TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, JULY 1 5. 1927. mm mi .N. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW fuuad Oally Exopt Sunday toy Ths NewiRevlaw Co., Ine. UeMber 111 AaJajclNtil Vrrmm. Vh Aaaoolated Prtfaa la enttllad Ui Ilia una) for reuubll- csulon of all newi dlaiiLclii;a credited to It or out otherwise credited in tpla paper ana to u touai news puuitanea nerein. ah ntuu 01 repuuuc tivn of apeclal dlepatcliea herein lire ulao roaerved. ...... J'rrl(leut ami Manager .w. ....8eoreUtiy-Tiiurr B. W. BATKS BERT Q. HATES- jgntered as second clus mailer May 17, VJ'iO, Ht tbe post office at Roseburg, Oregon, under tbe Act of March 2, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily, per year, by mall Dally, six mouths, by wall Daily, three months, by mall Sally, single month, by mall , Mly. by carrier, per monlti ..14.00 . 2.00 . 1.00 .60 AMERICAN HUSBANDS SHIRK HOUSEKEEPING PPUNE pjcKt-rs Forty-five per .cent of the new human habitations built last year were apartment houses, and only two out of every five families in the country now live in the one-family dwell ings which used to be dignified under the group institutional title of "The Great American Home." These are the sober statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor, so the facts must be so. "I. Once again there can be raised a great hue and cry over the disappearance of American family life of the kind that flourished. in that indefinite period known as the good old days. Front yard, hack yenrrl, side yard, cellar and attic are as out of date as the human appendix, and the great American kitchen has devoluted into a cubbyhole of infinitesi mal dimensions; ' ! ! '! ' j ; ' ', i ; -; ; .; 'V ' ;" -1 . .. Of course the reformers will shout that the modern woi mail is the cause of it all. ; She's too lazy to keep house too intent upon her bridge and her novels and her makeup and what's going on at the movies this afternoon ;and 'evening. She has no time for children, or she has no time for the chil dren she has. They run wild all over this state and the next and what is the world coming to, anyway? . The. question' is supposed to need no answer. ' ' -. ; j ! j -': i 1 -, ; : I j ; ' B.ut is. the woman to blame for all this? Hardly;.. Talk to any pf the modern young husbands for any length of, time and tHeir'ideas crop out obtrusively.! Would they fix ft fur-;j nacej Np$ oil your life. Would they cut the grass: on the, front of ;back yards uiitjl' theijr Wilder Were grown lip? TheyJ would not. j .Would they lend a little cooppi'atiqn on yoyagos1 of discovery into; attic or cellar: for those ; annual. 'cie(iiingi out 'expeditious?. Not while they're conscious.' Hi ;J-' j ! In thp; national, passion for shirking domesticjduty, 'the mulb line honn iilu'l na elnlhflll ne flin ffimulii Thn "Iml'rl rlnir - . r j r ..... . f'v at the, pffjee, .dear' ip Jiecpine,' arj,aljlii toughon tliaa shop: leather. Civilization is one or two too many generations re moved from the farm, and tho back .to the soil urge which used to make men want to hoe in a garden has shriveled and shrunk to, veritable non-existence. , . . , , Admit, if you must, that the great American home is not ns it was, pi- that it just is not, but put the, blame on the gejir Hem an of the house as well ns on the lady. 'ill .1 . ' ! I i I i O ' ' 1 To hear many school teachers talk shop, it would appear that theirs was the 'dullest and drearist and nfost 'uninspiring job in the whole world. There are, however, a few who sane ly vipw the profession as pretty fair pay and short hours v.ith a long vacation',, and they work at their '-trade as though it j were more than hum drum slavery.; The real teachers in this latter class can now be found in summer schools, brushing up a little on this br that, getting ready to deliver knowledge as best tjiey cliiij Whether theso teachers regard mere knowl edge as' the 'supreme' end in view, or whether they regard knowledge as a. mere means, to an end should be of import ance. As Judge Kavanaugh of Chicago recently told a mid dle western teachers' convention, it is necessary to teach oth er things than those found in text books. Acquisition of a sense of responsibility and a knowledge of how to deal with success and failure are more essential in life than knowledge of the binomial theorem or the extraction of :ube root.' Man is a pretty dumb individual most of tho time, but now and then there are signs! which reveal a glimmer of hope for, ultimate intelligence. Good news, for instance, comes from far off Labrador, where the Newfoundland gov ernment is doing its best to save the eider duck from extinc tion. As a result, in a generation or two, it will be possible to buy real eider down quilts of tho kind that went down in cradle history of the cradle of liberty. Blame for the virtual extermination of the eider ducks rests largely upon the fa mous Yankee traders who made voyages to Labrador for the purpose of clubbing the ducks to death and plucking their feathers. The ducks, naturally, went the way of the quail,, the wild turkey, the buffalo, the virgin forest. We . have paid dearly for our forefathers' prodigality, and just now wo are beginning to correct their errors. ' Qood EyEMwa "Folks" Soon the folks Will be comln' Home from their Vacations to Git a rest and Will find the , Front yard Fulla dandelions And the doorsteps Loaded with Bottles of . . ' Fermented milk. WE ALWAYS MISS THESE KINO OF DINNERS w Annie, we're having six to dine,"; The lady said, "so do your beet. "Serve the fowl with all the trim mings "But bring the salad In undressed." No objection rose from Annie And the dinner was a treat . , Till the salad came , , , and brought Friday And Saturday Only SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF . Can't Bust 'Em Red Button Overalls Here are twelve reasons why Cant Bust ' En, Red Button Over alls should be worn by every man. 1 Curved form fitting waist band. 6 Extra big cut. ZRlveted metal buttons. 76uper woven denim. , ... ,,, 8 Double lock stitch, sail pockets. 3- Oiant bar tack. 9Safety watch pocket. . 4 Combination rule and plier owide non-curllng suspenders, pocket, 11 Patented spearhead buckle on 3 Every stitch guaranteed. suspenders. . Guaranteed Won't Shrink. ' Guaranteed Won't Fade. ; Mr. Overall wearer, take advantage of this special offer. Fill out tbe coiiihjii below ami suve filty cents on I he Cant Dust 'Kiu, sbrluklesa, durable Red llutlon Overall. Vs. m StOOt UAL COCH8AN PICfURK 4 KNICK Devastation quite complete. ; Surely it was some Illusion That our fevered fancy painted;. . In; came. Annie, not a stitch on, Master stared. The hostess fainted 1 Why is It a feller blushes when he asks the grocery clerk fer two cakes of yeast, a can of malt and ten lbs. of sugar? . ; i ; - v - - i ! ; CROSSING THE BRIDGE : I t ' "Well,: Joe," we queries, "what kind of a time ,did you have last night?" :,:, i i J i ; , ; ' i . ; i Whereupon Joe gives us the low. down on. the' wench he dragged to the dance, ';:'- . "Boyl" says joe, i "she was a peach I Easy on the eyes, red hair, and cute baby doll. lamps!"- , ; ( , i'lWell,'! continues the sap, "we went for-a Walk afterward j; It, was :ai swell, night. ' j I j I , ! . ! . ;"Wel,;pretty soon we came to a nice spot in the road,' and I asks for. a kiss, :but she' said j'Nol' .So we jw.ilk! on.j Again she says Ndl-; ( . ' , H ! i "'' ' ' " ' ' "Then What happened?',' we pipes1 up,all agog. M ! ; r t . ! ,j ! ; ; ; ? 1 "We came to: a tjrldgi.! ! went over, and fIVe! minutes lateralis came aorbss." I H 1 i i ' ; ' v 1 .M (I I ())'' ' Jack Dempsey la gittln' ready to risk his synthetic nose agin the, jabs of Mister. 'Sharkey , which'll be great dodder fer the fight fans Who have been; bettin' all week without, a cent in sight. , 1 She: ,"StopT'! i ' He! i'fWhat's the Idea?", i She:. "Until I tnko off my beads." '' '. To, Us here Is '-h'othlii' so awk ward lookin' as a gal attired In knickers. ?-: ' 1 r : M k i . lafeperkTnssez i "Another curse of likker. ie goin' swlmmin' and cuttin' yer big toe on a broken beer bottle. ; THIS COUPON IS WORTH 50 CENTS This Coupon when properly filled out entitles the bearer to Fifty Cent allowance on a pair of Ited Uutton Overalls. Good on Friday and Saturday, July 15-16. Name .: - . -.. Address . . Oreiiimtlun ...;.....:.....' !..; ONLY ONE PAIR TO A CUSTOMER AT THIS PRICE GOOD ONLY FRIDAY ANp SATURDAY, JULY 15 AND 18 iA msH PnoeF overall I , i ' . NOTICE - : The Slink's Neat mid OH't Slion. nt Wit N. JackHon, will be cloned for the next three veekn. FHKDA BBAUNINUIOK. Drain News mmnm m : i WON'T. gniON- made SHRINK! Moo Stronger arid 41.8 Finer than Denim. 4 ! ' .' ;. ; ; SOLD BY ' . - ' ' ' '. , i , i . i i w t i ' arths Toggery FIFTY POUND Felted Mattress i Specially Made to Our Order made from the best of materials SOLD SPECIALXY THIS WEEK $12.50 ' SEE AND COMPARE Powell Furniture Co. 238 and 240 N. Jackson Street Mr. Aniifi Umln anil 1km non-in-luw will tliuiKhUu', Mr. uml Mra. II. L. Whli)e, of Houebiirg, returned Hfltiminy from a .liuudayH' trip tluouKli KhhIpiu OreKon Koing ns war att Wullnwu I,ak and Hnker. Mr. and Mr. Hurry Hltirlt, or Hood Htver, uccoinpauitMl them from there.. Mr. and JUrn. Hart Stark, of AlaM-deui), Waul)., ' visUed here Tuesday with Mra. Stark's father John Sneed and wife. They were cm a ten duyn' ouUiik aiul took lu eoiiHt polnlH from Astoria to New port and also Included Keedttport and ltOHehurg In (heir trip. Our loral hurlter, "Jenks" Sum ner, treated his shop to a new roof this week um! ia also making im provements (u his dwelling. A business change here during tho week was the sale of t lie con fectionery bualnnsa of "Artie" Moorman to Mr. II, A. Kuitpp, who look pnsaesKtou on Saturday. Mr. Moorman and family contemplate going to a southern clime for the , winter. Mrs. Olson, (ilendale, visited at the homo of her aon-lnluw and daughter, Mr. and Mra. Harry Coot during the week. Mr. Henry Nukes, who has re i aided on his little tarm two miles west of town the past few years has sold (he place to Win. llagood, and willi his family moved to Port land, where they formerly resided. : Mrs. I.. Is. I.ogan, of lleltiugham. Wash., has visited here tho past couple of weeks with her alstera, : Mih. It i ley Morulnystar and Mrs. Mont Spalding. i Ij. It. Coniptou. a loral poult ry ; man, informed ua one day this i week Mih! he hatched aud sold ufcout .Ili.OuO While Leghorn baby ciilx this spring, shipping thrm to : varlouH points In Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. He also does a large eiig shltiplug bustuesa. Or. T. M. White and Mrs. Claude VaU-hen, who were delegates to the annual convention ot the Chlrstlau church at Turner have ' returned home. Expected At End of Week -Spend Morning V. K. Oil Ulm SOU, cJllHworui, hum mi-H. nfiirj' itruivy hiiu ihhiimcs Vellemonte Aiorria, uro oxpecUul utiof HutherHu were in RoaeburB tbia iho end ot' the week after bpending 'morning, (he latter to receive trout a week vacationing at Winchester , ment. Miss Oeuley recently under- ti,. I- . u'nnl :ni nnornllnti frr muKlnki. ji JAP LUNCH CLOTH 79c ij llluo nd while Japanepe lunch ' rlolh. iHigo site. tii'tiu Inches. J , Special Ht 7e each. Si different l ' pattern. Make an economical and 'dutiable table Miver. Napkins to , match hit 6e each. CairV-"where yn tae. We also have the tan 'body coIoin1 print cloths, hhiiio ! Iko at 1.15 viivh. Several differ t nut color combination!. ee them The Road That Outlives the Bonds The mileage of Concrete Roads is rapidly increasing year after year because no other pavement stands up under punishment like Concrete. . Concrete Roads carry any kind of traffic indefinitely, practically without repairs. They have the maintenance built into them. That is why it is safe to issue bonds for Portland cement Con crete Road construction. Our Bookie! felU many interest- Inj things about Concrttt Roads. Write this ojji-s for your cojiy. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Cisco Building PORTLAND, OREG. o4 National Organization to Improve and Exttnd the Vstt of Concrttt Oliic.l in 32 Cities When all the crisp was imcked and (led, wee Coppy jumped up high and cried, "Oh, look! What's happened to tbe tails- It's disap peared from sight." And, sure enough, the falls had stopped and no more woiulrous syrup dropped. I Twas natural that he wondered now if things were all all right. "Dcn't worry," said tbe popcorn man. "I've used, today, all that I can. That's why I stopped the syrup flow. It's much too nice to waste, if you'll come back some day again, I'll welcome all of you, and then I'll start the pretty syrup falls, so you can have a taste." And then he sharply swung about, und suid, "Weil,. I'm all tired out. I've got to go and get my rest, and close my weary eyes. I'm glad that I have met you all. 1 hope some day again you'll call." And then tbe Tinles and the man all shouted good-byes. lie shortly- disappeared . from sight and C'arpy said, ."Suy, he's all right, but now that he has gone away, what Is there we can do?" The Princess answered him real quick. "I have a plan that's very slick. I'm sure that you'll ill llko it 'cause It's something that Is new. "Now far from here , Is Candy Land, where everything around iB grand. There're chocolate drops and lollypops and things that you'll, all like, if going there appeals to you, that's Just' the thing that you can do." Aud Clowny promptly answered, "Flue! Hut how full must we hike?" The Princess suid, "Oil, not at all. My flying horse I'll gladly call." She clapped her hands On READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE came the horse, and my but he i the next few minutea they were looked grand! The Tlnymites in i bound for Candy Land. glee all roared. They waved good-j The Tinmites arrive in Candy bye and hopped aboard. And,, in Land in the next story.) H53 NOW YOU ASK ONE Mors Questions to. Gusss , "Now-You-Ask-One" fans . are finding the question guessing game much to their liking. Below is an other set of ten answers, to which you are asked to give the ques tions. Correct questions are found under the answer heading on the back page. - 1 Ponzi. - ; ., 2 Annie Bescaut. . , ; .. , 3 Einstein. ,., , '. ,. 4 Norma Bniallwood of, 'j'iilsa, Okla. .... ; S The St. Louis Cardinals. j , d r-rince iicnquis uuu i-iincuaa Ileana. , . . . - 7 At Oyster Bay, Ni Y. . 8 Annually, $75,000. with travel ing and entertainment expenses, of S25.000. , 9 Delhi. . .... . .10 Grace Goodhue.. . ",' , , UiereJasHhe result df their 'suicide; found that a;lmn slio Va jcrazy atteoHptstodaVi S t ; I ' ' , ; about" was riot to be'therej !, Virginia Burke1, IT, swallowed' ' Genevieve Taylor,. 20, the 'other two kinds of poison after leaving 'film- extra, was given treatment a party held by other, film extrasyfor deep slashes in her wrists. Shu at the home of Marjorio. Stewart. '.said she did It "jtijit for fun." Met"' ' She Is In a critical condition.' condition, was 'not. serious and she Miss Stewart said the girl Valk- was' returned to :he home' of her ed out on the party'' wheii she sister. .-" ' lw rr GRAHAM BROTHERS REPORT'' HIGHEST SALES RECORD Huge Total of 29,677 Trucks Ship ped in First Six Months of 1927. ' v5 ' June sales Hhipments of Giuliani Brothers trucks and commercial cars to Dodge Brothers dealers who Bell and service them' through out the world broke all previous monthly records for the year, the company announces- to J. O. New land and Son, local dealers. The total ot 5,730 Graham. Brothers units produced and shipped during the 24 working days of the mouth exceeded the record month of May and brought Graham Brothers sales lor the first six months of the yeur to tho hugo total of 29,677 trucks and commercial cars. ,A The June record is all the more noteworthy when it is known that in previous years truck sales in general have shown a fulling off in, June over earlier months of the year. Graham Brothers 1927 sales curve, however, has shown an up ward trend since January 1st and dealers report that prospects are bright for even higher sales dur ing the second half of the year. The present great demand for trucks follows a series of remark able improvements in design und appearance which alt to the quali ties ot dependability, strength and long life for which Graham Broth ers trucks have ulways been noted even, greater economy, - more power, speed aud striking beauty. Despite these advances, prices have remained at the same low- level for 3-4, 1, li aud 2-ton capa city models. LONE SCOUTS TO HOLD MEETING COMING TO Iu)S JULY Six Days of Famous Plays, Inspiring Music. Soul-Stirring Lectures, Bubbling Fun. Saturday "The Fool" Charming Pollock's famous play. , Sunday Lucile Elmore Company. Dr. Robert Miles, Lecturer of world renown. Monday Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintette. Tuesday Haskell Indian Symphonic Band. Ned Woodman, cartoonist. Wednesday Allpress All-Star Trio. Dr. Alex ander Cairns, noted author and lecturer. Thursday "Applesauce" the mirth-provoking drama of American youth. The Umuqua Tribe, Lone Scouts of America, will hold a meeting Saturday, July 10, In front of the Junior High School building. Mr. Muynnrd Hell, one of the camp instructors is to bo present, and will give a short talk on camp acti vities. Chief Umpqua requests each member . to be present as there Is n pleasant surprise in store for them. , o Wo have a littlo paint left nt wholesale price to close out and discontinue. This Is high grade paint and will give you the best of service Linoleum varnish, floor stains, enamels and house paints. Powell Furniture Company, 23S N. JjHekMon St. TWO HOLLYWOOD GIRL EXTRAS TRY SUICIDE ajassaasaajiawiaiilllS siia 111 iipaaagajcaayaiamjiaajmaaaju I jaaaMBrisnrrTiif),T wvmwivxammMrXiUaLrjjjmBMmmiriiimrmwrmmmmr ' (AMfwintH Vrrm l.ccd Wir) HOLLYWOOD, Calif., July Two Hollywood motion plclnre ex tra Klrls were treated In a hospital ami oni' Ij in a critical condition ' ! SPEJIAL , i 8n3S Inree O. 8. Oldfleld ! conls now $.s.2j. C. A. Lock- j wood Motor Co ....: SEASON TICKETS ON SALE AT Ott's Music Score, Peltey's Sweet Shop, Comemrcial Abstract Office, Chapman's Drug Store, Fullerton's Drug Store or members of Chautauqua Committee. PRICES ; Adult Season Tickets $2.50 Students' Season Tickets $1.50 , Childs' Season Tickets $1.00 Reserve seat sale starts Saturday at 10 a. m. in lobby of Umpqua Hotel. A reserved chair for the week for $ 1 .00. Don't miss the week of great profit and pleasure Sri i icnu.uMiTr v at Can's. ,