SIX ROSEBURC. NEWS REVIEW. WEDNESDAY. JULY 27, 1927. i J ! 1 i ! ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1901 M. E. BITTER, Manager " ' Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courteiy hone 284 1 Lloenied Lid) Dak and Kane 8ta. Embalmei ADVISORY BOARD MAY HOLD MEETING HERE NEXT MARCH -.The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce, met last night in the regular business Hus sion and considered numerous mat ters -relating to Chamber of Com merce activities. Homo Mnio ugo an invitation was extended to the 4'ucltic Northwest Advisory Hoard pi the American Hallway uhhouJu tJon to meet in Hoseburg ut somo future date. This is an organization j of shippers made up for the pur- fioso of considering the shipping ; problems of this particular section of the country. The Chamber oft Commerce lias been advised that there will bo a special meeting h'ext March and It was suggested Uiut this meeting might bo hold in Koseburg, If desired. The board of directors last night authorized an fJ)vtation to the advisory r board lor. --Iliut date, which it was full would be very acceptable as the broccoli harvest will be ou ut that Sine und the shipping experts will ub an opportunity to see tlio actual loading and shipping in pi-ogress. An effort will be made (p turn this program into an agri cultural shipping conference, and it, is hoped to have representa tives present from every shipping (hint in southern. Oregon. t. NOW YOU ASK ONE I . THE ANSWERS "Bolow nio niiBwurs to the ou Aslt One" riuestiona o Now tile gtmoriui page: 1 JCdilie .Sllnsiill was pilot of the winning plane in the Kurd Ito luibllity tour. "2 A pli'iiuryessinn ofiany,coiir fvroncu Is a session at which every delegate onlltled to betpnsei)t is In attenduueu or Risked- to ho In nllntlduuek- - !- - 3 Secretary of War Dnvls and Secretary of Labor J3uvls liitvo tlie Biinie family name. ' ( ' ' 1 4-Tlie Anieilcnn lennls cluiin ploiishlp mntclies will be played at forest ffllls, beglnnliiB Aug. 22. 5 (.'lemeiu'euti, ex-prcmler,' 1 Is ltnown as "Tlio Tiger of Prance." 'fl-J-I'eter IMannlug's new world record Mr the' liiilo' trot' ' Is twb minutes 2) seconds.1 ' ! ' ' ' I '7(--Ki!lln! Chilstdplrer Wrtlgglns wus tlio recently assassinated vice president of tlio Irish I'Yoo Mliltii. ' S-yoncph1 'tnul" Ciflloseliay 'Ik llio -rntil inline foi' Jiick 1 Slinrliey'. '' 1 il-'-Bynm Hnncroft (llun) John son recently 1 resigned 1 from till' liinsldoncy of tlio American Ilase bnll league. i . 1(1 Lena Wilson is tlio Canadian girl w ho married "Hud" ' Hllllmaii. ' Mrs". -'Moore's drcsKlnnkliia' shop, nhove the Itoseburg Nalluual Hank, will be closed until August 15. MARINESBATTLE, ,. AGAIN WITH BAND OF NICARAGUANS '! ' ' , tAHsnoliitiil I'rpwi UawHl wire) wJIANAl!A, Nicaragua. .Inly 27 American ninrlncs and natlvo constabulary were awailliiK or ile'rs today lo run down the band of .Irregulars from the recalcitrant Nlcarnguaii general, San til no, which tried to niiilnish a column or murines and constabulary under Major Oliver floyd at San Fernan do Monday. ' . A, number of ahota wore fired In this attempted iitlnck, a murine and several constabulary men. being wounded, but the Irregulars were put to rout wilh fTip loss nf sev- LIBERTY THE AT Today and Thursday Matinee Daily 2:15 p. m. I ft pi m Mack Sennett MASKED MAMMAsVi1 pral kllJfMl unit a score wounded. .Mflitaiy ci rules here expect lhat Hti action will noon lake place IN lw,'(n llie JrreiculurH ami ihe mar- turn, in n ii i Lit MM Will IIUVU U naif, hint as lliey did in the 1ml.- II.. en days uko ut Oculul, when DuiuiiiniB iiihu witru iu t:ulllll'(! Mini and toni.iahularv. Miilor l.'loya waa aout to the re- glon wilh a eontwumit ot marines ufler Ihe tJemal. hallle to prevent reorganization otHandlnos forces. I Kingdom now piling up at the 0 : cannery promises It a record run GENEVA PARLEY . when operations start August XI, T..r.ihBFull'c.i.0ratloii Has Keen re OUTLOOK IS POOR eelved l.y the cunuery from the fContlnued from page 1.) question of the eight-Inch gun bear- lug cruisers which the United States insists right to build, it must have the t In somo Quarters It Ib thought possible thai tho Uritlsli may sug gest reaching an agreement on tho total tonnage of submarines and destroyers und upon tlio number of ten thousand ton cruisers which Great llriluin, the United States and Japun would be authorized to build, but that the conferences I would adjourn consideration of Ihe tonnage of other typos of cruisers. This would mean, say American spokesman, that no total tonnage agreement would bo reached on erulsurB, but merely upon those auxlllury warships submarines and destroyers in which the United Slates Just now possesses superiority. It Is regarded us doubtful whether tho American delegation would accept such u proposal, chlcrly becuuso it Is felt tliut it would tie tho hands or the United Rtulos In the construction of teji thousuud-ton cruisers. EASTERN FOLK ENTERTAINED BY TRIP TO CRATER LAKE Mr. mid Mrs; Clifford Mabley, of West Itoseburg, Mr. und Mrs. Arthur llurrowuy, of Sutlierlin; Mr. nnd 'Mrs.' Clarence ' Mabley, Mrs. C'aiilo Kruso und her mother, Mrs. llurrowuy of the Melrose dis trict, and Mrs. Swlneluirt und two daughters,' the MisBes -Ethel and Hutll, und Miss .losslo Durro wuy, the last four from Ohio, and visiting at the Ki'use home here for a few iweeka, returned Inst evening from ' an auto trip to Crescent City, California! iuid also lit the Oregon Cftves and 1 Crater Lake. The trip frits nlndo tt show' tlio Ohio' Indies some of the tm nuin'ed beauty spots Hi' tho Oregon country, and the whole 1 party, which also included Ihe Utile folks of tho Clifford Mnhley homo,' en joyed 1 tne ex'cuiBlon 1 Iminensclv. lliey worn gone several days but every moment ot i no time was full of greatest Interest. EXCURSION TRAIN TO BE ' ' : EQUIPPED WITH OBSER ' ' ' ' ' . VATION CAR Tho excursion train which will muko the trip to bountiful Odell lake, on, Sunday, July 81. will be equipped with an observation car, diner and seven coaches, according to tno present line up, J. 10. Clark, local representative of tlio South ern I'acifle company, announced today. Meals may bo secured on the train by those making the trip and everything In tlie way of com fort, is being iirriinged for. Accord ing to present Indications a largo and enthusiastic crowd of lioso burg folk mo planning to malto the trip Sunday. The train will leave here at 7 a. in. und will return lute In the nvenlng, a sufficient time being allowed at tho lake for ev eryone lo view the surrounding v ninny, Coming Friday and Saturday A double bill Viola Dana in "Naughty Nannette" and Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms" (Usorintt-'l I'rcu low'J Win-J STOCKTON', Calif., July 27. ' Willi permits from the federal prohibition bureau louse tiuu.nim Kallona of wine annually, the Cull- ll'IJIIcl, J'lUIIlilllUJI tUIIUCJV Ul ' ni win. -lltor- urn uiu. ... Following Issuance, of the per - mils 30 days an", the cannery cut 1 a.vm., ,,, c .....i.. Z. ,t. .. .'.7.. ...... '.;.;i"lllr 111 'he uast lew weeks!1"" "'" H"-'" tiuslness l":"" l,lac',(l b-v """:l ex-1 o'rdein from all norllomt of the it, J ?1 , r , L ,..?, Stlliles luwl I prohibition ituthorilies In Washing- ton, announces f'ralg, us legitimate methods of disposing of Califor nia's vineyard crops have been sought by tho treasury department. All wines used in processing ilin kudota figs are withdrawn by Ihe cannery from bonded government warehouses and u tux of 4U cents a gallon is paid. Cuuo sugar is added to the wine in the process ing, reducing lis alcoholic strength to 12 per cent, the percentage al lowed by the permits, and making It a uon-beverage. ( (AMOcfatcil I'ri-M L.'aird Wire) NEW i VOItK, July 27. June Mathls, noled scenario writer nud tlio highest paid woman executive hi motion pictures, is (lead, tho victim of a heart atlaclc while al leudlng a performance In a Uruad way theatre. , Whilo seated beside lloj' mother, Mrs. Emily Iluwks, at a peir.iriii undo of "Tho Squall," at the Forty lOlghth street theatre last nlghl. Miss Matllis suddenly threw her arms about her mot her's neck und screamed:' ' ' "Oh, 'mother, I'm dying, I'm1 dy ing;" ' 1 Scores of persons- 'arose' from their seats, Ihe players panned un certainly in their lines and ushers hurried .to Miss Mathls and carried her1 to the ! alleyway alongsldo tlio1 then fro. ' ' ' Two physicians from the au dience bent over her. A moment later lliey nnnounced she was dead. Miss .Mathls, who was about M years old. was considered lliu most successtul of women motion Idc- ture executives. Her greatest , achievement probably was her "discovery" of Itudolph Valentino. Impressed with the motion pic lure possibilities of Ibanoz1 novel "Tho Four Horsemen of Ihe Apocalypse," Miss Mathls con vinced Samuel (loldwyn to produce it and Insisted It be produced her way and with Valentino, then un unknown dancer and movie extra, 111 the oust. Others of Miss Mathls' outstand ing successes were: "Hen Hur," during the filming of which (lold wyn Insured her life for ?l,(IOll,(MIO becuuso of hor value to tho film, "The Ten Cuiniiiaiidmenls," "lllood nud Sand." nad "The Hnjall," tlio two latter starring Viiluntlno. She vVns married In December, 1921, to Sllvano llalbonl, a motion picture director, whom she met In Italy whilo engaged In making Ihe film "Hen Hur." llo is now In Culiforula. FOX NEWS AqiVIISSION Matinee 10c-25c Evenino; 10c-2Sc DU POUTS SEEK TO IIIIITEO.S. STEEL, GENERAL MOTORS ! (ArKiK'lut''i 1'rtsj Ia'uwI Win-) NEW YoicK. July 21 A direct commiim'ly of interest between )e United Hlates Steel Corporation' ,wo "f'lii Ul evangelist and (Jeneral Motors Corporation, 'W"'L'" M. Kennedy said hurt her America's two iurgst iii'lusiriarllUll' "Eluded a pulpit 'statement iAnM-rlca's The E , (u ))i;nl dB NtIm)llni chocks. .Th ,her wu the assert- I interest, already dominant In (ion- -'' tm wlille. Mrs. -McPherson 1 Mltni are .,, ( Wall'""" 'HnB her messages or lov ; street Hides to have been mileliy ';""' '" -'". ho wan also send- MU"1 L I btiyiiiK heavily ot United Hlati'H 1 ""' '" "era to tempi.) InsurrHclliin ted them under I ,. , ,.,,.. ..,. iisiK m seim ti, n, ..., ; ,U?K0 """"''h ' fiPiroximately nVUI Hhares. I he dil I'onts an their next move, ;k is understood by ile-inclaf com - ileoulalors, will seek representa- tlii.n on the steel ' board ot' directors. coi-,o ration's i Willi tin Pont Interest ilmuiunt Mug Ceneial .Motor'! anil quietly buying Lulled Slate'! i.ltc! coin- irrn. time will he short, Wall Street commentators say, when there will be some kind of affilia tion between the tlireo corpora lions, although u direct, merger is highly imprnhulde. J'ierro du Pont, chairman of tlie General' Motors hoard, Is mention ed us the most probable represen tative on the Bleel eorpoiationV directorate from the du Pont In terest. If Mr. du Pout is seated as n di rector of United States Steel, ru mois are Dial lie will be elected chairman of Ihe steel corporation's holid on the, retirement of Elbert II. Gary. PATTERSON ASKS IN . TIE RCASE (AuioolntPil PrcHs Loaspil Wire) . SAM5M, Ore., July 27. (lover- iiui l ai.ersuu touiiy seni ,i iuuhj to Attorney General Van Winkle, asking an official opinion oir the question of whether he must cull u special election in the third con gressional district to choose a suc cessor to tile late Kepresentntive M. 10. Crumpacker. Tne attorney geueralhas - already 'slated unof licially that tho federal ' constitu tion governs in : tlie mutter and that It Is tuundalory iu requiring that -the governor call a ' special eloctlon. 1 1 ; .' - 11 'While tho constitution does not say when the ' election shall be called, it appears obvious that it could not bo called on tho date of u regular election, as is done often in the case cf measure to be voted i jou by tlio people, tor tlie reason .. ., t.,,,.,,1,,,. !,. ,!,',., 'l',n conclusl()n Heeni3 (w nL, ,lat a SI,e. ciul election must be called, and I hat tlie only alternative would bo that the third district go unrepre sented during tho next two ses-4 sions of congress. j Precedent that may bo followed by tho governor was found in the state records here today iu an of- tlcial proclamation by lormer Gov ernor Chamberlain calling U'spe- vi.u eiec.iou lo cnoose II BUCCt'SSOl I lo Renreientative Thomas H i noma: Tongue of tlie first OrcKon district. Ils 11,1 excessive charge for truvel Toniiue died in Washington Janu-;I"K expense and lhat when u public, ary 11, l'Jua. The governor's pro-iH'lcor Irnvels ut public expense he clamallon was Issued .March 5, 1""1 charge no more than actual 11103 and the special election was ""d necessary expenses and the I held Monday, Juno 1, IDnll, to till measure of expenses in such cases the unexpired, term of tlio deud ' a the rate charged by lailroarl, congressman, ending In March, j Circuit Judge L. l-I. McMahau to 11)05. Ulnger Herman of Itoseburg, j dny Isued an order requiring em wus clectod. ploes of the banking department Representative W, C. Ilawley, 'to return to Ihe bank nior.ey ex present congressman from tlie first ipended in, ec ss of the amount of district. Bald today that hundreds : liduidal Ion of affairs of the (lo ot times in. the history ot tlio funct Oregon State Hank at Jef cotlntry governors have called spe-Jierson in this county, ciul elections to fill vacancies in I The order dlrecls Deputy Guy N. congress. He added that "of coui-se ' Hickoek to return Sl.fiS of money the governor might refuse to cull a special election, and that would , eim ii. lie recalled no case ofifor four nienis and that SO cents: litigation Involving the question. LIQUOR RAID LANDS SIX IN LAW'S CLUTCH fronHmiPd from paere 1.) ngenls who were able to makel111' deputy it was asked S;0 a nunuMous purchases of liquor. It nionth he allowed lor maintenance Is stated that considerable other and the court finds when th or evidence has been obtained and 1 dor was filed the word mainten that lurtber arrests for similar 'ance was changed to sustenance. offenses may soon be made. FAMILY IT UT (Aso,-hi.-, lrv 'Li-nail Wiivl 'LOS ANtiKLKS. July ST-.-Ahnof. S e in p I e Mel'hersoii, evangelist. i Halms tliut the dove of jvitr.e iuis mimmi u iltnvn on AtmehiM Temple lo calm i;a iron bled affairs but her mother. Mrs. Miiiir.e Kennedv. to ilay imlitaleif the peine bin! was absolutely dumb. The latter, who wus misled last week Irom the business management or the temple and renei nn ulttmatum by Mrs. .McPherson lo leave the temple Home of mother and dauch ..v .-..l.l.... 1 t. . , ----- 1 Hv 1 ' I 2,, '1, ,' V, ."' -' 1MN CAUSES Ui.J...L. 4.. 1 H ''".ninl uilncsHiMl t ' .... ',, . , v..h,i;'mm 11:1a HO! t'VlMt hi'lll'' a conferenee wilh her, Mra. Ken finely averted, adding that ahe bun ' made Known tdie will communl jeaie with hr ' mother only thru a luwyer. "I can't bring myaelf j to turn a lawyer thru whom iu jlalk to my own daughter," Airs. I Kennedy aal 1 hetwi-en subs. "I can't understand why she should nay these cruel things about her old mother who has sacrificed life for her. I can't believe she is do jliiK it of her own accord. It Is bad advice hhe is receiving from jlnlereslen pirople. Ilul no inuiter i wlli" inu timM ,H n,('. I "'111 alwuys 'defend her.' . ... . . 1 m Her orflce .yeslerday, gave her a few openlnK words, .Mrs. Kennedy said, and then '"11'1" - '" l,el" uatlt "" l;r. leaving her alone. "1 love my daughter, but I can't remain quiet when she has told me to get 'my attorney and she would get ners and wu would settle mut ters in court." Tho evangelist Inst night declttl'J eu ponce nun neen declared by her mother, accepllng n place In the temple in the capacity of adviser on bplrltmil affairs. This, she ex plained, did not include any con Irol over finances, which previous position of Mrs. Kennedy caused the controversy that brought the evangelist hurrying back from uu uncompleted Illinois revival. Mrs. McPherson was said by her secretary. Miss Waldron, to lie prostrated ut her home today by her mother's unexpected state ments. 'I he evangelist's mother declnred Ihlngs at tho temple were in a worse "mess" lliuu ut any time since It was organized, and declar ed her daughter grubbed control or tho 1 em pie, the funds nn.d tho mall when she sent her to Taft, Culir.. Monday. r , - "Voit can't Imagine what a mess things at the temple are in. They were worse than at nny time since It. was organized," Mrs. Kennedy said between, heurl-broken sobs. "I had hoped to slay on In this work until Mrs. McPherson's two chil dren were old enough to tnke it over, hut it looks like 1 must get out. "My daughter sent me to Taft Monday and while 1 was there she , . . . .. jj;''"",,' ... mall and funds and control of the" temple, i , i . -' Ousting Predicted ; : ' ' ' l.OS ' ANtiKI.ES, ' July 27-.I3oth Aiinee Somple McPherson. and her mulher. Mrs. Miunie Kennedy will J he uusted frbnr Angelus Temple "before they iknow, it," the. lalterl predicted today,' as the result 'of ihe open revolt in (lie church and! the' evangelist's rorusal to speak to her' inojher' thru a law yer,' ( -' i t . 1 . 1 I . .. (.tesorintort I'rusa Leased Wire) SALEM. Ore., duly 27 Declar lii(t that Cl.r.O a liny, or 50 cents; a meal, is enough for the state to! pay in the board nud of its public! servants ami that X cents a milei iexpended for meals, the order stat- ting that he expended JUi cents each ! apiece is sufficient to feed a pub lie servant when on public duty. Judge McMahnn also orders De puty Hoy Nelson, of the banking department to ri'turn S113.G5 which !lu' p,aU's is ln w? of the sum of 91.111 u mum 11 itiiowt'u itiMii 1111 bis salary. The court says in ori ginal petition for appointment of The court states It understood at the time of making the order that Ihe allowance for maintenance was for "paying the Incidental expenses of tlie bank and by no p roe-ess of reasoning couH the court assume that the said fitly dollars was In tended as an additional compensa tion beyond Ihe salary allowed to the said duty superintendent. 1,000 IN INDIA REPORTED DROWNED LONDON. July 27. An uncon firmed report from Abmedabad. Hombuy presidency. Pettish India, slates that 1.000 deaths occurred In the native state of Rarotla as jlhe result of a reservoir,, fifteen 1 square miles In area, bursting lis : banks and flooding surrounding 1 villages. Communications between Bombay and Parotla are cut oti. GETTYSBURG VET DIES MANILA. Juiy 27. Kbenezer j Cook, one of the two membeis of ! the (i. A. R., In the Philippines. tltt'M uen IOOHV. hkvu I 00 K In lh lIH.. of riotlyhiirK I I.rc's pum-mlt'i. llo furiiieiiv livcil in rovlliinil. Ort'COII. 50-CEIaTMEAL !S rniniiPucnDGTOT I LHUUUi! I Uil U in I L NEW TODAY I'AINT at Pane's, $1.85 to I4.T( )er gallon. All good values. WANTIOD Turkeys, Targe oi small. Iloyer llros. I'hone I4-F14 WAXTKU :,)) pliie. J. II. Oi ugon. Itlikeyn, slate Hchosso, Voncalla, WANTKD Stoeited " ranch, Hhui'ea 6r whut have you? IJ I'aiilaun, Star fit., Itosebillg. -M. Foil SAl.E-35 truck bed und hydruullc hoist, also the rear end forti-ailer, cheap, ju Sarrr's. WHKKLS, WHEKLSTTVI IIOIOLS Watch them, und have the me tal felloe band wheels tightened ut Sard's. MHS" .MOOIMO'S dressmaking shop above the Itoseburg Xutlonul Hank, will be closed unill Aug. 15th. WIO HAVH" A PAINT For every - purpose. Try u gallon . of our $1.85 per gallon house paint. llenll-Gcrretsen Co. TftAlLIOHS, THAILEHS," THAli EltS We still have tile pai ls to make up a tew .more trailers, better leave us your order, at Sartf's. FOR, RENT ti room modern house close iu McL-lONDON 11 10 A LTV COMPANY COItNKIt OAK AND .MAIN HOUSES FOIt SALE Two dandy good horses for $40. Work, sad dle or pack. Some snap. See LAWIUONCE AGENCY, 125 Cass street. Phone 21U. WANTEli A man to run a name ly Oil Pull trader in threshing, no one but all experienced man need apply. C. V. Oden, Dixon- ville, Oregon. RENT THIS1 home . . of six nice rooms basement Good location 122.50 McLENDON REALTY COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MA1N WANTED All meinbers'of Chris tian Church Itihlu school to ell joy our annual picnio next Fri day afternoon. Cars will leave the church ut 2 o'clock. CUCUMUIORS for sale Large ones. 25c per dozen, smuil ones 25c per gallon, bring containers, pick them yourself. H. C. Dawson, 025 2nd Ave. Co. Phono 4H2-L. NOTICE We have a machine to tighten metal felloe band wheels. Ill Ink t hum in before they get past fixing. We guarantee our wheel work. Surfl's Auto Wreck ins House, 329 N. .Main St. , . , THIEVES" ARE" , active , ' , ' . INSURE YOUR CAR i , . wo . Write all lines of , , i Insurance , McLENDON REALTY, COMPANY COItNIOR OAK AND MAIN FIRST -COME'VlliST SERVED 17 acres, i all In cultivation, small shade, large- barn. . Good team of horses, all necessary linplo- ments, .-plows, discs, , harrows, cultivators, , hay rake, spraying - machine. .ALL FOR $1,500 cash. 10. G. KING WELL, SUT1U0HLIN. KNOCK "L" . OUT OF SLAVIC Iut your earnings where you j snow tney uru-saie anu will earn a rate of interest that will sur prise you. Let , us explain. Douglas llultding & Loan Asso ciation, 117, Jackson St. , 1NSURI3 VOI R ' . " furniture Against loss by fire . or damage . , , ' ; from water. The cost is ' smnll McLENDON REALTY COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN savk money on your niorlgage ! loan by our monthly pavmeiit plan. Pay off the eld mortgage This system of .character analy with a new one. We have a sis or as it Is often termed, numer very convenient installment loan j ology, is really an extended study plan which not only makes pay- j mcut easy but effects a worth while saving to the borrower. Umpqua Savings and Loan As sociation, Douglas Abstract Ihiilding. JlOiMliS IN ASHICS ARK POOR ASSISTS UNLESS THEY ARE FULLY INSURED WE WRITE INSURANCE ON HOMES McLn??( Au-LI!'nC:?,MPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN 1JII) YOU KVIOIl STOP TO THINK lhat you have i'IkM lii'i-e at home MINERAL VAl'Oll I1ATI1S I'qual to any hot slirlnj; bath, where you can at small cost and practically no los of lime avail yourself of Nature's most power ful resloiatlve ELIMINATION of poisons from the boily. DlilHl- V,'! I.l'.'SS IIKAI.TH CKNTEIt. Cass. Phone 491. 9 ROOMS KENT This close ln home Just two blocks from school and five blocks to Post Office ?25 McLENDON REALTY COMPANV CORNER OAK AND MAIN El V Ii T 1 1 01.1 S A N IT MEN VA NT' A SHEEP RANCH Why? Ilecause ll's the best inlying uud surest Kame in the west. We can sup Ply one man at this time with the best bargain in Douglas county. Well Improved, well lo cated, fully stocked ami equip ped, for half pi-ice. Easy terms. It's time lor one man to pet busy and pet full information. See LAWRENCE AGENCY, 135 Cass slieet. Phone 219. "HAVE YOU a City home that you will trade In on a ranch of 101 acres fine creek soil with good, buildings close to Itoseburg? Yes! Then come In McLENDON REALTY COMPANY CORNER OAK AND MAIN DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 1928 H. C. STEARNS, Manager. Not'hwithstanding the elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of burial is no more. Phono Pine and Lane 8tt. FOR SALE 20 ewe lambs $8 each. V. E. Wolcolt, Camas Valley. FOR REXT4-room furnished house. Cull at 544 S. Pine. RAMS FOR SALE Registered Shropshire's. Mrs. W. 10. Staf ford. 1001 .Mill 'st-.EuB'l"5iPj'- FOR SALE CHEAP Good young team, wt. 2800, harness and wag on. W. G. Kinzer, Yonculla. FOR'SALE'OR TRADE 101 acres In Yoncalla. Good 8-room house. Might take car on trade, ilox 74, Yoncalla. AUTO THEFT AND WHITE SLAVE CASE IS INVESTIGATED Put Merrlman, aiieclal inveatlKa tor from the ileimrtniBiit of justice, caniG to Koseburg toduy to Inquire into the case oUStlward Powelttkl, alius George Hay, alius Hurry Ben der, who will probably be held on a white Blave charge. The pri soner was arrested Sunday morn ing by City Officer Dlelsch arter he wuh seen attempting to steal a spare tire from a car in the south end of town. A woman compan ion, Katheiine Bulsom, has been held as a witness. The car in which they wre riding, according to the young man's confession, was stolen In Wisconsin. He gives his real name as Powelski, instead of Kay. Mr. iMerrlman has secured confessions from both the man and tho woman. CHICAGOAN WOULD BAN DEMPSEY FOR HIS WAR RECORD (Asflnnlatrtl press t-onsed Wirel CHICAGO, July 27. A petition for an injunction to prevent the holding of the proposed Dempfey Tunney world's heavyweight chamj ploiishlp fight' here on So'liller Field, the first 'definite opposition to' the match, was filed today In circuit court. It was' filed by J. Kent net" Elliott, a lawyer, suing as a taxpayer, who ays his action Is grounded on Pempsey's war rec ord. KI0V TQRK, fJniy fef.iciiafles . StoneBam.' (.resident, of- .'ihp i Si i NwjYoi'kif OiajitM, ,tdtiy put for ward theJ lftlo' grounds' as a site for the Dempsey-Tunney heavy weight battle with 'ussurances to Tex Itickard thai a "gate" of more than i $2,000,000 would be possible at n top price of $50; ' 1 ; ' - ANTLERS THEATRE ' Beverly V. Robarts, ' cbaracterol ogirf'tj who Is engaged this week at the Antlers theatre, specializes n reading . character 'through the science of names' and number's, this act is in no manner' connected with fortune" telling, crystal gazing or mind reading, it is purely scientific and is based upon math- ematlcs conceded to be the only exact science in the world of vibration, and everyone Knows in this age that vibration plays a very Important part In the life of the individual. The verbal analysis which Miss Robarts gives to each member of the audience at every performance enables the person to understand better the vocation for which they are the best fitted, what qualities they possess and what necessary characteristics is lacking, and what they require to bring success. Patrons of the theatre wishing a brief analysis of their name and birth date may leave their full CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 327 West Case Phone 491 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting at Qlassei. 116 Jackson St Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. - Phone 187-R 610 So. Main WET OR DRY The weather mnkes no differ ence for FIRE INSURANCE should be carried nt all times. We offer reliable fire Insurance service to our policy holders and our service embraces all lines of fire and automobile insur ance. May we be. of service to YOU? G. W. Young & Son LOANS 116 Cm St. Phene 417 112 Lady Attendant namo as given ut birth, also their mullth, day and yeur of birth at the theatre with one of tho ushers and Miss Rohuris will make a type written churl which Is un Individ ual analysis, this chart may lie re ceived by culling at the theatre. BIG DANCE Melrose Country Club Friday Night, July 29 STAR FOUR ORCHESTRA Another Good Time DANCE Every Wednesday Night Rainbow J ! Gardens ; ' . . WINCHESTER '. . MubIc' by Star-Six Orchestra MAJESTIC . ; .- - i l ! Today and, Thursday ' rvlatlnes Dally 2:00 P. M., ' 1 ' art;acord "HARD FISTS" ' ( Comedy Western '. - - "Two Fister" . ' ; '' " j ' -' 1 Comedy ' " "Under the' Bed" Use Your Merchants - - Tickets ' ' ' Matand Eve. 10c-25c Today and Thursday Matinee Dally 2:15 THE PARAMOUNT JUNIOR STAOJ JAMES HALL LOUISE BROOKS AKHMip AJILEH HANCV PHILUP, ELBHENDEL 2 Qaramoimt Qlctiae lJep, thrills, love interest, youth and beauty are all rolled into this swift step ping college comedyl Comedy "Buster's Picnic" Snapshots ADDED ATTRACTION Beverly Robarts Presents The Unique Novelty Entitled "Numerology" Not a mind reading act but an exact science of your life. What does the future hold for you) Absolutely all names and birth dates handed in will be analyzed either from the stage or returned to you In typewritten form at the box office at any time you may call. This act will appear evenings only. Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-25c-35c I Rplled DdigS