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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1927)
ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1927. SEVEN 1 5?i I fit II m i 8 THE BIG TROUT ARE BITING You want the best Fishing Tackle when you go out to the river, and Sportsmen are invited to come in and see our stock. DO IT TODAY AND BE READY i CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. ". . ' v .' The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE FLOORING at Page's. $25' tp .67.' GOOD JJ3RSEY COW lor , Mrs. H. LUidhe, Sutharlin, sale. Ore. 123 OVERLAND sodaii, IJ125. 1355 HarrlBoii St. . ... ; ' :,-'; " HORSES and wagon' "tor sale. F. E. Gates, Alexander Addition. REFRIGERATOR-for Wej 765b.: capacity. Less than half price. ; phone 671. FOR "BALE Auto knitter InVgood v. working order, some yarn.: ilojc , , 150, Myrtle Creek, Ore. ' , FOR SALE Ilab'y buggy, first class condition, reasonable. Mrs. : c. A. Lcckwpod. Phone 310-J. 1 . GARDEN ..ogotables, frosh.from ... the garden, G. T. Royer's road stand, pillard, phone 22F4. 1'RIICKS, "G-ucks ' trucks Ford trucks for t sale ' or trade for pleasure cars.. Hansen Chevro let Co.' ' I'ORD TRUCK with Ruckslell axle and steel cab,: 1924 model." Pric ed ut $175. Hansen Chovrolet CO.'.. '-.' FOR SALE CHEAP " 200 . acres 1 mile from county road! 31 miles ' from Wilbur. About one-half cleared, balance . i good timber,! 10 '. acres tillable) good place to raise turkeys, - gouts and sheep. Watered with springs. Tho price Is so cheap -- that if "will "surprise you. Inquire at Turner's Service Station, Wil bur, Ore. i : r-1 FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeop- ingroonis. 343 S. Stephens.. ; FOR ' RENT 4-roc-m furnished i house. Call at 544 S, Pluo. , FOR RENT Modern ..', furnished -f apartment; j close in. 221 i W. Lane. ' ' FOR RENT 4-ioom downstairs apartment, priyato bath, 221.W.: WaahIiigton. ' '"' ' FOR- RENT Furnished . 2-room apt." Call 344 S. Jackson, or phone 48-L. . ' . , FOR ' RENT 2-rooirt furnished houso. Miller's Addition, $7 mo. J. Barr. FOR " RENT 2-room house, fur nished, fti month. 3-i'oom, f7. " John Braughton, Millor's Addl- - tion, Roseburg. ,' .' Str' i AND IROHeDWim CARjf A.AfFI 1 .ftOnnMfh MAN I 9 .fcLPEDTD wep.i CJeiitlcmen appreciate the way v.o launder their shirts and collars. 1 hoy are plcasrd to wear the laun dry that domes from this shop. They era pleased la pav our prices, Wo" will he nlcused to have you r.ll . I- (Mk i 1 1) Right over the home plate and a hit. x j im BREAD R6BEirsY HECrCJ S A CliTrWTiiftTX lAVACUFn H 71 wry VI n f-. i nni w fir- m I Roseburg Sieam Laundry au1 Hi i FOR RENT-r-5-room houso. Call at 800 S. furnished Pine FOR RUNT 5-rouin bungalow, no garage. Adults. No dogs, Phone . 148-J. " ,. '' :.. FOR RENT 5-ro6m apartment on ground floor, partly turnished, at 119 West Lane struct. Ront rea sonable. ' 3-rooui apartment at 117 West. Lane street. Unfurnished. Rent 'very reasonable. G. W. YOUNG & SON, 116 Cass Street. Phone 417. ..- , - WANTED WANTED Laundry work. Ladies white work-aprons , a- specialty. WANTED-r-Woman . for cooking tmd general housework. Win,, P. Weaver, Myrtle Crook, Ore. WANTED-100 to 150 sheep to run : on shares. Wiley Bros., Box 2, CamaB- Valley. " WANTED Man with team or gas donkey to move 300,000 feet of logs a short distance Irom piles. ' Highway Lumber Co., Sutherliu. WANTED 16-Inch single bottom sulky tractor plow: low. iron : wheel -wagon, both good ' condi tion. State pricos. W. D. Valon : tine, Sutherlin. . . i WANTED Mah with car and $315 . to invest in business, that will make you 526 per day. This 1b 'an 'exclusive, -proposition,' so write at once. Box 60, cans News-Review. ., . . - . r. FOUND COLLIE Shepherd dog, Cons Co. license Owner call at 1247 W. 2nd St., pay for ad and care. I MISCELLANEOUS ! '' ',,;.,,.. JERSliY cow to trade for. work horse. Herman Schulzo, - Brock . way. CAR OWNER Don't lorget to call 563 when In need of auto parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecking -House. MONEY TO LOAN oil long or short time. Bonds to sell or buy. We are licensed bond brokers. RICE & RICE. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau, local of fice, Ho so burg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 -a. m. Relative humidity 5 p.'.m. yes- terday .i. , 43 Preclp. In inches and 'hundredths: HlKhest temperature yesterday 88 Lowest temperature last night ' 68 Precipitation lust 24 hours .... 0 Total precipitation since first i month ; u Normal precipitation for this I month .. - i.. ,39 Totpl prncip. from September " 5026, fo date '.. .-. 35.90 Average preclp. , from Sept 1, i 1X77 .... & 34.10 i TotaJ excess from Sept, 1, 1926 :. 1.80 Average precipitation for 49 wet seasons. (Septembor to May, inclusive 31-12 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Generaljy fair tonight and , Tues day, normal temperature. AilTiiUlt W. PUGH, i Meteorologist i We've ffot the bandbox tor you to step out of! Step out is right! That's ex actly what you feci like do- ng when your clothes are spick and span and good to look att No doubt about It when you know you re ''right," it does buck you up a lot. A once-a-inomh dry cleaning will kf-cp nny su!t oung and frisky. Phone us lo call repdhiily we'll do tho rest. gj g IS BASEBALL STANDINGS; OF LEAGUES! Pacific Cpast . W POT. , .678 i '.555 .550 .612 . .475 Oakland Seattle .. ..: 70 ...66 ...60 ,. b2 ...66 ...56 . ...55 WlBiin Francisco oavi uiiiuiilu Portland .. .. . Mission .. Hnllvwnnd .459 .454 .417 .604 .607 .584 .516 .451 .422 .420 J .396 .720 .5S2 .627 .605 .422 .419 .264 gLuti Angeles ..50 National Chicago .. .. 55 Pittsburgh .. .. 64 St. Louis 62 New York i0 Brooklyn 41 Cincinnati .. .. it Philadelphia 37 uoslou .-. si American Now York 67 Washington .. ;. ..,.64 Detroit Chicago :. .. ......48 St, Louis a Oloveland ,. ; 33 Boston .. 24 LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES By the Associated Press. ! (Including Games of July 24.) ; National. -Batting P. Waner, Pirates, .382. Runs Hoinsby, Giants, 88; P. Waner, Pirates, 88; v , JIILh R. Waner, Pirates, 143. , Doubles P. aner, Pirates, 27. Triples P. Wanor, irates, 15.' Homers Williams, Phillies, 20. '' Stolon bases Frlsch, Cardinals, 81'. " :- .'-'. ' ,'',':'"': ' '' r Pltchlng-Hrll, PlrateB, won 15; lost 4. .. ' ; : ' American., Batting Simmons, : Athletics, .392. ' :- Runs OeJirlg. Yankoos. 95. i Hits Gehrig, Yankees, 142. ; ( ' : Doubles Burns, Indians, 41. ; ; ; ' Triples Mainish, Tigers, 14. .; ' Homers Ruth and .Gehrig; Yan 'kees 31. '.'';" . i' . . ' ' ,i .i1 ' ; tSoleh ; basos-i-Sislor, : Browns, 19.' ' ' ''..-. 1 . ' - " ''. I-.'': ' Pitching Ruother, Yankees, -won 10; lost 2. - . . . MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS : (By the Associated. Press) Concluding an 18-game road, trip Hint earned them 13 victories, the New York Yankees were, on the road home today for a two week s stand 'against- - western., invaders. Babe Ruth wanted to sanare mat ters with. Lou Gehrig, v .In their home run marathon nefore -reaching New York, so he knocked ,oue out of Comiskoy park yesterday. The wallop enabled the "Yanks to BOOTS AND Hm BUDDIES - j ijggg j .v " ' 1 '-y. &y 'i-w --' t- -5,s-,i; i '33 . . ; ' t1) : . S V -.irw tssiw i...-gr-.fcy, & -'eioaT sr wm senvict. inc. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS On IVs Way , By Blosser rsEE'xvoisnr tyjW 1 f rMSWAS-vw&ui, build ( AM'iPiniDMrpurA ) ) ( ' ) WlV57H.6azPor fJ ' ZluvnuuZne- - TWEBARWFoftA J POTA STAMP f- , vert&z ro . JJf ' '----3 x -v LErreR. ) he? ,j Cw-Mr) ' . )l jr?&TrJjr Xn''V IS Pj combs- --WJ y' J-- I :tyts6i & , v : ) .1'."?. - - - -. MAAs' SALESMAN $AM kwow w Wll. Keeps Ge.-ttv Wr&vn, rus&o Gets ft Jo& www wu P,(-t, Kl&HT 'or CReotT we oi IT beat the Chicago Whito Box, 3-3. The Philadelphia Athletic took the surprise jolt . of the dtty iu (.'lovsland, losing a double header to the ludlaus, 8-2 and 6 2. ; The winning sneak n( tho !)e Irolt Tigers, which hnd reached live games, was ended by tio mil end Uoston Red So, who batted lifbson lor n (I HUC1810U. , Washington defeated St. Louis I 14-6. The Senators slammojd out 16 lilts. s The glve-and-Uiko battle botweori ClitcHgo and IMllsbui'Bh for (list place In the National leuisue show ed up chunge today. The Cuba split u double bender . with. Hiook lyn, losing tho flint In 10 innings, 8- 2, and and winning tho second, 7-1'. The Pirates followed suit against the Giants, taking the first game. 11-0 'titid dropping, the .boo ond. 93. . '. ' - f ' The Cincinnati Reda, continuing their drive tnwurd the top running of second division, flattened out the world's champion Cardinals, 9- 4. ' COAST LEAGUE - RESULTS (By the Associated Press) ? Portland and Hollywood yester day divided a pulr of games; the nnrthernors conning tho first 4-3 and-tho Stars the second' 4-1. .'Bat- terloii: First game; Hilvoy and u, Murphy; Ponder, Kinney,-(Hughes and Yello. Second game: Teach- out, McCahe and Agnew.; French Yerlies and Yello. ; , SThe Seals grubbed n .. double headeu and the BOiies by (twice trimming Sacramento, 10 8 and 8-4. Hattorles; First game:1 Kaillo, Shea and Soverold; Moudy. Geary, Malls and MoCroa. Second game: Keating and Koehler; Kunz ana i influxes of tourists. And in. this f'O ltego, UcCrea.,'i. '-.'.V.,v 'dgardihe commended the sports : Los Angeles and Oakland split linen lor their plans to bring; about n' linir nr enntARtn. the Amrols con-l tho abollsliniout of commercial ping tho first, 6-6, and tun waits taking -the second, 3-2. Hattorles First uaino: Krnuse. Dolaney ana Murphy; Plorcy and Hannah. Seu ond game: Boehler and " BoleBi Weatlierby and Snhdberg. i i ;; - ' :'' Settle took both games from t lie Missions 0-6 and 2-1. Batteries: First game: Christian, Holland and Whitney: Brandt and Jenkins. Soc ond game." Barfoot and Wales; Knight and Borreaul, Jenkins, i JEFFERSON MYERS ILL" (Awwicfntorl Pri-M XcnsM WtroV PORTLAND, Ore., Julv 25- -An attack of bronchial pnounionln Is I tudny from (Inint Anso. Quebec... preventing Jetferson Myers, com- i-0ur priests of tlto Catholic mlssioner of the United 'Stales! church will officiate nt . the ! mar Rhipplng boart) from attending 'to i Huge ot the 18-yenr-old French business,, his secretary nt"-Wash-, girl lo .the son of Mr.1 and i Mrs. lug ton,- D. C.,' wired, to) Frederick I jmM A. 'Stlllmnn, prominent; and N.eskowln, Orognn, with Mrs. Cruni Piper of Portland yestorday. The wealthy members of New Yqtk ' Packer's nmther, Mrs. Jnines Cook, message did not -state how serious, society. i - f-; i . ' - ' 1: . , when advised Saturday of..,Crtim- was the .condition of Mr, Myers. Chaa. S. McElhinny 'Th9 Widow's rrlsnd" . Oregon Life Masonlo Bldg. 101 N. Jackson CABIN GIFT OF SPORTSMEN TO CAIUFORNIANS (Continued from page 1.)' In his response Mr., Welch suld that Mr. Mttrstors hud praised the North Umnuua reglun hardly half enough. His own praise could fio suiitmarii:ed in oue-seutence: "No flu&r fisliing stream anywhere. Fish Streams Sought Mr. Welch infoniiod his sntall auutence tuat good tinning nua practically vanished In all easily accessible Culilurnia streams, and unit the anglers of that state, In cluding himself and Mr. Dota, had long becu seeking new fiBhlng ter ritory in other parts of tho coun try. In tho North Unipqua. river, .Mr. Welch said, he and his com- million had found Just what they - . I , .nam mllh , , "7Z :. . , , ,." .,, lilenty of Huh and easy to reach When wo return to California, uaiuoriiia, the good news will certainly , u, Zrarmed Vnards ' passed around to our fellow-ang- U"L ' . X8" .' could ' Be' at. lers, and soon after you'll see themL..fip.Ju?'lm, ? ?.a?.?S.:?.0,u'. Me 1 n Iho -tlnmnin " Mr. Wnlnh'a 1 promise.' Ho added: "S'lie stretch of river I've, aeon could; accom modate 15110 anglers nt one tluio aud not seriously atfect the fish supply." Mr. Welch was grateful for tio hospitality shown him and his party during their stay here. "It la like tho generous treatment have received from sportsmen In all parts of the ,vorld I've visited," )ie said. "I'm certainly coming back hero often and my , irleudB are COnilllg asO. ' ;' r .' - ' ; ', r.-r.V Roforring to the lesson jparnod from depleted, streams . in : othor parts of the country, Mr.v -Welch lulled with fish to Insuro continual iueuiug, Cottage cheese. Roseburg Dairy. Phone 186. ! FOUR PRIESTS TO UNITE STILLMAN AND HIS FIANCEE - fAFwirlntcrt I'lvM I.'aMHl Wire) NEW YORK, July 25. Elaborate preparations for the. wedding to morrow of JamoB "Bud" Stillman, and his north woods swootheart, Lena Wilson, aro despribed in i)ls- inntclien in New York liewsnalierB Th mniM'tiifrn .will - tfilm iilncn outdoors in n rustic setting' at he Portland Sunday and, friends: tjfia.t., forest camp of the Stlllninns. Lum- night informed, them pf, lils death, borjacks and natives of tho district ! Funernl arrungomonta - had i ndt will utlcnd aa guests togethor with rboeu announced, this morning.' some of tho most prominent society I -o ,. I mombers of i tho iBtatos and: fho. Enroute Coast 1 . ' dominion, i i ' . , . i-.. , - ' ' Dr.' A. F. Sothor of Rugone Hop. A broad wooden platform' 1 Jiaa pod over horo this morning, pn his' boon erected where residents ot way to tho coast. 1 'lilnmintnn. .i -i ....-.. ' ' Dr.' A. F. Sothor of EiiKono stnn. . a hrrnrl wnnilen nlntfnrnr 1 hnR' nod over hero this mornlmr nn ills' J . J L I boon erected where residents " ot way to the coast. 1 I mstjsisisisaaaisisisisixtiaaiBiw True Enough fwMM.'im, feeu 5orm ici fs WftV, f 7 1 , u r : xv 7., ;.- 1 R)R VP-T WOtAPiH- 6WE KCfrW A , ( Ohie O0SH'T ftLVJfWS J 3W-I rAp.RR.teO JOttNM'if tMWM M' & SSk I HOW COe7 WLL V TH' PftRtV ooot-mLeM4'we& seen ) uws -usinv JL V one Wants', . oo-rp. WoRVt &jeR Since- TV' if st u. v.,-t O a . : ' ' L , n ,- f Mi t,mm'"'-n " ' 'Torr.i.BiTiiT.Tintrvict,lMii - J the three rivers will dance the eld I fashioned square dances to the niu laic of accordiuus aud, violins, FOREIGN-BORN AND AMERICANS IN GORY BATTLE (AutKilntvil I'rvw Umiot MfL) MAMMOND, lnd , Julv 85 Peace was restored In Whiting (to day after a BerieB of violent out breaks of fighting between grouiw U( native and foroian born work- men- in which more than a scare wm e slushed and beaten with one uoar death with: a fractured skull. The vtolouco flared up utter a feud had been smouldering for sev eral weeks, with clashes occurlug Saturday night, - Sunday morning and ; Sunday night. Police rolu- turcements were : sent to Whiting ,. . ,r ..., ,-.i,iT, "lt,,,Il,HU HIIU v...w before the disturbances were con- trolled. Seven natives and twelve ,, , .,,.,1 "u 'u "'' uuiurenn- CONGRESSMAN CRUMPACKER OF OREGON SUICIDES (Continued from page 1.) '''' shore, by that time unconscious. Efforts to revive Crumpackor In tho nnibulnnce railing, a pulmotor Bquad attempted tq rosuscltato him ut the hospital, but he died with- V,ui leganng A.-unsciousnoss. . .J. Spoaker I.oiigwgi'Ili, wl(0 'was spending the ' wouk end at' ,th3 homo of former Senator James D. jiiuiimui ut inu name pany, out ion- r...i. C ih. ..ri.. ? "' - .... . Longworth declared Uto cou- gressmah's home life was ideal and was uiuible to offer any reason tor the breakdown. ', -:- Crumpackor had been in jUlbllo life In Oregon since 1021, when -he solved as apodal deputy district attorney for Multnomah county. He was serving Ills socond'term in congress. He s survived by -his. widow and throo sons, u ' . ; Delusion Cause Mystery PORTLAND, Ore., July " 25. Priondg - and .associates . . here ! fit Representative Maurice C. Orhm packer were unable ,ta throw i hhy ugnt on intiouitlous in his. suicide note that ho had been the .victim of a plot,. The . only , employe ; Me had was a . secrotury, whom -; liu brought with -lilin from Washing ton ut the cIobo ot tho, Inst sesstbu of congress. , , - , , ,-. , ;(' , Mrs. Cruuipnckqr and nor throo sons were spontling a vacation 'at Piickor s illness. Tliev motored . o I , fc; LI I 1 i I IIP li 1 - See U First W' Can Save You Money i FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGENTS FOR Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oakland Now Located at Washington Street and 8. P. Tracks. FMMllra.T.OTg.TT.T.TT t FLASHES OF LIFE J ".'' 5" '":".'-. ...-. (By the Associated Pross) NEW YORK Cost of . living in aermany is now 43 . per cent greater than lit tho beginning of tho war. In Franco 400 per cont greater, the national industrial con. (erotica board finds. ..m LONDON Frlonds of tho Earl 01 Oxford and ABtiulth are raising in mud to present - him $100. QUO and mi annuity of J 12,501). As a forpior cabinet member he is on tltlod to a pension of ?0,000: on condition that bo sign a declara- ;l.lllIlI.II.I.r.TI.T.T,ilWTT.T.l.I.T.T.Ti Si IS HOY CATCHING MOTOR CO. 25 rI, Rose Phone 438 , Roseburg, One. FOR SALe TT ' 1 " - 7 1926 bv'erfnnd sidai.' ' ' ' ' 1 . , ! I 1924 Chevrolet Sedan.' ' f ......, ,ii925 Ford Touring' Rutkslcll ,' speedometer. .1924 Ford Tourlne -terms.' w " Mi , 1923- Ford j Touring-- terms. laoi 'ir-.aT, ; c . v i i 192u Ford Touring terms.' WHY. CARRY . WATER?; Let a Fairbanks Morse Plant do - the work. We have plants as low at $75.00. Let us figure your needs. tion that ho is impecunious. HOLLYWOOD, - , Calif. Con stuiicu Talinndga Is on the way to Europe "lor a good Unto." "If I find time enough," alio remarked, "1 may gut a divorce, too.' , M.OBCOW Films niado In Rus sia aro to be phown In tho United States, tho ofllcial . Soviet nuwu paper is informed, - - .. i OLD ORCHARD, Maine. Llndy cuu do wonders with a plane, but a ceruiin automobilo Is somolhing else again, it had been going all . right till he hopped into the front eea( for a trip to Portland . and then it just would hot start.-' Ho had to shift to another. . . 'l TOTTTTflT.TTJTI;.T.t.TrIIr.1 ; Marti , By Swan Phone 79