EIGHT ROSEBURG. NEWS REVIEW, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1927. Mi m i DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 192S H. C. STEARNS, Manager. Notliwithstandirig tlie elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of burin! is no more.. by KyuilUuliiit workmen In JIuicbI unu who lire Ihrt-uU'iiliiK to fco on HUllie. BACK TO TEMPLE TO FARM LABOR . SHORTAGE THIS YEAR Phono 112 Pin and Lane Stt. Lady Attendant I NOW YOU ASK ONE I THE ANSWERS ' Israel by Ihe Lord to smite hou.se oi Allah. 2 KlngH Ix: 2 FREE till: Ilelow urn nnswoi'H to the woi-lt-ly Diblii uiilr. on the eiillnrlnl puKe: lTlin sketch llliiHtrati.'.i Jo . noph'8 brolliui'M Helling Itlm Jn'o cupllvlly. (lenuHln xxxvil; 28, 2 Jonoph wiib nolil lor twenty ' jiIccoh of ullver. (.ononis xxxvil". 28. , , a Joseph wnH Hold to 'o(lflinr, eiipluhl of I'IihihoIi'h ruui'iI. (letie.tlH xxxvil: 38. 4 CuiuphiiH wiiH'lho hih priest of JeriiMih-m, sbororo whom Jeaim wan brought in cnji'tvity by the multitude. Matiliew xxvl: r,7. 5 Julian liotrnyed Christ for thirty pieces of silver. Mutt hew xxvl: 15. i t , . '. ( ... C Uzzlali was smitten ' with leprny.-2 C'hronlcleH xxvl: 1!). 7 God gave iJavld choice of pnniHhnieut between threo yenrs'i famine, tlireu monlliH' destruellou i at the hand of his foes,- or three ! days', destruction by the sword -of the Lord and pestiience.l Chron icles xxl: 12. - 8 Elijah smote tho waters of( tho Jordan with his mantle to di vide them. 2 Kings II: 8. il .lozubol was oaten by dogs.. : 2 Kings ix: 3d. .-.'' ,, j 10-.lelnt' was ehoseti king -of' Twonty dollars. See your Maytag Dealer. J'hono 412. 112 8. Juckson. CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health 8ervlce" . SULPHUR VAPOR BATH8 327 Went Cass Phone "91 j Farm labor supply and deinanJ lare in cjose balance this year, the supply lor the Celled Milieu as u I whole bt.lug reported at 100.4 per jeent or the demand by tho Unreal! jot AgrJcullurul Keoiioniles, United ! States Ijejiartment of Agriculture. I (AiKK-liiird l'r, iatol win) , I The i:upply of farm labor Is sllgbt ! I.OB ANflKI-liS, July ;j. Almee;I' under tin- demand In the North .Semple Jlcl'lierson, evangelist, in-1 Atlanilo and rioulh Atlantic mates, turned to Angidus Temple today, !'mt elsewhere over the country the announcing that silo "had come ""l'ldy teems to be plentiful, back to take the helm" and A'mnlia- Ka kv are down slightly sizing It by numlng Itev.. C. K. ias com pa I'M with last July, the av JayneB bllsluesB manage In phu-e ;erage for the United States, per of her mother. Mrs. Minnie Ken-:"1"""1 wllh u"rd, beln S:l5.r,:i nedy, who, the evangelist said, J"'y "Salnst 36.10 last July; was "to get her vacation." wages per month without board The action confirmed the deciar-j !1;i-:'4. "r.niiist JH; wages per lltion of 'I'eltilile hiHiirreeliiiiilwIM uu IN- who had railed niraliiHt the eon.! l'"rm wngi's are at a much lower trol of Mrs. Kennedy thai the la NEW TODAY FI.OOItlXG at page's. J25 to 07. Will HUNT 4-room furnished house. Call at 544 S. Pine. GOOD JKHSKV COW for saie. Mrs. K. IJiidhe, Suiherlln, Oni. KOK KENT Modern apartment, close In. l.une. furnished 221 W. DR. DEAN B. BUBAR , OPTOMETRIST : I .; 1- , Specialist In the fitting ot GlaBBea. ' 116 Jackson Bt, Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187.R : , ; , ' 610 So, Main. ) ; I Liberty - Theatre ' Last Times Today - - - Matinee Dailjr2:15 P. M.' tor would ho ousted from any offl 'elal connection with the church. 'The Itev. Jaynes, pastor of the , Itiverslde branch of the cnurch, !had been personal representative ;of 'Mrs. Mci'hnrson in the controv lersy and lead tho faction opposing .Mrs. Kennedy. His succession to Iter office was, as tho insurreciiou Ists liad declared, necessary to "suve the church from going on the rocks." . In announcing her mother's ous ter, (ho evangelist said: - ' "l,lke the eaittain of a F-li'i), or tho president of tho United .S'ntes. ! am pastor an.l iire.dilen! of Ange lus Temple nnd as s'itj, an: etilitled to control over my congregation. I jl'iivo come back to titki tli.j helin." I Silo explaiuc-:' her aci further by iwiylng that her mother was "going '13 get her vacation, l-'he long has ; needed It." i i ' Tho evangelist 1 did not deny 'mat sno nan -written Rev. Jnyuee .Instructing him to tako charge of the services and money collections. !"Motlmr Is my mot norland even If ! these things wore true, 1 could not I say any thing about them." she said ! in declining to be quoted regarding any d(lforoncei) with Mrs. Kennedy. level than InduMtrlul wages, the .bureau reports, being only ubout S4 .per cent, of the Ililti level whereas the weekly earnings - of jNew York state factory workers iin .May were 124 per cent of the il!ll!l level. Tlie larger supply of iurin i. nor us compared Willi last. I year, however, is a reflection or the j lower volume of industrial employ ,' ment. JEHSKV cow to trade for work horse, llermun Schulze, liroek-way. KKFKKJERATOR for sale, 751b. capacity. Less than half price. J'hone oil. FOR It lis T 4 -rooni dmvnstairs aartineiu, private bath. 221 W. U'usliiugton. WANTED Laundry work.- Ladies wliile work-airous a specially. MiJ Winchester. BUD STILLMAN . AND FIANCEE IN FAMILY STORM (Cnntlmied from page 1.) TODAYS BASEBALL National At Boston KliKt Kiiine Jt 11. K. Pftisbui-Kh .2 8 0 Ito.Htcn 0 11 1 iJultnrloH: Vd and (iooch; Croonficld and (Mbson. FOJt KIONT Fui'iilwht'd 2-ioom iitt. Call 3fi S. Jackson, or lihono 4S-Li VOil ' "' RENT 2-jTooifi runiished house. Miller's Addition, 7 mo. J. Hurr. W'ANTKD Woiijan for cooking f and general housework. Win. J Weaver, Myrtle Creek, Ore. FOIl S A L E Li a by bliggy finit elass condition, reasonuble. Mra, (.'. A. loclnvood. Jhone 310-J. CJAitlEN veRetableHi'resh"from the garden, CI. T. Royer'H road 1 11 see that they get them." Buds' Mother Wrathy. , First information that the Wil son family did not look kindly upon the approaching inarriuge of their daughter came lo Mvh. Stlllman, hIkj aaid, when Hhe arrived at the tamp lat week to find the Wil son home dt'Herlcd and a rumor throughout the region that Lena had "jilted" Ilud. "Can you doubt that 1 was frantic?" said Mrs. Stlll man. "My camp was not ready. Twelve New York servants have had to sleep on floors. Wh didn't I know whether the wedding wus to tako place or not. "Don't think," she said, "that j have a grudge against Lena's fanr ily. 1 haven't, but have keen In terest in I3ud'a happiness." Parahase Motor Oil 100 per cent puro parafflne base. At General Independent Denlers. PORTLAND PREPARES FOR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND COAST RETAILERS A Hurricane of iThrills and Danger THOUSANDS SEE !. ; LATE RULER ON I . EVE OF BURIAL i (Continued from pnge 1.) LEGION NAMES GEORGE D. LOVE AS DEPT. HEAD (Continued from page 1.) Bob' duster 1 IN:- ;" i . r TTe BprfeWhirjwiiicl' The jWeptern. Star that Brings the Glamor of the j f West' to life before your! eyes!, p , ! " COMEDY ( ' . " The Three Big Fat Boys A Ton of Fun u THREE GLAD MEN" Kuinaulans as I he "dowaKer -queen" ;Whllo Helen Ih called th(v"iuincens niolher." . -Prominent'' lUimuniiDis ;do not conceal their belief that tho comely daughter' of tlie late Kim; Constanline or Oreece, who was de serlod by her husband, former Crown Prince Carol, will play a vi tal role In. dynastic and state af fairs of Huninllla until her son ho minies of uko, 12 years hence. ; STUDENTS AND LABORERS 1 ! . .1 CAUSING SPAIN WORRY 10c s ; 5 FABLES PATHE NEWS; " - 25c Sunday,' Monday, Tuesday ' ' f ' ' Matinee Daily 2:15 1 ' ' ' ' ' " II 111! - II-. I i . (AfwiH-liitci i'n'M l.ciiK.l Wlrul ! MADHII), July 23. "Uudlsclpllu oil olpnieuls", exist, among tho. stu dents: at, , the iirllllery academy, says a not Issued by iho govern ment today. It adds Hint energetic action will liu taken against llieni. Tho donimunhiue outlines an at tempt by pupils of tho military col lege nt Segoua to organize n con spiracy against Ihu government. It is stilled that the cadets proposed lo pnitloipale ;n n cortaiu rote, cjilled "verbenn,'' organled in the aid of tho .victims; of the recent storms In Morroco. - Attendance at tho festival was to show support to the government and especially to Premier Prlmo do lilvern.' Aiiotner ortlcial note . announces i nei-lnl cm., r mi Hint drastic stops will be Inhen by and W. H: North, of ProVid." Will'. Willi die K.'lniM enium-lA,l n. fllon they denioiistrulod in tlie Ar- gonne and tlie St. Mlliiel sector, tlie hundreds of visitors captured the city Thursday und have ' boon in happy possession of not only the keys,- but the entire city since. Following the drum corps ban quet last night, impromptu organ izations, ranging from ono to a dozen monitors, kept tho air ring ing with a rat-a-tat of drums und tho blaro of bugles until the wee morning hours. Fun was lit order and exceptions could not bo found. Tomorrow a post-convention trip will bo made to Wallowa Lake re sort, although the majority of the delegates and visitors wilt itart homeward lalo tonight or early lomorrow.' Shrine Party Guests Clarence H. Dunbar, of i-rovl-dence. It. I., Imperial' potentate of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine l'or'orih America, and his party . passed thru ha. Grando lust evening, , The local Shrine club met him at Hot Lake and arrangements for the train to stop JO minutes In La Cirande. The Umatilla Indians in attendance ,ut Ihe American Legion stale, con vention eaplttred lijm at tho depot, and, placing lilm in an old-lime singe coach, paraded thru the business section, escorted by the lien drum corps.. i Tho party was thou' transferred to automobiles and taken to llivor sido Park and became a guest at Ihe statu drum corps dinner. Noble Dunbar spoke briefly m the meet-' ing. . Others In the party, which is. en- ! routo to Portland, Ore, wore:. Wal ler a. siigclon, Sistervllle, W. Vu., i niniiiuor oi ino imperial council; A. A. I). Itahn. membei' of 1 1 , . . i,. Minn. stand, Uillard, phone 22F4. WANTED Experienced waitress, all around dinner cook. Union News Cafe, Terminal Hotel. : (Auoclatcd I'rcu Lrawl Wire) , PORTLAND, Ore., July 23. Final arrangements, vill be com pleted Monday for the reception and entertainment of OUR PURPOSE Wo propose lo enlarge our busi ness us rapidly as possible, hut only by methods which are in un cord witli tho eternal principles of right. If you wish your business to grow 111 Ihe same way, we Invito you to become ono of our patrons. TheRoseburNational Bank Rosebur.Ore. UMATILLA WHEAT SELLING i lug. to udvices here today. With : the harvest well under way the sales .are being made on the "as Is" basiB, the dealer basing his visiting members and their fumi lies for the convention of the Knights of Columbus to be held l.m.r. A.,.,..,.. ) 41 A 13 T U.... GIItL wanted to wash dishes and ! k.i. ',....,.. fAMOclatM PreM I.ead Wire) PENDLETON. Ore.. July 23 i delegates, lAbout 400,000 bushels of wheat in i prices on the samples of grain of- Umatilla county have been sold by fered. A-target volume ot grain Is growers to . local dealers, accord-1 being handled in nulk tnts season. help in kitchen, cook. Apply cate. FOIt "KENT 2Toom nished, 6 nionth. under today. woman Ward's house, fur-3-room. 17. joiiii DTuugnton, .Miller's Addi tion, Koseburg. FOR " HBNT "Til ree " modem houses with garages,. 4 and 5 rooms, ?I0 and 512 per month. Phono 4112-Jj. FAl!IVANTKITalted7to hear from owner or laud, for sale for fall delivery, o. K. Hawley, Ilaldwin, Wis. FOIl RENT Nevv modern five-' room house. Hardwood floors, furnace. Garage.. Close in. Vac ant July 25. Cull II56-J or 392. ed today. Ten thousand knights with their rnmllies are expected to be In attendance. ' : Trips for delegates and supreme officers over tlie Columbia, high way, Mount Hood loop and to the seashore are being arranged. Portland will be host ull of next week to hundreds of retail mer chants from the Pacific coast states nnd Hrltlsh Columbia and Alaska '.who'; lira coming here for tho fifteenth annual buyers' week, sponsored by the chamber of com merce. ' Special' entertainment features are beiug arranged for the visitors. Whippet racing will be featured at the , Vancouver, ;Wasli., i speed way Sunday, July 31. Entries are expected from Los Angeles, San Jaji MAXWELL coupe, new naint job. 2 new tires, all aro above Francisco, Yakima, Seattle and ns 00; mechanically Al. Priced ' far east as Calgary. Altu. A total to sell, $425. Chrysler Garage. iof:27 dogs have been entered to TRY OUR SPECIAL Fried chick", ., , ... ' ., en on toast, 60c. Delightful.1 foods, tfjick service. Good music, i Canyon Tavern, 1 nillo south of Canyonville. j LAWN-MOWERS and garden hose at special .prices, that lawn will need a little water now. High grade hose at rock bottom prices, Powell Furniture Co. , , run WILLIAM presents The Owl Drug Co July Specia 35c Boudoir Kleenex, 75c O I hcntricnl Cold Crcnm I 50c Red Ilair Oil Fcatln 50c Red Fenlltcr Pom Pom Lustre With Edmund Lowe, Lilo Lcc, May Allison, Huntley Gordon. Jane Novalc, Emily Fitzroy, nnd n cast of supporting stars in n story of absorbing interest. Directed by Harry Beaumont. Greater than "If Winter Comes"! A. S. M. Hutchinson's Latest and Greatest Novel 50c Red Feather Shnv-Lotion ' tli!i,"1.e,J, i "ccretary to the Imperial potentate! LOCAL SPORTSMEN TO JOiN CALIFORNIA MEN AT STEAMBOAT A group of Hosebui'K sportsmen nro leaving early Sunday morning for Sleamboat to Join Jon Welch, famous sportsman of Pasadena, Calif., and importer and manufac turer of sporting goods, and Jack llOIIZ. flslllllir Krnill -i-l,n .-., I Joying a vacation on tho North l.nipqua. The group are going to becomo acquainted with tho fish ermen nnd spend the dav with them. The party will leave the L'lupqiin lintel at 4 o'clock Sunday' morning and anyone -wishing to Join them aro Invited. Each person Is lo take his own lunch. Among Ihose planning to go are E. R. Thnrber, Dr. K. ,f. Wnlnscotl, Roy llulhaiii, A. O. Marsters, Fred Chapman, Mr. Fletcher, J. A. Hard ing. A. ti. Sulheilund and C. A. I.OCKWOOU. J FLASHES OF LJFE J ORANGE, x. .,. 1 nix,,,!,,. nKn siik lint ami white shoes Nathan Weinberg pushed a wheel barrow of hrleks for an hour. He picked Sharkey. CAPE (litis N l The somen Is open. Miss ha Hawker. Hrltlsh merinnld. Is tiere to try to swim tlie 79c 39c A New Van Bibber Comedy EARLE FOXE IN "A HOT POTATO" 75c Owl Ameroil, heavy (pints) 75c Owl Antiseptic Solution ; 39c ' ""' ...59c ..59c FRED HAYNES Drug Store It'liK Cratntliese paid In box ottire nipu by tl-Kxt. agencies are estimated nt SToii 000 year by federal attorn.. v Tin i in has. been InvesttcalliiL- ih.. matter. "Mm-h Is put over the New York public an I Ihev seem lo like It," lestllled Flo xiegfietd who 1 NKW VOKK Radio Is f,,r la?v (People, In t, opinion of Mr. Veor lilies, president of the hoard of el ections, who will be 4S years old next Wednesday--for folks w ho lie in lien expect to get the full bene fit ot n song or a speech thru the air. OLLYANNA. Cafe at Hit. Ue Creek serves a special chick en dinner on Sunduy. tiood food, well serveil. you'll ho . glad ,you stoiiped there. ... AOI5NTS VVAN'i'ED Riglirniaiiio cover chain of stores. NO selling. Leave goods; collect next trip. Should nej. 170.00 per week. Peris Mfg.' Co., Florin, Penn. Don't forget that roof. r" Red Cedar or Patent Shingles cost less now than any time in past ten years. Coen Lumber Company. , WANTBnMainvitircar and?315 to Invest in business that will make you $25 per day. Tills' Is an exclusive proposition, so writo at once. iiox UO, care News-Review. . . , , , 3027 Chrysler tin coupe, practically new runs pertectly. Condition throughout Al. iuarantoed lor 30 days. We will tako your old car as part payment. Terms on Urn balance. Chrysler Garago. M'ONKY TT"lTOANr:WeTn7iTre loans on business, residence or acreage property, or for building purposes. Improved plan. Doug las lliilldlng & Loan Association, 117 Jackson St. SALESMEN " WANTEDAmerl'. en's greatest all wool tailoring line $2-1.50 up marvelous val ues mammoth cash commis sions for you daily. Sells on sight. Write Lyon Tailoring Co., Cincinnati. SPECIAL low prices on refrigera" tors for a few days. We wish to sell the remainder of ice boxes and will make very low prices to .do so. Come In nnd see us. Ice freo with each. Powell Furniture Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE La dies earn S15 dozen sowing aprons ;absolutely no selling; experience unnecossary; mater ials cut. Addressed envelope brings instructions. ALPHA, 202 Main SI . luil.-u,, M... in fiE1rA ilneit In V,l l,r...,Tf ,. nro miying a home on contract nnd have it half paid for, with ". - no mortgage, see us about our i monthly iniyment real estate loan whereby you can obtain money to pay off the contract and get n deed. Monthly payments on your loan, generally less than rent or contract payments, take care of both principal and Inter est nnd get you out of debt. I'mpquit Savings nnd Loan Assn. Douglas Abstract Co. FOR SAL'r." 700 acre slieeVrranch. stocked nnd equipped, good resi dence and out-buildings. FOIt SALE 200-nere farm nnd stock ranch, unlimited outrange. 65 acres In cultivation. IISO0. FOR SALE Splendid modern residence. basement, furnace, very complete nnd attractive. . :I5H0. Nothing down, pav like rent. FOR SALE fi-room modern resi dence, flue location, $1750. Small payment down, balance like L. O. Maddux. 401 N. Jackson street. 1 WET OR DRY ' Tlior! wcaiher makes no differ ence for PIKE INSURANCE should be cn Pried at: till times. We offer reliable fire insurance service lo our policy holders and our- service .ejnbracessaljp .linos of1 fire "riml' witomobile fnsui ance. May wcbeof service to you??.- ; C; W. Young & Son Loans 110 Cass St. Phone 417 BIG Dance AT THE RAINBOW GARDENS Winchester SATURDAY NITE Oriental Gardens Orchestra American Legion ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. : V. " Established 1B01 'H'.i-,M- E- BITTER, Manager ' . .j i Founded and Maintained on Efficient . , . ' . Service arid Courtesy hone Z84 -,. : '':..., .'!'.'', S ' ' Lloeneed Ladj , Oak and Kane 8t. !' ' . ; 'I - . j Embalmet Auction Sale Of Sheep t :rid Cattle I will sell at -public auction to the highest bidder,-at the old Sheridan ranch, 1 mile south of Roseburg, on Pacific highway - ' "'''' ' '..'''"''''. r iMONbXV, AUGUST 1,. 1927,' Between 500 and 600 head of good sheep as. follows: 100 head of good, . young, .medium fine-wooled ewes, ranging in age from 1 to 4 years'; 350 head of ewes and wether lfambs,' included in this is a deck of fat' Iambs; 12 head 'of1 purebred Shropshire ewes, eligible to .registra tion; 40 head of yearling wethers; .50 head of good old ewes in good condition. I'f oi , - .-, i i " ' I 'SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 1 O'CLOCK I ' Fred Gof f, Clerk, t Col. I Radabaugh, j ' 1 "Auctioneer1. TERMS OF: SALE, CAjSH ; i ' George yard, Owner : t i and. Assistant - Auc- -i Jv-u'L. j : '; H- AOTLEKS Matinee Daily 2 : 00 P. M. ' ' ; TODAY Agent for Owt Drug Company Products. NKW -Go to Chicago, onvtMone post MAJESTIC TODAY ON THE STAGE ALBURTUS The Mystery Man of the Pharaohs HE CLEAN WITH CAMERA Matinee 10c-25c PATHE NEWS Evening 10c-35c YORK In l ln.ill.nl I'M, .,., ii.ii, .. . .. ""'"f . .. ,,,,,,,, ,,,,iK, rni-iuip ronipins or rvoiy room i . .k i ' ri'ri-lv.M f72it!l thf only !...-.,, iin- .iiioiii nu!! OHilHr I'laiiiini; no iiw,.( m l,. Slim iml h.ii'l- !.,.. .iiiiniml ',. ,,,-,1,'les .,niiiKi;l..(l rmm 1 iilnrpB. trn Ihe ()ii,.,."u 1,111. lrarnoil I I.ONPO.V. nrforo nucklnchnm ; Palace in pivpn n fhoroiiRh house- I rlrnnliiR. iihotogrnphs ore taken of This ' way Hint ,.ver- nrna- nielil nml niece 01 ihina mav he' SEES ALL KNOWS ALL TELLS ALL DON'T MISS HIM BILLIE DOVE AND HUNTLEY GORDON IN "Sensation Seekers" She's the Girl of a Thousand Thrills In 'Sentation Seekers' Comedy, 'Penny Ante' Matinee 10c 25c Evening 10c-35c COOpEH JACK tVDENqtour?'j BETTY JEWEL (y THE LAST WORD IN WESTERN THRILLERS Comedy "Smother o' Mine" International News : SUNDAY, MONDAY, . ; TUESDAY Sgiflili r THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE Comedy, "Open House" International News S ADDED ATTRACTION SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY "THE MUSICAL KAYES" 5 PEOPLE 5 The Most Versatile Family Before the Public. A Matinees 10c-25c 'to krep Ihvni. Evenina 1 flr.rr.'lto K 1