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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1927)
I TWO ROSEDURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927. S DRAWS RESPONSE FROM QUOTED BRITON Admiral Jpllicoe Referrerd, to (Herman Craft With ' Concealed Guns, JJSAGUE IS NEW HOPE Djsairriemcnt Piin May Bu Pushed Next in That , Body Too Many Experts Seen. l'r-.-. Uumtl Win ) UK.VKVA, Aug. B. Hugh K. OiliHoti, chief Ainerli'tiit dehgatts to the late l if partite naval con ference, evidently hiliiitfd under a inlrmppreheiiHlou In making his statements regarding the value of armed merchant nhlpn lo (Jieat Hri taiii, Admiral JeJIlcoo, former coin imtiuler of the llrillsh gruid fleet, jgqclarud today, ' ' M ' ; ThiH Hlatemeut was made by Ad miral JelllcoH when (jueHlloned hy JJrlllfilt iiewspapi!!1 iiieii regarding Mr. 'Ofbtion's Htui.einentH 'on 'lite subject,, in which ho roleired to Admiral Jelllcoe as 'his authority. (Jeinian 1 aiders wjilcli pri'yetl pp on allied cmiimtirce (luring , the World W ar wlu;e Ilia fypt or ai'tninl merchanl ships referred to hywd mlrrtl Jellicot, not ordinary liners, i( I'Xplained today. : ; : . ''The ronvcrled merchant Hhlp-ls for defense ol trade, not 'ultuck,'' declared the admiral. "The Ger man, raiders were disguised men of war. They required many mouths to equip as siidi, and their gmis wern caittfully conceakil, so that When boarded (hey would not ap pear to be what (hey were." 1. Gibson Would Go Ahead , , With Hie passing, of .the trl-par-;ite eoiifereiHe, infe'retd.' here Is I. inning toward its potmlhle erfeeliiisis null Upon preparations which the Leliguo ol Nations has been nnik .ingufor a general diHarniament uonrtn-ence. . Count Do f'lau.e, 'France's 'per- "U'cp.'s us unit thty eonservtilivu ele- construction lit another atoel uen mauelit reiiivrfoniitllvi' at t h n .leongtta -5wi l.m able lo aluck and tho installation of un ad- lague of Nations, and French "'"I1 ua' '',vb IfMikJng td an im-1 dilioual water wheel, generator "8,1!H.;HM al (he naval conference, medlaie cruiser flei(. ' uuul miscellaneous electrical equip- Vlslted Mr. (illisnn toilay lo iIIhciihh lV't't. juiL"jnenl of Koniof, meat. Tho new 130,000 volt trans- Miu, lfagite'H, illrsarmainnnt acifivi. admiulstriltlonf and naval onicials luisnlon llii", .approximately thirty ties. Ii Is understood Unit Mr. ("Jib- ,H ,llllt t'aUed "stales will go 'lht miles iu length extending tjOir told lht l'rench representative' ''''i with Mia original cruiser 1 1 roni Medford to Copco, will l;o i that he was heartily In favor of P'tigratn. ctilling for a Heel of 10,-j identical wilh the lino now under proceeding with the b-aguea (llsj00" ,ni1 carrying S Inch guns j construction from Prospect to Med- armanienl endeavors and that he .necessary to round out lint had le 1 ftnl. Tho , cntiru lino from Aled mv no iuilfcailon of anv lack of 1 (qaadton and protecl imporiant H'rd to t'opiaj v. ill bu known as interest 1111 the nart ot ilin Unlled I f States government In the work of M , ho league's preparatory commfs- l -m.. sion on disarmament, which Is . scheduled to meet here In Novein- f ; bor. , . i. j.- League is Next Resort !i : Bdine optlmlftfc (tbservers here ! !('Yen express the o)tliilon thai the t' ., longut's copiniisftion, by temiciouK 1 1 i..,i. 'appllcatlou and wilh the "lielp i Interested government h, may suc- coed iu solving Home of the prob- i i . ,. leins while the Iri-paiiite parley was unable to overconm. possblly t; ; even (be formidable (jucsllon ol f ' cruiser tonnage limllallou. Since j - tine mailer limiting auxiliary craft j; also Is pending, the Impression pre- ' 1 vails here thai it Is till the more 5 iuiworlnnt for (he fulled States to' ( ' con tin no active cotlahnratlou with i; (he league's disarmament studies, f. liuleed, it is reported tit responsible imiriers that the I nliitl Slaten - .contemplates cooperating with the j . ' league in this direct on to the iul v lest extent. No Cruiser Race Seen j : . WASWNCTOK, Aug. &.- While j the admlnislrailou has yet lo I'or ; 1 i mulale Its policy, it is reurded as ;,; -certain In well Informed circles j hero that collap.e of the Ueneva ' coufrrence will not bring on a j cruiser building race between the ' ; United Stales and (iieat Hrilaiii. i . This view Is predicated upon several elements lit the pi'ctiem " situation, i he known views of ; - President ('oolldgi that the navy Should be fashioned solely lo the 1 ' , iUeds of national tleleiirse. (he eeouomle problem wilh its rela- 1 tion pftrto-ularly lo tax reduciittn. nnd the expressetl hoprs of the ) ' : plenlputentiailes o tieneva and ! ' ' Kecrelary Kellogg Unit ullimatel .. an ai'cord would be reached. Faith in Connress .iinougn in' mg nv ndvn-1 j fairs in congress unuouiueil ly will have some accretion! lo their ranks HIGHLY ENDORSED METHODS rpHB Chas. J. Dean noi.-strrRi- X C.l method Of trotting TtleS hnd Other K total and Colon disorder. utea exclusively ny me. i 'can ennus in Portland, San Krnchf ami Srallt. if rrcort-pU-rd Ihrouglimit (hit We I for umpli.lty til aprlrcstron And certainty ol i ewll. VUt ni come and are enl frtwn many dttnl Mtr . thr titn IMrm-e w eMJriKf hy a UKITil S ASSl It AKCB TO SlJCa-SiTl'U.V TRKAT ANY CASE OP ril.KS t birtl oi 1.1 yrat of MH.iMcl prjcnc, in wnun (be mini rtrmi- catt lt hen rrnanmllyrvlicvt (hir VUKK lO0re llluitiktrd Vunk U ol ut moil vln to i ffT" (Winem. HcntJ tor it tniav. N.M.DJnc roKTaNOjofitia (,HCt Pf ANBli DU)6.5thfrMAIN (MKH'Ulflitfi- Vr.ttT'.5' J.n rr.nciicc I f0 a,.V-,,j GILDA GOES NATIVE CHda Gray expressing ft tor her By GEnE COmim. NEA Sorvlc jWritejy NKW YItK, Aug. jll"-Cllila Utay has decided: Uc "go1 ? native" , , iiKaln, and after allt l!ni public :is- riocfales Cllda with shredd-t wln-at skirts, Her first pictut'11' plunge, rWmun. of the Soulii Seas' wan vastly siiceessiut. It harvested as heavy a nop of shekels as any plclmc o) lis pariicular season. It caused Paitimrmal. : her ; contract holder, in nivh an interested uye brow. It put (iilda quite 011 top of the world. It Caused other pro duce m In besiege this potential gold mine, ami Saimioi (tnldwyu finally got her for his 1,'nlied Ar- (otilwyn cartl.' her as (lie linn Jn reiuliToi tkeiiallur of the imtiey, uie opinion tven in naval opinion even laneH ot coiumerco. t .lust how many such cruisers should ho built has us yet not been I made clear, but H probably would! not exceed a score, including the H now either building or auihorlx- ed. I he program tor new construc tion undoubtedly .would extend j over a comparatively long period ( or years. Too Many Experts LONDON, Aug. li.-Mtt'Krot. but ho surprise, Is expressed by the London morning newspapers in I their commeit.i on the adjournment ! of the (ieiiova naval conference, j Hevi'tal of them add the hope (hat ; there will in- no rerriiutitations. A majority of the papers present the "collapse as 'due lo the!ami American retus-al to accept the Hri-, tish plan or make any concession. I 'Others contend the failure was duo to lack ol preparation beforehand and because naval experts were al lowed lo bundle a (portion which lu-lnngt-d to statesmen. Closing out of all summer mil-! Volt can stive llnery lit heiow cost, ity buying liow. Specially .Shop, Mrs. S. .M.' King, 2::.ri N. Jackson til. T Tho many local sluuvholdri a of j The California Oregon luw er Company have Just received a i:oiuprehensivo repot i of the pro- givss made by this company din- tug lint past tpiarler. The leueip which accompli n tod' the regular ' quarterly di idend un t'upco Tie i teind stock shows a Increase in earnings during the; past tw elvo months and covers llie progress ot the new 1'rospecl j No. - power development uow un-1 Many other improvements and bet-' lerments to the system which are ihoing t le in order lo rentier Ihei Ibcsl possible srrvleo .h.oughnui j Oregon lerr.torv al.-o coVere.'l 1 ;m.." " " ZtnZZ cut! , t,lc energy, as well as incua.-ed: iucal load, it has been found nee es;try iu nit reuse the iuslallctl rapacity at Prospet No. 1! hydro electric plant oor thai originally conti'Uiplatcd. The bo;itd of tliieclors lias, therefore, Hppioved the Installation of a second Jti.oiM horsepower unit tn the new Propped No. de velopment innv under ctuislrm-ilon at Prospict. Oicxon, Hs well as pro vuling for tho loustruciiou of Line 19 I'riiin Metllenl. Oieittni. to tlie t t.'uiicu Nu. U phiui on the KlitnutUt ! der ut' I lit nunl. turning ni'snic ; lUwr nl l ujicu. C'Mlitiynin. MUelilewti, 'l'lte lui el' llie 'midline wns; nev unit n l'lopi.! L will lie Men- J ImiJI.v stnahetl mul llie v imlshieltl j Ucal ltb 111. lirst unit iv t vi r new film. "The Devil Dancer." iu piemre version or "Aiuim vanna," J but 1 1 i j-s was quickly dropped ami imw iillda is ready lo star in "The i V " wumi no u ratit ,irt lk" "lIut liiK nautch girl. ThiS( ln H ,,.... iH ., nf whether (lilda wa.-i 1.11 actldeiilal Mil In "Alnma" or whether sho j will definitely catch on if pioperlv cast. I IJiasa. of course, is I Ik- setting. In this Tibetan Vatican of great glided Tools and red walls i are 'slaged the most lavish ceremou ; ialn. Tim- lulnpjes am. elultered ' with fearsome and . niglitmarish 'slaluted tlevils-all of which i Hhould give the undulent Cilda i'liirtf TmportiniitloH' Tor a - 'dance 1 t 1 ii 1 'ii , sue saytj, win oc Hollo the sereen for the first time.. required Is the construction of a second wood stave !plpu line, ( tit iJne iSo.,1!, Sltu-t) the nlvt'iit of contiuuc(L fair weathor a Ivw uninths afco the construction work at Prospect has Bone forward In a very satlsl'aelnry luauuer. There aro now about H:o men employed on the. work at Prosper!, and about IGn cnaKed in J eons! met In); the now tninniiiisslun Uue. Thia work is being carried i on under the hiipervltiion ol tho ' llyllesby KuBlueeriiiK auit . liau-' ugemeut eorporalion. - i iili iihh ulieady been started on n new warehouse building fur Klamath Fulls, cju'koii, lo tako e.are ol tho rapidly increasing busi ness In the Klamath .A vision. This will be n ouc'Story reinforced cou- ole stiucture. strictly fireproof thoroughly tuodeni in every respect. II is to be ctpiippcd Willi steel material bins throughout j which will safeguard and facilitate the prompt handling of the large , stores of electrical equipment I which will lie slocked there. The I I . .in.-., m i nm vii k is ijeing eai rieu i mi li.v the llvllesbc Knuiiicci'liii.. and Management corporation, and tin accordance with the usual util Icy of lite company, local labor and niaterlnls are being used lo the greatest possible extent. Signs Installed As a part of a properly-wide ldcutUlcaliou iirograut, this com pany is installing noV electric signs at nil of its principal divis ion anil district oltlces litiough- , out the system. These signs will : not only serve to lamlliarie tour- i isls and visitors with the exlciu of i opco territory, hut w ill also I materially to the metropolitan arance ol the arious cointntiu- t itles hi which these signs are lo- ; eated. - . J Our list of shareholders hunt been considerably Increased since llie last dividend date. We should like lo take ibis opportunity to warn our new shareholders against being persuaded by glihtongued stock and bond salesmen to trade t'ojico stock lor securities of dentinal value. Financial author! lies assert that the preferred HltickH of electric light and power companies of gootl standing are among the soundest ot prcscm day Investments. We have knowledge .fY"1 experience "'V' i""1 in um " 1 """P" -stockholder 11 ,M tr,M VT' what tuiuotl out lo NEWBERG FAMILY 1 ESCAPES INJURIES ! AS CAR TURNS OVER; F. S. Baldw in of Now berg, Ore., leeched a slight tut on tho.head and his w tic and daughter escaped J injuries when their machine tn; which lin y were lraelitig south t of lite Pacific highway Inrited ver iu the ditch between Win-, cheater ami Brand's Siaml north o( i Jioscburs late Thursday afternoon.', lien Koing aroitiui a lUtit curve tlto cur swerved mm a loie sluml- brekeu nut. It "as tirou-ln to tne j ! DOUGLAS PRUNE , GROWERS LAUNCH , STATE CAMPAIGN j ( Colli lUUed fioiu pHJff 1.) i fi.i.Jly propone I .a Kivt'u .upVrtit'- ! Ill Ulid OlU COt-llIllHtiB Of llfllU IVJitf ii.;.itucied to uniw up forma of Uuuh'Uft mid ii meutlim: wn6 culled lur litut pur.He. . j Packer Quotes Pricif ! "Ill UlH IllHKDtilJIH .lilt' pUCkf'l j iiiuJ loinied ii ii export ummciutinn 1 . and li whh the uudemiuudtiiK amuiiK l lie mi that they would quuiej j no pilecs unlil the result a 01 -On I organization elforl were uiinouuc-i : t'd. However, ouu of Iheae puckeii-t ; did not obnervu tltit uudeiKiaud- JtiK but quoted un extremely tow ll'iitu on litis car's crop to a for- IIli hi .like I 'I'liiu lit' I'ltniMH iiiiui.fl ! tin- packers (o feel that they coulo ! rot, enter Into an organization w itn I hU'h a condition existing and so lj;t: deal wart off lor this year ami alt our efforts were without avail.' .Mr. Kipp I lien iukci! that the K cowers oxpitiKH themselves as 10 whether or not they desired a, con tluuailon of (ho organization ot lortri or wanted to ahatidou the W'holt! Hcheine. 1 '1 he inatter was thrown open for tllHCiisxioit and several growers made talks, among them being U. Jl. MaupiuRoyce Jlusenbark, Win. Aloore, W. C. Harding, and o titers. Packers In Favor If. S. liilu, of tho (Jilts Packing company, spoke strongly iu favor of the organization plan ago (hat the growers and packers get together," Mr. Olle said, "and it this suggcHtlon had been carried out wo would not have found our selves iu the fix we are iu today. I speak as a grower as well as a packer for wo opei alu - several i same basis as the poorer Wiilam largo orchards, hut we have made ette valley produce, but by pooling no money oliher as grower or! ynur prunes you give an eppor packer for several years and w ill j (unity for a buyer to come in and make none this year. Organization purchase the entire lot to till or is the only thing that will save us ! tiers for high class product. "Ore itud 1 know that, the other puckers 1 gun is going to have lo be careful will hack me up when I say that) this year about the prunes ship- every resmcni packer in the north- west tavorji urx:iui:.utlmi. . ; V. K. iJrager, of Salem, owner: or tne Dtager r run company, tie- cut red inmseii strongly in tavor ot organization. The price on pnmeti is steadily dropping, he declared, entirely because of tho lack of a system ol orderly marketing. Many markets mil now touched. should be open (o Oregon prunes, I hu stated. Tho small jobbers In thej t-iuos 01 utc miuuie west are abl-3 1 ers lavored . organization, a mo le purchase a car . of fruit from Minn was matlo by W. C. Harding t'alifoinia and In. that car can &A that it be the expression of the several varieties of fruits,, but ii meeting that the growers of Doug- - huylii;; pinue -from Oregon ho. must take a full carload. If wo could arrange so that wo could ship a half car of dried fruit and a half car ol canned trait together we would bo able to reach many of these marltels with our product, but unlit we Jmvo a strong cnoutr'.i oi-Ranlzalion 'to back up such a proposition we will not be able to bring that about. " . Mr.Dragei' also urged tho Doug-1 las' comity growers lo unite in a pool ot their J!27 crop. ! 'Douglas county Jias an. unusual npporlunlly lo. obtain a good price-'the Oregon iiruno has no identity for prunes by moans or u pool," at present, vet it Is possessed of ha declared. "The Willamette Val- (tialilies that should ereato for it' ley prunes are Inferior lo th'hn eager market. It is necessary Jack Lockwill at Summer Camp By GILBERT PATTEN , (Creator of Frank Merriwell) Tho leader of the trio was a big fellow who looked husky enough to be a match for two or three ordinary boys. His pugnacious face wore a grin of satisfaction. "Grab him if he tries to dodge and run," he ordered, advancing on the Indian lad. "Run!" echoed the latter, standing his ground. "Why should I run?" "Because you'r the dirty bum who smashed our canoe,', was the answer "You speak with a crooked tongue." declared the ctpper colored boy. resting his hands lightly on his narrow hips. 'Tvc never seen you belore." "And I." said th young lntfin.."am Tom Longpine. on of . Achetn. Ptter Lonspme. My lthr hat taught im it it fool't wisdom to fight th whit man. tvtn when we are in the right. Al ways the white man sends us to jail." "That's where you be long." retorted Saunders. "And whether you fight or not. I'm fT'e to t'v y5" l1'1 ma'tliep ycy deserve. ' Me pr;e et Tcna e"tofo. CifJji.Tiiatrvnt,'itc. ( lo Be Co;itmud) Latest Thriller . C. C. Champion of s air force, who has u. Mere s Lieui. 1 the U. S. navy just starred in another aviation thriller. While Champion was more break the altitude record, the mo tor of his plane exploded. Cham pion piloted the powerless ship to ' a safe landina. j Douglas county fruit this year." j The Willamette valley prunes have 1 been badly hit by scab and much i of the crop is worthless. As it is you jmuglas county growers will have to sell your fruit on tiie pou. Uu nave been building up I reputation for a high ctamiurd of pack, and this year wo must not 1 let scabby or inlerlor prunes go nut of tlto slate as choice- till it. Jf we do we will damage our mar ket for many years to come.. We must maintain . a high quality pack." , Motion Is Carried After considerable further, dis cussion, in which all of the spoak- 1..., county favor the committee of ninejtlau for organization for the years of 1928-211. This motion was carried without a dissenting j vote. .. , The matter of disposing of the 1!27 iiyip was then advanced and '.resulted In . considerable discus- sion. Marshal Dana speaking again on Uie subject of organization, called attention to the advertising pos-, sible as the result of a perma nent and eliectlve organization, lie called attention to the fact that "You won't want to see us again after I'm done with you.' said the huge chap. "I'm 'Boke' Saunders, and I'm going to fix your face so your mother won't know you." oitJ In order to let the world know of these qualitleh through llie uied - ium of advertising, u tUb Is poa- sible only through organlzatiui. The matter of pouliug was then contiidered, but a parent iy this prop- ouitiou, la .the minds or the grow- ers, was second iu Juiportauce to statewide urganizatlou as many left the matting after the inuin purftose had been achieved. Contract Adopted A form of cuniruL-t to covet u (he I proposed puol was pre twilled to me nieeung ami was taaeu up sec tion by section and passed. This contract, drawn by Attorney D. L. tuiily, was as lot lows; Whereas, the person h Klgtiing this agreement are growers of prunes in Douglas county, Oregon, and believe it to L to their best interest to pool their respective crops of dried pruues produces mums iiiv iur iitB pur pose of packing, processing and ' sale thereof, through the agency of a board of five directors, chosen by the signers hereof, and consist-', liifi of (he following named per sons, who are prune growers of 1 said county, to-wjt I Now- therefore, it is agreed by a''vith said directors and by anu! u ' ? "T 'l that said pooling shall be carried out In the following manner, auuijjjj each signer binds himself to all of! S 1. JCacU grower is to seasonably harvest and dry, according to!S good practice, all prunes irrown, owned or controlled by hliu iu Douglas county, Oregon, during the year i3ii, ami deliver the same, ii. nines .ijicliiicu uj muu MllJ' ; tors ut : .: Tlio said 'tlUoctors shall ro ceive said prunes, if in propar con dition, and shall receipt for the same, aim caura 1 lie same to he nrocessed. nacked. shinned and sold, using their best judgment us.g to liiu time and ;lnce of rm?rketinn ;V the eame in ou'er to obtain the H besi possible nrlce. H. ii.iiii direc'ors shall includ; in separate pools -all prunes received! oy or grown or protiuceu by tiiein, making one pool of the Italians. (and one pool ot petite, charging to each potd Its own share of ex-1! pe ones ami crooning 10 eacn pool .setmruLelv. all oroceeds of sale of prunes in s'uch pool. ' - fS 4. Each signer hereof indicates V opitosite his signature the estimut-iS ed weight of tided prunes Tor theiljl year 3U7. This instrument and oth-1 era of like tenor and effect ' n.av! be signed separately, ami differ-1 ently dated, and ail papers then ! assembled as one document to 1 j though all had originally signo-J tho I ..i .... 1 same anuKi un iiie biiiiiu iiiilh. Said board of directors sbull ; iluve power to amiotnt u ion pn 13. Jn case any sigel. of this lent manager to handle and mar- j agreement shall sell or otherwise ket said prunes under the iliiec-! dispose of any prunes grow n, own tion ot said directors ' , ell or controlled by hint at the 6. Said board ot directors shall i i,nle 0f ,lle Higing of thi agree have full power lo Bet or fix prices mellt muc uise ,h.ul bv delivery 10 for the sale ot said prunes ac-1 S!lid boanl ot directors lor sale bv cording to their best judgment and pooling j u,e matters set forth tor the .merest of the signers ot ln Ml,8 agreement, then such de thls ngreement and said di. jclors ! ruulnB signer of (his agreement ; ,;, " ., . V trust. 7. If wnrehousini? or storag:; ot any of said prunes bo uecossary pending sale, the said board of di rectors shall have full power to ar range for tho same and pay all ex penses thereof from the respective pools. 8. Said directors shall bs paid for their services under this agreir meut 9. The siilarv of the manatrer to be employed by said board of ! rectors shall be fixed bv an.U hnuri I 10. Said boawl of directors shall ! have power to incur ontv neces B-irv otlllineDa t n,.on. riri, said respective pools and - in car- iug for, handling, and marketiug said prunes in said respective pools, charging to each pool its owu share ot such expense. 31. Said board of directors shall I render to each signer of. this agreement from time lo time, and at least as often as : reports and statements showing the progress made in the marketing of said prunes, the state of Mie market and such further infornui tion as said directors may be ab'o to obtain, and as often as $ in proceeds of sale ot prunes from oilhnr nmtl in in tlm hnnilu (if miii ! directors, they shall distribute ihe j sanuj and render inotmr accounts i of sale to the growers entitled thereto and upon the closing of (ho marketing of either pool full and final statements and returns shall be made-as soon as practicable. 18. Said directors shall have au thority to borrow funds from Ihe banks on the security of ware house receipts for said prunes and leloiin said funds to the signers of PRUNE GROW H ia S V S IS g Jsj W .S I?l & j& Saturday Specials In Quality Groceries Every day our PRICES are LOW for the high quality of Groceries that we carry. But for Saturday we are making Special Reductions. Telephone orders accepted. Here are some of the big values we offer for tomorrow 2 cans Corn ;! 25c 2 cans Peas '. 25c 2 cans Tomatoes .: - 25c 30 bars Laundry Soap $1.00 6 large boxes Matches 25c 49 lb. sk. Hard Wheat Flour .$1.95 49 lb. Pastry Flour $1.65 ,15 lb. C. and H. Sugar $1.00 1 0 rolls Toilet Paper :.. - --"..SOc :3 :W S V 3 PEOPLES Grocery Phone 145 Free LXi&&I3SHB "" " " '"' iTTYTTTSTgrrTT this nsreemenl proportionately and lliimi U!1f nnrl .nnnt-Vfii: -o ..v. basis. saaii P o sam noaru 01 uireciors , nmining signers of this agreement, proportionately, the sum of per pound of dried prunes so dis posed of, and if such prunes be dis posed of in a green condition con trary to this agreement, the quan tity of dried prunes which would have been pooled, under Ibis ! agreement shall be determined by j estimating pounds of dried munes ,er DUsnei OI 1U !md tsaid S1UI" Herein required shall ?e ,I,ieu'( liquidated damages in favor of the other signers of this foment because of the failure. ' Keep mis agree "it'iit, and the said board of direc- t"ra shaU entitled to recover ! the same against the defaulting signer of this agreement by suit lor action 'at law in their owu j names and for the benefit ot the other signers uereto. Provided, however, that nothing in this agreement contained shall prevent any signer hereof from selling any part of his 1927 crop of prunes iu 'a green condition provided he shall have the approval of thesatd board of directors before so doing, and such approval shall exempt iiim from any penalty horeunder. ln witness whereof, the parties hereto have hereunto set theh- nan,le this Jda-V Atlgust, IU27. rtmengmsnis mane j The contract was altered slfght ! ly from Its original form, during the course of the discussion. Sec tion 13 particularly coming in for revision. In the original copy the section prohibited the member: of the pool from marketing green prunes in any manner without ac counting to the pool for them, hut It was decided tbat should the- After considerable effort, I have se cured orders for some green prunes 50 to 100 carloads. Expect to load from Roseburg, Dillard, Myrtle Creek and Riddle. If you are located in the southern districts see Otto Logsdon, Riddle. Otherwise, see me. FOSTER BUTNER Phone 588 W. Douglas & S. P. Tracks r.1 SUPPLY CO. Meat Market 363 Delivery : " ' ' ' " " fresh market be sufficiently strmK Lo lUStlfV Sales Of EieCU flUlt till' Lo justify sales of green fruit tlu , growers should be in a position to ! sell. By amending the contract to permit such sales wilh the permls- . sion of the board of directors this . aim will bo achieved. j A nominating committee com- ' posed of Dave Busenbark", W. C. Harding. H. A. Hercher, George ! Best and Ed Thompson was ap pointed to nominate a board of di rectors provided-for in the con tract. This committee nominated m.. A. C. Seely, R. It. Clark, Royce Busenbark, J. H. Booth, Bert Green. These men were unani mously chosen and will make up a temporary board of directors. As soon as the pooling organization is completed the members will hold another meeting and will then elect a permanent board nd will decide upon the other details left blank iu the contract. It was decided to immediately begin signing up growers for the pool and following the meeliiig more than a half million pounds I were secureu. j ne signers were foMows Rowe Weber, George li. Best. A. H.-Marsh, A. F. Hoffman and sons, C. C. Hurst, Edward Muudt, John Doernor, W, A. Burr, S. C. Schrenk, J. H. Booth. W. M. Moore. VY Hounds, R. T. Pierco, Busenbark Bros., H. B. Jacoby, C. W. Hess, Fred Fisher, Edenbower Orchard Land company, J. Morleiisen, A. B. Balrd, Harry Davis, A. W. John son. . William Rasmussen, G. A. Lindblom, Wiliard Smith. PATRONIZE o NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS k "LINOLEUM" For every room In tho house. Powell Furniture & Hardware Co. 238 N. Jackson St.