ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. MONDAY, JULY 18, 1927. SEVEN SPECIAL OFFER On Sale of Lawn Mowers Present the Annexed Coupon and it will be received as CASH on or before - July 23 :J!;K This Coupon will be accepted as a cash payment of $1 on any Lawn Mower priced $ 1 2 or less,' or for Mow ers priced at over $ 1 2 .will be received at a valuation of $1,50. Good up to July 23, v : i CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. ' The Winchester Store. . MIMI.Tff.T.IlI!.T.raiij CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAOE FOR SALE - I . , , HORSES and wagon Tor salo, F. E. Gates, Alexander Addition. F0ilAXE--73Twes, iii each. S. JJ. Gotr, Oakland.jOre. j Dilbccbi.1 plants ror"flaie. HTT. ' Conn. Phona 6F33. BETTER mlflc for less, ?ii per ' quart per month. The Buttercup, litiO-J, . FOIt SALE Shropshire rams. 18 darlings, 20 aged grade ewes. Dr. J. W. Cook, Wilbur, Ore. PUR SALE Registered and grade Angora bucks from non-shedding BlroB. W. G. Paul. So. Deer Creek. fKUCKS, trucks trucks Ford trucks for sale or trade for pleasure - cars. Hansen Chevro lot Co. . , ". foilD'TRUCK with Rucksloll axle auu stsei can, az4 mouei. laic 's ed at 1176. , Hansen - .Chevrolet - Co. - 'i., FOR SALE Reasonable; young team, sound and true, good wag on and new harness. Neul Heard, Rooking Glass - 17U0-QALLON steel tank "for'saie cheap, good condition. F. C. Guruee, 14 miles west Court House. : FOR SALEor riTado "for good wag on or lambs, a - good mare, " weight 1300 pounds. H. C. With- t -am. Phone 7F25.-or write Dtx-- onville, Ore. '' J ' HOTELFO RESALE Doing good business, 19 stooping rooms, din . iug room, 3 baths, modern build ing, electric lights, steam heat. ' This will make a splendid' place for man and wife. Will Bell prop erty and furnishings very rea sonable and give good terms. Eldou Hotel, Glendale, Ore. WANTED 100 head of young ewes, ft Fate, Days Creek. , FOUND M FOUNDh On highway, woman's Butt coat. ' Owner may have , same by Calling 'at this office. Identifying and paying for ad. I "MISCELLANEOUS t CAR OWNER Don't loreet to call 663 when In naed of auto parts. Sarff'a Auto Wrecking House. WOULD 'ike to hear from some one with a registered male Bos ton Bull Terrier. Write Box 256, Myrtle Creek, Ore. FOR EXCHANGE 180-acre ranch near Myrtle Point and some va , cant and improved property in ..Marshfleld and Bandon. Take timber or eastern farm land. 139 Sheridan St. . - It Doesn't ? i i i FOR RENT l FOR RENT d-room house. Call at 5-1-1 S. turnfshod Pino. WELL furnished apt. Close in, reasonable rent. 331 S. Main. FOR RENT 2-room furnished house, $7 per month. See eleva tor man at Perkins Bldg. FOR-RENT Furnished-, house. In quire at the South End Service Station. ' i . ' FOR RENT 6-room house, bath, all built ins, I ucro lot, garage. On Umpqua Ave. 1271, West' Side. Isaac Todd. WANTED It Doesn't u Take Much to Start a Fire ft takes more to atop one. ' If tho fire be " great or . small it is to advantage to be Insured. Quine & Co. ; Masonic Bldg.. Roseburo, Ore. OT.TBCTiar.T.T.TiTa.r.r.T.T.ii.ia.ia WINDOW washing and house cleaning. Charlie Danis. Phono 61-J. WANTED 50 young ewos. black faced preferred. State ago and j price. W. G. Paul, . South vDeer Creek. j WANTED To engage men to pick j and women to pack tomatoes. It. i A. Hercher, Dlllard, Ore. CHERRIES WANTED Cash paid ! for swcot cherries. Brand's Road i Stand, Pacific Highway, three miles north. WANTED" TO LEASE In Douglas Co., good sheep ranch that will handle 300 to 500 sheep, for a term of years. Address John Ab raham, Wlliamlna, Ore. WANTED" TO TRADE 1" 3-year-old flno looking Rambouillet buck, for a young Cotswold or ' Lincoln buck, or ewes. Carl E. lioselund, lloscburg, Oregon. ,; . It's too hot for you to bake, Let us do it for your sake. MOTHER'S PvJ nnr An PI nLVIX FIRST AID For Wilting Wardrobes A suit that has been newly dry cleaned seems to fairly float around your body It is so light and fresh and crisp ly cooll 'M It certainly does .make a dif ference ( Tell us to call around regu larly for your dusty, droopy summer suits we'll put pep into thtm and keep it there I Of PSRSONAUDAlNTYl VfeU CAM BE Yea. this laundry dnos hnnrk the I spot 8 out of f lothpa undorHtand jus jnt the itpots. we remove s norm nf tho woar. Yon will com- ; plliiicnt us ution our work at the first opportunity, ; Roseburg Steam Laundry I Prion 79 Roieburg CITED BY M'ADOO lN 1924LEnER ' '(AssoeUtvU I'lrss leased Wire) . NEW .YORK, July 18. The New York American publishes ihu pur ported text of a letter from Wil liam (itbbs McAdoo in 1021 to Dr. H. W. Russell, founder uf the Anti-Saloon ; league, . wnich the Anierlcuu declarr s, was a plea tor support of the McAdoo candidacy in the forthcoming demoerutlc na tional convention. Dr. Russell, lu filing the letter tn. the league' archives, v stated other members of the executive committee received similar com munications. The latter, as given by the Am erican, was dated Los Angeles, April 5, 1024, and read: "Dear Dr. Russell: "This letter will be handed to you by Hon. Nathan Ncwby of Los Angeles, a member of the executive committee of the Church Federation of this city, 1 Invoko your good offices to help him in the mission he will explain to you in connection with the presiden tial primaries. "I stand for maintaining the prohibition laws in their full In tegrity and for fearless enforce ment of the law. The wot leaders are aware of this, and aro exert ing all their energies lu fighting me in the primaries. An analysis of the election to date, shows clear ly the backing of favorite sous and the device of uulustructed delegations in a concerted move ment throughout. the nation.. "In each case reports 1, wo llmi that the dry forces have been caught off their guurd, uwakemng in some cases only after the elec tion was over. "Assuring you that I shall appre ciate your cooperation, I ain, with all good wishes, very sincerely yours, (Signed) "W. 0. MeADOO." OMAHA WOMAN PHY8ICIAN - ' '-.' V - ! NOMINATED FOR HONORS errs new record v . . (Annrlalrd I'rra Lnird Wire.) NEW YORK," July IS. in The- Lion's Lllao, a yearllug Jersey cow. owned by Harry D. ; 111 It. of Independence, standing professional woman of the ' OMAHA, ' Neb., - JVIy 18. A grandmother prommeut in her pro fession of nieuicluo and with a dlxiugutshed war record in Ne braska s nominee lu the competition trow which will bo chosuu tile put' Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L. NORWEGIAN SHIP, HIT ...... BY HOLLANDER, SINKS -,. (Associated Tress Leased Whe) . ' NEW YORK, July lS.r-The Holland-American line announced to day the recolpt of a wireless from the. captain of the company's liner Veendam stating the Veendam col lided with and sank .the Norwe lglan steamer Sagaland four miles east of Nantucket at 4:40 it.; in., today.- 'AH aboard the Sagaland were saved except one, the mess age said. , ' The Veendam was undamaged and Is in-bound for New York, The Sagaland left Cuba July 7 for Boston. The ship was 2,6007 tons grosB and was built In 1921. The Veendam, a vessel of 13,000 tons, carried 73 first class pas sengers, 30 second class, .'and 66 tlal tracts of land and are ull ex perienced agriculturists, it is snld. Bruess has traveled extensively in Canada and the United Stales In search of farm lands that would meet the requirements of the pros pective settlers, but he is , nioro impressed with other section. Oregon thku any 4 Oregon, ' has established a . United Stutes. uew worlds record for sows The contest will be a part of tho under two years old, by pro- convention of the National BubI- duclng 724.44 pounds ot but- noss and Protesslonal Women's 1 termt and 10,762 pounds ot 'clubs at Oakland, Cal., July 18 ;o milk tn 305 days, the Ainerl- ,23. can Jersey Cattle club au- ur oiga Slastny of Omaha, No- uonnced yesterday. bruska's entrjv was decorated by Tho cow gained 150 pounds Uio French government tor Bervico in weight while making hor wlth the American women's lies- record and the best produc- ' piul unit at Lduzuncy in the war. tlon month was the tenth, lThe government then sont hor to during which she produr-d Czecho-Slovakla to do sociul hy- 83 pounds of bultcrfat. . Hor glens .-and organisation work. This milk averaged 6.01 per cent task and the tragedy ot hor sou's butterfat for the test. " death In a burning army plane compelled her to como home to re- ctipornts. She Is now a practicing ,. , , , ' ' , , physician here. third class passengers. , sh6 w(ls caUetl -heroine ot the The Sagaland. a freighter, owned i,,..., , ,. i ,. ,-i..... id Norway, is believed to have,,,,,n i,ui.i,.i f,.,., ui, i,v carried no passengers, Its crew is said to number around 26. . o tho Turks in 1023. McCormick's best binding twine Will work in any binder and is cheaper to bind with. Sold Wharton Bros. . at JAP LUNCH CLOTH 79o Blue aud white Japanese lunch cloth, large site, 60x60, Inches. Special at 79c each. Six different patterns. Make an economical and I suitable table cover. Napkins to match are 6c eaoh. Carr'B "whore TOLL MOUNTS TO 45 you save." We also have tho tun . - . . I body colored print cloths, same size at 1.15 eaoh. Several dlflvr ont color combinations, See them at Corr's. i EASTERN HEAT WAVE'S (Associated Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK, July 18.Doaths directly attributed to - tho heat wave under which the' Eenstern states have sweltered for 8 days had mounted to 45 today, with scores prostrated. Many were drowned in seeking relief from the. humidity. t , , , . v, , Tho highest temperature report "POISON OAS'" SIGN , DETER8 P. O. CRACK8MEN (AcUtMl Truss Leased Wire.) VANCOUVER, Wash., July 16. A "poison gas" sign hung on Ihe vault of the local postoffice, detor- came from; Pennsylvania, where ' lod tobbtm from blowing the safe several inland communities re-'i he last night. Desks, drawers, ported 98 degrees nn' " B'00' """B cabinet were ran- In New York City tho highest' 8"cke1' flve fi,llKIB , "; was 91 degrees.- The average was! f""108 nd pennies was tho total -w-o iha I,,!.: jV-loot secured. Tho postoffice was vr-ai-B. Tho i,,ior, h,i hu I entered a year ago when the rob- suited in farmers harvesting tliolf I b,e tn, 10l'i1er ?00r of 10 wheat by moonlight and resting ln'if?'t'n rf J ' ' the day time. EASTERN WHEAT WAVE'S LIFE TOLL NOW 62 (Associated Tress Leased Wire) NEW YORK,-July 18. PatllltioB resulting from the heat wave that has blanketed the eastern states for four days stood at 62 todny, eight (m additional deaths occur ring yesterday. - Death by sections were: Try our buttermilk it's differ ent. Roseburg Dairy. Phono 180. GERMAN FARMERS' AGENT SEEKS OREGON LOCATION I (Associated Press Leaned Wire) PORTLAND, . Oregon, July 18. Between 100 and 150 Germau farm ers will come to Oregon, providing W. O. BruoSs, Cleveland, Ohio, their ronrpRRittnt ivo. ,nn . fiml n Greater Now York 11; Now Jar suitable location for thorn to found ' MAKE ME AN OFFER ' I recently acqiUred the Frederick property 936 Cobb St. 6 rooms, large lot. Out kciy at 635 Cobb St., aim make niu an otter. 1 paid (2800, but olfer we what you will give, cash or terms. W. K. Kyler, Owner, 778 Wlllumetlu tit., Eu gene, ... , ; . - o HEAD OF FLOGGING GANG GETS VEAR 1100 FINE TOCCOA, Oa., July' It W. O. Aoree, high school , principal and churi'h nrrinlul. was sentaneed to one year on the Ueorgia chain I H gang yesterday for his part in tho Hogging of Mrs. Ansley Bowers. Toccoa seamstress. Judge I. II.' Sutton, who Im posed the maximum sentenco for assault -and battery, tho charge on which Acroo was convicted, also as sessed a flno ot 8100. Acroo's attorneys Immediately filed notice of appeal. Camp at Idlnyld Park. EX-CHIEF OF POLICE CONVICTED OF IS MURDER CANTON, O., July 17 Seramus A. Lcngel, ex-chlet ot the Cnnton police department, wns found gull- A FEW SPECIALS .'.Maiidt Farm Wagon ZZLJ$7SM, Smalley Ensilage Cutter $75.00 ' Barbed Wire, per 80 rds. ...,.:i!.......$2.60 Binding Twine, per 100 lb. bale $14.20 See Us First We Can Save You Money ,, FARM BUREAU ' COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oakland Roseburg ' Now Located at Washington 8treot and S. P. Tracks, THUNDERSTORMS FORECAST kxecutlvo, who spoke before the (Associated Press Leased Wire) SAN FRANCISCO,' July18 Tho weather outlook for the weok be ginning July 17 wns announced hore todny by tho weather bureau as follows: Far western Btntes: Tho out- tv yesterday of the murder of Dos -. "" ""r .""'' '' w inuusiry ui - twrivuiture u ri iuni, r...,.. ,ii,. ..,. ,nnu normal temperature, but with, equal opportunity for the establish- farmers. -w "This country ought to do one of ! two things," Governor Billow de clared. "Either thoro should be adopted a policy tha tprevents art! flcliil price fixing for the things the fnrmer has to buy and rostore'the economic law of supply and - do maud on a world basis, or else ppr- R. Mollott, Canton editor, ono yoari"'" ","07""u' .uul "tu. uquui oppoihu my IOr u.e to the rlnv from ihn tlmn ' ooiiBlclfrnbto fog along the coast ment of artlliclal priceB for , tho and a probability of thunderstorms pruductB that thoy have to soil.- nuHintain . regions of tho i . "My own notion of tho entire north portion Monday or Tuesday. I mattor is that a repeal ot the tariff . o , .1 legislation that discriminates Knt : htirboctio saudwichos nnd i agulnst sections of our country to the day from the time Mellett ' I... ... " tn ,t,d ,l..t.,U.,,. nS 1.1a UU The Jury recommended mercy and unless a now trial, which was Immediately sought by R. F. Hahn, chief of tho defeuso counsel, is granted and rcsultB in a different verdict tho grny-halrod veteran of 59 yeai's must spend tho remain der of his llto behind the walls of the Ohio penitentiary. Cottage cheese. Roseburg Dairy. Phono 180, ; . n : ROAD IMPROVEMENT IS UNDER WAY IN THE NORTH PART OF COUNTY sey -16; Connecticut .4; Massachu setts B; New Hampshire 1; Penn sylvania 14; upper New York 12: total 62.' Temperatures- throuout the oast wore slightly -lower on Thursday, a colony. Mr, Bruess will leave here Monday with Arthur Foster, field agent of the land settlement department of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce, for a tour of the Willamette valley in search of -but in only a few isolated sections ; suitable location for the proposed was there any appreciable rellot i colony from the torrid weather. ,r Ent .barbecue sandwiches . and vo forever. 1 Brand's Road Stand. Tho prospective "colonists, for the most .parts,, aro Qeruiaua rosid, Ing. In, Poland.,. Thoy have funds with which to', purchase substan- An excollent ploco of road Im provement Is now under wny In tho northern part of the county. The ciirvos ovor Itlco Hill and In that vicinity are being widened nnd straightened, making travel do cidedly safer. This section ot a road was ono of the first in the stato to be paved, nnd was graded at a. time when motor, speed Was, slow nnd there was no domand (oi straight roads. Tho curves j wei'o laid out to conform to tho topogra phy and at tho present rato of uu to travel, offer many dangers un-' foreseen by engineers when the jrond was built. Highway crows ! aro now bury putting new pave 'ment on the timldo of ninny ( of Uhese. .curves, wbtoh gives S :a Istralghtor rond nnd. wider turns 'making travel much more safe. llvo forovor. Brand's Road Stand. DAKOTA GOVERNOR TELLS COOLIDGE FARM IDEALS (Associated Press Leased Wire) .: . ARDMORB, 8. Dak., July . 18. Real -dirt farmers from South Da kota nnd Wyoming welcomed Pros! furnish amplo and pormanent .ro ller.'.' Plcnlo at Idloyld Park. V ' FORMER BUCK PRIVATE HEADS RAINBOW VETS (Associated Press Leased Wire) V. HISS MDINRS. InwB .Tnlv iR dont Coolldge hero todny when, he carry Bluinonthal, of Chicago,;, a arrived from tho summer Whlto former buck private,, was elootod House to take part in their out-1 national president of the Votoram door picnic. -. . of the Rainbow Division 'today, at President Coolldge heard a de- the annual reunion hero. Blumen mand for farm relief by Oovemor Uhnl, an .attorney, served; in "the Billow, South Dakota'B Domocra'dc I- HBth Hold artillery. ; ' ; ECONOiHYf Our Name Points tha Way . to Better Food Values "... . 'Fresh slock' prompt service. You. ' can always find t at ' -: - - ". ECONOMY GROCERY 'The Store jThai Serves You .BesV' i Phone S3 M4 N. Jaokeon St. 0.:.lV" Johhaon'1.;'; I- BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Oh, Boy iiw,oAR-ttow sav.y ! iswLy Busy bot voo won't at ovy& BIT IN TV. VJXf . ttnf WtLV CORA- W now WJELV WWB to'Va' 7 , Kwtil Voy'RE 1 My f rt's Ooimc To ' . WKlvttM - t BViviV Tl'Ta Mfs.RRW- ffrtHflPS '66 'tOl fu. 60 AWAy SOMt- I ' B WHAT Ubt JSyJ S ' : VOWWt fWfc COOVlt Ei HER r It. -l " 7 - - - - II O V..Ks 1 WDIffi S Vff XfS. 1 . ucr. 601M TO WRNT v ..?" v , i ; e- i . ; ;'; ;.;-': 60IM' AWAY ' YOU ARtT Tvi5ir V t OR A WEVL '. 4T I N VJEEV(i ; J ; OOWM ArTO wrSy By Martin i sitai I vyj. r-, r slV ' QVTtl tlW6 LETT AXDNt tqm. AVJWLTi. rrnMiT 7 MS' iWw'S. .', ; (. '' ... 'l'll FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Fair and Square! By Blosser DID VOO AEAE WAT "njtAiubt ir AoKA7a XT & BCNS AMD 6IBV.S, iM. sue-, me; OOVCVI W irsp-y pick 7m& qm WAT SBMDS AIM TUB BEST MAMS FOR AI5 ajh powy. N6S! AM' X (SOT ASVW6LUAAME FOR IT-"- XkAJOWLOTS, op eooo JAMES.' TAS.OSSIB SAVS i ( AIO-AIOAJE OP AS CAA) SW5 VOOB. ) (OS CAAJ SIvJS V nnveJ A AJAAAfi- 1- POA1V A AJAME VMOULD B6 OICER JSUBE S WAT TMAJAUy. J T CAA)' A BBFAIR! T..-' irTM si 1 t mSCOfiSTtSt IS JUST FOR OUR BOV AA1D (5IRU FRlEADSA30WE OF- OSAES AL1.0UJ6D 7D6I)E IT A MAME.' Burse&Xk0OU) A A1AM& WAT MU- BS BB7T6R 7!AAi - Ajy AAiyBony sejdsi VOU, TAG,' Vt sT SOO,T.G! . AlO.' wy i EVJBO IAJOVU A MAAS WAT EOIASS 76 LET SOAAB Boy J OR SIPL A)AMf IT. s - -11 - hw ) . ?v I bovsawo; lS vJL T) 6iaLS! ' ' V-ctiiSSli.' cf&A wB,T6 y ftrti u s pat orr. I L i 0.a27iVf.EStRVICg.tW& " $ALESMAN$AM Good Advice By Swan ft't. f1c''.'5?,?. . -So W -TO -3'J. fOVW.BOOOX- PUT KlS. MrMMSTReeT PdV IN HOube, vm-i-ypiv stniwH-stt is m if.r Cr bNcy mM up "V1 tv.' wneRe ViORD- W.T H' OU 1 5e WOsl'T IF 1 row a OK T ftH' Jil?.T-r?)-rHHK.6ftM.A I WOULDN'T e's eren eJeR speck touch r. w Or .TH HASH AH MOW FRVMO THty w m Nts-tt vcttc j HERE. . 'TBPiT HxH;T i 1 i f Atrudu e vU- A(ftt ' 'A-. f-yi'e -J- CIHO , 'A FRESH-S FCrMNL CfKeS crrtTcHED 'A & rffNX fliw;i;i':tt CiT BY Httr.V! 0