TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1927. Iff m . 111-11 aaaaa a a,. VfViVirtjy FIRE SEASON CAUSES ANXIETY TO FOREST SUPERVISING FORCE Period from May I at to October Jut calls or extreme yigll : ,iance on part of members of organization Support pf ' all people necessary for priper preservation of forest values Fire prevention pnd suppression demand vast umounr oi planning ana systematic work. !! t ! V Ii. r "JUST .WHAT I WANTED!" That's what you'll say as you go from counter to counter picking up scores of exceptional bargains wc have assembled for our , big 19c Sale, Come early stocks 'are complete and' bar . gains are many and in gratifying variety. CARR'S STORE Sale Continues All This Week. i ). i f . i l ! 1 i ti l', ' ') (. ) Hi In tbit uilliillilhtiutlon ul tin' nil ilmiul forest rcHorvbs tlie iierlod Imiii : Muy 1st to October 1st, known lis the tiro kiihuii, Is I lie Uinu lif gnmluHt uctlvlly and anx luty uii lliu pun of the miunrvlgiui; lon-m. Tliu most lmpurtaiiL Iuilc liun. gl' the KoreHt Hurvlee. is tlie jiroKi-rvailoii of tile foreata from lh-n . U'litl.. lh thnli,rliiii,l hi.vf. iiiiuiv ' , in liiltis tliu ' tirniiti'Kt: anil IN There Is strenuous fliemlly com Iietitiou between tlie lookouts to be th first to report any smoke wllliln tlielr range of vision, and itach man'a record for the season Is kept In Mr. llouser's office. He muni be extremely accurate In the uso of his flre-flndlng iustruineut. in each lookout house, from which unobstructed view In all di rections may lie hud, Is the most :ccui'Hte inap obtainable, which Is oriented with Ihe country and fix ed In that position. Around the outer edge of tills map, which Is circular in shape, 4 a vernier with readings in degrees and min utes. The fire-finder is, anchored to the point mark inn the location of that particular peuk and may be revolved arouud this point. A hair-Blum Is attached to tbo outer edges of the fire-tinder and a tape, S-f Minister whips' Wm DAUGHTER-BRIDE FOR BACKSLIDING ; '" (AbmcIu(p(1 Proas' I.c!Ane(l ivlrit- ' LONOKIO, Ark.i July ijri-Hltev, T, II. Oweti:H, '.iifutccoslal mitiisler, of Lonoke, today faced a chargo of whipping his lli rear-told daugh ter, Joyce, wiio was married last Friday. ; I '. f ; : - i i Hie Itev. ..Owens, ticcoriJiilK to Iho girl, declared Unit alui liuil "buck-sllddrin',' find lie ordered -hoi' to pellllon (lod lo save her. Kbe refused and lie (hen took her, alio said, Into the woods and; whipped her with a razor strap. Tiio girl had stripes mi her 'arms and legs when she 'auie!to Ihe prosecuting attorney yesterday and jeported the beating.' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' 1 Clieen luiuied as 1 urJucliia) i of' ,lnu Heedsport high school to replace (the vacancy created by the realg- nation of italph K. Clark, uccording lo 1 tlie report . made by Hhe chair uinu of Ihe local high, school bourd. 'i'he iiew pi'incipai has taught at Ruthel-llil, lOref during the puut e most violent Is the "Key Menace" Hint Is yearly turned loose llirough the ugeucy o: man of tile dements. Ill its efforts to protect the for ests from fire the activities of tlie Forest Service naturally full Into two divisions prevention uud supprosHlon. Close analytical stu dies or the fires of n decade reveal that more than 7(1 per cent of the total fires started on the forests are niaji-made or nian-cuiised und therefore preventable. Realizing 'graduated ill units similar to those Ibis ilie llrst enrucHt efforts of tlie'ou the map', extends from one hIiHii Service are expended endea-jto the other through the center. vor to bring all the people,, who are When a smoke is spotted the Innk- the real owners and sufferers, to 'out revolves the fire-finder until a reallzallon of the losses Incurred 'tliu line of sight strikes Ihe cent throuKh carelessness. - . er of the smoke, lie then' reads lOvory year Ihoiisunds of ucresj'h0 direction from his station on of: valuable, timber iliaiiiinear lu "B vernier and reports the read- smoke lieeailse of tlie curelenmienm"iB to Mr. Houser at Glide by or cussediiess of men. Itecrea-' telephone. While Mr. Houser plots lioiifsts lire tliu most rreifuent of- ""' on ' map at (he Glide 'lenders hut now and then oven station the lookout studies, the the seaKoned woodsman will lapse, country between Ills station: and Into a feeling of false security that'll,e fll'n and from that determines permits him to Jiuock out Hie hoel,"10 ridge' or canyon In whlcti the of his pipe among liiflamablo nia-!"10 ls hnrnlng, noting the town terial or to leave his campfire be-8'11!' and section on his map. oli foro Ilia Inst spark 'la out. Liter- serves the action and characinris ally tlo safety of our tlinheilnnd8',lcs of the snyilte and estimates the Is purchased at the expense of size of the fire and the length of Mternal'vlgllanco ou the part of nil ; lime It lias been burning. lie then forest, users. j , reports his findings and deduc- Thn Mivinir Hint no rirait . fnr. lions to the Central 'Dispatcher. ,vir. jiouser, wno is men in a posl- Oh, Man I 'I'ByBRlGGS free Twonty dollars. See Vour Miiyt'ue Dealer. Phono '443. 112 S; Jackson. BUENOS AIRES r -. , BOMBING SUSPECT NOTED ANARCHIST (AMoclalod I'roM I,rawl Wire.) UUKNOS A1H1CS, July Uii Mi guel Arruiiftel ItosdKiia, defioriljcil by tho uollce b a. nolt'il unar.clilst, U'iM'fl-IniikitiW nifiimntif mi mnf !ui year und previously bus taught In )l0w Ju8t eoneeptlbn Jor liowl,ion to "ecido on th'e fireman most Ihe Oaklani. schools.' lie has au(.a i natilro, can be. BliecossfuliliKt'Iy to reuch the scon of the record ol serving three years In thojwlthout tlie Intelligent and syin-ifire "IBt anl lle immediately tele Oiikland schools. .. . uulhellq biipport of the whole peo-j Phones niarcbing orders , to that i ' i . 'l'1,d"il,,,. of U,B; pie Is doubly true In rogai;d lo (ho fireman. With everytliing working VM r,..,pU.,, u 'Mftatiouui Koresis. While, we have b,uu,u,-,1ii,h,j' very iew minutes ei tended: soYeral scliools as a post' grndmWU student.1 J 1 - ,;'' i ' ,'. 0 I , Eat barbecue sandwiches and !ve (foreYei-; ; llrand's Road Stjand. $2,000,000 GATE TUNNEY-DEMPSEY FIGHT EXPECTED ' ! 1 U-aU',1 Wlrj) I ClilCAGO. . iluly''25. Arrange- lueiils for the lienvyweiglit Ichaiiit pionship ...;nutc,h - but ween r Gene' Tumiey--'aiid 1 Jack llempsey in SoJdiei' Field' stadium; l(ere prob ably will be concluded this week.' 'i'ex'Itiekufd mrlvea iTlitirsday for ,a, , conference wllh ..blcao of ficials! , 1 - Mayor 'Jllompfion, the state ath letic commission and George F. Gelz, millionaire bead of tho may or' civic, activity commit (,eel( will mnoUwltli: llml' Nriw Voi-k-, tiro- uiui tie was coiuiectcu wiiu mo niolers and lay plans lor liatiuniiK houiblng of the George -Washington a crowil ot aiiproxlniately 150,001) Klulue umK the Ford Agoucy In hind gale receipts of moro than llneiios Aires; Friday' hlgbl. ! ! ,1 S2;0(io,0ii0.; Since -boxing was legal Uosclgiia' Is salil to bo a member! Ized lu Illinois, I I moiilhs ago, Ihe of the loco) fiucco-Vunzetti com ! largest gate has been about $80,- dlrectious. A good exanilo of Ihe efficiency of the fire oiKunizatlon ' Is shdwn' In. the only lire. of the season . yet reported on the' Umpuita National Forest at the time of flhls writing. wn Jiuy ii a careless fisherman t, inllleo and the police believe that not only was ui connected with . I ... Friday nfght's outrages, but ..the . .. liuin liiiiK suuiellmu , ago . ,o( the .v.: .United Jx'unlioiiK at. liucnos ' .- Aires and Montevlduo. -v- . .. . : o : ' Jsruel by ,tlie . Lord to suilbo - the --vf liouso of Ahah.--2 Kings ix: 2. OSCAR GORRELL TO HEAD SCHOOLS AT REEDSPORT nKKD.SI'Olfl', July 25 Oscar Gorrcll, of Oakland, Oregon, has 000, a 1 1 Ii o u gh championship mutches have been held in eacli di vision excopt Iho heavyweight classes.. Ilouls.Jmve beep held in each of the major league liasoball parks, hut none in the stadium. HE'S AMBITIOUS : First. I'ltrtncr: "In what position does your sou -wish to enter the business?" Second I'artjier: "Well, as tar ns i cun make out, ho .wauls to start' near, the top aud jonf up wnrdH." Punch.' - ' SUNDAY, JULY 31 : $5.00 T00dell LaKe (Cascade Summit Station) AND RETURN See this now thrilling, section of (he Cascades. Enjoy a wonderful day's outing at low cost. Plan your party now muke it a rcnl picnic at beautiful Odell Luke bonting, fishing, hiking, no finer spot for a dclipjilful day in the great outdoors. SPECIAL TRAIN will bo run for this popular trip roomy, comfortable conches, nnd diner. Following is schedule: Lv. Roseburg 7:00 A. M. At, Cascade Summit 12:45 P. M. Returning: Lv. Cascade Summit 5:30 P. M. Ask Vour Local Representative tor Tickets and Further Particulars. Southern Pacific J. E. CLARK, Agent. slulutes, and, regulations :ujivei'iiliig,als0 ,Im the time, the . fire Is tlie use ;ot : that forests and penalties'."' spotteu untv an cxjioriouced fori violation thereat' Ihe; punish-!"-'KUer, rill'y equipped, is on ment ot the violator is IJ:o suiim'11" way tp It. , .1 tlug Hne' barndoor after the horse! Because of tlie great distances hasi been stolen. The conviction jwith which they deal, a very slight and punishment of tresspasser .wlllerror reading tiie , fire-fhiUer ,or not bring back to the people tho 1,1 .determining the distance from .iloru's: of virgin timber irrevocably tlie station may, cause n lot of 'ibst; through curulessiiess or crlin- trouble and a consequent avoid--ltiallli-i - i - We loss pf limber. Therefore, a I A' ..'belter understanding of Ihe ,""1'01" most have thq faculty ot Hm4 nlid objectives of Iho Forest '"f l''n,t cal Bu,vey 1,1 ,Serviiio' Is moro ilkelv to igain tliu I '"' Instruments and must be iniiTiit and sympathetic support of ;le,'fpetly familiar with the panor- Ihe people than idealistic-lectures.," i"""" ,m conuiry in an Willi tilts Idea in in i ii tl HiIb article Is written in an attempt til make a h'trlfl more clear the problems and policies ol' Iho Forest Hervjce's fire organlznlicn in this couuly. The Uinpqitu 'National-:. Forest, which includes practically all Ihe government tlmberlands in Doug .las, county, has a. fire organization which, la. yearly! liecomlng more eri'leient under tho nble , suuorvl- slon of Forest Siipervisoi' Carl 11.! Meal and Keillor liauger O. - ('. Houser. mi, iioimer, whose sum mer hcudiniarlci's are at (Hide, in uirect cnarge ol all tire sin liresslon acllvlties on the entire forest. All lookouts report direct to him and, in the absence ot the Olstrlcl : Hunger, 'all' orders to lire men are given by him over tlie net work of forest telephones converg ing at his station. From the first .lilim, until the end of Iho danger poriod a telephone 'operator ls constantly on duty at the - Glide station to receive reports. ;: The eyes of the lire organiza tion, known us lookouts, urn sta tioned on high peaks of the forest, selected because of their broad out look over tlie Immense timbered jarens. Lookout houses, Hie mater ials lor which must bo packed on ;tlie backs or horses ror many miles I over mountain Irails, are built for I the .protection of the lookouts and their instruments, i These lookout men are very care fully selected becauso ol the Im WHtSKi Yoo'ne goin To Makte Your PBvt. as a SUPe. IM 8S BROAOWAY PRODUCTION! And fimaia-Y Yoo Trod MfrjeSTICALUY A.CRO&S The cue. STAG!- to Te, your AolJ) TMEYVe GIVEjM YqU A SlNtSL.5 LlrJIS THAT YotJVe eeeM REHeAR5iMs For. amd Ait Yoy HAvye for. Your.' public is a vou-ey of Raucous-cpuSHS aIiod cam't . UTTER A UJOR.D ; AlOD TbO JMOKE OWE. Cigarette f teer. AlOOT-HER. IM YpJR , . jjpsESSiMca Room vJilc WEW-'OUSt-Y WAlTlKlc, To MAKE S'OUR EnITRAMC'c WILL. You Get hbp to old golds , ; OH NNAm', WHEJivJ COUGH Old i i i ' ii i i. ' i i ii i 1 1 ,$7,000,000 IN SECURITIES OmiUAKY IM A CARLO AO . ..' ' ' ' ' , Product or P. Lorillird cZETnS1'1 - ' The Smoother and Better : Cigarette ; , , not a cough in a1 carload Product of P. Lorill ' JANTZICH-w-Mi's,, Iloaa. Jantzer wiCe'"of Krunk Janezer p.sseti iiwuy at tlief family home ' at Azalea last 1 Monday morning, July in, at the ago' of bi . yearn She presumably tossed aside a burninc w,..i..,,.n in n.rmHv An numho.- cigarei or match along the South s. mwl pnmo tn th United tlmiKiua trail. Soon it beeran toiwtntou in ixsi nmi who mnrriofi tn x":l" l"' a' iaii Frank Jantzer at Kilo, l'a., Feb i.iouu oi smoice. 'J ayior. lookout on 7: isss. Thf-v iiiovpH in Orniron in Caiahau, ten miles away, spotted lous locating at Azalea, where in iiiNr fiiin rpiwn-iic r ni no l8!f t'io canyon and reported to the Jfenlral Dispatched nt Glide. Two imiiuu's uuer, iooney, lookout On Hod Mountain, twenty miles away, saw and reported tho same smoke, then ns rapldjy as they could, get the line four other lookouts report ed from distances farther away. Ten. minutes after the first report came in Mr. Houser bad plotted the fire and was gh'fntr insiruc- they havesiuce made their home. rne is surviveu nesiues ner hub band by the following children, live sons, Frank Xavier, George Lewis, John Henry, Charles nnd William Peter, all of Azalea and four daughters, Margaret Palmer and Ctiu'ti Jantzer, of Azalea, Bar bara Madsen, of Maple wood, Mo., and Hose Kelley, of Portland, Ore gon. Nine grandchildren also sur vived Services were held In the lions to James Vaughn, fireman ; Presbyterian church nt Glendale, at the South Umnnua lioad Ctllllll. Ill five minutes more Vaughn start ed to the fire,' fully equipped to I'lKht It. In twenty nilnulos he was on the fire line and ten min utes later had the fire -mirier mi- said i:ervices beiui! delayed await- IiiK the daualitei- from Missouri and was lai'Kcly attended by .neighbors and friends of Hie deceased who have known her as a Hind friend and loving neighbor. Hev. Mark Irol. Thus us a result of iilortjc. Davis, of Wolfe Creek, Ore., of ioohoiiis, a competent fireman, ner- feet- telephone comiuunicnllou and close cooperation between the well-schooled units of the fire or ganization n fire that a few years aco would have destroyed from ten. to one hundred acres porlaiu e of their w ork and must j "'as corralled within a half acres have certain essential qunlltlcs and qualifications.. They must have keen eyesight. Upon their j ability to see and Instantly recog nize Ihe first wisp ot smoke cur ling above Ihe trcclops Hint lire- ! sages Ihe coming or tho dreaded forest lire, depends Hie success or tluiiurc of proper suppression work, that Is. getting Ihe fire under con trol before the forest Is damaged luMhc luize and drill hiiioIi I mm dlslant flies an Inexperienced careless lookout muy mistake in less tliun an lion 'J'hls. of course, was an almost ideal case ol' forest fire suppres sion hut it proves the increased ''Well cy flre-flchtini; squad and shows what can be done when all aparatiis of tlie organisation Is working smoothly.. ,,. . o LAUGH THAT OFF Husband: "l-wonder when vou'll blown!1''1"" 10 ",ako 11 cake like mother usee io muse. Wife: "Probably by the lime von :a patch of dead limber, a hand 0f;lmlli0 aiilncome like father used luecp, nil isoitlieil oil OI log or ........ . .3,b nimn. rock slide for the beginning ot a fire. Hence lie must lie excedlng ly careful in Ills observations Hint lalse alarms may not be turned In, lle must lie an expert on smoke. Kllloke in Ihe forest tells' ils own story to tho experienced and efficient lookout, l-'roni Ils color lie learns the kind or ma terial In which Hie fire is burning, whether dried grass or forest III ler, preen, limber or brii.h In an old burn. l''roin Ils volume he lie- lel'liilnca bow ltl mi ,,i..,it le .i1.1,.va lliivv- liwl II ia I. .....I ,1... ..'' Ilaiiiablllty of the miiieiial upon nhlch Ii Is I, -riling. lie iiiusl be a close student of lb' uigiiiics of smoke. I'nder certain circumstances smoke may diift for: long dislnnces along Hie ground' and appear above the trees a half, mile or more from the fire. All ! m ror In location through nilslnter-i prelntlon of this drifting smoke could very well be Hie cause ot the loss or considerable Hme in the, tiremauV search for the blaze. I lie must be vigilant day and night. Itis inxtiuctioii are to' make a careful, .i.ysteniatle. stir ey of ihe entire country around him al least each half hour during the day and to look closely tor Iho Klar of llm before - leltrll.g at rUlfUI. ( , fieiuted al the services and Inter ment followed In the Masonic cemetery. Funeral arrangements were in ehurge .of H. W. Kherle, of tlie Wilson Mercantile Co., with the assistance of H. C. Stearns, fun eral director of the Douglas Fun eral Home. ' San Francisco Man Dead WILLIAM D. McKlNLE Y A fireman oC tlie city of San Fran-ctt-co, Cal., was taken sick, July 21, 1!27, while traveling on. his way houie with his wife and died near Glendale and the body was re moved to tlie parlors of the Wil son Mercantile Co., where prepara tipns are being made for shipment to San Francisco. H. C. Stearns, of tlie Douglas Funeral Home, was. called to prepare the body; Pure whole milk, and It's pas teurized. Roseburg Dairy. Phono 186 It Doesn't lake Much to J Start a Fire It takes more to stop one. If the fir be groat or mnll It- Is to advantage lo be insured. Quine & Co. Masonic Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. DR. COTTRELL WINS FIGHT WITH DEATH Dr. H. Cottrell, who has been confined In various hospitals dur ing the past four and one-halt months returned to her home In Heedsport Salurdny, says tlie Port Umpqua Courier. Dr. Cottreil was eiiouidy Injured last March when her light rnupe crashed through the railing of the Klk Creek bridge and tumbled n great distance to the creek-bed below. She was frightfully injured aud suffered severe burns to her feet. Her life was despaired of at first hut medical science and her fight for life brought victory. Over a priod of four and one-half months she was confined lo tho various , lion pita Is of Kugene where every j pusHlbln attempt was marie to save j her life. During (hat lime she suf fered Intense pain until Rufficicnt jreeovi'iy of her health nnd strength had been made. try;: At; one time, a few 'men con-tare coming to understand Unit trolled the groat majority of cor-jowriiug stock in or':bondy of some . Millions of people now own fee- porationsy now the big concents i concern , cr utility; or industrial curitles. The change that haa'01'13 watched :byt multitudes, inter-j plant is' not only possible, hut of come over the situation'in the pastU'sted financially, aa well as 'for tliejteu urolitable. It has. . rnb tweuty years has been remarkable, Ifioneral.- interest - taken in, big ly'cliaiged-the attitude of llie pub nnd instead of the ownership of i t-nI"SS. .The stock market'; con-1 ic towards "big business," ami no great Institutions and' industries cerns ,n)ilions wliere .once;-lti aVuk l ionger uro stockholders a nd dfri being centralized in AVall ' Street.- regarded as the plaything o hill- rectors regarded with suspicion or the stockholders aiul bondholders' Houaires., ,. , . i ' jdlatnifit. The people cau; trnd do are scattering all over 'the- coun- The people 'of the United States buy stock and bonds. ' (CHASSIS PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT) GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS . ! These sturdy trucks are pow ered by the New Engine the finest ever built into a Graham Brothers Truck. j Wlmloflr washing and house cleaning by Chas. K. Pavls. l'lionr Bl-J. Try a claasltte adv. In tnis PS I ner f 1)1 watch reaultf. You'll lurr - tat 'em. Only great volume production makes possible such low prices. More power . . . More speed . Less fuel . . . See them I -Ton l-Ton lVfe-Ton 2-Ton J. ' O. NEWLAND ; & SON Roseburg, Oregon