srx UiSUt trfr-" ROSEBURG, NEWS REVIEW. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20', 1927. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME , ESTABLISHED 1926 H. C. STEARNS, Manager. NotiivfiUiBtanding the elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of burial is no more. Pins and Lane 8ts. -I NOW YOU ASK ONE I 4 ' THE ANSWERS -ISolow ur iniawim to tin. ' Saw .i, , ,. , . " fdttorlal iniKtt ',1 Arlirirlnl Kflk Is mudri Itini tlm noilim ut iiitrlK unci inilnluirlc, aiililH mi MlWlllllil (if till! Kjmico. trmi. i Z '1 Asiilrln Is olitalni'd from wliilmgniMi and liluili lilicli. n .'I Ordinary lirlnllng Inks aro mado from lamihlark imrllelefi uiiKpcnili'd lit llnsw.I oil. 4 Cum Ih mad liy boiling anl rnal KkliiH, lionfK, oic, lo a Jelly, lil'iulil kIiir Is maila by (llHHOivlug Hunt KIUK In ali ohol or anld. li CIh'wIhk hum IS HWi'etoiipd iCnd Navnrnd cliiiiin' unni from the ''bully" or Hnpuillllu li s of tho , iropi(!H. I f.ll 'I'Iip orlKliial Tmldy hrnr was inn Aimli njlHii Koala, a triiiw!) mh- llK hi'iir nlioni In (iiclu'H In linlKht. i--l lii'nr nru len republics la Sniitli Aincrlim. 8 The Vnllnin, In Itonin, con. lainliiK KHvoial IhniiHands rooms, is tho laiKi-Ht - resilience In iho world. -9 Pluto, glass, Is rollod; oidl nnry glass Is blown. T, 10 Cyrano do Ilorgerno was noicd for his long iiohh. Parnbasn Motor Oil 100 per cent nine paraffliin baHoi At' llenenii ndopondent Doalors. ; DEMPSE Y (TRIM ! j j Z. AND EAGER FOR ' 1. OPENING GONG j 1? t (Coiil Innod from pngo-L) - flesh. Left Arm O .K. -Only Iho rumor of un Injured left arm - marred Die rinni itnva ,,r Douipsoy's ' tralnliiB. ' Tho story moHu irom tna visit of a newspaper ' man In .liieli'n'l,,, ,,,!, r,.i...n.. ' greeting anil touch of tho former cliampion's left arm, which Ibo noiihe found 'was encased In band n'ges under his shirt. i Kvor since Ibe opening nr trdln-1 Ing here, hnndlera explained, Jack, uitor 'Workouts, Hub been wearing bandages' on some pin t or his body la keep lluuinonts mid loilrtns froin touching his lelolhlng. 'The band ages, on Jnclt'a left arm liaVu been ' there for n woek; they' said,' be cause of bruises received In block lug: sparring purlnei's punelieK. -'Most conclusive proof' flint Hie left battery, Jnck'H most proficient weapon, Is not serimiHly damaged, ciime from the ring aclloua or Iho .former tltleholder during Hie past few days. These workouts, limited In hag punching, oxoI'cIhoh and sha dow boxing, have been dovolcd to sharpening Dempsey's left hook. For '12 minutes Monday and nine yesterday,' Jack smashed the light and Jieavy bugs hrmiud Willi his favorllo punch mil 1 1 the moorings strained mid the 1 Icnlhor: straps threatened to fly from : tho liniiB1 IllgH. ! ' !. ; ''! Speed Improves In Hie last two worlioulH Ilemp- LIBERTY Today and Thursday ' Matinee Dally 2:15 William Fox presents Buck "The Gentle Cyclone" Thrills, Action and Plenty of Speed Another of the Wisecrackers H. c. Wltwer'o Famous Stories ' AL COOK KIT GUARD "Love at First Fight" Cartoon Fox News Admission 10c-25c Jones Phone 112 Lady Attendant jsey has progressed with a rushing jdrlvi) i hut lias appeared almost. j startling to the few remaining wur niPininMjmnjin. nniil HfKint:u iu If",1 "V? "uU,l"",l'1 ! JnluHi-il In lihn (iveinlKlit as tho vim and dash of physical perfec- llun arrived exactly at tho proper moment. The sluggish UetnpHcy of Ihe early week wiih lost In a figure reminiscent of Toh'do and IIoylH'H Thirty Aovuh tluyn. Dump nay'H wclKht, aroiiiMi 200 for a wi;k, ilroppoil to 1U3 and the for rii or chuniplon Ih ox pec tod to en tor tho ring Htum two poundH ovr that flKiire. ' Try a claBslftefl aav. m mis pa por and watch re suits. You'll aur ret 'era. , The Owl Drug Co. 35c Boudoir Kleenex) i7'5fc Owl Thciitrical Cold , J ' "JQn Cream .. .. I UU 150c Red penther 39c U;i. (nil ""r V 5.0c RpalFeather .PoL , Pom Lustre .. 39c 39c in 59c 59c .'i'"" - 50c Red Feather' Shav ing Lotion i u -I V , 111, j ' l?5c Owl Amcrdil, heavy (pints) .. 75c Owl Antiseptic' Solution FRED HAYNES Drug Storey Agent for Owl Drug Company ProductB. 1 DANCE Every VVednesday ; Night i Rainbow Gardens 4 WINCHESTER Music by Star-Six Orchestra fjs. CHIROPRACTORS -Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 3J?7 West Cass Phone 491 Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting of Glasses, 116 Jackson St. WET OR DRY The wenlher makes no differ ence for FIRE INSURANCE should be carried nt all times. Wo offer reliable ftro insurance service to our policy holders and our service embraces nil lines of fire and automobile Insur ance. Mav we be of service to YOU? G. W. Young & Son ' LOANS 118 Case 8t. Phone 417 STATE CONTROL BOARD HOLDS UP $130,000 HOME (Continued from page 1.) veloped lo the erfoet that Frank C. Rruinwell Ih lo resign as slate' hu pcrlnlemlent of banks and tht ex governor Ih to bo appoinled to Air. RrumwoH's position. Mr. Olcott was ut Kale m yesterday mid passed I much of tlio tiny ut the mate JlOUBH. The position of superintendent of bank a puya ?mmh) a year. Qramwoll Denies PORTLANU Ore., July 20. Frank C. Hrumwoll, atato siiporin tondent o( banka, has .no prosont Intention of ronlt-'nlng, and hus not the HlightoHt concern over the re port that he in to be displaced by the mate banklrtK ooniinl.sHion In favor of Hon W. Olcott, ex-Kvr-nor, Mr. liraniwell Informed the Portland Telegram lodav. "If the alale banklutx couiiulKHlon had any dfapoKltlnn to play poll Ilea with my office, I should have diacovered Jt long ago," Mr. Iliam well aald. "On tho contrary, 1 be lieve, I have tho full confidence of the commiBHlon. I have certainly had their coperutlon and support In my work." - The members of Hie atate bank Iiik commlKKlou are Governor 1'at- toraon, Secretary of Slate and State Treaaurer Kay. Mr. JJramwell left today for New York to be Kone about ten days n work la connecLiun with IiIh do; partment. TIow good news does spreail! Ceiioral Gasnlino Is slill I lie best. FERDINAND OF RUMANIA GOES TO FINAL REST (Continued from page 1.) that Mile. Vacareaco felt ft so keenly that alto aent Fertllnand'a love lettertt to Prlnceaa Mario. However, ho married tho lattef January 10, 1893. ; The royal couple had atx child ron, one of whom died In child hood, r Beset With Troubles Last year, juat after Queen Ma rle'a hurried return from her vlalt to the United States, hla phyalciana gave the king up for loat. Hut the king was firm In the hope that ho might help to place Ills country on a atable political basin deimlte fac tlonul dlaputea und conflicts among powerful intereuta and clung i lo life. Then too, nay ; fiienday he hoped to aee once more before death came, hia 1 wayward aou, Carol, "the madcap of the Hal kans," who hla parental discipline had sent into exile, - - i i i . One' of the last acta of, Ferdi nand's reign waa to bring about the creation of a government under the Bratianos whom he trualed and who, with him, wero Influential In swinging Jiuniania inlo. the World war on the aide of the Allies an act in which Ferdinand flung him self against his own kin, for hi; was a JrloheiiEolleru.! . Only a few weeks ago Premier Averescu, to whom dictatorial dreams were credttett , In some circlos, : waa. removed from the head of the government) and, a more inclusive government wua formed under Prince Stlrbey, ono of the richest Rumanians and long a favorite at courL, to hold the reins until the llratianoa t were ready lo step Into power again.' i Carol's Chance Slim Those who know- Kumanl:! t are quite unanimous In the conviction that the-regency lor Prince Mich ael, Carol's aix-yeur-old sou, will rule as provided by law and that there is almost no possibility of Carol ascending the throne. His frleutlH in Rumania are few and far between. It is said, and cer tainly are not strong enough to Im pose him upon the country. Nor has there been any indication that Carol cares to come back home. That he is not wealthy and that he does not work, every one knows, but that ho has sufficient sources of income to live a leisure ly lire near iirls is obvious lo all 1 who have observed his comings trade in order to reach a satlsfac and goings at the French capital. ; tory price level on which to sell lo all appearances he Is quite con- excess receipts now coming on the lent with things as they nro. jiocai market in outside markets. jiio uiHUiiuiiH ll'UI nieir pai'iy candidates won an overwhelming victory In the recent elections lo parliament and the Urathtnos. now strongly entrenched In power, aro solidly opposed lo Carol as is Prince Stirbey, who with them form a little group of tho richest and most powerful men in Ru mania politically and economically. What Qucon Marie, who for years has been hotter known to tho world thau her 'more retiring hus band, will do in European politics now that she is retired from Ihe ihrone, 'is n question which already is being thought of. Whether shn wll bo as influential iu interna tional affairs with the regency rul ing as she was sharing the throne with Ferdinand Is the problem. Carol Told News Kr.iAt KA Dfj, jngo Slavlu, July I i'U, t ho Rumanian government i , lino uli...1 lHi,.. f...,l .tw M of his father's death. .l il.e ,.,... lime tiih..r i.i... ,.. ..,(.. Rumania is firmly decided to respeel the de cision of January 19. Il2ti, which accepted his renunciation of the throne and established the regency for young Prince Michael, says re ports received hero from Buchar est. Carol Not Wanted VIENNA. July 20. Advices re reived here from Bucharest in con nection with the death of King I'Vrdiuand, say that troops have been concentrated in barracl- and measures taken by the govern ment in the event of Ihe return to Rumauii Carol. in of I'm hum- Crown tince PARIS. Jnlv 20 Former Crown Prince Carol of Rumania was still In bis home here this afternoon. rointws steady at Si sack. pa: tictpale in the American ie Fricuds of the former crown' Nuts steady; walnuts 27Vi:U; glen box'ng card here tomorrow prince do not think that he will filberts 195i20; almonds 2 2ii: ! nlht. Instead Michael Schubert, make an attempt to go lo llucbar- J Braiil nuts H$H6; Oregon chest- of Belllngham. will meet Ti;er est at this time, especially w ith nuts 174sf2o: peanuts 9 'n 11. Jon Bratlano in power. Carol has j Cascnra bark steady. 8i 9 cents; always held that Bratlnno was hlsiOregon grape root nominal. Hop? arch political enemy nd believes steady, 192ti crop 2.Vo231. that tho new premier was rrspon All classes of livestock steady: Mule for the decree of last year (Quotations unchanged. BOV LEAP8 80 FEET A. imta oncn -rt c a v r? a. INTO RIVER TO SAVE 4 t GIRL FROM DROWNING ; (AuooIhiH J'n-n ltuf'l Wire.) OltWiON CITV, July 20, 4 Terry iJecker, 15, or Clad- 4 alone, dived M) feet from u 4 4 railroad trestle into the 4 (.'lackamua Hlver yaetorday and roHcued Audrey Cliipp- 4 man, 10, uh the Kil l founder 4 ed'ln the awlft current of the atroam. The boy waa clioered by a lurg crowd aa he brav- ed the river and brought ibo girl ashore. Ladles of Kt. Joseph's Jiik In the office formerly oc- eupied by Standard Oil I puny Jacknon atreet, next door to Ilea' Urug atore, Hut- urday.'July 23rd. Pled, cakes, w ureaii, Huian, eauoy uim many tuner kooo tnniKa to eai. depriving him of his dynastic rights and expelling him from the coun try he had expected to rule. NOTED FIGURES IN SPORT WORLD TO TRY UMPQUA (Continued from page 1.) ly impreased with the Oregon scen ery and is confident that tho North llmpfiuu 1 will yield an abundance of fish. Mr. Iloaz is very enthusiastic over tho vacation prospects of Southern Oregon as be bus found them so far. "The sportsmen of Southern California do not care bow far they travel if they ure only sure of a real vacation spot, at the end of their journey, Mr. Iloaz declarod. "In California that fact is recogniz ed and communities have put forth every effort to develop their va cation resources. Put now we are beginning to run out and our sportsmen are looking for some thing nnw. That is why I am on this trip and from what I have al ready seen I know that It will be possible to take back a report that will bring many of these sports man Into Southern Oregon, "Development of a stream for fishing Is on eof the greatest pro jects In which a community can engage." Mr. Poaz" declared. "Clos ing of .streams to commercial fish nshlug. is one o.f. thc gi oatonli. prb ahd , then lhei;e is also a ireuuire ment for mi active and efficient game commission . that will , work for tho protection and propagation of the fish und game life. When these are provided, and sportsmen can be nssnred of good fishing and good hunting, there will be no end to tho number of vacation seekers who . will throng in to enjoy the outdoor fun. ,that nature, affords." All1. ,noa is accompanied by his wife,. Wliot will onjoy. the outing with the party. . YonldhV they, are to go to Idleyld and will later make,a, trip up the rimpnua. rivor plaiting Dia mond lnko and stopping nt camp spota along ,1110 vfy. Window washing .and ; house cleaning by.Chas. B. Davis. Phone 51-J., ; (AmooIii(,',I Pros U'mi'J Wire) ' ' POItTLAND. Ore.. Julv 50I!n. dor forced market coinlil Inns wholesale eggs have inmiieil in sharply higner price levels lor to day based on transactions at yes terday's late afternoon session of tile dairy exchange. Extras and fresh standard firsts are up fully wo cenls lo 26 cenls. whl u fresh mediums ncranced to 24 cenls and current receipts lo 22 cents. Ail around, tho market Is two cents hinlier nml I'lirthet- l,,,'i,!,unu . (Iiwl mil Iu- urn tin iiinnUniiu .it' tin. Staillill) rutin hutlnr .mln.l n half cent ou the dairy exchange to Sic Other grades are unchanged ou a firm and active market. Most produce prices were about steady this morning under slow demand. Country dressed meats are slightly advanced, hogs to Iti cents for top stuff and veal firm at 1SJ to ly cents. Light hens are n drug on the market and have slipped to Kt cenls for today's mule. rOKTLAND, Ore., July 20. Wheat bid: HIM! hard while, hard while bluest em, haart, northern spring $1.3;?; soft white, western white $1.32; hard winter $1.21); western ml $1.2S. PORTLAND, Ore.. July ) Put-butter- Standards 5 cent up; ,MU- '''Mni u,,ps' tn standards ,1SJ; prime tirst .(7; inni ..., i.-n.m-t i ipihv. iiiuin 1 Oilllfl ileitis Wel'C VINIICU oil uvnn :i cents above standards. Butler- farms, where soil preparation, nil fat :t!'i cents f. o. b. Portland. tural methods and disease control Milk J cent higher. Raw milk, 4 measures were discussed. Plant. nc per cent, $lV2.r cwt., 1. o. b. Purt-jf certified seed and the roguelns land. joUt of diseased plants were it-coin- Eggs 2 to 3 cents higher. Cur-1 mended. Potatoes should be ti ent reat receipts L'2 cents; fresh me-r( with corrosive sublimate and illnm -t; fresh standard firsts 2ti; - then cut and duVted wilh land plus do extrns 26. t,r just before planting. rounry: l.tghl hens l cent lower; broilers up 2 cents; pekin!AUTO ACCIDENT AFFECTS ducks down 2 cents; heavy hens LA GRANDE BOXING CARD steady. (Less 5 per cent commis-l sum). Heavy hens 2Hi 23 cents: I LA CRANDK. Ore,, July 20 Might I2J4V1;I; springs IS; broilers lSr ui; pekin white duck IS; col-; ored nominal; turkeys, alive lna.1 Onions steady: local .2 2.".fli 3 no !! L ECIOHIS TO FILL ByiHiSffllO VAuorlal'l I'r.-wt l'il,l Wire) LA (illAVDE, Ore.. July 2n. The advance giiard of tho annual stale i American Lenlnu convention.. Is I i.mlnL' tntfi (Ii,iii,Ih Ihiu i.vpn.i I Inir. With the nri ival of atate and national offlelnlH. Ihis eily.will be-j i f-nme ibe "eanftal if the tfnitec! Slates," as far as legionnaires are ncornnd. i Tlilrt evening, eacorted by Pen-! ' lT iV " "w" tl! " '?,,,:I,?V,,S1 .1S!, ?.r! ! " "w ' aa T,u .;.V..V r..; 'aul Savuie, of ChicaKO, ; 1 1, the chief wrecker of the 40 and , , , , ... i i . i . I , t- . , i i I I li ill uini .nun it, Valium ttic tiinu reported enroute to LaCrunde. The state officials, headed by Commander Arthur Murphy, of fort land, will come In tonight and tin women's auxiliary leaders are to arrive this afternoon, iu lime for executive schsIoiis tonight. This party w-ill Include: Mrs. Anna Ilerschner, state president, of Hood Hlver; Mrs. Miible Molnturff, secretary-treasurer, of Murshfield; Mrs. Rose Wilcox, vice-president, of Antelope. Mrs. A. H. Ucals, national vice-president, northwest district. Is due here tomorrow. The Rend, Ore., drum corps, ar rived here this murning, muKing the last lap of their trip to La (irande In trucks. Although two new $300,000 ho tels, under construction, will not be able to accommodate any of the visitors, member; of the hous ing committee believe that arrange ments have been made to cure for the expected 8,000. About bedtime, howove some of the veterans will be forcibly re minded of tho hectic days of 1H17 and 1!U8 wlipn they find that In stead of feather beds army cots and regulation blankets will be is sued. Hut there won't he any cooties on hand, local legionnaires promise, and La Grande hasn't seen any mud iu weeks. Final preparations for the "big jam" are being made today. Con cessions are blossoming forth over the business district and the last of the deenralions are being plac ed. lOven the rush of the hungry iieven band, ! forty-elahters from Portland, has been anticipated -and extra help has been employed In all mess halls. ; Two very successful field meet ings were hejd by 11 of. C. R. liy slop, bead of life Faun Crops de partment' at the Oregon Agricultur al college, cooperating with J. C. Locdy, county agent, during the past two days. One of those meet ings was held on the farm of J. II. I'arrott at' Camas Valley and the other on the farm of C. O. Garrett, at Glendale. Both meetings were well attended and great interest was shown by the farmers present. ,; Professor Ilyslop stressed seed crops at both meetings. He pointed I out the possibilities of producing! purple and hairy vetch tor seed purposes. Both usually prove pro litublc, filling a national need and are well adapted lo Douglas comi ty conditions of fair rainfall and mild winters. J. H. Panott was harvesting 100 acres of purple vetch which promises a yield of at least 50U pounds per acre. 1 Almost every farm in Douglas county can profitably produce le gumes, according to Prof. Hyslop. Of these alfalfa is placed in first place for forage. The Grim' var iety planted alone, at the rate of 10 to 12 pounds per acre, on clean, firm, well prepared seed bed, has given the best results. The seed should be inoculated. Sulphur, land plaster and super-phosphate are recommended for fertilizers on alfalfa. Sulphur, at the rate of 100 pounds per acre, applied early in March, to n field of alfalfa on the C. O. tlarrott farm produced an In crease in yield, with a better stand and color. Wheat, oats and barley yields can be materially increased by the use of certified seed of standard varieties. Federation wheat is well united to local conditions, ns are Markton. Grey Winter and Victory oats, and Hannaehen and O. A. (, No. 7 barley. Prof. Hyslop mado the field In spection and passed for certifica tion K. acres of Federation wheat for J. H. Parrott and fi acres or Mnrlcton nuts for C, O. Garrett. Because of injuries received In an la eaiDE FIELD MEETINGS HELD AT GLEIDALE; ;lGlslLElf i . i . i i .tun . aiUomoblle wreck near Arlington, noni-.Ore., Penny Wolfe, of Phila lel- nhia and Ernie Stevens, of Nan- couvcr Barracks, will be unable to Thntins, of Philadelphia in the lo-t round main event, and ehher Pep (Webster or Kenneth Kent, both of j Pc-tlr.pd. will fare Delmer Allen. of La Grande, in the semi final, the I pi Mooters announce. NEW TODAY 1 1923 OVERLAND sedan, )25. 1353, i Harrison St. j CHICKEN housa plan books freo' ! at J'age's. Foil " BALK ricfrlgurator and ! heating stove. Phone 571. j FOH ' ItKNT 2 room furnished ; bouse, 7 jier month. J. liarr, j .Miller's Addition. FOH SALK Iteglstofed yearling Shron rams. J. F. Stafford, Gait- i land, Ore. PLANTS for sale Cabbage, cauli flower and broccoli. Fred A. Cloff, Jtoseburg. I TIlAII.EItS, TRAILERS, TRAIL ERS (let In your order now ut Sarff's. FOR SALK fhilck it motor, new blo''k and new clutch. Cheap at ONE G room houae for rent, on lament, cloae In, $12. Wilbur Spaimh. iH S. Pine ! WA.NTICD-Cood used wood range. i Wi 1 nav cau l. Mrs. Llaltiu Jtoh- erts. lit. 1. HoHoburir, DISC HAItltOWS- Wo have a spe cial oifer on disc harrows, any size. Kiecker-Amort Co. WOMAN for cooking and general housework. Wm. P. Weaver, Myrtle Crek. Ore. ; iDYwliTTts"h6kpInir"Ph 148-J or call or writo to 3: West Washington, Jtoseburg. COLLIE Shepherd dog, Coos Co. license. Owner call at 1217 W. ; 2nd St., pay tor ad aiu care. HINDER FOR" SALE Good con dition. Price fifty dollars. John Musgrove, Sutherliu, Oregon. FOR RENT 5-room 'modern-bTm-gulow, breakfast nook, garage, iu the heart of the cUy. Phone 497. SPRINKLING- SYSTEMS See us for sprinkling systems for garden or lawn. Farm Bureau Exchange MONEY TO L6AN oii long or short time. Bonds to sell or buy. We are licensed bond brokers. RICE & RICE. . j FOR RENT 4-room modern-' fur nished house on south Stephens street. Phone 471-L or call at 517 S. Stephens. 3" HOUSES in 6uburbs"of Rose burg to trade for small free soil ranch. John Eraughtou, Rose burg. WANTED lG-inch single bottom sulky tractor plow; low iron wheel wagon, both good condi tion. State prices. W. D. Valen tine, Sutherlin. FOR RENT New lnodern five room house. Hardwood floors, furnace, equipped for electric range. Close iu. Vacant July 25. Phone 056-J or 392. WANTED TO Bb'Y Moderate sizS stock ranch, preferably stocked una equippeo. uivu um pai ucu - lars In first letter. Owners only. A. O. Weekly, Box 51, Myrtle Creek, Ore. LIGHT PLANTS AND PATTER- I IKS Fairbanks Morso ' plants were Ihey to fall into ' any hands j obtaining money by falsoi, pre have low first cost and low op- other than those for which they are i tenses. Aschim arrived hero today vniLiiih mill, to ninu timo u iiiuiiLui ut uocit "Hill iiuiJim. Farm Buroau Exchange. j WHEELS, WHEELS, WHEELS Watch those metal felloe baud wheels and have them tightened, ; We havo machine to do it with and guarantee the job at Sarff's. PARTS, PARTS, PARTS houses of a million auto The parts for most all makes of cars at an enormous saving to you. Sarff's Auto Wrecking Houses, Rose' burg-Coqullle. WANTED-170 Black -Minorca pul lets, or any of the larger breeds; not less than 3J months old. Price must be reasonable. De livered at -119 E. 1st Ave., N. J. F. Cole. TRADE Apartment house in Cor-I , t ... , i vallis. 5 blocks from business I Aml " " wen' a. V center on paved street, income, eeti a hypodermic or a giraffe $102 per month, for Roseburg i "rns "-, 11 11 f toothache, and ; residence or business property, i J-''h"rt has to do something about J. C Goretv, 420 Perkins Bldg. : itsomething only a dozen or so Phono Ut)5. 'other men in the world know howj KNOCK "L" OUT OF SLAVE Put your earnings where you know they are safe and will earn a rate of interest that will surprise you. Let us explain. Douglas Building & Loan Association, 1-17 Jackson St. WANTED Bring us youi7" 'furni ture and farm implements for sale. We are getting our custo mers good cash prices for their articles. Auction House on Main St. Open every afternoon. Auc tions every Sat. p. m. FOR RENT 5-room apartment on ground floor, partly furnished, at 119 West Lane street. Rent rea sonable. 3-room apartment at 117 West I Lane street. Unfurnished. Rent 1 very reasonable. i G. W. YOUNG & SON, 116 Cass! Street. Phone 417. j HAVE YOU LOST HOPE in try-: ing to get well? The Sulphur Va- por Bath 'offers you a safe, sane, method of getting back to health. It Is no experiment, but' a well-tried, proven treatment to restore lost vigor. DRUGLESS' HEALTH CENTER, 327 Cass, j Phone 491. ! SAVE MONEY on your mortgage mortgage i 1 loan by our monthly payment plan. Bay off the old mortgage I w ith a new one. We have a verv f.oHat. Prcae Loawtl wirr) convenient installment loan phm ! A GRANDE. Ore., July 20 which not only makes payment i When A. M. Zevoly. history in easy but effects a worth while Rtruetor at the summer branch saving to the borrower. Umpqua session of the Oregon normal Savings and Loan Association, school, goes fishing sometimes be Houglas Abstract Building. , brings back fish and sometimes FOR SALE CHEAP htl . "OA nrres 1 mite fmm rnmtiv while returning -from Morgan road. 3J miles from About one-half cleared, rm,,. balance good timber, 10 acres tillable, good place to raise turkeys, goats and sheep. Watered with springs. The price Is so cheap that it will surprise you. Inquire at Turner's Service Station, Wil bur, Ore. SALE Brand new hay load er at 1-3 new price. Power driv en feed cutter, nearly new, 3 sped. 4-horse gas engine, cost $350. A reat bargain. Small en gine, on hand truck, cheap. Near ly new 100 lb. capacity refriger ator, $20. Inquire nt Auction House on Main St. Auctions j every Sat. p. m. Private sales every day. ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1901 M. E. HITTER, Manager J Founded and Maintained on Efficient i Service and Courtesy hone 284 t Licensed Lid) Oak and Kane Bts. g The Returns of the SHARKEY-DEMPSEY FIGHT will be received at the HOTEL ROSE EVERYBODY WELCOME FOIt KENT 4-ronm hotiso. Cull at G'I4 S. furnlsheil Pino. WANTED Ford cnr. Must be good buy. Address Ford, cure News Itoview. would -you hk satisfied WITH FIFTEEN PEKCENT On a well secured Investment? Here Is a five-room house 111 good part of town, with big sleeping porch, good bath, toi let and luvatory, city water, electric lights, garage and wood shed, cement drive way' to gar age, lot 40x110, house nicely pulnted. Clear title to the whole business $700, easy terms. LAW RENCE AGENCY, 125 Cass St. Phone 219. CIRCUS DRUGGIST KEEPS MENAGERIE AND FREAKS O. K. NEW YORK, July 20 This Is to Introduce the pharmacist who fills the world a craziest prescrip tions. The orthodox corner drug gist In any American town, given one look at his druggist's files, would call the nearest policeman, j Hut when Pen IJ. Rlnehurt puts three times the ordinary amount of "dope' ' a sleeping potion, he' knows what he's doing. The fat ht'Jy has insomnia. And put ting a 600-pound woman to sleep Is no task for the normally bal anced prescription. ' Rinehart, 'doctor," pharmacist and curer of all ills for the Ring- ; ung-Hiirntim & Uailey circus, tells :jn tu .July issue of the American Druggist of the rare concoctions that come from his trnveling drug store, potions that would poison imtuiutii, Ulll ftutrii llie llim - (,!tri, rt I ill III nil, 1 1 li II I II 1 1 IK'HIIliUJeS and other circus freaks in the best I01" health. ' ! ' j ' Nursing ah elephant wltlr rickets j la one of the heaviest assignments : that come in the way of a circus pharmacist, he says. It calls for Ouurts of cod "liver oil daily, to say nouung or uanuages mat reach ihe jjruijui nuns ui eiougaieu ueu sheets. Then on thti other end of the scale there's the UelicaLe matter of keeping the monkeys in form, n problem particularly difficult when recurrent spring fever at tacks them, calling for tonics not unlike those you buy to throw off that lazy feeling yourself in. the lO (ID. A versatile job, his. But one he's fairly sure of holding so long as he wants it. . . Fish at Idleyld Park. TODAY'S BASEBALL National First gnme 7 Cincinnati Boston Batteries: May and R. II. E. ' ..A 8 1 ...2 9 ' 3 icfnlch; 1 1 Werlz, Edwards and Urban, Second game' " R. H. E. Cincinnati l 4 2 Boston 2 9 1 First game H. H. E. Plitsburgh 3 12 1 Philadelphia 4 10 0 Uatterles: Dawson and Spencer; Mitchell and Wilson. First game R. H. E. St. Louis 1 5 1 Brooklyn 2 7 0 Batteries; -Ithem, H. Bell and Snyder; Petty and Deberry. Batteries: Nehf and llargrave Genewlch and TTibson. o i BEEo REFUSE TO ACCEPT TRANSFER TO NEW HOME .niKe wnn some percn. ne. acorn- lmnt,M' by Director J. T. Longiel- iow, oiseoverco h swarm or Decs. ' Removing the fish from Lon.'fr-l- j low's basket he. shook the bees from the tree limb, on which Ihey clustered into the basket and: brought them on Into town. j When Longfellow remonstratnl. i the educator built an improvise 1 hive and transferred the swai'ii but the honey makers didn't take ; to their new home and this morn-' ing were A. W. O. L. : PATRONIZE , NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS ' Embalmel i ii mill nailing BY REQUEST I SHARKEY SURE HE'S GOING TO ' WHIP DEMPSEY (Continued from page 1.1 the punch Is known n's Iho "niivy double punch" and Is similar to Iho "pivot punch." "First llio user of Ihe navy double punch must be a boxer of Ihe ullru-sclenlli'lc sort," Webb writes, "and he must have Ills wils about him when It is attempt ed. It is especially effective against a rip-louring head-on fight er of the Dempsey type. Tho user of the punch In the heat of battle lures his opponent to come in. It Is then necessary to sway the body , well to. the left and twist the body in that direction the required dlst. unco as to be in position lo use a hack bund punch with the right hnnd. ' ' i "Having goiter, this far Ihe ob ject of Ihe punch Is to cut back wilh a snappy backhand wallop which lands on -Ihe right side of the opponent's face. In most cases ' Ibis causes tho receiver to lose his balance, ljeforn he can right hlni splf ha "meets tho full force of a left hand huolt clean to the jaw." FREED CONVICT WILL ; , FACE ANOTHER CHARGE . , . : . - . , ( I (Asaneinteil I'rt'aa Lensou WireV ' r '! SALEM, Ore., July 20. When It. F. Taylor Is freed from ;the i state penitentiary today after serving a vear for forgerv commuted in Lane county, he will be taken Into I custody by Sheriff John Aschim (if ! Tillamook county and taken to j Tillamook for trial on a charge of '' l'ijnyy;i ujfJARPiif.'AWJBiw aim ' HINM'HlffgnTMPI MAJESTIC TONIGHT ON THE STAGE ALBURTUS The Mystery Man of the Pharaohs SEES ALL KNOWS ALL TELLS ALL DON'T MISS HIM I - M ON THE RTRFFN Marian Nixon, Robt. Ag new and Otis Harlan in "Down the Stretch,, Comedy, "Do or Diet" Matinee 10c25c Evening 10c-35c 1 1 Today and Thursday Matinee Daily 2:15 Esther Ralston Ten Modem Commandments As modern as the head lines of today's newspa per. ' Comady 'George's Many Loves' Novelty "My Word London" Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-2Sc-3Sc 1 ANTLERS S