TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1927. ! Sugar Best C and H. Cane, 10 lbs. 67c Cornflakes Kellogg's or Post Toasties, pkg. Pineapple Broken Slices, large can 7c 17c Grape Fruit JSKfi fine8t 24c Marshmallows !t F,uffy- 29c TisAAric Knight Sweet Mustard or OAs IlUUt:i Knight's Plain, glass jar -C Pickles SaessSj:reet Pick,es' 14c" Mazola Oil n- 24c Bacon l!riun" 41c Silver Nut ?fc 49c Pnffpp "Piggly Wiggly Special," . OC, V-'UllCC the flavor will please ,1b. OOC (X3 0 HIA Senax VH? it Sen Lucien Bormon THIS HAS HAPPENED eurhiinly bullet-proof-." ' AtluiiijJlH tmvt; lii'fii inuilu on (!um Tin hurrleil out, croaseU the lifts of KIIho MurljfiTy, ait Aimri- j low gully which lay between th can kIiI wio uwiih and lives ou i lower tower ami the Iiouhb and Diopiii ty adjoiiiitiK thu queer littlo lntrod thiouKh Hie door forming Its juugle-boidtued town of i'orto Vur-jwilnuice. A (juiek t-xuuiluutiou do. in wesL central JJiuzil. ikrnvorif II Id lii (n holler uluiu ,.f Hoveral mysterious deaths lmvo preservation than I tie residence, Is"1"1 """!"' "ie ne!It trembling. Vim didn't. ( brought myself. For get about me You ve got too luucu tu think or anywuy Please," "All right that's ended." He shuwed the old man a second time how to operate the rille. "Think you can do It, Nanny?" The old inuu took off bit glasses, wiped them nervously, then once inure pressed hitt liny thumb against the magazine spring. "I er mtibt do It. I must." Prentiss kept his eyes fixed out the other window, his face one in occurred, but so far But. has es- though even hem two or lliruo r tailed harm, due lo tlio Bhrewdness n. m volcanic stones of which It of her cousin ami protector Vllak, j wan constructed had fallen and lay ni" iiiHfiiin-iMu n ner iti i ui nej on mo ground. It had evidently miner tnii mime 01 tiuvts. viiuk is l been used as a storeroom, nlmnut la curliiiis mixture of Anicrlcun and obliterated by cobwebs, ami a few Oriental blood and a student of criminology, lie tries lo persu- ilide Kline to leave the country, leaving him there wilii his friend, Lincoln Niinnally, an elderly American chemist, , mystery. I Kllsc at first refuses, hut after her two-year-old orphaned nephew Is kidnapped, to be found again by the alert Viluk, and another at Hi tempt Is made on ihelr lives, she i agrees. Her departure Is prevented by rotting pieces of cast-off furniture line section, however, separuted by a small wooden partition, showed stalls of recent use, for here the debris had been clenre,! to solve llie'nw.'iv; smoked meals und other kitchen supplies had been brought in and hung from long hooks or wero placed on shelves along tho wall. Vllak shrouded a candle and put it in the corner so ttiat it would give them a faint light without be ing seen outside. Then he stnash- 300 West Cass St. Roseburg, Oregon E Ma'iaifM&i!imii.iif. the threat of lloojc. .Messengers, oil an old lion shovel with an n. ride through the coniitryahle warn- and taking the senaialed ilai.,s at set about sealing up the tower's ilng tile unlives tliat I ho dam Avllos lias burst. Then Vllak de cides to proceed to the house of one (luylord Prentiss and warn Ehliu of the danger. Prentiss Is a lecluse mill h forbidding man, as well as an enemy of Kllse's and she suspects him of -some knowlege of the conspiracy against her. Nevertheless, she agrees that it is llielr duty to warn iilin. As they near I'rentiss' I'nzcnda, bullets whistle past them. Vllak 'then realizes Dial the Hood warn ing was u fake und a ruse to get Prentiss out of his bouse. ' Pren llss admits them uud Vllak tells him they lire about to be attucked. NOW BEGIN THE STORY , CIIAPTKH XXVIll Prentiss glanced at Viluk In FLASHES OF LIFE J (.tWHjcliiti'd I'ruM U-imul Win-) NHWAKK,. N. J. Deinpscy is lu'iigrosslug toward tho'blkucliani lilonship tieorgo Dempsey of Aus tralia. Ho won u (itiiirter mile race Jn u series for the title and re ceived the' uPPhiiliio of tho multi tude Just about the lliuo his luiimv uuko was being cheered on thu VI her side of the Hudson river, PHILADELPHIA Some light Inns from Washington know howl winning blows feel lo the recipient. Hound fur the Yankee, Stadium they got so holHtrous the crew of thu train objected. Thoro was free for all. The funs lost every round und then apologized. two r.mall windows. Prentiss linr ried In to Join them, und shakily aided Vllak lit preparing a barri cade. The three men and the girl drag ged some heavy . boxes forward, and Willi them blocked the narrow doorway. The dirty floor of the room was wet and slippery, malt ing the work more difficult. Vilak glanced down to ascertain the reason for the dampness and saw In a shadowy corner a tiny thread of water coursing up from the soil. ".Spring from those lit tle lakes on the high ground back of your house?'' be demanded of Prentiss. The other nodded sullenly. ' Vilak began making loopholes In the window barricades. Get rifle: flight a momenl, then suddenly tin ned end darted cut of the 'won't hurt us, room. Thev heiird liim tunnel ii'irot llirtni " flight of stuliB, then dart down. Prenllss disappeared 'gum. .house ugain, returning Vilak took a position beside him. lie rubbed a drop of grease from tiie sight of Ills rifle, "lie sparing of the c.nimuiiltimi. It's I lie only thing we iiuve. We'll have to make it last a long time." A Jong eerie cull like the cry of some night wuiideriug bird drifted up from the creek. "A signal," Vllak murmured. "Probably give us a straight fron tal attack," he went on. as Ellse husteued to Join the old man at Ilic window. "At the gale. It's our weakest spot. Keep u sharp lookout. The dog who had been left In ihe house began to bay again. Sud denly Prentiss Jerked Ills rifle to his shoulder. "Kliadows. Shad ows. At the gate!" lie whispered hoarsely. , "you're right." Vllak swung his rifle into position. "We'll give them u volley. Better let ine handle it, Prentiss," he added Mileily, when the other quivering as though Iroin a violent chill, fu verishty touched his gun, took wild aim and was about, to shoot. ".Don't lire tin i Bay so. A few' second later came his placid soothing voice once more. Steady Steady Clood aim Fire " The reports of four rifles were ilmosl simultaneous. An outcry followed. The shadows disappear ed. "Two on the casualty list, 1 think." Vilak said. There was a brief Interval of Ill action. Then the call of the night bird sounded again, and again Wet feet I v'Kue shadows appeared at the , it you've ! ,my burred entrance. A second volley blitzed from tho defenders' into tlHi!''il'les. Again there was a cry of with half l',illn ugain the shadows vanished rrrrnrrnnnn an ele for Ifcrasr Viluk, despite the other's an- ll dozen rifles und a box of am-' "At 'K"st one more that lime," sence, swiftly began making u sur- munition. Two of these Vilak nntlVilak grunted. "Learn pretty soon vey of tiie- empty chamber, from by each window. "I think we'ro'llley can't do that. Seem lo be In whose flimsy walls great sections ready for lliem now;," ho said. "Asi'ent on forcing the gate. May be of plaster and brick hud fuiien in ready as we can get!" jafraid tile barbed wire on top of such qualities that in many places Ho begun distributing tho cart-lhe 'H 1ms high voltage, hut I the moonlight showed brightly. ridges, lie looked at Kllse,gravply j doubt It." "This room won't do," lie mut-las he watched . her slin a clip: of A third time the attuckcrs tried tered. "High-powered b u 1 1 e t s j bullets into Ihe chamber of her I lu "each the gate, a third time they would pierce it In a hundred places. Ii il'le. "I reproach myself bitterly .were routed und sprang back into Lets look over the house." 'for having let you come along. He flicked on his flashlight. I Bitterly. lioth you and Nanny. With Ellso und tho old man close Hut you're here. And what's doiie behind him, he stepped clone." past tho raging dog, then swept He took another bit of betel, through room after room of the ; then peered out through one of the NUW YORK IlocaUHu of the melancholy, structure, disturbing window upertilres. "Moons finite fud of bobbed half tho good will of! Iters a few ghostly bats, there un I bright and I can see plainly, but no n company dealing in huniiin huir ugly brown-splotched toad. He signs of attack yet. All of you had is untaxable as an asset, it Is con- loiinii untiling wtilcli suited his; better have some cigurcts. Just the foods for the hills or the shore just the right things to, make your trip complete, are neatly displayed at our stores today. Drop in with your list we'll gladly assist, and help you pack things carefully, too. ) jVIONEY SAVING DAYS, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 23 AND 25 Ml WAX PAPER sheets to roll, 3 rolls . 20 CORN BEEF Libby's CAMPBELL'S BEANS 3 cans 28c; CCp 6 cans JwU SALMON STEAKS Starr's Columbia river pack, 1 pound flat cans, 2 for 35c SUMMER BREAKFAST FOODS tit: hriiKh. A brooding silence fell over ihe fazenda. With her en (ended in behalf of tho estate of Adnlph JlrcHluuer. Bobbed hair, ttays.un uliidavU filed with the Hiale tax coimiilttHlou, "Jm de Hlroyed tho good will." (.'oltase checBCi, Phone 1X11, Itutiebui'K Dairy. puitio&e, however, until Ihoy reach- ' He offered tho eitfarets to Kline ed a room at tiie rear. Here a Khe mulled and refused. "Too window looked out upon tho low powerful -for nm now. AVon't be walor tower three or four huh- Jitf-lo to shoot straight If I do. I'll died feet from the house. jtako one of Mr. Nunniilly's mild "That tower's just tho place," holcnes." She touched his hand. (lushed. "Kxcellent position. Has j "Don't worry about my being hero, a view on all sides, and is almost 'or your having brought me here. CUT THE COST -AND Vacation on the Saving Every driven automobile you pass on the road is a "used car." In a reconditioned NEWLAND USED CAR you can have the same prideful troufclc-free pleasure as the new car driver without the consciousness of costly depreciation from the "new" value. In a reconditioned NEWLAND USED CAR you can GO AS FAR STAY LONGER ENJOY MORE because you will have saved money in buying a depend able vehicle. When you are downtown Saturday drop in and look over our stock likely we have just what you want. J. 0. NEWLAND & SON Roseburg, Oregon Oldest continuous dealers in Douglas County. knife l.i. so dus out a shell which had stuck in the magazine 0 her rille; the old mail' wiped the pow der and perspiration M'fom his face with his minute handkerchief; I'rentiss kept his alassy eve fixed to the loophole before him, his lips constantly moving though they emitted no sound; Vilak viciously chewed betel nut. Suddenly heavy firing began In Hie iliiifh brunches of 'the trees along the creek, many feet overtop ping the wall. A fusillade of bul lets rallied against thu house. "Steudy Steady," Vilak counsel led. "Take your time. Fire at the bursts." The fusillade continued. Here und there the putt-puttering ot a rifle would abruptly cease, mute testimony that a shot of the de fenders hnd found its target. Dut neither were the bullets of tho at tackers without effect, us tho fir ing went ou plowing often uud oft-! ener through u joint in the inade quate barricade. The firing ceased for a few mo ments, then burst out ugain with increased vigor. Tho old ' man gave a low exclamation and drop ped his gun. (To be Continued) Vllak decides to fight fire with flood; this time a real flood and not a false alarm. Skins That Attract People They must bo soft and colorful free from ugly shine not dry or sallow pores must not show. Just try this new wonderful French Process Fate Powder called MKLr LO-tll.l). Stays on longer very pure you'll bo unuujeil at Its su perior , beautifying (nullities. Nothing like it gel MELLOliLO. Natlinu Fullerton, druggist, Per kins lluilding. PUFFED WHEAT, pkg 12c PUFFED, RICE, pkg. 17c SHREDDED WHEAT, pkg. 12c POST TOASTIES, 3 pkgs. 25c POST BRAN FLAKES, pkg 10c KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs 25c KELLOGG'S PEP, 3 pkg. ..28c ..29c PAPER NAPKINS Tis Kloth, 40 Napkins to the package, pkg. 10c; ,3 for 29c Crystal White Campbell's To Soap QQp mato Soup Q Q ft 10 bars 0 Db 3 cans.. ZOb Libby's CQp Milk 6 cans dUU Wesson Oil Quart can .. . 49c WASHING MACHINE SOAP- 2 for :. -Peet's large packages 38c; 75c BAKING POWDER Calumet, 1 , pound can 27c QUAKER OATS Quick cooking, QTn large ,pkg... Z I U FLOUR Crown Fisher's Blend, 49 lb. sack $2,18 GOLD MEDAL MAYONNAISE OR SANDWICH SPREAD Half pint jar 23c; pint jar 43c PINEAPPLE Libby's sliced, in syrup, 7 On large 3 for SARDINES Domestic, 5 cans 25c SARDINES Norwe gian, in olive oil, O C n 2 cans L UU 20TH CENTURY COFFEE "Adds a kick to your picnic, always fresh, pound 43c; 3 lbs $1.25 Roseburg Store 130 N. Jackson St. Oakland Store Baker-Flannary BIdg. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Highway Construction, DougUs County, Oregon. Sealed bids will be received by the t'ounty Court of Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, at the court house in Kosebutg, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. on tho 4th day ofAugust, 1927, for construction work on n section of Loon Lako Market Itoad No. 3. Tho work involves approximately 4.IJG miles of grndtng. the limits be ing more particularly described as from Kug. St. bo-HO to Kng. St. 311-1-24. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond or certified check for an amount oqual to at least five (5) per cent of tho total amount of tho bid. A Hiificlent bond will be required for ttie faithful performance of the contract In tl sum equal to one half the total amount of the bid. Plans, specifications, forms of contract, proposal blanks, and full information for bidders may be ob tained at the office of the county clerk or the county roadmastcr. Court House, rtoschurg. Oregon, upon the deposit of five dollurs, 15 "o. The right Is reserved to reject any llem or all proposal: LIBERTY THEATRE The Texas desert couutry, near tho border of Mexico, is the lo cale ot "The Border Whirlwind," and F. II. O. produefion starring Bob Custer, which is at the lib erty theatre today when it begins a two day run. There is no set ting more typical of the spirit of too west; it Is redolent with stretches of sand, sage and mes quito, und forms a colorful back ground for the activities of the popular Western star. The storv. by James Orluout, abounds in ad venture. It is centered about a youth who, on his return to his' father's ranch' is immediately thrust into the throes of an in trigue to which be must give un sparingly of his coumge and daunt less valor. That he is particularly well tilted for his task is asserted by the daring manner In which he rides, and by his cleverness in handling a whip and throwing knives. Custer is equal to the most stringent tests. "One Increasing Purpose," the picture version of one ot the six best sellers of the year, comes lo the Liberty theatre for a three days', run Sunoay. Edmund Lowe heads the all-star cast of this Fox Films'- super special made under the direction of Harry Beuumont. NOTICE FOR BIOS FOR CITY IMPROVEMENT BONDS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Kccoidcr of the On of Roseburg, Oregon, will, up (o 7.':'.n o'clock p. m.. August 1. 1P27. at his office In the City Hall, re ceive sealed proposals for the pur chase of City Street. Sower and Sidewalk Improvement Bonds in the sum of $3.S4.25. Said Bonds are issued under ' o ac-i Bancroft Bonding Act in denomiua- ANTLERS THEATRE "The Last Outlaw" a corking Western, If we're to believe ad vance reports, will ride into the Antlers today. Gary Cooper is starred and Jack Luden and Betty Jewel featured in Piirumount s lut eal open range drama. first ho isn't quite able to find oift wiio the honest men are. However, the clouds soon roll away. Then he sets out to get his men and he does. The director of "Wet Paint," Arthur Itosson, made "Tho Last Outlaw'." Spiritualism, dueis and balloons figure prominently in ' "Time to Love,' Kaymond Griffith's Para mount comedy which will be shown at the Antlors theatre Sun day. The high hat comedlnn feigns death in a fake duel, returns to his sweetheart as a spirit and is later cept any scpsrate item of the pro-l Hons of K2U0.W each, with the posal or proposals deemed best fort exception of the first one which the county. I will he lu the amount of't : Ira B. ltddle. Countv Clerk of , with interest at fi ner cent hgiuhu ItoiiKlas County. Oregon. 1 semi-annually and ruu from oiie if,! Till; COINI'Y COIKT I-' IHH G-'tetl voara at the ouiion of the t in LAS COUNTY, OKKtiON. lot Kosebnrg. (Seal) I The right to reject anv and all (leo. K. (Juine, County Judge. ! bids Is hereby reserved. C. I,. Berkley, County Comniis-i Paled at itoseburg. Oreroti .tntv sloner. i 19th. 1027. Huron W. Clough. County CVuw HAROLD F. KHruv-v mlaskuier. City Recorder of the Citv ot Role- Attest: lta B. Riddle, County Clerk, j burg, Oregon. .... i, cooper assumes ine role or carried up with her in a balloon shoriff in a town which is overrun being used as a target for suiti by rustlers and cattle thieves. At aircraft guns SPECIAL m$ Chicken a la king, "the best ever," made with Borden's Eva pora ted Milk. Delicious muffins and waffles, too. And equally convenient for the coffee. Send for recipe. Made in the Northwest A tall can of norden'j (ilh an equal part of taier) si,M vou four cups of pure, rich milk. WAPORATED ! t