"RC&EBDRg'ML'WS-REVlLWraAlUimAV. JLLV JU. mi. HOT WEATHER COMBINATIONS Oil Stoves and Ice Cream Freezers Beats anything you ever tried for the , very best results. . The Oil Slove insures a cool kitchen and the Ice Cream ' Freezer, put into practical use, refreshes everybody in the home and keeps the folks cool and sweet Try the plan out. Seeis today for prices on this hot weather combination CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE FHU1T troo props. You can't beat Page a price l'Olt SAI.K I-alo llul'.e pie clior lies, V. M. Curtis. Phone 8F4. FOR SA LB Rams. Keg. Shrop shire Yearlings. Geo. H. Cheno weth, 1 ml. east Oakland, Ore. HAMS FOR" SALE Registered Shropshlres. Mrs. W. E. Sluf lonL 1001 Mill St., J3ugeneOre. FOR SALE Registered Holstoin bull, 22 months old. Price ?50. J. K. Howard, R. F. D. No. 1, Hoseburg. FOR SALE Saddlo horse in good condition, $36; also baled vetch . , . and oat hay, $11 per ton. Louie ... Jiggleton, Oakland, Ork ' a'RUCKStrucksl tHujFs Ford j trucks for sale or trade for 1 pleasure car?. Hansen Chevro- let Co. , FORD TRUCK 'with Ruckstell axle ' and steel cab, 1924 model. Prie- ed at f 175. Hansen Chevrolet Co. l'Olt SALE Strineless gieen s beans, nice for canning. A. E. Itultcr, Edenbower. Phone 25-F11. iKOlt SALE Lare cling stone i Iieaclies, No. 1 canning peaches; will have them till Saturday. 1 31sl, at mv place in Edenbower. i A. 10. ltulter. Phone 25-F11. FOR SALE One Gulbransen play er piano just like new-. This pi ano has been used very little and will be sold at a real bar gain price. If '. interested write P. O. Box 1-11, Yoncalhi, 0W7'" S1IUUP AND CATTLE SALE 1 will sell at public auction Mon day, Aup. 1st at the old Sheri dan ranch, 1 mile south of Rose burg on Pacific highway, 600 head of good sheep and some good slock cattle. Georgo Ward. FOR SALE -""CHEAP V 200 acres 1 mile from county road, Hi miles from Wilbur. About one-half cleared, balance good timber, 10 acres tillable, good place to raise turkeys, - goats and sheep. Watered with springs. The price is so cheap that it will surprise you. Inquire at Turner's Service Station, Wil bur, Ore. FOR rent; I J FOR RENT Furnished" - 2-room " apartment witli kitchenette -128 i Pltzer. FOR KENT Furnished 2-room , apt. Call 314 S. Jackson, or ' photie 48-L. FOR 1! EXT Apartments willl electric ranges and garages. Close in. inquire at 320 Chad wick street. 1 I f 3 m rJ -vvHERe. Youkel ! i at (GOING. WE'LL I 3 ! A Iseno it foa m.) v. j k?! FOR RENT 6-room apartment on ground floor, partly furnished, at 119 West Lane street. Rent rea sonable. 3-room apartment at 117 West Lane street. Unfurnished. Reut very reasonable. G. W. YOUNO & SON, 110 Cass Street. Phone 417. MISCELLANEOUS CITY AND FARM LOANS. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICE & RICH, Licensed Bond Brokers. CAR OWNER Boat lurgel to call 653 wliou In need of auto; call 653 wuon naea n5S,;iwltli natives trackers, they take UartS. Sarlf'S AUU, Wrecking ,. House. WANTED . GIUL wants housework. Address "Work," cure Nows-Itevlew. WANTED Turkeys, large or : small. Boyer Pros. Phono 14-F14. HOUSE cleaning done by a first class man. Best of references. Phone 41)7. WANTED Light weight auto trailer, priced right. Call PerrJu Shoe Store.. ...'' WANTED TO LEASE Cheap ranch suitable for Bheep, tur keys and hogs. Address "A. E'." care News-Heview. WANTED-ATONCE To rent 5-i-oom house. Must be modern and well furnished. Will take long lease. No children. Pholie 4G3-J. i WANTEi: A man to run a Rutne- lv. Oil Pull tractor in threshing, ,,lio one but. an experienced man nuod apply. C. V. Oden, Dixou villo, Oregon. ( ) FOUND FOUND A bicycle. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for ad. Call at Itiver vlew Ser. Sla. It. It. 1, Box 1SU. NEW HEALTH NURSE ARRIVES IN CITY Miss Amy Krickwon, or iIinnea polis, Minn., arrived In Roseburg today to take over her duties as county health nurse. For consid erable time there has boon only one nurse connected with the unit, but now the firee is back at full RtroiiKlh. MIsh Eiickson is exper ienced in public health work, bav ins formerly been outfaced as a nurse in Washington and also In California. Lately she has .been studying and has been employed in Minnesota. She made the trip to llosebuiR by auto driving her car out to this city. She in greatly pleased with souther;. Oregon, this being her first trip into the state, and is quite confident that she will find her woik in Douglas coun ty very enjoyable. How good news does spread! General Gasoline is still the best. WOMEN OF " - MIDDLE AGE Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mrs. Annie Kwinski of 526 1st Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis., wriies that she became so w eak and run down that sho was not able to do her houfso work. Sha saw the name Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound in tho paper and said to her husband, "I will try that medicine and see if it will help me." She nays sho took six bottles and Is feeling much better. Mrs. Matiie A dam 3, who lives in Dovnfn Street, Brewton, Ala., writes as follows: "A friend rprom- j mended Lydia R Pinliham's Vege- ittuiu 'JilijJUiJiiri hum siiiic inning ik I feel like a different woman." With her children grown up. tho middle-aged woman finds time to do the things she never had time to do before read the new books, see the now plays, enjoy her grandchildren, tako an active part in churrh and civic affairs. Far from being pushed aside by tho younger set, she finds o full, rich life of her own. That is, if her health Is good. Thousands of women fust fifty, say tbey owe their health to Lvd'a E. Pinkhaui'8 Vegetable Compound. 17 V lEA6rvS THIS HAS HAPPENED Attempts have been made the life of Klise Marberry. the : Aiuericau Hin wuu uwua auu moo (juic-Kiy mm piciteu iiiubu "l1 on property adjoining the queer, md deftly unrollliin tliein, siireadi little jungle-bordered town ot Por-'iheni out upon a log. lie conci - n - to Verde, tu west central Brazil, oevumi uiysiui iuub uuamo umvi occurred, but so far she has es caped harm, due to the shrewdness ot her cousin and protector, viiaa, who masquerades as her attorney under the name ot Davis. Vilak 1b. viiHk iK' I,,..., -,i,i Aniei-lf-an mill 1 ..-..- - - Oriental bluod and a student of i criminology. He tries to persuade i unse 10 leave ine couuny, iuav- imt him tlioro with his friend, Lln-i coin Nunually, an elderly Auierl. UUI? .P'.81 .'?B.?..y? l,!le -'i'Zt . s To be founu! UKHin by tho alert Vlluk, and an ... ,.... , .... nt hap Q Ham lit la nilllll) nil tholl' Hur rinn.irhirn 1r nrnventod bv 1 the threat uf floods. Messengers ride through the countryside warn ing the natives that the dam at Avilos lias burst. Then Vllak ue ctdes to proceed to the house of Gaylord Prentiss and warn him of ! the danger. Prentiss is a recluse i and a forbidding man, as well as! an enemy of Elise's, and she su-i Rimetu Itlin ,,r Home knowledge of i the oonsnirucy against her. Never-i Iholess, she agrees that it is their i uuiy lO warn nun. uie,v i-iune niuiiu hikiii ui iih-h Vllak learns thnt the flood first Indian vlllngn, twenty or Ihir warning was a ruse to get Pren-ily reed huts built in tho shape of tiss out of his house and so ln-luw cones so that In the distance forms him. The party is beuiegeill they appeared like great snip ant in a small slone tower next to: bills. As they approached, Ihn Prentiss' house by armed attack-i Tartar-like guide suddenly gave oi-s. Vilak iinallv disperses them three loud cries and began a long by dynamiting a dam and causing a real flood. When the water re-j ceues tuey uiscover i-remiss nas gone. i no next nay, iinay, ivnse s m. little nephew, 1b stolen again. The trait leads into the jungle. A na tive reports Prentiss has been seen with a baby. Vilak makes prepara tions for a long Journey in pursuit. I unui qcriu -rue ctadv '- CHAPTER XXXV For two more days they travel-; ed without seeing a sign of cither hunuinity or human inhnbilatiou nounced Oriental strain in them, through most ot the savage tribes except tho sharp machete cuts -in I too, undoubtedly. Look at the 1 0( south America. Finding hlm the branches and the crushed v-! shape of their heads and the slant. 8e)f understood, he inquired gelation underfoot which showed:0' the'r eyes. That tattooing also I whether the Indians had seen any them their course. I is absolutely the same as I could ; other travelers lately pass that Then on the morninir of the fifth ' show you in a hundred placeB in : ,,. u-hh n child day out from Porto Verde, on a low! mound rising slightly above the uy me way in eyre loosing ni us, ; village was a hunting village, re levol or the. Arrest, they came to we're the first white men they've i Kuia,.y n the men went off to the what appeared to be a secondary seen." J jungle, leaving none but the women trail coming from a slightly differ- ent direction, and joining their own. Here Vilak examined tho ground! Inge, a grlz.lod, withered shell, lar: from their, houses, and conse carefully. Between clumps of tall! who appeared as though three cen- queully knew nothing .of what grass he found a number of cigaret luries had passed over his long passed In tho nearby forests.. The stubs. They were filed with a gray head, stalked gravely out Ijromi men had . just returned front a cheap coarse tobacco, lolled by I the largest hut. , Behind him tod-; week's hunt the day before; there hand. Evidently the smoker hadldled two enormously fat women, -fore-he- could- tell them nothing.- exhausted his supply of papers, He grunted to the rigid warriors, h Tho 'chief asked Vilak his des- for most of the cigarots were rolled in bits of newspaper, torn envoi - BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES n- " i ' r FRECKLES AND VoO SAV OSCAR yes- PfcALLV A AS A tXJMBY SOU - $ALESMAN $AM i A Ben fcucien Bwwo opes, an, o.iior odds and end. . ordinarily carries, in pocket lie ronciMl-' hinted his attention upon the lltsi a, of envelope. A moment later he . 'grunted, then extended two of the ,'"..,, , L.iB inoir at thal"i henTshrf ui eiiveiuiii.. i muim-iii mici ,,u Th f.,,i I,,,,-.. ..n of an Keiia, uostmark and the full -- ,' - , " . V . .." V..." ,. ,. ..""..; , UI ,..,, j.,iiKi.u wiIU had ..scaned from the Porto Venle jHn after t,e murder ut 'r0uy Barbetta. u-i,,. n,,.v huim.i m nnnn lor , raidday meal, Vllak distributed rifles to half of the natives wtio , !J,"!:r.J:rl TL,'"!"1'-. .T"".. r,,u " " -al.liH nil tto l.nn nnu- " Iwi till fl to Ellse and Nunually, who had glanced at him Inquisitively. "No iikb wnrrvlnii nltnnl it Imt 1 in cor- lain It's so. I've heard rustles In the trees three or four times this morning. They weren't caused by monkeys or we'd have known it by being Bcreamed at, or having sticks and fruit rained down upon us." That night the guard was doubled. Tho hidden watchers. however, gave no sign of their m-esence. It was almost a week later when! Hie sun was high in the skj that noisy rhapsody in a high-pitched wailing dialect. ' ' ruui nuniui ui u. mm,. ; came hurrying out from tho rush; biil-uuib, uuiuihh unlbh, uuwn. j They planted themselves squarely in tno path or the newcomers. Completely naked except f or a breech clout an1 undecornted ex cept for a little stripped tattooing ! around tho elbows and knees, they Ismnrl rl"i,I . ahlnlmr lrnn uliitlieH Iharrinc the av "Marvelous bodies," Vllak mur- mured to Nunnuily, as 'the guide - continued his shrill oration. "Pro- the islands off East Asia. Judging The guides declamation at longlhinnd children behind. At these ' ceased. The headsman of the vil- I Their bows relaxed, they moved oft 1 to tho wall of the structure from WfVW OoTS AMY tlMt OTAV.V AV.0W6 WVTrt HW HIS FRIENDS ooo its a X'U. TAU.B T S COTS.. HOW COlAe.GUZZ.YA OWM P. STORE ftH' YOU'RE RUyiU' STUFF -TrHM& T' ew VOU'LU WftJ6.TP &0 OOWM T KLOT7.'S & '' 0 "I I - , . .. . , ! 1 which the Ill-oilman had come. The engaged the guide in a short then convinced tliut the uow- lu.teuttons were not hostile, Ihem cordially. Food was Hwamp-deer, roasted tapir, jinought, homes and set ou grass mats. I .l.hTS )( ariomly colol.eil blaiUi nf I. t.ili l.n I. nan ...iKufi.l tit brlilK a liberal fcllpply. Thl ilcujlmlI1 barked an order; n lh(J wom,. j tlB village, who ,.. in A . . ,.,,riiiiiv t..Hiinir m ihn i lew through the cracks In i.ouaen ran forward Thdy nouses, ran loiwniu. i uej 't't""1 10 U"C- I TltMV U-ul-u It, 11 1,1, tir POOtllllpt : ..-.T'-.i.. ""ir .. Beuu-cu-L-if, viuieimy imiimmh um . "". uanuw ' """ leaplug back, a to 1 10 aecompani- ,, , ,:,.. A. .i.ih . nlu-lunlhaivil Iii.IImm umk lutHlitiir frantically, when Vlluk happened ........... .... .......... .. -.-""-a to strike u match to light a oigarot. as iVioiikIi lifiinliiK liiul sti-iiek the mo mire 01 tno uny nuiue wasiinK0 f0r ti,e night. Then a smudge illlK DHCK lO lO lllOir flOUSUSI UIB HOI I . .. ... t diers threw themselves flat on the Krniina neating men- neaus ui vi-;targ wh0 could understand, lak's feet; the withered chief dart- shortly berore midnight the ed behind a tree. Americans entered the hut which Seolng tho panic, and Instantly , had been reserved for their recep comprehondlng its causei Vilak tlon. Vllnk poked a bubiiIoIous blew out tho flaming match. The looking corner with a stick to rout chief saw and slowly began coming i out any tarantulas that might bo from behind the tree; the bowmen .hidden within, then hung his hum scrambled. to their feel; the women' mock. one by one drlttod back. j "I'd be convincod now thnt those "Lord, what an effect!" chuckled ' South American Indians were Asl Vllak to Nunually, as the chief ad-'atlc in their origin even if I hadn't 'anced with some hesitancy to . them. "Silly of me, though. Should i hnv known that practically all, the tribes we'll meet aro flro wor- "Those legends the old man re shippers. Commonest tiling in nil luted tonight can bo reproduced in savage life. Undoubtedly never half a dozen plsces in Eastern saw a match before. Thoy 11 bo 'Asia and the Asiatic islands, 'inai. tnrnin.g us into gods, and makiugistory about the man who walked, us eat rancid butter the way they ; through the fire and thereby be- do in Tibet if were not careful. The chief warily sat down beside i . . ' oxat Vllak let him feel the box, oxamlno the match llself, then , . ,. , , re "'as t demonstrated how:in some of the outlying Jupaneso created by striking the! one against the other. The old man grinned, then eager - ly followed his example. Ills dc- light was unbounded when Vilak j presented him with the marvol. ; The broken lino of dancers t'o I formed; the dunce, proceeded to a j furious climax and ended. More I tapir and berries were brought. Vilak now tried talking to his j host in. the Guaruny dialect, which extends like a mother-tonguo ti10 ci,icf shook his head. His limes the women dared not venture filiation. Vilak pointed vaguely oft into the direction the trull had ,;A11 Settled I': - I CAN'T SVEMO Not city Ti caa jrov c"AA 7WASI06 k CK6CV..feS SMV OKri&'S- U-OCV'J; CtGM ) SA I"" YK'.-fcR 5EJU'WV-.'A A T AAV T A'.AOfe A : A J LViliTsUV.&Al-VM r-i Not So Good oh, th' wife's KIMPA TlRSP OF G6TTIKJ' MEALS, , 7W m mi ice- is r r, r".-r) MASONIC AND EASTERN STAR PICNIC . Tuesday evening, Aug. J, at Alexander Park. All Ma- sons and Eastern Star mem- bers and families Invited, Hi lug basket lunch and kuire. fork, spoon, plate and cup. Supper at 6:00. Come early und eujoy a good time. ,,,, ,,nllalall,V u.aillusr The Ciller ..?...' . . j 7 i ,, luok , , withered head again and grunted. "No go there. Listen mo, ,, I o. tl...a Ma im """ ..... nevus there, in valley, ureen vai- .ley. Oil moulltalll. Iteu luouiuaui. i ocvll mouutalu. Kill you. Kill ,, ,..la 'J;..- . ....J. ,,.. 11 II uilo, " j.Hi:nimii,, uaiMiuuui nwv- At the chief's urgent invitation. thoy pitched their camp In the vil- n fa wh khiriled to drive away the """I-lHwarming mosquitoes; the old man ltftrjiin rirnnint nut thO HUCieilt 10- gends ot his people to all bis vlsl- " ---- been belore, ho said to Nunnaiiy as ho disentangled a hook which had caught in tho mesh. jcame a god, particularly, us ai- most like being in tho Malay archl- pelngo to hear It a gain. They still - walk through fire, for that matter, islands and Fiji and Guinea. A trick, of course. Know exactly . how it's done. It's tho way tho shamans and priests keep their power. "World's pretty small place. In teresting chap, this- old man. Doesn't seem very enrourngiufi about our prospects ahead. ' (To bo Continued) Disaster cMchea up with the ex pedition and Vilak finds traitors In his ranks. NOTICE After July 28, l527,! we tho un dorafgned, will pay no debts con traded by anyone othor than our selves. JAMES COOPER. HARRIET L. COOPER Wilbur, Oregon. - - 111 (ACADEMY IVNLYBOVS I'OHTI.AMl, OKKUON . t.aclierB. rniiall cln"f"i ,.fnl untrvtiilon. alt-let illi- .iiim .n.i.1 Ivnntniir' nnfl .wornl trnlnlnff. O t n I o K . icbeerfallr Broke Yet There fiOAROS.TAPKIAVW. V 6V)t Mt A VAIN A "0"3 J XPK . IN IWt NtCV J y . XI Boy Yl jaS aro u.l .. orr. . '"" V AA. 0192T OY Nt SERV1C& INC. Jy) fvuivv iTSA ) srrrrz,! i looey 'S S1MG1M& st Might.' sue. hp,s e,w cceu-eMT :ir ,r- T-rmm ' 101 sir BRGAO , 1 . rev,lct PR0NE5 ira8rar.Tro.w.ttT.i.i.!.i.!. See U First Wo FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGENTS POR Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oakland Now Located at Washinntci street and 3. P. Tracks. I WIjTgITTYTrITTt.w These prices ' ECONOMYf j v 1 1 y Starting i v Ignition M vBaHtry . 1 I vUpholltcry j vTop i ., j IvfemUrt i 1 SvFlrUth , HANSEN CHEVROLET CO.! AVV. -:li WATER AM tU owe YOO TWE lAE VouWfc CAS'T YA SEE ( SEE VIMAT YOU ( DOAJB,'.' t;fcE )JMAT ("pOAJAWiyTiX DOJ'T- MAKK SOOl. packet: KEEP STILL vuiu- A "sjr' Q1UJ7 NLA SC.VICC, INC t ,,, ff " I fl L . s rfjir. WHY CARRY WATER? Let a Fairbanks Morse Plant do the work. We have plants as low as $75.00. Let us figure your needs. Can Save You Money Our Name Points the Way to Better Food Values Fresh stock prompt service, can always find It at You ECONOMY GROCERY "The Store That Serves You Best" 344 N. Jackson St. ' Phone 63 O. L. Johnson wduiL..i.wu".sy'SMJSniJJi miw Star Sedan, 1924 mode! ............,..$150 Star Touring, 1923 model , 73 Ford Coupe, 1923 mocfel ...;...;.i.l.i.l... 150 Ford Touring; 1924 model ...L... J;!.i 12S Ford Ton Truck, good order 90 are for quick sale. can be arranged. Easy: tcrma i v- By Martin , ! Vt'. AVU STrUcD-AlO - WIR. HEV.9-AMO 'U- eucWS. SMERY KES.COETJ - By Blosser . By Swan V V - ' ' 7)On) T( cook OM r-S rtfi37 nr Mt strivicc ihc -eg.u. . pat. Of r. JC prf.