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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1927)
- It ft If. ' i , " SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. MONDAY, JULY 25. 1927. Advertisers Give Information . Figure It Out For Yourself You want a home of your own -everybody does. You want to know about the cost !or t how to finance the building., , Perhaps you' want to buy the lot,; or it mny ibe to inquire, about the furnishing-of a room. !. Just ask the The chances are good that if you have been keeping house in an apartment or a cottage you have paid out enough in rentals since you have been married to have built a good home,' and you don't have a thing in the world to show for it. Just figure it out. advertisers they 11 know. J . 4 ! 5 h H ft.' W - .I.I.H.I.XCCCCIM?rIII'Ifl The Trowel and Float, Monday, July 25, 1927. Special Builders Number Oriental Stucko : V A Chinamen, doing a hauling Job for a building material dealer In Sun Francisco wub informed that ho could not not his money unfit ho had sub mitted an Itemized statement. Afater much meditation he evolved this bill: "3 comes unci 8 goes at 4 bits a went $3.00." Dr. H. C. Church Is building a ' garnKo that Is Don Chll koii is doing the work and Dr. Is doing the bossing. Dr. ad mits Ills part of the work is the hardest. Men used to smoke between meals. Now they eat between smokes. Let us put in your wlntor's wood for you. Wo can dollver . when, h'ow nnd where you say nt rcusonnhlo prices based on direct delivery. . . ,.. '' ; ' M An Itemized Bill An old church in Switzer land was in nood of various 'repairs', so tho authorities' calk; ed in, among bthors, n -painter to touch ;UP the pulntings, Whon he ' presented his bill, jmymertt' was Tefusert because it wasn't Itemized, so ho took It back and here's the correct ed hill as submitted: "For correcting the -. , ton 'commandments 1 ' embellishing Pon- ; this Pilate and put- tlngi new ribbons "'. , on his; hat ..........8; francs : l ' J ..0 francs S Putting tnll on roost- - er of St. Peter and mending his comb 4 francs Iteplumblng and gild- . j lug left wing of ' Guardian Angel. ...... Iirn..l.l..,r Llt.rl. I,-!..-,'.. Servant ." .V.D francs Henewlng lloavon. ad- t ; justing stars and ' cleaning up the , moon 7 francs Brightening up the ' ' flames of Hell, put- ' ling now tall on tho .''. t devil, mending his , hoof and doing, sev- . , . . eral odd Jobs for the damned 12 francs Touching up Purga tory and restoring the lost souls ,...7 francs tUmdlng tho shirt of the Prodigal, son 3 francs , Total ".. ......1.,'..'.......B2 francs Certaln-tood paint sales were .excellent last week,, auung those painting 'and redecorat ing wore U. A..Utterback at Gnrdon Valloy, C. E. Mana jfleld oir 'Winchester Bt. and K.' .K.! tMcLoil'dori on-' Ills ' K, Second Ave. property, j '!Pa, iwhat's a collislpn?",' '-"A 1 Collision, 3 son, is what happened when ma drovo the car." , f. ' Our roofing department hot coated .Tim Clark's poultry houses last week. We'll hot his chickens keep dry this win-' i ' . t 1 , ': - . i 1 '.. DENN - GERRETSEN CO. lMMSslljUJIiql.I.I.IM.lfl.TCT.M HONEY-DEW FROM 'TREE8 - J REMOVABLE RROM: CARS Tho honoy-dow dripping from .,, tho leaves o(, shade troos on sltle walks and cars in unttm n,-u,rnn ' towns "Is caiiBod by the aphis, ac- avuiuiUK; ion, u. roCK, SUpOrlU- tondont'ot. the state college camp- uh. The Insect sucks the sap from the-tree and secretes 'a sugar solu tion on the loaves. I' "Honoy-dew Is slowly soluble in 1 warm water and thus can be romov j ed from nutomobllos if caught . j early," says Professor Peck. ; ' "Tho aphis is fought by apruyluW wlth 'black leaf .-to." a nicotine .solution obtainable', from local .dealers. Tho solution is diluted to tho strength printed on tho r con tainer, v. is a A'ontaot; poison nnd .liiust hit tlio insect: directly, nec essitating thorough 'spraying. The ' first spraying should bo followed by others whon nphlds uro flying. , "A natural chock Is a parasitic ,fly which lays 11b 'eggs on the nphls. The young flies in hutching ultimately kill the aphis. Cold 'spring weather retarded tho hatch ling of tho fllos this year. Nature was thus thrown out of order and the nphlds multiplied very rapidly." ' "Clovor mildew lias conio to Ore gon to stay," Buys II. P. Harsa, plant pathologist of tho Oregon cxporlmont station. "Infoctlons In Bonthern and cnslorn Oregon, ospeclnlly in the irrigated sections have caused many inquiries for the I clover mildew treatment. Applica tions of dusting sulphur will kill tho mlldow. In moat cases this 1b not necessary until after tho first ' mowing." SHADOW OF THE I NOOSE AT LAST. COVERS BIRGER U 'I'M'! : i -i ' 1 1 i 'iTi ;' . . (Continued from pngo 1.1 . . By-Laws Drawn Up at Meeting of Board of . " Directors Program , of Work Outlined. The board of directors of tho South UmiKiua Rod and Gun Club jnot In thu now post office bulld- B i log at Tiller Saturday and drew up gitt set or by-laws to preient to the S: membership at the regular meeting Oliln llA linl.l It, tla 'IMIIn u,.l,nl house Friday, July 29. It wub a lively mooting that lusted till the coming of a new day and many Im portant Phases or civic Improve ment work were discussed and ten tative plans made for carrying them through. i ;. In addition to the routine mat tors usually covered by by-iawB. .one article 'Which will be 'Proposed to the members creates flvo stand ing committees as follows: a pre datory . animal commlttoo to be headed by the president, George Norman, a membership commit-! tee headed by tho vice-president, Guy Pennell, ' a fish and game committee headed hv the 'secretary-treasurer, John Gross, a roads committee headed by the' flold captain, Ollvor Cook, and a finan cial i and ' entertainment commit tee headed by the' social director, Clay Ulman. These bommltteos, ach consisting of five members will be charged with the .handling of the different phases nf the (Club's activities. ' . Among dfhet'H. nno i,1un wno Ata. cussed that bids fair to do a great,! uoiu jur iuu nouin umpqua nn a hunting 'country. It Is proposed to create ah official guide and pack er's bitronU Whlqh will handle -all lnrjiitripg ho club will undoubted ly recelvo from ' sportsmen who wish to go Into the great doer-hunting country around ) Tiller. All sportsmen's associations In the PAIR CHARGED WHITE SLAVERY AND AUTO THEFT j (Conthmod from pngo 1.) violdtlon of thu fcdt-rnl lw ry BnnniiK (ranRportiitlon of n stolon enr from ono atuto to nnutluT taken by Denton cltizons in nn ef fort Ao obtnln executive clemency for him in chho lie aids tho stnto In clearing up mystery miiTouiullng auvorai' bank rol)bertes nnd other crimes attributed to the lllrger RatiKBtei'B. .-! In tho trial just ended Blrger was -CharBed with the planning the killing ofv Mayor Adums, whom tho young chioftutn contended harbor ed the rival Sheltou gang In Woat City. Newman was alleged to havo beon Blrger s advisef in tho crlmo,. and Xlyland was charged. with ilriv., ing the automobile that qarrled the1 rfiayers to Adam s door, wliero he was shot down.; atnto wlirbo! notified that visiting sportsmen will be -cared for by the SQUARE-ECONOMICAL-SNAPPY wto'isi I P BALCONY . J M KtTCHeN M .( . pED ROOM ' I , W-f-l h '. LIVING ROOM li JL ' BCD ROOM . n-tf.rf-o- , . Iral H bcd noor 'fa BECEPTH4 U ' ,ty'"''V : fERRACH ' , 1 A House' Hard to Equal at Low Cost r ' Sharp angled English gables on the front lend snap to the facade of this two-story square house, "The Dorchester." There are few, models, of such design which embody the com fort and convenience of floor plan int so jow 'a cost of, con-' struction. ' '. ' ' f. , .. ,' 1". " .. . . ; If more information about "The Dorchester" is desired, write the Standard Homes . Company, Colorado : "Building, OAKLAND MAN -KILLED TODAY IN AUTO WRECK (Continued from pnge I.) Iiik of a serious nature, t Mr. Mahoney's tragic -death lias boon a great shock to his many friends In Itoseburg nnd Oakland. He was a member of ono of tho most prominent families of the county, his purents having boon early plonoer settlors of tho Oak land community whord ho was born and reared. Ho la survived by a widow ,und ono child nnd by flvo brothers, Harvey of Portland, Har ry of Oakland. Paul nnd Arthur of Portland and Wallace of Bond, and also by threo Bisters, Mrs. M. Fickle, Hosohiug, Mrs. Honry Lit tle. Oakland and Mrs. It. L. Stearns, Oakland. He was 41 years of ago. Visit At Coast0 Mr. and Mrs. O. S. McKlhlnnv and family, who havo been at Han don beach Blncu Saturday enjovlng an outing, nro expected home 'thin When you can own this fine little hoine on easy terms.1 : - ? ' ' ! '' j .''!. : ' Built to suitfyour own ideas and where you want it.; COEN LUMBER COMPANY LET US EXPLAIN OUR PLAN Icelpt heaviest in years. Steers ! MrIOIIIsiXCIfMW 1 800 to 110 pounds, good flUGQ) HiriO! flO. 1tn0 tn TUMI nnumlu n,l S!).ar,fi H ull ; (In, medium Hut pouudsig up S.0049.25 do, common S(1.70jy!a iwdn. ,1., ,.,it,iM cr. iuffi;n nn. .in3 fu.l niiU',,11 .i.wl 1'n.ii.lli...... Tm lur.o pounds, S8.75r,9.2r,; do, com-IH imon to medium 3G.V5irjiU.7fi; do.jg 'low cutters to cutters $3.00 & 5.2f, ; I M ; bulls, yearlings, excluded, beef t good SO.OO'; do cutters to ini'-iM idlum S4.RU(fG.75; calves r,00 S ! pounds down, medium tn cliolf'-e. . k?t '$7.50f( 10.00; do culls to common iM i $5.50 (fj 75"; voalers (milk Jed)! 3 good to choice $10.0012.50; do a i medium SS.SOffi 10.00; do culls to.W common 4u.uu(U'H.tio. , Hogs; - Killing classes 10fi;15 cents higher; active . trading. I gj TTtttllflPWttlcrlit QT.A n Or.A ,,,.,,., Wt medium to choice $10.75012.00; mediumwolght 200 to 250 pounds, medium to choice $11.25Si'12.25; lightweight 150 to 200 pounds, me dium to choice $11.7512.35. Light lights 130 to 1R0 pounds, medium to choice $11.75012.30; , packing hogs' rough and smooth $7.50 10.00; slaughter pigs 90 to 130 pounds medium to choice $11.75 12.35; foe"der and stockcr pigs 70 to 130 pounds medium to choice Sll.7514.00. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded in aboyo quotations.) ....Sheep anl lambs;-. Steady to weak; few sales 25 to 50 cents low er. r. .Quotations except on lambs on shorn basis; Lambs 84 lbs. down good to choice $10.5O(ffil2.0O; do medium 82 pounds down. $9.50 10.50; do culls to common (nil weights) S7.005p9.50; .yearlings wethers 110 pounds down medium to choice $7.00 9.00; ewes 120 pounds down medium, to ' choice $4. 505.50: do medium to choice 120 to 150 pounds $4 to. $5; do culls to common, all weights ?3fj 4. : .: - : - V v T7 M - : y PORTLAND. . pre.. .Tnly -25. Wholesalei .Prices i- Butter steady; extra cubes city- 40c;. . standavda 39c; prlmo firsts 37e; firsts 36c. Creamer' prices: Prints 3c abovo cube standards.. Bids to fanner: Milk stoadv: raw milk (4 per cent) $2.25 cwf., f. o. b. Portland. Buttorfnt : 40c. , t. o. b. Portlond. - ' - -: ; i i 1 !t Eggs steady; current receipts 24c dozen: fresh' modlnms 22c: fresh standard firsts 24c; : fresh Btnndard extras. 25c.. , j :. Poultrv steadv: lioavy hens 210 23ci light 125013c;: -springs 18c; broilers - 18019p: Pekln white ducks 18c;' colored nominal; tur- kevs alive nominal. Onions, local steady, $2.2503.00. Potatoes steady, $3 to $3.50 per sack. ' i- -w. Cascara bark Bteady, 708c lb.; Oregon grape root nominal. Nuts steadv; walnuts 27031c; fllberls 19 0 20c: almonds 24 0 2Cc; Brazil nuts 14016c; Oregon chest nuts 175020c; jicnimts 9011c. MAKE THAT ' HOME DREAM -'r:':, - COME ..TRUE - '''.''' '": ' ' ! ''..'.,.'''' '....'" Perhaps you have hesitated about trying to own that , home you and your wife want because of properly financ ing the enterprise, and so you keep on paying rent. All you have to show for such a policy is rent receipts. By adopting our plan you will be enabled to get the home of your dreams. We are ready to explain the mat ter to you at any time why wait longer?. Douglas Building & Association Roseburg, Oregon 1 4 7 Jackson St. Loan Phone 245 LOCAL NEWS t Visit Sunday . Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 13. Naylor of Eugene motored here Sumjay and spent, the day visiting with Mr. and Mrs.- Lvmon Spencer and Mrs. Lena S.- McElhlnny. Mrs. Nnvlor Is n I slstor of Mrs. S,nencor nnd daugh- icr or nirs. Mcuiiunny. bureau and packers and guides re commended nnd arranged for. This bureau will, without doubt, prove a real asset to the commun ity welcoming the sportsuien and sending them away satisfied, i Clay tiinian. socia ( rector, ia laying plans for ono of the 'big gest blowouts (his country has ever soon, to bo hold in the near future. His inteiitlun Is to Invite nil tho sportsmen in the county nnd 'give a dunce nnd feed that will be long remembered." The dato will bo an nounced nt the meeting next Fri day. Oliver Cook, who will bo chair man of tho roads committee, is a good roads enthusiast and there is no doubt but that under his nblo direction real progress will be made In highway improvement. With n bunch of live-wires such as now head tho organization, thore is no renson why the South limp- qua Kod and Gun Club should not prove tho ' most important move ment the South Umpqua country bus soon in many years. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Trunks, Bags and Suitcases Get one of these for your vacation trip and make your traveling easy. We have these to suit your needs. Leather, fiber and matting. McKean, Darby & Baldwin . . . Complete Homefurnishers. .. . CORDON and BISHOP SELL PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES STAINS WALLPAPER GLASS, ETC. and furnish estimates on quantity 314 Cast Phone 543 (Auoclated Pres. l.cuscd Wire) PORTLAND, Ore.,- July 25 The local produce nmrket opened this morning with prices mostly steady with' last week's close excepting for several lluos of fruit. Despite heavier receipts from California, watermelons hnve been stimulated to a higher consump tion demand, due largely to current torrid weather conditions, and are now priced at 4 cents per pound retail. Cantaloupes and ' honey dew melons remain at 10 cents a piece for average sized melons nnd nvc cents ror smaller sized lots I in n few Instances. Supplies con tinue strong, Plenty of first nunllty rnspher . rles may he had nt 10 cents per I box.. Ulark caps are priced the same and loganberries are plenti ful nt 8 cents per hex, two for 15 j cents. Tomatoes nre easy nt 15 cents jper pound, retnll. I Potato receipts are greater and prices tend to be lower with Ore- iBon nurhanks are selling nt 10 lbs. jfor 2n cents, retnll. C'ounlry dressed meats nnd poul try opened slow this morning nnd ! barely steady at Saturday prices, i Lambs are. easy at 20 cents, prime ,hogs at around 13 cents and veal !1S tO 10 CentR. T.teht hong pntilln.,a (to move slowly nt 13 cents. I uiiier una egg prices are un changed from Saturdny but dealers (are expecting butter to advance again shortly since production in jthe local territory is falling off. Left For North . Mrs. Herbert D. Quino lert this morning for northern points. She will join hor mother, Mrs. Fred Uowlev, nt Eugene nnd wllh Mr. and Mrs. Rowley and family will go to Portland, Astoria nnd Sea slde on a vacation trip. Whenlt's a Home You Want SEE McLendon Realty Company Corner Oak and Main REAL ESTATE LOANS, INSURANCE PLUMBING HEATING OUR SPECIALTY Let us Modernize Yout Kitchen WM. SCOTT. 116 W. Oak W. F. Harris, Pres. Henry- Harth DIRECTORS A. G. Sutherland, Vlce-Pres. Joseph Micelll H. O. Pargeter, Sec'y-Treasurer. Co. Douglas Abstract Incorporated CAPITAL $25,000.00 Abstracts, Blue Prints, Farm Loans, City Loans, Title Insurances POrtTI.AXD, Ore., July 28 j Wheat hid: Itm? hard white.' hard white, bhiestem. baart, federa-1 Hon. sofl white, western hite i 1 32: hard winter $1.28. '. Todays car receipts: Wheat 38: flour 14; corn 8; oats 1; hny 3. I roim.AVn, Ore., July SR Cat tle and calves: Few sales 25 to' 50 cents lower for beet classes; re-j E. N. Ewart, Pres. M. E. Rltter, Appraiser Carl E. Wimbcrly, Attorney DIRECTORS 8. W. Bates, Vlce-Pres. Ouy Cordon, Appraiser Henry Harth V. J. Micelll, Treasurer H. O. Pargeter, Secretary W. F, Harris, Appraiser G. V. Wimberly Umpqua Savings and Loan Association v ORGANIZED 1917 Under State Supervision "Earnings for years 1925 and 1926 9. Earnimrs 1927 R F, or better. Not single foreclosure or piece of Troperty Uken forTn 9. y?r S . pal or interest since organization. . PrPrty taken for non-payment of princi- Investigate our moMhly saving, plan. An account may be ..arted with a deposit of one ' dollar. ' i