ROSRBURG NEWS-REVIEW. MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1927. TWO Ml ! ' , 100 lbs. $2.59 i roLlei) I BARLEY - 70 lbs. : .; j , ( ; . : -, t ( . -t MORE FEED FOR LESS MONEY: . ; DOUGLAS COUNTY ilOUR MILL Roseburg and : II III I ' May Coach at Simmons Frank Ill'ldges. ,1,JI71' couch. Is expected ' o ' llaylnr iiaeh at. I Simmons college next year. fVlaklnfl Race' Tou'(h' '' ' ! -New lOrle'anS .Is) lllia(tinii;ri lu lli.suine. leailershlii ot the Soul hern leaguo VI1IH1 'has' b'liii' Ih'lil ' lor several .weeks by Die Illriiin(!liani Barons, -nun. . ' ' ' "Pie" Most Popular ritlsbW'Klir iaiin ibiult' - Traynor ,1:1 .cjiny, llm mimi. pojm lar player itrtliat icnito. I i HI J ' . :vt noiiuj iui uitiu; wuu , , Eric Laiiihnrt,'. fito'TiiH rcs-rve center fu'- t;i(luiibUi- laat. ycHi',,4, expected' tii play ' tliut "p'oMltlini' regularly this fall. - Kiepjng; JucJ".in Baco , 'The .hoiivA JiillUig ,(i" Paul i Waner. llarria and Haruhnrt are thc nmhi lactoiH keeping VU- A roi'i'slptl. 4u piys lllil-t)vemen.l fn the ritjiuH'ilil 'Oiiilllioii of fin-morn Is shown by vthi iifiniinl survey of farm rStiiiiini cu- 1H2H released today by 8ll' Hi-liurljni't'n of ' 'tiff cultitrt'. Ifepiiils; from 1:1, 15 I'arni ors In all iiai'ts lif jhc iviunliT show tin average hn't Teturn or xi.l:lfl. Tlie farm liet return of $,j:t: ini-i FfiMRSREPORT 101(1 ITL;r fou ypji 'j jjijj 111211 cnmpareiOwhii $1.2H7 for 1,5,-1 caro of .debts; and nmile Improve-! :i:lll I'artus lift lB2: 1.Sii5 lor tr..- meiilK. ' . ' .' i 1 ; I 111:1 tanus In 19:'4f.'SJ.iisn' for, jii.-l The runners repnrti'd (in Inerease 1J larnis ln:i!i:.'l' end ! 1 7 (or I of, .!r,s tu Inventorj .values, which li.olM 111 1 111 h In Keceipls aver-1 figure ndded- to Ihe .rush balance 01' uued lower, '-v,etses .alioul - the ! ItiTf, made a- fin-Hi' Siot return or i same and cash lialiiiic.ev lotver ill Sl.l::!l'. Dili of !lhk,i (imoilnt S21',j 1H2II Ihan In l!)2li lit w-lili-li year was -pndl, as luifirosl .0(1 liiilelilsd tliese items averaged:. blclior'' limn 1 ness.- tifid S 1 2's'. wuA . spent; lor I111-' in ihe preceding I'Jireo youri. ' J The average Khv,'t,v farms reporting for l!i2fTwiid Mo ucreR.i w hh an average, ' hiresthienf,4' dr .' 5HI. :tos. Avernge':.,'gi;oss 1 r,'velptsi Mere $2,1 s. consisting 01 ?li2i from'1 crojis sales, .vsiir, li-om kali's ot lIve.Kuk. sr.Sil from fules of live stock tn-oduels. ulur$r,J l.tom mls ecllaueou "salt u. ?r-Avorsge currfnf i-nsli expenses The rtticstion of titc ij repairs is' somctliinv; like; the 'question ol g 1 love it can cause a person either dt-cp cJ in- j may or gumune joy. Llimmate - tire w S) ment by seeing George, I the Tire Mn. Depend- able vulcanizing ser I vice. Highway Service Co. Douglas nnd Jackson I IS 2J I $1.60 Myrtle, Creeli i S I S . i ' iii IP i REALM OF i , i j biirch In the JiiefinliLt race. Can Really Take It A fighter named ,Veeul SWi' hey was knocked down :i:t time n- . leii-ljoiiiMl 1 bout, in Cenrgli.bul W ilt HUH tilillMIIIIK III " i'" lKllt. 1 f ) . , 1 ' r Finally Drops .Lead Aflel'lioldinM tbe Kwal !eiiderhip in- ,llm llnUtitillonal, 1ciiih ulacf' the start or. the reason, Anily Column ,' lIun'iiuYil.flHileii, Iuih djeen forced ilown in the batting aver- n ti 'This 'is 'MacVs1 Veri ' V!tiiinie : Mdckldxpliflits the. heavy hilHufi of today, .by saving tho hitters- llaVe oiil'vl-own1 Mhb 'ball Plans For Grid Tests I mm who manages lite ! Ctulon llulidogs, is sal.l lo be I pliitlnliiK for nevt veins mill se.l- ' K son already. t'liyrli-hl. Iil27, NHA Service. Inc. i:i;i) ill l:i:ll Inlaleil SI .47. (onsisllng of UM XOi hired labor. S2I2 for live- sltick hnifkhf, 2"2 for feed bought, ST:i.tor reminder. SIS lor s I, Sis:', for' faxes. "Sl.'tll for machltn'ry and looUi; and for inlscellaneoiis 1 :) llvcojlllii li'i i'ai'll expenses av orawd .SH7ji, In' aildllloii to which these fiiruUM'Si used home-grown food ,-,Urft'(iu:H' Valln d at an aver ngi';oi SiifS,,'; .'I'hii vuluo of fuel and house "rent was hot. roporlod. On the 'oilir hniid.'-npVullow'unco has been miide'il.l Ihe elOH'ilse Items lor the labor of thu IViriner and his lanilly Whliilj; wus I'Stlniated by Ihe fanners .at Jill ' average value of i'i.f , ;l t v i TliHicilMt lmlaneo orSOTr, repres- lenled all the cash the Average laiin j ma:Ie tiviutiiliuvlo me o.wner-opera- lor to Tim hls'Jiving expenses, takel 1 .. T ,E. lml.. Antr. 1 was begun today An linestttaiioii to Ihe dentil! In- vesterday of Men ( tenant I, come I Myers. II.'i. former I pilot in an iirniy overseas bombing ! the Portland fhauilHir , of (. oui-: pienge necsu.-e u w.inis 10 uu oui jheen the legal successor to estates 'squadron during tin' World war. i men e. ' : prunes at less than II costs to piOiln, 0nien do not sncoced to pro- aild two voillhlul passengers who! Maris . director or extension of I dime Ihelll. Iperty. weie killed when Myers' eonitiier- 1 1 li-egon Agricullmnl college. j "Groviers. yiiii will he olfered j - The government has under con- clal plane crashed. Fvuus llnvls. ! llecause ot the marketing plan-, the pi'lees of 'J ct tits, a cents or 4 sldenition a law which will permit 17. son ol a local banker, and Paul entrusted by Ihe committee of l'" rents, possibly . .and possibly very all the sons of a man to succeed Wise. ;i, Indiana unliersily stll- to a stiliroinmitlee ol nine has mm It less, oi w hatever the packers to estates In fixed ratio. The stif ilents, were the two passengers. gone to pieces lor this year, tin, choose lo pay, if they wilt pay at (frage league has petitioned for an Myeis had Just floun llle plane. 1 loss 111 mark, 'lug the prunes of tin all. 'amendment of the law which will a new one, Iroin Kansas City. After inking oil l.irvtem:ers Middeiil altitude ot yesienlsy with his two Myers' ship was seen , swerve npwnrd at an :!tui feet and then go in- In ii m;e die. The piano tell sivty van In liom the hunnr and burst bun fUnnes. The llnve were liilled in-dandy. , o ' Mf4MM 4 CHURCH NEWS The eeiir,T M-n'iir wjis el! I I:im nli-lit at the mbl" ' I Ti inpl. , hen the U.ii- lotto tH'iu the Out and tul club , it nilere.l twn iuo-t beitu'ilul mes- shkcs in 'ntu:, Tlie sin Kin t; w .h ' WOlldel ( nliv ipprei iated by Hie ' f cticrepttiim and ihe vonnnenl or, every one h lip-j was that, "Ob vc; want thtni lo ln tor ncaln'": There weie ttventv hi .aiiendMne" - of 1 ho club no-min i and ttv ehuridieH of our citv .-.liouiil br ev credlnly proud o! smh n tme hmhip' of chi'iMtian voiiuK p-vpR Wo 1 turn lv bid them tiod's speed ;m ! ii.t- '.....,i.i ..iMilii (mm time to 1 imp ' I ami can v tho Hkwium ( ood chocf an.l'tt smile HH!fK U'"1 p;tth- VVV. 1- If Hk."im' ; Fireman Is Second Service Protection Organization rrr Hre Fighter's work of greatest resources Conditions vastly different frohl those i j ' faced by members of oily fire departments. ' , ) ' Tim second link, mill il very liu-itlon quickly, hiking Into consider portwil one' i '; 'it H'1' c-lti. Ill of i ill lull lh liilllilliiuuliilily of the nm Clcteilse thrown around I lie nation-1 li'i lal on lil sides, lliu slope of 111" al Ton-Ms Sor Dnuiilus1 county, it Kuporvlsnr Nc:iIV rln ormiio 'I'.lioli , at.. all limes, -me nuiiiiul ii-bronM In ihe tirenuin. Ati thin lookout in j K.IU li ' lis swjinips, creek, gljoeil ' (h-"vt 'in , the .Hiu siiud !;p;thc) timber, 'iite..,, und p'hiil life oum, 1 Hri'luim iiniy be. considered , Hm pa lull accordingly, strong right nun, really to in-1 Anil uller Ills jilun Is Hindu lie I Bluntly enrrv mil (lie righting' or- must liiivn Mho persistence, mid I dors i(f I lie district runner ur the . sllcKtnltlvcness, lo right as Ioiik Central dispatcher, jus I'o can slulld. l'ersisteitl and As in Hie rase of city Hi ' Ul-1 dotorniitifld fighting at lli . Hint prossioti work, the vital factor is lias suved thousands of litres of the time il taken lliu fire fitslili'rk I valuable timber. The fireman to eei in tho bli.zu 1; , re-i who v.'lll build irem li ufier trench, ported. Ilul very unlike city en;:- who will retreat only when forced . dltlnus lire those under whli 11 lliejto and llieli Willi his lace lu the ; forest protection rorces work. In- jtlre, is Hie one who holds lliu en ' Mead or whirling over paved I viable record and Hie one the tireels In a speeding automobile. ! Forest. Kei vice . Is anxious to not. tor 'which the way Is quickly clear- Ml, Hie forest tireiuaii musf. cope j wiih. Jivik iliHiiinctm, -iivt r hiKh rlilRtw-' mid i-anyoiis, on foui nii'i usually ulom( wiili a Ilii I" -If Itounil pack nil IiIh bark, u hnvl hoi In unn IkuhI and an nx; in iln oiJiOr ami with Bt'ldoin cvt'ii a lU-m ti jiil lt l(iHw. ' ; :S;i-utitf basic iiim'l)lcsiari? iIk Si4no in bntli caMi'H. of cpuio. but tin-- comlitioiiH imiicr wli'lfh ihi-y ttofl; rtrn vry ilil'UMiMit.' Tlu' idhbI prnllci'iU ciiy fin man, jwulri urob ably'ho cnthi'ly lost It ilncud in pdsillou of tin loiosi xiln-nian without incvhius trninlftt;.'- 'flu first factor in (lit standard nf (lualiliratittns (IcniaiitliXl lor cti- i try into th- ranks of'lh foiftst llrinien on (be t'lui'na National Forest is tlml Hie aiplic:int rbc u oom1 v(todiin n, abb to- find bis way uni'iriimly throufib : wild jL-ounlry. IIIk diicctioiiH o()n Him ! jilyi jiivo him tin lot-ation i.f tb t fii by h'Kii fiubdlvision and li i exported to so tnt'ie by ine numi ilirccl iind tlm quickest roiilv A U .,, wmk 1H : WOl'.SC! than dne I ess uiflfss he Iiuh uii In- herent fcioully of oncr.lMu j in any kjii.d of country l:im:-c!l' at any , I line. Etimujd ne ueiiiii- lout il J ire to perform Tls duty 1 fireman ; by slopping tlu? fire small, ho becomes, A bunlen;iiiilli rest of tlie oinaiiiaunoli j Vx 'inan Iiik it necessary lo httvo-'q :arcli liaitv sent out for him nuallme when the entire lurco niily . be very busy. The siliirellU" imiiortunce of (let ting on the fire while 11 Is small makes It very essential thai til" fireman be a strong, mimi irnvei let u ui; .. "-;""V, " good ''V Y"yUll , ' .,f lloins o,-i heavy pack and then work at top! spoilt for. hours more, limiting iu truuK'k xirmlidr Hvfin't I I . ' I I Ills senses of sight anil snu'll must be wyll-di'velopfd. Fires are enatlcand, viM.y-oneii h ii',( ooiw.i necessary fu use belli seniles iji locate the smouldering bltize. lli' 11111st be able to, see I no sliguu'iu floitthlK' -wisp, (if .dl'Illtegllllllli! smoke and in ninny Ins-Taurus sniall lires hav bei'li located by a laini. odor of burning. lie iiiust Idive fi lec'linrcnl-linovtU edu'd of file llghllm,' and' (l Is well that ho have a pracUcul back ground of actuii) experience It I:-. exiremnh'. essential Uir Ihni il')re- ,11:111. who Is the first man on th lire, and houlil kiuiw just how. where when td strike. Ihe blaze, .v: liuudrefi yards ot'good ireiu'ii a- first mall I mile o.' I the light point by Ihe them may be worth 1 trench' t half a' day later,. :He 1 must be able to size up llle Hllua- Woman Joins Prune Market Plea Necessity of immediate aclion uri;ed upon inert growers of Oregon and WnshinRton Public sentiment must be put behind growers in demnnd for fair 1 Prices rMeeting in Koseburu; soon. PtHiTI.ANlV' 'Or., 3iilyv 39 'i,h an appeal like a Joan or An of- tlni. Vrniie . Drr.hardts ot OroKon und Washlimton'. Mrs. Ktfie Ainett of the l.nieland ranch at Itallston has joined .the finhl -to save tin $:!,nini.uiHi pnmo crop of the two btaies. While 11. H. Mvipp i nrranKins fov niohiliiiti(n of lmsinen inflti eine . uwilut the JiniU'iidius disas ter and l'aul V. Maris Is h?adiim ihe defense of the aKitculturisis. Mrs. Ai ni-11 anneared with a de - nuttul thai what she calls tho ; : tier cent, of inert prune growers shall do something ui their own beluilt. Kipi Is maiivotiiig manager nf ! Willamette valley ami sow tin -.-i- em Washington llileaiens in ue in, nun or mote. This loss, fol lowluc an equally disastrous ex perience of a year agH may 1'iiug the growers, according to Man. lo a point where they win nae nt ! ehtieu but to dig up their t i 'HJroweis who are tndiiteieut .ue iit.iuiiiu not only thmisrhes ! ltl,,sr vv,in an' trbiu- i ;enale heller conditions." said Mrs. Ainett "l.-c there ono sin tie tcuse for our not uiTtinc busy -every prow-' ef in Orecon and make tho most dt'pClilte lUht tt our lives to ov-jranir-c H!l pet cent rkht now? . "While ( is late, there H yet titne. . c.nod w orkahlo plan is ready. M wilt not cost us Jiimufin. Ihe b-"-: we lace, or ev u a small pait M ii-. to rosrtie ourselves, but m wilt turn the ln? into pain if w o do something. "This $(;mt.tmu loss, or more that slat account us in the fare is ail on of :i California prunO packer who broke hts tru! for tbe sob puiposo nf 'deieafiu'ir our vv t:nniiii ion. lie n-ed not bavo oooi ed Pi ices as ho did bail he ; wished tn play fair, without iirsi '1aktn tho quo.Hoti ' vitidor merit wn u top - oimuun?. Link in Forest j fu'nb'et importance in savinR timber iKrnuml. in iiirecuuo (il inc. winds In Oils ii foot rlreniail Is allowed only ten minutes' after his call CfHiH'K iii which to Katber htr eqnipnioijt towUlu'i and K't nwny,. A (Ireiiian with ouo horse is a; hnwii fllteen minuh'3 und oupwiili two horses, 'thirty minutoH. There foio rcai Hi reus is laid upon lmv liiK all- tools and fj ui pmtiit in Kood shape and in I heir ( proper place nt ull titiH'B d u rln' thi flro ueason. Tho fireman carrl'.'H wlih him to every fire a knapsack containing a comiiaKH, map. notebook and pen cil, folding lantern, h two-ni.ab ui!hh outfit and prepared rations' tuy one man three days." ; rum enuipmcni is-kept In. tlie knapsack und the knapsack strapped ready Ui rwI:ik to bin b;pk. In addition to. this ho curries a and an axe wiih whicii to do I lie fi;;litiilK. Kxperience has luiiht ilml tlie best time to Tiplit uny foretil fire is in (lie early , morning and all Ifi't-inen "-it re i inutriicted to go far -an: poshUiIo ibo lireu day nii'hi in iirik'rilo be I here to h!t tbe fire at its lowest ebb which Is about (layliuht.. At. that time tin moiHimo con lent -of ; 'ilia . atmos phere, it; greatest iiiid tlie '.fire is burning' slovly. i-or Uh luason foldliiK lantern for nik'lit' travel.! Anv flii'ils liable lo lie, aiidt'ln and lids; 1ft partlciilailM i (in! id i'i""n ami rigni. lighmiim ifiros. The Inill, irliuy1 1 llecause women in Industry lack strlkii ! reen tree and, ilih. 'do-1 permanency, und' girls continually llectedi ttilo litter or log's. whore it lleava their Jobs for-marriage, airs, will Uifioulilor. fur sevefal days bf-1 Smith polnis out, it is lniposslble fore- blossonriiiK Into a blaze. Now .r them to organize us success and then il will send out smoke i".--' as men. and soon after die down. Thuse n. Smith found herself widow are the most difficult fires lo lo- ed, and with n small son to sun cale and niuny liuies lax the on- juirt, more than a decade ago. K" " 'P "t ,m ,"," ...,.,....,.. .... . TH U rJJ I ',... r ,l n,,.., h- - the South I'tnpquu district jug inc. electric stor.ju o insi.nii:,- .ine was ainioinleii, a member ol Inrday. 1 ,A mtioke was. reported',tlie ' stale t .ederatlon's executive ; near Windy Camp by tho lookouts I coiniiiltleo after her organization Sunday tuoi lilug anil later was Inst, ahsikiuuv iiuiitfuri jimuui, .rsi-n unwilling to chance wullllig Jot-if to show up again, started on a still hunt for II.,, Allliouvli lie, cam- fully, wyiit.iver the, trails and unto Ihe poiuls'ifverlook-iiig the country in which I lie lire was reported he :ould see no Indications of a fire As n last resort lie;clriled to lilt", wliuiwa'rd of all Ihe ilriiws In tin! vicinity and wus Dually rewarded wih a slight whir of burning III) )ly .carefully following .- lit,) sent for a mile or more he locnt- id tlie fire and extinguished it by .carrying-water 1 10111 a week sour uislance away. t'areful. consclenl Ions work of this . kind is highly commendable timbcr , in saving a great deal for the people each year which was still acting and whim included all Oregon packers. He hul pledged binisHf. this Caliloinia pa Hi or, as well us all of ihe Ore gon .packers, to cooperate in Unq with tho plan we all had ndopled.4 Pleads For Loyalty "Are we to quit and ait like n bunch of sheep lid Jo slaughter I it the California company does not consider us pieugf 01 uny vaiue. ' t hen it lias iiothiim to lose ana 1 eveiylhini: to pnin. That concern has no right to take SGon.Unil uw;iyl. g,-Unte:l to women in Ihe near from, us es lis gain and our In: I bees use or taiuire lo Keep a com- pact. That concern quoted prices pivnuilmvly in violaluin ol Ihe -'(itir cause is a rignt aim a ju.:i one. Irf't us he loyal, l.el us neini $tiOt.etMl. it it has Id be done, light ing for our lights and our liberty, ll iil be in circulation at home 1Hml do us that much goon at any rale. , Hill 11 wo can it :tuu mauo It available ttt individual p row en , ii will mean wr can pay Komethin ; tow aid our moi maues, some! bin c towatd our homes and stay on our ! larms another year. ; Meeting Is Called The first meeting of a campaign i lo waken public seiiiiment in tie-' Wwav of the prune iudushy will '! held in KoxcburK tuxl wotk. Kipp announced today. Within ix weeks, if the .- : Ouo piune industry is to bo sniod r ... I ...... tmi (ii,.) .,..1. lie seiiiiment In' prune .'.wj,,,. , c.iniinuiiltles must get Ivu k of ihe1 growers In their appeal tor a pri.'e that represents Ml least the cost 'of production, ttd Kipp. This statement of fact, he -olded, l not for the purpose ol fi iciiteti- w tek-'iid. im; tho iiroweis so th'at they w i' 1 f . reiuso lo pick the prunes, but to , won if lp 1ih to forego his pm (letnonsititto Ibo not tssiiy of or duction cost, it would mean less KmiiMion and action. I lo. to harvest than to let the "If a srowor is able to st h!VfUne drop on the crouutf. hrtivestliii cost, ov a little more. 'i'taiued the marketing exrort. Ay Vonder Ef She Have Eiuurance S -. I'ullr r named Bwane fal das story Itii editor dls kufumn. ..Hay hear Jouoltt f.illnr talkiiiK on train built nmlly affair. i I "Hello, Ole!, How yu ban?" "I'urly glide. I ban got married." "Hat's gude." "Not so gude. my vife she have nine shlldren. Uut's bud." Not bad- Hue have million dollar lu.' i ' imt' gqde., ' - 'Not bo gude. She won't upend It." Itafa bad." Not so bad. My vife she's got. a fine house, I don't pay no rent." 'IJal a KUde."- Xol so gude. Tbe houe Hhe burn down yesterday." "Dat s had. . "Not so bail. My vife she bane burned up en fire." "Hat's BUde." "Yes, dnt's sude." Main tuifg ay fiRer es tu have plenty all kind ensuranoe en kuae lak dat. Quine & Company . Masonic Bldg. t Phone 108 NEWS AND VIEWS I Ur WOMEN ' J v i SAYS VOTE OF NO BENEFIT JKHSKV CITY, X. J., Aug. 1 Woman suffrage, says Mrs. Nellie T. Siiiftll. labor leader, has been, of no assistance ,in geitlng woman "siiuare deul"' In industry. .Mrs. Smith has the distinction of being one .-of the lew women in tlie country to serve on an. execu coiumiiiee of a stale federa tion of labor. "Laborgct jut as much before, as ll 'does now," she avers. "11 Is tho justice of our cause ruther thati'Oiir ballots that count. Labor v,,,s becamio Us objectives are un- !,.'? Z i"", rj" ,,!,JI ........ ............... ...v.....; n.. .. follow-ladmllied to the New Jersey bar. jar the New Jersey school teacher's union. t - - r ; TRIES REJUVENATION : HUIMi'KST, Auk. 1 At the age of titt Countess Kinsley, known on the stage 25 years ago as ilka Pal-, may, in going Lo try to "come back" toiiowing a reported operation by the famous Dr. VoronotT. She jlay Pd. in the L'nJted Htutea a quarter of a century ago, iutie Ihe war the Countess has Jecu ' making a living by con due t ing, w- mnall tobacco Khop in Uuda pet. PHOTO STUDY IN SCHOOLS ' VIJtGl.VIA.vMiun., Aug 1 A high Hcho'oi course in photography, orig inated eight years ago as an ex- ;I'Pi'nifn.t of .Miss Gertrude Mann, has proreu so suocessful that near- ly 100 pupils annually take the I work. ; Virginia vocational high school Is the only public school in the country wlu-re such u subject is taught, asserts Miss Mann. i The aim of the department is to , train children lor bu.-inens and to give a means for 'art expression to llhoso so griffed i "Here in. ihe iron range mining country, with Its large foreign population, photography in Mho (class room has a special appeal The' camera picture often travels lo relatives over the s ea s , ca r ry lug stories that could not be told in n letter. Miss Mann has won medals for hT photographic work exhibited at Vienna. Hudapest and Turin. . JAP WOMEN ASKS RIGHTS TOKYO, Aug. 1 The Women's Suffrage League of Japan, while not expecting that the ballot will riiture. is waging a campaign Tor u, ir equal recognition under tlie laws ol the Kmpire. Heretofore the eldest son has permit daughters lo succeed to es- Mates the same as sons. TO SWIM 15 M1KKS AT 67...... SANTA -MONICA, Cal.. AiiR. 1 Mrs. Anna K. Van Skike, 6fi. who ;to,,k up dw linming lit years ago ami Imarathonej her wav trom sickness ... he.iltli. believe she ift itist roaching her prime as a swimmer. To prove sho has decided toj celebrate h dav A tit list sixty-sevemh birth with a 25-in lie foh 1 jnunt. I r-jverv year lor i jours .iirs. i Vim Skiko has paddled aw ay tho i nit lest ones. Stuart iui; with a mile Mvim In 1!H7, sho has increased tho tit si mice on each birthday nnni j orsarv until iast year sho mado ,10 miles. This year she will swim from Venice beach to Point thine. Back From Salem irB lyn rettirnnl to this this moruinu from Salem where ho i visited with frioiuls over ihe ex. DIE, TWO DIG, OF: (AuortslJ t'ivw lulled Wire) MeAI.KSTKH, Okla., Aug. 1 After stuping a party with a smult can. of wood alcohol, within the wails of the Oklahoma state peni tentiary, three convicts were dead here today, two others were be lieved to be 1u a dying condition und seven more were seriously 111 at the prison hospital. All tbe participants or the party who survive will be blinded us a result of drinking poison, It was said by Ur. J. W. Echls, prison physician. 1 itonert uarnett, J. v. Williams and Joe Wilson are the -convicts who are dead. Harnett was serving a 35-yeur highway robbery sen tence and tbe other two men were under short sentences. Dr. J. Q. Newell, warden, said that none of the men would give any information as to where they obtained the wood alchohol. How ever, be expressed the belief that they got it while working In the paint shop Sunday afternoon. (AhSfK-lutod l'rcgi 1-pasiii Win) ' MEXICO CITY, July 31. For or. year today. Mexico has been without priestly ceremonial in any Catholic church, as a result of the .ivemi'ieiit's religious res'-iint-cn.-. Piolinbly no other country over whelmingly Catholic has ever known a twelve mouths w herein no priest of thac faith has officiated in any of its churches. - The Mexican Episcopate ordered ,its priests to withdraw from tbeir churches and , to cease services therein, concurrently with the tak ing effect ot the religious regular lions, us a protest against them. Until that time Catholic service by priests in its churches had never in Mexico been stilled for a day since the, Spanish Conquistadores brought' the cross to the western world four centuries ago and piant 'ed it In the ruins of the Aztec .Em pire which they overthrew. During this year of deadlock be-, tween the' government and church. so-called Catholic revolution has been suppressed by the'federal au thorities: the foremost Archbish ops and Bishops of the Catholic church have been expelled from Mexico and are exiles in the Unit ed Statts,Hiio3tly'"invSan Antonio, Tex., 'and maiiy -Catholic' laymen have been .'arrested on charges by the' government that they, plotted revolution. With the exception of the great, historic Mexico City Cathedral, other places of worship' have con tinued 'open. The Cathedral has been closed a year. Churches are in charge of citizens' committees. Worshippers enter them at will. Services are -conducted by the laity, both men and woman, Inso far as it is possible for them to replace piiests. Religious services are secretly performed 1n private residences, although priests aud participants are' subject to arrest. GONZAGA ATHLETE . DIES UNDER AUTO (Aiwoclutfd l'rcs !.eacd Wtrf) LA GRANDK, Ore., Aug. 1. Joint .MacKenzie.22, college ath lote, of Spokane," was killed six miles Avest of here on the old Ore gon Trail highway late Saturday night. He was found dead beneath his overturned truck. First reports that lie had fallen asleep at the wheel were scouted by friends, who declared he may have been blind - ed by lights from an approaching ear. MarKenzie was half back on the Gonzaga college football team and was working tor the Joslin McAl lister Construction company uur- lnR nis VRClUiim. He was nlso basketball player and member of the track team. He was euroute to La Grande from Portland. ASHLAND WINS IN 10TH GRANTS JSS, Aug. 1. Ash laud P,oas yesterday trounced Orants Pass by a score of 7 to 2. The game went into llle tenth in ning tied at 2 and 2. With one hit. two passes and five errors, Ash land ran in five scores. Grams Pass scored tlie tying run in the eighth inning and went into the lead In that Inning, the visitors ty ing again in the ninth. Score: R. H. K. Boas '. 7 10 1 Grants Pass 2 4 11 Batteres: Davis and Forced Shar rock and Warren. J FLASHES OF LIFE J ft ! Ily The Associated Tress.) ST. LOt'IS. The lone eaiilo has a now ratine. A Choctaw Indian of Oklahoma oflors Llndbernh tho name Tohhionssl Chitoaka. (Great est Yhl4 Kaclo) and added the hope that the colonel will soon! "build nest in high troe with lota of little eaples.' WATKRVIULK. Maine Any ri(ylope -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hachy' nciu tor a tami;y iootoati loam waa set. back by the eleventh visit J of 1U stork unloft the new daughter develops into a good end or tackle. A V A LOS'. Santa 'atiilinn I!nd M:uiy au aspiring flsheimnn will take u,- itolt when be le13 t.. This Week We Are Offering ' ' BARGAINS IN Auto Tents and Camp Cots - Get our prices before you buy. ZIGLER CRAVEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE 25 Prune Men Need Not Lose $600,000 Profitable Market Still Possible If Dominance of California Interests Are Shaken Off; Aggressive Combination of 4,000 Growers In Oregon and Washington Needed to Stabilize Prices. (OreRon Journal) beat their present price menace. ; They need not lose WU0.0U0 of a ?3.(IU0,U0I) crop. They can turn a prospective loss into a gain. , The failure of a recent market ing plan did not destroy the mar ket. The prune grown In Oregon and Southwestern Washington are the tart-sweet prunes. The crop uf these prunes this year will be OO.UUU.OOO pounds. .. Tart-sweet prunes do not con- fllct, and do not seriously cum pete J with 2tl0.0U0.000 pounds of 1'etlle, or sweet, pruneB grown ill Califor- n in. Often the two kinds are sold to gether, so that the merchant who buys may have a variety. The fla vor of the tart-sweet prunes does not pall upon the palate. ; The trouble Is that lethargy, lack of organization or some other cause has permitted California agencies to dominate the market ing of Oregon prunes. Oregon's product has often gone to the mar ket branded as California's prod uct, i Americans n nnnnd nnil n half of prunes per average person each year. The average European eats' three pounds, The Oregon- Southwestern " Washington prune crop would hot satisfy more than one-third the modest American ap- petite. The great European en- joyment. of what becomes In -the Oregon prune a delicious, rich and satisfying fruit creates a greater market. Honce there is' no need to let Calilornia dominate. There is no. need to let Oregon prunes go un der a California brand or" tinder a California sponsorship. A brief- review shows that nine prominent ' marketing agencies op erato in this field. Only : two ot It. C. Gray, brother of Zane Grey', novelist, has hung a new record here with a fish weighing. 58SJ pounds. It wus a broadblll sword fish, topping the best previous by CJ pounds, i , LONDON Vera Menchik, 21, is .woman's chess champion of the world. In a tournament she won luj games out , of a possible 11. Born in Moscow of an English mother aud a CzeclloSlovakiaii lather, she learned the game at the age of nine. ..For six years she has lived in England. -. NEW YORK .Mae Murray came back on the same boat as Bobby Jones. Sonic curious fellows asked how come her, husband, Prince David Mldvanl, was left on the other side. "There Is no truth in tlie scandal you imply," said Mae, stamping a foot. "I'd love him if he were not a prince. I'd love him if lie were a street car conductor, even if he were Mr. Jones." OCEAN GROVE, N. 'J. Kenneth W. MacWliinney. justice of tlie peace In this private coinmniilly rua by a camp meeting association. ! has some Ideas on what consti tutes profanity. Raymond L. Sloat. attorney, up before the Jus tice for dressing on Ihe beach, complained of a policeman's lan guage. "Damn" is not ,a swear word" said the Justice. WORCESTER, Mass. Eddie Dickenson probably will remem ber it as one of those thrills that come once In a lire time. Eddie, who Is 14. sat for two hours in his bathing suit watching the police drag Green Hill pond, then he learned they had been seeking his body. Another bather finding Ed die's clothes on the bank became alarmed and notified the police. RKHD1NO. Calif. Bertram' Wheeler, barber of Redding, yes terday stood united with n father whom he thought dend for 3." years. an uncle whom he had 1 B 1 IL HOYCHINGMpTOR CO. 125 N. Rose Phone FOR s !l i 1926 Overland Sedan. 1924 Chevrolet Sedan. Jfo5 JourinS, Ruckstcll, speedometer. 1 924 Ford Touring terms. 1923 Ford Touring terms. ; a i 3 ioU i- louring terms. 1920 Ford Touring terms. I SMWK.m.Rf54I ROSEBURG, ORE. them are California agencies. The California agencies are held re- It.n n.wl no rtf tltPITl in lll- V reluatuie quotations ,n Furopean buyers. They named ' ;"" " ! ms( of ;. . thu, c.Msea the disso- lutlon of the marketing plan which was devised after the prune mar keting convention at Oregon Agri cultural college. The seven Oregon and South western Washington agencies are quite competent to market dried uruues of this region, i w o oi um Keven agencies were formed by the growers themselves. The others lu. ,.,.,lnl.,fid instance broko the faith which bound them to cooper ate in the marketing enterprise. The situation is one to be met I by simple, direct and effective mea sures. It calls for loyalty, . the loyalty that begins at home. It calls for adherence, not by 60 per I cent, but by all, of the 4U00 grow- j ers now threatened with heavy loss. It calls for direct commun- i cat ion with the established market i for Oregoni and southwestern Washington tart-sweet prunes. The prunes priced now by cutthroat : methods at 2 cents to less . than j 5 cents a pound will be Eold to tho consumer at 20 cents to 30 Cents h pound. There is margin enough to give tho producers 6 cents, or 7 j cents a pound. Better prices ey.n be made by marketing agencies and packers, and the broad margin allotted for j transportation and cost oC market- ing will yet include a satisfactorv profit for all , ligitimately , con cerned. . Orderly. .marketing through or derly but immediaiu organization, with, loyally and intelligence add ed, will solve the situation. - This is no time to cry "Woif, wolf!" and ruu, but: to stand and fight. . never seen and a sister of whose existence he was unaware. Wheel- f er's parents separated before his birth and he had been brought up by his mother's, relatives in , tho belief that his father was dead. i DILLON-FLOWERS MATCHED PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 1 A ten round match between. Tiger Flow ers, former iniddleweight boxing champion, and Harry Dillon, ot Winnipeg was set today lor August 1U by Joe Levy, matchmaker of the Portland Boxing commission. DAILY WEATHER REPORT TJ. S. Weather Bureau, local of i flee, lioseburg, Oregon, 24 hours I ending 6 a. m. , s Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes- terday 1$ Prccip. in Inches and hundredths: ! Highest temperature yesterday i)2 s Lowest temperature last night 5j Precipitation last 24 hours , U . Total precipitation since first ' month j Normal precipitation for this t month 33 i Total preclp. from Sept. 1. ! 1026, to date 35.90 i Average preclp. from Sept. 1, S 1S77 .34.10 Total excess from Sept. 1.. . 1926 . f Average precipitation for 49 wet seasons, (September to i May, Inclusive 31.11 ' Forecast for southwest Oregon: ' Generally fair tonight aud Tuts- ; day; not much change In tempera- j ture. f ARTHUR W. PUGH, i Meteorologist, j "LINOLEUM" For every room in the house. Powell Furniture & Hardware Co. 238 N. Jackson St. 433 Roseburg, Ore. f f SALE i 2 1 ? i ll i