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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1927)
FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW SATURDAY. JULY 30, 1 927. (Continued from page throe) , ", "7 " 7 . f'V iluu(i. Washington, to visit Wednesday of the cumin week UuM Heptcmbur, Mrs. Crawtord will ho the scene ol one of (hunu!u,i her kuohih are domiciled at . pleasant, festive nild-miimner af-ono uf the Jdieyld cottagoa for u fali'H which are always anticliiated f0W weeks, with interest by the memherM of j c'lul- Mr. and Mrs. J no. K. FarrinKtou - The members are privileged to un,i daughters and Mr. and Mrs. invite one couple for the affair. , a. J. Hocliradel are leaving today JlridKO and dancing are beiiiK ar- i by auto for northern beat-lie t ranged as diversions and prizes ; iujid two or three weeks, They will bo awarded the bridjje players, will vluit in Portland and various Coffee will be served at the club beaches ami will bo at Cannon Jiuuse, ' Mr. and Mrs, Charles Flennning of Medford, Wisconsin, are viKillug .ut the home of the Jatler'a brother-in-law and ulster, Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Wells and tlmlr house guests have just returned from I'rinovlllo wIhtw they spent u fow days visiting Mr. I'leiuiuing's ulster. K Mr. and Mm. It. K, Crawford liave uh their houso guowls Mrs. W. A. Jenkins and hod, Jlurrlrion, ANTLERS THEATRE Rope Spinner .in New Glsh Picture American woviegoerH nro .soon to svo.why Ungland Is alill laugli-i ing as bard us KugllHlunen over do laugh,over Hie visit of Will lingers, the famous comedian, ropo Hplnnor, .farmer, cowboy mid pres ent mayor .ot' Jtrveily JJilla, the Olympus of Hollywood, becauHO Will ia coming to thn AntlerH Thea tre ius one of the principal como diauH hi "Tip-Toes," starring Dor othy Clsh. ... , : 1 The picture was produced in Jjondou and itogors broUo his .Euro pean tour of interviewing such celebrities as Alussnllni, i'rlmo de lilvera and the Prince of Wales, as Dorothy Gish in The .Paramount Pictura Ti5-Toes , set forth In his letters lo die Sat urday Evening l'ost, long enough to play Iho part of one of "The Three Kays," a dead broke Vanllee vaudeville team in London. Her bert .Wilcox, wlio directed the pic ture,' wisely allows Will lo "play it straight,'' so Hie world's great est wise cracker w ill bu seen in Hie same clutiies that lie wore when Joshing royally. And as lie plays Hie purl of Hen, the wise cracker of-(tie learn; he cilu bo, and Is, Will lingers masquerading as himself which lliere Is uoMiing funnier. Some of his best gags appear as Biibtilles. Dandy Dix Film at Antlc-s Today Kichard lllx comes to tho Antlers today in slightly different form than h-om ilie sort of roles he Is crurn the pleiure. Miss OWVIl doeslthc state of Oregon, as amended by usually associated with. In iheiHoute of the best work in her lniefhe vole of (he people at the uen- retith d, reedtted. reissued "tjuiclt-; Hands' Dix appears as a cavalry nf-! TODAY'S BASEBALL f ,W.rlntr. PrtM l.n-.l Wirr.) NKW YOiiK, July IHi. I.ou Geli tig lonnerteri lor his .'ill It honm run n Iho HeuHon In the tilth in ning of (he first game ut the Van- aooH ( (Mimeneauei- wmi 'mi iu i-. ' i J- i 1 fi I , V. i mint III Mini. "i ll .M is i lu a lie villi lliilh lor home run huiiora. American. At riiilndclphla - II. ll. K. Ctblcaao :l 10 1 l'lillailelidila .'. S I DattcrlcH: Cniinlly and I'liiUKe; drove and rocbriine. Al New York U II Cleveland !l 8 New York 7 II , lllltteries: I'llle. Itrnw ll mid Jewell; lleutber and llcucotiuh. . Al lloslon II. HI. Louis I II lliislon r. II llatlericK: tiastou and O'N lillssell and llofimilill. ii; , National. " At PillHliiiruli -- lloslon .. I'lllshuruli .. Ilalteries: flreenfleld. 1!, II. K. . . 311! 'I X 2 I (leiiewlcb I mill lloaan: .Meadows anil Smith. Visitor Today .Miss l.aurn Hunt of Sitthrrltn was In this rlly for a time thin af teruoon vlsftltii; with Irlends nnd Bbopplng, who arrived mlrl week from Whid- j beach, where tiiey have taken cottage, time. for u greater part of the Friends of Mlsa Faye r,Mldes, popular member of the younger sit, are rognUlng her departure soon for PhhimIoiih, where aho will accompany Air. and Mrs. A, T. Lawrence and their family to make her homo. MIhh (ieddos lias been secretary at the Lawrence of fices for the past few years and will he connected' In the business In tin; font hern city. ficer. Situated at a bonier fort, ho becomes involved with a group of tmugglerti, , What happens when he' Is led to atmpo-H that the girl "e 'v,;f' ulene Chadwiek. Is as- Hoitiati'dtWlth 1I1.5 suiiiKKlers, in loiiso (Irainu. '.Iiiek -(inway direct ed "IJulcksanilH' Howard liawkd wrote the original story. Hotll Ml:, s ('hfidwick and Noali licory arc featured In the star's siiiuiort. LIBERTY THEATRE Big Double Bill at Liberty Today Viola ,11111111 gets enmeshed in a series ol amusing and cmharrns ing situations in "Naughty Nan netle," her current starring picture produced by KHO,; which Ms ;at the Liberty Theatre today. t ' . Miss Dana fairly' outdoes hjer pre vious) efforts in hoK portrayal of a movie extra girl -Svlio; in 'a des- j penile effort to befriend and belt another extra girl, finds herself surrounded with real i troublo Tint liliallv stralchtoim nut Bnul tei-u in lile omh .''..r.t'if.i.. ! I'J-liMI H-H-H H!M! ' "fllioulder 'Anns;"' Reiipiiiily1 t:on cedeil to lie Cliarlie Chaplin's best plcluru, has bien reissued by I'alhe and is at the Liberty Theatre today. This eplo comedy or tlio World War broke house records everywhere when it was first ! 'pro duced seven or eight years ago anil, si range to 'relate' despite , the grail number of people who have-Uiu bronze and glass' doors and ro ulrcady seen II, It is now dnplleut-' icaslnir timm log Ilie-Ii-at by playing to capacity liouses wherever, it Is. being shown. 'C.illnhans and Murphys" cbntains Amusement In Abundance - "Ihiilt for luuglis.". . , 'I'hls Is the only' pJiruso Unit would describe "The Calliillaus and the Murphys," ; Kullilccn Norris' lilting romance 'of Irish lire, as Irunslel-red lo Iho screen by Metro-floldwyii-Mayer, and cniing to Iho I.iiierty Theatre Sunday. It is not a collection of laughs It's lllerally one prolonged howl or mill ll. From the opening bal tle of the Callalians and tile Mur phys to Hie final fnde-oul with tile family In liatllu again it's a series of comical combats, langlod n iniiiauons aim niuiriuus happen- lugs. Sally O'Noll scores a new tri umph as Ellen l.'nlliihiiu, heroine ot the conileal romance. Lurry Cray supply the romance, in a dellcnie Utile love story with jusl a nil ol a heart throb, (hat is woven through tho collection ot'iwell to call aiienilnn in ,.,.n,, n:1 I chuckles, gigKlt'K and guffaws thut.of 'H eventlul career as Ilie little hlsh girl. THUNDERSTORMS NEXT WEEK (AMorlntM Prrw w Win ) SAN KliANClSCo, July lie. The weather outlook for (he week beginning August 1 was announced ' Z; ? f,cr uu.eau Far western slates: 'Iho outlook , for generally fair vmli lo "Iglit and Sunday, but Willi fog HlOtlLf ll coasl. and a nrehuhllil v of aiallered llilllider(orin lu t ho nieuutiiiiiM nl liliihe, eiiHtern tire. koii and eiiHleru WashliiKtiin. No marked cliauve III lc tnpcintutY.H aru indicated. -o- . CAMP MEETING WILL CONTINUE OVER SUNDAY a! The Methodist Kplsropnl ramp 1 'ineellllK at Cotlime tinive will con- iJtlmie until Sunday lilithl, act ordinc j to Itev. .losepii Knotts, who untied yesterday Irom that plnee. i In (he office of Culled States sen ll. Ml was stated yesterday that thelalor until the people fill such vn I meelincs would eml on Sal urdiiy, 1 1 niieies hv election as the lenisla- mis no error, aciorcinii! to , ..ii. iMiniis. i nere will lie meet-. iiiks an ony .-.uniiiiy anil cpille a i null r Ol melliners ol the ctlUreti ' J( (iicoi .inn. us pans OI Ilie COUllly !'"'' PlannliiK lo intend. ! I IMOI FI IM'' "LINOLEUM" For every room In tho house. Powell Furniture & Hardware Co. 238 N. Jackson 8t LOCAL Linoleum niK aize 12x15; Ax - minister rug Uxl2; thobe rugs ure priced low for quick sate. See tUeui at I'owvU'h Furniture Store. W. Weekly returned to Bridge (his morning nfLur spending a day in. Hits city attending to buuluess affairs. To Coast Today Mr. and Airs, Geo. If. Cllham and family Jen this afternoon by auto for tiie coast and will spend Sun day ut JJandon, From Sutherlln Airs. U A. Jlayward of Slither Jin was In tills city lor a lew hour on Friday attending to bust nuss affairs and shopping. Home From South Airs. C. A. Muchen returned to Itoseburg this week from Hed liluff, Calif., whore she spent ten uujo vmiLiut, mill iiii'iius. Rotuming to Eugene MIhs itose (,'onroy, who has been viallinif friemls in Jtosebunr tor the pJiHt week, left this afteruoon for her homo at Eugene. Bonds Visit Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ilond. of (Hide, were in lhin city Friday af- llernoon visiting with friends and attending to business matters. Matthews Visits . M, Matthews, resident oi ites- was a lioseburg visitor and was al tending tu business affairs and trading. Spend Aftornoon Mrs. (). K. Kniilh and daughter, Auni'B, of North UuiiKiua. were in thix city Friday afternoon visiting wiiu menus and shonulllg. On Business (,. 10 and r: Hu-oitu r r!ni'.i,i,i Valley, wire In this city lor a brief llmo yesterday afternoon trading and transacting business. Return to Eugene Mr. unit Mrs. I'X M. Squires re lumed in Bugjenc llils morning af (ur spending Friday in .tills oily vlslllng wllh the hitler's brother, Mert Courtney. Left For North Mlsa Lois llrand li-ft for north ern points . this afternoon for a visit. Returning North l.ouls Mll'js who has been visit ing his parents here, for a brief time wiino on a furlough .from li'I'Y'W as: ra'dlij OiiCrator aboard iho U. S. ldiiliu.' which docked in. cently at llrohierton; Wash:, s will j i,u Mini Ol UlU HLflt I.U1 IO- muno his duties. " ' ELEVATOR ENDS I ' LIFE OF BEAUTY' " " SHOV ENTRANT ') ) (Conl inued from page 1.) three girls wo;'e imprisoned 'for half an hour, before . police and firemen uncc.toilnfl In pniilmr n,,-i I'ornaa Conl, the elevator nnora- lor, later was arrested on a chargo of munslnuKlituiviInd held undur bull. j 1 Try our battermllk ent. Roaeburg Hairy, -It's differ. Phone ISO. LAW REQUIRES PATTERSON TO t CALL ELECTION (Continued from page 1.) vacancies the i attorney general holds does not 'apply in the case of representatives in congress. Date Only Question "It is apparent Hint about Iho only respect In connection with Ilie entire proceedings In which there Is any discretion, lo bo exer cised Is tlio spocil bullion of tlio lime when the election shall he Kho nniMield, and this discretion Is vested in tho governor," said the Van Winkle opinion. " In l i s connecllnn ll iv i. article V of the I'imsHi nt inn nf eral election held November 1'ti. I loadinu, as far as iierlincui, aa lollews: "If any vacancy occur in tho of fice of United Slates senator or lu nny elective office of the slate or of any district, county or pro duct tlierenf, tlu same shall lie filled at the nest ceueral election. )rnvittHl vncancv occur mure """ lu K'"'iai nli. ,. '"I have noticed the siwuestlon III the luitille press thul this pro. vision may be applicable to Ilie condition new exlslllim. It is no ticed, however, that aalil lancuaRo dees not mention the office or re presentative in coiiKiess, ollhnm;h it does liieullou the office of I'nited Stales senalor. Clearly tills is lor the reason that the ITtll amend nient of the l ulled Stnlea consll lulion provides that the cKlslullirc of any state may empower the .cxeclit'lv thereof to make teiunor- re-taiy appointments to fill vacancies ii my ,iiecl, hut there is no provision In till efleet relating lo tin - office of cnngrcsMtian. It is familiar rule nf legal con- slniettini lliul ..1....-., II,..,-.. Ix ...... pi nvlslon of law general In Its up. ellci'tinn w hich Includes or liuiv In- elude a alven subject, upon which. llnie is a special provision of law. ihu sin'eiul provision will prevail onsilttiling an exception hum uie general provision. mat rule j is iippiM-nine in ine provision ; deatly did not sen the train. The tit the Veiled States aud tho mute I ikli w nut this poin Is punillel umstitutlon herein quoit! and the;fnr,:i way and then tut its across oue specially relating to the office i the track. NEWS ! From Wilbur -Mm. h. A. IrvJiiK. of Wilbur, was (hopping and visiting with frlenda In Itoaeburg on Friday afternoon. Return, to Albany Albert i'etunuin returned to Al- uany una alturnoou utter apoudliig two weeks at tlru K. 11. ilyngo homo HI Melrose visiting. Visitors Today -Mra. K. H. Dyngo and daughter in Moirosa were in tills city for several hours loiluy visiting wltll frleuda and aboppiug. To Salem Mrs. W. D. Miles left this nfter noou for Saleui whore shu will visit with her son and wife, Mr. and Mis. Win, liavenport, over Knndi.y. A reunion of tlio family la being held tomorrow. To Seattle Airs. Charles Hurst of San Fran cisco who has been spending the summer hero visiting with rela tives lull this afternoon for Ku- aiue wnoro she will meet Air Hurst, who has been on u busiuetss I to Alaska. Drain People Married I Tony Worre and MIhh Kdnu Jemlson. both of Dialn. worn nun-. fled Wednesday atternoon at 2:30 o'clock ut the study ut Hev. E. V. blivers of the First Christian, cnurcn. Eugene Guard. Expected Home Sunday Mrs. Alma llarnetis of the Marksbury Store Is expected home Kunday Irnin ijoinls north. Shu lias been attending buyers' weelt in Portland and also spent a abort time in Seaside, being away from "lla c"y ""out ten days. Deal Not Yet Closed Negollalons nru still In nroaress regarding; tlio sale of I he interest " lMru lirli In tlio l'alace of bweots, to Ford Slngletun. The deal has not yet been entirely closed, but Is still in progress of negotiation. Left for Eugene Mr. and Mra. J. E. Sawyers lei'tj uus aiiernuon ior I'Jiigene, wnere tiiey will visit wllh the former's brother, Holand Dlckerson, for merly of tills city, and his mother, Mrs. Husan Ensley. Mr. Dicker on. recently returned from the east, where he has been spending '"' lwu jears. ne nas Deen ntieiullng Ethical Culture College i" "-!"""" school for Columbia University. Mr. Sawyer's brother will bo re- membered by many here, having tiiuglit In the high school Bovoral years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyers niv iktiuh I . ,1 fill llll-u U) niece, Nellie . Maude Uast. of member of congress must con trol." I . . : . . i . - IMciil'( at IdIoyd Park. . : : - BODIES OF SEVEN VETS FOUND AFTER -NINE-YEAR SEARCH (Associated Vrvtut Lensttl Witt-) WASHINGTON, July 30. The bodies ot seven members o f tliu 7i)th who were killed in action at tlicbattlo of Mont Foucon liavo beun discovered in an isolated Hlit; II hole in I'Vance. ' A search by the war demirtnient has been in iirogrusa on French bauleilelds for muo years in an t fort to locate und Identify ., all American dead. Tho bodies found included that of Lieutenant William A. Shte- nan, company F, aiuiii infaniry, whoso home was in Washington, 1). C. With the oElicor were iho bodies ot six enlisted men. Irving S. Holt'ls, llrooklyn; Au Riist 11. ItKtmiller, Daitimore; Ed ward C. Moian, Philadelphia; Jess 10. Schall, Philadeliihiu; Kills Ks kowiiz, Hatlimore; Henry Fuller, t'oitsvillo, Pa. Tho report received from France by (ho war department said tho bottles wcro burled and tho indica tions were tliut buriul waa by tier man troops, 'the war department recordK show that these seven men were killed tu action on Iho morning of September 21), litis, at tlio cda.e of Ihu llols des Okoiis, near the Fermo de la Madeleine. Camp at Idleyld Park. Visitng Relatives Mrs. May Itadahatirdi of Spokane is visllillK Mrs. lona KadaliaiiKh and other relatives la Hosobuia,. Visiting Parents Mr. ami Mrs. X, Thomas, ot AVIlite Saimon, Wasli., are visilin;; his pareuls, City 'i'reasurer and Mrs. V. F. Tliomaa in llostburg. Going to Medford 11. C. Talcott, who has been uiau liKer of tile cafe and news stand maintained by the I'nlmi News company at tho Terminal hotel in Ibis city, is leavlliK today for .Med tord w here lie will locate. Mr. Talcott lias been promoted to niall-ntici-shlp tif the branch business of tile company in Ibal city. Parnhasc Motor Oil Kit) per cent puru paralllne base. AL tlcueral iiideiHindeut Dealers. SCAPPOOSE MAN KILLED BY TRAIN j PORTLAND, ore.. July 3. i Charles Saint.strnm, fill. Seantmse I huslue initu ami member nf (he city emini'il. was killed today when I the Muht delivery truck in which lie whs riding. collided with (he S cm Hide Limited. S. I'. nnd S. train, a mile south of Warren, On-gnn. Aci-oiding In Jnhn Hetimiller ami son, lint, wlm were enminu In the onpnstte direction. Sandstnun ev 'HOWUDII IS DESTROYED BY FIITHM1Y UIIAIN, July 30 (Special to the NiwsKeview The homo of Mrs. Alice Hanson, located about tea miles west of Drain near Eikton road, was tutiily destroyed by lire Thursday evening, nothing being saved t nun ilie burned building. Mrs. Hanson und her son, Uyrus, were visiting another son neur Sullioiiln at the iliiio and there was no one at the house except a lady who lias been assisting Mrs. Hanson with her houseiioiu work since aha suslulued a broken wrist about a week ago. It Is presumed thai the fire caught from a defec tive flue or a spurk on Iho roof, and Hie house being In an Isolated locality no help coulu be sum moned. In Iho passing of John Hancock of tile Elklon country, Oregon loses another of Its very early pioneers. Horn in Australia in 1MD, lie was brought by his par esis lo tills contry when, but two years old, the family sealing near r.iKion wiiero the deceused lias re sided practically all his life. Mr. Hancock died at n Eugene hospital wcunosnny juty 27, following 1111 operation for a sloniach difficulty, being 77 years of age. He was married In 149 to Miss Dlngta i-iersou unu lo nils UIUOU 0110 child, u daughter, was born lie Is Blirvived by Ills widow and Ilie daughtur, Miss Molllo Hau- cock, and three brothers. Edward and Lincoln, of Elklon, and James 01 fiiienunn, Oregon, one sisler, .Mary Hancock, residing in Califor nia, and a number of nephews and nieces. Tlio funeral, conducted by Rev. J. I.. Hlratlold, ol Creswel . was he d Friday afternoon at the Eikton .Methodist eh in ch uiid Hie testeem in which tlio deceased pioneer was 'lelil in Ilie community was attest ed by Ilie largo withering of neigh- Dors and friends who were there 10 pay their last respects. The Masonic lodge of Elklon, of which .Mr. Hancock was an honored mem ber, performed the beautiful burial rites of that order at tho grave. Mrs. tf. V. banders, as chapcr- one, took about a dozen of the jCauip Fire Girls lo Smith river on , Thursday for a ten davs' nnllnir w. Nowton Traylor, of Bend, is horo this week on a visit with her ,,,lri Mr ii tinfiin m,. ,i u i,,i,',', ,,.,, ,.i' accompanied by Iho hitter's sister', in, i. (. A,,i,.,.nm ,.,.,i ..1,11.1, niMe riP l0 tle Oregon. Caves and Crater Lake returnlnK home by way nf the McKenzie Pass the first ot the week. Sidney Meat-ham visited his sis ter, Mrs. Phoebe Gray, at the Ku i;eue hospital last Sunday, Mrs. Gray beiiiK confined there by 111 ncMH incident to old ago. Miss Pettie Weitzel, who Kv'Ilh' her parents, were former residents of Drain, is vinitfng at the L. C. Veley home north of town. There hag been a lew cases of smallpox, in very mild form, in and near town during the past threa or four weeks but all are conval escing very nicely. ;. Mrs. Mary McFarland, who has resided hero for the past few years has been chosen to take charge of an orphan home for girls at Eu gene, the home being conducted by the Kugene Bible university where educational work is being carried bu. Myrtle Creek News Briefs A group of tho Umpqua Camp Firo girls consisting Alarjorie and Dorolhy Hates, Henrietta and Betty Muiihead, Esther llounshell and (Iwendolin Weaver, am at the Wolf Creek camp this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watts and children who have been living at Woodhurn passed through Myrlle Creek on their way to Calltornl-i where they expect to work in fruit through tlio season. Mr.s. Watts is a daughter of Mrs. A. E. Iturton. itussell Norris oT Marcota was a Myrlle Creek visitor Friday. Mrs. .lulia A. Hartman has gone to Yakima. Wash., to make her home. Enrouto she will spend a week visiting at Westfir, Oregon. Mrs. Goo. Godfrey is visiting with her sons in Eugeno this vr,el;. She was accompanied by Miss Pansy Kirby. Mrs. D. E. Hurst is enterlaining as house guests this week her sister-in-law. Mis. Van Huskirk and dnimhter of Amity. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Gilbert ami family motored to Iloseburg Wed nesday from their home in Grants Pass, stopping for a short visit In town with friends and acquaint ances. , Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wiiner camo. up from linsehurg Tuesday eve ning to attend the liebkah bulge. Henry Adams, our genial mer chant, has been suffering wllh an attack of muscular rheumatism lately. Arthur nichnrdson of Clark's Urunch surprised his mnnv f Hon Is in Myrtle Creek lately hy coming (o town with a bran new wife , w hirh he recently procured in j ltnsetmrg. Yo corrospomletil did 1 not learn tho young lady's name! hul here's u Lulling the happy ! youtiL' couple a long and pro;dvr ons life. Mrs. K. M. Shlitcliff. who hns lu'en seriously 111 for several weeks baa so tar recovered as to be mov ed limn" from llnseburg where she was taken for medical tteaiment. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kichardson who recently moved here from Kansas ami purchased tho Dickson farm on North Myrtle, ate orectinc a neat and comfortable farm house, the building being done by K. S. Cttapin. Miss Marcnret Doyle of St. Taul I Minn., Is visiting with her brother H. P. Doyle and family. Mr. and Mm. Lyman Hurst have returned from Oakland, Califor nia, aud Intend to make their fu ture home in tills vicinity. J. W. Adamson -motored tb Sa-1 lem Wednesday and brougbt Mra. Adumsou aud the boys home.; They have been employed there l ' for tho oast mouth ulckine ber ries. Mra. H. M. Shlrtcllff and chil dren, and Mr. and Mrs, Ted Shlrt cllff, have returned from a six weeks' visit to Denver, Colo., where Mrs. Bblrlcliff visited her mother: and other relatives and friends. Harry Stimson is enjoying a I visit from his mother who Uvea at Amity. ! Mra. Capllola Abbott and Mrs. Cihulj's Uurria visited with Mra. Vesta Strong Thursday. j John LerU, Jess 'Miles and John llice have gone to Lako county to work through hay harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Browning and daughter, Margaret, motored la rnil.. I nb. I..... I. ..1..- ..!..! , w.u.b. uin mm wi-uiv, uisu .VIHIL- i ing Chlloquin and Klamath Falls. I 1 no members of the Christian church will hold a basket dinner at the church, Sunday, July 31. t All day services. Miss Jewell Adams has return ed from a visit at Medford. j Mr. and Mrs. H. P. nice and Mr. i and Mrs. H. W. IleynoldB are tak ing In "Duyors' week" at tho me tropolis, i Mr. and Mra. C. D. Duick and Mrs. ID. D. I,utz visited in llose- buru Thursday. W. A. Mulkey is visiting rela tives In Grunts Pass. Ronald hotter, Harold March and Robert Preston spent tho week-end camping on lluck Fork. On Kunday, Harold and Ronald climbed to Iho summit of White Rock and were duly umazod to seo how much territory there was loft over to pile up when they finished making Douglas county. Incident ally they also saw a Portland Jour nal delivered To the lookout on White Rock at 9 a. m., said Jour nal being dropped from Iho mail piano on Its regular Journey to the south and healing the S. P. deliv ery about 11 hours at iMyrlle Creek. Mrs. English expects to go to Los Angeles soon for a visit to her parents. While silo is absent Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Bates and family will occupy her house while having their own home remodelled. Winston Rice is working for tlio Stnndard Oil company, taking tho place of Wm. I-Iurnphroy who has been transferred to Klamath Falls. Miss Mary Miles is vlslllng rel atives at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Durlt are camping at Canyonville attending tlio Pentecostal camp meeting. Mr. and Mrs. S. h. Uucll and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Buoll and chil dren are spending the week-end at Shasta Springs. W. H. Taylor and family und Mr. and Mrs. Roulslen left Thurs day for their former home at North Powder. C. C. '.March Is painting his ranch house. X. Window washing and house cleaning by C. E. Davis, i'lione 51-J Cottage cheese. Roseburg Dairy. ' Phone 180. , , ; , . : : ; - ' '6 ' ' . ! t i DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau, local ot i nee, Koseburg, Oregon, 24 boura ending 5 a. m. Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes terday 17 Preclp. in Inohcs and hundredths: Highest temperature yesterday 92 Lowest temperature last night 57 Precipitation last 24 hours .... 0 Total precipitation since first month 0 Normal precipitation for this month - ,3" Total preclp. from September 1926, to dale 35.90 Average preclp. from Sept. 1, 31.12 Total excess from Sept. 1, 26 1.78 Average precipitation for 49 wet seasons, (September to May, inclusive ; 31.12 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Fair tonight and Sunday, not much change in temperature or humid ity. ARTHUR W. PUGH, MeteornlOKfflt OUT OUR WAY -fi-iis'u BE Good . &ETT M TOO rpy AH WE GOE.S OOT PLAV1M GOLF AFTEC? WORK right from JTH SHOP RECLEANED WHEAT ICO lbs. S2.50 ROLLED BARLEY 70 lbs. S1.60 MORE FEED FOR LESS MONEY DOUGLAS COUNTY ELOUR MILL Roseburg and ROSEBURG MAN BUYS GAS STATION AT KLAMATH FALLS I. M. Irwin, of Roaeburg, has purchased a aervlco Btation at Klamath Falls ami ia iircparinK to operate the buginons. His aon, Har old Irwin, who has been employed by Iho Douglas Fire Patrol, has re signed his position litire and la leaving the first of ilie week to'.' Klamath Falls to bo associated with his father in running the service station. Mrs. Irwin and daughter, who are now visillug in Klamath Falls, expoct to remain hero at least for tho summer. To De Yeneral Publick- Ay yuat him out tu Master Huh , Quiuo tu rite Intellectual artlcklu about von Hug or a muter so dal yu kau read it and kuo eunitlns vheu yu got tru. Ay bane purty biyy fallar but vheu hay put proposition up tu mo tai me how abort vo bano in dis kountry of fallar dat got brain aud da i kould rite sumting dat got sum sunne tu ft dat de yeneral public vould like tu read. Val ay say yim- , miny ay feel fiorry for yu -Mtsier Huh Quine, Ay skol du de best ay kan tu supply de vant. So now ef yu keep eye open vhon yu pick up tlia paper. Yu vill bo smarter deu yu van dhout aum tinqrs bok;iuno yu .bad Hhanc-e tu road vhat ay rite " down. Ay ban ?, ftlad tu me'. yu aud glad tu greet yu ay ensure yu. . , See you bare nex Monday. . "OLE" '; - 1 Quine & Company Masonic Bldg. Phone 108 7 HA-HA- VVAiTlL iKi'ft C 3oiKi' -f' do miiT4 -rCit M mushroom DusftRs. tAerf'll BE A NEW FACE IM'IH' FROMT nnMK O TH PERSplRATlOM SOUAD. OME VtFPW'ni.i -TU' REPAIR GAM6V AW HE'LL BE Myrtle Creek naiiniuninwinij timirr - - - -ninorniriitrreinriil RESIDENCE FIRE NARROWLY AVERTED A serious firo was narrowly avert tills morning hy prompt ac tion on Ilie part of a city employee. Last night residents of Miller's AlllllllOU UUI HCU UlL lliw K'aao ill their neighborhood and apparent ly tlio fire was not well extinguish ed. Tills morning the driver of the city fluslier found the blaze start ing lo run up tlio side ol' a rent' j (IC11CC. A lew llllUUlCB IttLUr UtIU iho building would have been en tirely arire. He promptly extin guished Hie blaze before any great amount of damage was done. By Williams VNELL .-ffl' Ri iLl. AlMT GOT Kin COUTROU Ov;fC. VOL) AFTFP? toani I HOURS, BUf HE C'N nx voo so Vou VMOWT HAWE MO COMTRCL.