ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5.-1927. SEVEN i Aluminum Kitchen Ware! Nothing finer than Wearever Aluminum Ware for the kitchen t-or in liie camp. ' Aluminum' Camp Kits Moderately Priced. Other pieces that come in handy during the season are . Stew Kettles, any size Sauce Pans, Cake Pans Double Boilers, Skillets Cups, Teakettles, etc. Just peek in at our window and see the comprehensive display and you will find many things to please. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE . .. i "' J 1 FQR SALE j FOR RENT .' FOR SALE Electric range. Phone ai2-H. IlUILI) a HOME first.' Page Lum bur & Fuel Co. - FOR SALE Gravenstein apples for cooking. Walter Siugleton. Phone 418-11. IT IS easy to wash with N-R-G washing tablets. Call 481-J for your supply. We deliver. VOii SALE-lilld's crib, ivory enamel, drop sides, collapsible; good condition. Phone 54-11. BAMS FOll SALE Registered , Shropshires. Mrs. W. E. Staf ford. 1001 MilljjSt., Eugene, Ore. FOR SALE Kitchen range. In quire 417 Second Ave., S. Phone 311-Y. -. SCHOOL BUS body for sale cheap, also good for camping outfit. Will ill Ford truck. H. M. Stono, Roseburg lit. i. Riverside Add. iron SALE One Gulbrahsen play er piano just like new. This pi ano has been used very little and will bo sold at a real bar gain price, if interested write P. O. Box 141, Yonculla, Ore. FOR SALE Auto camp, cabins, 1-rooin house complete, grocery, service station, in town on Pa cific highway; at a sacrifice price. Year around business. All buildings, stock and ground in cluded. Address "Auto Camp," care News-Review. FOR SALE Grocerystore and soY- A fine location and doing a good business. Building, two lots, slock and fixtures wortli 15000, will be sold at a great sacrifice if disposed of before Aug. 10th as I wish to go east. Call on or address O. A. Kirby, Myrtle Creek. FOR SAL2; CHEAP 200 acres 1 mile from county 'road, 34 miles from Wilbur. About one-half cleared, balance good Umber, 10 acres tillable, good place to raise turkeys, goats and sheep. Watered with springs. The price is so cheap that it will surprise you. Inquire at Turner's Service Station, Wil bur, Ore. FOR ' SALE 2 registered milch cows, 3 good work horses, 1 mule, a Holt and Fordson trac- . tor, tractor-drawn farm imple ments, also a lot of other good farm implements. Can be seen at I tho S. S. John's . place, Myrtle Creek, Ore. Owner will be there Sunday and. Monday, Aug. 7 and 8. This property being sold at a sacrifice. Any Teasonable offer considered. Will be sold in part or whole. PAYS ITS WAY IIIIY urnnprfv thai1, will nav for H- self. Stock farms arc the kind that will do it. Here is one con aiKtiiiK of 5G8 acres all fenced with woven wire fencing; 60 acres slashed, ready to burn and seed; plenty of farm land; fruit and berries; good house and ouL bulhlings; running stream through place, as well as a num ber of springs; on good road. For $12,000 on easy terms. See N. Rice oC KICK & RICE. t WANTCD WAiS'TKD A Koad 2o-35 or 30-30 carbine. Address Box 1016 or phone 130. WANTED Baled wheat straw, amount from 5 to 2o tons, f- o. b. t Winchester. Quote price. H. E. ' Gurney. WAN T E D TO-II V YS m a 1 1 horse, j weight 1050 to 1100 lbs., not i oer 7 yrs. old, broke to work: and Willi good life. 523 N. Main.; St. J. W. Draper. , W A NTED-Old false teeth. We pay 1 vi as $10 for full Bets. Don't matter if broken. We buy crowns, bridges. Western Metal Company, Bloonilngton, 111. WANTED AT ONCE The "best ! aulomohilc salesman in Rose-' burg. A Portland distributor j handling a-famous line of eights Htid sixes has an opportunity lor i you to make $10,000 a year with rd 1 any I n ves t nt en t. V'i handle trades, finance paper,' etc. You must be bonpst, must (diow character reference, and ; mut be a respected rtfizen in j your community. Addivns "T. . C." care News-Roview. FOR RENT 5-roonr furnished house; Cull at 800 'S, 'Pine FOR RENT Furnished modern .apartment, close in. 221 W. Lane. FOR RENT 3 robnis, ground floor, completely furnished, elec tric lights, hot and cold water and fuel furnished, ' 2 blocks from center of city, $25. G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Phono 417. ' MISCELLANEOUS . GUARANTEED VULCANIZING Reasonable prices. Highway Service Co., Douglas & Jackson. CITY AND FARM LOANS. IIONIIS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICE & RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers. CAR OWNER Don't .target to call 663 when in naed of auto parts. Sarft's Autu Wrecking Hoiisft. FOR TRADE Neat, . plastered modern 6-rooni bungalow with big lot and fruit, garage, paved street, clear to trade for similar dwelling or suburban or business . property in Hoseburg. Write owner, C. P. Strain, 298 Broad way, Santa Cruz, Calif. mbal ming, properly done is a delicate surgical operation- reverently, carefully, thoroughly performed-' Preservation! ( . DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME:; H. C, Stearns, Mgr. Est. 1020 Phone 112 Lady Attendant DELIGHTFUL patterns for every room in our splcndkl variety of genuine Congoleum Qold Seal Art-Rugs. See theni! McKean, Darby & i Baldwin Furniture Co. Complete Housefurnishers Roseburg. Oregon r. n The Big Drive Still Going The High Standard of Quality is Always Maintained In Kelly Springfield TIRES We Swap New Tires for Your Old Ones. Greasing, Oiling, Vulcanizing Fully Equipped Power Car Washing Machine. AUTOMATIC AIR MACHINE ELECTRIC SERVICE BATTERY, GENERATOR AND IGNITION NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE Rose Garage EI DOVER, Aug. 6. E. H. Teiume, English swimmer, succeeded today iu the first attempt of the scasuu to swim the Knglish channel. Taking oft from Cape Gris Nez at 12:42 o'clock this murniug, Temme landed two miles west ot Dover. Mrs. C'lemlngton (Mllle Undo) Corson, of New York, who last night became the second woman to swim the channel, und who now is training for another crossing, wit nessed the lust stuge of Temme's swim. Mrs. Corson is preparing to at tempt to swiin from England to Franco, the reverse direction of her first swim. Temme's lime, as computed by representatives of Lloyds, was 11 hours, 27 uiinules. This is four minutes fuster thau Gertrude Ed erle's time last year, but has been beaten by three men, Ernst Vier kotter, Georges Michel and Nor man Leslie, Durham, iu earlier channel swims. Temme is captain of the Corn hlll Swlmmli g club and has thrice won the Essex long distance cham pionship. He is 22 years old, stands 6 feet 2 inches, and weighs about 205 pounds. He used the trudgeon stroke for his successful channel swim and was escorted by a Boulogne tug. EAST VS. WEST IN 1928, PREDICTION OF CHAS. BRYAN SIOUX CITY, Iowu, Aug. 5. Withdrawal of President Coolldge from the 1928 presidential race will not materially afreet the cam paign plans of the democratic party, Charles W. Bryan, former governor of Nebraska, and one time candidate for the vice presi dency on the democratic ticket, believes. "Tho. campaign In 1928 will be against the republican party as a whole for its failure to provide adequate relief for tho agricultural west, rather than against any in dividual," Mr. Bryan said. Mr. Bryan expressed tho opin ion that the campaign would be along economic lines. "It will be the east against the west," he said. "Any candidate, in order to be elected, must be from the mid dle west. The farmers are not so particular what party lio comes from." Chaa. J3. McElhirmy "The Widow's rnnd". Oregon Life Mnsonlo Bldo. 101 N. Jackson BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES fi&MM CORA 5AID not to 6YT Too A C ' " " ""'ii 7C f : 1 y r-' 'q-p;a iftii ' . V-r " y - ';..;-.'???"-.-'.'iM7 nv wiifstnvicc. inc. cy,. u. s. pat. or r. j,..'' .rr V.wntf 4 FRECKLES AND FRECKLES AND I HASJ& ALL MV POttV ("ETreRS OUT OM THE TABLE, poR; you feAiu you d reiL i US HOW 7b PICK A $ALESMAN $AM 5'JCH H6M5 (V5 we'vie. cso-r1. I vdrtw T' E&& li TWIS NEST ' I VI il RIDDLE LOCALS ' 2 daughter. Virginia, passed through I (' I. Willis and fami'y tMent " ""'I'' '' Hail Kruniisio and iWei'luesilsv simpping In Itosohui g- i stopped lor a brief time Monday i m.. i.- ....n.i ,r:lo visit the C. F. Sowers v fiimllv. Portland' uriivid Tuesday' to visit with relatives a few days. Miss lto,mund Wnkeman of Wuililvrbuin l)i uimiii Siiinuluv land Sunday here visiting her i friend, Rosamond Logs.lou. Mrs. Ruby Condi ay who -has beuu spending fcuveral weeks wi'li her sister, Mis. Ed Hid die, ho to, U'ft Sunday (or Jur home at Med- ford. Mr. and Mrs. T. II, CutKforili und j sun, Tom, left Wednesday for their j a u rumor cimin nt Churli'tou whovu j they upend the month of Au- ;UBt. ' Mis. Edna McDonald left Moh iday for a two won Its' visit with Relatives at Tyee and Oakland. J Mrs. A. h. West, formerly Jewell t Hon, spent Wednesday here visit- Iiik her frluiul, Lillian l.odon. : She was enrouto from Seattle to hor home at San Mateo, Cat, Kenneth Ilervey, who has been I working; in California, returned tlita week. J Misa Laura Carroll of Mosayrock,' Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs. mereuiiu Aicnoio ior an umuiiimu time. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swart of Andy Sunchlck of Marshfielil Seattle, who are motoring to San I has been visiting friends here sev Francisco, were here Wednesday I oral weeks. . visiting their cousin. N. S. Cornuit ,.;,.,, .,.,,,. ml fllmiy and J. and family. , ! Ii. Byer and family deparled last Louis Jones of Peck was in town j Thursday for n camping trip to transacting husinoss Thursday. Handon and oilier coast points. Mr. and Mrs. I-rank .Mat thews , Ml.3 p, w. 1 lctt el. Sr., who re lott ast 'I bnrsday ror a week s, COntly underwent a serious opera vacation at Diamond lake. , tlnn in. I'onland returned homo Mrs. Clara Harrison of Dorr s , ist snluriliiy very much Improved Cal., is visiting her sister, Mrs. II. , j health A. Crow tills week. j i i,stoti Lake and wifo and son. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. l.ogsdou and my motorod up from Eugene daughter, Rosamund, - wore Itosej-1 Thursdav to visit relatives a few TT..r.T.T.TTTTiTi.r.TTT,.T- New Rugs and New Curtains They are finished just like new. It's just like having new ones every time you clean them. Rugs are resized . Phone 277 . , Our Auto Will Call. .I.W.I.T.I.I.WiTiTOrWTW HIS FRIENDS ALL RlGWrSDK, TtHS OUGHT TO CC 7 nrtr sc fum. r WE LL Twe - Meeo is LPK- VU. WMe and refinished. I Til kXiJ , but K vl.-iltors Thunsiluy. 11. l' INH'tlOlh UI10 WHO ll'fl BUtl- ll"y tot l!"d"U "! Crusveut City for several days' visit. I Ml Hlwl Mr A K Amelia nil, i Ml- Stacks was in the drug bus!- n.,ss here formerly but Is now ted at Kugene. . "I'll tilmmona or North Huml j ' visiting at I he McClauo homo ! 0 J''w dsys tlibi week. a m mis. i-erry uornutt ami on. iiiu -iiitn. ti. i. i.uiiiuu, mi' si'umliiiK several days In Uu vicin ity of Ashlmnl t'lijoviiic a vacation. ( Mrs. A. F. lU'cker and hoiih, Zane and Fat, left Monday for Oregon City where they will viait for sev eral weeks. Mr. and ; Mrs. C. Bailey und danKhter, Jhu baiti, of San Franciur eo, are puchIb at the homo of Mrs. ltiiiley's sister, Mrs. Mux Kiimnu). They will remain about ten days. Kverard and family of I'ofk passed through Wednesday on their way to Canyon Camp near Cnnyonville, where they will lost several days before sturtlnK for their old home at Mori gold, Miss.. r. W. Dldtel, Jr., and wife ure Diamond spending this week at lake. Mrs. Lizzie llildebrand and Mrs. Evelyn Dieter of Portland are Buests nt the hfnno of their broth- N. S. Cornutt. ai present. 1 dliy.S. Moore returned home E ; Sunday from Oregon Cliy whero &: she has been several mouths con valescing from an operutlou for appendicitis. .1. E. Carter aiid wife and Clive Willis and wlt'o and dnuglitor, Marie, motored to Baudon and Marshfield liist Friday, returning the same day. : D. L. Beck, accompanied by his ra'four small children and hlrs. Ovo- i da Mellor. returned to Ills home ' bore Iho first of the week. Mrs. ' T1n,.l. n...l .!.. '. El Myrtlo Point where, they will lie uuiter the doctors care tor some time yet. - , , . . Considerable -Interest is : bolni cshown In this communily -over the .Ill'Ulle nieelilif' lielfl 'In Rhsnhnrp g;ra'nd a number of our most cnter Ej;Iirislng citizens went down to lit is, ''tend. ; Among them were i 1). !'. giuEveratt, C. F. Soworsby, ! S. H. Itockhlll. George . Knight; Dick ft Ulam, Paul Gary, Joseph Mosthnf. I C. E. (Isborne, C ,M. Acker and Chas. Mosthat. t . ' X. X. See our ; beaiitiCtil i and newest styles in felt, hal,srpr fall wear 'Tiro Speciiilty Khopite, Mrs. S, M. iS-.KInBV235J. Jackson Btst ' ' ' ' ' The Fun '' !?.,: Oh Well! ' :::lU:Ui-::," By MarU HOt) HBPie IS tH& PC AH BOVS VoO OPeM op rye t&rreRZ, awd csao otp aul-tmb AiAMes that Axe SOO&BTEO I'LC UKiTe TiMEM POUJN AND TUB AJAWfr THAT IS so6&esreD b7 rue most BoVs AW SIPLS, WILL fc'g VHtT AlAAtE CALL. Xe POWY. It Sounded That Way T'OA- GONMP. POTTER IVROliMO t WOUSe- BRlSlGr rAe. OP TvJO fkR-TlFlcrpiL e&GS,Wt(,L. HfV? NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS I Highway Construction, County, Oregon Douglas Sealed bids will be 'received by I I the County Court of Douglas! I County Oregon, at I lie court house, In Roseburg. Oregon, at 10 o'clock1 - m. on the 20th day of Aug., 1H27, lo-.lor construction work in noau Dlsts. 11 and 74. he work Invokes ;uviruxiinuiuiy lira in. jus. ui nu facing In R. Dlst. it und 800 iu yds. uf suriacing iu R. Dial. 71. j No bid will be cousldere i cnless accompunled by cash, bidder's bond or ceri'.fiel. check for ail amount eiuul to til irusl the (&) V r ctul of the total amount ot the bid. A Hufliclent bond will be required for the falthlul performance uf the contract In u sum euual to one half tho total amount cf the bid. Plans, specifications, forms of contract, proposal blanks, and full Information for b'.dtlers muy be ob tained at the office of the county clerk or the county ruadmusier, Court House, Roseburg, Oregon, upon tho deposit ot - i'lve dollars J5.00 The right Is reserved to reject any Item or all proposals, or to tic c:i't any l epurate Horn of til o pro- 1 1 '"1' m" Proposals deeiuad best for Ira B. Riddle, Couuly Clerk o! ! Douglas County. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. Goo. K. Quine, County Judge. C. L, Bockley, County Conunls siouer. Huron W. Clough, Co inly Com missioner. . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Highway Construction, Dougla county, Oregon. Sealed bids will be received by tho Cutinty Court of DougltiB Coyti- ly uregon, at the court house Iu Roseburg, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. in. on the 20 day of August, 132f7, for construction work un a Section 'of road helween Push ! Creek Smith River No. ('37. Tlv; work Involves approximately 1 1 miles of grading. ). No bid w ill be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's boud or certified chock for an ' amount equal to at least five (5) i per cent of the total amount of iho ! bid. ' I ; I A sufficient boud will bo requli- 1 ed for tho faithful performance pt tho contract in u Sum equal to one half the total amount of the bid. Plans, specifications, forms of;H contract, proposal blanks, and full gj liuormaiion tor oiouurs may ue ou tained at tho office of the ccunty clerk or the county roudmaster, Court House, Roseburg, Oregon, upon tho deposit of five dollars, $5.00. . , , . Tho right is reserved to reject any item or all proposals, or to ac cept any separato Item of tho pro posal or proposals deemed best for the county. irii P.. Riddle, County Clerk or Douglas County. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, ORIOGON. ' Goo. K. Qnine, County Judge, Ci L. Beckley, County Commis sioner. ! , . .; Huron V. Clough, County Com. miBBipnoi-. Starts rAlG0SW,.6p.rA, (riWAT HECK. HeiVE. YA. IN THftT Viepe's oueFRoiwiA) amdtwis urns .1 i i urrts GIPL SHE J BOV WANTS us ro Afn lfll 6IK'S TUB KAMBl CALL VO OR POMV ) i if I 1 PRNJCe. ir BLACK BEAVTJ , 1 nrfi d TAti cerretz) L'-' 1 1 1 ( sueeesrs TbMV- 3e sorb amc' ) I i . 0?' wv hca scrvicc. inc nccu r. pat, orr.'-r -v- -j;,frl''rm OOT I HsHHfi A Few Prices ,B Millrun, per sack Wheat, recleaned, per Scratch Feed Exchange Flour, per sack Bear Brand Silver Dust See Us First We Can Save Vou Money ' : FARM BUREAU 1 COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE : j ; ' AGENT9 FOR , : ( ' C Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oakland Now Located at Wfishlnoton 8treet and 8. F. Tracks, ,i UMPQUA FLORISTS , PRESENT FLOWERS TO NEWS-REVIE OFFICE The Nows-Rovlew Is very grate ful lo Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Car penter, Umpqua Florists, for somo benullful flowers and ferns pre. sentcd to the News-Review today to be used ns decorations in the 01 flco during the editorial conven tion. The appearance of tho office preptly Improved wind ,1,,, News-Roview greatly appreciates.! the kindness of the, florists. COUNTY COURT ADJOURNS County court adjourned last night after a very 'short teri.i. Sev. oral changes in voting precinct bnundurles were authorized and the changes Will 'bo niado immedi ately. George Olliighoiuii! was appointed to l!ill the vneahev in the Millions of Motorists Tires C. A. Lockwood SJ ROSE AND OAK STS.; ; 5 I I TP. GA, GOT.-Z. ,.$1.50. hundred .$2.50, .......,...$2.60 '. r...,.$2.05. ...$1.95 ..l...$1.85. office of constable at Glenibile. The right of way- for the Kiddle creek road Improvement in Jlho Ada vicinity was accepted .and the court authorir.6d the beginning of road work thore at once. ' : NOTICE TO WATER USERS While making repairs the witter will be shut off Saturday, August 6th from 2.00 A. M. to 7:00 A, M. 1 ultoctlng Edenbower, Riverside nm' cbnsumers north of clly limits. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON i .POWER COMPANY. " CONTRACT 8UM MISSTATED An error appealed yosterda'y In tho report on the letting i.'f MI'.o Loon Lake road contract. 'Tho amount ot Iho low bid should have been tia.psp.OB instead of $73,000 us stiitod. Know that Firestone Tires have supor. wearing qualities. Firostones are Gum Dipped an extra added feature that In-' creases flexibility and. resiliency and. serves as an insulation against heat. Call at our' service station.' A visit may mean a solution of your tire worries, v .?,, : : Tubes Motor Company j j . . ; PHONE 374 By Blosser fKD so, The opening CaECKINiS ofnames Continued until 7A&ir AMD- FReCKLE-S Eeo TlME, 77-1 G TZv. VJICL Rg FIMISMED SHOKTLY, ANf fMJi MPNY Maue a AMC. ETRe AP.& 60MS 0 TAte MOST pOPUUACi AjAWETilUS PAR ! PRINCE LINDgUCk BfAurV, TONY, BOBBY PVKE, TuJMKLeroeS, PAL, Major, Jack, bcovumie. FceefpooT; chum, DiMPte.; By Swan ( rRTlRClrL ' "Fishmg Tackle" FISH AND FEEL FIT Powell Hardware Co. 238 N. Jackson St. MmmIM