Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 22, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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iHuad Dally Exoopt 6unday by Th Ncwa-Review Co., Ino.
Mratbtr of The Aaaorlafrd PrvnH.
Th Associated Pron la exclusively entitled to the ue for republl
1 Mtton of all newi dlapalchns credited to It or not otherwise credited In
tola paper and to all local newa puftliHlieu' herein. All rights of republic
' Uon ot special dispatches herein are also reserved.
Our regular summer offering of big special values. See our big circular.
B. W. BATI-S i
l'l"-Hldont and Manager
.... : Bttcrotary-Treaiiurur
Watered as second clasa matter May 17, 1U20, at the post ofIce at
, Koaenurg. urogon, unuor the Act ot march z, 1ST!).
Dally, per year, by mall
- .60
Ually, ell montua, by mail ,
Daily, three months, by mall
Dally, single month, by mall
tly. by carrier, per month
tlU UU U
I The warden of Sing Sing prison, having presided over1
some 30,000 convicts pnd having seen over 100 of them get f
the death sentence, should rightly be a pessimist of deepest J
hue., but 'ti:i not so, j
Casting a speculative eye over the flower beds of his
domain, the warden has given out in formal interview an
unequivocal endorsement of life just as it is.
Why the warden chose one of the hottest days of the
. year to start this metaphysical controversy is hard to under
stand, for when the mercury hovers near the century mark
His no time to wax philosophical, lie these reasons what
they may, the warden has put the issue on the table for the
world at large in plenary session to discuss,
i The warden is ho sentimentalist. He sticks to cold facts
to rove his hypothesis. "Life," says he in beginning, "is
growth and action, while death is stagnation and decay.".
Unassailable axioms these, beyond all fault-finding. "Life
at best is short," he says. True again, but hardly .original.
.The argument doesn't seem to be leading into paths or pas
tures new. Looking further, the meat of the whole thing is
discovered: "Life is worth; living as a sporting proposition,
if for no other reason." . . -.
! Here is philosophical beefsteak for tle thinkers to chew
roil at meal times and pick out of their teeth at leisure. Life
5s a sporting proposition, a game, a dare! Twtintythree years j
jwith the seamy side of life have brought the warden to this
-conclusion. Life to those of the warden's belief is not some
thing td be lived for future glory, but a thing to be lived for
its thrill of the present. ' -' . ' ... ,
J What life really is H about has been a iqurco of argii-1
tincnt sfneb the human race 'began. That the warden of Sing
Sing has found the answer in his "Life is a sporting, proposi
Hl'rti A'. ib',il,v : ti .-1,,.'l., .. 1 ' 1-1... :.,1U . . ....I, . ( ...a..!..!
..viuin-jB ,uii iu KinYc uiiMuin; x lie until uuen, nmi.:i ml uvi-
ideiicesiof the.' belief in Jifeifo'r a hereafter,! a future reward
and 'jet future punishment, are still thriving in spile of tyie
iVavages of wrongdoing and the pestilences of perficiv. .
f i . . ' . '. , . . , , '' i' I
lit i i 1 1 1 r tt; : rr i
starts Saturday - Continues one week
A big selection of merchandise, 25c to 75c values for 19c
Enamelware - tinware - kitchenware - glassware - chinaware - hardware - toys
dry goods - drug sundries, etc.
Hundred and more items - Come in and see them Watch our windows - New specials every day.
(Continued from page 1.)
. , ,
j.rMWWm'&MiPj (electrically wound)' ,
5 fi'f S Wi$MWMa Clock marks a new
J ' era in timekeeping. .
, .TiiOjhupianbrin is Ijjj np meant p ijiished Jnstrumpni.,
s Dr. Frfiderickj rilney,;, jWe don'f. quite know whelih'er'
Tilney is kidding us or if we hould thank Go!d for that.
( ,
j ji An ftutomObile Iwiith; the. reait seatj turned around is (Uie
iiewcst innovation. The rest of this puragi-aph iije'oii not) be
Avritt'eii; '
? i. , A nian in Washington caught a 'white' robin' with pink
.'eyes. If it had been a pink 'elephant that would have been
Wws. .-. 5 -. j:uti;vh
3 i feiigKested slogan M the Ieiort ''Paris, we'afe broke I'
.i.-i-j-- ; i i q-ti j
. see this new dock for yourself
AT Inst a clock you trust for accuracy. Many
i Sancamo (electrically wound') Clocks arc now
' run'ninc with .less than
one minute's variation
per inopch. fThcy ngiuhmiml accurate within 30 '
seconds it week. , r i i . i . , (
i i : I MTHeclock consists of ja fine chronometer-type ' '
movement; witlffull eWelled watch escapement.
The mainspringjis jk'cpt lit constant tension by a '
small precision, motor uilc in the .movement, ,',
( vi Opjtaes pn.any alterniitin current; just plug.into, ,,
nearest li'fllit socket or convenience outlet. iOrdi-. ,
nary cuacnt interruptiolis don't stop the clock.
Electricity as applied) in the Sangamo Clock ' '
(electrically wound) willjrcvolutipnizc timc-lcccp-
- ing.- Handsome models; in bronze, mahogany,
walnut, nowi on show ia our store. . 1
it - i
what tastes like
A itikSP outvie j y UVL V L i Mill
rMmm woods ? mm poultry
, . '. ' . w
RATE CHANGES I "Hle a minimum commodity -rate of
DrPADnrn di rtur ' 43 cents uas prescribed between
KCbAKUtU OLUW jl.os Angeles and Seattle the minl
TO RAIL LINES ' lnum was (il ents. The same pro-
I vision applying that railroads must
adhere to the scnlo.
As to traffic mcving on commodi
ty freight rates, however, which
includes n' variety of material such
as canned goods, vegetable oils, !
machinery, Iron and steel, augur, !
bevorages, melnls and building ma
terials the railroads woi-o (riven
also keep Seattle rates at least 10
cents above steamer rates to the
same points.
Ten general Questions make tin
considerable discretion. They were I today's quiz. Answers ars on the
nutnorized to fix rates on thesis back. page.
u ... ..uuiuea moving norm or lWhat name-has been
somh at a point "not less than ten to the Irish parliament?
l" ' """urea pounds nigner , Wna,. is-Tasmanla?
Omn ' Ma es conteniporaneously 3-Germs of what diseasos nre
mainta net! on- line traffic by etan- fdund ln lnipul.0 ,RtPr alld, mlk?
.lard steamer line operatinR be- 4-What Is Metelgftuse'?
Thi t , ports ' , 5How many cruisers has the
1 his ten per cent limitation was j United States navy? - llnilled by the ruling that fi-Whai. Is Flanna Fail? '".'
no rates tram San Francisco to 7 wi,t iu ih. n .i.
Mlln,n, ,ui- iiuui -,i- cents 'per ;gitis?- - '
;Z, . , snou,"'De by rail-, 8-How did the state of Loulsi
,.u . oeiwecn um ana get its name? . . ;
Ancoles and l'ortlnlid lower than 9 What state of the union is
oO cents. - - - - Uoiiort th "n, a,to., , , ...
Francisco and' Sc-i . 10 Where did Roosevelt go nf-
Between- San
the Rockies has advised Buyers;'
Week Headquarters that merchants
from various localities will be pres
ent and be a part of Portland's
Fifteenth Annual Buyers' Week or
ganization., - As a special inducement, the Job
bers and manufacturers of Portland
will give the merchants their round
trip railroad fare, provided their
combined purciiases . amqunt to
$500.00. . ..,!. f
o ' ' ! '
Eat barbecue -sandwiches
Uve forever. Brand's Road Stand.
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 22.-
(Sflecial to NeWs-HevieW). -The
manufacturers and wholesalers of
Portland have set the stage for one
of the largest gatherings of mer
chants from the Pacific coast to
be held In Portland the week of i
July '25-30. during Portland's Fif
teenth Annual Buyers' weeic.
Hundreds of merchants are mak
ing arrangements to be present and
take advantage of the hospitality
that is being extended by the job- PORTLAND. Ore.'. : juW 22. In-
bers'and manufacturers for a whirl-1 creased danger of forest fires duo!
wind program of entertainment itn the relative, low, humidity 1"
and. super-attractions' that these; this section of the Pacific tiortlii
merchants will rememDertIor many j west, has caused Edward L. Wells,
a day. ' . meteorologist at the local office of
J Portland, is prepared.' lb meet-all rtbe .United States weather bureaui
these. merchants o,n Monday niorn-!to issue. warnings to all touriatd
ing, July 5, the opening (lay ot and campers. j
1 ! Heailquarjars Kvliei a thtej-1 mill bg I Well aitl,
I- i furnlHlipil ' -ll h cniinnn! tinntt and ' tipKR of the
badgo tliat will citHe , them. i4! fair , 'dry. jveafhfcii, will jontim)o, Is
the en-1 the Coracast tnj', tills vicimtyi t
I :,!! n t ,t b ran:,) J
state rwest 'qf' ,F 1 sli; at Idleyld Park. I i
rs. i i
tlmbdr is "qndangercifi
, by! iieexceeding tit A
e wqods. ; The present
i- Practically
nnd t'ertil'icftlion or hnloheHea and
hl'cii!l!r f!c:-k .. nrvl- tl.pv rrn nnw
(looking toward (he mlnption of n
Niitinna plan with u view to statu!-!
iirdlxinK ntolhoda of procedure. The1
purples or aecTcditalinn and'
rei-tii'loaMon, hi sciuthI, are to re-j
duee lopsea In the ponltry Indus-1
try and to make the hatching and'
DreedinK Imslness moro efthiont.
AmoiIkt lundaniental object Ik to
improve thu quality ot ehlekD
liniclud, which in turn means a
better layliiM pullet and a bolter
quality of produce in respect to
i i ' ' ' ' t ' ' : '' '-"' a 'ii "i',r I ;'
, ' : ';' ; ' '-. : ' 1 ' .-I i ''''' - . ii ..I
1 v . i i : - ! ! 5 -; : ; .. i .
ervice 5
r ' it y
. 'I.;,-
:-'?: l- ;'i ! " '' if ' , 1 '
t - . U ' .; . : ! rid1
Juitt think of sliced Bacon sizzling on a fry pan over
a fire of Cedar! Then think of your own np'pctite
fter a night's sleep under the Pines or a day's
scrambling over the hills. Such appetites and
SUCH Bncon were surely made for one another.
Fryc's "Delicious" Brand "Everything the Name
Implies." '
Write to Fryc eV- Co., Port hi ml, for Fruc'.i "Mail
Otiidc" with many Summer Suggestions. Send 2c
to cover postage, .
facing the poullry Industry al the!"""1 " l"'"" ' .
Jull. noul-l. . . . "... "'.' ".""""
try hitslmnilman of the I nilctl ' Mi'." . . ' inl.n-ceri.i,cat.,)ii
in ii'ni fi r imiis ill
Muti'H lleimrtinent r Agriculture, i
Ms the need tor improvement in
Ibo (iiiHlity r produetH in onle
that t'onsinnptiou or vkk and poul-!
try meat will Increase so uh to
the World. s I'ouliry Congre.sH in
a linal effort to' adopt uniform
rules and regulation1. It Ih expect
ed that at the time of the Congress
mm-.i ni' ih i..,...uua.i ll" "liiiicr win ie uiscusKeu ai con-
lion. DurinK the lat"tive r Si:!8i,l,;!"l),,l ll"Kl,!' "ml
Vear the nunttrv tn,l,.t,.v i, ..t ,,flt ,fM,s ,,,ul -ecommendatiou8 will
iulv in.-ii.ri .' n.i,ii.r ii beimide in conncetlon. with sland
other Hvestoek tnclustrioH, hut tin1
timmier of t'hlrkt'ii kept has In-
civadi'd relatively raster than the
human population.
" Increased ronmimption uf any
commodity depeiuls, for Hie moM.
luirt. on improved quality. It Ih ai-
Illll'ltttt f lull nt'.ifl ll,-n...l,l I A
KriWw precautien in the nolt-c- 'V?Pl,,l,,.,lti,!i 1 , 1 ro(- Hit,!- .er,Ho
llon and handltnK of the hreedinK i 1 " !"' Jt,',d n ft ft'npo-
stoek hh well as in the mannKement 7 ( " U'St aHe ai li,c " orw s
of the InyiUK atock. -Krw uf thn' 1 ull'y tTrcts-
hitrhert pos.sildi quality tor hunuiiii " " '
connmption can only he produced j Window wahhiff and hnnse
under the hent conditlonH. Poultry clennliiK bv C'luus. 10. Havla. I'huiio
meat can lie improved very nn'ally i 5i-j,
in ipiallty ir producers will pay; ' , 0
more attention lo the kind of;
t hit kenf raised ns well h.h the mn;i,. V. 8. PATTERSON VERY LOW
In which they are fed.- I .
rin.i ic it.. tw.c i
teps farnitMH and pouhir pniduc '
ardl.tnK the procedurn in making
the a;i;lutinatlon blood fst for re
imnviim; birds affeeied with hacil-.
, lary white diarrhea. This disease
;has been a serious menace to the
j poultry breedliiR industry, and the
i proper mt'tbod of coixluctiuK the
blood test as well as other uiatlvra
Tin condition or V. S, Patterson,
nhn linw at lli.. lut.i.. nf 1,1..
s rim lake In improve I lie .luallty ,, , Ml. u w . M ,
pntlltry n-ndiicls Is to niillliln u i i i.. ., '
ii,!!;;',',',.,.1;'";"?',!.!"?"1" sti" ,m,m ''"" '' i-.--.m-ry i... i.,.
iMnnllary rnndltlnus. Itliotil pro-, .,h.,n.i,,,i ......m,.,,!,... t.l ,..
per sanl.nlloi, in pniiltry house... r(.iv,.,, trnm ror,lm, ,,. Ml.
o.,.s, soil, and In incut nr and Vallvrm htls , w.r" h.-..lth
,.. .'', ,.r..,.,H.-s. ivlamely II l.l,-.Tn,. .,., , ,', ,, ,
7", l- mad,- I,, 'l.'auluK:Krai1;1V rilill. IK- a remov.-.l
up the poultry nrtusiry." ;, ,.,. n.wny, b, ,,.
.... ........... ,., ,. ,, i'i'iiiii- prov.'tn.'iil has been ohtninil
. ! . , .' . ., ' , . I'nu.'iwn is the faih.-r ot
... ......... ,, , , ,, , Cfiarlfs (.. Stnntiin, t Ibis i-llv,
.IIscshciI by Konie of Ihe lead ins , M, ,,,. n( y v r,uLn !
I.illry patholoKisls ren, this ,,., ,.,., ,,, m ,.',
and other cunnleH at Ihe Worlds ,..,, mlrvmn hp ,. ..
l-miltr (-one., to ,, held IiiO -.., , , , rt ;
iKn. tanada. July ., tn.Awwt l.jinKing hnsin.U In i;'s' I
Cver Ihirty slates have nlivady: , 0 " ' ' I
r.iiopted rules a i: rt regulation. Try our butterniilk
Hlonjf thf lines ot atcre lltaltoii eut. Kosebuig Dairy.
Saturday, July 23
Vulcanizing and Tire Service
In New Location
Electrical Experts
Corner Pacific Highway and Mosher Streets
-ll'5 llitfer- I J,!A4