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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1927)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW- TUESDAY, JULY 19. 1927. (THREE The most appetizing I II 3 cups diced warm I I I toiled potatoes ' I 1 II 2 tablespoons grated v I I onion 1 tablespoon minced . green pepper . i cup finely diced celery V Combine the ingredients in the order given, while the potatoes are still warm. Chill and serve with a garnish of lettuce. ' Y Xoi .OU will find a recipe taken from Mrs. Ida' Bailey . - Allen's New Book (see coupon below). And it will further demonstrate the superiority of Mazola for salads how bland, pure and wholesome it is. Try : ; Mazola once and you will never go back , to using expensive imported salad oils. , I Send only 10c (stamps or coin) with this coupon and . you will receive a copy of Ida BaUev Allen's wonderful new Book, i , attractively bound, containing 112 pages of unusuul recipes. Write. Jolmarm f.K'Wr Coivma liuard ol TraUr lildg Portland, Oro. Name. I Address. t t ToWn... i ; Lf r perfect Salads-J HS TALK BY ,The Roseburg Kiwnnis club at the noon, luncheon today heard all Inspiring talk by Sam Josephson, n former resident of this city, who is now on 'a' visit here. Mr. Jo . sephson, who is a member of the Kiwnnis club at Bremerton, Wash ington, the second club In Kl wanis International from the stand point of efficiency, was able to, bring the local club a number of new ideas and a great deal of in spiration. He voiced a plea that Iloseburg people awaken to the opportuni ties on every, hand in this com munity. Cities ,he stated, are quit ting industrial advertising and are turning to the advancement of their recreational possibilities. Peop'e with capital travel a great deal and visit communities where they are afforded an opportunity for enjoyment. They nre quick to see possibilities for financial in vestment and so the main issue Is lo get them in a plnce where they will he attracted by a community. Hosehurg, Mr. Josephson says, has everything to draw the man of wealth who Is looking for recrea tion.' The only thing to do Is to get out and let the world know it. He urged a greater community spirit of cooperation and a great er enthusiasm. The Chamber of Commerce, he stated, should be furnished a budget of not less than $12,000 if It Is to properly repres ent the city as a 'commercial or ganization. Ills talk, while brief, was enthus ing throughout and was welcomed by the members of the club. . Tiie special music at today's meeting was also exceptionally good. Philip Arkansas, a member of Ihe Haskell Indian Symphonic band, which is appearing today at Chautauqua, played two fine saxo phone solos, accompanied at the piano by Charles Plerpont. Two vocal solos were given by Miss Florence Sinnott with Miss El dress . Judd accompanlest. Fined for Drunkenness Pearl Davis, a resident of the Roberts Creek section, was ar rested last Saturday for being in toxicated at a public dance. She appeared this morning before Jus - tice of the Peace Hopkins and was fined $10. Being unable to pay the amount of the fine she was turned over to the juvenile authorities to be kept in custody until the amount of the fine Is settled. saHadl you ever tasted 1 hard boiled egg 1 tablespoon chow-chow 5 tablespoons Mazola 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon salt H teaspoon pepper Lettuce new appeal in this ..State Gets New Air Job NEA Service, WashlnRton Bureau This is Calrence M. Young, of Des Moines, la., taken at his desk upon assuming the new post of di rector of the aeronautics division of the Department of Commerce at Washington. Indian Prince Here His Highness the Maharaja of Ratlam, India, poses royalty for our cameraman upon his arrival in New York on the S. 8. Minhetonka to play with the invading British army polo team. Observe the tur ban, the severe simplicity of his tunic and the diamond ear studs! L JT LOCAL Visit At Bay , . Dr. and Mrs. Clair K. Allen and children motored to Sunset llay Sunday and spent the day. From Idleyld Joe Dnllernardi of ldelyld was in this city Monday iiftHiniiou at tending to business affairs and trading. Business Visitor Arthur Millard, Looking Glass resident, was in iloseburg Monday afternoon looking after business Interests and trudlug. Spend Day Here Mr and Mrs. Buchannn of Sa lem motored here Monday and spent the day vfsltlng and looking after business affairs. From Melrose Mrs. Adolph Doemnr of Melrose was In this oily for a brief time Monday attending to business af fairs and shopping. From Tyee Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clayton and baby of Tyee spent Monday in this city visiting with friends and looking after business affairs. -, Visitor Mbnday Mrs. H. Gllmore of Days Creek was a visitor in Roseburg Monday afternoon and was .shopping and attending to business matters. From Glide Mr. arid Mrs. S. D. Reese ' of Glide were in Roseburg for sever al hours on Monday attending to business affairs and shopping. Visltlna For Week- Miss Opal Hanson of MolroHe Is spending the week In Roseburg visiting as the house guest or Mrs Conrad .Lundeon, on Pltzer street. Visits Over Wee1-End 1 . i' " n. H. Swlftiof Portland spent, the week-end' visiting "nt the' home of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Swift, at South, Deer Creek. ' f .-.'rfi', "i-.i -if: To Lakes j t ; Tense Tiusenbark and faintly of Melrose, left Monday In their car for i Crater and Diamond lnkes Wlmre 1 they Will enjoyj- the week uu-tin uauug aiiiiA- - , Left For Washington Mr. and .Mrs. V- K. Miller f left Monday for' Xlnc'oln, Wash., to visit with ithelrr daughter. -They expect to bp avay -for, t Iho next two months. Visitors For Week Adolph Sandqulst of St. Helena Is spending the week visiting with his cousins; Walter and i Harry Sandauist, at Melrose. He is i as sistant manager, of the 20th .Cen tury store In St; Helens.--,-) ,;.' - Leaving Soon For, Washington Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wampnle and son. .Roy, are leaving soon for Washington, where they, expect- to locate. Roy Wamnole has accept ed a position ns bookkeeper at -a mill at, Columbia, near Seattle. . Leave For Tacoma , ; .' Mrs. Kenneth Hudson of. this city, accompanied by Miss' Helen Churchill, left by auto Monday for Tacoma. ' Miss Churchill will visit with Miss Betty Bonn, a school friend; for a few weeks. ' Leave For Convention William Dolan and Woodley Stephenson loft yesterday In the former's - car for a trip to Kelso and La Grande. They will ;leavo Kelso Tuesday .afternoon and -continue their journey to La Grande on Wednesday. - . i . ., i Station Near Completion ' The new supor-serylce station lo cated on the corner of Stephens and Mosier streets is Hearing com pletion and will soon bo opened 1o the public. It Is one of the most attractive filling stntlons in the city and presents a beautiful ap pearance. , - 1 i ' Go to La Grande Glenn McAllister, Guy Cordon, Carl Busch and G. Klecker left- to day by auto to attend the American Legion convention being held this week in La Grande. All of the men are delegates from Umpqua Post of the American Legion. Miss Miller Visits Miss Edith Miller, formerly of Roseburg nnd surgical nurse ut Mercy hospital, now located in Eu gene where she la on the Pacific Christian hospital staff, spent tins week-end as guest of Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wade. Dr. and Mrs. Wade, Miss Miller and Ivan Pick ens formed a pnrty motoring to Diamond lake over the week-end. Resurfacing Douglas Street The block of pavement between Rose and Pine streets on Douglns street Is being resurfaced this week. The heavy truck truffle over the block caused the surface to break through and It Is hoped that the surfacing will stand tho heavy loads being hauled over that section of the city. Divorce Suit Started Divorce proceedings were start ed In circuit court today when Irene Greene filed suit for divorce from Delos II. Greene on tho charge pf cruel and Inhuman treat ment. They were married at Rose burg, December 9, 11117, and have two minor children. Alimony of to a month is asked by the plain tiff. Eugene Guard. . Back From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bemls returned the first of the week from a trip to northern points. Mr. Bemis has resigned his position nt Knudtson's Jewelry store to go to Seattle to lorate. lie has accept ed a place with the Pacific Fruit and Produce company nnd as soon as he arranges business affairs in Roseburg will leave for Washington. NEWS From Coast- Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin of Murshfield were arrivals here Mon day, the former looking utter Until ness interests. airs. Orval 'Allison returned to this city this morning after n visit with her mother in Kugoue during tne past lew nays. To Giendale D. M. Schneider of Portland, who was a business visitor in this clt Monday went to (ilendalo to day to look lifter Interests. Left For South Win. K. May, who bus been visit lng in Marshtleld and Roseburg, left this morning for the south, being stationed at the Naval Alt' station. Ho is leaving soon for t no Phllliplnes. Former Resident Visits 'Mrs. Alice Kckman of Eugene, former Roseburg resident, wns In this cltv today looking after bus! ness interests. Mrs. Eckmtin Is manager of the St. Francis apart muntB In Eugene.' Visltlna Parents. . Mrs. Leo Do Vaney. of Portland is visiting here nt the home of her parents. Mr.- and Mrs. C. w. Court ney. Sbo will remain for several weeks duo to the Illness ot nor mother. Grants. Pass Courier. Return From Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harpstor, Mrs. Fred Lockwood and Mrs. A. H Crawford returned last night from Eugene whore they attended the funeral of little Marvin. Duller held 'there yesterday. ... Printing Country Club bonds The News-Review job printing plant Is this . week printing the bonds for the financing of tho now golf course of tho Roseburg coun try club. Tho bonds have nil been sold and work will start , on the greens at, once. .. , Visiting at Reynolds Home Mr: and Mrs. LeRoy . F. Myers and daughter, Betty,, have. arrived from Oakland, California, to visit at tho homo of Mr. Myers' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo: E. Reynolds, at 928 Military street; ' ; i , . Returns to California Mrs; l Harry cheuoweth, ,o Vnl- lojo,: California, who has , been visiting at- the home of her father, C W.- McAllister for the pnst ten days, left last night' for her homo. Enroute she will' stop in Redding to visit with her husband s parents, Medford Boys Go Through i -. ;A car 'of Medford : legionnaires passed through the' city this aflor noon', attached ' to 'Mho afternoon train carrying1 tho' boys to the La prando convention. The Medford post drfim corps was aboard and all 'appeared "i-nrlii' logo": for a snappy gathering in the' Eastern Oregon city. ' . ' " - i i - i Drum Corps Stayb Here 1 '' Tho, drum and bugle corps of Uriipqmi Post of tho' American Le gion will not attend the slate convention In La Grande this year on ncnount of tho Inability to raiso sufficient funds to defray tho ex penses 'of tho trip.' It is greatly regretled by the veterans thnf they wore unable to take the corps as much good advertising would have resulted for Roseburg. ' Speeded with Truck - Honry Denn, of Roseburg, didn't. havo a speedometer on the freight truck he was driving yesterday and as a result traveled a little too fast on Ihe Pacific highway. Traffic Officer G. D. Hayes saw him and found that the, truck was being urged along at the rate of 39 miles an hour, 19 miles over the. limit for it. Justice C. E. Rusk this morn ing charged Denn a dollar a mile for each mile over the limit he wns driving. The fine was $15 and costs $-1. The arrest was made south of Wolf Creek. Grants Pass Courier. A New Comfort GAUZETS 49c Box of One Dozen HfTO nro tlio fenturp;-! of this exchiKlvf! pro ilunt. 1. Velvet Ptlffffl pre vent irritation. 2. tinder layer pro tects elollilntt. 3. Highly Hbaorbent. 4. Easily ilpfmed of. 5. Cool nnd Huhf, G. Affords perfect protection. Just ask for Gauzeti, Nathan Fullertbn The lfeal Stot Roseburg, Oregon lllll ARTIST COLONY REPRESENTED Earl Scott Is Poet, Novelist and ( . Actor. The 1927 Chautauqua program will include two distinguished mem bers of tiie Santa Fe Artist Colony. When I-'arl Scott the lending man of the "Applesauce" Company and Marlon Gallagher Scott, his wife are at home they live in un adobe bungalow In thu city that is becom ing famous throughout the world as America's Artistls' Headquarters. Mr, and Mrs. Scott started out doing platform work many years ago. Then ihoy discovered that they each had literary ability and Karl Scott began to contribute, to various periodicals, poems, In re Bart to the Southwest. A collect ed volume of his poems wub recent ly published under the title "Splashtn' Sunlight and Shadow' and creates Interest wherever It is rend. - Marlon Gnllngher Scott is known for her clover skutiMies and story writing. In nddltlon to that she as sists her husbnnd in tho prepara tion ot hts work. However, tiie full versatility of tho Scotts hasn't yet been recount ed becauso on tile last ufturnoon of Chautauqua, they glvo a program of Scotch songs and stories in which Mr. Scott reminds IiIh hear ers, who have seen Harry Lauder. Df the genial Scotchman, himself Then,' Mr. and Mrs. Scott givo a Srnma -off piurrled life that. 1b, n elassic. ! In the ph , "Applesauce," Mr. From Sutherlln ' Mrs. C. Murray of Sutherlln was In Roseburg visiting nnd shopping Monday afternoon. ' ; i;.v.J, Left For San 'Francisco 1 Mrs. O. S, york and son .and daughter loft this morning tor San rrnncisco, wnoro they will visit with relatives until .September.;., At Klamath Falls ' ' Raymond Wilkinson, of Roberts Creek, left yesterday morning for iMiuuaiu rntis to spend the sum nier with his brother William. , Spending Few Days Here ' mr. unu Mrs. s. V. W, Hill ot Snlt T.iltm Pltv inl, t,,-,-l,Mila lust night and ire remaining until inurscmy to visit.. They are .mak ing n tour ot mo slate by ni(to. . Going to Hood River' Mrs. Leo Klecker and son,1 Ray mond, leavo in the morning for 116od River, where they will visit with lier pareiits for 'the remalndur of the: Week.' , . ' ' . , 1 Tpnsilectomy at Hospital , ' Lucrolln, Ihe sniull daiighler of Mr.' and Mrs. o; O, ,Goft', of .Siilli erlln, submitted 'to' a .tonsil oiiqra- tlon this morning at Mercy Hos pital, .Dr. A. C. 'Seely, being ,iu at tendance. ' , . , , . , . ,:, , ' Left For Texas . . ..Mrs. Jlan Ratcllffo' left.' this morning for her homo lu JJallmrl, Texas, nttQiv upendlng.tlie past fiv.o Jvoukn,. llii this city) vlsli lng with her parents, Mr. aiid Mrs. iW. A.1 Camp bell." i i .1- ' . i ; , I I i.ii, r I .'. - V ! Returns to Grants Pass Mrs. Suslo Houlet relurned ; to her home at Grants Pass today af ter visiting with her son . at the Soldiers' Hume for tlio pnst fow days. f, , , ) , Names Omitted Due to the fact that a couple of lines i were dropped from yester day's artlclo concerning tho visit of local people to the Boy Scout Camp at Wolf Creek Sunday tho names of several contributors were omitted. The Kiwnnis club fur niHhed a qunntlly of inent ioaf and buns, S. W. Vanvoorst,' of Deer Creek Dairy,. fiirnlBhed five gal lon of ice cream and Mrs. 13. A. ,!MeroR took out several cakeH. Harold Wells, of tho -State Demon stration Farm, gave tho boys somo crushed raspberries. Taken to Hospital Joseph Hhockley, owner of tho Highway Service station, litis been taken to a sanitarium in Salem, where his arm is being treated, the arm being put in a cast to correct a contraction of the muscles. Mr. Shockley hrolto his rljilit arm sev eral weeks ago and tho membor seemed to bo healing nicely except that the muscles wore found to ho contracted and It became neces sary for them to bo stretched. Ho win be In IIhj snntlarlum llbout (wo weoks. Mrs. Shockley .who accom panied him to Sntom has returned home. BORN PICNDAGRASS To Mr. anil Mrs. W. N. Pendairrass. of Hdonhnwor. Sunday, July 17, 1027, a son. HAND OF SOVIET SEEN IN RECENT VIENNA OUTBREAK (Continued from pngn 1.) out counliiiK tho hicalrulablo Iosh i of VHhuihlo political, lilslorloal mul i.,r..,i,.j (loeiirwntfi which tho rioting mob burned. Chiiiicoiior Scliii'l hnn miccof (led In winning thn florlHllHt, IniiderHand Ihe labor leader to lil view that nnrilanicnt tihould be the f trial ar .bller In the diHpuUt that ban kept the country In a tcrmofl ulnce Krl dny, nnd It wan brlcvod (oday that all daiiRnr of further outhrraks had panned. Amnntr ihose arrnftlri In a man described hy the police an a com muniHt agitator, who, It Ih nlb'Kcd, came to Vienna under ft fictitious name. The police nay bo waa Mip-nll'-d with considerable funds to Inflame the Ror-lalistn and commun ialH aKnIn the KovprnnH-tiL The AtiHirlan foreicn office an nounced today that, neither Italy ( nor any oilier Kuropenn power lind made the flightcnt geHtuie toward Intervention. "We have the situation well In band," ald the foreign office offi cial. "We neither expect nor de wire help from any oulMde nation." r mid Mrs- Scott handle the leading roles and It is there that their filiu professional, training lb esyoclally evident. ! i , 1 . , i ! .-t ,.f . Expected1 From Joplln . j Mrs. Tom Ferbrlche anil ' child ren, who have been visiting in Jop lln, Mo., for the past four mouths, are; oxpectod liore today i by Mr. Fofbricne, yho drove from Powers to (his pUy to imeet ihotaj Mrs. Frank Fentors left this af ternoon for Eukoiio and Klamath Fulls, planning to spond ubout throo weeks at the latter place visiting with Mr, and Mrs. 13. L. Fentor. W. B. Motcnlf, wbo' stopped over hero to visit ut the homo of A. Fields on Mill street, loft, today Tor Portland, from- where ho plans to roturn to his homo in Atlanta, Goo l!ia. ' -.' .. - "-'., ',-';. ;' Left For Montana W. H. Crufy of Colinnh a Falls. Montana, who has boon visiting at IHO IIUIIIM oi ins . cousin, w. A. Crary, Tor the past, four' ,wooks, left today for his homo, . ,' . , Vs.ltng At.Houck Home . ' .' ' Professor Ivan Cnmpbojl is visit ing for a fow days ,wlth Dr. Geo. H. Houck nt ,1116 ,honio of Dr. unci Mrs. Geo. 13. llouclc on, Soutli, Ste phens street. . Ho wilt lm rmiinm. Wed by ,a number ,horn, having visited In itfiseburg ty6 years ago. Professor , Cumpboll, is a , close riionu ot ur. ueo, u. liouclt, both liavlng ntlended and -gi-iidualud from tho University of Orogon- mid both, copiiiletcd their education ut llarviird college. Professor Camp bell 1b Inslruclor lu geology at the Unlvorsltyi , of ,, Loulsliiu, Baton Rouge, and Is spending several weeks on the west coast, visiting ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dugiild Cumpboll, In lOngouo and friends, n.t other points ill the stato. Ho Is a brother of Flora Campbell Houck,, wife ot Dr. Goo. H. Houck. MEADOWLARK PROCLAIMED OFFICIALLY STATE BIRD "' fAwtonlateil lmreBB Trf'nilpa Wtrfl.) SALMM, Ore., July' 111 The western meadowlark was Monday officially proclaimed by Governor mtterson as the stale bird or Ore gon, in accordance with a voto by the school clilldran of the stale; The nuxt legiBlatiiro will bo naked io ratlfy'.tho proclamation. ' TIMBER TRACT CLOSED BY FORESTRY OFFICE PORTLAND, Ore.. July ID. A tract of (1,380 acres on tho west fork of Hood River was closed to all persons yesterday by tho local national forest hcadnuitrtoru. The tract is in and near the working!) of tho West Fork Mill and Timber company und contains n good deal of combustible material. No one will bo allowed to enter tho men except under forestry permit. , . o ( NO HURRY "You say you car was stolon Inst week? Then why didn't you notify the police and recover it'!" "My wife was In it," Judge. Fast Rich " Get Quick Quaker. . . Cooks in 2'A to 5 minutes HAVE hot nourishing breakfasts, Stop makeshift breakfasts sim ply to save time. Quick Quaker is faster than plain toast. Hot, flavory, nutritious; It's ready before the coffee. Supplies the excellently "balanced" food ration of protein, carbohy drates and vitamincs besides the "bulk" to make laxatives less often needed that doctors and authorities now so widely urge. Start every day that way. Feel belter, look better, be stronger ami on your toes every minute. Ask your doctor. Your grocer has Quick Quaker also Quaker Oats as you have always known them. Quick Quaker SWIMMING SIMPLIFIED Relax on Back, Lying in Water, Is First Step in Back Crawl BY JAMES A. LEE " " Athletic Director, Cleveland (Ohio) Athletic Club pr : 1 . ..,. ,,- -,- -f To lotirn tho back crawl, recog nised as the standard slroke for swimming on llio hack, tho swim mer must first learn to lie on his hack and relax. 1 This will imme diately prove tho buoyancy of the body In the water. With the body afloat, begin the kick. This Is just like Dm kick in the crawl, but allow less play from the hips to knees, making the leg movements chiefly with the lowor part of tho legs. After getting tho logs In motion, pass to the arm stroke. Tho arms travel around In a semi-circular fushion always, one counter-balancing the position of tho other. . Relax, turn tho thumbs down on the recovery; bond the elbow. And draw first until elbow passes head, At it hlifot hohiB ceremony ntl 3 o'clock Sunday, afternoon. Miiurloo Newianit, son or Mr. unit mrs. j. O. Nnwlnnd, of Rosohurg nnd Miss Clnrlbel Lamont were . married, the service being, solemnized at tho homo of tho Urltlu s' parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. A.- li. Lamont, lu Bast Portland, before only the members of1 the families of the. bride .and bridegroom., !tM . ; , The bride Is a cliariiilug young womnti nlid Is1 well known In Rose burg, having visited hero on. a number of occasions. Sbo Is a gradlialu (f;0. A.; C, nuiiemberi of Chi lOmuga unil.iSDvoral honorary, sororities besides being one. ot tho' most outstanding women of her class. For tho pnst yoarlshki bnsi boon ouo of tho instructors lu the North! Ilend schools. Mr. flew hind is a graduulo of RoBeburg high, school mid was president of the S.'B. A. and graduated In '148 from' O. A. C. - Ho Is a The.ta Hol la Nu, belongs to. several lionornry, I'raternlUes and was quite' prom inent In campus! circles. . Mr; and Mi'B. Newlnnd aro going on a trip to Washington and may lator tour Alaska. On their return 'they Will mnko their homo Jn Roseourg. Mr. Newland being iiHsoclaled with his father In Hits J, O. Newland and Sou Oarage. ,.).;., ; , , j .... FOR TIE Negollallons for Ibo purchnso of a now orchestral organ, of the most modern typo, were coinplolod hero today by J. H. Mnrsten, manager of thn An.llers nnd Majestic theatres. Ninth Fire Hits V1 iii.Kt, LOCAL BOY WEDS r J urf 'HIS K ! i. . , -Hl P-s mil I vl' ill The ninth firs to occur since March in the national soldiers' home at 8awtelle, Calif., has driven government authorities to the point of distraction. The identity of The picture shows the latest fire. then reach huud straight over tho shoulder und pull about iiiio (inarters ' side. Carry other , arm through recovery as drive Is made. Keep working hard at the kick and don't endeavor to nut Ico too much speed, , . . . , ,j The breathing nnd the counter roll aro' the sumo us in the crawl stroke.. Relaxation is what nu-kes the stroke. In the buck stroke, the mouth will always bo above tho surface.. If your position is good, you may broathe in nnd out at uuy time, but if you space the broatli lng wltli the movements of the arm, as 'In the crawl, it will he better for tho gonornl : rhythm I of the stroke. . ... ' Tomorrow: Breast Stroke. organ is to ho placed in the Antlers theatre aa soon ns the necessary ulterat Ions cftu bo nindo lo permit, placing the Instrument. The, purchase was nuulo through The Wood ! Pipe Organ company whosa representatives, iWm. Wood mill II. L. Yost warn ..In. Roseburg todny completing the final urraugo- .menls. ,'' , , . , : ' The orgnn. Is manulaclured in Portlnu'd and is nindo up largely ot , Oregon products, i iSlnillnr , In struniepts aro lmuso in nearly all tne largo theatres ot tno coast nt the Proliant time. : ;, ., ' . Tho organ lias all of (he effects ot'ii El piece -orchestra, when played- In ensemble, wood, nielnl and reed nines Hiving the desired tonal . effects; ubllo trupB ot all sorts lend the I ncoessary tihnraolerlst lcn i tor U'.oUon pcturo accompaniment, , In order to propnro for the Instal lation It iBinecosBiiry to'enlargo the orchestra pit. nnd , prepare, cliam bers 6i pacli side' and above tint : pvoscenlu'm iircli. This work is,txi jip Btiirlediat once and is expected that tho installation of the orgau ; will 'I ccmlplotiod'nboiit; the -first op Sriitombur, , , j. , !') I'-: WHAT TO EXPECT I ! I , Friend: Why did you send Hint dish 'hiUik'lf there1- was"1 nothing wrong, with it? j - Scotsman: Well, mon, If ye glo tho linprosBtdn that y'ro no 'satis fled wl' tlio -nervine-, tho waltor'll no expect such a big tip. Pasnlng. Show. ;J ' j'.1 !''." -'.v 1 ",!'. .- '.j- -.- ., ,.,'',; , n .. )"' i'j-.;.-,f' NO STOPPING j , HUslmtidi Woll; thank tho Lord, the car Is finally paid fort , Wife: Isn't that splendid! 'Now wo can turn II III (in a now one Judge. , , ':-.. , ,.',..' ,,, GOOD BEGINNING "Old you soo any signs of law ahd order' when you word 'In 'Chi cago?" , , 'There woro some 'Koep Ofl the Grass' signs III tho parks." Judge. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Soldiers' Home 1i('H inn ' f the arsonist Is absolutely unknown. '