SIX ROSEBURG. NEWS REVIEW, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927. J! li ! ? .. 4 1 $ i I 4 K LUKE S. MAY TO ; "j . GIVE ADDRESS EDITORS' MEET fContlnuetl from pa?e 1.) nttle, prefliUent Internatlouul As hiielutiun of CriminoloidHtH. 3:15 Itouud tuble talkJ" on Bhop . uutj advertising problemB. 4:0U L'nl'ini.Hhcd Imminent) and re jjortH of conference coinmiltei'ij. Attunling of UoHebtirg News-Ite-vlew cups fur best trout page layout of daily and weekly uewa liapers. , 4; 30 Adjournment. (Afternoon program for lading Includes auto drJvH and tea). Il:uu Uanquut at noebur's Coun try Club. SI UHiC. Kiili-rtulniiiont. lJuncing. Carda. Saturday, August 6 8 to ll--Edltora' golf tournament, (-up for beat score by ltoHeburj; Chamber of Commerce, 18 holeu. Aulo trip, boating, uorxe aliooa for non-goffers, 11:00 Short rosbIou ut Country Club, announcement etc. 11:110 Adjournment for luncheon. 12:80 to 1:00 .Leave for Hamlon, 3J to 4 hour drive through beau tiful country. 0:30 Seafood banquet at Jlandon-by-the-Sea. Hand 'concert. I Addreus of Welcome, Mayor Her bert Brown. Response. - Address, "Our Community," C. ft. Wade, president Uandun Cham ber of Commerce. ' Reports of committees. , ' Election of officers. Invitations for 1028 convention. "9:00 Editorial dance. Sliver Snrnv uaiueug. . ... Don-fire and stunts on the beach. Sunday, August 7 io:ou to 12:00 Editorial pnrty Kuusia ot wecoma llama lu nat atorium. Dandon Women's Civic Club an. nual flower show open Saturday aueruuon nnu evening and Sunday. Auto trips on Roosevelt highway iu x-ui't urioru. . Editorial party guests of Mnralv field Country Club for golf dur ing uie uay. Visits to Coquille, Marshfiold and iNorm iienu. . ; cooled off. ' . : - i This Mrs Kennedy vehemently uuuieu. .r . Mrs. Kennedy denied reports that she had ever doubted her daughter's kidnaping last year. Cet a fine fryer ut the Auction Sale next Saturday at the Auction iiouiie. A variety of goodu joffer ed at 2 o'clock. NORTH UMPQUA FISH ARE GOING TO CALIFORNIA (Codtinued from page 1.) No jtna'tter how critical your taste, it's dollars to doughnuts you'll put your O.K. on O. G. Because, my friend, it's a better cigarette. Better tobaccos. Better blending. Better workmanship. ' With not a throat-scratch nor a tongue-bite in a store-full. " OI 19tf, P. LorlllorJ Co., E.t. 1760 nota couffh in a carload INSURE YOUR furniture , Against loss by fire . , 'or damage. from water. The coat is , small McLENDON REALTY COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN CHURCH TRIAL FOR AIMEE IS NOW DEMANDED (Continued from page 1.) Game Preserves on the ; Increase 7- , , r Ciovernqient-Owned Resion to Reach Ten Million Acrei and 1 Nearly Every State Hns Established Havana For Wild Life Uniform Conservation Code May Be Adopted Game Supply Growing WASHINGTON, July 27 Ten million acres of land will bo em braced In federal preserves Tor tho prolectloa ot flail, and game .when the govorniont acquires tho Upper Mississippi wild lll'o and ganio refuge in tho northwest. , Regulations for tho now preserve were signed Jointly on Juno 21 by Secretary ot Agriculture Jnrdlno mid Secretary of Commerce Hoo ver. ' Nor Is Hie total ot protected ha vens for wild life represeulod by the federal acreage, lor almost every state -has converted areaB of its own Into conservation projects, and hundreds of farmers liavo lim ited hunting expeditions on their property. Pig-urea from the IT. s. llloloclral Purvey, Issued July 1, show from cmphasl.o the bonofll, of uniform ity in uamo lnwa. ) ' - "For thirty years," tho say, "this country has worked to ro place local county laws with stato and federal slntutes. Norlh Caro lina Is tho most recent state to come into the told, and now tho InwB of moro than forty Btates con-rm-m to federal regulations. Thero Is no other satisfactory way to sys tematize opeu seasons for, espe cially, wild geese and ducks.''.' Game Said Increasing Government authorities believe game to be Increasing In tho Enst. it. is maintaining a level In. tho Middle West, white- the West. It self, because of drainago projects and light rainfall, has suffered a decrease. An arms manufacturing company NO POSTAGE DUE " MARINAL OR MARITAL Mossenger. A Bmnll package as arrived from Pachulke and Co., Blr. Stage manager: Good! That will be the dresses for the 150 diorus girls. Meggendorfer, Munich. Mr. Newly wed: Little one, do you think I'll make a satisfactory mate? Mrs. Newlywed: Wonderful, darling. , Now look me over and toll me what you think of your captain. Answers. ed from Whittebeck but thnt she had no intention, of making ( her home with him. , . ' Mammon Causes Rift "The crisis r is near," warned Mrs. Kennedy, referring to the squabble with her daughter, which was climaxed when a committee took charge of tho tdiurch collec tions and the evangelist scurried home from an Alton. 111., revival campaign. ; Mrs. Kennedy said the crisis could have been avoided had her daughter not hung up immediately when she (Mrs. Kennedy) called her on the telephone in an effort to confer with her. The evangelist, however, said her mother used language that "would have meant ruination of us if heard by others." She declared she hung up for five minutes, then called her mother again in the hope that she had pole and take in those big tarpons and then brag about their medals and their trophies. Just wait until! they get hold of ono of these big boys. I'll bet some of those fel lows with their $400 trophies will lose every bit of tackle they can carry. ' Fish Take Ornaments "One thing is certain we won't nave any trouble catching fish the next time we come. They'll sure be glad to seo us. You know fish nre Just like women, when one of them has something all of the rest are jealous until they get some thing Just as good or better. Well. Jack decorated a whole lot of those fish with gold and brass snlnners and here are a lot of swell big fish swimming around with nice decorations on their jaws and every other (ish will bo so Jealous and so anxious to get some of that fine Jewelry that they will fight ail over each other to get at our hooks. We'll either make a big killing or lose a lot of tackle." Mr. Welch and ' Mv. and Mrs. Roaz were in RoBeburg today, mak ing preparations for the Journey home. They are to take a short trip this evening to Winchester to fish there and lylll leave early to morrow morning for Pasadena. To Bring Friends They were greatly pleased by the gift of the fishing lodge, ' pre sented by the local sportsmen aud business men and .expect to make good use of the property In tho fu ture. Mr. Welch Bays that he ex pects to open the place to a num ber of his friends in Pasadena and there will probably,- be several groups up this year.' Mr. Welch may be back later himself. He did not do a great deal of fishing. He was so' impressed by the scenery aim the conditions that ho spent a great deal of time takliig notes to be used in future sport urtlcles. Ceasar said, 'I came, I saw, 1 conquered.' 1 can Bay tho first two-thirds of that, I camo, 1 saw. Doing a thrifty Scotchman 1 didn't want to waste my tackle. When I saw what they were-doing to Jack 1 saved my spinners. I'm coming back and when I do I'll bring buck tho tackle I need to finish the rest of. that statement." '"'""'WW , -, ,.- () . l Mv MB?, WANTED TO CELEBRATE Could you, kind lady, spare a piece of cake to a -poor man who hasn't had a bit for Iwo.ulaysV". "Cake! Surely bread would be more suitable?" . - Yes usually, lady." Rut todav is niy. birthday." Tit-Bits. - 4 CITIES BID FOR FIGHT Those Dempsey Blows as the Movie, Camera Saw Them ' Motion picture camera photos of the blows by which Jack Dempsey knocked out Jack Sharkey In their heavyweight boxing match at the Yankee Stadium are shown bslow. Included are the swats to Sharkey's stomach, about which dispute as to whether they were fair or foul quickly arose, and the loft hook to Sharkey's chin which ended it all. Charles Penser and Henry Sonnenshlne, official movie photographers for the match, supplied the pictures to NEA Sorvice for the News-Review. New York experts can't agree as to whether the pictures decide anything. CHICAGO, July 28 The claims of Chicago, In quest of its first heavyweight chamnidnshlti match. are on display today for Tex Hlck artl's survey.- . Mayor, Thompson's official re presentative, George P. Oetz, a millionaire coal man, and Edwnrd V. Kelly, president of tho South Park hoard which controls the lake front stadium, will present the To Western Wives who run the CAR -as well as the family budget THE automobile has ceased to be a man's play thing and has become a woman's necessity. She uses it daily in her shopping; in gettinfthe : children to school and back, in her endless round of social activities. It is not surDrisinrr that in many families the cost of running the car now conies under "household ( expenses" and under the watchful eye of the home- , keeper. And thousands of capable women have learned that the secret of economy in operating a ; ' car lies in protecting the motor with the best oil that can be bought. . : : ; - ' - : 1 ' So they do more than ask for Eastern oil. They, insist on getting Veedol, the quality oil that gives the famous "film of protection" which masters deadly heat and friction and safeguards a motor ( . from wear and repair. ;. ' Whenever you need oil, stop at the orange and . black Veedol sign. Ask for Veedol by name or, if you drive a Ford, ask for Veedol Forzol. Then '. ' you will avoid the needless motor repairs that are hard to foresee and harder still to pay for. 1 Tide Water Oil Sales Corporation. San Fran , ' cisco, Los Angeles,' Portland, Seattle, ; ; , ' ' ! ' ' DEALERS: Bulk delivery of Veedol products is now available to over 1300 individual cities and towns on the Pacific Coast r 35 i La quartJ lr,r,.utii) to ano.000 acres Involved i I considers game to he growing more bountiful In almost every state. It estimates that .10,000, 000 rabbits were killed last year, 25.000,000 quail, 20,000,000 squir rels. 10,000,000 koomo and 100, ooo deer. - the Mississippi wild life project, 30,000 acres of which already Is under contract to the government at sr, per acre. Most of the terri tory is meander land, uusulted to agricultural, purposes, hut a num ber of owners are asking as much ns $2(1 per acre. Congress made available S.l.nfj). 000 to purchase tho refuge. Only!Bl-J. unnui .niu,iiuu or tlmt sum has been used, and whether the next session will increase the latitude in price is a matter of pertinent, importance. -Much of the higher priced land lies in Illinois. Wisconsin has sup nlled the bulk nf nresent federal possessions, Minnesota rcconllv iln.Hn tho gold discovery days pageant noted Its entire Mississippi hold-! horn today, enlivened tho exer Ings, and the rest of the refuge Is '-Ises witnessed by President and on the lnwa side of the river. 1 llr Coolidgo. No Clash With Ststes I 'rho '-'"" "lilch was drawing a Whilo fedora! regulations will 1 covered wagon, broko looso almost predominate- In the preserve, ihero;'" 'nt or tho automobile occupied 'Is to he no conflict with state f Ish ; "" "n' s'rj. (oolldge, who and game laws. 11. P. Sheldon, I '" protected from tho vehicle Chief U. S. Game Warden, Is pleas- r " ed with tho suggesled Midwest con-i servntlon code sponsored by the ' , . .".." ', " .i, ... i trees Window WBBhlng and house cleaning by Chas. 10. DavlB. Phone REAL RUNAWAY AT FETE GIVES COLLIDQES THRILL (AmrUlnl l'trm Usanl WlrO CUSTER, S. IX. July 27. A run away team of liorses, participating Charging wildly across tho field, tho horses which were still Other 11,ln,'hed to tho tongue and double iit-i-n ut i mi migiiu, iieuutm l..l.. , ,1.. I 1.I..U i I ri!" ci-Nho eirmg on which too expected to Join Illinois In adop-l tlon of uniform statutes. "Such plans." Sheldon snld. "are always desirable, They add to con ciseness and make conservation at once more practicable and more easll'onforced. Our best example Is the migratory gamo bird treaty with (ireat Britain, by which wild fowls nro protected in this country and Cnnada on n reciprocity basis." Officials of tho Biological Survey pageant was neing snown. j Screaming women aud children i scurried madly for protection and ! tho team miraculously dashed thru the crowd without causing an In Jury. It gave quite thrill, how ever, to the president and his parly. " Pure whole milk, and It's pas teurized. Jtoscburg Dairy. Phone 1S6 yr; terry ff mtt ,... . '' S;l!lj I .... . in. Dempsey lands to the stomach. Sharkey (left) apparently cries to the referee, who starts forward. Sharkey crumples. The referee catches Dempsey draws back his left. Dempsey's right arm. sCliCT vs v mmiSv-1 "''t- Wisp : ' "-" ; w ' ' t l gE22S5l -1 feyl ,mi . tylr,lMi...u.J Dempsey's left crashes against Sharkey's chin. Refereo O'Sulllvan tries to pull Dempsey away. As Dempsey pulls back his left, Sharkey's knees give way and he starts falling for the count XOTICR OK SAI.K In tho Circuit Court uf the State of OrcKOii for Doutflua County. Tho Union Centnil- Ufe Inmirnnce Company, a curjioration, pluhiUff. vs. Hilda It. Kriiser, Jicinmn K . KrtiK(;r and A. I KttmniH and C. J. Clionowtjtii, co-partm-rs dolnu- uuhIjil'hh a Steurna & Chuno .wetli, defendants. , My vlrtuo of mi execution.' judg ment, decree and order of sale issu ed out of tile above entitled court in the above entitled cause to me directed and riuted tho 2Sli day of July, 1117, upon a judgment and de cree entered in said court on the 2 2 nil day of July. 1027, in -favor of The-Unlon Central Life insurance tompuny, plaintiff and against the said abovo named defendanti! for me roiiowmsi sums of money to wlt: lEiO.Ki with Interest at 30 from August 2. iy28; fl-17.27 with interest at 10 from June 15, 1SI2..; $154.05 with interest at 10 from Juno 2-1, J02ff; $131.02 with ln torest at 10 from April 2ti, li27 ; $1.15. !(2 with Interest at 10 from December 1, 1120; S4051.9O with in terest at 6 from December 1, l!2i; the further sum of $300 at torney fees and plaintiff's costs at $20.80 and tho costs of and upon j this writ; commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situated in Douglas Coun ty, Stale of Oregon, to-wlt: That portion of the Jonathan Tibhutts and wlfo Donation Land Claim number forty 40) lying with- : in section thirty. four (3-t) town-; ship twenty-four (21) south range five (6) west of tho Willamette Aleridian. described as follows: Hi-ginning at a point twenty-1 eight and seventy-two hundredths (2M.72) chains east of tho south west corner of said claim Number forty (40) which is also the south west corner of said section thirty four (34): thent-o north fortv nut chains to a point in the On In poo la Creek; thenco east nineteen and twenty-eight hundredths (10.2S) chains also in said creek; thence south forty (10) chains to the south lino of said section thirty four (34); thence west on said lino nineteen und thirty-five hundredths 1 P . 3 f chains to the place of be ginning containing, seventy -sewn and twenty ? eight hundredths ( 7.2S) acres, xeept Ing t heref rbm two and eighteen hundredths (2.1S) acres off the south end of the above described tract, being that portion lying smith of tho center of the county road which said tract vns convevrd to A. O. Ieaho on Dec. 30, 1914, by Uoed recorded in Book 74, page 405, of the Deed Rec ords of Douglas County. Oregon, containing net seventy-five and ten hundredths (76.10) acres. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment, decree und or der of sale and In 'compliance with the commands of said writ I will on Saturday, the 27th dav of Au gust 1H27. at 10:00 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the County Court House at Hoseburg. Oregon, sell at nubile auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for In hand, nil the right, title, and Interest which the above named defendants or either of them bad on the 17th day of May, the date of the mortgage foreclos ed, or since t lint date had In or to the above described real propertv or any part thereof to satisfy said execution, judgment, decree and or der of sale. Interest, costs and ac cruing? costs. Dated this 2Sth dvof .Tnlv. 127. R W. STAHMK11. i Sheriff of Pouglns County, Ore-, En. I , Eastern Oils and Greases f It costs ess than i cent a quart to ship Veedol to the rccific L Coast. When you buy Veedol yon pay for quality not fiJ&ht.J arguments in conferences withjgHea also have filed claims for tho7 Hickani to convince him that Chi- contest. cago. can attract the largest crowd The city which can draw the and the richest purse in the his-, 'greatest throng is Uickard's choice, tory of boxing. ' jhe said, as he left New York last New York, Boston and Los An-t night. Have Your Printing Done in Town Help build up a local industry and increase a local payroll. Our printing plant is run by lo cal men living in our own com munity. , You can get an excellent qualitv; . of printing from us. We have a moderji plant, a fine variety of favorites types, up-to-date facili ties. You can get anything from us in printing from a menu card to a handbill -stationery, tick- ets, menus, booklets, announce ments, programmes, cards, Let us do you next job of printing. Rosebwrg News-Review Exclusive Job Printing Department 114 N. JACKSON PHONE 135