Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 20, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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lMUd Dally Except Sunday
II.bL.I ml 'Itim
Tnt A0Olate4 Pram Is axcliiMlvaly entitled lo the use for republic
MtlQU of all newa dUpatuhrs credited to It or got otherwise credited In
wjie yapvr siiu lu u iuimi news puuneiieu Herein. All riyum OS repullllca-
BERT G. '11AT3S.-
Pntered as second class matter May 17, 1920, at the post office at
Roseburg, Oregon, under the Act p( March, a, 1U7H.
Dally, per srear. by mall
Sally, alx moulhs, by tuall .
Dally, throe months, by mall
Dally, alugle mouth, by tuall
"lly. by carrier, per month
' ' Welcome to Joe Welch, uiilionully known manufacturer
of fishing tackle, and his parly of friends who have come
from California this month to try their skill as fly casters
. on the North Uinpiiua. We hope the trout are not in a cou
: Irary mood and will "rise to the occasion." Mr. Welch is an
(authority on American fishing waters and his literary con
tributions on the subject are widely read. It is not doubted
that his coming experience on the North Umpqutt will veri
fy the flattering advance information given to him, nor that
f lis verdict will be of inestimable value to this community in
the way of stimulating the influx of vacationists. An inti
mate friend of Zane Grey, noted fiction writer, who has giv-
cn the Rogue river many columns, of fine publicity, recently
tried his luck on the North Umpqua, with the result, we are
informed, that he became very enthusiastic over the region
and 'promptly wrote of its unexcelled outing advantages, to
Mr. Grey, then in New Zealand. We need not be surprised,'
therefore, if the novelist," upon hm return to America, ajv
pears in our city with an, equipment of fishing tackle. And
we will certainly be glad if his expectations are .fully real-
wA Wnrlnnninnnli fVrm nrnm iiiuiil inilava ii .Inn
jovu. . ..uu.
Welch and Znne Grey, together
of the Roseburg-Diamond lake
commercial fishing,' will bring
in tpuristrade t6;thls cilyj
alwhyst'en;on'e; 6l JlPjeburg;'
jiopft to givaii iiiiHiiuuii , prui lusj rora ;it.s vast ;iiiiiuui- wernri
withii the perlgtj if jthe prebeiili Bt'neratiou,'ybfcan at lijat
looik forwtivd to roaterjiil b4nefit fmiifi its outiiife' ndvaiitagefe
M:a no 'distant Wate.!: ii'd' : ! VA. . V Mphl ;i
,1 F' 51 i '-; f '' ' ' 1 1 o ' ' i ? r'i " ' : l ! H i f i
I ' 'Regardless of the political
which Calvin Poolidge has ma3e,of the presidency, fhero can
be no question as to what the presidency, jits:made of JCalvin
Cpoli'dge, He; is far different from thhnan ho .was when
he 'tinierged. f rphi Massachusetts ' i ; ' '
I That earlier Coolidge was a man" Wlio'had' aii'eye for
1.1. i.r , it. I I
1IOIIIIIIK, UUt. UUHIIIL'h.1., ! HO HttU IIU IIUUU.Y-I, lliuillgcu ill II"
i'ecreat;ifms.. ,"I like the theatre," he oi remarked dryly to
nil intervioweiV''but I never have time' to' go to ally shows)"
Jrle'iiever -danced,- ln society he wasalfifih.wbeQU ;Ho.di.djV t
even fish. ( The sporting instinct wjiich js supposed to be in
every 'man; was' in :Mr. ' Coolidgean uhtlevQlopoc) s jaiictlcss
giand ' r; f-'' ,',;'v, ,' '!'.;'. ; " 1 ; ! -1 '
' "" His years in Washington, have slowly changed Mr. .Qo'ql
idge and he-is emerging- today, a.better, sport, ; That it 'is all
political, .porsU'lago, ndi publicity, .as, lys jhtyresij enemies
charge, is open to doubt., jMrs, Coolidgo probably had a'haikl
n the emergence of the cocoon.' Thai! Alt'. Coolidgo will evo
be a butterfly js doubtful. As itn intermediate chrysalis,- hi
is doing weil, ' - ' . -i ' . i .
t -..,.4...- t1 j 0x ; -.1
t - ' , BRASS TACKS IN 2227. .
V: -w I
I It is to bo hoped sincerely that tho World Population
Conference which meets in Geneva late in August can come
ko some. satisfactory solution as to what is to be clonic 30tl
oars henco when the people1 on this sphere will number, aj-i
'Cording to latest estimates, nearly '8,000,000,000 souls. It a
;vigh time that the world begins to worry about awful im
pending overcrowding. Think' of it, the danger 'is only three
centuries nway! jH.wjll have to be faced squarely by your
great-grent-groftt-reat'-great-.gren).-great-gret grand chil
dren, who must find space for these eight billions of people
&r bo shoved off into space, , ,
; True,' Marshal Foch says that there will be the wora
'world war in history inside of twenty or thirty yours, but
why should such trilling things as that worry the high minds
at Geneva? - - . -
TAX MONEY I , in'h'iiinK enleiliilnnu'iit funtuiu to-
i DISTRIBUTED TO . irtinKi ''dirKatiun'' win
- . AIXt DISTRICTS' bimnl their miuclnl Ui.ln Into to-
At the monthly session of I In"
county court iiipuri!onincni ot tax
money received lo ihtto whs order
ed by Ihn conn. The iipiioillun
lueiit w-as based on a one-liult mill
riitlo, each district receiving an
..V" ,i!.i.,,',t ,.. T ,,,.r.i,Vir'l,lll,1"K'al,l!' ut lllu fulled Stales j
... .' . A ..!i..,,i. and Cauiula. largest association ad-
mill le yy 011 ho ya nut . it 10 .
llles were written loday
llles were written today on . 1
mine ratio, tho nmounis recidv.d
v,"k .loLTi-'lll.blh'r'lr'l w
r,!r,. Li" V i ' 1 . ! .
UMi uiiKiunu, f"" - ' -
lln tlM-l: t'ntivonvllle si 4: .
(llendale fl41.fl; Hoeilsport .lt,o.-1
(Awocniin rei mmi
KI.AMATIl VAl.l.S, Ore., July,
lililielegales lo the annuiil con-
VeilllOU 111 tile I lllieu Mill
veterans lire holding their tlual ;
liusluess soshIoii behind closed
doors this inoriiiiie. Klecllon of 11
atalo departmeiil ciiiiimander and 'tween now mid May. 192s, us tho
his official staff will bo the chief first phase of Uie touryear drie.
feature. Huisi, of Salem. Is ; o-
unopposed for this honor. Al noon WHEAT CROP BURNED
todnv Ihe veterans and their wives
will leave, on molor trip toi l l."Ui"l I'i.m KmwI Win)
Crater Lake as puesis of tho local , PKNPI.BTON. July 2d -Ono him
,..i ., kiumiiih idiiitMis. Thev.dred and fitly acres ot wheat on
-nil! n toe flie lilleriioon al the
tliiiml park and relurii hero early
IIiIb evt'i'JnK- A boxing curd (
ln VrsnuJo Uritt of Tacouia. ttnu. I
lUle Xnylur, oi Beud, wlU be tlie;
by Th Newt-Rtvlew Co., I no.
l.liil!. .....
-Prrsideul udiI Manager
a o
. 1.00
. .60
. .60
, w
with the eventual completion
- road and- the abashment '..I
'thousands of dollltrs annually
The; Njorth illmpquii1 region Jias
greiljcsf 'assets t. weltjiinnot
BECOME jA -SjOJ'C.! ! j j
significance 'br insig'hificanci
l.t-i..., :.. n
iiiltui inr iiiinii'.
The $2.111111.000, tour-yoar iiullou-
ul ntlverlisiiig ciiiuiulgu of Ihr
,.,.,,. ,,11U11(. ,,,
carried ;
on lu America, makes its upcuing
llmMh tilts week, according to in- lu dramatic court room state
tolul,iou Juai m.elved lioin ua ineiiis. Just before Juilne Thayer
headiiuarters al, sentenced Iheni, Savco and f
Inilliuinpolls,. Indiana, by JlinUetll n.rused him of prejudice ami 1
fii,i.t r ,1,.. ll,.u,.l,, .. ki.ii vi.-
t,,Hrk la ,..,,,. , , ,
. ,a . , , ,enant nail in
: the uiiivement.
Various media are being used
for the camiiiilgu. Mr. Clark stated.
.,.,, ,,, aj.tiag t.(millt
, tVH urges piiiHugrapiiers in ie in-
cai newspaper space geneiuusiy. 1
In the iiiillouiil field, nine general I
magutlue and suveu publlcallons j
i uu.-,iie-ns ineii, iiituiK mini
circulation closo lo 2ti,UUU,U00, are
being uiuployed with u lolal ot
mom limn Mill ailverllsenionts he-
llH-.'he J- N. King rancli west of llellv,
wim burneil esterday, u curding
okihiou veuoris receneu hero.
ue cn'p unuu. iu rmi , r
Sacco and Vanzetti Soon to
Know if Electric Chair
Will Claim Them.
Indiscreet Talk of Judge
and Third Prisoner's
Story May Bring .
(AMOl-lilU'll ITCM lA'3M'l IVirp)
BOSTON, July 20. As Nicola
Sacco and Barthnlnmn UanvIH
jentered th fourth day of their
nunger. sirtKQ ac unariestown stato
prison, where both are awaiting
execution next month, indicatlona
were seen that Qovernor Alva T.
Fuller's special advisory caintnl;
tee, which has been reviewing the
aeven-year fight of the men to es
cape electrocution for a double
murder in South Braintree, had
nearly completed Its labors. Only
a few more witnesses would be
heard, It was reported, then the
committee would listen to oumma-
tlons by counsel fer state and the
condemned men.
Vanzetti took an occasional sip of
coffee. ,
noSTON, July 20. The ond or
Kevtiii-yeai'H of wnilhiK In the bIiikI
ow'tif tho elnctrlo cliiiir la iii'siKht-rm-
Nicola Succo and llarLoloiueo
Vauzi'ttl. i i , -. ; i '
"i'ho result ot (lie lutest, and pos
sibly tho Inst, fluht to save the
lives (if Hi" Intornatloniilly known
pair, who claim they were convict
ed of lnni'der because ithey wore
radicals, Is expected soon. ; - ' - '
I The long striiKKlo in the Mnssa
chusotls courts endeil , lust April
when .ludgo Wobster .Thayer sen-
tenceib Ihe. men to die during the
..a , mi I. ......
convicted of' murdering a' pay-date of the excurson lulls on a !g
master ami his guard during a rolnf Sunday, nitiny more people will btMSfl
bery In ilH2u. , . ,.. , , . . table to take advantage of the op- S
. .Then, .thu eyes of the world 'poriuiuiy 10 visit me piace, nuu
lluriied to liovernnr Alvan If. duller; fiom prusetit indicotions n large
of Massachusetts when Vanzetti
In a long, written pleu, asked. him,
not for ,a ."pardon," ,b,ut for "Jus,
llco'i Accompanying the Idea wero
five aft davits by .persons who iu-
tinned . that .Judge Thayer., during,
the trial, hud spoken outside, the
court, room ill . uuguage .that show
ed, lie was . prejudiced .against the
ilffondatilH-. ; ' .
Governor Starts Probe.
' The 'governor assumed t the task
ot reviewing Ihe evidence, and also
iliiestioned the Jurors who brought
in'lho verdict of'guilly.1 Ho work
ed with. an advisory hoard cbnsist
Ing ot President ' A. Lawrence
(.owell of llarvaid I'nivcisity.
President Samuel W. Stratum of
the MiiBsachusetls Instllulo of
Technology, and Judge' Hohert
Grant. ' . '
When It became ovldent that the
work of revlowliig the evideuco
would not be accomiillshed before
the wre!c In which Sacco and Van
letii were sentenced lo die. Gover
nor I'tiller grunted a respite until
tho week of August 10. In the
nienniinio, tho coninillleo visited
mid made' nieiisuroinents at. the
scene whom. Frederick A. Piirmen
(or, tho paymaster; anil Ills guard,
Allesandro llernardi'lll, wore shot
to death. They also examined wit
nesses who testified at tho trial
mid quest loned members or the
Jury, 11 ot whom nro still alivo.
William G. Tuonnis'in, defense
counsel. was
invited to present
anv new witnesses and any new
evidence he had. This move was
Interpreted In sonio Unrtors as In
dicating n desire on Ihe part ot the
committee lo Investigate a line of
defense thai was excluded by the
various courts under rules ot evi
dence binding them.
Case Stirs Whole World.
No other criniliiiil case in the
history of iMiissiichusellH -ever at
trticled: such world-wide attention
as Unit of Sucre and Vanzetti.
Kor seven yours Hie men. them
selves, strndfustly protested their
innocence, Imalng their lint Ho for
liberty on the colllentlon unit nicy
dhl not have a rulr Mini. I lie He-
cliired that they were tried while j
lied" hysteria was at us nen;ni.
and were condemned because of
(heir admitted radicalism, ncil be-j
cause they had been draft evaders.
during the war.
of Influencing tht Jury nihilist
them. The Judge had thrice denlnl
motions for a new trial, and tile
Massachusetts supremo court had; Notice Is berehv given that tho
overruled exceptions. I undersigned, lterorder of tho Citv
Sympathizers Uio Bombs. t itH0liuig. Oregon, will, lii lo
lmrliiK the trial, vi,...i, , ili 1 . m-.-i
inrollgnelll tile worm raisetl nuireat
Hum Jni.oiio for Hie defense.
Muently, when decisions wore re
turned attiilnst the defendants,
MlelUOUSII 111 loos occuricll III imeiuu
I countries. l:nlted Slales emlmsslcsi
In Kumpe mid Soulh America weroj
botiioeii mid strtKcs were i:aiM'ti. j
The vncanl home ot one oi the; inception of die firsl one w hich
lirlncliml witnesses for the piiisecu-, Wii ,c In the 'amount of J:!2i '.'."..
Hon was wrecked by a bnnib. Judge; with Interest at 6 per cent, payable
Thayer aud other Judges of Ihe ; M'mUinuually aud inn from one lo
Mtissiuhuseits superior and mi-inn years at thu option of the city
,prrme courts were placed under ;
guinii. i
Thousnnds of communications ,
from nil over the world reached;
the governor, seine askini; inter ,
.veiiiion ami some . opiiosing n.j
i CubleKraius Irom oftU-Hls ot tor-.
iebu governments uitd Uiui to cx-
i. ueieni aius mini n'i-,u
erclne executive clemency. Atuuuff
(he coiiimuiiiuutlotit wr ttevurul
lotIi;ii ihruuteufiti: Hit governor
willi uVathJf Hucco uuil Vauzutti
were executed. ,
' ' Third Man- Figures.
Tbo lift; of a third man, doomed
'to uatl., huB bt-ou j)roJunt(J by
! tJio Wu&hy court )ruteellDKS .ni
! the uuoeul to Ihe governor durlmc'
! thu pant 18 month. Ho is t.Y-hm-
I tlno MudeiioH, i-onvletml of mmv
! doling a bank cashier ut Wreii
j UlUIM, Mubm., dm ill),' uij attempted
JIOKIUP. r ; ; ', r ( . .j. ,
Maddroa,., while 'in Jail, niude a
Htuteinent teudliifc to txouoratu
Saciro and Vaimfttl of the crime,
and f accusing , the Morula Kungi aim Ann work, are leuvlug today
of Providence, It, I., of the mnr-jror I'ortlunU, liitvluB been appoiut
dw, , Madelros assorted that liej,.d.lo take charge of the work in Ht.
wu associated with Hie gang.
Ilia atmenient nmde one of,! in Hoseburg by Cuntuln
uiind ot tho dBteiiau In BP-juaiahue, ho ha been atationerl
m I a,new',;l.lll- Ul PoshI- jn Marahllelil for the raat ' five
blllty that he might act as a wlt -
jnens resulted In several respites
e"vlc ...... v p uil
dor sentence to die diulnir the same
week as ttacco mil Vanzetti. ' ; ,
Picnic at ldleyld Park.
AID TO AVIATION copilng to lfoseburg with
flU lUAVIAllUIV,!,,, SI)jl.u A ,velconle meetlng ,
(AufM.latod Prow Lcaicd Wire) j '
WASlllNdTON, July 20 A de
vice by which It is i.luimei) an nii
plau can be launched lu ane se
cond Willi 100 feet of runway is
announced by C. FrunclH Jenkins,
Wushiiigten Inventor, who recent
ly evolved a reversihle iropellor
utUiehment ' to. permit, a plane to
land on roots and other restrict
ed areas,
. Explaining his moro recent in
vention, .Mr. Jenkins said that tho
lilane Is hauled by a motor to the!
top of a runway Az feet from the
ground and . then released, Its
wheels and tail skid being set. in
channels of such an angle that
Ihe pluiie is thrown at once Into a
nattirut nose dive.
Tin. C.Wlwn.n Unrt'iri,. nr. n. ...... t
will run an excursion train . from
u, ..,),,.,.,, , n, m,i..ii i ,.i,u ,,...
vey on Sunday, July 31, the train
leaving this city at approximately
7 a. m. and returning on, the same
day at about 11:30 p. in,', 'according
lo an niinotinceiuoiu niiido today by
J.,K, Clark, local agent. A round
trip fare ; of 5.oo will bo tho
charge .niado " for the excursion,
ihls shun trip will afford Uoseburg
folk a fine oiiportunity to see this
noniieriui new ,cuuiuiy, us uuuui
! four or flvo hours are allowed for
Till, limn MUftil nt lie IsiL-i. Aa llio
number ot iocal folk will niako up,
tho party leaving from here. '
TvUij -ii 7, i-i m
(AsKfirfiildl rrcF .cnscil Wire)
-SOUT HAMPTQiNV -Eiiglttiui; 'July
20C'jiiHlii' 1 -.T,.. Courtney,- .who.
was-tpiH,ti(rt : flight lo New Yorjc.
thia : moniliiB, : iiuHtiJOJted :tht ;ti'lp
lor.- thw ilay .wliou a. ,lriul :f!iBht;
proved -the wireless aiiiturulua wtis i
working jiinmitisfaclorily. , ' !
In : addition lo , the- "wireless, j
C'uiituin (Itniriutiw docidurl thaL ko.y-:
i.mL iol li or f minu'r; ..adjustments
vomd nave lo be made.
: It was the intontkm to fly to
Valoiula, Irelatnl, this iuorning, a
tliatanco of ubout 4U0 miles. r- The
llane was to ;be refueled . there,
and again take the air this after
noon for the 'westward journey
acrusH the ocean to New Found-
land. ;,,;
Courtnpy announced he would
take off aL seven o'clock tomorrow
morning. , ; , .,
, : ;
What's it Made Of?
rl5o you know what raw materials
go Inlo (he commonest things in
everyday - use? Test your knowl
edge of IiMlustrial chemistry on
llio first five of today's qucntionj.
Answers nro oii tlie back page.
1 What is artificial silk made
1 2 What are the basic materials
that go into .aspirin?
:i What raw materials go into
ordinary printing inks?
-I Of what is ordinary glue
made? ' , i
T What Is the principal element
of chewing gum?
tl - What animal is the orlgiiuil'
I of the slutted -Toddy bears cull-
j,rl, carry as toys
7 Hew many republics are there:
soulh America? j
S-Wluit Is the largest rosidenco
h Worl.l loday?
9 wiiiil Is hn .
he iliri'nrolife Ite
iwn(. ut,, Kiss and ordinurV
window glass
c Wlls (...
- r? , l;
at physical - characteris-
rano do llergerac noted
ills office in llio t'ilv Hall le-
n-;(.elve sealed proposals for Ihe pur-
-jrhuxo ot City Ktrcct, Sewer and!
I sidewalk Improvement Houds in'
slilll of $:1,!12 1 ''"
said are Issued under "
liuncrotl llondluit Act iu deiiomliia-
of Jill I II I rarh. wilh the
of itoseburg.
The item to reject any and nil
bids Is hereby reserved,
lialed at Hoseburg, Oregon, July
192 r;. Mii-.i;t- . m
i.ejiit-r u, ii.u v ei i,us(r ;
City Uecoi-dt-r ol the Cily of itn
buu, Oiegcu.
fuutaln llaimah Conner and
.leuienant .Muy Cbipley, who havoiHe'd blow thein big, and blow tueui
been iu charge of Ihe locul Hulva-
L,. ft in ni,inhn. h.. i,D.iuivaon. Don't eat them, though
!. widely known UirmiL-h hi,
work lu Murshfleld, where on two
different occasions he gavo of Ills
iiesn 10 ue tiraiea 10 restore pa- , . , , ,,, ,,.
tlcnts lu the hospital there. He I 1118 l imm "len each fook theli
has shown a willingness to make!lu,u- 'llBt uiakiUB sure they dluu
any sacrifice in order to helo those !bur"- TllB m"y cuudy- tasted
with whom he comes lu contact
to be held at tho hall Thursday eve
ning, July to , meet Captuln
Galuhue. . . , .
Eut barbecue "sundwlches and
ve forever. Brand's Road Stand.
OHEIll.IM,' Ohio, July 20
. The warning cry employed In.
the Civil War by XTnlon forces
which found themselves tightly
lirossed by Dixie troops was the
invention of Oberliu College men,
alumni assert.
-.It was originally a corruption,
they say, of "skedumitiini," a Greek
word meaning "to scatter."
(itn, Giles W. Shurtleff, profes
sor at Oherlln, commanded a regi
ment ot negroes, anil many of his
subordinates were ifrom Oherlln,
! where students knew their Greek.
i '' . -., ,.
,and, V,"81',0?3, J18, 8"l"l
skedaddle," which found Its .way
: 1,10 l"e dictionary as a coiioqual
Ism and . spread . througliout the
country, even across the (Mason
Dixon line.
Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L.
jg. " .
For Wiliing
A suit that haB been ' newly,
dry cleaned seems to fairly
float around your body it is.
so light apd fresh and crisp
ly cooii i y ,
It ccirtainfy does make a dlf-
ferencel'1" 'I'l'
Tell us to call around reg'u.
larly for your dusty, droopy
summer suits we'll put pep
Into them and keep it there I
It Doesn't
Take Much to
Start a Fire
It takes more to Htnp one.
If the fire be great or
, small It is to advantage
to bo insured.
Quihe & Co.
I Masonic Bldg.
Roseburg, Ore.
It'if too hot for you.
to bake. , : ,
Let us do it for your
a: 'aw wan"
'Twas queer to boo the Tlnlca
Blare aud watch inarshmallows
blowu In air. The husky man wan
ery Kind anu urn a lot oi iricas.
aniall, and very quickly showed
them all the way to make thu can
dy land on funny little slicks. '
Oh, my," said Clowtiy, "that
' looltB awoet. I
those to eat." Tl
' Maa venlled, "J
tl Blue like one HI
The old Murshmulluw
ust help yourself,
while they are hot. You'd burn
I'M'""1'. "k 88 uot- u doesu'i
'""6 lllera VB,,y ioDK 10 co1 vhen
great. Of course 't was cooked Just
right. Wee Clowny shortly got bis
till, and theu gave all the rest a
llirlll because he'd messed the can
dy and it made his face all white.
Aud then Ihe big Marshmallow
Man announced a very thoughtful
plan. Said he, "Why don't you run
along aud find the Chocolate lake.'
It Isn't, very tar from here. There's
nothing there that you need fear,"
And Scouty said, "1 guess we will.
I have a tummy at-he."
Aud so they bid the man goodbye
and started off Willi merry cry.
Said Carpy, "this is going to be
like queer things In our dreams."
And sure enough, ho seemed Just
right, for soon they saw a funny
sight; a very funny Utile group of
pure while candy creams.
They watched the creams run
'round about, and then with quite
a happy shout, they saw tbom Jump
upon a board until they thought
'twould break. "Why, that's
springing board," ' said one. '
July 20r-Farmers of, the future
may receive ; . market . quutatious
reading, ''flppodamia convergent,
$5 a quart," if plans for the start
ing of a lady bug farm near here
are carried out. : i
Slpco . tho near plague of lady
hugs in July, 1922, when bushel
after bushel of the harmless ; in-
sects were taken off trees in the
department . of tho : sorvice has
found this region suited. to the rais
ins of the insects: - To orchardists.
melon and onion growers the bugs
are of great worth, as thoy eat the
larvae and worms that '.destroy
tiicsw ttuja. - - -
The market price -of the bugs. Is
set at from $3.50 to $5 per quart,
and already. there ia : a demand
from the canteloupe and melon
growers oF the! Rocky iFord, and
Arkansas ; valley growers, i i i :
New Wonderful 1 i
Face Powder
5 1 1 if llio face powder you now use
$ j does nol . stay1 on long enough; .to
J I suit you does not keep that ugly
shine- away indefinitely -does, not
make 1 your - skin colorful like a
peach try this new wonderful spe-
called MELLO-GLO. Remember
he name MELL.O-GM). There's
nothing like it. Nathan Fullerton,
druggist, Perkins Building.
(Py the Associated Press)
NKW .' YORK D avid Merri
weather Milton,. Jr., who inteiuls
to bo a conscientious lawyer and
n.r,t merely the son-in-law of a
rich man, is bound for Europe In
a third clasa cabin, the cheapest
"''W ' "M-M" "V HyRR UP U GiT 'AT ' i f
.V;Ml domT Te.v.I. VvJET OOCr OuT Q here ! 1
rWm S7 ) - ' V MV CUSTOMERS' ! I
we. u. wat. OfrlrE': 8 ATPiEQS'. '
CP iv L , ' i ii , aaC
wonder they have heaps of fun. I (The Tinymltes got. stuck on
Ttiut'a linur Ihnv ant tlmli' rl. nnria I 1 raramol etrOftt in th n,v ntnru
coats by jumping in the lake."
on the Berengarla, price $100. Mrs;
Milton, the former Ahby Rockefel
ler, daughter of John D.J Rockefel
ler,' Jr., left on the Olympic first
class two weeks, ago,' Her husband
could not get his vacation' so early.1
He is to spend a week with her In
Paris, then hurry back to work
again. , ..'" ";"",!' t: '
TOWAN'DA, Pa'.4-T h e ' conten
tion' of Mrs. Elizabeth Willetts is
that in 1914 when a brido she
loaned her husband, ttieij a brick,-1
layer, s-v.uuu wnicn ne soon turn
ed into millions, earning $279,000
in, one year alone as a. New' York
contractor,, ,She is seeking to have
her divorce set aside on the ground
that she obtained It fraudulently
at his Instigation, , c ( , , .
( . r- i ' , i '
NBW. YO RK-rTbe glorified
American girl seoms to be getting
larger, i "The ,1 d e a 1. .American
ankle" selected at. . the naUtui-ul
hosiery and underwear exposition
is nine inches , in .circumference.
Its ownor is Miss', Gladys Turner,
stage dancer. Last year's "Ideal"
was 7J. inchos aiound.: ', 1
Icopyright, 1927, NEA Service. Inc.
(AswelaU'd Pres. ' Luafiod 'Win.) 1:.
PENDLETON, July 20 Tho de- '
positors of- the dtafunct Stnnfield
bank will receive per cent' divi
dends following au order by Circuit
Judge Fed yesterday. Liquidations
of the bank have been under way
for some ttime. , , ' . f ;
Parabase Motor Oil 100 per Cent
j.liure paraf fine base.'. At
Independent Dealers.
j PENDLETON, July 20 Af.""N.
i Jenkins, of Umatilla', was elected
(general chairman bt the conimitteo
' chairmen of the OW. Ii. & N.
'shopmen's association, (it their
.biennial convention which' closed
here yesterday' W. F. Van Horn,
i of Portland, was 'elected secretary-
treasurer. Fifty-two craft' chair
men: from. 'Portland, Seattle, 'Spo
kane, Tliii Dalles, ' Umatilla, . Lit
Grande, llieth, Pendleton and' 'Te1
koa were present.
' ' U. S. Weather Bureau, local of
flee, Roseburg, Oregon,-,24 hours
ending 6 a. m. 1
Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes-
terday .. .. ..' ' 21
Precip. In Inches and hundredths:
Highest temperaturo yesterday KG
Lowest temperature last night 1 53
Precipitation last 24 hours .. o
Total precipitation since first
month.1 U ..J..i.....'.....;,. Lil 0
tjormal nrecipiiatloui for ,thl9 1
month .' .39
Total precip. from September
1926, to date ..A..85.90
Average precip. from Sept 1,
1S77 ....; .3-l.05
Total'. '.excess -from Sept. 1,
' 1926 u.:. ; 1.85 , a
Average precipitation for . 49 fi
wet seasons, (September to-f -' .,
; , May, inclusive 31.12 4
I Forecast for southwest Oregon: $
Fair tonight and Thursday, teui- 'if
Venture above normal. M
i . : . , AliTHUU tf. PUG1I, '4 I
MeteorolnclstAW ,1 f