Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 28, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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Oil Stoves and Ice Cream Freezers
Beats anything you ever tried for the
yery best results.
IS27 HE A Soy it n Lucien Burrnon
THIS HAS HAPPENED Jtliw ipcs. T'.ires w.-.y,"
Aiieuiius iroeu uwuu uur I
(awkwardly. "Paulos coma to say (black before her, Viiak pat a prt-i
jhe shmncj what he- do today, t(et 'of betel Into hto mouth, "A-l
Come la say very 'shanicd, Pu-tonlshlng," he granted. "3d sHotVt
ilos bravo uisn. You know. Paulos tslittiK as to be almost lneedlbl
brave nun. Everybody know. Pau-J Elise roused herself luffirteatiy
los kill jaguar for you. Six, seven to shift her glance to him. He
times." I crunched the betel out between his!
I "Ye;;, Paulua. i know -you're a'powerful jaws. "Facta are facts,'
brave mas, t nave f o revise my ineones. "i nai a
;ali. No- mistaking Prentiss, Not
American girl who owns and lives'plo, too, think. Never go. Bud. ,lo vet, W.;anour man couia be mistaken for
on property adjoiniug the queer Bail. Go home now, ycsr i,ale. "' '' him go cross river any i in all Booth America. Even
liulu jungle-bordered Wwo ot Por- Not want spend night iungle.i ' u , . ,, T''f. "l" "''n !
to Verde In west central BraiL f jungle not good night." - if- Wttck '"""I"' ,?dltt l"h-jtV are teen
I Severn mysterious deaths have vu-k cnlv mien,, hi... tor. ?'fuo.t cro3' but 1 au,os cross, observers. Whatever else they
i . , , . ' auiua ijrave. area i. i
: . ... reward, mo outer uoggettiy rctusea., ...m E,.d , hpar ,,., v,m , Thc lbllM on, E,0i
t,very- brave nun,. after a!!. Paulos,'" 3he;pieked nil the can of shetiae again!
the life of Kiise Marberry, the! made
lo rei.eatod'W signs Iw hid ll , u,; A ? "'
de wtlh ll:s hands, "Eat peo-!1 .''. sfrry."
. .hh.b v.... .... .i I 'esin. Paulos very
The Oil Stove insures a cool kitchen nnd the Ice Cream
Freezer, put into practical use, refreshes everybody in the M
home and keeps the tolks cool and sweet Try the plan
out, .j. : ; -
See us today for prices on this
' hot weather combination
, The Winchester Store.
' K. R
caned harm, due to the shrewdness m hrnv mHn ,'nin
under the name of Davis.' V.lak talnut ot cross river" 1,': ZJ"ttight m' ',,r IS 15 J5u,Ll,a. hS.ff,
a curious mixture' of American and
"I tried to be. fnlr .to Prntta,"(B
Oriental blood and a student ot ' "h i ,h 7 L. ' "Z W.Z,i".u .j. i!! i," " i... J,'?.,, Z
prlmi.ioIuKV H,i 'rf In iinraliada 1 , . . . " mn-c ui nuu ueei. Ill- iiiui. iuii s,eu uis ne, uoi ul
Stae !"S 1kvJ the countrta "irJJ, 6J lrL.V'8"f 1 im Br.1 ?0Lni'."lJ.!a . IS'r8" ss ifW?' 5
NunnaHv in ' Somet!t!S e yea can't be (air to. Wei
11 ehUrk Slvmif?" Togmher they , pleaded, about baby gone." . Ishouldn't have interfere. Those!
i InTT,,r, rJVJ,.,!! ,..iT,,M,,i oruerlu, promiaeo lavisn mcreaseB, Eiise put down Hie can of shel-1 persons who attacked Him were
'.mniwTi SJ , ,7, h ii,U;of pay' ''r'ae: Ihe native. lac she was holding so auruplly it avenging something brutal he had
. . . giouinny repueu mat tney would i splashed over the blue apron ami
'..gain the a en, VI uk, and an-(ralh b0 ku.d M ollce ,ri cros8 ,ml dmm ,ha LrrM toward
ST ,"f, une niacK-siiadowed river.
Her departure is prevented by ui .
e threat of fioods- Mussongers 'li0 . . 3,.au"t ahou,lIfrs-
FOR SAI,E 20 ewe lambs $8 each.
V. E. Wotcott, ,ynins Valley.
PAINT, at Fage's, U.SS' to'p.VU
'pur 'gallon. All good values, '
h- the garden, O, .T. Koyer'a road
f stand, miliird, phone 22t'j. "
4ult SALE CHEAP Uood young
team, wt. 2S00, harness and wag
Von. W. G, Kinzer, Yoncalla.' '
F6u"SALK"OE. TRADE 16J acres
lift Yoncalla, Good S-room house.
Might take car on trade. Box 71,
Yoncalla, ; ' ' : ,
CUCUMBERS for sale Large ones,
25c per dozen, small ones 25c per
gallon, bring containers, pick
1 them yqurself. H. C. Dawson,
(125 2nd Aye, Co.. Phone 02-h.
IliUCKS, , trucks trucks ijbfu
trucks for' sale or trade for
pleasure .cars. Hansen Chevro
. let Co. ,
rORD TRUCK with Kuckstell axle
and steel eab, 1924 model. Pric
ed at 176. Hansen Chevrolet
Co, " ' - ' - '
FOR SALEBuff 'Leghorn I cock
erels,; 10 weeks old, Hie .each.
Mrs. Geo. Meilott, i mile south
of Kelley's Komeiv ' ' .
POli SALE Dining room . , table
and chairs, library table and ra
,dio tabie, . leather, i rockers, 1
- Hoosier kitchen cabinet,. refrig
erator, bedsteads and mattresses,
- lawn mosver, bicycle, etc. 307 S.
- Hiln St. !:' ' ' '
200 acres 1 mile from county
road, 34 miles from Wilbur.
About one-half cleared, ' balance
. good timber, 10 aores tillable,
good place to. raise . turkeys,
goats and sheep. Watered with
springs. The price is so cheap
that it will surprise you. Inquire
at Turner's Service Station, Wil
bur,. Ore.,.:, - ' ; ; ' - 1 '
. '. ..'
:'t6l ' RENT Furnished 2-room
apt. Call 314 S, , Jackson, or
phone 1S-L. '. . '
FOIl " ItENf frooni Turlishmi
house. Call at 541 S. Pine. ,
RAMS FOR SALE Registered
i Shropshires. Mrs. W. E. Staf
ford. 1001 Mill St., Eugene, Ore.
, FOR RENT SToom liirartinent on
ground floor, partly furnished, nt
119 West Lano Btreet, Hont rea
sonable. 3-room : apartment at 117 West
( Lane street. Unfurnished., Rent
' very reasonable. '
G. W. YOUNG..& .SON,.. 118 Cass
Street. PhoDe 417;
: :
CAR OWNER Don't iorget to
. call 653 when In nned of auto
parts. Sarff'a Auto Wrecking
House, .
WANTED Turkeys, largo or
small.Boyer Bros. IMione 14-F14.
HOUSE cleaning 3ono"bya first
, class man. Best ot references.
' Phone 407, , " '
WANTED Stocked ranch, on
shares or what .have you? P. M.
Paulson, Star Rt lioseburg.
University track meets . have
been glorified la. pictures, :foofc
ball . games .' have reached the
screen, ;and the doliegian's base-
bayy games have not been ne
glected. Now, conies the rowing
nice with its colorful background,
thrilling, struggle,, and the human
conillct behind It. .
A race forms 'the underlying
theme of "Roiled Stockings" a new
rarnmouni picture directed by
Richard Rosson,-now : showing at
the Antlers Theatre.
Leading up to the big climax are
all the elements which go to form
the' urama and lure of university
life a young athlete who sees in
the four-year period a chaneo to
glorify Ills prowess; a sophomore
who "kids" his way through the
curriculum with plenty ot diver'
slon in. the form of, pretty girls,
cards and motoring; a 'college
beauty, and a jazzy blonde who
likes to have the undergraduates
take her, on parties. ,
" Richard. Arlen' is the athlete,
James Hall the philanderer, Louise
Phillips the jazz loving vamp,
f ': .
rldo thruuab . the countrvsiurwarn.i''tooK8 as " wc'r0 P l'na"i him. But canoe ribs which had broken. They
nuo inrou,n tno counirybiuo v.arn- .,. , k . ,,m,hn,tv. who h.-,vn .n u-orM in n ri.o ni,i man
him. Her slight body was tense
with eagerness. "You haven't
found him 7 If you have' I
done to them. I know It. I feel
U.,aml if we had not dsne it
Tinky would atili he here,"
Viiak began lashing a thin strip
of springy wood to one of Ihe
!mr Inn imuvoa Immi thn mm t -
Aviin h imrit S,.. vii-iiT ,iV, (Wuuid accomplish nothing. Noth-l'""1- get on Horses tuts alter- neatea a gummy maiare over an
cldea to nreed' to the tol oil1"8 ,0 do bllt l,aclt '""1 W to". t?r Paulos afraid. Pantos alcohol (lame. The heavy oW-faah-Oaviord
I Prentiss ami wnr hhn or'BH 8umo m in Vono Verde who 'shamed he fraid, Paulos him veryloned silver; Watch which he oa
tbe danger Preutisi Ts a reilusii"'1. ','8 A W&.T-- 2Z XT ' .XL f. J'i teLl'f'!
ia titu , HummiS- nn ni'f in nnt"''- wian n-jituia occi iiiukii, rsu-iuu a its i-. i . nun vut iiib taamMis
un, i,i, r .m. i,,..i.i ,;'M "8 a
""'." tzz.ji z.?"..r: week,
,rT,r,; vzi: z, ;;:, i,.L v that
duty to warn him. , r
Viiak It'arna that the
warniog was a rune io get Pren
tiss out of his houtm and ho In-1
Pauio8 sick j loudly, immolonously. A shadowy
a couple of days, perhaps a t euuse truM. Paulos Just iikubat flapped, against the winciow,
And a canoe posslhly. Ap-"3- no longer "fraid laios.!and flew squeaking a wa V - :i
tat this triH'sKoini: to iastOv not 'fraid anymore whea P&u-i, VHak lookd u. "I tiituk wsd
longer than I expected." jlos- tell os do something, Panios better prepare for a losg journey
I 1J l. I t . , . him mt I1 11..... tl.. 'hn ...nlil f'Xr.irtK iV... r s-.-
"But don't you worry," huil,,rt Paulos here,
Let a Fairbanks
Morse Plant do
the work
We have pbrata as low as
$75.00. lit m (igtire your
See U Firtt We Can Save Y&u Money
Roteburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO, Oakland
Now Located at wssmnsten Street sa S, F Tifssgs
11T I :T
I :fc-i lie -Xi
DR1 A. H. UPHAM, OF 'f"- M';"tv --'-
IUAHO U,t WILL, Bt, s ,ci, sst,.a , . t -, M ;t t.
' MIAMI PHFirFNT " ' - 1 '' 1 '!- v.
mtnnu rRfjiuMi lcuci ls.t r,s ,
5 ' 5 : , ' . : ' L ' " Biveit hr hat Ma ' Xkenr-
i i 4 I.Unu rnm ; tfon, Mrninvn' wrirtl
OXFORD, Ohio, ;Jnly SS, lw, ij,n4 atjm roporte Bno time.
Alfred if. I Uph.-.!, m-.t.e.: o! y... A...-.- a-; rts v.-.
tho Idsho State Kilwarsily, Uam- (Js, pal,t tIi Kb Rojk
added quickly. "We'll find him 'i He Dnl ma enormous breast i two.
forms him. The party Is besieged
Can't help but find him. Just a llt-'with his tist. "Paulos not like
I peeled.. -A month., Perhaps even I ttt Wiiito.., V il Beounm raiaii: :i.,-'c, f6 "s Lr C :(
!to""! I - . ..-i ... jof Minimi University nero : Ttuvu- ns'. . s t.. ::.:.;. ,:.
Hie time. Just a little time."
jotlicr fellahs. Paulos brave. Wnntl
, i (Ts it CcBtlriuedJ :
in. a smau sione lower, next to, -,h , .-,.,".. thr ' loll.t..- h... .i fc..
..v-j luuubcu I, lull lUUiait'llV .........u nu uu
1,11.1. j, .t i"a rencning tne spot where tliev
k ,i.....,,r.i.. hatl 'oft their horses, mounted and BU-' s,'. 'I'aulos go b
a real "i on when h wi7.!set l''"v""S "e beaters lo find i ' " "vet.. Come nnd totf il
Sedes ti e? dlscowr renUBrhasithcir ,vtty in on rot- Though (they cross river.' So Taulos go
ceues tue uiscover j remiss nas- . rt .wirnv n t one r-nmr- with him oo
MX h H38, provlilln ha receive oB mttljig nsuia Bd Hca-i-
rhn nnnmval nf this hiwiisit hnmwFi u ,A fefed,irt,, .
VllaW itnri tint v' uHv k inl!. :ot truatees, V. I,; louey. itres.- . r. v r -.'
ay Paulos turn round '1 show their quest will take is Ions, -' In it"V pt, tno -boant, Futmrnntva to- : t?.t:e S j .-.e ik.c ,t. t.v
flck' and'In0 nexc cnapier trie quriutna cana- , r r ; i , ; rj:c.-ua avu:e ' : ;:ct:utr; . . . ,
.pa-.ivrn sew unaer way en.'.its jungles ur--uiHwrn gmmmis m iiH; ii luRsnsisrosm ;t au; .;a
back jeuniey. t I ,
bone. 1 ' inis-ht nhon ihv mni,n,. r.. Milan feilHh
The next day,' Tlnky, ' Eltae'a llt-lzenda. I i "Come lo river." he
lie nepnew, is stoleu again. A Viiak at onee set about sunerln.i'f'ross- Stay in bu
ent- on.
...I.!!.. T . .
search par'y Is organized and the tending tho collection of canned I 'I'"1 fellah wall. . Going to go backl
hant through the jungle begins, imeats, blankets, hammocks, medi-l "Iher side Whett oilferentliiilian 1
NOW BEGIN THE STORY , elite, and the other equipment ne-1 'filah, bad Indian tcllnhi 'come out
CHAPTBR XXXlil iccaKsry for an extended trip to thnirr"m tree, have hnw, have arrow.
. They stopped half an hour to eat jungle, while the fat, asthmatic j Think lie going try kill Panics. Out I
and rest, then went on., At two. Schwartz, who knew most of thclHmfe; ready, but other fellah not!
o'clock they came to a narrow! Indians round about, was detailed!". kill. What you want?' lie'suy
Fteh at Wleyia Part.'
laulos. -Kill Indiana Psulns knew
Indian lulu.' . i i n t i i
.' 'Not', kill 'Indian;' PsttloB sir
swercd.f .-Paulos ; Jrleiid t Indiaii.
Paulos just look for brtbv.'' -.WhiU'
Long after midnight, the three I baby,' say .Indian -fellah, i Yes.'
Americans were still making pre-lW Paulos. f Me 'sce whlte baby,'
parations for the journey. They!83? Indian fellah. 'White man
urged them, forward. fn.-,.ha rrmtid (were in one nf -thn Kinrohniisns i have baby, Uaiv white man. Look
fti ; whnra , thn . nnth. ; iwnf In,,,,,! Rlise find tilt, nIH man lialnlno Sick like ftlY'er. Tall Hkt . !mff!f
ithronirli the trees. . The henlers i Viluk nlinr the leakd in a Htrhl onrt.ireed, skinny Same way. mark on
shook their hoads Viiak demanded Ivas canoe, when Paulos, the huge forehead, white thing, like white
iheaeason. Paulos made cylinders! black who had refused to go for- men '-Wear ' around neck' high
of his hunt!:', .put' them to bis j ward in tho afternoon shuffled uu-'round licck." Right away Paulos
river, seeming almost subterranean i to search in the shacks and reed
so enclosed was It on all sides by shelters on the outskirts of Porto
the jungle Mackuess. verite for fifteen or eighteen men
Stalely, gorgeous-colored iherons'who had courage to make the jour-
suukcu tnrougn the water; , long, uey
ugly alligators lay In the mud, of
the. other bank. ,
Tbje beaters ahead halted. .Viiak
ALflSAHA, jeg M
w1 I p pa
fv-e'Lt. H
m be no v .o n
Not since "The Merry Widow"
has Mae Murray had a picture that
compared in artistry to "Altars of
Desire," in which Conway Tearle
plays the featured male role. This
new production, which was di
rected by Christy Cabanne, had
its first showing last night at the
Liberty Theatre, '
"Altai's of Desire" is a delight
ful combination of comedy' and
drama that is never played with a
heavy hand. Her Clare Sutherland
Is a new type for Miss Murray, in
that it depends largely for its up
peal on subtlety and whimsical
situations, . The first, half of the
picture the Btar plays with a pfotty
insouciance, and in the latter
scenes proves herself an excellent
dramatic actress. , r
Another feature of the bill will
;be "Masked Mammas," a new Muck
Sennett comedy with Hilly licvan
Thelma Parr and Vurnoii Dent
heading the excellent cast. .
(Associated Press Lmed Wire.)
SOUTHAMPTON, Knglniid, Jtily
2S it is considered there is Httie
chance or Captain Frank T, Court
ney starting on his projected trana
Ailantic flight before Sunday as
weather reports received ihere in
dicate that stuYmy conditions are
likcl? to prevail 1200 miles west
of Valentia, Ireland, for the next
thre,' days.
!AS pure as Roses 1
the. tAUHoay we I
The man who didn'i, think that
ynn could put any pootry or sphU
ment info tlio laundry biiPlnens
npvr ff-nt any of his wearables to
u to be lautidprpJ. When a rinso
out a pnrmf-nt it I as rian nd
freh as the sparkling Ucw and
whn we Iron ii, it is an pure and
firm as the sunkissed roue,
Roseburg Steatn.L&iindry
Phone 73 Roieburg
moiith. and puffed his choeks. ioasily throush the door.
"What does he mean?' Eiisej. "What is ii,' Paijlos?" fiiiKe aBk
asked Viiak. ; - ; icd; wdthbdt, Mokins .pi from the
''AiVald of being shot a& by biow- brutrh with which she was liberally
pipes, 1 imagine."- V.lak question- applying shoiiao , over a long teat
ed the negro onee more, - f , - ' in the how of th ft boat " ' "
Paulos nodded j VVa-a-a ..he - "Got-something to feay- to you,
grunted, '"Ya-a-a. ' 'iFmid Imiians Senhorita Slarberry." ' ' "
past river' here. . Bad Indians. "Go ahead and say it, Paulos,1
Never go. Nobody never go. Kill. Ills heavy' black arms twisted not ;jcavp the farm Of the huge jya forever. Brand's Head gtnnd.
know hQ mean Senhor Pxentisa,:
Ask hau more questions, Indian
get tired of Paulos quesUons ami
go away. Thon Paulos cross river
again, and como back to fazonda."
KHse's. fingers began twistlug her
blue apron Into a knot, heedless,
unconscious of the stick varniali.
spattered ujjoa it., Jler eyes, did
ni. Uulvaraitv and Dravlouslv hud i Jo South !eer Crtwdi.
rtoa associated with ih Jiii O, K, VsfMmu snt &!a?y
liimt tof years. -Hs whs grad J Rabiirg mxtnmng to tarfa
i wutoi In the emm of lgt?ami w;ts 1 alters - J
a pmifH&Q? ot Bmm there from - H Cox 0 ftwcHy, T S I'mn
l ifiOS until 19 whsn he becan.m san sad famfly, C IL JltdUy mi
I piiddent of ths Idshp mimitv fewHys Wdja BaH ana Winona
.- Irishes, whs recontiy, reaitmed Sua Jay-t Kt?Jm& EeaJ.
'-.' 5 ? : J to ttscont iHe , pWoncy ot low
iftl Wire5 Allstate Ammm t Ame "TWO HELENS TO CLASH
-in anpartli , , f ? A K J f T, TCNNiS TOMORROW
: 1JETOOIT. Julv 28.-
Sviiliisfhv- .Willi - earlier aiiiiminpak
meats that the Dearborn indefMsnds ;AHW,' pbmo .tuaor. Phono U9-U- jntm vtmt umrfm
enti heretofore considered tho o(- t i?3 : ' - i I MAXGHEiTBa, M , Jaj is
ftcia! rjimliinlacoiOf. Henry Ford, '-; T-- ' c :'s-ke. , 7i." f
would the turned. Into a l-oute 0'- J ' ' " ' ' ' r ' ! " si ' w t i ''
(tun, not for i (tOHerul clrettlattait. f j Afounfj -the' Count ck v." "s-:-' 'c- . t , .t. i .i
Henry Ford, has oriiorod deiilere I i ; ... - -f. 4rx C'a; C-3
to diseontltiue suUscfiptlons to the tiiA4 " a jt A I uvnilaa- .e -;;- c tnnaaent In
publication. 1 gotlTH BEBB Ch6EK: HBWS "V" w( Sfto won
The order was contameJ in k r ! ensHy,; tMMheahn-MSMtkcHnsa
letter receiveu ey- most
Tuesday, Return
already made, to
also was orders
have been reonlred to obtain auk
serlptions for the Independent as
well as sell ears and tractors.
iQftlcial confirmation of. in
tenlion to rfeatriet the Independent
to the Ponl organisation was lack
ing at 'tho business oifleest o the
publication and etsewhete.
aeaiera, Mr ni Ja,k ( re a -i
of subscriptions )a.iu,,ivteln.,,;; f.i(Mn !! mil MI ViMlm g Mr
-h.,stiMriBrg rrtCnitofBi,atijtinR talae.,." jJ'Esltos CBitje, oMJos-eA H
1. The SKMIetou! us, ,uri,i,il.-,i,,i j fra. - ' - - . - -
f -i , n i f
eliel Smith ; toft' auemWty for thoi
omit -ifH Urn HI lint tor j,( J BdOMS
few dv. , , , . " ; - REKT
Mr njifl M" H E." tllnoa ... TSI etna ir. Mim : i
South Deer Crcel.twui .have been ' i ' " ', . - Jut wo MW f -to
Cnitrt tJa ( Klaiisth Faita frtnu xcht; a;d Uve
rotarnefl if itcwliw afternoon
Floyfl iioUa yho In roanine h
talor again thia yemr ts Wry oosy
In 8anth. Denf Crnek.
Mismg ArUin VpI'hji, Ijoreeo
Post Otlto
Sweet Dreams ' L ? i lj' "j
By Martti;
. - .;..(.:-.:.
, f I, uiwv Vh wraiHs ?o. A . , f 1 f ' -r? ; 1 TT. P
V ,' i Bost - 1WMK.V.. J . . ', -. . -! c 4 .';' . i; h -? "" -t - ,i ' r ' - f boVCt . i ' .jt
... " 1 ,
MBSTWWS I EVER N , II a1 .ytxe OOE- 666 -AiT'LL. ! -) . .'. W'lriI-n CC V'" ' T-'
OOWWIJ- 1,1 -7- 3 7DSAV.'.' iWl-SCLeMSEAJr FeSCKLES-ES ' V j) i W
rp3 : c3-t:' w"
iJRt&FULU, '
l!l !
'metAeeR WOW MOT-ry
301(4 TW NcM';
IPS, tM-t-
OMR -THevr -
By Swan
WISH 4 VJtxS RtOHT : i ooRe MtveR,
. PiOftiM v , suppose
I r
Si: ,t.
WHeM f A GST ON ti
ff coc,e news rt
Jr-Jrl- Ls.. t-'-.y.-Jf
i ".VJ'r'-
ft SA U