ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927. it n b ii amn mi HI UflMJUIU.nAa -TINE PROSPECTS COUNTY AGENT f GIVES TREATMENT FOR PRUNE BORER I I 1 i i The Hi'iion lit au;iln aiiiirouchjui T) ; w lifji II Will he jiuffHhury lo uw 'nu'uiiH to conibul. Hit i mil run) Ifuiw, , ;u conliiiK In ( 'mini y Aviit .1.- !.' .my. This Iiikim-l cum I it- Ittajsily 1 itiui 4 fn-.tply eoinrulli'l by :tli: UiH - or I';iraiH('hl(ii-()l)cn.i)tt. Thin ihVniirul i a vvhiln cry h tit 1 Hue Mtilid V.Ii.fh f.ivea off tfa:i kIow W in onllniLi v tiMiiiiitrul.urt'H. hut jrullit-r nipldly n til) clpgrutJti 1 or , .. .. 4 ' : ' iiibovi,. the njiHOtn)UB miis iMMU'tral- . jiiijs lin ImnmVM of tliu unrein, emiti- Oregon Oak Being Foundi'nj1'(1'"J,'ll(1(, ,jt(4 H(,'jK(t thfI Excellent1 for Automo-, i h'' "V"!6 t';,'tJiMl""i ' ''H-mI . ; . I dfl, rtiifl' tlio finely ground urysmlH bile' SpOKeS. t UurfhklfMl In u circle nlioiit tnif ; t i ? ' i liiii'h ) with' . airt fallout two IiicIr-h ' , ; ' Mutuant i nun tin- lrc hunk, lining from ilirfr (uai tors to one ouni of VERY PROFITABLE MILL ROLLS' ( MADE '1"'-' '?'i",l:,lUl,l'u":!l"t' Iur ,"' 4 ' "' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 It I (IfHlialtlc lo dolay the ! plicaMoii to us lulu a tittle N, , j i rj wt'iillier (.'OiiilllioiiH jmmiil in onlw umcroua Hardwood rro-no uvowi roinivmution, hut iiHimiiy ducts Are Included -in, ' Output of Douglas County PJant. : : t.t . An Industry which ban a jihhI little payrrill, uml which is the only or hj of ltn kind in ih county, Ih tlm trad 0 in hardwood IhhIh, otitabliKh'Ml In Oakland by llnj;li Miller. ; Hurl, which am formed from u dltmnm'd or ik'Tonned tree, aru 'a satisfactory time 1a I mm August 15 to Siplt-'inlier 1 in DoukJhh county. If ih in treatment Ih lo jprcye t.T'itlve the tci! tempera turn imiMl he 55 dKrieH F. or high er for at Ii'hhI a period or ien dayH turier the .material U applied and (the noil must he rwiKOimhly dry tdiirtiiK Hils thno. Jsreaily dualled by Jiirntture iimnu rauturerH for expensive funii j ture. The knotty or peculiarly i grained uppmu'uucu of the wood I maker particularly attractive tfurl ' ture, which comuiaiidH a IiIkIi ! price.! The wood iM-iuwed i:to lay- ir!; or enMr, whhh torniH the table lops, bed paiielH and Biiiillar WO(KlW(Jlk. j Hurts rrom (he maple trees make i the birdeye maple ho greatly j prized in lunillure. Laurel burls j which are found at the rootn of ! laurel trees, are a beautiful red la color, a little lighter than mahoK any, "With a wavy firala. It lakea la h ifh ptdiHh. Myrtle wood, famed 'of I'aietiliiie, in the I'nlifd Hlaiua, j in found only in Coos, Curry and IjoukIhh counlii'K. The trees aeldom attain a Kteut diameter and tlie myrtle hurls are moKt beautiful of of all. JiecaiiMfl of its rarity, it ! brings the highest price and the , market is never supplied. Mr. Miller buys burls from all over Die, county and makes Khip ! nieiitH in carload lots from both I Oakland and KoaeburK- lie dls- pOKes of all the burls he can se ' cure, to a firm n KansiiH City, STATION KOAC . WEEK OF AUGUST 1 who pays 3 centa per pound. ThejDJO PROGRAM toQ.. Seine 5 or ti men are kept employed lit hauling and loading the burls, making a payroll of around lluuu a month. Shipmentb average u carload every week or ten days. Laril spring 11 r. Miller bought an immense old black walnut tree, which had stood on the old school property in old Oakland for 75 years. The tree measured between Kadfo station KOAC, 270.1 me ters, 500 watts, - Pacific standard time: ' Monday, August 1 K:00 p. m. Farm reminders.- " 8:111 . m. i-H Club meeting. 8:30 p. in. Agricultural situation reports. 0 and U feet at the butt. He luid L.45' . Drv Pi0wlnE and Till Sir.a for the loc and the ultltllia-1 i'.!": X 1 lo.lng a"u fu. 'men in the east probably received ; $7oo or $K00 for It. lilack walnut , trees are common in the west, but , 'few approach that size. The wood, Is dark, ot a reddish cast - ami takes a high polish. Genuine black walnut furniture brings u very JilKh price. . COULDN'T HIDE "If your client hadn't felonioiiH futinlo:is how comes It that the policeman saw him hiding behind a tree?" "Ilecaiujo the tree wasn't big enough." Journal Amusement Pari. age Mctho Ik for Winter Grain, f). I). Hill, 00 p. m. "Controlling Brown Hot of I'm nea A Serious Uls- ease." Clayton L. Long. , Wednesday, August 3 8:0U p. in. Farm reminders and timely topics. 8:15 p. m. "Smut Jlesistaut Wheats and Their Development," E. N. BreBsman. v 8:40 to 8:55 p. m. "Summer Care of the Vegetable Garden," A. G. 1 Bouquet. Friday, August 5 8:00 p. m. The campus reporter. 8:10 p. m: Summer Poultry Talks No. 8. iccDirc nr pnui TRY j MEETINGS TO BE HELD Tbe County 'Ageut's office lias arranKvd a unrlca of puullry till titii' .luinnstraliuliB to be lit'lll ill (iniereiit jiuits of HiiKUitts couuty lo alii tht) poultry pruiluriTH In oulliug out the birds which arc not I niaiulailillig iirolltuble lnodliction. I lilu u I ,,l Kl I'I'HIl llllllllll mica at thin time an a large number oi iiouhryiiieii ore comparative!) : new at thy buylucKS. : i i II. K. Coaby. poultry specialist lot the O. A. t'. Kxlenstou Service, ; will be present at these nieetiiiKH iuiid will, not only demonstrate the I most approved methods of clilliiiR I on commercial flocks, but will an ! swer all niitaitona relatlue to any ; phae of the poultry Industry. II ', Is hoped that a arge number of the poultry producers will avail them selves of this opportunity to add to their store of Information..' ", 1 The meetings are scheduled for I the following farms: Monday, August 8, 9:30 a. in., C. w. Hagau, llolrose, lllalph Sand, Wilbur. iuisday, August a, i a. m., C, U. Puckett, (.'auyonvllli!. , . , tue'sday, August i), 2:01) p. ui., Uovd Koboils, JJainas . Valley., s TOMMY O'BRIEN HURT I IN TIJUANA BLAZE Monday, August '8. 2:00 ji f Aucfutii) 1t-m laiil Wire) -SAN 'pn-XiO, July 29. KeporU rpfim Tiinrvna. Mexico. :that Tommy O'nrien, well kuowu light weight puguisr, nan ucu 'ed in the tiro that swept two blocks of the border town early : today, were proved false, when tho fit-litW aoueured ou the atreels shortly after noon. O'Brien was reported to have been fatally in jured .when the roof of tho Jied Mill Cafe fell in while he and one I of the proprietors were taking out the cash register. Corrected reports from TlHjuana this noon Iwero that-O'Brien and his com ! panion carried out- the cash regih ! ter, both escaping Injury when the I roof fell. O'Brien later returned i to Rosartta Beach, whore ho has i been graining and this noon revis ited Tijuana. 'x- Oakland has tho di.Htlnctloti ot y having the firm -hardwood nianu- V lacioiy in the stale ol Cm-gou and ! i piobably the oniy one whohe jnotl-i ; ucts are made only I rum Oiegoti ! oak trees, 'l his, tne lilihee ivnll, j Y was established HO yeis ago it lit! I is still conducted hy J. II. .illlfrr j . the jitoneer of Uregoii oak maun- iacturlim. , ' - i f . - ! -. v au Yeiyrs Tin Oakland : ' !, 'j ' J''rotli a ' tiny ' phint " -with oni' i t?aw, the mill hus e.pnnded lo a ! f i tuliy (-(luipped piaut with ail kiinl J. oi inaciiinery, including, saws oi ; vaijous Kiiius, edgi'is, pmneis iiiet i L sevt-ial jariies, so that" the enure j 'work, -liiuiii- saving the log ns It ',v cuiin-s liiiin ihe wootls, to 'the i iuiKliud iih ru wood proil uct , is uuiks under one i oof. ;' Some ol tiie products ' of the "lilihee null are ruim for rtawmin, irictiou blocks tor donkey engine, . cam-hooK and peavy slocks,; piow huams, all kind of adjuncts Wor , wagons, such as felloes, tongues, BittgUiiroeH, i brake uiocka- ami ; suiaes and rolls of all hymh. Oregon 'ouk beats iHicKory . j '. . Vearw ago, Air; Aliljer, a ntulve of .' i.'New Yiii'Ji," concluded thai. Oregon oak. was an hard tiild fturahh!' as. hickory, Kastern oalc Is ui differ ent grade, but. ihu -wesieru Kt'iuh .t,, oak is . unsurpassed. In- has louad, i.iuiid he uses, boMi. bdick and iV.hiie oalt, ueiiendiiiji, on the kind hesl 't "BUlted to thu anielo In ijueslioa,, "'Jubt ruceiiily Air. Milier nas lm; come convinced thai the ouk will imiKe superior iuiiomo)He , wheei iOKos, and ne nas 'recently 'in ';' atalteti a siiecial la (he' Jhtft. , can 'ttinij out. sitokes an nour,. am -hicKoijy, wtiicU only in Uie 'Viaiit and middle-west, is rapluiy . becoming scarce, the potentialities of t)regun oak, with -which nm lulls an; clad, can be readiiy seen. Tne scrub trees 01 siliau diuieie ''"Mloiis, which grow in. such anund 'ii'lit'e and tire used (inly lor wood, . . L-an be utilized lor' auto ; wheel apokes aid 'there ix liitie waste, 'j no mill, lolls .range Irom ti to iu Indnes in ctUimettr and1 are used ' tor conveying boards froth the' ' '-"MlU's lo tho rear of the mills. ; ' 'Mr. Miller is hy way or being an mvemor, too. His grandrniher, M; t;onneciicitt Yanht'i, 1 m enreii ihu.lUst. wagon bhOUg, many years " hciore ihe uay of too "horseless ontnugu." .Mr Miller has I live tie . ed:fU im.Z'Saw filer aiul a. number j or'nitiirr things that hu'e showji ;$ieiuNVives pirtclieaole, and h;ts r-wgod up ail iio niih miichlneiy, introducing a nuinher of .innova tions that make to;- speed and la cillty in operation, ', ' Has Big Trade Radius ! K Orders for the nardwood prml '' "ucis are received I nlni lei'iuory f ranging from Hrltish t idumhia lo -'boititu'in California, hes'uies the -' large local business in mill rolls, (eic. Mr. .Millor, who Is VI! years e-';wa ..h.l in 111 h..ulil iliiKu mil int. crate the -mill mil time, only turn ing out the special orders he le- ' -Cr-m's. But with the ndmitled su ""'fierloiily of Oregon oalt, the lin 7,,jriense supply ol timber available and a lug market demand, an 111 f,nmrtry, sitppiyttii: n payroll J'- fxr Oakhihd could he oHlablUiied. MEW OARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BUILT; ,.C. II. Kwlng and B. II. Stewart i in tne Oak mud Service1 . Station, are completing tludr new . v-hUihliugs and will Jiae an attrac- i live place. ! The Hew bullillugs have been ' erected on Ihe ground owned hy .jUt-. Al- O. Mtugau in I he iiorihciu; .uid.or town, the former buildings . (Jiaing bin tied a couple ol months ;''ago. Mr. Stewart Is an expert iih1- : T3 chauh: and turn a spUmdld busi- j ness iif car repairing. Mr. Kwng; has ciirtrgo ol I lie nation. Some' HZ ?-'"'u has h'-en -'pended tut ihe, ir buildings and they are distinctive: a--In colors ot grey .duecu with lt d V trim. A city campgrtaiud ami cablm T--L-nil' planned lor la-xt ear. and as both ouuk o-n ate wtdl Unowu ! ? ' " iu the cminiy. lln-y ftill -merit :i " Kood patiitMagf. t' BOOSTER ORGANIZATION y IN 4TH YEAR OF EXISTENCE Tie- Oakland (iiddilors. hoiMUr club et 1 mil city, w h It-li organl.:a t tioa dfrlvr;t ill- iKiitie rom that "II graceful h i r d v it bout which ' h TJmnliii ing uld ht hut all comply diani. Is now in lis lourth C yf' ol exti-lenee. t.'omposetl of rf pr hentai ive people o( thai seetiou, ji';nlif ey ,1, K. Sti-aiiiK a- piel- " "t lit lilt- ihilddi'is have sinnil tor I'"" advant eim-nt ot nil i li- enter . f priiif. Ttieir major 'etion cai h '; e;u lli':- hi'iMl tile lib ol .hl!v eele- hnttiMO. the hlK i'-ature oi t hiih a "I the loin-ii, a pa.-siim glimp:, id th. Ves1 fiiat a. This yen's eete inaiioa in said to be nio-t suei t"5 llZ tiniilH iall , and the thoiiratids "jm in -fiendaiue ve;i .made up of ft- i.eevh from all iM'V Ihn sirtte. Oakland, the Turkey M TuiEyiisisiiPoraT AND PRDFITABLF. INDUSTRY IN ARDUND OAKLAND GOHORHY etropolis of the Pacific Coas TRADE WITH THESE LIVE -WIRE FIRMS Greater Interest Being Shown This Year in Production 1 of Turkeys Farmers Receive Cash for Their ' Birds Market Is Fairly Stable and 1 1 ) Provides Profit Each Year. Oakland Is the turkey, mclrnpolh; plump, corn-fed dressed birds, of- Douglas: couuty and Douglas And what with bidding by buyers, county la tho turkey center of I he who represent ' large nationally world. And mdical Ions are Dial ' known firms, arguing over culling, this year more turkeys than ever prices, ttoriiug, weighing, packing will he brought into Oakland 011 'and stencilling crates, it is a hec "Turkey Way:" - iih: time. But . the farmers go home Crop IncreaselThi Yei - ; wf(h -sizeable cheeks ltuthelr jeans! A number ot -years ago-Douglas and not half as mueh interested! (luiuty'led the coast In turkey ; in- M'hauksglvliii? as 1 hey -were a lalsing and many were the" birds 'couple of days helore. hat gluddeiMil the hearts of epi-J- . v S5,000 Cash Last Year ' ctin-s al Thanksgiving, the eouniryl A conset native estimate of the over, while cheeks .01 lour lis'!ivi".i;aiuninl realized frcm turkeys in I greeh'd luaiiy: a rancher's ,hank ac-! 1 he Oakland section lust year, U count. Then the larmersi heeanie ' ST.VMUU 1 Approxi m a t e I y in.OUU inlerttsled In, hrnccoll ,and while birds 'left Ihe lown and tho aver-1 the county Juiffpcrl lnlti the lead agi juice was :U cents to cents hi Oregon winter cauliflower, turk-ja pound or about Sfi a bird.' Tho J. uya began snuu To wane, because 't. Hrldges company ol' Oakland Is while turkeys and .broccoli mix. I he I urges! lurkey buyer in that its not u mixture (hat is iV(il'iiahle( vleinily and they handle a vast to the tanner. The birds found Diet nuinher of birds for outside pack tender green leaves especially de-; irig.c.oni-panies. So ihe evidence is leolablo as food. In lael, it hasjthat again Douglas county will mer been said that a crowd of healthy. ii its reputation of Ihe turkey cent turkeys In a broccoli' patch can -r of tbe world and the fat, suc ritin a, lifelong fiiftidship cpticker ' cnletil birds, which because of our than secret dih)tiiucy. So for iwo cxcepi ional feed and climatic ad or. three years, Ihe turkey crop wa.s j vantages are said lo be far su not as large as. previously, but nowjperlor in flavin-, will form the the tendency is again toward ' piece di resistance ou the majority turkeys and this year's crop willjof American tables at holiday be tho largest la-years, time. Younfl Turkeys Bifl Care o The, half wild nature' of the1 lurkey. hen, causes her 'to seek seclusion lor her nesk therefore, unless the nnjt, is promptly located, many of the eggs and young bird:! fall prev lo skunks, weasels, coy otes and oilier marauding animals. And aftor Ihe hatching, the poults are very sensitive to weather changes and a thorough wetting can wipe out an ent li t; hatch In a siiiKle day. At'd-r the birds can I ravel over considerable, territory seeking their own total, their cost Is negligible, tt has been figured out -lliar tlie average cost of rais ing each turkey till market lim lime is St per bird. -This year the cold, late and wet spring was nil her liar;! on t lie newly hatched birds and many id' (hem died, hut lor the same reason if a late spring, the feed has been good and loo. the grasshoppers, chief prey of the Thaug-glt lug bird, have been very pleiititul. so Ihe tinkers aie aing fat and prime, Use Corn tor Fattening ToWard fall upwards of Bar cars of cracked corn will be bronchi la lor faitcnitii; the blnls ami this Is fed lo them lor a couple of month helore the holidays. This insures ideal condition of the meat. The bird hatched late in the sprim; are usually held tor (he ChrisiuiiiH markets, T m it factors establish l h 0 turkey Industry as one of the prnnrable Dot the farmers can Dad .firs!, that while price.! of other com modi 1 ies fluctuate so as to iniike lie- crop a ptoilt one year. llltd oltea a loss lite next eat'. Die Hie iced lU'lert-l while tlu market price of tmkes average ,x inters entail little lo.s 1 tatrly sh inly - or it number ol vnimu lamb.; Die poiiiMl price has been j ' Tbehe;u rains audi I weaUi- imill tit M-llltf lo -t: cents a pound. ,.r ,,r Hiis siM'iinr 111:1. 1. mi nlmn. Due; iiiMiiiev a market Unit is not . (tanee of rn en t. e.l u :i r... a gieat citmbhv Secondly, tt Is a! .,un (M- i;nnhs u-r.. in splendid 1. Ii l.usiniv. When ihe giower., (.IM1mi,.n and haier than normal, disi o e of Iheir -np en "Turkey i The K. ti. Younu cmopanv is the Day, tlo: receive Ihe money he- heaviest buer oi sheen and in a lore Dip biids are shipped, Millie o er a unmili him sliloned "Turkey Dry" the Finis ;Ver l-'u cars of lambs. Kat h car I- culuiinailoM ol Die w hole eari ies nppi-oximaietv 1 le lambs, v joti Is 'Turkey Du" ami making iu round figures 17.0t) uot'Dt heeiiig. Mlns hmihs from De- Oakhu-d disiriel Over $135,000 Realized From Lambs Shipped to San Francisco and Eastern Markets, I'Vw penple reall.e whal a volume ui business in , sheep and wool Is done in the Oakland sec tion each year. While sheep are raised all over Die county, the heaviest shipments are made Irom Oakland, and ii lias been said lhat if is one of the greatest shipping points lor wool an. I lambs in the nm 1 luteal, Kxeopt in a few instances, no Very large Docks of sheep are maintained, ninut fanners run r.inu ;Hi or loo on a small range. K. (!, Young A- coinpiiny, Oakland's pioneer I'll 111 has i'.ond acres tie voted 10 sheep, (i. i Sparks runs most f,,tniu head, and n lew others have la rue I locks, bui I he majority of the hands are small. There Is a ureal deal of out ranue near. Oak laud and the sheep thrive well ou mild 1 the D11 key this I). nniall ocmiis a lew thus In-fore Im.Ui Than k-nlv inn and riirUf iiiiis ali'l Into tttn d;ys H crowded the l-ei Dr 111 Mom ef ten ordinary da, . Yei,- tii the turkeys Used to h-dtl'.t-n iiitn town alive n,td klaurh teretl h k:u. of pltkcis. leu Do tniTiirs base tound fhat (liev c.mi dres tin ui and Iti in icady tin shipment, n preOt So. eiulv hy De- ntomit "Inikfy Day.' whkoii;;. trhrk and flivvers arrive, all loaded wilt Mono. The avet awe weight this jear is Su pounds each, white he .ti i-i HL'.e (M'teo r-eef cd V 1UJ -ntN a pound. At a cotmervalivt Di uie then Mil-; em;i ineine from lambs tu OiO.lsi"! was Slrt'i.neit The h'tnlis are shitiped lo Sua rra'ieiseo, where imeit of Diem are lo in in enjiMiinictl, sotn" goia east. IVrt greater l i-ef tloe.- not pit) ule a vi-r h'-axy jlilrtrkt't tor f'linh-; mi I 'l in Mproml ."Puree of profit i is 1 it in the Mheep is Die wool, and UVtlDuUetl on 1awe tl.) LEAS & SON, GARAGE OAKLAND, OREGON Everything For The Tourist . Barbecued Sandwiches Lunches- Ice Cream ' " ' Individually Percolated Coffee WE STILL MAINTAIN WE HAVE "THE BEST GARAGE IN SOUTHERN-OREGON" FRESH GROCERIES Real Values Every Day. ! AT THE BIG STORE Full Line of General Merchandise Dry Goods, Blankets Shoes J. T. BRIDGES CO. YOUR STORE OAKLAND, OREGON Deardorff's , HOTEL YOU'VE HEARD OF US The Biggest Meals You Ever Ate for E.G;Toung&Co.Bank OAKLAND, ORE. , 1 . . Established Over Seventy Years' Capital and Surplus $65,000.00 50c ALL HOME COOKING DELICIOUS PASTRY 17 Miles North of Roseburg on Highway . Katherine Deardorff Manager AT MEDLEY'S ' A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Trunks, Bags, Wall Paper and Harness Get Prices and Note the Values that are offered. Full Set Good Sturdy Harness $45.00 A Big Heavy One $65.00 OAKLAND Service Station GAS OILS KELLY TIRES Battery Service Repairing EWING & STEWART ! ' MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM i . , ' " ' -.ft. . . j , .. , f j Promises or Proof? j OAKLAND'S SUMMER RESORT THE FOUNTAIN Kodak Supplies, Stationery Drugs Our Specialty Oakland Drug Company The Bargain Drug Store' Oakland Meat Market W. O. WEGNER Best Quality Fresh Meats Ice Plant Irv Connection Oakland, Ore. We have proof for you that "Galvanncaled" Square Deal fence has the heaviest zinc coat ing of any fence made. Also, the copper in the steel wire adds many years to the Jifu of the fence. We can satisfy you that this fence will outlast any other woven wire fence and give you tho most years of service at NO EXTRA PKICE. None but Keystone fence is "Galvanncaled." The heavy zinc coating is welded INTO tho steel wire by a patented process. Just look for the Red Strand (top wire), so you may be suz'e you are getting genuine "Gulvaimealed." COME IN-SEE THIS NEW FENCE Stearns & Chenoweth General Hardware Oakland, Oregon , Mfldfi Only by KEYSTONE STEEL WIRE CO. PEORIA. II.U lilihee Mill and Manufacturing Co. Pioneer Hardwood Manufactory of Oregon CENO ."OR OUR PRICE LIST J. H. MILLER, Owner Oakland, Oreflon FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH Ncas' Restaurant Good All-Year Trade Electrically Equipped W. R: NEAS. Owner McCurdy & Sons , CONFECTIONERY OAKLAND, OREGON Lunches Bakery Goods Soda Fountain THIS IS A GOOD TOWN 1