Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 18, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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r.,.A. R0SFRURG NEWS,REV,EW MONDAY, july is, 1927. '.'rr'.:' -7"
-f 1 , : :
Advertisers Give Information
Figure It Out For Yourself
The chances are good that if you have been
keeping house in an apartment or a cottage
you have paid out enouyh in rentals since you
, have been married to have built a good
home, and you ' don't have a thing in the
world to show for it. Just figure it out.
-Vou want A home of your own everybody
docs. ' You want to know about the cost or
i how to fimtnce the building. Perhaps you
want to buy the lot, or it may be to inquire
1' about thp fur nishing of a room. Just ask the
v advertisers they'll know.
The Trowel and Float
Plain Comfort
1 1 " " 1 1 - ' 1 turn.: . .. : . -
! n 1 mil 1 MAiTnnA '
Monday, July- 18, 1927.
Special Builders Number
Isn't It u fact! Ants
are ileucuLurt unl
inals that kvlow
wlitre picnk'H are
g . Made Your Will Vet?
A CIlH'HKO pnlMlllff
contractor , Jfn ve
cuntly und lt tills
niUHtorpiecw: ' I
"To my widow I b.i-1
ipit'itlli the knowlV j
eiiiio that f wtiHii'U i
the fool h)iq thoiiKht'i
I whu, us my hunk
book will show.
"To my boh I foe
(juciith the pleasure
of makliiK & living
swinging a paint
brush: for thirty
years he thought tho
pleasure was all
mine. Ho is koIiib
to ho gudly mis
taken. "To my daughtor I
bequeath the sum of
$50,000.00. She will
need It.' The only
good piece of busi
ness' her husband
over did was to
marry hor. ' i
' "To- tho repairman
at the garage 1 be
queath my truck, lie
'almost ruined' It and
I want him to have
the pleamire of fin
ishing the job. -"To
my i)artnor I be
queath the sugges
tion that ho take
ho expects to pros
per. J. J. Uiadraun of
Portland was the
successful bidder on
tho Kiktou bridge
job. Several cars of
Douglas county ee
ment will ho used In
the construction of
this bridge.
Nothing Is quite so
disconcerting us to
sit down in a shoe
store and suddenly
.realize that you
t'ftve forgotten which
,ock has a hole
i,i it.
Jahn nunyan has
bevjn repairing the
Nevbas hotel at
Glevidale . this last
weeik. Certalnteed
roofing was UBed
for Uhe roof lepulrs.
If th oro Is anything
that you think the
editor of Trowel and
Float ought to know
kindly communicate
it. This thing of he
lug an editor Is a
heavy responsibility.
Robert Craig Is re-
roofing the Stephens
homo on W; Oak St.
Ho Is using Milwau
kee 0-2 Perfect Ce
dar ShingloB. - -
Conditions probably ;
' .some, othor. clever j' could: be improved
man Jn with hlmlfjlu ! some respectH
here In litis section
of the country, but
have you ever seen
u time when condi
tions were absolute
ly perfect? We're
having good times
good substantial
American prosperity.
There Is no reason
why anyone should
hesitate In invest Jn
needed equipment of
any kind.
They recently cured
a drunkard in New
York City by remov
ing u bone that was
pressing against tin
brain. And we've
lino heard that many
others have been
cured by the remov
al of a brass rail
that was pressing
aguinst the foot. .
Lot tis put in your
winter's wood for
you. We c:ii driv
er what you want
when you want It.
Ain't nature pecu
liar? The caterpillar
crawls , around on
his own stomach,
hut the bed bug
ain't so particular.
No home is complete
without a paint
brush. We have
hrushen of all sizes,
brushes that , will
give, you teal' service.'
' 'ra
I ' . '. . '.
Cheapest this week they were ever sold
Large Century Cnbinet refrigerator, $42.50 for
Top Ice Alaska Refrigerator, $25.00 for
Winton Kerogns Oil Stove $ 1 9.50 for
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer $4.50 for ....
Hirsh Wiea Hammock $6.00 for ....
9x1,2 Linoleum Ruga. $18.00 for ..
Copper Bottom Boilers $3.00 for
Clothes Baskets for
Mop Sticks for
Wash Boards for .'
Standard Manila Rope for 27c
relt Base rloor Covering, per sq. yd 49c
munciit Ior buildings nro to bo er
ected in tho future.
SEE ME QUICK ' , I Tl,e vlsltos yosturday round tho
camp extremely none nnu oniony
and tlioy wero ImnrosHod by tho
H mannerly way In which the scout h
tv conducted thoinsolvos at all tlnios,
Y'i IhlTO lll'lllL- no Hiirns nf rowiU-isin
MMC!! while, on tho othor hand, tho guests
Judd's Big Furniture Store
A great many visitors were at!
tho Wolf Creek scour, camp yester
day, spending Sunday with the
boys who are on the second week
of their outing and urn rieuring
the close of the camp. Tho Scouts"
were given a big feed yesterday,!
numerous gifts in the way of eat-'
ables being presented to tho camp
Ei Tho Ideal Ilakery sent out n huge;
cake, ,3 by I feet in sizo, lettered;
Ej"Uoy Scouts of America,", on the1
smootu suriaco. jne Kiwunis ciuu
presented live gallons of ice j
cream, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald j
took out a quantity of gum and'
enndy bars, May Baldwin a quant-)
Ity of crushed berries, Mr. ami
Mrs, 0. C. i'Mulay and Mr. and Mrs.
II. h, Hussell gave the boys cakes,
Mr. and Mrs. Rupln presented four)
dozen bananas, while numerous
other gifts were' taken out by
others for the youngsters.
The morning was given over to
Sunday school, starting at 10
o'clock. Short talks were made
by 11. 0. Darby and O. L. Johnson,
and tho boys and visitors Joined
in the singing of four songs, Tho
I rest of the morning was free llmo
; until noon.
1 Then, in the afternoon there was
a championship baseball game be-
twoen the Doodle Dugs ami thej
! Cooties, tho Doodlo Bugs coming j
j off victorious. : Tests in llfesav-!
j lug were then .presented, Allowing j
i the advancement of the scouts In
'that phase of their activities. Tho
I fire brlgado work was also demon
I strated. .
Tho scouts this year have the
finest Sump slnco the organization
first obtained -tho Wolf Creek si to.
This wonderful camping spot has
been presented to the scouts by
tho government and is to be made
a permanent site for the summer
outings. This year the boys, have
some fine auto tents for quarters.
These tents aro the gift of Umpqua
Post of the American Legion. Per-
' ( r5&V?'!vW& Men ,t!f 8ft v
noic" n "
trfBTWKJfc "" 't'
"lPjl 1 ' y" '5
..-... j .toiWOM .EOBOof '
3U' utewT T " i',i:
. X , ' ",LL-- T.
f I 14 1 "" I hi 1 1 1 1 1 1
iti r
' No frills about this house, "Tho Kingston."- It's plain and
thoroughgoing American type affords all the attractiveness and
comfort of more pretentious homes. Three bedrooms, all of them
good-sized, upstairs, and spacious living room, dining room and
kitchen down stairs provide amide, appealing accommodations for
the average Yankee family, nud the modest cost of this home will
appeal to you.
' From the Standard Homes Company, Colorado Building, Wash
ington, O. C, more detailed Information about "The Kingston" may
be obtained. -l 1 .
When you can own this fine little home on easy terms.
Built to suit your own ideas and where you want it.
cobn: lumber company:
shown every possible cour-lAW VanVoorst
. Pierce, J. M. :
tesy. , .
Among thoso who visited the
camp yesterday woro Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. McDonald, Mrs. A. C. Harnett,
(icnevieve Harnett, Mrs. Frank
Johnson, Mr. Frank Johnson, Mrs.
H. C. Darby, Margaret Baldwin,
May Baldwin, Harold K. Wells, O.
L. Johnson, Mary Ellen Darby,
Mrs. A. Schloenmu, 11. C. Darby,
Suo Hirst, Mrs. E. A. McKean, E.
A. McKean, ltobort McKean, Mrs.
Oliver Johnson, Ml1, and Mrs. B.
10. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Fin
lay, Jimmy Finlay, C. E. Banning,
Marie Banning, A. H. Loudon, F.
E. Oliver, Mrs. A. A. Pierce, S.
J. W. Decker,
anil family, Vera
Lane, Mr, nud Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Raptn.
That lend themselves to any scheme of decoration
Similar to the one pictured above
Colorful, cheerful bedrooms nre quite tie vogue. The colors and hand-decora-:iona
in soft colors are such that they harmonize with any treatment of floors,
windows or walls.
They can be had at ;.rices which wil;
you wish.
enable you to afford to have the pieces
McKean, Darby & Baldwin
Complete Housefurnishers.
nnd furnish estimates on
314 Cass Phone 543
Walter: Mr. Gray has just left
bis umbrella again. 1 do believe
he would leave his head if It were
Jmlkins: I dare say you're right.
I heard him say yesterday that he's
roIiik to Switzerland for his lungs,
llclt'ust Evening Telegraph.
"I told my husband about those
gowns that were selling lor a
song." ,
"What did ho say?"
"lie said that if I expected him
to furnish the notes I'd better
I change my tuno." Answers.
"It makes me nervous to see
Hetty swim bo far out ; she might
take n cramp."
"Oh, she'll get nlons all right
there's no life guard about."
' U. S. Weather Bureau, local of
flee. Hoseburg, Oregon, 24 houri
: ending 5 a. m.
, Relative humidity 6 p. ni. yes. 51
i Preclp. in Inches and hundredths:
Highest temperature yesterday 75
Ixnvest temperature last night 55
I'reclpitaiion lust 24 hours .. 0
Total precipitation since first
i month .. 0
j Normal precipitation for this
j month .. . .39
Totnl preclp. from September
j 1P2B. to date 35.90
! Averngo preclp. from SopL 1,
1S77 . 34.03
' Total excess from Sept 1,
1S26 '. - 1.S7
j Average precipitation for 49
: wot seasons. (September to
! May.' Inclusive 31. 1J
Forecast for southwest Oregon:
Fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer
I - Meteorologist
I '
The Department or Agriculture
und other agencies concerned with
the protection of federal, atnto und
private forests from fire are keep
ing as watchful an eye on the
weather these days as tho nuvigu
tors of ships at sea. .
, Increasing realization of 'tho im
portant role the weather plays in
the forest fire hazard has led the
weather bureau of the United
States department of agriculture
to establish a systematic forest
fire-weather warning service in
several sections of the country,
and regular forecasts are being
sent out to apprise foresters and .
forest owners of dangerous fire j
weather so that they may shut)
down logging operations and slash I
burning, and mobilize fire-fighting
units with the least possible delay.
In the Pacific .coast region,
where some of the most valuable!
forests in the United States are j
situated, the fire-weather warning i
work has been under way for some
time. Fire-weather forecasts are is-1
sued twice daily by the weather
bureau and are disseminated by
telegraph to Important key points,
by radio and by nbwspapers. The
radio broadcasting of these fore
casts is one of the most recent de
velopments, and fire-weather bul
letins now aro being sent out from
16 Pacific coast and northwestern
The worst fires In Washington
and Oregon occur' in connection
with the dreaded east win 1. "When
these winds are preceded by a
period of- warm drv weather rh-es
I start easily.
ine tire-weather warning t-ervlco
now is in operation in seven districts:-
California, with headquar
ters at San Francisco; Oregon,
with headquarters at Portland ;
Washington, with headquarters . at
Seattle; Montana and northern
Idaho, with headquarters at Spo
kane; southern Idaho, with head
quarters at Boise; Minnesota, Wis
consin and Michigan, with head
quurtors at Duluth; New York and
New England . with headquarters
at Boston. Within tho districts,
subcenters are maintained, such as
Albany for the Adirondack region
of Now York, New Haven for Con
necticut, etc. A partial service also
is in operation for the protection
of the Appalachian forest region
in the South Atlantic states. ,
At the various substations weath
er bureau and forest officers are
cooperating in studying and ob
serving fire-weather conditions.
Sevoral of the substations are. mak
ing studies of conditions in the up
per air. Relative humidity, a term
used to represent the relative
amount of moisture In the atmos
phore, nlso is , closely watched.
When the relative humidity is
high, materials absorb moisture
from the air, and when it is low tho
air absorbs moisture from all ma
terials. Extreme forest fire hazards
aro always the result of low hu
midity. The ? importance of this
ractor is indicated by: the fact
that some insurance companies are
now granting reduced rates on
tlmberlnnd In the Pacific north
west when the -'owner . agrees to (
suspend all logging operations for !
any period during which the rela-!
tlve humidity is below 30 per cent. !
' '
''.''' : ' ' ' - ,) -
Perhaps ynu have hesitated about trying to own that
home you and your wife want because of properly financ
ing the enterprise, and so you keep on paying rent. All
you have to show for such a policy is rent receipts. .
By adopting our plan you will be enabled to get the
home of your dreams. We are ready to explain the mnt
ter to you at any time why wait longer?
Douglas Building & Loan
- Association
Roseburg, Oregon
147 Jackson St.
Phone 245
When It's a Home You Want
McLendon; Realty Company
Corner Oak and Main
Our fly spray kills the files on
cattle' nnd other stock. Wharton
Let us Modernize Youi
116 W. Oak
W. F. Harris, Pres. A. G. Sutherland,
Henry, Harth Vlce-Pres.
Joseph Micelll
H. O. Parrjcter,
Douglas Abstract Co.
CAPITAL $25,000.00
Abstracts, Blue Prints, Farm Loans, City Loans,
Title Insurance.
E. N. Ewart, Pres.
M. E. Flitter, Appraiser
Carl E. Wimberly, Attorney
B. W. Bates, Vlce-Pres.
Guy Cordon, Appraiser
Henry Harth
V. J. Micelll, Treasurer
H. O. Pargeter, Secretary
W. F. Harris, Appraiser
G. V. Wimberly
Umpqua Savings and Loan
. Under State Supervision
Earnings for years 1925 and 1926 9. Earnings 1927 8. Earnings past 9 years 8
or better. Not a single foreclosure or piece of property taken for non-payment of princi
pal or interest since organization. ,
Investigate our monthly savings plan. An account may be started with a deposit of one