ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1927. FIVE HOT WEATHER COMBINATIONS Oil Stoves and Ice Cream Freezers Beats anything you ever tried for the very best results. The Oil Stove insures a cool kitchen and the Ice Cream Freezer, put into practical use, refreshes everybody in the home and keeps the folks cool and sweet Try the plan out. . See us today for prices cn this hot weather combination CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE at 1923 OVERLAND sedan, J125. 1353 I Harrison St. , 'OE8 your roof need replacing or repairing? bee rage s and save money. 10US1 cleaning done by a llrst class num. Best of references. Phono -1117. i'jWt SALE Small' amount' " equit- care NeiVB-iteview. ' AHDEN vegetables, fresh from the , garden, G. T. Hoyor's road stand, Dlllard, phone 22F4. jtl'HUCKS, trucks trucks Eord trucks for sule or trudo tor pleasure cars. Hansen Chevro let Co. I'OluTTItUCK with Uuckatoll axle ana steel cab, 11124 model. Pric ed at $175. Hansen CUovrolet CO., ! ' . . , JKOR 'SALE Buff Leghorn cock erels, ij weei.s.oiu, iiic eacn. Mrs. Geo. Mellott, mile south, of Kellev's Korner. . li.Vlll bilP Tllnlntr .,.,.. I 1 ,.lVl n and chairs, library table! dio itable, leather' rockers, 1; Hoosier kitchen cabinet, refrig erator, bedsteads and mattresses, lawn mower, bicycle, etc. 307 S. Main. St. J FOR SALE, CHEAP 200 acres 1 mile 'from county road, 3J miles-, tftom Wilbur. About one-half cleared, balance good timber, 10 , acres tillable, ; 'L,good place to raise turkeys, t) gouts and sheep. Watored with ,i springs. The price Is bo cheap that it will surprlso you. Inquire at .Turnor's Service Station, Wil- bur, Ore. f FOR RENT 'OR nENT-M-room downstairs apartment, ririvato bath. 22 W. Washington. ' , ' : L''OR RENT Furnished 2-room apt. Call 311 S. Jackson, or phone 4S-L. ; JFOR RENT B room apartment on I ground floor, partly furnished, at Ill) West, Lane street. Rent rea l sonable. 7 ' 3-rooin 'apartment at 117 West I Lano .street. Unfurnished. Rent I very reasonable. G. W. YOUNG & SON, 116 Cass I Street. Phone 417. ! WANTED WANTED To bay. Ford Inuring, sedan or counc. Must be cheap. Roseburg. DBL1C-H7FUI. nnt rrrns for CVcrV room in our splendid variety of genuine Congoleura QoU Seal Art-Rugs. See them McKean, Darby & Baldwin Furniture Co. u Comnletc Housefurnlshers Rossburg, Oregon mi mi a FRSH ) ASA L Rose; ,S-,.'? etc 1 1 AS PUKE AS ROSES THE LAUNDIiy WE I B -SE.ND BAClCTOYOU : 1 ""Die man who didn't Ihlnk that "you cmild put any pnetry or senll- mcr.t Into the laundry businoHs fnever s?nt any of his wearables' to tus 10 lie laundered. When we rinse IF nut a garment It Is as clean and 3lieh as the sparkling dew anil when -fte Iron It. It is as pure and 4firn ns the sunkissed rose. I Roseburg Steam Laundry VySC-niOBK-5 W RiaKf -iver the home 1 Oomjn to W6 POST- Jr f' MOA60M-TXLMOPA rS H . -fNS .S WF Z:: 1 rWS i--s l J - LJ. j ' FROAN AW UMCLE CL.6AA- f. VL V, AS ITS SOWS -fC (VpX BB SWBU. IP WIS OBAy :so Av : pota stamp oo jY' n --frr)!- -ir- C( i .fIfM-' J - g. IS E: r LOST LOST July 23rd, between Dlxon vllle and Koseburg, one wether lamb, crop oft left ear. Joe Bruin bach. Phono 19K12. FOUND COLLIE Shepliord dog. Coos Co. license. Owner call at 1247 W. 2nd St., pay for ad and care. MISCELLANEOUS j ; . WILL TRADE B. I." Rod chick ens' for cow or horse, call even ings. 1441 Harrison St. OAK OWNER Don't lorget. to call 563 when in need of auto parts. Sarffs Auto Wrecking i House. ' , MONEY Tp LOAN on long or short time. Bonds to sell or buy. Wo are licensed bond brokers. 'ltlCE & RICE. T . ., j i; GET till OF PILLS -1SBI1 SsiiMtttlonnl, Fmulritiicntiil IHncovpit t ill it tic I Aiuui'-r uni'ih cunruiKcei DlBOOVPry maOe by a S0-yenr"p!1e HUtV;(Jl. .Sloiis mr, iljc(iinp:,- blctd lnif. Jf03 c-xfictly this or eVory cent refunded. Guarnntcud (.o contain fio dojio! " ' ; 1 ' ' 1 ' Not an ointment, sulva or bup postLory. A brand now reirterly which nbcrl)S nnd dries, up the piles, Is'otiilnK" Ri'otiRy Xir hard -to-uao. Q uii' It ty pi-iu-trntos and tlrivcS out tho conj;csi Inn, the irrlratlon. From our aft-vmr knowli:i1e of plloa WK KNOW xht: i. you wish mM relicC you inusi olthrr uae J. C. Pllo itomcdy or rtutjnnr to a. si(rtrl cal o no rati on. hTid rhousunOa of "Hts havo proven J. C. IMIe Ur:in.-J cny io no n'ii'(.rinr ia hut ?ry ni:u JnOnltcIv loss cosily nitd putnful. Cnitte on. you CllltONTC PII.PJ SIJFFEnEUS! Uso J. C. Pile Rem edy and enjoy life a grain. Jl.00 pr-r box, with unlimited mon-py-baclf guarantee. At nil (rood druggleta. J. C. Pile Remedy - Step out Is right: That's ex actly what you feel like do ing when your clothes are spick and span ami good to look at: No doubt atiout It "-when you know you're "right," it does buck you up u lot. A oiice-a-iuonih dry cleaning' will keep any suit young and frisky, l'hcne us to call regularly we'll do the rest. II a gj A pil.,s we KNOW .tnt i;.j..,u wish I. -.I , . OOKX , 9otSV,T. -J wAMMh 6, J V, .TAVtlM A -AVoHfyi : 'ft o I . " W ' ' ' aS&WSf-f ? 11 1 U' - ' ' . ' I S0R"6 -TMAT f I real relief you muni oltller use .7. C. V JK-J. l. A7 Tu' amru ' ' 7 V . Wf l I ' lW- ' fA. V- W6VL-VIHKT P I 1 ) nto ft&ft FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS If He Only Knew , m. . .. Bv Blosser Mi':a S 111 . . '" PJgJ - S ilRf 8 f' s-ur- ' Xitmm W K5A -Z"ZZ : for you lo step out of! El LJ LLV. : 1 t M II 'ZMll ' )-M.W& Vl-X?' '. HI I M ' I92T U NEAServt THIS HAS HAPPENED I special lc, for Vilr.k hail been care 1 Attempts huve been made uu tholul to build back fires ami the leap i lira of Eliso Marberiy, uii Annul- lug Haines quickly died away. The ican girl who owns and Uvea ou i party returned to Jllse'B fuzendu. 'property adjoining Ihe quuer little! "Hear anything about the boat jungle-bordered town o( I'urto Ver-iyet?" Vllak asked his cousin as he .In w.iil ....ittt-ul lll'livll K.t.l .... ,1... ..........I.. .i.wl .. Several mysterious deaths have occurreu. uui so iar sue nas es- called harm, duo to the shrewdness! nf her rutin n ntwl tirntoclfir Vtlak. who masquerades as her attorney),, paddle-wheel up at llenca, aud!w11" '" " '' outside, under the miller the liaino of Davis. Vlluk Is won t be down tor another three i '" . "" taking care .of a curious mixture of American aim Oriental blood mid u Btudent of tmlnnlrtuu II.. ,,-li.u l (l.tfuil. ralnde Eliso to leuve the country, H i leaving him there with his friend, Lincoln Nuunally, an elderly American chemist, to solve tue mystery. After her two-year old orphaned nephew Is kidnapped, tn be found again, by the alert Vlluk, anil an- I other attempt Is mado on their! lives, Elise agrees. I Her departure Is prevented by; tho threat of Hoods. Messengers j rmo inrougn uie couniryaiue wurn-idiup, lug the natives that the dam at Avilos has burst. Then Vllak de - cldes to proceed to tho house ot one Uayloid 1'reutlBS ami warn; tho river now. Cojosherla I don't him of the danger. I'roiillss is aiKIluw fi0 well. He seems pleasant recluse and a forbidding man, as Enough to talk lo, though some of well as an enemy of Ellse'a and shoals fellow Brazilians haven't a very suspects him of seme knowlege jhigh op.nlon of him. Ilut he does of the conspiracy against her. know the country and he Is mar Nevertheless, she agrees that It; by. Just a few miles past my place Is their duty to warn lilm. jut Vlllapa. Do you want to see Vllak learns that the flood bliu?" warning was a Tuso lo get l'ron-l tlss out of hl house and so rnmiK him Tho -nnrtv is hoKifcpd In a small atone tower next tol.Ms ni iemoon. Vll muko it first I Prpntiss' hmiKo hv nrmpil nttark- ers. Vllak finally disperses them by dynamiting a cam una causing j n real flnml. When Hie Winer re- cedes Ihev dlw'nvel PrentlRK h:iH'n..., 1... uwli i,.-..a irt ,.,.. gone. viiaa, directs inuoiers 10 set fire to tho brush oil Prentiss properly. NOW BEGIN THE STORY UliAl'lWK A A A 1 1 i vi:ak continued to light tne lires until for a quarter ot a mile thol0(1 wllhout inciilent. Ill the liiorm : woods were amaze. 1110 old man j11B h0 Bet 0ff alone to visit the fa interestedly watched the strange i ,,,,, t senlioi Cojosoria. Pass creatures bolted onto the road es-.K vlllapa on the way, he stopped cape the danger suddenly come ! for mole,-,t to converse with Wil upon them; the long-legged, crane-j solli t,c carrot-faced suporluten like jabiru, the ugly, ungainly pec- anut ol Kiiaa H rnzenda, then rode cary, the graceful, agile bush-deer. ! on uut lie was not long aiioraeu hub Quick relief from painful corn 3, lander toes and pressuroof tight shoes BSScholi's iSS10''ZSG.tLS ci-Iii THE' ABOVE' and -all X 'other Scholl i Appliances Vj and- Fopt , Comfort Re- Ji lief s. are tp . be had at the Roseburg Bobterie, Perkins Building,-Cass' Street. ' 1 ' BOOTS AND HER SALESMAN $AM i i i . -Lrt.-- ahu ryffU Crr Mez VP J-MGUT (NT -ei?ST -VWNK O' 'W. 0U r7. ,- .' " ' (7 6k! wt ftt-L N '"" . ' . .rl f rv ri rTT tT" ' . . U ert Lucien Bormon u,,.-tuny-,,,, hor liny nephew out-, . u e tn uiMk in t in mm. ves. 1 eoitulnly did. Word ......... I.,..! ,,1't,... I. .ft u.,iUl.u.l i days. High water seni her onto some rucks. Water's falling every where there. Looks as if the flood danger's over." 'Humph. Thai's cheerful." He .helped her adjust mosquito netting over the child's crib which had !boen placed on the grass. "Another ouesifnii. Who knows must about ibe geography of the country around here?'' She thought a moment. "Senhor do I.aurenco or Seiihor Coioserla. I'd av Lnuronco would nniioulitod- y havo been the best for you. Nice too. I.iko lilm very much, 'nut unfortunately he moved away 'n - om here about six months ago awl lives about thirty miles down -yea. 1 want to have a Utile in-'talk." He drew out his watch. "If n ......, .... im ... .i,.. -..!.. uiD i.i,i ' brows knJlled. "Mighty sorry doesn't about that boat. It it ......... 17.-1,1.... It u, Tluky out some other way ju,iglnK by appearances, things 1 !have quieted considerably. But up- 'pearances aro one thing I never trust. emnlnder ot the day Thc , The servant or l;ojoaenas wntto liiYiirlntiu linnin whn f fonlprl liini said that his ma titer had gone to Inspect one of his rubber develop ments up the river and would not return for at least a week. Vllak rode back the wav he had come. He ' neitred (he castanho .. 1 - , ,. , 1 trees which bordered the driveway 'of tho fazemla. To his surprise, ; - he' saw Kliso . hurrying to meet ' lilm. Her lips were grap, drawn. ! "Tlnky'ii gone ngalir," shev said I quietly.! ... . ' i 'Ho leaped from his horse and Itr.ok her hand. : He pressed it gent-; jly. "Steady. Steady,", he. ninr-j : inured. A ! ' - 1 ; i , Slio smiled wanly. "No, I'm not going to break down this time tho BUDDIES r- .TO SIS6 T P-T 'W' COMceKT PitA' In" 1 V" L fcJtWn, ' 1 way I did before. 1 know that It lever on the ground, through dense doesn't accomplish anything. Justi woods, along the edge of seething makes matters harder for you." swamps, past lo',m cliffs, of hrll- "Good girl. Dou't worry. We'll Hum volcanic rock, over a stretch liud him. They way we did be-jot green upland where the grass on fine." Sllll holding her hand, he' eliher side was high as a man's look his horse's bridle, and began head. -lo walk towai-J Ihe limine. "Tell I At lust, as Ihe setting of the sun me what happened, if it Isn't too was about to put a swift end to hard Perhaps you'd belter wait a their hunting, they reached a nar mluute or two." t row swamp which quickly ended "No. I'll tell you now. I've been 'and gave w ay on all sides to matted waiting here to lell you. I'll not. Jungle. Here Ihe trail of the permit myself to break down! horse's hoofs ended, llut new """; Wilh an effort she drew herself erect. "It was practically the same this time as II was before. Tluky lilm, 1'or 1 had some things to do In the bouse. She got up to get hliu n drink. You know where we keeo Ihe dljtlllcd waler. On the back verunda, Just uround the cor ner of the house from whoro Tluky was lying, not more than thirty or forty' feet away at the most. "Hannah got the drink It may have taken a few seconds longer than usual because she hud to open a new bottle and hurried back with It toward the treeB. She stooped over the bed. And saw that it was empty That's all know. "Vnn miw nn mm lm-blntr ui-nm-'l the bouse?" "No one. Just Ihe same way as; when the rifles disappeared. Noi footprints of anyone we don't, know. Nothing. 1 looked closely."! They reached the cluster ot palm! trees under whose shade tho child had rested. The old man, who had. been on the verairJa, came forward' to meet them. Vllak looked at tho! empty cot, then on the ground I l about. lu it wore three' blMh of footirIiUa. one narrow and delicate, which he at once recociiized us the impression made by Klise's pointed i shoes, another flat and heellesB, me uioitv witiue ij me biii'i'uib m tnnnaii. Hie tniru was mo prmi'as they turned their horses home of a man's working shoe, broad, SOliarlsll. "Schwartit has been here, hasn't he?" Elise nodded. "Yes. He came when I was taking enre . of the pass-j,1!1l0 01,1 lthw bad de clllel1 0,1 "ome f'B w0 had been considorinj; In the dnrehouse." "Humph.". Ho steeped, searched among the leaves drifting on the ground, then picked up something and put it carefully in IiIb pocket. A moment later he was quickly fol lowing a strip of trees which led to thc road as he had done after the child's first disappearance. He reached the highway and after considerable examination found the print of a horse's hoof which led to the trees and then f away. Mounting, wun uuse anjcj,eU for cutting the brush, a few tun ft in man nn innir iii-hph iihhiiiu Ihini, he begnu. following the trail. "or ftitii liours lie rode, his eyes ACAOEMV I-UllTI.AKU, OIIHUON ' Hem lenelltm.- .mnii "-"ry enreful uiierTlln.,trl-tt -clnlhio, uncli.l nilviinlimo. nntl cUecrfall-r .ent o requeil. (AOKKO W MKHAT Witt--. ACCEPT WORMING -V III S- 1 I ) prints, the confused footprints ot three or four men, some apparently with naked feet, showed ut the be- ginning of a narrow path that had been frostily tut 111 tho tangle ot vegotallon. Vllak dismounted. "Chap got down here. Friends horo walling for lilm. Let his horse go, and they all went off Into that." - He peered Into the tangled nmr klnoss where the new path led. He chewed IiIb Up. "No chauce of following them any more today. Bo night In fifteen mlnutcB. 1 hate lo slop, hut you know how abso lutely f u 1 1 lo It Is to try to search the Jungle at night. Worse than futtlo. We'd only obliterate the trail. Probably haven't gone far. I!Uet some beaters and come out I first thing in the morning. Bet- lei' fnt1 tin It, Ihnl wllitArnnna II WA hnve some natives who know the country. They can pick up a trail where, trained as 1 am, even I'd lose It. And they can Bpread out and Increuse the radius of our search If the trail comes to an end. The chaps ahead know where they're going, and we don't." Ho turned to Ellse and pressed her hand again. "Don't you worry about this delay. It'll be all right. Just a little time and we'll find him. The lines In her delicate faco!"Ue west," he said. "Almost a had deepened. "I know you will," she Bald. i ne sun nanK beiunu tne noriron ward. Hack at the faze tula, Eliso selected twenty of the best labor ers In her employ, and ordered them to be ready al dawn. Streaks of sunlight were beginning to show faintly over the distant mountains when the party Bot out. Vtlak. Ellse and the old man rode ahead. Ilehind them tramped twenty picturesquely assorted ne groes, half-breeds and Indians, some clad In a cheap red cotton shirt and trousers, some In a single robe-like garment made of dirty burl lip. Hero a gigantic black chattered with a ciiocolate-riklmved pigmy who harly reached hfa ahoulder; thore a ponderous mulatto argued with a withered old Indian whose gaunt rlbB showed clearly through - his tawny , skin. All carried ma carried short spears In case of an encounter wtth the jnguars which were known to InfeEt the uolghbor hood. They reached the howly ent path by the awamp Which Vilalc had marked ith a notch in a mango tree. They entered the 1 dark, gloomy fastnesa, , ' Paulas, the glgnnMe black, who was oho of Uie ranch sub-loremen, with1 tho' chocolato colorod hlBniy' went ahead to 'swing their' ma-, Why Not? , ;;:::;.:k; ; "'UByMuty:, vJHAt c- TH& A eecAu-;e tw VOep OP ( WoRMING-SLOR-Y GttTlWG- 'U10S7 KNOW-5 WMeM . infill MJl' vvaj m&.-.- w2P See Us First We FARM i I COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AQENT8 FOR Roseburg FAIRBANKS ffl Now Located at Washington street and 8. r. r.T.T.T.T. - fcT.TT.T.T. - T. - cheteB at any twisted Hanaa, or call out the direction If the path seem ed lo fall, llut there was little work for them to do. Those who had passed the day hetore had taken no pains to conceals their course; there was alwayB a broken branch or crushed leaf under foot to point the way. 1 They traveled swiftly until noon; Ihe trail Bhowed no stalls of end- llntt. Vllak looked at his compass. straight line." (To be Continued) Tinky la not found, and Vllak prepares for a long journey. It will take that long, he thinks, to reach the child. Arundel, piano tuner. Phono 189-Tj. Overdoing? Httrry, Worry and Overwork Bi itiff Heavy Strain. TWTODERN life 'throws n XVX heavy taurden on our bod- lly machinery. The eliminativc organs, especially thc kidneys, arc apt to become sluggish. Re tention of excess uric acid and other poisonous waste often I . gives rise to a dull, languid feel i inn and. sometimes, toxic back- ; A aches and headaches. That the j , kidneys are not functioning f perfectly is often shown by j burning or scanty passage of secretions. More and more ; people are learning? to 'assist ; their kidneys, by; tho,occa- 1 sional use of t6nn'a Ptllo d stimulant diuretic- Aak yout neighbor! ; p , ;, DOAN'S PKS Stimulant Dluratlo to the Kidn4yt falter -Mbp Co.. Mf.. nug.lo. N. V. f7X,d. i Jk ; fen, viVQipi WHY CARRY WATER? Let a Fairbanks Morse Plant do the work. We havo plants as low as $75.00. Let us figure your needs. ' Can Save You Money BUREAU MORSE & CO. Oakland Track,. .r.I.r.TM.l.I.I.IIIIlII TTTratw v : REBEKAHS v . -4 lliing logau juice to Odd J Follows hall any artttrnoou or evening this week. Place namo on Jura no they can bo re- ' turned. , 1 Slgt'.ed, Comnjlttoe. , CARR'S 19c SPECIALS l Each day during our 39c ; sale- we have a one-day special also,! ! ( These aro 60c to 85c items sold for- the one nay only at juc eacn. moo them from day to day in our wIut. dow. Iteinember we havo ''over a hundred 19c Items on special bu Im balance of this month. Carr's -"where you save." Try our buttermilk It's Hffoi ent. Rosoburg Dairy. Phone 180. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Diireau, local of! flee, Koseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. m. -""L Holatlve humidity 5 p. lnvxos- torduy ....20 Preeip. In Inches and humfredths: IlIgheHt tcniiieratiiro yesterday S!) Lowest temperature last night , .CO Precipitation lust 24 hours ..- Total precipitation since first month ;.i Normal praclpltatlon for this ' month,.: ; . Tolnl precip.' from Septembor 0 .39 1920, to date 3G.90 Avernge proclp. from Sept. 1, 1K77 ' i...-..::....34.lli Total Jexcosi t frpms Sept , X, 102(!i.i t.j..i..U........i 1.78 Average' prdcfpitatibn for 4D wot seasons, (Soptombor to ' Muy,: lncluslvo ........31.13 , Joraciist tor Southwest Orenon! Fil tonlglit and Thursday; high toinpomfure, ARTHTjn W. PUOH, Meteorologist By Swan SORED M ,;rnone rj Hoscuurg ; .n.j.j-.t.i.ra.M.w: I ' 7ii.irr.;.r.iii