ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1927. FIVE 7BSBH HOT WEATHER COMBINATIONS i Oil Stoves and Ice 7 ' Beats anything you ever tried for the very best results. The Oil Stove insures a cool kitchen and the Ice Cream Freezer, put into practical use, refreshes everybody in the home and keeps the folks cool and swett Try the plan out. Sae us today for prices on this hot weather combination CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO, The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE ITOll SALE One cow and calf. E. XA. '1'hiel, Voncalla, Ore. GOOD "jKltSEY T"OOW " for sale. Mrs. K Lindlie, tiuineriiu, Oro. 11123 OVEHLANXJ sedan, $125. 1353 i-iurrisou at. HOUSES and wagon tor sale.-F.. K Gates, Alexander Aduuion. i'OH SALEAuto knitter in good! working oruer, some yarn, nox lub, Myrtle creek, Ore. JfOU SALE Vlo White LeE'ioin pulieiu und so yearlings.- W. G. ituetz, Camas Valley. FOH SALE Ten head good owosj b to 7 yrs. did, ipB por head. Mel ton iirua. iJnoue Hr'15. ' OltUKlTyour kWihterVc6jii NOW tiolil i'nto's. unquets, ilock biJimgs and Utah. ' ' GAUDEN vegetables, frosli from the garden, G. T; Itoyer s road 1 stauu, uumra. pnone zzbi. lUUCka, trucKs" uucki-D'ord . trucks for sale or trade tor pleanure cars. Hansen Chevro let Co. jV'URD TRUCK Willi UucKsloU uxio 1 ui uiutji -cab.- lyai liiuuei. iriu- fJo. IPOXi SALl'J 13iack Minorca cock erels, itialio stock; each if Oticuu at once. Mia. M. tfceley, Aieiruse. Vnone a41,M.1 ivOR aALli Kitcnei) "cupboaid, kitchen utensils, 12 du-en iiri jars, Singer sewing machine phonograiin, bcua. I'honeHifU myrtlo (jroek. ( ; ; ' - FOR "SALE ResturanL fixtures, counter, stools, chairs, tables, sink, coffee urn, dishes nd uten sils. Will sell all or any parL In quire at Rose burg Hotel. ' D. liarry Jurgens. FOR SALE CHEAP 200 uciea 1 mile trout county road, 3i miles from Wilbur. About one-half cleared, balance good timbor 10 ucres tillable, good place to raise turkeys, goats und sheep. Watered with springs. Tho price is so cheap iuul 11 m buumioo yuu. iimui.t, at Turner's Service Station, bur, Ore. FOR REN! I FOR "RENT 'l-room furnished houso. Cull ut D4'l S.JPhie. FOR ItlSNT Modern furnished . apartment, . close in. 221 W. Lane. FOR RENT 4-room downstairs Hpnrlment, private bath. 221 W. Washington. FOR RKNT Fiiriiished 2-rooin upt. Call lil-1 S. Juckson, or phono ia-li. FOR RENT 6-roohi apai-tniont on ground floor, partly furnished, at 119 West Lane street. Rent rea sonable. 3-room apartment at 117 West Lane street. Unfurnished. Rent very reasonable. G. W. YOUNG & SON, 116 Cass Street. Phone 417. . 4 WANTED WANTED Woman or girl for houHework at once. W. E. Hur dler, Uiliard. Phone -J6F23. WA NT E I ) To "buy Ford touring, Sudan or coupe. Must be cheap. lo47 Harvard Ave., Roaeburg. WANTEI-Mairwith"car"and $315 to invest in biiKlness that will make you 525 per day. This is an .exclusive proposition, so write at- once. Box 60, care New s-lU view. FRESH AS A As puRt as Roses KvSSED BV DEW The laundry we . SN& BAClC TO VOU '. a The man who didn't think that you could put any iioctry or senti ment into tho laundry business never sent any of his wearables to us to be lauiuipri'd. When we rinse out a Kiirini'iit It ts ds clean and! fresh as Ihe sparkling dow and j when we Iron it. It Is as pure aim firm as the suukissed rose. Roseburg Steam Laundry Phone 7; Roseburg Cream Freezers I WANTED lG-lnch single bottom sulky tractor plow; low Iron wheel wagon, both good condi tion. State prices. W. 1. Valen tine, Hutberllu. I ' LOST ""I LOST July 23rd, between pixon vllle und Itoseburg, one wether lamb, crop otf left ear. Joe Bruiu bach. Wioue 13E12. V FOUND " : , i ..... ... i COLLIE Shepherd dog. Coos Co. . license. Owner call at ' 1247 ' W. 2nd St., pay for ad and cure. - MISCELLANEOUS -. 9-. . I ........ L .. WILL TRADE R. I. Rod chick ens for cow or horse, call even iiiKH. 1444- Harrison St. . ' JERSEY cow to trade for work horse. Herman Scliulze, Ilroek way. ; V CAR OWNEH-Don't lorget to call 653 when In need ot auto parts. Sarff's Auto . Wrecking House. , ; j. . MONEY Tp.. LOAN, on long' or - fihort tliile. liondfr to Boll or bily-. Ve are licensed bond brokers. RICE & RICE. J PARTY who took bicycle : Jrom rear of 244 S. Pine St. is known. If wheel is returned no action will bo taken.' ' J LASHES OF LIFE" LONDON Two very eligible bachelors are now on tour, one to the wide open spaces where cupld can do no shooting, the other to cities where there are plenty of princesses willing to be queens. Tho Prince of Wales is bound; for a ranch in Alberta. King Boris of Bulgaria in, on a visit to various courts of Europe. LOS ANGELES So peculiar worn thn nntif'H nf i til an p. 1 until nir uere Umt tno pouce were calied. Wil-They airested the aviators, George R. Agams and Borger Johnson, charges of intoxication. NEW YORK And now Lind bergh Is the inspiration for a play, "The Solitaire Man." The entiro action of which Is in an airplane. It is to be produced shortly. LONDON An elephant may be scared of a mouse, but not of an airplane. Dispatches say that when Van Lear Black of Baltimore was taking off at Iftirma, India, wild elephants dashed out of the jungle toward the plane, which cleared thorn by a few feet. IF IT'S N i 1 ALABAMA, 0 ! , ITALY, U , LONDON, I V J M " CHINA -J r3",a,i D UZ7 m IA 6evS S' W Sn -ucien Bormw. THIS HAS HAPPENED . She took his arm. "Lot's got Attempts have boen made onluwuy Horn hero,' situ liiuruiurcd. the life at Ellue Mulberry, the I "1 ho place iiigiilnus me. 1 don I American girl whoiwug and lives want lo come acre agulu. 1 know on property adjoining the queer ill a silly, but 1 leu! Instinctively little Jungle-bordered town of l'or-iihut lucre s something wrong. to Verde, iu west central UraziL several mysterious ueatns uave.iuitru wnmur x-reuusa una uc"l,lult'd OCCUrreU, DUl BO lar sue USS caped harm, due to the shrewdness of her coujBiu and protector, Vllak,; wno musqueraues us uer uuuiiioy unii oun ui pvuonuuu. as under the uame ot Davis. Vllak Is he wereu l ciuitu human, a curious mixture ot American and! "When he was close to me, Oriental blood uud a student of shouting, 1 could hardly keep from criminology. Ho tries to persuadesniuuonng every tune I looaed at Ellse to leave the country, louv-jiuui. Aim all me while we were lug him there with his frleud, Uu-Unere together not a wurd of gra colu Nunnally, an elderly Amerl-' tmido, nut a word of confidence, can chemist, to solve the mystery. Ho uoesn't like me, Viluk. It took lillse al first refuses, but after 'a number of painful Icbsous to her two-year-old orphaned nephew learn It, but I've learned 11 novf is kidnapped, to be found aguln by ; And 1 tnluk you've got to tuke that the ulert Vllak, and another at-'lmo consideration iu explaining tempt Is made on theft lives, she his disappearance." ugrees ana prepares to tuae me ui-Al, uuni, Her departure Is prevented by the threat of floods. Messengers ride through the ntrysX warn- Cf"" 0t T.,Vim. 10 fBe the lake, 7ir ? t?. lw,a'"iabove, and then becausu he knew aTii. i,. V. , Th.n vs.k : c.ues lo pruceeu lo me nuuso "itln aU(J dldn.t , uocl,uae Uy uayioru i-iemiss una warn iiiin oilhu (, ,.xl,calelU f not uolIlg the danger. Prentiss is a recluse i and a forbidding man, as well aSllo.uov n3 W1)11 lllcUlenllllly, spects him of somo kuowledge oi ' , "lc0 lul!tt ,llu ,",H ,wllEh tho conspiracy against her. Never-1""1'' liavo appealed to his rather. theloBS, she agrees that It Is their! w.e drive oft his enemies for him, duty to warn him. whoever they are, then ha lets us Vllak learns that the flood warning is a ruse to get Prentiss besieged in a small stone tower on Prentiss' property by unkiuovvn' afackers. Vilak disperses them 1 by dyuamititig the dam holding small 1MB . . loou.ub LUO cedes they go to join Prentiss in, his house but he is gone. - NOW BEGIN THE STORY CHAPTER XXXI I Vllak strode outside once more. He 'bent over and began examining the- ground- around tho stones which formed the structure's foun. dtttlou. There was nothing. "I confess I'm beaten," no grunt - cd to his companions, and shrug-, it had given passage had disappeav god hlB shoulders. ed. Viluk's flashlight showed part They started to descend the low slope to 'the creek, . plunging thrniiirli mud thill nunip III Ihplr ' Irnonu fni-i inir !.v tlirmii.h a wild tangle of muddy, dripping; branches. There was a suspicious subsided to their previous, shal-; ou, sue caueu uimieiy, aim uio nff. in ihB Inn-i , ' i fanpearod.' ' brush. Nunnally silently pointed Ills longer , finger- toward it and looked at Vilak questioningly. Mia frlnnd ahnnk his hdaill t tMo. ,,, o,ln'i wn.-rv lnnl ,in milmnl or something' of the-' sort. ' What-Hhey over else I don't know,.! feel fairly Eiue that our friends won't bother; ' Tho old;man, who had been walk- us: -here anymore tonighL 1 iltit'.lns.' along,' absorhedly gazing at what effect this affair will have on. the; future J don'J Mflov ieitlier.',' i '"l'h've gone to tlreh' er stables, EllBe cast a riuick glance back.'Do you or rthlnk, Vllak?'' at tie Jiousp, wltji Its many towers appealing ill the "mist like some glHuiiltc manyrhegded. beast. , - i..iVptiBly toy.ed with tho bandage on !BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Opal Has It All Doped Out M ,.' ( J ; "l .5 : By- Marti4 : a ' rfM& S3 h f JLr ' i V twavw1 wiv 69 f V T' w - -vr' 1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ?? i 3?,HJj3?T.;- I , ByBIower ( "T S66MSUIttlftliAB ) SM lAgAgCLAMMfeglM'J "" 1 foW-IT OOAT'aUM .'.'" ) " ( ' CWS SOM6 WOS NtCNCSS COMIM' I & A" POUMOW, OtOUT f VJWX, f X WV 0 ' ;fi5ggWS WIS WAV-.SB.6-LCAA1T S d yoO? VfJAAT Do VOO J IT DQMT COOK. I 1.&T76R TO trocL6 CLBM lit ffl$BwG&9&&siJ$&t I LET'EM SE6 MM FOB 7H6N I 8 S'POSE IS SOtMS J UU.E MUCH OB ( mjiW A STAMP oo T, s I - sCjf WAILE WgfeSSsSS rPrQri - rV r--J I rA.. Y' , , )UrnAWtej?&!LJ . SALESMAN $AM Quite an Item , ; By Swan r6W, RC6C0&, VlWPiTS "l T& tW ( COOLOM'T vAK ) 6rOOLP r viwy, Jo&T P'B X EfKH, V -TH' THeY ) THIS t HEAR PB0UT J CrOOOf, ) tt PfrV, 5 NOT tUB IMSTfcMCe, LOOK T ALL ' H , STeftL. Too' ' f, S bottom . - p cm: Ar w l ttvV- jfcioiuoihing sort of tainted pol-j es-iiue iiuuvea are riiu, vuun. is abnormal. AH the time he wasu . In the tower I lolt It. A creeping. (1()0d ...wluu (lo v0 mDau Vlluk's tvl(! was Inlnt'ttHlnri Merely that he doubted the sue- every men oi tne lazenuu, tnouBiit of a way ot' escape which was cer- he would bo rid of mo and my i".",",. ".,:' " "". " , i,ii .. n,-, ,im .,'. i desperate thing to do, very likely to fall. After you ., .,,' suggested it. 81lw hiul 6ml,0i tllllt mlmB 01.u0, pretended to protest, 1 jcrafty smilo he had when he tried to run ,)ie dowu wUl ,,b unU , ( Bu- ( ,, m(! ..,.,..,, .. Vn.ik. nrfn,i mn.ll. lattvely. "Just when was this? I didn't notice." , . I UU flUUllllI L. 1(111 H l.l'H leiiimiu 'over with your hack turned. fix- (i,,g the dynamite." They reached the spot where oniy a mtlo while before they had J entered the fazenda. Tho gate and !a huge section ot the wall to which only a little while before they had"" y to be ao Intelligent aud am- of tho Iron work snarled In i the brunches of a 'great 'treo forty fepl. flnwn lite creek. A linen cllllv now mni'kml the course of the tiny stream, though its waters had They crossed, stepping .warily through tho welter o mud and vegetation, climbed to the lakea above and raichod tlio ond of tho nnlli nl 111,. Ihmil tlilnknt where. had Jabaudont'd ' tholi'! horBeifciWhlchi hijrti booiij gbreo. jlilnij jlm aj The animals wore no longer there. 1 grateful Chinaman lif Pekln. Ofj the croimd. looked , ill) nulckly. i. " Undoubtedly, Nanny." - 'It's eiVfiust as well." Ho nei;- bis aim. "luUdligent beast the- er horse but vigorous. 1 Ibluk i 1 shall be just as er happy U II do nut tide anymore tonlgui." Tney walked briskly to the fa- lends, found It deserted except tor the three horseB, which were quiet-' ly nibbling iu their stulls, then rude out to L'hucoa Hill tu bring back tuu baby. Tnuy reached it and found the child sale in the i cure of the frlsslyhaircd Hajman, ; who placidly sat m the dog-curt a few tei oft Hum a frightened hud- j muss of negroes uud half- castes who stood straining their ears or some sigu ot a hich strangely did not come. 1 he cavalcade set oft agalu as it had started In tuu ul tempo u to ward the boat, Klisu und the two inuu preceding the light vehicle. The nulives stubboruiy refused lo follow, shukiug liieii- heuds In Bloomy denial when Kllse told them that the report of the burst ing dam was lulBe. They return ed to the whan, left the driver to stund guard and notify them In case oi the steamboat's arrival, then Klisu took the reins lierself, and the caviiicade slowly wended I Its way buck toward her home. uii leaving i'reiitlss' sho had felt depressed, but as sho rode In luo, cool night air, her spirits constant, ly grew lighter. By the time Bhe j was again on the steps of her lighted veranda, she was buoyant. "Why go to bed at all tonight,! vlak mrecta(1 t,e raon IB "Set my children?" she asked, nu one of j tillg aman t(rea jn a wiae Brea OVer her prize roosters in the fnr-ottjtne brUBh. Soon the flames were chicken yard begnu to sound its i eal,iUg fiercely, hissing aud steam, i.lrst salute to the morning. "The i ug as the tangled vegetation, do suu will bo up In an hour or two. Updo its wetnoss, ignited, Nun l ihlnk we rather deserve BomomHy, wlo naa accompanied him, sort ot celebration. I'll make some looked on wouderingly. "What are sandwiches und coffee aud we can you er doing, Vllak?" he queried. Bee the sun rise. They're perfect-1 "Trying to er drive something ly ocauiuui nero. -worm sitting up tor. we can piay nriuge or uan dseld meanwhile. What do you say?" "Sorry to be a kill-Joy. I'd rath er not." Hhe 'lookod at Vilak reproach fuly. "You're afraid I'll beat you mid make up for whut you've done to me all tne other nights, aren't you? You know 1 can't help but beat you when I'm so full of en ergy. You're a slacker. Why won't you sit up?" Ve got to work.. It's : absurd uiiious at mis nour ot ins morn ing. Go lo bed; please.. I'll be hap pier." . . "Vory well, venoratod captain. I'll sit up tu my' rdorn, and watch the Bun rise ulime." Sho stood III the door and threw a kiss from Hps ' that Still showed llOWdel' slaiUB j "Intended for Mr. Nunnally, not for i. , a mouieat uuer vnaa uuue guou i night to the old man. Going to the , flamboyantly drapped room, ho ilonneil his uresBing gown, a gar- Ill 0 11 t Of extraordinary Deauty neavy lUBirous purine sua, u was: profusely worked with thousands,- of tiny gold llragons, one single Bhlnlng sernent forming the weigh ly hem. Then ho opened one of his ( Hunks, took out a small portable i litlking machine, sot It on a grotaa uuely curved stand -and put onto turn table one of those squeaky, walling Chinese records which each night assail the ears of the slant- leyud dwellers In the pungent teoe.i inputs of Now York's Molt Street. I He closed the doors of his room tightly; the machine began to I grind out Its harsh piercing dls-j cord. He put a bit of betel In his mouth and began pacing the floor In great long strides. The mimic Jangled, Bcreamed, grated, changed, It ceased. He started It once moro, and recommenced his swift pac- lug, turning sharply as the wall barred his way like au augry lion In Its cage In a oo. Time after time the machine ran down and the shrill music ceased; time after time he wound it. In. the dim-lighted, Bhudowy room he appeared like some Oriental prlust doing obeisance before his god. Morning began to touch the horl son. He put away the record, lit a clgaret and stretched out on Ms couch to sleep few hours. At eight o'clock be arose, ate a scant breakfast, then made his way alono to Prentiss' house once more and made a more elaborate search tbau the darkness had permitted, iIe rolmn tho fttienda still de- Bm.i6i. Ho returned to Ellse's ii,iii nl,i,.l,i inn nr iwnlvn uborere and brought them to the DaraB0l Pine aoa th0rn thicket dlm-lwhiob marked tho entrance to the ! iami8 o ii,e vanished archeologist. : 0ut of the brush?' Vllak gave a curt order to a na- tlve. "Trying to prevent another tragedy, that s all." (To be Continued) , Tinky disappear . aoaln, and once moro Elise and hti friends begin a search frr the child and: his kidnappers. ....... o ' TREASURY; DEPARTMENT. Of flro of tlio Supervising ArcllltP.ut, WnshlnBton, I. C July 16, 102?. Healed bids will bo opuncd In tills office 'at 2 P. M., Auaiist 8. 1127, for extension to stucK IlicluitlnK cliansos Inuldont tlioreto nt tho U. post office. RoHubura-, Oro. DrawliiKS and specifications may he obtained from tho custodian uf tho building, or at this offleo ill tlio dlBCrotion of tho supervising architect. JAB. A, WliTMOM, Act lng SuporvlaliiHr Architect. Bunions Quick Uf from pain. Prevent eboa preuitr An all dru and ihoe How r DlSchoU's Put on. on-ito ruin u gene THE ABOVE and . all, other Scholl Appliances and. root Comfort. Re liefs are to be had at the Roseburg Booterie, Perkins Building, Cats Street. ' ' WgM.llrin.TM.i.i.TjM.',.;...i. See Us Firt We FARM COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE A0ENT8 eOR Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Now Located at Washington Street and 8. F DOUGLAS FIR GROWING . AND LOGGING SUBJECT OF NEW BULLETIN Two hundred thousand acres of Douglas fir torest In the norlhwost are logged aimuully, and most ot this acreage is not suited lo agri cultural development but will fill Its highest use in growing trcus, according to the lorost service, United States Department of Agri culture. Much of this land now is 'e J?" useful growth, but the fludings of a study just comploted by the forest service aro that a few simple monsures taken at the lime of logging will UBually prevent this laud idleness. The essentials for growing tim ber crops in this locality ure em bodied In a new bulletin, Timber growing and logging practice in the Douglas Kir Region, by Thornton T. Munger, Issued ns Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 1493-D. It Is the second of - a series of eleven reports that set forth for each of tho important forest re. glons ot the country the. logging practices that will promote roror-, eatutlon. . Those ' simple practices are declared to snoll thn illfrnrence botwoon "timbor cropping" and "timber mining. Methods of harvesting Iho virgin timber in westorn Oregon and Washington that can be made to result In new and continuous crops are relatively simple and inexpen sive. They consist principally in frtvinsr naim-a a nhminn hv rn-n. venting fires during logging, by minting provision lor a natural seed supply, and by "flro-prooflng' the cut-ovor lands against Uncon trolled fires while the now crop Is becoming -established. Those measures are ostlmatotl to cost on the average 22 cents tor each thou sand feet loggod, ovoi" and above the present Cuutomury logging ghargoB whore-no thought is given to the ' futuro ' productiveness of the land. It Is bollovcd that it these 'TmTn'lTTnrriTliniTTlTrTlTTiTiTTlTlTiTTiriiir WHY CARRY WATER? Let a Fairbanks Morse Plant do the work. We have plants as lovy a $75.00. Let us figure your needs. , Can Save You Money BUREAU PATRIARCHS, ATTENTION : - IlOKUlnr meeting Unloii En- campmeut No. 9 Wednesday evening, July 27. Work In Patriarchal dogroo. By order ot the C. P. moHsureu are taken during logging to encourage and protect the new timber . crop that nature will sow, the Paciflo northwest can have highly productive forests forever, - Very favorable yields may bo ex pected In this highly productive fcuosC region, whore sawmills ul ready are working In timher as young us 40 or 60 years. Tho "ex cellent" land, for exiimplo, will produce more than 1000 board feet per acre por year, the "good" land about 900, and the "fair" lend ubout 000. . Coplos of tho bulletin may be obtained free by writing to tho Forost Service, United States lie- partinent ot Agriculture, wasuing. ton, D. C. I 0 I Window washing - anil, house cleaning by Chas. B. Davis. Phono 51-JY EXCAVATION FOR CHURCH : BUILDING UNDER WAD , The work ot excavating for thi bnsemont of the . now Christian olmrch building to be erected ul the Intersection i ot - Kane : aiul Douglas: streets, opposite tho courts boUHe,' is - well under, way, Tho contract was lot to, C. A. Catch ing, who Is rushing, the, work .as rapidly an possible, in orilor that no timo lost in getting the concrete poured and the actual construction work under way. Tho comity is using the dirt taken from tho excavation and Is hauling It to tho Ton, Mile road ,to ho used In making a fill. n.i.i j IS Traoka. Jg