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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1927)
TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927. Qet Genuine If you want creamy, rich deliciousness in breakfast oats no other brand has that wonderful QUAKER FLAVOR, Visitor Thursday Marian Kmmett, of Uiupgua, spent Thursday aitcrnoou in iIiih city looking after hiiKlnenH afralrH and trading. 551 Over a million users endorse Blue Ribbon Ma3S Extract It must hi good r RETAILERS I SUim"rwn'r"l JHiP , j r Over a million 8 Hiking - Surf Bathing Fishing Come to Oregon's Picturesque Beach , and stop, at BANDON-BY-THE-SEA AUTO PARK, Inc. Sheltered Camp Grounds Phone or write for reservations Phone I 742 Cottages Furnished with Springs, Mattress, Stove, Electricity, Sink and Water. Rates $1.25 and $1.50 - Water and Sewer Connections Hot and Cold Showers IX ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. 125 N. Rose Ph. FOR 1926 Overland Sedan. 1924 Chevrolet Sedan. 1925 Ford Touring, Ruckstcll, speedometer. 1924 Ford Touring terms. 1923 Ford Touring terms. 1922 Ford Touring terms. 1920. Ford Touring terms. MflMMI'IIM''I,I This Week We Are Offering BARGAINS IN Auto Tents and Camp Cots Get our prices before you buy. ZIGLER-CRAVEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE 25 ATS Portland Visitor Mm. K. Uroderick, of 1 lit a gut:! at the home ephew, U V. KolzeiiKlein, 'orllaud, of her in thin Roseburg Beverage Supply House 109 South Jackson St. Phone 249 Roseburg, Ore. , Home Bottling Supplies See the Everedy Syphon Filter Float. Special . Thursday, Friday and Saturday One irriwfl Crown llottlu Cups with ouch sale of tlireo chiih of Uud welmir, llluo Hllilmn, Pnlmt, Purl tun and Anicrlcun JUult Syrui). 438 Roseburg, Ore, SALE fe ; R0SE8UR0, ORE. tra H XtA Servt vSt' THIB HAS HAPPENED Alti'inptB Jihvh been mude on tliei lift) ot KHh). Maiiiorry, an Ameri can Kil l ownlttK coiiKidtM utile pro- j IMfrty near tin If II Its town of l'orioj VeiuV, in wi'Ht ct'iitrul Jiruicll. Si'Vi erul niynii-rioun (it-atliti liavu occur red, hut ho l;tr she has ejicaped harm, dm; lo tint hlirmvdiieHH of ' hur coiitiin and nrotuclor, Viluk, u fiurloiiH mlxturo of American audi Oi it-iiiii) IjIuoiJ and a student of i criminology. VUti k ban hfM'ii trying to ir-1 j Huadn Kllse lo leave lito VerdtM j lotting him Ktay behind with hip1 friend, Lincoln Nuiuiully, un elder- ly American ehemlHt, to solve the inyfltcry. iJIic finally agrees, but her departure Is prevented hylwl11 W0JK ovll siiells upon Hatala- threat of floodH. Messengers ride through the eouulryfiidii warning the natives. Vllak suggests they go to Hie house of tiuylord Pren tiss, a recluse and a forbidding man and an enemy of Kline's, whom she siiKpecls of a knowledge of the conspiracy against her. Nevertheless, she agrees it Is their: duly to warn him. Vllak learns the flood warning Ik a ruse to get Prentiss out of his house anil so Informs hfm. The parly Is besieged by an armed force in a stone tower next to i'renllas' house. Vilak disperses the enemy by dynamiting a dam and causing a real flood. When tin? water recedes they discover I'rentlss is gone. The next day, Tinky, EIIhg'h two-year-old orphaned nephew, is kid naped for the second time. A na tive reports I'renliss has been seen with a ha by. The trail leads into the Jungle and Vflak makes pre parations for a long journey In pursuit. With native trackers, they hike up the trail. (!ahunl(y overtakes (.hum. Two of their re liable natives are hurt and two of their white friends are lever vic tims. Kllse, Vilak and Kunnally final ly emerge from the jungle. On Hut outHklrlH of a strange city ! Unit looks like the relics of Inca j civilization, they ure overcome by gas. When they awake they find i It'Alheniara, whom they knew as1 an engineer in Torto Verde. j H'Alheutara leads the two men1 Info the presence of the city's strange ruler. NOW BEGIN THE STORY CIIAPTKR XL It whs the figure or an enormous ly fat, half-breed negro, with thick grinning lips, and lat, not unkind face. On his huge shining breast' hung a row of Hpanlsh dollars, on liin head was one of the steel hel mets which IMzarro's men had worn during the conquest. The hel met was now ornamented by a row of ti'.Sl purple leathers. Ills fa I ea rs had been pierced I and In them had been inserted two j golden suns of beautiful workman ship, like the carvings on the stem's overhead, modeled in. the form of 1 conventionalized human I faces. These had i o distended the ! i cartilage of the ears that tea cups his head had left uncovered. "11a ' could have been put into the ori-i'alagos make wife. Wait hnlf- fices wllhoiit difficulty l Around his lat legs were two! ' pieces of old Spanish armor, ob-j 1 vlously const dieted for some eava-J I Her of Madrid or Toledo half his! j size, for his puffy flosli bulged out! in great rolls where the guards1 ended and Iheir pressure ceased, j I A headed breecli-eloul. coniiilet-l ed his fanlaslic costume. Fires i j.were horning In two slone braziers j i on euiiei sine 01 mm. 1 liese lie : turned lo slir now and then with u ' short decorated wand of metal he held in Ills hit int. "Lovely old boy, Isn'l he?" Vllak ; whispered to Ihe chemlsl. "lie's a perfect study in primitive reli gions. Spanish relics, Inca ritual ( and ornanieiits, and African super stition all beautifully Jumbled to- I gelher. 1 think I hV'nrd his name and II II was, even (hat s mixed Spanish and Indian. Uirloulitedly though, he think's he's Ma;ico t'a pec or one nf the olher famous old Inca emperors come In life." The tat cliiel'laln saw Ihe new I ' 1 " ' '" I the wand in liin thiek, elimisy I'ln-1 comers approaching, lie Iwlddled 'klKM'l!" hn t'imrnil in lliffh E I Ciiarauy. Tin- snhlierH and their gieaptivrs olieyrd ipilcUly and ltrgun E j ciuwIiiiK on tln'ir kines toward no- un into. 1 1 Aux'iuai a renianuMi Hlandhm. Thu rhh'f noticed UiIh. looked al him reproachfully. The I'ortumiese litiK"red his tiny nnistnilie. "I hae IhoumIH tlieni. U auKtisi son of the flaniing sun," lie announced in a monotonous dronini: voice, us thou;;!, the speech were sunie t'oidisl, huumar ule of which he was hum weary. "Your hunt hip slaves have gone io brttiK Ihe others here also. What Is your royal will , year slave, do with these two nienihle wret- dies who crawl hel'tue you as loath-' some MiHKes crawi hi me I eel ol ihe tnluhty j,mnur? What is your S will, illuHhimis chief?" j 'Ihe ridiculous I Inure on Ihe lli rone beamed at the finitely. Me leaned down, peered at ihe cap ties. poked at Iheir dollies with Ins waml. sci at died li pla fully against the top of Nunnally's bald held, then ertnne I broadly. "Xoi look bad men," he minted ' In (iiiarany. "(iood men think maybe. Little man runny. Look like rabbit. Make Jtujuhiuns lanizii. (.ooil thinu bdiKh. ilatuhinos like. I.el slay one moon, (uo moons. j inudie. talk Matatanos. Tell ftuta hmos stories ryt mountain, fjreat i wali r. Then Ihtlalauos ii(ve pres enis and let go away. What Itliih , priest say'' D'Alheittaia had lot his calm. , Ills lips were tremhlini; nervniHly. ! "Vim mistake, u son ot the (lainim; I sun," he said hastily, "These men I are not pood. They are evil Kvll.j ; They aie like the piranha of tliej rivers, whose colors aie beautiful; j ft Mi' shin inn rain how but who j 1 eats human llesh. Their breath : ; is tienlli. Thev w.iulil ail! the i mlirhty Hatalano and put another! cn his sacred I hi one. Last nieht j ' bv the vtsiim moon the IiikIi priest! 1 spoke thus to the noble Hrtiaiunos j Now he speaks thus attain in the Bn kueien Burmon The chiefs Kinlltf faded. His thick Htm puffed out uily. "Kill JatuluKOM?" he muttered. " other man chin f, JiuLalugou' throne?" U'AllM'iilHm nodded. '1 have heard I hem talk no even aa they inoiinled the paered mount ttiii. I have lu-aid them talk bo even now an they lay In their prison. Truly they are evU men. And all things ahonl ihem are evil." t The chii'f'H eyes blazed Hiillenly. "HiKh pries Kinurt. Uo what high prict ay.- ftaiuluKos kill had men fiitit. W hen Hataiagos kill?, What nay high priest'' "Tonight, O son of the sun. For while they live they ure evil and gos. While In dead men there is naught hut good." The chief twiddled the waml In his lat lingers again and looked thoughtful. "Itatalagou think some thing else," ho said at last, "lia talagos nut kill them lonlglU, Ua talagos wait hall-moon till feast of if.vni, feusl ol sun, feast of tire Kill evil men then. Sacrifice. Make sun-god, fire-god, happy. Very happy. Happy sun-god, fire god, good to Ilatalagos. Make Ba talagos happy, loo. Jlatalagos not aliaid evil men, Keep evil men. prison'. Ilatalagos big, strong." "Kill them tonight, noble Jlatu lagos." The chief's stubb'jrness was aroused. Km stamped his enor mous foot. "No, kill feast of Hay nil. Not afraid. Ilatulagos spoken." The stunted half-breed with the enormous pimpled nose, who bad been JVAIhentara's foreman at the railroad camp, entered 'with Kllse marching sillily at his side. Khe saw Vllak and tried to move to ward him; the guard .checked her.; Vilak caught her eye; his lips frame;! the single word: "Steady." j A faint smiting response showed ! hii. i thi-.i she had understood. As -she neared the ridiculous figure on the throne, IVAIbeniara turned his head. Her face brightened as she recognized him, as though his un expected presence might mean, her swift deliverance. "Senhor IVAIbeniara!" she flash ed. Then her conlenance fell again as he cohiy turned away. Her es- coil knell, dragging her down with I him. The chief slured at her, drew I himself up on his throne, then gig gled wllll delight. ll'AliiiMitinii Innfeml mi I rti iimill. IV. Ull I ill IT 111. Ihe ends nf hlu mim-! laclie like n sleek, sallsl'led cat cleaning Its whiskers. "Is she not beautiful, son of the sun?" he crooned. The chief giggled again. With Ihe aid of a soldier who stood by him, lie lifted his euurmous body fruin the lhi'on.c, and waddled to Kllse. lie passed Ihe wand over her hair and along the outlines of her small, dellralely molded body. Pretty," he grinned. Pretty. Malalugos much like." He thought fully scrnlchcd a lock- of kinky hair which Ihe steel helmet moon, i'east of Itaynil. Itaym) good time sacrifice, good time marry, dill make Ilatalagos fine wife. Ilnlalagos have other wives"' -- he clumsily counted out nine on his enormous fingers -"lint never olher wife like this one. This wile make Matalagtis very happy." Though Kllsn's knowledge of (in my was slight, she had caught enough to understand (he purport of the chief's announcement. Her interest, however, centered not on her ludicrous wooer, but on D'Al benlara. . Her eyes were fixed ou hlui as steadily, so uuestiontngty,' that he turned his back to avoid her ga;:e. Tile huge chief helped her to her feet. I he Portuguese was facing her onco more. Her eyes were no longer questioning: lliey were hit ler, weary. "Was it you then who look my lllllo nephew?" She ask ed stonily. He shrugged his shoulders. "Is In dead?" fc i Again (he oilier made no answer. '1 imu'l lli.t.iut.....l (l I .... ......... H.ll, I II. . Ullll iiiuierstaml anylhiiiK about you. You helped mo find him oner don't want to misjudge you. "One at Night Next Day Bright" 'I'linllfailils of KillbfitMl User I'ct'l v;iy lllnitit ORDERLIES They work naturally and form no habit. I'lens;iut to take, i asy in action, safe and mre. (Iood tm- childieu as well as adults. 50c Box of 60 Orderlies Nathan FuIIerton II K AUIhilrn .1 ... A RoMburg, Or8on Safe trave; to 3 DAILY DEPARTURES Only motor coach service north to Portland, south to California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas with 3 daily schedules. Serves all inter mediate points stop-overs If de. sired. Great responsible system protects you for baggage. Finest gla8s.enclosed cars, reclln. Ing chairs, heaters. Leave for GRANTS PASS MEDFORD, REDDING SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES, PHOENIX EL'PASO 1:16, 7:40 A. M., 2:25 P. M. EUGENE, CORVALLIS ALBANY, SALEM SEATTLE, VANCOUVER , 7:26 A. M., 1:40, 10:20 P. M. DEPOT . JACKSON AND WASHINGTON Phone 686 ' know I'm not thinking clearily. I'm all upset, and my head feels as If It would burst. You come ol' a civilized, cultured race; you have Hie aid anil certainly the training of a gentleman. Yet you're here, helping this silly savage who Ihinlts hp's n king, make prisoners , '"sel1 .v mends. I don't r'.mv wl!,"'' you have taken my niiuy. i can i Know. Perhaps you iti'n Its ItflWtl'nilt lltt I nni Rut 1 beg of you, If you do know ot any- inmg i...u concerns him tell me." H'Albeiifara put out his hands In a gesture of resignation. "I re gret. 1 regrel. Much. Hut It Is business. Business." He gave a short command; the natives guarding Vllak and the old man jerked them lo their feet and led them away. They walked the length of the ruined chamber again, then across it court and Into a slone building slightly smuller hut otherwise almost the counter part of the one they had just left. They were conducted up a flight of wide stone steps into a small prison-like room, their lent bound again, and they Were flung to the floor. A heavy wooden door clos ed behind Ihem; they were left alone. (To be Continued) . Nothing for Vilak and his com paion to do but await the feast of Raymi and a horrible death. -o- NOTICE TO WATER USERS While milking repairs the water will bo shut oit Siiturdiiv. Auuiist 6lli from 2.00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M. I ult'ectlng Kdenbower, HlvorBide mid all coiisumers north of city limits. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY. Miss Saginaw " 'As i Here Is one, of Michigan's prom I ising entries in the Atlantic City j beauty pageant In September Miss i Saginaw. Shs is 20 and her name jls Charlotte Elaln Bowman. ! I -.t'FJ BASEBALL STANDINGS OF LEAGUES iTinriiii1ni-iji.i-i 1 1 Pacific Coast W. It. PCT. Oakland so 52 .606 Hau Fruncitico 75 66 .57$ Beatlla 73 57 .662 Hacrunieuto 6S 65 .611 Hollywood 61 73 .453 Portlaud 69 70 .458 Missions ! 58 75 .437 Los Alltjeles 62 79 .397 National Chicago , 61 39 .610 Pittsburgh 61) 40 .600 Bt. I,ouIs 67 44 .640 New York ; ..56 48 .538 Cliirlnnuti 47 66 .461 Hrooklyu 44 68 .431 Boston 38 57 .400 1'hiladelpula 38 60 ' .388 American New York 74 30 .712 Washington 61 40 .604 Detroit 65 45 .650 Philadelphia :.54 49 .524 Chicago 61 64 .486 Cleveland 43 61 .413 St. Louis .40 61 .396 Boston 32 70 .314 LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (By The Associated Press.) Including games of August 4. National Batting P. Waner, Pirates, .386 Huns L. Waner, Pirates, 91. Hits P. Waner, Pirates, 162. Doubles P. Waner, Pirates, 31. Triples P. Waner, Pirates, 16. Homers Williams, Phillies, 22. Stolen bases Frisch, Cardinals, 32. Pitchlng 9, lost 3. -Benton, Giants, won American Batting Simmons, Athletics .393. Huns Gehrig, Yankees, 108. Hits Gehrig, Yankees, 156. Doubles Burns, Indians, 42. Triples llanush, Tigers, 14. Homers Gehrig. Yankees, 37. Stolen bases Slsler, Browns, 22. Pitching Huelher, Yankees, won 12, lost 3. COAST LEAGUE RESULTS (By Tha Associated Press.) Effective liltlliiR on the imrt or the Indians yesterday gave Seattle an 8-3 win over Sacramento. Hat teries: Edwards and Schmidt; Ilachac, Vinci, Shea and Severed!. Shut out for eight innings by the airtight mound work of Yerlies, Portland hurler, Hollywood made a desperate effort to tie the score in the last of the ninth, which end ed after two runs had been put across, Shelleuback Hying out to end the game. The score was 3-2, giving Portland a one-game advant age in the current series. Batter ies: Ycrkes and Yelle; Slieilen back and D. Murphy. The Missions broke a seven game losing slreak by whitewash ing Sun Francisco, 4-0. Ilatteiieu: Moudy, Geary, Turpln and McCrea; Weinert and Walters. Pudgy Gould bested Bill Piercy in a pitchers duel and the Oaks defeated Los Angeles, 4-3. Bat teries: Piercy. Gardner- nnd Han nah; Gould and Bool. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS (By the Associated Tress) The possibility of the Boston Red Sox getting out of the Ameri can league cellar was considerably brighter today. Bill farrlgan's tall enders yesterday heat the Chicago- White Sox. 2-1, while the Washington Senators were taking both ends of a double header from the St. Louis Browns, who occupy seventh place in the standing. The Red Sox still are eight and one half games behind St. Louis, but the Browns are playing poor baseball. .Miller Huggins' Yankees gave just the faintest indication they are in a slump by dropping another game to Detroit, 6-2. The Yankees today face the task of winning the final game of the series or losing their first series lit home. Garland Buckeye, the mountain mail of the Cleveland pitching corps, whitewashed the Mackmcn at Philadelphia, 3-0. The National league situation was altered slightly, although the two leaders won their games. The Chicago Cubs beat out the Boston Braves 5-1, lint Pittsburgh took a double header from the lowly Phil lies, and moved within, one game of Ihe leadership. Mlljus got credit for the ftrst victory, S-5. while Hay Kremer had little trouble win ning Ihe second, 7-3. The Giants trod over Cincinnati, 1-1, Benton being stingy with his bils. Brooklyn drubbed the world's champion Cardinals at St. Louis, 1-2. I W'o ItHve hulii our rppntatioii for j rxport liiuinlry work upon Ihe solid foundHtinn nf ro it? is tent rare. i irpat cat h and every indiviiiiml Knr-; imMit and piece of houscludd fab- rlc wtlli us murh care as It would roceivn in its own home. Our prires are HKioenble. Call us up. Roseburg Steam Laundry ! Roseburg, Ore, Phone 79 fthecleattestiSlprclon';, ; Cleanliness around the food you eat Is mighty desirable. To Know that the food you buy al Plggly Wlggly is fresh and clean Is a worthwhile consideration. Another consideration at Pltfgly Wlggly is the fact Unit this dean, fresh food it handled by. clean, healthy employees. All this value and yet, It costs leu to trade with Plggly Wiggly. Pineapple B Grape Juice ?ritebormer29c yi t f Honeymade g r Graham Crackers cnhv 16c Fig Bars Lunch Spread Beans Small 4 lbs. Cabbage Mazola Oil Rolled Oats Silver Nut M2aTbs"ne' !t spread8' 49c r Palm Olive Soap 3bars 19c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 cansi5c White WonderSoap 6ab"nrsry Soap 19c CflffpP "P'Sg'y W'gg'y Special," V11- It is delicious, try it, lb. We have a fine assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables. 300 W. Cass Street Bim'ia.tfM.i......i. CAMDEN, N. J. A kiss he stole F2 years ago had its sequel when James (f. Angus, 80, obtained a license to marry Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, 72. Pure whole milk, and it's pas teurized. Roseburg Dairy. Phone 18G Attorney Moses Rico lert this morning for Weed, Calir., en legal business. That's what every tall can of Borden's Evaporated Milk means in your kitch en. Diluted withan equal part of water, it gives you four cups of pure, rich milk. Use it wherever the recipe calls for milk. Use it undiluted in coffee. Mad, in th. Northwest Jg$VAPORtTED S. LUNCH GOODS Vi'i ljAL3nL ' Freoh package delicacies for your '2 .jrij t1 picnic lunch, Sf ECONOMY GROCERY j?fxJu$" "The s,or, That Serve You Bc,t" O. L. Johnson Hawaiian broken 18c per can Fresh from the ovens,"! Qn per lb. 9 c white California, 29c Fine solid heads, per lb. 3c For salads, pint can 24c 48c 91b. bag 35c Roseburg, Ore. FANCY FRUIT WANTED Cash paid for fine ripe eat- ing apples, sweet plums, and a few extra fancy peachos. Brands, Pacific Highway, 3 4 miles north. Eat barbecue sandwiches and live forever. Brand's Road Stand. Plcnlf. at Idleyld Park. UNSUeeteNE" I - TWW I MILK