Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 08, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Advertisers Give Information
Figure It Out For Yourself!
You want a home of your own everybody
"does. You want to know about the coat or
"how to finance the building. Perhaps you
want to buy the lot, or it may be to inquire
-about the furnishing of a room. Just ask the
.'advertisers they'll know.
The chances are good that if you have been
keeping house in an apartment or a cottage
you have paid out enough in rentals since you
have been married to have built a good
home, and you don't have a thing in the
world to show for it. Just figure it out.
A. G. Sutherland,
Joseph Mlcelll
W. F. Harris, Pres.
Henry Harth
H. O. Pargeter,
Douglas Abstract Co.
CAPITAL $25,000.00
Abstracts, Blue Prints, Farm Loans, City Loans,
Title Insurance.
When It's a Home You Want
I McLendon Realty Company
; f i Corner Oak and Main -
' 'sThO" Hoy : Scout: trains '.camp,
" whlcli bujfHii ut Klk Ilivor Sundiiy,
" July -in now ' half ovor, but
nnougli hcoiiI work )iun nil roaily
bouu done-to mitiary any luatlor's
I Uoslro for n- two woek period, uc
.cot'dinRto'lliu Hcout cxoeulivo K.
.A. Bi-Itton. Nuxt week will hv
Sivoii over to hikua, both ovor
, 'night ami short day hikes uml ulii
i, jlcllcs. A few scout testa will bu
iKlvon as lho boy u tiro found pro, - ,-,!.
, Tho camp 'la nmUo up of 32
-scouts' who tuo: (iordoji Appuv
whlto, Gordon Clodnox, uml L'loycc
'Taylor,. of KohoIhu'k; Kosenu Jfifli
., ihtr THoy Llt'lloui, Mcrlyn Clinton,
. Donald Furr, Duwuin l-'il zk'tuIiI,
Kind Fuhrnmn, Kllliifj;toii Olaifiym1,
'Alvin Sim vui', Tom Stevens, uml
(I.ymtH Souloy, rtf Coqulllo; Muc
llohmio, of Powers; Harold and
Raymond lirliton, Uooikg Chupiud,
jHonuld Curruii, iml and Francis
! Davidson. Jinny ilclmlilr, Frank
' Houry, Carnl Hunt, Hud Liigoro,
' und Irwin Humlh'ninn, of Uandon;
'Hurl Carver, of Myrtle i'ulnt;
(lunrgo Corey, Tom IVniuuh, and
Wraymoml Stewart, of Maishlleld;
- - Koburl; JonUlua uml I'uul Olsur, of
North, HoiMl.
' TIuiho scouts u to divided Into 4
; patrols wllh irwtu Itumllemun,
i Merlyn Clinton, Donald Furr, and
' Gordon Applewhite us leadeiui.
' Six brum! new members have
, completed their Tenderfoot work.
. ' Four huvo uotuplled wlih tho nee
( ond cIukf voiiulreuientH and Tour
, more will, be iniuU. second cIhhs be
t foro leavliiK camp. JSevm'nl are
J nearly ready to pass their flist
! class tests, und ul Least f more are
' expected to earn Ihelr badges.
' Kleven merit budges havo been
) uwuuled and morn are to follow,
i Swimmers uiu learning to swjm
" better ami some arc IraluhiK to
' uuuliry as life savers. Out of seven.
, scouts who could not swltu before
i coming to camp, 5 are swimming
' the other two du not. care to enter
Facts That Make The Leonard Refrigerator
1 - ;
the water,
bo of . course ' arc not
learning; t i : v j ; i .
j Tho chumploiiblilp baseball game
will be. played bolwotui Abe two
pairolu--wliiniug tho somi-flualu,
and tboj -liorseshoo chain pious hi i
will 'jUso 'be decided. A water
carnival will bu hold which will
include demonstrations of swim
ming diving, life suv lug. beginners
Lino tnods, "uli ; awlnimed'B strokes;
The camp Iiuh been Improved by1.
tho busmcBH men oi UamioiL, iwuo
are inning a kouu iniurcst iu liiim
work tor boys.. . The camp la. In
charge of E, A. Brit Ion, scout exe
cutive, May nurd Bull, of O. A. C,
und b tun ley Kidder, of Itosehurg,
.both are eagle scouts. Airs, L. S.
'lay lor, of hoauburg la serving us
' Mr. J. L. Lloan, Scoutmaster of
Troop 17, Uandon, will come to
i camp and takej the buy a ot bis
troop up 101 k River canyon on u
two or three day fishing trip.
Other hikes will bo lukuu lo Purl
Oilortl, Cape Blanco, Sixes Kiver,
Agate Beach, und up Elk It Ivor.
. ru -.!;(:
Ture wtiolg milk, and Us pua
tourlzed. Hose burg Dairy, Phone 1SU ,
". !
' !
Church of Christ. Tho revival
meeting in lho ten located In Bel
low's grovo began yesterday with i
a fair attendance. ' Kvangellst, J.:
A. CYnig, oi: Fresno, California,
is doing the preaching. Meeting I
each evening at 7:45 throughout, j
11) It, week, Tho subject for discus-1
sion tonight in, "Whom Will God'
Bless?1 found In ltomaiiH 0:15, Hi. I
"For IIu sulth through Moses, 1
wilt have mercy on whom 1 will
huvo mercy, and 1 will havo com
passion oil whom I will huvo com
passion. So then It 1m not of him.
that w 11 loth, nor of him that run
neth, but of God that sbuwetli
Merey." Come and heav this uble
man preach tho gospel. C. T.
Springs, minister.
The McCoriulck-Deeilng trad oi
ls a high grade machine. The up
keep Is very economical. Thou
sands of them are In use In this
county us well us most all foreign
countries. See this super-tractor at
Wharton Bros.
Low Cost
Complete Hoysefuvnishem.
Will Give 14 Pounds Next
Thursday When He Meets
Uzcudun, Who Has Not
Been Defeated.
(.VH.-Ialeil Vrett Lait-U Wire)
NUW YOJtK, Aug. &.ln a sec
ond attempt to gain a foothold In
the hoavywwlght ranks Jack Ue
luney will engage In u 16-rounU
battle with J'uolluo Uzcudun, tho
Spanish wondchoppor, next Thurs
day night hero. Jimmy Maloncy of
Boston, who,jijjj.ip leased Belauuy'H
usplrutlous lust February, will open
Up u busy week In tho metropoli
tan sector tonight by taking on
Jamaica Kid. tho burly negro
whom Belaney met in the first de
fense of his light heavyweight U
tlo, which ho relinquished recently
with the announcement, he could
no longer make the. required
Uoluney expects to enter the
ring ngalnst Baollno wolghlng 178.
The Spaniard will weigh close to
102. Whereas the French Canadian
has fared none too well ugaiust
i heavyweights, his Spanish , oppon
ent has not lost u bout' since he
! came to, the United States,
Since ' ho knockod ' out Harry
Wills In four rounds, Paulino is
more confidont than over that he
Is ! headed : for ' a ' clumplonship
3 1 mutch. Tho Spaniards eagerly
sought a mutch with Dempscy and
showed iio 'roluctance to- try con
clusions with the ' Bhurpshooting
Delaney who has cast aside; his
light-heavyweight title to conoon
trato on a comobacH as a .lull
fledged hoavy weight. (
Thoro arp fow hardier specimens
In therlng'' ihah Uaoudun. In .fact,
observers of hia first fow fights In
this country-1 labelled hfm more of
a "chopping ' block"-than' a wood
chopper. HIb powors lot asslinlla-
Hfon seomcd groajor ttbai) ' his
pupchtng powers but sbiCo then he
has displayed' tlie: )nockoutj Jilow
(thiit, felled the- eiunt W1U9 ut Kb
Aiets Field. ' The Wro' 6ffored lit
tle resistance on that occasion but
It - took a ' full-powored- wallop,
nevertheless, to bring him down.
"If Delaney couldn't bring down
Maloney In ten rounds or even jar
him, what chance has he to topple
Paulino?" the Spaniard's followers
"Paulino !h made lo ordor for
Do You Want a Real Home
' ' Built your way where you want it.
Let us help you to do this
Delaney," couuter tho luUor's ad
mirers. "Jack will box tbo Span
lard ill . uml then kuock him
j PORTLAND, ore., Aug. u. w.
a. aim tin, (inver oi i ne auiomonue
which struck nml killed Mrs. Am
nutstasta Sulewski, -10, and her
duughtur, Mary. 7, last Wednesday,
today was bound over to the grand
jury. He was released under $&uu
The rorkhoartl used by Leonard run.
slats of pure granulated cork com
pressed In metal molds and baked at
a moderate temperature. The baking
brings ottt the natural gum or rosin
which binds tb whole iimyii together
firmly. No foreign binder is used. U
thus becomes.:
1. A good nan-conductor tit heat.
3. Nonabsorheul of moisture.
3. Sanitary and odorless.
4. Compact and light in weight.
5. Structurally strong; easy to In
i. Keasouablu In cost.
pSg it p-CT 1 . 1 a
.PMua-tm . . -f"""" : ft
I Jr-bL ,. M11 LJJ'0"j
lwva coon I
' t ' I J
I ,jo i'u '
' -) -j-HWE J,ai'''cfji " " mi"
OTHSffi pJn'TI'''jPJr noon iwia
I ixiatttd : i I nooo J0.,,
riFffl-fflri pla
Spanish design homes are bo
coming more' and more popular
In the Pacific northwest and many
are being built at the present
; ,The small but well planned fiyo
room house shown In tho accom
panying design is practical in nr
ruugement of rooms and has a
beautiful -exterior.
-The finish of the exterior wall Is
stucco, which may bo treated In
any one of a large number of m;m-j
ners to suit tho individual taste. !
A good roofing tilo of slightly
rigated shat'e nut Tees it homo which
the board ot directors of the Ore-
NKW YOKK, Aug. 8.--K Babe Son Tuberculosis association as
Uuth is fcenten by his walloping '"""Jif11 11 M f , 1,1 1
young team mate, Lou Gehrig, lnY 'I I'ursday atternoon In Port
tho 127 race for home run honors, ! '", ,lu' "wtiiig. proahleil ovor
U will be the first time in nine : b' 1-osHo Hullor. of Hood liiver,
years that tho battering bambino.!1' Vnfl of the association,
In lull health and r.trength and
during a full season, has bowed toM? Presmenc aim ' uary to ...
any rival.
Kuth has been out slugged twice!
In eight previous seasons of home i
'run carnage, on both occasions by
1 Rogers Horntiby, but the Babe had
la good ullbl each lline.
In 1!I22. when Ruth, nflcr his
banner year, yielded home run! The waiting list for admission
laurels to llornsby, the llambiiio '' r the Slate Tuberculosis
'spent the early part of tbo season, at Salem Is almost twice as great
on the sidelines, under suspension : a It w as a year ago. according 10
'for defying Commissioner l,nndisir. ;. ( Helllnger. supc-ltlUondent
In making a barnstorming tour of ot tho hospital. At this time lust
the country. Starting late Ruth year, there were 12 putlonis wait-j
lunula n gallant effort to overtake ! jIIK f()r admission lo the Suite Tu-.
I llornsby but fell seven homers ! bemilosis hospital, while 0:1 July
short, their respective totals being : atiili of this year there were 71 l;i ,
! U and ili. berculosls patients walling " ihelr
' Again in 1U25 llornsby got the' luin lo be admitted. Of this nul l-i
advantagu o( an rally start, while hei. 31 are lesidents of MuilucmiM j
the Hebe was out of action with 1 cot nty.
his fatuous sumiarh-ache. Tbo "ra-' Other members of the boaid at-1
Jnh" led the pumnieling parade lending tho Hoard meeting w
that sensou with 39 homers while 'Dr. Mr.rr UlsailUm, Mr. V. . !
tint invalid Ruth, below his custo-Sit U ker. lr. K. A. Pierre, T. .1. :
mary form even w hen he did re-' Oary, Miss Mary Campbell. 11. N., !
luru to the lineup, collected only : Rev. W. 0. Kliot. Mrs. S. M. Bin-
25. 1 n inter. Mrs. Mary Cauiield, anil
Th only other year, outride of Mis. P. K. Whiteside. ,
' ' i
i S III Ki
would look good in any neighbor
hood. l ho living room Is sufficiently
large and there is easy access
from it to any other portion of the
house. There aro two bedrooms
with bath between. Kach chamber
is provided with a closet and there
is another one for- linen in j tho
bathroom. - ( fc , t , . , .
Pluns for this house ; mid for
others. shown iu The Master Build
or may be obtained from the News-
Iteview. Two complete sets of blue
prints will bo furnished for a lee
(of $15.
j t he current campaign, when Ruth's
j supremacy has been cheeked was
i iu 11)23 when tho Yankee clouter
was tied with Cy Williams of the
Phillies at '11 homers apiece.
That public surely and the
health of Oregon people requires
the Immediate provision of more
hospital beds for tuberculosis pa
tients in t tin fitf ii'ial mil ii ton rf
' Dt !nro in(y Oregon auue ueaiu oi
urgent need of proceeding with the
construction of tho Eastern Ore
gon Tuberculosis hospital which
was authorized by n majority vote
of 82.000 at the November election
last year.
German, British, French
Aviators Waiting for
Weather That Will
Permit Hop-Off.
(Associated I'rvtf Leaned Witv)
LONDON, Aug. 8. Reports of
Improved weather conditions over
the Atlantic had European trans
oceanic flight aspirants in buoyant
mood today und the present week
may see a veritable race for tho
honor of being the first to cross
the ocean westward to the Ameri
can continent.
A half dozen expeditions three
German, two French and a British
aro ready or very near ready for
tho take-off when tho weather man
announces the exact conditions for
which they are waiting. There is
also the ttellanca plane Columbia,
which Charles A. Leviue, its own
er, has been preparing for a return
flight to New York.
Captain P. T. Courtney, who will
seek the honor for Great Britain,
after a test flight in his "Whale"
yesterday pronounced the general
behavior of tho flying boat satis
factory. The wireless apparatus was not
functioning perfectly, but he was
said to be thinking of starting on
Tuesday even If the experts could
not fix it by that time.
Two Junkers planes the "Eur
opa" and "Bremen," which will
represent Germany in the trans
Atlantic effort, are reported in Ber
lin dispatches to be undergoing
slight technical alterations which
it is hoped will be completed by
Thursday. The Europa, a , plane
which last week broke the American-endurance
record, will bo pi
loted across the water by Cornelius
Edzard and Johann Rlstlcz, the two
aviators who alternated in. keeping
It aloft for the record time of 52
hours, 53 minutes. The .Bremen
will be in the hands of Herman
Koehl and, Fricderich Loose.' '
Lieutenant Otto Kennecke, who'
will pilot the third .German plane,
a Caspar machine,1 has annouueed
his intention of getting away be
fore; Wednesday. - There-will be a
passenger -on each ot the German
expeditions. - - ,
Paris reports that the French are
pinning their hopes on the Farman
plane "Bluebird" and the Brequet
plane, in which the French fliers,
Dlcuodonne Cpsto and Ca-ptaiu Rig
not made their long distance flight
record to Persia, which was beaten
later by Colonel Lindbergh and
Clarence Chumborliu -iu their
trans-Atlantic flights.
Closing out of all summer mil
linery at below cost. You can save
by buying now. Specialty Shop,
Mrs. S. M. King, 235 N. Jackson St.
'Good roads development, tho
uutoutohilc, bus lines and other
elements adding to the ease with
which people may travel Is a boon
for all local merchants," says It.
H. Smith, mannger of the J. C.
Penney storo in this city.
"This is clearly shown iu tho
volume of business that is being
done at retail at the present time,
especially in such necessities as
dry goods and other department
store merchandise.
'The store keeper who Is on tho
watch for new customers can get
them in steadily Increasing mini-,
hers. This Is clearly shown by the
Increase In business done by the
J. C. Penney stores in tho past six
mouths over tho same period of
last year. This Increase amounts
to $i;,fi;i?t(W2 and Is the largest In
crease shown by any large store
operating company.
"New customors aro coming Into
every town in tho country, brought
by motor cars und trains. They
are buying over tho counter at a
greater rate than ever before nml
E. N. Ewart, Pres.'
M. E. Ritter, Appraiser
Carl E. Wlmberly, Attorney
Umpqua Savings and Loan
Under State Supervision
Earnings for years 1925 and 1926 9. Earnings 1927 8. Earnings past 9 years 8"""
or better. Not a single foreclosure or piece of property taken for non-payment of princi
pal or interest since organization.
Investigate our monthly savings plan. An account may be started with a deposit of one
Perhaps you have hesitated pbout trying to own that
home you and your wife want because of properly financ
ing the enterprise, and so you keep on paying rent. All
, you haye to show for such a policy is rent receipts.
By adopting our plan you will' be enabled to get the
home of your dreams. We are ready to explain the mat
ter to you at any time why waib longer)
Douglas Building & Loan
Association :
, .Rosebu'rg, Oregon
i 147 Jackson St.; , ; Phone 245
they aro , showing ' excellent
judgment lu ,'thelr .selection, ot ma
terials .and. styles.", '; f " , f '
. "The constant migration of fam
ilies by motor car, tlie influx, of
tourists and the general movement
of tho population of the country is
also affording the local merchants
a rare chance for increasing sales
volume. . , ' ; , . ,
"Advertising, cooperation with
customers, attractive store fronts
and the faculty of: being wide,
awake to the now 'business condi
tions which modern transporta
tion has created will serve to make
any well-organized community u
better place in wliich to do busi
ness than ever before.
"The time Is ripe for local bubsi
ness clubs and organizations to
popularize their respoctivo cities
by furnishing attractions and con
veniences which will bring the
traveling population into the busi
ness districts."
Eat barbecue sandwiches and
live forever. Brand's Road Stand.
A reunion of the Spanish-American
War Voterans of the county
and their families gathered at the
Robert Tjomslnml home at Cleve
land, yesterday for an all-day pic
nic. A basket dinner was served
at noon and tbo entire day spent
in a general social time. Incite
ment was provided for the occa
sion by Tom Dordeaux who in
backing his car around went over
a grade and turned his car ovor
into the ditch. Fortunately how
ovor, Mr. Ilordeaux was not Injured
and his car was only slightly dam
aged. Myers electric water syslems
are reliable. With one you aro as
sured of having water when you
need It. See the systems on kour
floor. Wharton Urns.
B. W. Bates, Vice-Prea.
Guy Cordon, Appraiser
Henry Hartrv
V. J. Mlcelll, Treasurer
I love my rented 'house!
I love each flower that growB
Eofore my rented door;, t '.
I love the polished shceu '
Of my fine rented floor.
.,. jrqr
I love my rentect house! 1
I lava the low protecting sweep
Of my dear rented roof .
(I'll love it better when I know
For sure it s waterproof.)
1 love my ronted house!
I love to purchase rugs und drup
eries ' j
For living room' and hall; ' i
Although they may not fit !
My next BEAR rented house at all.
1 love my rented house! !
And when the "1st" comes round,
I love to have a slum collectoi
Bofore my door, take all my kalo.
And leave a ront receipt within
my hand.
I love my rented house!
And yet sometimes at night
When Tom's away, and I'm alone,
i wonner wnyi wo ve novcr nad -4
to call OUR OWN. '
A. M. 0.
Valvolino motor oil at Whar(lon
Bros. Bring a five-gallon can anc
save money.
Let us Modernize Yout
116 W. Oak I
H. O. Pargeter, Secretary
W. F. Harris, Appraiser
G. V. Wimberly