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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1927)
n eight -ttmttri ROSEBURG. NEWS REVIEW. MONDAY. JULY 18, 1927. 5 The . depositor with modest banking needs t 13 welcome here and receives the same con- . sideration that we ex- V lend to l our largest ; account. ; ; UMPOUA Y ALLEY BANK j! .; ' : ' ''osc'JUrB' Oregon " .' ' ' DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME ! 1 H. STEARNS, Manager, Notwithstanding the elaborate equipment of the Home and efficient service, the cost of burial is no more. Phono ' Pine and Lano 8ta. REBEL FORCES ' r IN NICARAGUA BADLY BEATEN (Continued from mure 1.) marines at Ocolnl,, requesting1 a sixty iiiiinuto truce, -u Major jlnt fluid replied that tlio truce would hint only as long us the header of the whltriring v,iin in sight. '., V ", , i(-,;Th-o'rA'iiirlcttJu1 5 -Vprq i prettily handicapped, aa Ocotal' Is a 'rebel center, many sympathizers having arnm and ammunitions hidden in their houses. - When the fighting began more than 100 joined San dlno, and there wan considerable sniping. Lioulenant II nice soon caplured ami cleaned out all snip ers. " . ' According : to n government re port, it conservative senator living hi Ocotal, Joso Marlu Paguugu, ! wftH murdered by the rebels when ho entered tho town,1 Another re port la that ho wuh killed Whllo seeking safety. . itamlrlz Abuanzu, political chief of Ocotal, was wounded In the left arm during tho fighting. " . Uenoral Samllno was not in the thickest part of the righting, but directed' hla forces from a dist ance. Latest repo-Hs said lie was LIBERTY ; Today and Tuesday Matinee Dally 2:16 .' Ladies! Here's a guar anteed show. The big- gest laugh special. WILLI AH FOX presents LOUISE FAZANDA ' DOROTHY PHILLIPS ,r J. FARREL McDONALD ! SAMMY COHEN ETHEL WALES ' COMEDY "Her Silent Wow" Mutt and Jeff Pathe News Mat. 10t-2Sc Eve. 10c-35c isa ST" a u in rn m i FEATURING ( . j' II ESTABLISHED 1928 ' ' 112 Lady Attendant fleolng to the northeast with a few followers.- Among the rebel dead Is GenerttPMurliia, Sandiuo's right hand man. General Kelamt commended Ma jor Hat Held and Major Howell for their bravery.? The sc6utlng. planes also proved; their, -worth. Tho flight or tho bombing planoB lo Ocotal thru a terrific atorm was a brilliant feat,., , , ; j ,, . GeneVal Folnm) has glveii orders for this bombing squadron to de stroy any concentration of Suudlno forces. , ( , f ' Laborlte Visions War WASHINGTON, July 18. The Pan-American federation of Labor conference was thrown out of ,lta I peaceful roulluo today when Salo mon do la Hllva, u Nicaragua!) del egate, commenting on the cngage 111011 L ,betyeen American , marlnus and Nlcaraguaus, declared that "the war Is on," and it' .the , mar ines "do not. leavo (he country they will have to destroy the en tire population of Nicaragua. " , .. BORN HANEY To Mr. and Mrs. Julius Haney, or, (Hide, .Saturday, July 111. 1U27, a boh. VEDDKFl To Mr. mill Mrs. Jolm Vodilor, of Roburln Crock, Monday, July lj), H27,' a daiiBliler.:. , : 0r. , , Single, looii bulu Ilea ill WlmrUm Bros. , , OUTDOOR BOYS GOING TO CAMP NEXT THURSDAY 'The Outiloor Hoys, 'a group of younKstorri bt'loW' tho nco of Hoy Scouts liut doing similar' work, will Hlar thulr Buiniuer , camp Thuisduy of this week, Thoy will occupy tho' HVolf Creek' 'cainp which Ih holiiK loft by tho scouts Thuisduy morning, and will re main tlioro for a week. Tho camp will break up on the 2Sth and will then bo taken over by the Camp l''ire Olrla. The boys leaving on Iho enmp starting 'Thursday aro 40 meet at tho Junior High school at ti:3u a. in. Thursday, it is ex pected thut there will be about li5 eavo, iimung ino number being eight from Coos county. ; " CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATH8 327 West Cn Phone 191 Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and Button Making. Phone 187-R 610 So. Main DR. DEAN B. BU3AR OPTOMETRI8T Specialist In the fitting of Olassea, : lit Jackson St WET OR DRY The weather mnkes no differ ence for KIKK INSURANCE should be carried nt all times. We offer reliable flro Insurance service to our policy holders nnd our service einhraces all linos nf fire nnd automobile Insult nnce. May wo be of service to YOU? G. W. Young & Son . . , . . LOANS . , 11 Can St. Phonft 417 BOY THIEVES IN CUSTODY AFTER HIGHWAY DUEL (Continued from page 1.) Bull Lake City then decided to re turn lo Lou Angeles by way of Portland. Iloth wore unfuiuillur with Portland and wore unablu lo glvn definite information as to thu location of the store which they burglarized and tho garage wlioro they stole the car that they wreck ed. Apparently, However, too iwa places, are on thu east side near 82nd street. j, From tho Htore they took near I ly 20 In money from a tilt and a I Hlot machine, and u quantity of candy and cigarettes. These weru round on them by the officer. ! The boys claim they hail had no (sleep for three nights. The result ! wan that as they drove south, j Uaker, who was driving, went to Bleep and ran the car into the , ditch near Gervuls. That thu car had been Htoleu was plainly evl jdent because different licence I plates wore on front and r&ir, and uioither was the plate belonging to I tho car. Young- claims to have been an Inmate of a boys' reformatory In California. DEATH STALKS MAZAMA PARTY ON MOUNT HOOD (Continued from pnge l. their companions In front and rear. Clarence Outhank wan the tenth In. line, but wan not tied, and find ing himself unable to hold the Hue, let go in time to nave himself. Aid Quickly Secured Others in line held their places while their leadera untied and hur ried down the slope to peer over tho edge of what seemed a crov osho hundreds of feet deep. Per ley I'nyton, well known mountain climber and Mazama, arrived first and was able to see that the party had fallnn only about 20 feet after the Hlldo, lundlug with tons of loose snow. He saw a confused mass of anna and legs, brokou al penstocks aiul blood. Puyton im tuedlately sot out on a record descent to enlist the aid of tho Crag Ruts,- then crossing Eliot glncler with tho American Legion parly. A runner left the Crag Rats and hurried to camp for stretchers nnd ambulances. Dr.; Stryker was found with on alpenstock extending ' ten Inches thru his cheat, having penetrated his body. Whei;tbls;wa(? removed and his woiuulH stuffed with brow, ho Ibst Consciousness 'and died about- Jialf-jau' hour after- help ar rived. No fault was attached to any motnber of the parly. .The accident was just chuueo, said expert niuuu taiueors. : i , Early morning reports say that all of tho Injured passed a good night. . i ,,,.,;.., Tho party, which consisted lnrgo ly of i'ortliinders, was under the leadership of Municipal Judge Fred W.tKtadter, president of tho Mnzamas. , Judge Stadter, who was In the advance party when the ac cident occurred, retraced his steps nnd took clnu ge of , the - rescue work. , . '...,,. FUNERAL FORMER LOOKING GLASS MAN IS HELD TODAY 1 Tho 1 funeral of 1 David 1 Hunch, well kuowii ex -Douglas county resi dent, who was crushed to death in an ucclttent at ' Vernonia, Friday night when lie fell from n loud of logs which lie was riding, was held1 nt 2 o'clock ' this aflornoon, the; body being taken to Looking Glass j by M. R Hitter, runeral director; of the Hosoburg Undertaking coin- pnny. Hev. All officiated unci hurlnl was In the Looking Cllass cemetery. 1 Mr. Bunch was the son of Iho I Into David and Isabella Hunch tindj was born In. Douglas comity, resid ing near 'here nearly all Ills life. I Ho was past 42 years or age. Mr. Hunch leaves a small daughter, Kalherino Hunch, who is in Cali fornia, ami two sisters) Mrs. Jess Williams, of Looking Class, and Mrs. Melvina 1'orter of Marshlield. HOME OF CLEAL WEAVER BURNED The deal Weaver homo, located on tho Pacific highway between Myrllo Creek nnd CunyonvUle, was totally destroyed by fire lust Sat- ... ti.ij . j ne lire uriguinieu ironi some unKiiowu source anu spread so rapidly that It was possible to I snvc only a small norllnn uf the i furniture. As thero was no equip ! merit available to fight the flnmes ithe building was burned to the ground. The heat was so Intense I that the pavement was blistered I and It was necessary to hold up junto tratflce on the highway for nearly on hour. I NOW YOU ASK ONE I - THE ANSWERS I RHow nro nnswers lo tlio "Now You Ask Onu" tmUona on the iMlllortttl pngo. 1 (llorla Swnnson's ronl imim wan (llorla KlunmvRky. 2 Hoil l. ltncqitr was recently mnrrletl to Vllnui Hanky. 3 Maurice ('OHti'llo's datiRhtrrn. Mt'lon aiul Dolores, nro now slnr-i rltiK In tho nut vies. 4 William Hart la known ns. "Two (Inn." ! 5 Vharles Ray won famo for hts cliuractorlKallnim of country boys, i ft - Itaymoml Uiiftith In known na "Silk Hat." I 7 Pearl Whltp 1 arret! In "Tho! TeWls of Paulinp." ' S Will 11, llnya la cznr of tho1 movies. slamos Onno was director for, Carol IVnipslor stars In 1. W. Griffith irHluctions. To the Courts I I y The conclusion of two more film colony romances scon will be writ ten in the divorce courts, they aay in Hollywood. Constance Talmadge (above), who has been separated from her husband, Captain Alastair Mackintosh, for several . months, has announced she will apply for divorce. Anita Stewart will ask a divorce from Rudy Cameron Bren nen of Washington, D. C, on grounds of Incompatibility, after eight years of married life. 1 PIPES MILLS , IS Northwest Timber Reserve Not Inexhaustible at Rate Industry Is ' Abs'orbihg Jt. (Awwf lutwi iin'Hs tajiks) Wire) . POIiTLAND, OreA,J.uly 18. "De volop tho iiulp and paper Industry In Iho northwest from within by helping existing mills to Increase payrolls null profits, and there would bo little need for anxiety a's to tlio 'growth of tho Industry, in tho Columbia- basin area and throughout tho entire northwest." Dr. Hugh f. liukcuv executlvo- sec retary of the American I'Mpor. and 1'uln iissoclat lon.t gave this acivlce to the business interests of Port hind In an address today nt the members'' forum of the CliiMiiber of Coinmorcu on "Our forest and the wood using Industries of the northwest." lie Is one of the most eminent pulp and paper authorities ill the United Stales and has been hole foi1 ll week milking a study of the forest resources and of the possibilities for the development of the pulp and paper Industry. The speaker emphasized the fact that the pulp mid pnper Industry Is a permanent Industry, highly capitalized, requiring an investment from $20,01)0 to $25,000 pur ton of daily capacity; that it Is. complex in local demands as to sllc, water, fuel, Hvnllablu raw mntethvl. una transmutation; Hint processes by which pulp and pnper are hkihhiik--tured are highly technical, and that its products must be sold In ;l highly competitive market. Even now, ho said tho I'aeiric northwest Is purchasing paper In competition with local mills from Scandunavla and the Atlantic sen board. - , Dr. Hakor said that In tho Paci fic northwest thero is now a vast supply of standing timber for both timber nnd pulp mauufacture. the eventual utilization of which must depend ' on tlio changing economic siatus of tho two Industries, more than on any other factor. In Ore gon and Washington alone It Is es timated that the stilnding timber reserve Is over 650.000.000 feet,, board measure, which seems like an inexhaustible supply, said the speaker, hut when it Is taken lain consideration that lust year ap proximately 11,000.000 feet was cu the lite of the virgin forests of the two suites Is coinpiirutivcly short. GYPSIES MAY HAVE KIDNAPED CHILD PORTLAND. Ore., July IS Pence, oiricers of Oregon, Cali fornia and Washington have been reqnesieJ by Sheriff J. v. Runner, of Iliimholt county, California, to search for l.uclle Ouvenport, five year old girl, alleged to have been kidnapped from her parents, Mr. and Mis. I.eo it. Davenport, while the family was camping In Hum bolr county. Tho child Is dejcrlhed ns a de cided blondts with bobbed hair. Tho sheriff said In a circular that It v as his opinion the girl was kid rapped by gypsies, or passln tour ist, lie said he bad received re port"! thnt a party of dark skinned t,ourists had been, seen driving north with such a child. The la vrnnort reside in Knreka, Calif. AUTOIST SLEEPS AT WHEEL; CRASH, THEN HOSPITAL (AuoHutitl J'nth. I'avi 'lr ) KLA.MATII l-'ALLS, Ore., July 18. Frank UiIhcoo, local (unte employe, wan aeriuunly injured thin nioriilne when liln car lert liiu roau- way near AIkoiiu eawt of here, and pluriKi'il 150 feet down an em bankment landing on the Southern Pacific railroad tracks. Jirlsuoe told hospital utiacheti he hud been driving all nit; lit and had fallen asleep at ths wheel of his tmiall roadster. . . The injured man was found by work men on a freight train and brought into the cliy, Low wheel farm : waqona nt Wharton UroH, OREGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Med ford Palmer Investment corporation of Chicago will build ?5iU)00 fruit plant. ( . ;. . ' Oregon will receive S44.242 fed eral forest fire fighting fumlH thin year. . 1 IJend Great Crooked river high way bridge, 350 feet high, dedicat ed. St. Hole, oh June postal receipts, $11,372, are 6 per cent over June, 192.. ' St. Helens Exceptional hay crop being harvested here., St. Helens Three new buildings will be erected for county fair. -Eugene Work begins on $35,000 Sigma Alp tui Kpsilon fraluruily house, forest Grove New Oregon tele phone office building nears com pletion. Salem Quarterly postal receipts are. 18 per cent above last year's.' Klamath . Falls Labor unions buy $7,000 alio for 10,000 labor temple.,' West Linn Union high school being .remodeled at cost ,oE $15,- 000. . : , , . ' . Seaside Work? -will ., begin at once on new $25,000 west side wa ter system. Wallowa O. W. R. & N. rail road Improving 24 miles of track. Gardiner Old planked street be ing filled and graveled. . Newberg Spnulding Pulp & Pa per company mill will soon be lu operation. Mnrahfield Hoavy demand made for Oregon myrtle wood for furni ture. , liaudon City will vote Aucust 15 on selling electric nlnnt for $120,000 ; . , Portland-Libby, McNeill & Lib- by fruit plant starts with 700 em ployes, and will employ 2,000 at ca pacity. . Klamath Falls: California Ore gon Power company will build $4U, 000 warehouse. . Kluimith Falls Woyerhnusor company will rush plans for great pine mill. , i - Hcedsport liridgo to be built nt Winchester Pay, lor. lloosevelt highway., , ' Central Oregon wheat promises a record yield this year. . . ' ja Graiule Jtoesch hotel, now ljuildlug will be eight stories high. Madras Grain expected to uver- ako 30 bushels per acre. i Med ford1 Alluvial 'Mines com- pany at Prosect, . incorporates with $100,000. . .. Klamath county inspectors find not a single case of bovine tuber culosis, i - I'jugetH! Guaranty Oil company strikes heavy gas flow in Well No. 1. Ashland Local cherry crop :x- cecds greatly early estimates. Grants Pass I-anions Greenback mine sold to Los Angeles buyers. Medford 10. . J. Hearty com pany of New York, pays $100,000 for Medford fruit plant. lllllsboro District will spend $5,000 on south side grade school. Great Northern lets 45-mile con tract from KhevlinHixon logging road to S. P. lino to Chemault, to open Deml-Klamnth Fulls line this year. . - Portland Tennent Steel Cnstlng company will establish plant here. Klamath Falls building since Jan uary 1 totals $923,285. Albany First car of barley from 1927 crop is shipped to Portland. Milwaukie Contract let for new theatre and store building. I Jul Ins "Itemizer-Observer is building a fine new office. Klamath Falls Dairy production gains 400 por cent and potato glow ing 1000 per cent in five years. LaGraude building tor six months is $763,715, better than for any whole year so far. Llaker Oregon Copper company orders $15,000 power ami machine unit for Palm Creek shaft, now down 415 feet. Toledo Pacific Tel. & Tel. com pany will spend $15,000 Installing better lines to Newport. McMiunville Oregon Telephone company will spend $25,000 Improv ing service. Corvallis Pacific Telephone & Telegraph will expand local ex change. Garibaldi Catholic church to be built in Itockaway. bumpier On from 12 feet un derground on Gibbs claim runs $1500 to ton. Ifaker Ore from Eagle Creek as says 50 per cent copper. Lumber exports from Coos Pay for year ended Julv 1, totaled $2,008,127. Urooks First car of 1927 celery shipped to Omaha. St. Helena Lumber shipments for week ended July 9 are 3.700,000 feet. Klamath Falls district mills cut 451,900,000 ft-et lumber last year. Astoria Market road to Svensen will be built of nsphaltic typo con crete. Vale Construction begins on Vale reclamation project. IJnnton Columbia highway be ing widened to 4S feet for heavy travel. - , Klamath PnltR New hlch school building t6 coatt $iu,(KQ. Lugene Pacific Tel. & Tel. com pany will spend 40fl.000 here. $200,000 for, building, alone. . Heml Lumbermen's National Hank oiens with $100,000 capital. NEW TODAY FOR RENT Rooms, also board. Private family. ti22Mlll St. FOR SALE Three good milch cows. Lidtt Harrington, Youcal- la, Ore. WOMAN for cooking and general housework. Wm. P. Weaver, Myrtle Creek, Ore. UNIT AYS -Slat or v. li o. Al so all sizes of tray cloth. Farm Pureuu Exchange. , LOST- Vuluable Cameo pin. Find er please return to News-Re view office Reward. FOR" RENT P'urnished ap'arf ment, close In, gas - and wood range. 221 W. Lane street. FOR SALE II rood sow, or will trade lor mllcli cow. W, T. Craven ranch, Prockway. FOR SALE Hot" Point' range, 4 burner, large oven and warming oven. Mrs. R. L. Gile, 9F5. ; OAT and vetch hay for sale, 58 per ton In stack. H. Q, Schat teukerlc, Jirockway, Ore. ; FORSALE Early ha'tehed'BaTred Rock pullets. 75c; J. . F. Horr ataed. Pnune 34F3, Ulxonvllle. FOR RENT Some furnished nnd unfurnished houses, cheap. Also some good pasture land. Phono 231-R. WANTED Single man to fire fur naco for winter for rent, or mar ried coupie, part rent. Inquire 124 W. Douglas St. . FOR RENT Excellent (i-room modern house, cement basement, 3 bedrooms good location, $22.50. Phone 124. FOUND At" Rock Creek, pail glasses. Owner may have same by calling at this office and pay ing for ad. 12-HORSE POWERGAS ENGINE cheap. Also 6 h. p. Fairbanks Morse used only short time. Farm Bureau Exchange. FOR " SALE Deering ) binder-in good running order, there Is 10 years good service in It for $75. S. ALSnell, Drain, Ore. close' In" " t , good family house of nine rooms. Just 5 blocks from post office, for $25 per ' month. Telephone 124. LOANED FltiJE Wltneacn sav lugs account opened we loan one -of our Home Savings banks. First State and Savings Bank. SHEltWIN Williams Bordo. , Pre pared ready to ' use. Or the "maicins" if you prefer to mix your own. Coen Lumber Company. PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS Get our prices before you, buy. We can furnish you any size pipe. New or second hand. Farm bur eau Exchange. HOOD RIVER paradichlorbenzine kills prune and peach tree borer. It will soon be time, to use it. Our slock is fresh and complete. Agents Hood River Spray Co. CiUAUU VUUU VAiiUAULES By kecpiug them lu one of the safe deposit boxes In .our strong vuult.. Double look boxes. First Slate and Savings Bank. LOST In or near RoseburgT lady's brown, leather handbag. Finder please leave at News-Review, or phono 79. Identification of ou- tents upon request. FOlV SALE Second T'imnd cedar doors, $1.00. One second hand while enamel sink, $3.50; 2 screen doors, 75c. lso porch posls.-Call 203-J or 611 S. Main street. ; KNOCK,;l7'6UTOF SLAVE--Put your earnings where you know they are sat'o nnd will earn a rate of interest-that will surprise you. Let us explain. Douglas Building & Loan Asso ciation, 147 Jackson St. THE "monthly pa7inent"loan"is an attractive monthly payment plan for building or buying a homo or refunding existing mort gage. It allows repayment of loan In easy monthly install ments and gets the borrower out of debt. Umpqua Savings and Loan Association. Douglas Ab stract Building. 1 TODAY'S BASEBALL National At New York .' R. H. E. Chicago ; ..ti ia l New York 4 10 2 Patteries: Carlson nnd Hnvt net; Kitzsimmons, Songer nnd De vormer. At Philadelphia First gnme ' R. H. 13. Pittsburgh 9 12 2 Philadelphia 7 13 1 Patterles: Aldridge and Gooch; Kaufmanu nnd Jonnard. SLAYS HER BABE When Alfred Cocking Jr., 10 months old, was found stranqled from ammonia, the young mother, pictured above, told of a quarrel with a former landlord. Suspicion pointed to the landlord's wife. Then the mother confessed that she had given the ammonia to the chlid to quiet Its cries, Mrs. Cock ing lives in Detroit .... ... . , .. ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. s , . i Eitabllihtd 1901 , ' - M. E. HITTER, Manager , , Founded and Maintained on Efficient ; "'V;-Jj Service and Courtey Miona 284 , Llcanted t-adj Oak and Kana Sta. ; ' ; i - Embalm T. R.'s Son Sleeps Beneath Flowers Vhere He Fell 9 Years Ago Today. Hs r it if" ri iiM BWJf:' 'aaaax . -m u a' uF '. " f HQ fete- --AMm-Mmm Quentln Roosevelt's isolated grave at -Chamcry, Franco, Js shown In' the lower1 photo. Above is part of the engine of his plane, kept In the Methodist Memorial museum at Chateau Thierry. t ,By NEA Service. . , ' PARIS, July 14'. A simple',1 lone ly; grave overlooking a wheat field at tlio little village, of Chamery, northeast of" Chateau Thierry, was blanketed with fresh flowers today in memory of Lieutenant Quentiu Roosevelt. , It was nine years ago today that young Roosevelt, American World War flyer, was shot down nnd kill ed.' His body still rostH whore' Ger man airmen burled it. The enemy stunouueod Roosevelt's death by dropping a noto within the Allied lines: .:':' No road has been built to the grave, but hardly a day passes that Americrn viito"s do not trndtre Eighty Per Cent ' Girls Knock-Kneed Says Flo Ziegfeld Beautiful Blondes Plentiful but Brunettes Are Rare Says roadway Revue Producer. N1CW YORK, July IS "Eighty per cent ot' all American girls have knock-knees." And if - you don't agree with that, go and argue It out with Florenz Ziegfield. He says so. . ' I i vv.'-r " ' :- : '. Air. Ziegfield, champion non-stop girl gloritierj who began studying knees 22 years ."ago when: only chorus girls had ! them; declares that "to get a chorus of 24 dancers whom 1 can line up straight across the stage and not have a pair of knock-knees among them is a near ly Impossible task." Broadway's leading revue pro ducer casts a few other pearls of criticism and advice to adolescent beauties with stage ambitions in an article he has written, lor the August issue of Smart Set maga zine. t Legs, while they must be good, are not so all-fired Important as modern style , dictators seem to think, he reveals. "I study un known girls first for personality, second for beauty of face, third for beauty of form and fourth for good carriage," he says. If a girl has these essential as sets and Is 10, no older, she has a chance. If she is a brunette rather than a red-head or blonde, and Is less than five feet, four in ches tall, she has a better chance to join the Follies chorus, accord ing to his rules of selection. He SeesThem All "Despite all tile hocus-pocus cir culated about the. inaccessibility of managers, I see literally every girl who calls nt my office and asks to see me," he declares. "As some 10.000 girls a year from" very part of the globe feel an urge to make me their Mecca, this is somewhat exhausting. "Personality is by for the rarest nnd most Important asset I seek. Beauty Is something at which an audience Jooks. Personality is something they watch. If a girl has sufficient personality It doesn't matter If she has a figure like a cactus. Nobody will ever notice. On the other hand, a girl's face may be like a casket of jewels. Put lacking Personality, few ever observe her beauty." BUSH LEAGUE SCORES PiTW IaHl Wire) Kt.AMATH FALLS. Ore., Jnlv I tS- Klnmnfh Falls cWeatod Ash-j land 6 3, In tho second Knmn of the second division of the Southern I Oreeon baseball league here yes- terday. . , - . , . MnPFOnn, Ore., July 18. Med wimmfmm across1 the fields to stand beside it, out of respect for the boy and the proud name he bore. - At the Methodist Memorial, In Chateau Thierry, not far away, may be seen today parts of the plane in which Rosevelt fell. In the village of Chamery is a memorial foun tain currying the youth's name and a quotation from his father": "Only those are fit to live who are ! not afraid to die." ' " "The stone, slab covering tho spot fell Quentin Roosevelt, son of grave itself is inscribed: "On this ex-President Roosevelt, July -14th, 1918: 95th Aero Squadron. He has outsofired the - shadow of our ford defeated Grants Pass yester- : day, 6 to 5, in a see-saw contest j that was in doubt until the last ' man was out in tho ninth. MAJESTIC ' Starting Tonight ' ON THE STAGE ' ALBURTUS Tk iv!,,oi.o,v nri. El . Jl u-a lvijfoi.iy mail of the Pharaohs SEES ALL KNOWS ALL TELLS ALL DON'T MISS HIM ' ' ON THE SCREEN Jean Hcrsholt and r; Dorothy Devore The Wrong Mr. Wright" Comedy "Red Suspenders" Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-35e ANTLERS Today and Tuesday ' Matinee Dally 2:00 P. M. - ' Monte Blue IN "Bitter Apples" Comedy "Dummy Love" International News ' Matinee 10c-25e Evening 10c-25c-35e 0