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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1927)
TWO ROSEDURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1927. Mother kids love itVlll " M hi v w y Oft I l. i. X v - BASEBALL it It 'T She 6ays she doesn't know any thing thnt costs so little and gives so much as Eskimo Pie. You just peel back the wrapper and let your teeth sink into that crunchy choc'Inte coatin' an' down through that big hclpin' of de-lishus ice cream. Boy, how it hies the spot! And our doctor says it's great to keep a fellow strong and vig'rous, too. I'm an Eskimo Pie fan for life, yes sirce! GET ESKIMO PIE FROM THE DEALER WHO SELLS MEL-O-MAID ICE CREAM 5 c IU STANDINGS OF LEAGUES Chaa. S. McEJhinny "Th. Wldow e Frl.ner Oregon Life Maoonlo Bldg. 101 ti. Jaokson. .m DEPLORES PAGE SAW- FHANCISCO Solllll Hell ItilanflaiMn'i-H ma wcurltiK more uuU njoro clothon and iho ono who modi 'flli'cmioiitily oiipuKOH'lhe how Biylo 'frf JohouIi liurnurd, itlHhop of Bullion. mid iho Union. Inland. The nativoa, ho snya, nro riiluiuu; their I Pacific coast W. Oakland lil Kan Kruneiaco tiu Seattle r, SacranMiiuo 07 Portland 52 Holly-wood 51 .l IhmIoh .'. 6o I,oa Angeles' 15 National Chicago 51 I'ltUburiih 17 St. LouIh M Now V'ork Ill Ilrooklyn 38 1'hltadelnhlii 32 JloHton 30 CincimutU 31 American New York 59 Washington 17 ChfcHKo :. -Hi Detroit 44 Philadelphia 44 SI. Iouis .. '. 31 Cleveland : 35 Bunion iy 4U' Ws4' tS 4u ,5f,o sgPStr " 1,0 .52s fr V THiELlGHTFUU os '.m I u- B0 .468 1 Yi (il .4)3 29 .MS A 28 .ti27 ! fl 31 .5lil ill 41 .512 43 .41111 fff 47 .405 ; 4(1 .3'Jli '. 50 .3S3 Ik 34 'lil j 37 A3 iLJUa-1 38 .637 I 4U .425 1 48 .422 112 .235 l LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (By Ilia Annotated Press) lncludlnK million of July 14. National Hatting P. Waiter, Pirates, .31)1. linns llornsoy, (Hants, 73. ' lilts I'. Wanur, Pirates, 122. IJnnlilus P. Wancr, Pirates, 24. Tl'Inll'M P Wnt Ulrnl... 1.1 hcallh by Iho adoption of white iiomnis iinrtmhv ' ' i. men'H hahits. Only thu Hcanllest j Williams, Phillies, 10.' - ' omnium iiiiowh mom to reinaio stolen IjaBes J.'rlnch. Cardinals. well, so the .women should not hij. wear oven the- 1'llmsy lingerie ol , I'ltchlng- thelr while slutoi's. lost 4. Hat barbecue sandwiches and live forever. Hrond'n Head Bland. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME v ESTABLISHED 1926 . H. C. STEARNS, Manager. . '. Nothvithstanding the elaborate equipment of the Home " and efficient service, the cost of burial is no more. Pine and' Lane Sta. tsHMeauBKmmcma Phone 112 ' Lady Attendant -Hill, Pirates, won 13, American Simmons,. Athletics, . Hulling .401. Huns Ituth, Yankees, S8; Geh rig, Yankees, 88. I Hits llelirig, Yankees, 128. I t Doubles lluriiH, Indians, 35. i Trillins Alanusli, Tigers, 13. j Homers Huth, Yankees, 30. j Stolen buses Staler, Browns, I 17; Tuvoner, Tigers, 17. Pitching liuether, Yankees, won lost 2. EL1GHTFUU patterns for every room in our splendid variety of genuine Congoleum Quid Seal Art-Rugs. See them! McKean, Darby & Baldwin Furniture Co. Complete Housefurnishera Roaeburg, Oregon lilMilMir The Big Drive Still Going The High Standard of Quality Is Always Maintained in Kelly Springfield TIRES We Swap New Tires for Your Old Ones. . Greasing, Oiling, Vulcanizing , V Fully Equipped Power Car Washing Machine.' AUTOMATIC AIR MACHINE ELECTRIC SERVICE BATTERY, GENERATOR AND IGNITION NIGHT AND DAY. SERVICE Rose Garage PHONE ca CLAIRE WINDSOR PUTS SIGNATURE ON DIVORCE PLEA (AMurlutn! I'm laaol Wire) LOS ANGELES, July 1G The Examiner nay a Claire Windsor, film Btar, lnnt night, announced her intention of today aflixliiK her Big nat in i to a divorce complaint ufcuiiiHt her actor huubaud, Jiert Lylell, in which she will charge mental cruelty. A property agree ment will he slgiied by her at the hhiiih lime. While their a r rairB were mov ing toward a divorce action, the two Kernel) mars last night showed that the action would not be a bit ter one. The couple dined together an the giieHtH of mutual friends, Edwin Carewe, the director, and Ills wife. Later they went to theatre together. "I believe it is true that my wife 1h to aeek a divorce, auld Lytell However, there will be no scandal to it. Wo'have a great deal of re spect for each other ' thru all our differences." He Hit id he had signed several deeds over to his Wire and would sign a cash settlement today. Cottage cheese; Roseourg Dairy Phone ISA YOUTH MAKES TRY TO BREAK JAIL Coen Lumber Company ! MILLWORK BUILDERS HARDWARE ROOFING LUMBER GLASS SHINGLES BOXES PAINT CEMENT See our stocks, our equipment and our facilities to furnish you what you want, when, you want it, at reasonable cost, AGENTS SHERWIN WILLIAMS SPRAYS frII.II.I.T.I.I. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS Special Prices ON ALL OUR CAM Two crushing defeats at Ihe hands or u lulhend club found John McUraw'H Cllants today anything but a happy frame of mind. 'Cincinnati punctured (liant as pirations yesterday, winning (he first game, 8-0, and then slielllni; Virgil 'llarnes for an 8-3 win. Pittsburgh took the third gaino of the series front ISrooltlyn, 0-5. "Tiny" Usboru's sterling pitching gave the Chicago Cubs u 01 win over the Huston Draws. Chicago thus held on to lis game and a lj g I halt load over Ihe Pirates for first place. , Tho St; T.ouls Cardinnls, arter ' throe straight victories over Phlht-1 dolphin, bowed before Clarence Jilt-1 chell's, Houihpaw spltball shooia, is 7'3; IS The Cleveland Indians slopped an r 8-gaiue losing streak and the Yanks !H at too same time. Tho American league leaders were set back 4-1. Although held to five hits, Ihe SI. Louis Ill-own beat Tloslon, 4-2. Detroit was leading Washington, 2-0, when rain hailed Iho game in Iho third Inning. Tho Athletics and White Sox were rained out. EQUIPMENT SATURDAY FIRST AID For Wilting Wardrobes A suit that has been newly dry cleaned seems to fairly float around your body it is so light and fresh and crisp ly cool! It certainly does make a difference! Tell us to call around regu larly for your dusty, droopy summer suits we'll put pep Into them and keep it therel (ilenn Yau, the 16-year-old Los AngelfB boy, held in the city jail on a motorcycle theft charge, made another attempt to escape jail yesterday. The boy pried loose a section of two-by-four from the wall, after knocking off a sec tion of plastering, and was using this In, an effort to pry his way out of the cell when J. O. Hodges, working for Chief of Police Vaughn who was at Coquille yesterday at tending the officers convention discovered I lie boy at work. Yau attempted to stand the' officer .off with the board, but was finally overpowered and was locked in an individual cell. There's a nice present for the lucky biddor at tho Auction House next Saturday. Sale start') at 2 p. m. LIBERTY THEATRE You should look over our line of tents, etc. before you buy. IfGLER-CRAVEN HARDWARE CO. P.HON E 25 , ROSEBURG, ORE. Glass Mixing Set, 5 Pieces, 75c. Pure whole mlut, ana It s ppt rlzed. Htmeburg Dairy. Plinne 188 LARGEST HORSE DIES i! fi ! 1 1 A TT I . W f ' I? R V. If Vil a (W- B days afh-r a $r,,U(M) insurance policy! ,un 1 1 in nun run out, i,ui)uer, largest , horse in. the world, contracted, K 1 pneumonia and died hero. Lubber H; weighed :i,12U pounds, 8lond 21 bands high, and was ti years old. He was a cross between PeiTlieron, broncho, Itelglan nntl Shire. sj j LT.T.T.T.T..;.TOT IHN.L anfc,-.- .H iA. J Clear the decks and prepare; to welcome the newest sta i to appear on the comedy horizon! Harrison Ford, for years leading man for numerous'well known fem inine artists Including Norma Tal mud ge, Marion Davles and Gloria Swanson, attained bis greatest- tri umphs, us a light comedian by his ariistry in "The Nervous Wreck," 'Almost a Lady," and "Up In- Ma bel's Room." He possesses a sub tlety of manner that strikes a re sponsive chord with his audiences. He is sure to materially add to his laurels by his clever character ization in the Metropolitan pic ture, "No Control" I it this he1 plays the part of a radio "bug," who becomes enamored of a pret ty circus rider, portrayed by Phyl lis Haver. His work under the big tent results In some of the fun niest situations ever filmed.. Phyllis Haver, wlo was seen to exceptional advantage iir Leatrioe Joy's latest picture, "Nobody's -Widow," is co-featured with -Ford in "No 'Control," which' comes lto the Liberty today. Camp at Idleyld Park. BURNED OFF QUILLS HA II AN AS Lake John Kays, state fire observer on Coodnow Mount 11 in, found a pitrctipiue that hud been struck by lightning. A strip three lobes wide, (nun head lo tail, hud been cleared of every Mil HI. Tiu animal had not been 1 killed, hut was stunned. FREED WANTED It Doesn't Take Much to Start a Fire "Cradle Snatehers," the ' stage j farce that had IJ road way audiences 1 shouting., with laughter during a two years' run, has been trans ! l'erred to tho screen by Fox Films, and local audiences arc promised a inii'th-fest, when this picture has i showing at the Liberty theatre commencing-next Sunday; There's a nice present for ti e lucky bidder at the Auction House inext Saturday. Salo starts at 2 i p. m. Western Auto Supply Co. Worlds LarqestRetailAccessory Concern A Week of Camp Goods Selected from the most complete line of Camping Equipment in' the West. NOW you can camp right .... at these bargain prices, every motorist should economically complete his outfit with camping equipment that makes each joy-filled trip one long to be remembered. Wait no longer .... plan that trip and come to" Western Auto" at once to save on what you need .... If you desire ad vice on either trip or outfit, our man ager is at your service. There's a store Just glance at the prices below. . . huge reductions on everything you need for your complete comfort, safety, conve nience and pleasure . . . Every, article offered is from our regular-stock and fully guaranteed too 1 near you. Save on this handy Auto Dent Th easiest tent to erect . . . Full' 7x7 iie, 6' 6" at top. 3 ft. rear wall, and larRe, convenient door. Fine 10 oz. Khalti duck, 36" base. With 2 jointed poles, ropes and stakes. Ideal for fishermen, hunt ers, week-end picnics and beach' $g85- parties. Only . 18 Palmetto $ Tent 7'x9'y . . roomy, easy to erect or roll into compact bundle for carrying on running board. Umbrella style center pole... no guys, window in back, wa terproof floor sewed in. Larue front flap makes dandy awning . . . Waterproof ma terial throughout. Poncho Mattress ' . . . provide luxurious slumber for1 wise campers.. . Khaki tick- , ing filled with downy new staple cotton-. . . (Waterproof outside covering.: oizetoxo inches. Rolls to 12x48 inches. Special $95 ouie price , , . 1 8 62 v. The McCormick-Deering Engine H WILL LAST A LIFE TIME The removable cylinder, which is different from other engines, with new piston and rings can be .replaced for about one-tenth the cost of a new engine. Sizes li, 3, 6 and 10 h. p. SOLD BY WHARTON BROS. j BRITAIN TO AMERICA i' ' ! . !'."'.I".".V j II lakoa more to Blop ono. I 4BMi?i- ' If Iho tiro ho m-eal or l , t ! small il is lo ailvantiiKu I V tA w .. I Quine & Co. j ASS Roseburg, Ore. I?f? GJ I i HI I I ti!S , - t- W A-a i H,.- hU Hv-' 4 A, vT- V Celebrate your indc- n.j 4 i f,V. W pendence well do , i L X' ko; 4 I yourknk,nB- tart n U"V:wii I t, a.fM.wlfP.rai?yy MkrBV HECKT" J Gallon Food Jug' This PEERLESS jug should b in- every camping outfit. Strong ribbed outside with heavy earthen ware lining. Keeps foods or liquids hot or cold. "All Purpose" Food Jug r An exceptionally well made cation iuc. Ea- ual to others selling -at much higher prices . . .Heavy case and earthenware lining.. Keduced 435 to . 4 "Dandy" -Vacuum Bottle Well irmde. Pint size. Reduced from r $1.10 to . . . OJC Quart size. Regular ly $1.95... Sale price. $1.55 "Universal" Vacuum Bottle Nationally preferred because of high qual ity, uuart size dur ably enameled $2.83 value reduced on - Tl Quart size heavy cor rufiated brass,, last ingly nickeled $985 . reduced to . . w Ofen Saturdays until 9 T.M. . PrentiivWaber Camp $'190 Stove -.. . . J Good food and good timesgohand in hand if you takeone of these compact -gasoline stoves. Cooks as well as your range at . home, and just as safe. Reduced from $4.85. Handy . Stove-Legs Raise itove to easy cooking height.fitany camp stove and fold into small package;.. rntE .... All steel $irs Bed O Comfortable nights mean greater day time enjoyment. Two can sleep as comfort ably as athome on this folding spring bed. Opens to48x76inches. Cotton Mattress Pad Khaki ticking filled with good quality cot. ton lintcrs. $"97 Single size .-. Double bed sire . . .on sale at .... $5.79 Aluminum Outfit : This Camp Lunch Kit includes cooking and eating utensils for 4 persons... pots, pans, plates, cups and salt and pepper shakers. High grade aluminum and all pieces pack in to large cook- $c60 ing pot .... 3 $998 95c Water Bags - Cool water all" the time .... har.g in sun or shade, evaporation keepswatercool. Ex tra heavy pure flax material, double stitched with rope handle, spout and cork ... 2 gallon size. Regular type. Sanitary style.;. Pat ent metal fastener opens entire top for quick filling and cleaning, 2 Gallon ire $1.25 Folding ' Camp Stool- Added comfort -at' little cost and no sac rifice of space. Strong- wood frame with- heavy duck scat. ; Same stool with fold- ing back .... 72c . Steel Braced Camp Stool , 72c Same, with back,-93 c . Lazy Back Chair , What a comfort ... i after a long hike, to sink down into this comfy form fitting chair. Strong hard wood frame with one piece canvas scab High, 40' back-rests head. Reduced from 27S Folding Light weight $183 Table. . J Pull your stool up to this table and eat in solid comfort. Sturdy yet light and easy to open or fold . . , Big savings. Swingspout Emergency $95 Canteen O The finest made . . . holds 2 gallons each of gas and wafer, and 1 gallon of oil. . . has dust-proof cover. Re duced from $3.90. Olive Drab Cot Comfortable, easy to set up or fold. Sturdy hard -wood, steel braced'frarae covered with specially woven 13 oz. Khaki duck. All new material an frame. Not to be Con fused with recovered cots. Guaranteed to support up 1000 pounds. Handy Service 3"t-l- $-780-Canteens aw Think what it means to always have an emergency supply of t&; pil and water' handy I This conve nient outfit holds a gallon of each in red,, grey and blue containers. Our FREE Catalog ... listing thoiuandj of savings on Camp Goods, Auto Accessories, Tires and Radio, is yours for the asking.: 'Get FREE ROAD MAPS ol any of our- -Wore than 150 Stores fa the Weet- IfesteFBAito 117 South Stephens Street Phone 97 Folding Carry. Al1 Q7 outfit . . yc Makes packing quick and easy . . . and trav eling secure. Easily, atenched to running bonrd. Reduced from S1.35. Folding Carry-All outfit, large type with foldiog end-gate . . . Special at . . . $1.48 Disappearing Luggage Carrier Folds down flush with runningboard when not in use. Sale Price $1.23 Suit-case or Luggage Carrier The most efficient luggage carrier made. Heavy clamps screw on therunningboaid, long, stronn :weh Etta ps hold large bun, dies securely. Off or on. in a minute . . . Reduced from $2.35 to $1.88 Khaki Tick Pillous Soft Kapok (silk floss) filled... Special at . . IOC. ' Tow Rope Always carry one . . , you may need it an? time. This rope is 17 ft. long, strong, new high grade 58 man ilia with loop fatten era trends, Srcit'uv pneed . $. , at t J. INSURANCE RECORDS SHOW FARM COMEBACK CHICAGO, July 14. The farmer Is fimMKliu? from six years of airil cullure denresslnn. Insurance t lu ll res by Hohort I.).-Lay, president of Ihe National Life Insurance company, indicate. Kor the first time In six years," ho says, "farmers are back to nor mal In the amounts of money bor rowed on life insurance policies. Their borrowing arp an accurate Index of their financial nituatiou. When times are bad they borrow heavily and the loans diminish as nines prow better. i'or IS months tho statistics on 200,i.oii rural policies show an im provement, and ficures' for May -how a return to the normal of ",-1." II Seattle police arrested Don O'Connell fl few days Ago, failed! to recognize him as an Interna- j tiorully wanted silk thief, and let' him go. Then they learned there j were rewards of $11,350 up for htm, Including $10,000 in London. S1000 In Par-s, S250 in San Francisco and 8100 In Loa Angeles, Arundel, piano timer. o- Phone 189-U $1.50 BASSIERES 69c .,C,PTnH IJ?,0"' Br,t,5.h! a'lor brassiere, flapper girdle, .flyer and test pilot, ,. ready to (straight ,,,',, 3, , 44 lembark'on a flloht from Ca ahot. r ' " :.' I England, to N.v, York. H, plan.,8 , nerl , You wll reH i to and ni seaplane In New York,Ua, Mc ,8 prlre rrr.,, u 0 . n ,'Zr ,mf . I- horo yon save." Another lot y Stirling y Lighting yIjniHSn Battery n v Tires.. vUpholitry y Top FORD COUPE Like new. CHEVROLET COUPE Nearly new. CHEVROLET LANDAU Nearly new. DODGE TOURING Good condition. Several Chevrolet and Ford Tourings and trucks priced from $25.00 and up. Easy terms can be arranged. and R. F, Little, mechanic , ,ou jue ior one mat save you aoout HANSEN CHEVROLET CO.