1 SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY. AUGUST I, 1927, " JtgKfflttldtidKUUidl Advertisers Give Information Figure It Out For Yourself You wnnt a home of your own everybody does. Vou want to know about the cost or how to finance the building. Perhaps you Vvant to buy the lot, or it may be to inquire about the furnishing of a room. Just ask the advertisers they'll know. The chances are good that if you have been keeping house' in an apartment or a cottage you have paid out enough in rentals since you have been married to have built a good home, and you don't have a thing .in the world to show for it. Just figure it out. ' il : , : ; The Trowel and FIoat 1 COLONIAL BUNGALOW IS MODERN AND CONVENIENT Monday, Aug. 1, 1937. Special Builders Number S A Friend Is ono who knous nil about you. but likes you , Just Mm same. . Corlnln-t e e d HoxiiKoual shingles are certainly Kolng . over with a Ijiiiik. Two more Jobs hist week. One of them was for V. V. llmst at Myr- tie Creek and the other for A. O. Hose on E. Lane Ht. These shingles are tho best bet wo know of Jn the re-roof-" lug lino. Ave would gladly show tltcm to you and tell you why wo are so enthusi astic ovor them. Tho Bathing Girl She sprang from the water with u bounce, Filled with a great disgust, Then she borrowed a intra sol, .. For her bathing suit had bust. The expenso of Good' "paint ' , comes from not using It. Dlngcnos (meeting nil O. A. C. student): Hollo, .rank. : S,wwJiat do you know? ; ' jacu: o, nothing much. Dlngenos blew out his Ian- torn und wont homo to bed. ,' -C, A. Cbnmbeiiln has se cured the contract for tho HI ,.v construction of tho cublns, i service stnt Ion, etc., for the now camp ground north of town. . . . J . t - ; John rtunyun Is remodelmii ' the Hates homo ! at Myrtle Crook this weoK. Morrll Itltlor Is ninklng considerable Improvement-nt the Ttosehurg Undertaking l'nrlors enlarging the chapel by putting ui' uddltlonul building on the lot -west of tho present parlors. This ad dition wilt give hlln ono of tho flneHt undertaking par lors iu Oregon. We're eoIdk over to Har old McKay's soda fountain and try this: "Would you tako our last cent for nn lee cream soda?" "I certainly- would." Whereupon wo drink the soda, and lay down one cent. "Hoy, this . Is only a penny." ' ; ' "Well, you said you'd tako our last cent;; that's It!" a. New Sportsmen's Organiza tion I lanning big Kally for First Saturday, in November. If you wish to tako advan tage of tho summer price sehedulo on coal you should order within tho next fifteen days ns tho tnino prices have ulrondy" advanced: Ask us about tills saving. Olo Oleson came li,lo a Mlnuesota village store one cluy and nslied Hie store keeper: "(lot; any" -squirrel whis key?" 1 , ; - "No." said tho storekeeper, "nut I can slip you 'OKI Crow'." - ' "No," said ,' Olo, "I don't vant to fly: ayo yust vant to yump around a little bit." Paint, roofing and coal nre: the only things we had -space to mention today but wo have a lot of other things -we'd gladly Boll or toll you about. It it's building material or fitel just-ask us ubout ir. A well attended meeting of Ihe South Umpipia Hod and (iuu Club gi was held at the Tiller school house M; Friday evening at which a set of 'by-laws were adopted anil a num- "i-i l mullein 1IIIUI JIHIIiy U1HCUH- Hi Twenty new meinijera were re g;colved Into tho club, uulto a niini- Her ot them from Ihe IJays Creek and Mllo sections. The president announced the appointment of the following standing committees who will guide the activities of the club lor the year: predatory animals, (leorge Norman, Ira I'oole, John Kondcnu, Walter Poole, Warren liHon; membership, Guv Pennell, fimu l,ir.) V I nir.tl.i l.'...l g!! Toole, Vernon I'oole; fish and game, John Gross, Andy Moore, CllltS. Collins, .Inlin fMinnnv Cur. little pS ro" ""r'i roads, Oliver Cook, .luck iiiKHiiiu, jnnu. uiimoi-e, isauore Rondeau,. Peler llluin; I'lnanelul and entertainment, Clay Ulani, Si Frank Hitter, T. M. Taylor, W., C. iMnltli, Amos linker. I After a lively discussion tho first I Saturday In November was decid ed upon for the minimi meeting. I At Hint lline llie club proposes to iunvo ine ono nig rally or the year fej:wlth a venison barbecue, an all day DENN - GERRETSEN CO. YilS Hi 111! V IS DEEPENED Cisco :by -the fllmpqua Creamery company and . makes - ono of the biggest hlinieiils of" its kind - to 1)0 sent from the . city, according to the reports of Karl Stone, man ager. Approximately 20.000 pounds of butter and cheese wan Included In" S picnic and n grajul ball In the eve lilng. Clay Ulnni and Prank Hit s', ter, so the rumor goes, have been qulelly ngHmlng a 'movement for gn ladles auxiliary, presumably so H'the ladles can do most of the work of tho entertainment committee. The first official' club dance lias been announced for Saturday. August III, at the Rondeau hall at Tlllor. RANCHER PLOWS UP SET OF CLAY BOWLS -. r iMmM, 9'il2'-6 lli0"''4;&" ' JH r ' . J -.' LiviHGioon Tjjcrd. I6S16-01 J lUTciu 'iDiimGiic , IO6U06- ;ii T66'-o': , , OLCI J i A H lstTlcsdlPl . Efl M hwlQ4.ll -6. PAYS VISIT TO HOME LARGE ENOUGH FOR SMALL FAMILY AT LOW COST A rour room colonial bungalow I front-view kitchen. The scheme of that can be erected nt a minimum ! having the kitchen iu tho front of of cost i? shown in the accompany-! ,Ule house is Popular witli tho i.ii. n-i.i,.- , , housewife, especially for homes ing sketch. This little residence, ,vhrB ,' ,',,, 'm ,. .,, with its living room, two bed-! by an alcove, for so much limn in rooms, kitchen and dining alcove, .spent In the kitchen that it is con- RUEDSPOItT, lAug. 1 Approxi mately :iii,2(i!l yards ot mind and gravel -have been lilted from the moulh of Ihe Umpqun river and taken farther out to sea bv Ihe opori'tlons of tiiu dredge, jiicl'.lo. ..imk i,i it-pitriH uiaue io ino, nnrl nirirlttl rri,n .i.-.i.. i. .. working . In flue Bhape .and much has been accomplished. . Cuplaln Ilrnwn is of Ihe opinion Hint the good work -will conllnuo nndMint there will be nn oppor tunity lo move the sand and gravel until tho middle of August. At that time, II 1 1 expected Hint (lie funds will ho used up. The Port of Umpqun luiH advanced money lo Ihe government lo Ihe amount used by Ihe dredge In the operations nt Hie mouth of the river. That the channel has been Im proved wan shown during the panl vJoek when the steamer Dun F. llanlon was piloted over Ihe bar during the night. Hhe had on board over a million feet of lum ber lor Ihe Sun Pedro port. Range llgbin were Installed bv the port, which enabled Hie suc cessful passage or Ibe boat. The Inedge Itmpquu has commen ced digging n channel Iu the Unip qua river iu order lo clear some shoals which have funned. The I A nested set of clav bowls was plowed up by JncVc Cowan In his Sin lib river ranch during the past the shipment. Practically all tho i,',i,.n ,nu,.i0 ,.r ., .. months, savs Iho Port. Uiniinua Is-wns produced on Smith river tho llinpqua and the Scliofleld districts. PACKER MAKES RECORD TRIP According to Frank Hitler, dis trict ranger of the South Unipqua district, Packer Andy llarvey re cently made what is considered u very fine record ot difficult peck ing when he, with the assistance of Georgo Harrows, lookout on Abbott. Uulto and Delbort Poolo, fireman nt Summit rnngor stutlou, packed tho mutciiuis' for Itio Ab bott Uulto lookout house rrom Woodruff Meadows In four days. The dtslanco is twelve miles of ascending trail and in some places tho li-uil was covered Willi from four to flvo foot ot siOW. llarvey used n train of nine pack-mules, with Harrows as help er on the trull while Poole pre pared the pucks and did the cook ing. ' To nppreelnto Ihls performnnco ono should know Hint Hie mater ials, lumber and harduai-o, lor a standard lookout house approxl mine msmi pouniltt ( omier. The set was five In mini tier, with each bowl graduated Hi size until the smallest one was about as large as an ordinary pipe bowl. Tlie largest one, which served as u case, was broken by (he plow and was not preserved. The bowls show evidence of having been pressed and later subjected in an intense heat, ai is planned to meet the require ments of modern convenience. Tho rooms nro of fair size and well arranged and Hie house will provide ull Hie comforts of the or dinary -modern ' home of rather small size. Dignity and simplicity, with the abiding charm of colon ial lines and detail, aro distin guishing features of the exterior. Tlie plan provides for the new and increasingly popular idea of a I sldered much belter to use the de sirable space wilh its front view for tills room than for a bedroom only occupied by night. Provision is made for a roof suf ficiently high so that, if desired, one room may be built on the sec ond floor. Plans for this home or for, oth era shown in this department may be secured by wilting the House Dept., care News-Review. some of them have silicia forma tions on the outside. The mater ial used in their fabrication Is evi dently a sandstone From whence came ihese bowls and for what purpose Hiev were used Is not known, but It is sur mhsed that they were left on the ground by Indians, who years ago found tho Cowan farm a favorite camping ground. , The bowls are on dfsplny nt Hie Jewelry store of Ernest Haskell a Do You Want a Real Home ill weight, the r.pei-ntlons will bo below the Win-1 'umber being cut Into sections of Chester Hay mill und extend rrom very uneven lengths and weight. A the Itocdsport .Meat market sbiiigh-1 great deal of Hie lumber Is planed ler house to the powder float- i"" sides and an expert know house lined by Frank Taylor. I ledge of packing Is required to ad just, line ue on such loads so there will bo no sbii'tlng when Hit) mules mart cHnililng. An easy gait of not more than RIITTFR ANnrHFPQC miles per hour was mnlulain- . - .t-i-i-. : en inning the climb, Ihe time lie- tiochoimi T , . J log made up nn Ihe return trip. .I(M-.I)S1 OH Aug. 1 On,, of All material as delivered at the the biggest shipments of cheese i nnk in lm.o.i Kh,,n ,i n,. l. shipped from I train showed no ill effects. REEDSPORT SHIPS FULL CARLOAD OF and butler to he Built your way where you want it. Let us help you to do this ' ' COEN LUMBER. COMPANY EVERYTHING IN BUILDING MATERIAL FLOED AND MILL STREETS VHpNE 121 C. C. Hurst, a well known resi dent of Hoseburg and a former Alaskan gold miner, is visiting bis old haunts in Yukon Territory. An j article in a recont issue of The Unwson News, tells of Mr. Hurst's visit an follows: Still the lure ot old Bonanza1 beckons to sourdoughs of yester day. At least that Is the way it is with C. C. Hurst, erstwhile Bon anza creek miner, who Is back In Dawson after an absence of twenty-three years from the Yukon. In 1893 the venturesome miner hiked for tho Yukon, at tho time when the newly-discovered gold camp was at Its zenith. Like many other business men from the out side, Hurst knew little or nothing about the mining gnme. However, tho gold was there, and that's what he went after. Staking a claim at 45 Bonanza, he dug in like all the rest. Then tho seeth ing mass of humanity that was Dawson during its wildest days. Iu the dance halls and gambling dens everyone talked "gold." The yellow metal became an idol, a weird fantasy, something that one had to dig Into tho ground for and shovel up iu pokefuls. "Ground that did not run at least 50 cents In gold to the pan was considered barren. No good at all." "I heard that remark," states the former sourdough. "Heard.. 11 many times,, and, not knowing,' I. belioved it. My ground was good Ira for 35 cents for every pnn Hint I took out, but I sloughed It. Sold it to a lucky Swede who cleaned up on what I left and then beat it for the outside. "Then a new location 52 Bon- anza.-the Fairbanks stampede, and away again. After prospecting and mining on Dome and Gold stream creeks, in the Fairbanks district, I packed up and hit for tho Iditnrod: eventunllv Hie Knsk- okwlm, back to Iditarod, on to Marshall, Nenana, and finnfly tho outside." ' And now the old-timer is back In the Yukon ngnin. Back nftor hav ing re-established himself in busi ness on tho outside, after his cam paign in the northland. For tho time being his prune ranch nt Rosoburg, Orjgon, has been forgot ten while the early-day miner idles through the Yukon. On tills trip lo the north the optimistic sourdough Is nccoinpan- o Dy nis nepnew. u. H. Hurst, n young geologist, who is connected with the American-Hawaiian Steamship company of San Fran cisco. "My nephew has always longed for a-trip -to the Yukon," nttests the uncle. "He wants to hunt and fish and explore this gold land. Now he's on his summer vaca tion he has got his chance." yesterday the former K omllkor nnd his nephew took a trip as fnr as jacKson guicn. ' "The old' , plnce has certainly i changed," exclaimed the sour dough, "and such a vast change has a depressing effect. However, there is. plenty of gold in this country, and I am sure that things will pick up. At any rate, I'm glad i to be among the northerners again, ' and before we leave my nephew and I are going to visit the old claim and see if wo can locate a few colors even at this stnge of the game." - ' MAKE THAT HOME DREAM COME TRUE Perhaps you have hesitated about trying to own that home you and your wife want because of properly financ . ing the enterprise, and so you keep on paying rent. All you have to show for such a policy is rent receipts. By adopting our plan you will be enabled to get the home "of your dreams. We are ready to explain the .mat ter to you at any time why waitl longer? Douglas Building & Association Roseburg, Oregon 147 Jackson St. Loan Phone 245 When It's a Home You Want SEE McLendon Realty Company Corner Oak and Main REAL ESTATE LOANS, INSURANCE Here From Eugene Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Strickland of Kugene are here visiting with Hie kilter's mother, Mrs. It. M. l.ove, mid villi friends for a few days. They formerly mnde their home In this city. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases Get one of these for your vacation trip and make your traveling easy. We have these to suit your needs. Leather, fiber and matting. McKean, Darby & Baldwin Complete Housefurnishcrs. CORDON and BISHOP 1 SELL PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES STAINS WALLPAPER GLASS, ETC. and furnish estimates on quantity , 314 Cs Phone 643 ROY WILSON WITH MARINE FORCE SENT TO CHINA SAN DIROO, Calif., Aug. 1. Some of the Interesting events now occurlng in China are likely to be witnessed by Itoy I Wilson, of Iteston, near Hoseburg, Ore., who wns one of the latest men to leave this western base for ser vice with tho expeditionary force of U. S. murines at Shunghal. lie was with a detachment of marines who embarked on the S. S. President Pierce, with Shang hai ns their destination. Due to the rnpld shifting of troops, how ever, the local marine may event ually go to Tientsin or some other point In China, where the marines are guarding American lives nnd Interests. j Three or tour tliousnnd V. S. j mnrines have been ordered to China since last February, nnd i from time to Hmo small delach-1 ments are likely to be ordered , there, remnlnlm' fnr nn flmii.rlnlia : period. ; Roy is 21 years old and wns born In Iteston. He lived at the home of his mother. Mrs. M. Wil son, in liestou, before he joined the marine corps nt Portland. In ! November, 192-1. For a while he was stationed with the marines aboard the V. S. S. West Virginia, later being assigned to duty nt '. Snn Dlego. When men were select- i ed for service abroad. Rnv was one i PLUMBING AND HEATING OUR SPECIALTY Let us Modernize Your Kitchen WM. SCOTT 116 W. Oak DIRECTORS W. F. Harris, Pres. A. G. Sutherland, H. O. Paroeter Henry Harlh Vlce-Pr.. cX..." ...!' Vice-Pres. Joseph Micelll Sec'y-Treasurer. Douglas Abstract Co. Incorporated CAPITAL $25,000.00 Abstracts, Blue Prints, Farm Loans, City Loans, Title Insurance. E. N. Ewart, Pres. M. E. Rltter, Appraiser Carl E. Wimberly, Attorney DIRECTORS S. W. Bates, Vice-Pres. Guy Cordon, Appraiser Henry Harm V. J. Micelll, Treasurer H. O. Pargeter, Secretary W. F. Harris, Appraiser G. V. Wimberly Umpqua Savings and Loan Association ORGANIZED 1917 Under State Supervision Earning for years 1925 and 1926 9. Earnings 1927 R" F ' .nve.tig.te our month.y saving plan. An 0 may a f dollar. IV n m 5 It M - I if. r. - - if j of the marines chosen. j