SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1 927. KCillH Inside lllo cm', uni to agitate fur "equal pay fin- leas work" for all 2'0-iiouNlr-r. . j jr't&itf .... Real Folks at Home (The Radio Announcer's Wife) By BRIGCS SMOOTHING THE ROAD A nnbulunl.Itil itrcuiint In thn Hust'lmig National flunk Hinoolhn illo ro:nJ hf-foro bu car (if him who ; hi off on bin Hiimmor holiday, , 4 Interest Paid on Savings ' Accounts, TheRoscburNalional BanR ,, Roseburg,, Ore. nrin: . -.Mvl I " : tr 884 Persons Rescued by One-Legged GuaL Bert Golns Started Life Saving Career at Ago of 10 Chum Taken From Water. tho wati-r. At ono tlirio four jji;r hoiih were struggling In the water, tlio other lift; guards were busy t liiHWliel'e, and GoIiih hud a hall' hour's struggle bringing them In. (loins Hlurled his career when ho was 10 years olil hy saving a buy chum from drowning. NOTICE TO WATER USERS KANSAS CITY, Aim. Despite I he loss or ono leg in. a railroad ac-, oldeiit In III03, llert tlolns, 3l)-yoar-j whno Iimk, , ', t old' life guard here, has hung up u ., bo 8nllt ,)(f Sllllmlav A ust record ol Ski parsons saved from , 6tn fl0m 2.00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M. iiioiviiiiiK in iii.j mi jo ,.m,s. : ulioctfng iideubowor, Riverside (joins, now head life guard at n , liml ull consumers norlh ol city . HEALTH BULLETIN i i Don't Let the Mosquitoes Bite I (State Board of Health) j Mosquitoes are found In almost evury locality where there is an opportunity for them to nrecil, and j on the presence at Iho some time; during the year of Htandlux water. ; J -MoKfiuitoes have heen more pruva-j ) lent this year In Oregon on account ; ol l lie lute high water. The sloughs 1 and standing hack-water urn excel lent breeding places for mosqui toes. Although malaria Is an un common disease In this slate if moKuiiito control Is not given seri ous coiislderalion it will undoubt edly become more prevalent. The control and extermination of moKipiliues Involves the applica tion of many methods. There are, however, three principlo methods lor pi eventing the breeding of Ttinnoy Will Have Readied I Hie opportunity depends simply up- Million Goal, Dempscy Through for Good ' if Me Loses. (AMuriaM !'r.-M I.! Wirt-) NL'W yoiiK, Auk. 4. TIih h.?c oimI I'ltl.'iotlc of On; l)eniim'y-Tuu-ri-y hat tit' for Iho worlds hHivy weif.ln cliauiiiloiiKhlp limy bo tin; lasi ring tMiaj-'i'iiH-nl for both nrin clpulu, ulanllng uh ihiH Idea may Hft-m hi an i-ru of mf 1 Mori dollar pUI'MCH. Ho far ns Tex Kickunl fa con-foriH-d 1.1m jiOKMlbllity may lift Mis- ...... h-im .n. n.i ,..r i.-x iHi mocoullor-s. Thov nn iu ,lr..tnl, . . . i (M'.s! IOV MIT tin I'lnsmi In lnrvsinl wltli a larvicldc, and tlm planting anolbcr heavywedght nxiravaganzu III lltliS, bill tllO IIOllOH ptTHlHtH, ijcvcrlhclf-HH, that jieliber Tummy nor Ur'iiipscy In anxious to prolong his rliiK career. Tummy, whose taslcs run counter to tho blaro und kIuiv that Kocs Willi tho hoavywolirht lillf. liv(ucntly has lold fiion-is Hint 1m inU-nd...! lo banK up 1,1s kIovoh , mi)o oj, lfl J(1 , J "I , "!H, ni ,,,,n; U? l"y l'mii. ne ounce of U.Y.L cV-n au. V i i. ' oli !'l"ly used will cover fifteen III., n i , r'iVi,.. . ii i m,,,Iire I,M'L i'nsvent breeding "... ' " ..mi uui n JieoH of top minnows to eat the larvae Tim nio.srjniio tan only be exter minated by desiroyliiK all breeding, drainage all standing water and marshes, and oiling all of the breeding places every two or three weeks following high water. Three limits of kerosene to two partH of! hardest job wub In 11)14 when lie pulled eight women from the Mis souri river after their boat hit a snag and went down. On July 4, 1922, GoIiih van nfu guard at Fairmont Puik Lake. Dining the day 5,000 persona swam In iho big lake. .From U o'clock In the morning until 0 at night (loins was pulling sinking swimmers from TUB CALIFORNIA OKICGOLV POWER COMPANV. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS 1 VV o out s 1 1 million. In hand, of course, Tnnney may deride another will be useful, providing he again defeats Dernp- sey. If he loses, Tummy might be more In a mood to retire than otherwise, perhaps lo lake up the political eareer that lias interested him at limes. Uempsey is more likely to quit me ring, win or Ioho, than Tunney, most observers believe, Dempsey's prima object In re turning to action was to win back (be crown he wore and prized so highly for seven years, lie might have retired last fall had he suc cessfully' defended It ngainst Tun ney. Well fixed financially, I be erstwhile Mnnassa mauler, If vic torious at Hiioago probably would decide he had had enough of the fistic life and retire on his Inurels. If he is as decisively beaten as he wttB lust, your, -there' In small doubt it will be DenrpHey's last fight. Do-, feat would ' leave lit t lo basis on.1 which to erect another comeback! effort. 1 of 4 Pacific Coa FORD St Dealers use and recommend Vecdol Forzol EVERY Ford dealer knows what every Ford owner ought to know the Ford requires a different kind of oil, designed exclusively for Ford use. That is why 75 ?o of all Ford dealers on the Coast use Vecdol Forzol and recommend it to their cus tomers. Vecdol Forzol is the high quality Eastern oil compounded specifically to meet the dual problem of Ford lubrication. Fly correctly lubricating both the motor and the transmission, it gives these eight definite operating economies. Vecdol Forzol: ' 1. liliminiitcs clutter suves b.tnJs x- ' 2. Gives 10 to 25 saving in gasoline ... 3. Gives 10 to 25 ? saving ill oil i. Reduces carbon 10 to 2V Z. , 5. ltcduccs repair hills l' ;' . 6. Kcsists fuel dilution "; 7. Increases ability to coast 8. Kcsists destructive heat nml friction ' Try this oil that 3 out of 4 coast Ford dealers ' use and recommend. Stop today at any orange ! arid black Vecdol Forzol sign. Ask for Vecdol Forzol by mime. Tide Water Oil Sales Corporation, San Fran ' . cisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle. ; DEALERS: Hulk Minn "f Vmlul nmncls is nw av.iilihle i to oivr 1300 imitiittitl (ities ,itni towns on the Pacific Coast. ; ; La quartJ AEEDOL P V TV.- r. f It frt lets than i ernt qu.irt to shift V'trdal .itr.l I 'rtM Tonal tn the Padfic Coast. Xhrn)oubMy'eedolyoup.iyorqultlti)Mo!jnbt.J t NEWS AND VIEWS J t OF WOMEN t SCHOOL 10 DIVORCE FOE' ' lUTON- JlOUaid. Ja. Aim. (. - Louisiana has a new form of "di vorce Insurance!" L . ( Approximately 10,'doO 'Mills,' po tential life-mates of as many "Jacks," are learning the vocal Ion of permanent home-making under the direcllon ot Alius Clydo Mob ley, supervisor of homo economics, They put their theories Into ac tual practice In 81 model cottages, which an? pint of the slate high school pystqiu. The girls work out all tho. pioblenis of home eeo nonilcs. tiviiftig from cooking and sewing (p houso heauliflcalion and landscape, gardening. "The jxv.r. reign has not hurt our work," M isB Mobley says. "Our modern nirls are as Interested In their work ad any reasonable grandmother would wish. Kee thorn nt work ami you have the best possible answer lo the moans of those who bewail the fall of youthful Ideals." WOMEN WIN ALL OFFICES CWOZU.lKt:. Poland, Aug. 4. Xol a single man has been elected to the town council In this year's voting. Tho women swept Into I'Vl'l'V nflh-n Itv nvm-U'lmlmlnu- Ijoriiies. During the recent elections in (talieia women penetrated every town council. In Minulewice (here were two lists, one headed by a local school teacher and u Ukrain ian pastor, the other hy their wives. When the smoke of Ihe election cleared up I be women were all found to be victorious. hy clearing ditches of grasses and weeds, and doing away with Htagnant water. Waters which cannot ho oiled should he treated with a larvicide. A good larvl cide mado from tobacco can be bought. Paris green Is also used as a larvicide in the proportion of one part of Paris green to three parts of hydrated lime, soap stone, or dust. This is blown on the sur face of the breeding place. Bodies of water which can neither be oil ed nor treated with a larvlcido can lie kept free of mosquito larvae hy stocking with lop minnows. Male mosqultos are vegetarians. Pemale mosquitoes ar the biters. The females have developed a taste for blood and Indeed blood has he- come Indispensable for the full de velopment of their eggs. Hemeni bering how ail Important the gen erallve Instinct Is we can well un derstand why Ihe mosquito will re turn again and again to obtain her fill or this llfe-perpetualing fluid. The most, effective means are those which destroy the breeding places of the mo.squito and prevent their multiplication. For the best results both community and Indi vidual efforts are necessary. The individual attacking the problem on his ewn premises can do much not only to rid his own immediate neliliborhood of mosquitoes, hut the example thus set will perhaps stimulate his less enterprising neighbor. Largely reducing the number, of mosquitoes will make life move pleasant, and eliminate the diseases which they may carry. Bobby's Start 'pife-p Kx&'s. ma AH- I Doim--t) MO-hum". OwtY MINE ' BuT I PROMISED. AU - .Vf;' A To bIo'! J GO Ta ' edol WcHUM J TILL TeN AND H6 HIM'PUH GE Thfrs s al fgeS, He's in A "J"-1- A l Kweoi it! He's left his . on The Air noo( (ou&h1 ; TeRn.i8L6 I Cc") J?e ' J &o-0S at home - and ) ls Dies d voice. To- 7 oseaToRt (comh)S I ne'3 jmoKikS owe or Th&sf s 1 ' f gentlemgaj of7 NIGHT'. J V FROM (COUGH ) SOThEf OfiAICTTES THAT "fti- ft fJ' OLD t Ol .D G The Smoothe?- and Better Cigarette . . not a cough in a carload 1927, I'. Urillird Co., lilt. I7U) (N'KA Service, London llureau) Bobby Jones, who nabbed the British golf championship honors for Atlanta for the second time, is shown here driving from the first tee in the tournament at St. An drew's Scotland. Balked Siege OeZO ! NO WASH DAY "BLUES" HERE ltlUMlXCHAM. Mug.. Aug. Much f the dreariness and "blues" of the family washday will be eliminated for housewives by IlinninnhiMirs 'municipal laundiy. largest of lis kind in ihe world, in which a washing which ordinarily requlivs a whole day will consume less than two hours. The cost of washing for a fam ily, of five will be about one shill ing and sixpence, or about -10 nts, including soap and soda. Hiniiiimhnm's laundiy wilt onen in Ihe fall. A housewife will b" ibie to place her soiled clothes fu a power driven machine, then into a hydro-extractor to remove mois ture and finally into a drying closet. Her only work, bi'sidi:; In-hitting her hamper of laundry, will he to pull two levers and turn two laps. Motor driven mangles and electric Irons w ill also be available, as well as special facili ties for eloihhiy likely lo lost color In washing. FAT CLUB ADMITS WOMEN COXSTANTINOPLK. Auk. 4. Smh Is the prom-ess of feminism in the new Turkey lluil women have demanded and pained admis sion to the famous "Knt Men's club" of Slainbmil. Plenty of women have shown willingness to acknowledge a weight of 200 pound;' tho only re quirement for admission -for olns itv siiil ranks hitch as an attribute of oriental bounty, despite Innodue- I Hon of Parisian styles and other ViWtfnAvn.Taafc iniifof phases of Kutupean culture. When 39 marines held off a force The clubs Him, ns stated fu its, of rebels in Nicaragua lately until constitution, is to obtain for- its . rescued hy marine corps bombing 1 menioers uie priMingo or standing planes. Major G. D. Hatfield, here en trolley ear ilntlonns Instead of shown, was in command. The siege having to wedge their weight into was staned at Ocotat, Nicaragua. MANY BUSINESS FARMERS KEEP SET OK FAKM BOOKS "Many farmers, being business men, keep u set of books to deter mine whether Limy are operating at a prolit or a ioss," said Frank ij. Itobiuson, assistant professor of accounting, in an Interview for Oregon newspapers. "It tho business farmer Is oper ating at a loss a properly kept set of records will tell him why he is Josing money. I-Iu will compare the operations of one year with thoso of other years. Thus, If ho keeps ills various enterprises seg regated he will know what is los ing his money and which, enter prises are profitable." A farmer need not lose all he has without knowing it, explained Professor Kobinson. Ho may dis-1 continue unprofitable ventures and add those that are profitable. -'Extensive records are not nec essary," continued Professor Hob- lUriou. "A record ot all cash re ceived, Its source, all cash paid out and what It went for are enough. At the close of each year a statement Is prepared showing a list of assets and liabilities. From thi3 he determines his net worth and how much lie has gained or lost. -'If he should desire lo know the profits or losses ot any particular enterprise he keeps u labor report. If he has livestock a feed record will be used." Farm Reminders Oregon and other north Pacific filberts of the Barcelona type will be marketed as North Pacific lo distinguish them from imported Barcelona nuts. The DuChllly and other long sorts will be sold as Long North Pacific. Complete grades have been established and copies will be mailed on request to L.. J-;. fachuster, secretary-treasurer, of the Western Nut association, O. A. C, Corvullis, Ore. Woodmen of tho World, Camp No. 'Knights of Pythlasi Alpha Lodg 125 Meets In tho Odd Fellows Hall in . Roseburg every first mid third Monday evenings. Vis itins neighbors always welcome. M. M. MILLER, Clerk. no i a v DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Uunrau, Jocol of flee, Hoseburg, Oregon, 24 hour, ending 5 a. m. Kelnttve humitllty 5 p. m. yes. ti'itlay 21 Preclp. In inches and hundredths: Highest temperature yesterday 1)3 Lowest temperature last night 60 Freeijiitatlon last 2 hours .... Total precipitation since first month Normal precipitation for this month 32 Total inecip. from Sept. 1, .19211, to date 35.90 Average preclp. from Sept. 1, 1S77 - 34.10 Total excess from Sept. 1, 1926 1.80 Average precipitation for 49 wot seasons, (September to May. inclusive 31.13 Forecast for Houthwest Oregon: Fair tonight anil Friday, somewhat cooler. ARTHUR w. wan. Meteorologist PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Union Encampment No. 9, I. 6. O. F. Meets fn Odd Fellows Tern pie on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Visiting Patri archs always welcome. C. F. CRAMER, C. P. BEN PALM. H. P. CARL W. OHMAN, Scribe. United Artisans Meets la.K. P. Hall first and third Thursdays Visiting members always wel come. CONSTANCE BLACR, M. A. Mildred Mcculloch, TreaB. BELLE STEPHENSON. See. W. 6. M. L. Meets "in Moose half first and third Fridays at i o'clock. Visitors welcome. . MARION SHAW, S. It. JESSIE CALHOUN, Rec. VIVIAN PHILLIPS, Treas. I. O. O. F., Phlletarian Lodge No, 8 Meets in Odd Fellows Tero pie every. Friday evening. Visit Ing brethern are always wel come. W. J. BURKE, N. G. A. J. OEDDES, Rec. Sec. J. B. BAILEY, Fin. Sec. Pythian 8l8termpquaTtlim"pTe! No. 4. Meets the second . and fourth Monday evenings of eacl month, at the K. of P. hall. Vis ltors always welcome. HAZEL RAST. M. E. C. EVA MARKS. M. of R. C. MAY E. PARKER, M. of F. Job's Daughters Ni s. Moetl first and third Fridays at 7:30 n m. Masonic Temole. Master Ma sons mid O. E. 8. members at ways welcome. ELIZABETH ABRAHAM. Secy. No. 47 MoetB every Wednesdiij In Knights of Pythias ball, 33t Rose street. Visitors always wol come. GEO. R. WARE, C. C. ROY O. YOUNG, M. F, " E. E. WIMDERLY. K. R. S. O, E. S., Roscburo Chapter No. 3- Holds their regular meetljig on the first and third Thursdays v each month. All sojourning broth ers and slstors are respectfully invited to attend. ' MYRTLE BOND, W. M. FREE JOHNSON. Soo. K. O. T. M. Meets eacn second '-ami fourth Thursday of each mouth, in Maccabee "hall,, cor ner Cass and Pine streets. Visit inir Knights always welcome. L. C. GOODMAN, Com. ' G. W. RAPP. R. K. ; Eagles, Roseburg Aerie RieetVTn . Maccabee Hal, on Cass - street on second and fourth Wednes day evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethern in good standing always welcome. .J. B. BAII.EY, Jr., W. Prfs. GEO. STALEY, Jr.. P. W. Pres B. V. GOODMAN. See. Neighbors" of Woodcrart, Lllai Circle No. 49. Meets on first Roseburg Lodge No. 1037 L. O. Q M. Meets first and third Wed. nesdnyB of the month, Moose Hall, 218 N. Jackson street. Clu rooms open 7:30 to 10 p. m. Via. iting brothers we.loome. JOHN E. FLURRY, Diet d H. 0. PARGETER, Sec. JNO. M. THRONE, Treas. W. B. Ab. tw"..Roseturg R view No 11. Holds regular mees lngj on second and fourth Thurs days at 7:30 p. in. Visiting sia ters invited to attend review, Maccabee Hall, Pine and Cast MRS. HELEN HUFFMAN, JESSIE RAPP. Col. Roseburg Rebekah Lodge No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Fel. lows Temple every week on Tue day evening. Visiting member! in good standing are cordially In vited to attend. ELSIE RUSSELL. N. O. GERTRUDE HATFIELD. R. 3 EMMA LENOX. F. S A. F. & A. M.. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Regular communication sea ond and fourth Wednesdays eacl month at Masonic Temple, Hose, burg, Ore. Visitors welcome. F. P. CLEMENS, W. M. W. F. HARRIS. Sea ' ond third Monday evenings, in Laurel Chapter No. 31, R. A. M.-i Meets every third Tuesday ol each month In Masonic Temple, All members requested to attend and visiting companions wel come. W. O. BURT. High Priest W. v. HARRIS, sec. K. of P. Hall. Visiting neighbors invited to attend. IRA TAYLOR. O. N. MARGARET WHITNEY. Clerk. 8. P. O. Elks, Roseourg Lodge No. 326. Holds regular comuiunlca tlon nt the Elks Temple on eacta second and fourth Thursday, each month. All members re- . quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. H. W. BOOTH. E. R. ' DOUGLAS WAITE. Sec. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Evangelist, in Midst of Row, Starts New Plans : lodge directory x DE MOLAY CHAPTER m n'la1 5 it " w" - In the midst of her difficulties with her moth.r i.n .. . . McPherson of Angelu. Temple. Los Anaeles. start. , Z. AV"??-U J'P e. Aimee Semple . a commanicatioi standing In the first of an expected 110 cars or "boats" of the ''Four Sou.r. o.-.i T i. . ' how hei 2nd and 4lh Thursday, These are to serve wrecked souls In Los Angeles as Hd i . t.. ! ,. .. . p5, Ll,e L,ne BriBde.' Masonic Hall. cars of members. ngeies as do the tow cars of automobile clubs the wrecked