ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW ' MONDAY; JULY 25, 1927. THRED Following Is a list of the claims allowed at' the last resular moot ing of tlio county court: Election: J, H. Kruao $3.00, Paul Apploguto $3.00, Mauilo Anplegato $3.00, Opal Kelso $3.00, Henry Drown $3.00, Si W, Brown $3.00, E. S. Wert 83,00, Elmer DaiiKliorty $3.00, H. V. Thiol $3.00, Muggle Coolto $3.00, Chas. A. Ott $3.00, C. H. Arundul $3.00, Earl llhoiidi-B . $3.00. Ernest llulllwell $3.00, Blanch Neighbors $3.00, A. A. Bellows $3. 00, Elma L. Slephens $3.00, Mrs. Earl Jihoads $3.00, S. F. CawlflelU $3.00, Cora Church $3.00, Edna Mc Kean $3.00, Sylvia Bowden $3.00, Augusta J Darby $3.00, Alice Fish er $3.00, Frances E. Selllck $3.00, Grrlrmlo llatrield $3.00, Louise O. Mcynr $3.00, Florence Cole $3.00, Eva F. Hull $3.00, J. F. Churchill S3.00. Alva Stephens $3.00, Iluby J. Weyforth $3.00, Pearl L. Hand $3. 00, Alfred Hand $3.00, W. W. Ew Ing $3.00, C. A. Goff $3.00, Nellie Ewing $3.00, Bornlce Goff $3.00, J. H. Rleverts $3.00, Mrs. Wilfred Brown $0.00, J. P. Denn $0.00, Alice Rcranton $0.00, Wm. L. Moore $C W. H. Graham S3.00, W. 8. Cor- mitt $3.00, Mrs, Myrtle Elliott $3. 00, B. U n I c h t e r $6.00, 00, Barbara VS. Hopkins $3.00, Wm. B. Slock $3.00, Clem L. Davis $3.00, nyrilo- E. Sullivan $3.00, Helen ' T'ouglnr $3.00, S. iM. Pardee $3.00, Nora Davis $3.00, Myrtle E. Spaugh $3.00, Minnie M. Hosmer $3.00, R. E. Holdrldgo $3.00, G.' U. Helblg $3.00 Effie B. Stubhlefleld $3.00, ' Christina Mlcelll $3.00, Anna M. Kearney $3.00, Annie F. BusboII ' $3.00, Augusta Woodward $3.00, Victor Nichols $3.00, Walter Mc Hoe $3.00, J. Harold NIcholB $3.00, O. A. Parltor $3.00, J. R. McKay S3.00, Roy T. Hlce $3.00, Oliver T. Henry $3.00, Walter Hercher $3.00, Lawrence Hercher S3.P0, . Carol Marcher $3.00, J. a. Bacon $6.00, Lee Wlnnlford $0.00, J. E. Winnl ford $6.00, Helen J. Cardwell $6.00, Vera E. Bacon $6.00,' Robert An lnut $0.00, Walter Skldmore $6.00, Frank P. Riinprt Ss.DO. Flem Hpn- dorer $6.00, Snllte A. Hill $6.00, F. A. Farnam $6.00. E. L. Johns $6.00, R. C. Johns $6.00, D. H. Whltted S6.00, Jacob Flshor $.00, W. H. Raymond $600, Joe A. Snyder $6. 00, H .H. Rnchor $6.00, J. A. Rhoads $0.00. J. W. Montgomery $0.00. Geo. 1 Chandler $3.00. Mary E. Bridges S3.00, Mrs. L. R. .Mynatt' $3.00. Fred L. Strang $3.00. Mrs. 'Maude Bemls $3.00, W. H. Buzzell $3.00, James ' Ewart $3.00, Ethel R. Catching $3. 00; CSara Dlllard $3.00, Tlllle 1. Johnson $3.00, Mnthew Adams $3.'- 00, Fred R. Cachelin $3.00. A. H. . Krogel $3.00, R. H. Breedlove $3 00, Gus R. Smith $3.00. Mrs. Maur ice Weber $3.00, H. E. Blood $3.0.0, , Stewart J,. Hall $3.00, Wm. Melton . $3.00, Mary C. Lane $3.00, C. !V. Burrows $3.00, M. M. Hedrlck $3.00, . Mary V. Wise $3.00, J. W. .White $3.00, Flora Summer $3.00, M. E. Monson $3.00, B. V. Williams $3.00, T. M. Whito $3.00, Zelpha E. Patch on $3.00, Gene Newton $3.00, Dale Bonney $6.00, Lewis Thomason $6. 00, Elzor Ralnvllle $6.00, C. W. Moore $6.00, Alice M. Bonney $6. John Alexander $6.00, S. J. Shrum $6.00, Lilllo Everts $6.00, Roy Bond $6.00, Victor Blnkely $6.00, jEva H. 'Marks $3.00, Mary Travis' $3.00, Kate Sewoll $3.00, Clara L. Sanford $3.00, Elza P. Kronke $3.00, F. D. Owen $3.00. A. I. Caskoy $3.00, C. E. Marks $3.00, H. H. William's $3. 00, W. L. Stone $3.00, Robt. Brad ford $6.00, H. T. Westfall $6.00. Harvey J. Cockeram $6.00 J. H. Schosso $6.00, Vera Rydell $3.00, W. M. Hampton $3.00, H. A. Tray ' lor $3.00, W. W. Bunch $3.00, F. W. Binder $3.00, Clyde Rydell $3.00, Mary Becltley $3.00, Mabel Binder $3.00, 11. A. Moore $3.00, J. N. Hen derer $3.00, Ellen B. Hutton $6.00, Fred G. Pnrrott $6.00, R. A. Cal houn $6.00, J. E. Page $6.00, Ira Sinclair $6.00, J. S. Gray $3.00, Mary R. Sngaberd $3.00, Georgena M. Durblu $3.00, Annie B. Perkins $3.00, Mrs. O. Brown $3.00, Elva , M.. Brown $3.00, Fannie E. Wester dalo $3.00, Will Q. Blown $3.00, Cecelia Anderson $3.00, Myrtle "' Smith $3.00, J. H. Brown $3.00, W. L. Nail $3.00, Chris Nehel $3.00,. Chas. T. Nail $3.00, W. B. Lesh $3.00, W. H. Red Hold $3.00, S. H. Duley $3.00, J. H. Smith $3.00, W. B. Garrett $3.00, D. B. Redfield $3. 00, Wm. Austin $3.00, J. W. Clny pool $3.00, Susan A. Winston $3.00, Belle It. Austin $3.00, Belle How ard $3.00, H. T. McCulloch $3.00, C. W. Groves $3.00. Olivia Carnes $3.00, Etta F. Howard $3.00. Jean S. Havens $3.00, J. O. Gunter $6.- 00, John Gunter $6.00, Nellie Har ris $6.00, W. F. Olomnn $6.00, Fred Harris $6,00, Clara Bonebrake $3. 00. Louise Slegel $3.00, J. H. Sle gel $3.00, Viola Thurston $3.00, An na B. Madison $3.00, W. F. Hall $3.00, Adam Heln $3.00, Bertha E. Tnylor $3.00, Allene Hoffman $3. 00, Winnie G. Hawn $3.00, N. A. McCulloch $6.00, Geo. Telford $6 00, C. A. Heater $6.00, Irene McCul loch $6.00, F. F. Stelnhauer $6.00, M. F. Rice $3.00, Iris Helllwell $3. 00, Maude Pickens $3.00, Efflo Scluvarz $3.00, Eva Rice $3.00, F. J. Howell $3.00. E. L. Giles $3.00, Iva O. Tavlor $3.00, Elizabeth Hun an $3.00, Marlon Granger $3.00, F. E. Bullock $6.00, J. B. Hader $6.00, j. it. jmuciunson $u.uu, inns. ji. Rader $6.00, Geo. D. Madison $6.00, Hazel French $3.00, Ella R. McCoy $3.00. Cora R. Singleton $3.00, Hil da Relzensteln $3.00, William Mc Curdy $3.00, Carrie Bell $3.00, Edith O. Metzgcr $3.00, Wm. Bell $3.00, L. W. Metzger $3.00, T. E. Singleton $3.00, J. J. Kenny $6.00, William ' Adamson $6.00, Nettle Sngaberd $6.00, Virginia Craig $6. 00, Marv II. Kenny $6.00, A. H. Marsh J3.00, H. B. Jacoby $3.00, Ernest Voorhles $3.00. A. B. Nick ens $3.00. O. G. Rogers $3.00, Geo. B. Best $3.00, L. L. Buell $3.00, Geo. Bacon $3.00. W. J. Meredith $3.00, I. B. Howard $3.00, H. E. Baker $6.00, H. A. Carlson $6.00, James Parker $6.00, Orral E. Baker $6. 00. A. O. Gnstafson $6.00. R. A. IluKpnbark $3.00. H. P. Conn $3.00, Wm. O. Sanstrom $3.00, J. H. Will- lams $3.00, C. O. Criteser $3.00, E. R. Fenn $3.00, Nannie. C. Dunn $3. 00, Geo. A. Craue $3.00, Orpua Bu senbark $3.00, Katie Coun $3.00, M. T. Dawson $3.00, W. D. Gladwill 83.00, Emma Ueckley $3.00, Mrs. J. J. Kester $3.00, l,ena Atterbury $3.00, F. C. Gurnce $3.00, C. E. Cootes $3.00, C. E. Cootes $3.00, Harold E. Wells $3.00, Gladys Daw son $3.00, Elizabeth Homer $3.00, Lucluda E. Uurney $6.00, Cutherlne Mohr $6.00, L. A. Germond $0.00, Amy N. Wandell $6.00, H. A. Blake ly $6.00, L. L. Singleton $6.00, W. L. Singleton $6.00, Lester Blakely $6.00, O. O. King $6.00, W. N. Moore $3.00, C. R. James $3.00, Goo. G. 'Marcy $3.00, S. E. Mooro $3.00, E. V, Weaver $3.00, T. L. Brower $3.00, O. S! Raines $3.00, T. B. Richardson $3.00, D. E. Hurst $3.00, Hans Weaver $3.00, C. D. Uulck $3.00, J. M. Martin $3.00, T. G. Patterson $3.00, G. E. Trask $3. 00, w, J. Oallop $3.00, C, Weaver $3.00, C. A. Strong $3.00, A. L. Dy er $3.00, A. E. Stephens $3.00, Chns. A. Stelzer $3.00, A. Tompkins $3. 00. T. H. Cutstorth $3.00. Frank i Coin $3.00, Geo. T. Frater $3.00, F. W. Bramhall $3.00, James ,j.uu, j. m. loruuu d.uu, ireu Hall $3.00, A. H. Ash $3.00, Geo. Palmer $3.00, R. L. Stearns $3.00, A. A. Smith $3.00, Loyal Stearns $3.00, Lizzie McCanley $3.00. Fan nlo Little $3.00, H. E. Muhoncy $3. 00, R. It. Clarke $3.00, E. G. Young $3.00, Mlnnlo A. Maupln $3.00, J. E. Stearns $3.00, Fred Bvron $6.00, H. B. Ireland $6.00, J. G. Barues $6.00, F. R. Brlteubucher $6.00, E. E. Wells $6.00, Chas. E. . Thomas $6.00, Willio Forrester $6.00, Dora Thomas $6.00, Ada Puri3 $6.00, Win. C. Shannon $6.00. S. V. Moore $0. 00, J, S. Smith $6.00 M. K. Dean $6.00, John F. Rlttor $6.00, Ward Cockeram $3.00, T. J. Medley $8. 00, Pearl A. Mahie $3.00, 'Mary A. Qhenoweth $3.00, Votln Underwood $3.00, Ruby Harklns $3.00, Eva (Rlchurds $3.00, Susie H. BurnAt $3.00, B. F. Burnott $3.00, Sadie J. Settle $3,00, Frank Norrls $3.00, Gertrude A. Patterson $3.00, Mil dred y. Clark $3.00, Mildred Har rison $3.00, Luella E. Neely $3.00, Porcy B. Glasser $3.00, Lloyd Har rison $3.00,. Laura S. Ellis $3.00, Vivian Reekleff $3.00, Hazel L. Bernhardt $3.00, H .L. Chaphi $3. 00, Pauline Bllllngton $3.00, Ruth E. Plum $3.00, Wllhelmina C. Gay $3.00, Sarah Bennett $3.00, Cleoue McCauley $3.00, Rose V. Boucher $3.00, Lillian Brooks $3.00, Mrs. W. O. Lowe $3.00, G. M; Smiley $3.00. T. J. Amspoker $3.00, G. H. Griggs $3.00, C. F. Sowersby $3.00, H. Schawley $3,00. A. W. Wilson $3. 00. D. F. Everett $3.00; Sam Ball $3.00, W. B. Amspoker $3.00, P. W. Didlel, Jr. $3.00, Elbert Ball $3.00, S. D. Evans $3.00, Helen Churchill $3.00, Emma Lenox $3.00, Hilda Qulne. $3.00, Herbert ,D.,Quipe ,$3.? 00. G. V. Wimberiy $3.00, Inez Carr $3.00, Vivian W. Orcutt $3.00, Mrs: E. V. Hoover $3.00, J.' .E.' McClln tock $3.00, T. J.. Andrews $6.00, Gard Sagabed $0.00, Lucy G. Riley $6.00, Sadie Andrews $6.00, A. L. Butler $6.00, J. W.: Hostetler $6.00, Gertrude Black $0.00, Lizzie Dolan $6.00, Etta Blackwell $6.00, Maurice E. Pettlt $6.00, John D. Newson $6.00, Chas. F. Anson S6.00, Elsie Spencer $6.00, 'Chas.-W. Hill $6.00, Louis Norwood $6.00, H. B. Shamp $3.00, H. K. Eby 3.00, E. L. Rich ards $3.00, B. S. Slack $3.00, W. D. Duke $3.00, Jas. F. Mahcuey $3.00, J. C. Meiritt $3.00, Alice A. Simp son $3.00, Vera Payne $3.00, A.: E. Shlria $3.00, Wilson Hartshorn $3. 00, Wnu Mltcham $3.00,' James W. Marvin $3.00, R. h. Houser $3.00, J. G. Miller $3.00, Frank J. Horton $3.00, Lewis J. Allen $3.00, August Vnolnnlil I nn T.r it o..nni- 00, Stella R. French $3.00, Guy E. t-ennei fb.uo, fred c. Toelle $6.00, Bertha Penftel $6.00, Estella F. Toelle $6.00, John G. Gilmore $6. 00, Mrs. E. D. Lewis $3.00, L. W. Engels $3.00,' Mary Wilcox $3.00, Regina Hast Sawyers $3.00, Elsie Wright $3.00, Sarah McElhinuy $3.00, L. O. Maddux $3.00, Lucy L. Woodruff $3.00, iM.' Woodruff $3. 00. Mary Wynne $3.00, J. O. Fuller $6.00, Winifred Barry $6.00, Lee Emerson $6.00, Frank Ingram $6. 00, Bertha E. Rickli $6.00, Chas. D. Maynard $3.00, Foster Butner $3. 00, Florence D. Bodie $3.00, Clara M. Delaney $3.00, Malinda McGeo $3.00, L. A. Uolnnd $3.00, Laura D. MacNnb $3.00, Carrie E. Butner $3.00, Lucia. M. Delaney $3.00, Roy L. Ellis $3.00, Mazie O. Walker $3.00, . T. H. Dawson. $3.00, Eva Klnsel 3.00, Ruth M. Sands $3.00, Robt. L. Irving $3.00, R. E. Brown $3.00, Frnnces H. Grubbe $3.00, W. R. Kln'xel $3.00, Helen Irving $3.00, Mrs. Harry Balrd $3.00, H. B. Road man $3.00, Mildred Cook $3.00, La- vine I Welker $3.00. Lydia Road man $3.00, Carrie Shields $3.00, E. A. Hinkle $3.00. B. F. Shields $3.00. Alice E. Clarke $3.00, Amy Adair $3.00, Anna L. Wickham $3.00. E. F. Kinnan $3.00. D. O. Durham $3. 00, D. Hnnan $3.00, Blanche C. Dear $3.00. Effle V. Ambrose $3.- 00, Mary H. Carewcll $3.00,' E. P. Htrong $3.00, Alpha L. Satchwell $3.00, May Daugherty $3.00, Addle W. Brant $3.00, R. H. Grlnstead $6.00, Clarence Church $6.00, H. L. Kruse $6.00, S. H. Croy $6.00, Amos Buker $6.00, Mrs. Carlos Page $6. 00, R. A. Kent $6.00. L. D. Camp $6.00, T. E. Johns $6.00, Frank Al vord $6.00, L. R. Mynatt $6.00, Tom Hatfield $6.00, Ed Sterling $6.00, Ed Hntniln $6.00, Floyd Watson $6.00, Tom Flnley $6.00, Ed Grubbe $6.00, Peter Sinclair $6.00, Elmer Hayes $6.00, C. C. Groves $0.00. Thomas Krewson $6.00, S. 'Madison $6.00, Henry Simmons $6.00, Virgil Woodruff $6.00, W. K. Good $6.00, C. L. Germond $6.00, U. S. Barkfr (Assgn) $6.00, C. M. Griffith $6.00, Herbert Herman $6.00, Geo. E. Ai ken $6.00, R, C. Powell $6.00, E. Jennings $6.00, J. D. Broughton $6.00, Harrison Manning $6.00, H. A. Sellert $6.00, J. W. Wright $6.00, James McClintock $6.00, J. W. Bur chard $6.00, Clyde Holman $6.00, Henry Archnmbeau $6.00, C, M. Hermann $6.00, C. W. Bruckman $6.00, Victor Boyd $6.00, Geo. Dem- mlck $6.00, C. H. Wickham $6.00, C. H.. Dougherty $6.00. W. C. Grubbe $6.00. Oscar Hanson $6.00. R. C. Powell $4.44, W. D. Riley $10.00, C. W. Bruckman $10.20. Henry Archembeau $.15.00, S. Mad ison $6.00. E. E. Morgan $1.00. Vir gil Woodruff 810.00. W. A. Bran ham $8.70, IF. S. French Transfer Co. $6.00, John Alexander $0.30, D. R. Rlchter & Co. $0.43, S. J. Jones I $8.00, Thos. Krewson $8.00, Ed! Grubbo $7.00. 8. W. Starnier $6.00, r-n newoy fb.uu, .Mm. J. J. lawi Weld $10.00. Page Lumber Co. $10. 00. B. E. Haines $7.50, Cora Buker $5.00, Cliilsilan Church $10.00, I. Tt t'l AI If LI 1 1 I t.t.-...1 I $5.00, Mrs. Jack C'avo $5.00, School IJISl. INO. J IV $11.25, uciiool DISK No. 15 $10.00, City of Drain $10.00, Clldo Grunge $5.00, C. M. Bassott $5.00, F. S. Weatherly $6.00, Wo mens club $5.00, Ambrose LuHough $5.00, I. O. O. F. Lodge $10.00, Mrs. Geo. Winston $5.00. llnlln' Ktpnhnn. son $10.1)0, Presbyterian Church $10.00, Iloscoe Miller $5.00, Mrs, H. L. Roadman $10.00, Looking Glass Gran?o sr. nn xioimcn n-u,,.., 00, School Dist. No. 11 $10.00, Myr uo i,ougo i. u. u. $5.po, C- M. Griffith $5.00, O. E. Alktns $7.50, (Tommprflul Tlmtb 7 en . c,.i,..i Dlst. No. 43 $6.00, Dora li Thomas tiu.vv, jack niggins $5.00, I. O. O. F. Lodge $7.60, Roedsport Lodge . u. u. si. ?7.ti0, Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. $6.00,, H. II. Fryer $5.00. I. O. O. . R1 T.n,lu . cm a,i Hinlth River Grange $5.00,- Isadora Rondeau $8.00, Lucy L. Woodruff $7.50, Victor Boyd $5.00, R. E. nrown, uioik $r.00, Hoseburg Ho tel 87.60. 1. n n V tr.nn i vr Emerson $6.00, Lee Emerson $6.00. uoaumaster: J. H. Wolford $3.00, Keith WriL'hi t:l (in t ir $3.09. M. (:. llnwl.i',. 49 Oil r, . Freur $4.50, Oro. Slate Highway commission $62.54, Douglas Ab stract Co. $3.00, T. Af. Taylor $1.18, Roodsport Grange $5.79, C. H Daugherty $27.15. Sheriff: . Rose- "uiK ,vum. jjnu. wks., $11.00, Jess Tlndi'A .l nn wn..i ,,..i-.. oiin ttBoimu union 47.12, L. R. Mynatt.. $103.00, Ed Sterling $2.50. Assessor: Under wood Typewriter Co. $0.60. Court House: Churchill Hdw. Co;-. $0.75, Wharton Bros. $2.95, Port Unipnua Courier $16.70. County Court: ?rnZ $ Co- ?3 00' C- L- Ueckley $53.70, Huron w. Clough $65.80, Harry r1c8 15 00 JustL.0. Coun. Office Machinery & Supply Co. $2. 7o, Koke-Tllfany Co. $0.32, Chns. F. Honk tta SlfllK w ii, . $37.30, W. A. Braiiham $5.00. Cor- i. ,, ' V,''- nevy $16.00. ,M: E. lil .?8.-BB- Scl1001 Superintcnd etlt: Edith S. Ackert $62.70. A B Housor $12.50, Forn Hutchlns $15.1 00. Catherine Jacoby $15.00;, Mabel Williams $4.50,' Mrs. A. O. 'nQS iii.m), Eva II. Ackert '$25.00, Lil lian H. Tlnvlu 1, , , " tiu.uu, i-un -Llllip- qua Courier $1.40. Juil: Mottle V. jiousor ?51.90 ltoseburg Cafeteria flnnn JAuven"e.: skBgs Grocery $10.00,-Agnes: M: Pitchro'rd $26 22 Canyouvllle Market $2.10, H E N, i umpqua itiver S'vigatlou Co. $2.25, J. N. Hodden jjo.iu, ocousuurg Garage $42.12, Umpqua Mills & Timber Co. $4.20 IT. T,. llAunn,, to nr eTn aa iuux. isawyers 140.00. Bounty: Loland lw.n famith $15.00,- e. G. Hunt $10.0o', J., S. JtURSF, 1. tin nn n , r, : ,1 iaaa V, y-"-vv' icjawyers ? , 0iC-o""ly IIu,,10: John Busen. ,, JJ,,"Klas County 'Floui' Mills $17.15,. 1(0. TllorhtoJ'.$104, Wharton Bros.. $8.20, Foster But ner $4 00, Gus 'Llndulooni $7.50, ltan Buiery Poster a'AKeo I .2.' J- Kester $3.50,' Wm. ScottT $55.92, . W. E. Cllnienm 52.00. Phil Ollham $3.008 's S singer $3.60, Frank Hawn $6.00, Robert Kidd Est. $3.84, Douglas County Creamery $1.75, Cass street r '"IfJ-70- PaSe Lu"'er & Fue fen,'! 6.0 00' I!u,eau Puuli Heal'li rhonipson $45.00, Shaw Supply Co. 9 CA r . " UUIUll-y fi i ,.?i?KOU t uberculosis Associa- n. Thompson $:i5.00. -.2Un, y,rS,l,''V'or: H- Ostein i !l. ' U EI'l)stein $19.98, Keith Wright $7.98,, Bert Lane $3.99, Claude Crocker $29.15. Medicine: Marsters Drug Co. $6.05, Pioneer Drug stoio $26.15. O. A C. Fund: Vivian Orcutt $18.00, Marion Gran f Herd Inspection: Geo. L. Nichols $38.40. night of Way 1 he Reedsport Realty Co. $1000.00, Mrs. h. L. Buslinell $29.00. Insane: W. C. Grubb $26.90. Indigent: Clins. B. Wnrln i:ri 7.1 7...i Men $64.08, Jennie -Hopkins $38.00, h i K '"""S $22.50, Doclll bechor Memorial Hospital $2.00, J C I'ennev C. j r.n " !l-?0.y;To.:wiillger Funemi it ., "u'ou'' "organ Grocery $1, 05, ltoseburg Undertaking Co.' $41. 50. Mrs. (!. w i),, .?a r" nAlf"'! Co- i3-25' 1J- foi-yoll ,' Matthews $50.00, Dr. A. C. Seely $30.00, Red Cross Pharmacy $14.86. CuiTAni ifv,.n. sea: Pacific Tel. s, 'ei fr. ... , 1. fiui,. i0, Highway Service Co. $29.63, Pac f c Hlphuni, . r- I Hoseburg News-Review $372.16, w. ....ei- 1.0. i.ju, Glass & I'rud homme $66.35. Rosehuri? n,,k htore $55.93, California Oregon Povfer Co. $70.97, ltoseburg Elec tric Store $3.30, Parslow Furniture iJwrn- Tlie 8ut"eri"i Sun JSo.30, Kllham Stationery Co. $10 18, E. E. Leas $75.95. Road District Payroll Dist. 2: II l fnnni... n , lh' Connliie $7.47, II. A. Blakely $1-49. I) st. 3.K1: M 1. 1 i $3.23 Dlst. 5: O. II. Walker' $65. 93, Walter Walker $11.98, Roy Heu- 11,,... , . ' """ I ivll'IH HUH $11.96. Dlst. f,: Clv.l,. tiv.l.ii 7 98. Wm. Lev sn:, 1. ,,T. :., Arna Johiisun $5.98, w. E Gates 85 98 1 1, t ' 98, Clyde Rydell $7.98, W. E. u's 2 !i3, jUt. 8: Alex Sawyers 18.98, Jacob Sawyers $5.98, Alex Sawyers 817 tic 11 v .7 47, Lawrence Smith 82.99. Dt.i 9: Roy Fisher $17.46, Downey Mc Culloch $29.60, Geo. Bullock $13.45 Dayton Mlnter $23.92, J. B. Jtadcr nonnein Madison $10.46, J. sr. Kauschn 811 fifl niot ia. t.. Custer $5.98, Henry Ireland $17.98 ,,ueri Wilson 11.48, Doug Win- nlnghnm $32.93, Joe Winnlngham $34.96, Lester Winnlngham $8.97, C. A. Prock $17.97, G. W. Croucher $19.19. Dlst. 11: Kinyd Finn $2.99, ij. cooper 812.49, E. L. Cooper $12.49. Floyd Finn $2.99. Dlst. 12: R. R Mnntt,Amro t77 ZQ A 1. coby $47.92, Neal Heard $23.96, i-oivin jioaru ti. ti. Kiore $47.92, O. a. Rogers $47.92, A. E. Millard $47.92. K. Hutchlns $38.93, W. Meredith $14.95, John Mont gomery $2.99. A. E. Crow $35.91, (Continued on page 4.) LOCAL NEWS j Prom Malroae ' Mrs. Tom Ward, ot MelroBe, wnsi In this city saiuruuy ior imi hours shopping and visiting with friends. ',!' From Oakland m,-u neni-ue Mcllugel. of Oak land, spent Saturday afternoon In ltoseburg visiting wun ininui. i shopping. . Back From Portland - ' ' Attorney J. (). Watson returned this morning from Portland where ho has been spending several days looking utter legal business. , ; Visitor Saturday ; Mrs; John Sinclair, of Garden Valley, spent Saturday nlternooii In ltoseburg visiting with friends and bhopplng. Visiting Friends Here .Mrs. N. P. Potorson of Corvalll.i lilts arrived to visit with friends in Hoseburg for a time. Visiting Sister ; . , Mis. W. M. Hitching, of Liver more, California, is visiting hero with her sister, Mrs. F. I, Perry, From wearora .. . Mrs. D. Pauloko and family and Mr. and Mrs. L- A. Steuer and fam ily of Medford visited in this city over Saturday. N Visiting Sisiter n. w. M. Kitclilng,. of Liver- more, California, is visiting at the home, of her sister, Mrs. . 1. Perry In this city. On Buslnoss . ! . Stanley 1 Schronk, Dl ooaing Glass, was ntteiullng to uusiness Interests and visiting with- friends in tills city Saturday afternoon.. r Left for Portland F. Stanford Jones has left for Portland where ho expects to spend several weeks visiting. From Dlxonvllle Mrs. F. llnhn', of Dlxonvllle, spent Saturday in Roseburg visit lag with relatives and friends uud (hopping. Returns Home Mrs. J. A. F.oemnn hns relumed home after n mouth's visit with re latives in Centrnlin. Wash., Port land and Eugene. Go to Reedsport Mr. and Mrs. Ed Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chambers and Mrs. J. A. Freeman motored to Reeds port Sunday. Here from Cottage Grove , ' Mrs. Charles SahulUo, of Cot tage Grove, arrived hero, SalW day' to spend a" fow days visiting with, friends, and on business, , From Looking Glass 1 ' O. G. Rigors and daughter, of 1 n,,H",. Glass, wore in this city Saturday ufternoou shopping, and attending to business matters. To Los Angeles ? Mrs. II. M- Sayers and daughter. Laura, left Oils morning lor Lob Angeles whore they will eujoy a several week's visit wltli friends: Business Visitor ' O. llooue, resident ot South Deer n,.,k .. n-fia 'ntloiwliiif? In business affairs and trading in this city for a brief tlilfo Saturday afternoon. Spending Few Days Mrs. A. W. Cockeram, of Yon calla, arrived Saturday . to wpeml a few days visiting with Mrs. G. E. Gross and other relatives hero. n.''.l.uU. BlnnU 'Vllt 1 ,1 & . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davison twa M1HB marina uavini,.., . v... urn l'rt upon ytBittiig aijd fint-inil bust ncs'fl. . ' '"' . ' " - -- - " - .'.' si jo w4 ririn, w t Louise Anderson Here j . m AiiuA 1 ,niiifl AndorBoti'. df Port lnnd, formorly, a -resident,. of thin ;lty, nrrl.vod last wuek to visit with relnUvos auu iriunus nui-u un til Thursday. . , M From Yoncalla ' ' . Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Wiso and Mrs. H. liana 11 or Yoncalla bpoiu Saturday in Hoseburpr visiuiie wuu fiicnds and tittondtug to buainosa affairs. . , Enrbute to Pendleton 1 ' ' ' -Joe Knwnaloy of Pendloton stop ped over to visit with frlLMiua 111 this city Snturday on liis way homo following a trip into Cali fornia. : Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. John Abeene, of Fair Oaks, spent several hours Saturday in this city visiting with rrlt'iidB and attending to business affairs. Visiting Parents ' ! 1 Mrs. V. T. Twllligpar and two sons, of Seattle, are visiting Tor a abort time in Roseburg with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. George Mc Ivcr. " ; . Kansns People Leave Mr. and Mrs. h: B. Wilcox of Clay county, Kansas, who have heori Ihe houso guests of Mrs. Wal ter,-left this morn ing for Los Angeles to visit. Visit at Coast Mrs. II. D. WllHams and daughJ ter, lOlizaheth, and mother, Mrs. K. WlIIianiH, and Mrs. A. J. Parker, her slaler, who is hero from San Francisco, for a visit, spent Sat urday and Sunday at Bandou beach. Back from La Grande Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Waddell, who liavo been ntteiullng the American Legion convention at La Oraudo, returned last night to their homo in this city. , , From Wilbur , Mrs. J. L. Mohr of Wilbur wan In this city for a few hours on Kat urduy visiting with friends and at tending to business, ufi'urs. , Visit Saturday ? Mr. ' and Mrs. Conrad Lundoen of JOIgaroso wero In ltoseburg Sat urday nflerrinnn Rlinniilnir and nt- temliug to. business affairs. Leave for Grays River - . . Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn McAllister and daughter, Marion, left this morning for Grays Itiver, Wash., to visit wan Airs. McAllisters' par ents. 1 From Riddle . ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heusleo nnd family of Uiddlo wero. Kosnhurg visitors Saturday afternoon ami wero shopping and looking ufter business affairs , ( , Visit at Wiley Home , ' . The Misses KHzubeth and Esther Wiley of Portland . 'arrived' hero Saturday by auto to visit at the home of their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wiley. Left for California ! Miss Gladys Sollarsl tvho 1ms been visiting .in Hoseburg ns the KUest. of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Dlllard, left Snturday tori her homo In Oak land; California,; : . - i . - 'it- b'rt' Pleasure .Trip.;:.' , ',, , ,T. , Itolmrt 'McKay of tlrockwny and sister, -Mrs Honry Knlss, and dauRhtor, Doris Joan, left Sunday for points In tho Willamette Valloy to visit. They expects , to bo gone about two weolts. ' ... Back From Portland - Mr. and Mrs. Oren G. Illtner, who have boon guosts of their un cle nnd aunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MeNary. nnd have- been visiting other relatives in RosoburK, left this morning for nosevllle, Cal. Visiting In Portland Mrs. Carl E. Wimberiy is spend hiR a few days visiting with re latives nt Portland. Mrs. Wim beriy nttended the American Le gion convention at La. Grande and stopped at Portland on her return. Leave for Coast Winifred Walker of Medford stopped over here Sunday nfter a trip 1o LnOrande, where she at tended the state convention of tho Amerlcnn Legion nnd AuxHiarv. She left (his morning for Marsh field to visit before returning homo. More, than :3OOO!0u Preferred Stidretiotdcrs ut&mer: Growth 1 ,;' J- .-'!',! , , : 'if. -;. ' M H i . More than 25,000 satisfied customers in 50 cities and towns are users of the utility' services supplied by The , California Oregon Power Company. Reasonable rates for dependable service account in a large measure for , this satisfaction. : Five years ago the Company' served only 13,294 cus tomers. This increase of more than 88 per cent has neces- ' sitated the investment: of large sums of money for extensive, additions to plants and transmission lines. ' . ' ' . : i Our 3,000 preferred shareholders are receiving dividends regularly by mail every, three months , as their share of the , . ,. Tcash return; oh this investment, iheir 'money , goes 'directly into permanent, , .-. ' useful. public utility properties. ( f ( .' ,'. ;'A eppy pf this 16-page book, describ- ( ing and illustrating the. properties of . , , The California, Oregon Power Company, . ; ( will be sent to you on request, together- ' j .with complete information about; invest- ( ; , ment in tlie Company's preferred shares'. 1 The California Oregon Power Company , , , . ' i 1 ...... .f,i . ; " - - OFFICES! , ' ' ; Medford, Grants Pass, Roseburg. Klamath Falls-Oregon - SruSim J 1 Yreka, Dunsmuir-Califorma V Elsie Bergh Here on Visit Miss TCIsio BerRh nrrlvod Sunday from Los Angeles and Is spending two weeks visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W., nnd other relatives. Miss Pemh 1ms been located In southern Oregon for the pnst year nnd is employed at the California Bank. Stolen Car Recovered The Hudson car belonging to Pnv Cnfehintr which wan stolen Thursday nlerht from In front of the Rtks temnie, has been recover ed, tho machine belnjr found In hack of a wonl pile nt Wolr fYeek. The en hfl'I ben lonnpd to Visitors From Salem Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Loveal rnnnv .Tiificc; Onlne. while bis car and four sons, Ray, Max, Hob and;WPfl j,rne i-oi)aired, and imd bMi Harvey, Jr., of Salem motored ipft 0,,(iP nin lorlw temple white here and vfsftcit at tlie nome 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Houseolder Sunday and today. Mr. Loveall is a brother of Mrs. Houseolder. iBack from Long Trip J. P.. P,niley and wife, who have been on an auto trip through the middle west, have returned to their home la this city. They went as far east as Kansas Cily, viHlt Ing wiih relatives. They have been absent from the city about six weeks. lie was nt !' c'nb. Rome nerson. rpsidine: at Wolf Creek had rend the nrtielo In the, News-Review t''ll in of the theft and on pnefr the machine belli ml the wood nlle he can making Innnlrles and found It tn he thn stolen car. Tho ma rbino had been abandoned nt Wolf Creek when its cnpplv of tras wns c-one but was nol rlamaged other than having a fin t tire. Left for Southern Points Misfl Mildred Ohman left Run day for San Francisco to sprnd some time visitinc before xofng to Los Aneeles, where she willjfor a week, loft Saturday, stopping meet a girl friend from Tucson, Ariz. The two will visit In Los Angeles, Pasadena and Long Ilearh Left for East Dr. Centre If. Houck, who hns been visiting with hlH parents, Tr. and Mrs. Ceorge R Honrk, for the past several weeks, nnd his friend. Professor Jan Cnmphelt. who has been vlsitlntr as his uwm. for several weeks. To Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Sinn ton and son, George, of Timber, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Myrick and sons, Raymond and EI win, of Portland, arrived In Rose burg yesterday afternoon to at tend the funeral or V. S. Patterson, the father of Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. Myrick. Mr. Patterson died in Portlnnd Saturday and the funeral was held hero tills afternoon. over In Kupn overnight to he (meats of Profepsor Camnhell s narents. Mr. and Mrs. Dutrald f'ainphell, before continuing their lonrnev. ProfeRor Campbell, who f Instructor In geology at thn TTniverpfty of Lou'-dana. h going to Colorado w'ere he will take a rourpe nt' the pummer session of the university hrnneh. Dr. Hnurk will conllntie his Journev to Roi ton. pp1 wf'l t-Ve a two months' rmirttn af the Maspacbupettn Oen eral Hosnltal In heat dfases, fol lowing which he will take nn his work In the Peter Pent Ilrlghnm Hospital In Boston. A Car For Everybody AND IT'S A FORD OF CbURSE , Our Guaranteed Used Cars are so low in price and terms so easy that no one or any family need go without rapid transportation. Just now we have on hand Thoroughly Rebuilt Coupes, Roadsters, Trucks, and Touring Models. BUY AT ONCE AND ENJOY YOUR CAR C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. Oak and Rose Sts Roseburg Phone 374