thorns which formed tho fingers of
the idol's arm.
D'Albeutara gave a command.
The savages swarming on all sidos
.dropped to the ground and began a
dismal chant. Their eyes were
fixed as though hypnotized upon
tho grotesque idol.
Suddenly a puff of smuko, fol
lowed by a tonguo of flame, issued
from its mouth, its unraised arm
began to descend. Nearer and
nearer camo its thorny har.d to the
captive's forhead. At Inst thorn
met tattooed triangle. The crim
inal's convulsive struggles ceased;
he lay rigid. Yet he wus not dead;
his drawn eyes gleamed with the"
same bitter anKuish which had
marked the eyes of the prnsU-ate
Tony Riirbotta and Detto Cieorohe
and the creeping Limey Potts,
While in this helpless condition,
his bonds were untied. The priests
became -four fiends. For half an
4;our they tortured him. Then an
other heart, like those of the
beasts, went to the fire;' another
head and anothor spear joined the
rows at the foot of the idol.
Four natives carrying hollowed
reeds atd gourds of difforent sizes
begnn a shrill whistling and noisy
rattling Intended to bo music.
They ceased thoir discordant la
bors. D'Albentara approached Vi
lak. "All goes well, nmigos?" he
Vilak did not answer.
The Portuguese shrugged his
shoulders. "Yon will not speak
with me, cavalhiero? Ah, if so it
niunt he, so then must it be. You
think that Carlos D'Albeutara Is
cruel, do .you not,' cavalhiero?
That. he loves blood like Ihe vam
pire hats who fly in the night.' Tot
Is this not so. Not so. Rather
does he hato blood,' hale' death.
They are like inud. like wounds up
on tho face of a beautiful woman.
They make life not pretty. Though
ho must caaue yon to die in the
same wny and do other things which
may bo yet more 'jvil, .it is not
because1 he so wishes No. -It is
always because of this miserable
; Ain't Love Grand? . , . f ;,. -. -M; ;--V-yf Mwtfa
. He smiled apologetically.
"You know, aminos. 1 have told
you often."
He strode off. A few piomenls
; later Uaialagos 1 rose pompomily
j from his stone seat, wuited until
the seething worshipers before him
hud become silent, then grunted a
short oration. Ho clapped his
hands. A litter waa brought In
; again and put down near the altar.
A iri-Oiti Rhmit . u-mit iin fi-mti Iho
bpuctaturs. A man was lifted fioni H
the litter and put down on one ot'jH
the Almighty," grunted Vliak. A
mumeut la tor as tho priest took
another figure from thu litter, ho
added quietly; "And there's
Uuddonly a flguro dashed from
tho pavilion. It was Kline. Hut
Bhe was permitted to run only n
few feet. Two guardB snatched
her. She was carried back to the
pavilion, then orf Into tho dark
ness. , i .
Again the omens were consulted.
They deoreed that Prcntlsa and tho
child should be BacrlflceU at noon
when the sun was at its highest.
Another dance was begun, another
'pantomime, in it D'Albeutara took
part. He shook hands In uu-lu-dtan-like
fashion with a gaunt na
tive who was wearing , Prentiss'
grimy linen coat. Much running
and stalking through Imaginary
bushes followed.
"1 think we've seen something of
Prentiss' recent history," Vitk
multercd to the old man.
Tho ceremonies censed for the
night. Pntalagos antl D'Albeutara
disappeared, Tho crowd began to
melt awuy. Soon the court was
deserted except for the mour cap
tives on the Btones and tho soli
tary soldier stundlng guard.
A figure came creeping .toward
Vilak, then scuttled back into the
shadows. Tho baby began -to cry;
ceased quickly. Vilak craned lib
head to see It. He could not. Ho
could, however, distinguish the
form of Prentiss on the other Bide
of the altar. Even by tho firelight
ho could see that tho feverish,
halfmad gleam which had hither
to nmrke'l the other's eyes had van
ished; his skin no longer had lis
pallid, death-like appearauoe; his
face, though still wasted ami gaunt
and Btlll bearing the strango tat
tooed triangles, was the face of a
normal man.
Tho shadowy flguro cropt for
ward ortco more, once more banish
ed. Vilak lay motionless, allent.
Again his oyes became tho slaute 1
eves of n Chinese philosopher.
Again the thlti film crept out from
the comers to half cover the dull
pupils. Suddonly the clay, wlne-
f bowl at his Hide cracked and fell
noisily to the ground. The sol
dier muttored a curse. " A priest
swiftly brought another bowl, and
returned to tho temple from which
he hft'l come. -
' Vilak drew a quick breath." AVith
a jagged fragment of tho vessel he
had just cracked he begau sawing
at the thongs which hound his
wrlsta. ; Tho edge was no keener
than a, dull knife. Hut evon a dull
knife cuts vigorously with ressure
behind; It; booii a thin gap rtppoared
hall way through the tough leather.
lie was preparing to bogin unow,
whep the flguro Which' had twice
yoiJ CfrLL TBP-T RU(r
11 v? vm WmKLe"
I - I 1 x-l mrrst
We ore able to figure your power and
. pumping installation, ' ,
See Us First We Can Save You Money
"M ft - ' i ; ; AQBNT8 FOB ' ,;,.' j , '
. Now Located at Washington Street and S. P. Traeka,
Itetoi-o rcropt: -forward' onJy ' to dis
upponr now ortiwlod to tho ulind
own of tlio Btono ou which he lay.
Ho tut'iiml hi hemt; miw holow him
the face ot tho Imllun with tho (Hud
tcelh whom ho had saved from the
tlery tortures ot Dotlo Clccrono In
tho junglit behind his house In
l'prto Verde. - ; . .
(To bo Continued) -
Vilak makes a great play for
liberty In the next chspter.. It it
the desperate chanoe of a desper
ate man. . fi ' .
Usa the bin value myou Kiirnient
from Carr's.- Voals, ntooiuuru, bob
bloomers, chemlso, Blips, etc, Also
kiddles sissos and the IdddlnB' rny
on combinations. . Curr's -"Where
you save. ' , '.'
noKohurjr' goifors uKaln 1 went
down to defont Sunday hofiiro the
crack Mnrshfiold players. The
tovirnnment wuh body contested
but- Jioscburf; was outimlntfld 5I( to
11.' Knch club entered a '20-niau
loam.' Tho rtoscburn; party, icoh
siated or uliout 40 persons and all
had a delightful time.
A' full ' carload' of Ani'ericim
fonoo ban arrived- at Wharton Uros.
o-i . -' - -',
' - --'-T'"', 'T- . " "."' ,(' ''
" " f AahH'lAlKtl IriM I'.rim!.cf Win). '"'' ' i
MKIIKORI), Ore., Aug. 0. Tho
TiiirolimiKo of Preoman and Wylio.
at Central Point, whb destroyed by
iu ,ttnmniHy iu an cauninicu loss
of, ?35,0I)0, -.fully icovored by. Insnr-!
anco. A car of oil, consigned to j
Heche oiiil Kinjllo. valued at ?4,00(r
was ahio' destroyed. Clndora from '
tho' buililng i.ructurca endangered
iiiiiny homos and ; kept ti volunteer I
nro uopaiTnioni nuny...'
' ( trftT s on (ccoorlT r
A fADftrA-
rttf. J H PT Off
Fairbanks Morse
v v Gat Engines
Water Systems
Light Plants
r t ; ? Motors'.
- Centrifugal Pumps
MORSE & CO. Oakland
Myrtle Point and Coos Hay eltlos
are quite excited over tho oil in
dications found by lien McMulleil,
a former ; rnsidont ' of Hosebut'K,
who Ib now resldliiK at Myrtle
Point. Mr. McMullon has discover
ed oil lnd'.catloiiB on tho Curl
ranch about two mllos from Myrtle
Point ; whoro' 'crude oil can bo
Bcrapcd from the shaft of u well
now used lor water supply. A pub
lic tent Is to he made next Sun
day when the well will be pumped
dry unil the crude oil samples ex
amined. ' : . ' .
Bee our beautiful and newest
styles tn felt hats for fall wear.
The Specialty Shoppo, Mrs. S. M.
.King, 286 N. Jackson St.' .
(I , ,; AEET IN KL.AMATH, 1928
1 (Amoointrd Prcw Leased Wire) '
PnttTLAND 'Ore,,, "'Aug. 0
Klamatli' FallH will bo Iiobo lo tho
aumial encampment of : vctoianfl of
foreign wars next your, July 16 to
31. it won a'niinunoml by-Captain
Patrick W. Kellcy, stnto command
or. Plans Includo trip to Crator
Lake and an. elaborate program.
! "' Myers electric water Bystems
ftre , reliable. iWlth ono -you . are as-
sureu oi naving wuior wnou you
need' it' See1 the' dystonia' ion
- .tli',i-idvulnnifti mi, -n
floor, wnarton liros.
i -' , fflsK AND EEl, FIT '!
,! Powell Hardware Co.'.
-M i 238 NL Jackson Sti- .
' By Swan