ROSEBURG. NEWS REVIEW, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1927, FIVE u.e3 savings me -latest''. COR. CASS AND STEPHENS, OPP, POSTOFFICE ROSEBUBQ I Faily Store Where Eveiry Member Is Provided With Good Values in Quality Goods- Choose Your Friends. If You Wish Success "How far you go depend upon whom you travel with'1- is an old Indian saying. The J. C. Penney Company has trav eled in a quarter of a century from a tiny country store to a Nation-Wide Institution of 835, stores, serving millions of peo ple, and their success has been due in great' measure to the. principles with which they chose to make the journey., Perfdrmance - Instead;-, o. -Promises was one of- their early traveling companions, and. Truth-In-Advertising, and A-Square-Deal-To-All-Alike have proved equally satisfactory, friends. These 885 stores are more than just places to sell yards of goods. They are monuments to. "the principle that the public ap-. predates honest dealing. 25th Anniversary Rayon Chemise Contrasting Bands 1 25th Anniversary , For Every Summer Hour The Frock of Silk Is Best Every, woman: knows the refreshing coolness of a silk frock, on the hottest day-rand how becoming the sort pastel shades are. Such frocks can be. foupd iiv our, s,tock today. Lower in Price Always Our power from coast to coast assures you of a price that is appealingly low. 14.75 Handbags Novelty Effects Colors to harmonize- gift with real charm. $2.98 '25th Anniversary Comfortable, neat fitting fcnd easy to wash. Thii chemise is trimmed with tailored bands in a contrast ing color around the bottoa. tow-priced at 98c 25th. Anniversary Knickers , At aving Prices These ideal garments tot- outdoor activities are shown in, Kliuki and Tweed. Sizes for wometi and children. KHAKI $1.49 TWEEDS $1.98 and $2.98. icflt if Chiffon Hose Silk to Top , An ideal' number, for spring and summer this all silk ' form-fashioned hose in a selection of several color- 98c 25 a Anniversary Rayon Step-ins Contrasting Trim 1 25" Anniversary Sunny Days And a Large Hat Go Hand in Hand The ideal, summer, under garment step-ins of firmly woven, rayon trimmed with, a contrasting color. Tin price is lolv. 98c 4.98 PUGDOM PUNCHES y, S roper ty hereinafter described, cfeutluuta above uaiued: you, una eacn oi you, win pieuao August, at the hour of iou( 1928, amount thou due 11. fid with Interest, ul 12 from salt! date, making hiturutit fii.UIi, cost l-.0, tuu win luririfir take notice mat Block Fourtoun (14) and Lots One U) and Two (2) in Block, fifteen (is) hi the Town of Kludlu, Douglas County, Orttfoii; ina nam win lane piaco unu wun clock In tha foreuuon, or us suon j tho plaintiff county will baao ii3 j may be submitted to suld, auiiilnl- MAUG TIGER OF iT prominence In New York, had boaten Wills, MoTlgue uud Ma lonuy fa local riuga, and would do maiul Unit New York funs got to 8oo the Tunney bout. Tvk Klckurd tins been consider- i thereafter us counsel eon bo heard, liiu plaintiff cotiiiiy will Ulu a pen- and imnii all the nu tiou lu Uiu above entitled court and 1 jna now on file In tliti tibovo I said motion upon the said land upon mi the puporu anil titlon pluad- i-Hiinn tlm iKlirllll'llt Hill! lliKT huving been duty mudo and aMored in tiiu above untitled tux lurocjowuro biilt on the 6th day of May. I i -7 . and ull of the hereinafter, deaeilbeo ill m-unertv havliisT bouii ol fv-rcd i - , i..l.1,ii.i i ni public sale by the sheriff vuiwifiu iui uiu iuu.i.iJu.ioiMi' ijuuuntH t'innity, Oregon, on tint fiKlit. Commissioner William Muldoon ol the New York commission vus not suttslied with Sharkey's work out, -impressing the belief that the IBoBtoniuu whs taking too many chuiics by hla willingness to ub (MM iwwi aurb m-nitdiment from his spurring "r,,.ttl C.S Ti KAii ATOiiA I.AKhV N. Y.. July ! narliHTH. Muldoon thought Bhur roKlsUreil under Uiu Ton una ii h-iUHha f mil nn.P tiuerish knv niieht In ho nui-fectine his, iHq plaintiff county wiM. pursuant - w. --- - -- - ll( toftuu.i yui uni Meciiun Iav . (if Muv. ltt'Al. at Uiu liour ol teu o'clock In tiiu loleuoou, uud bam Minutif l-avhiK iv.ccivt-d no bldti for uny of said tin eta or par eels tito plulutlff county IheioliV bec-auiu vented With the title to q;icn niuiiu. nuieul or tract of IV a I pioix ky iHi.otiiaii r uuHorlbeil uudi:C tnu rettpeutivo uciiimiuuiu in t-vrun i-ui.)i nixt till if miiUI ri-nl liluhuitv IUIIU an, titled court and cuune. Put ml thin llth day of July, tU:'7. auv COHUON. Dlotrlct attorney uud uVrnwy tor plaintiff county. tho trator at the law office of Jumes wataon, jtoaeourK, ontROti, or at tlm luw oUieu of Totter & Klntf, Kugone, OruKon. OUVAU RAROR, Admlniatrator of tho outato of 11. A RuHur, deceuwbd. NOTtcic to cHionirmts Notice la hereby given thitt tho uuderalgued nun been duly aiipoinL- N'tlTIt l'l TO t ltKDITOIIH Noth-e la hereby kIvuu that liiulnrsliriiLMl han hi-mi liulv polntuil by llto County Court of Stale of Oivkoii, for DoukIum eoun- uf Oreuon, for iouKlu County, ud ty, udmlnhitrutor with the will nu- miulMtraUir of tho uwiuto of litnja lioxod of the eatato of T. J. Me 1 1 or, I min l'1. liohr. ducuaiied. All periiouti deceased. All pei tionH huviiiK clalnm i huvlntf claims uuainut ttald. etilato au- Itioleil by the County Court oi tho Hiuio speed. I of Oregon Uwh, tnove the ubov uh. -i,...r . .no tn an a tiiA c iii fr i mi 1 1 1 1 oil I'niii'i rut' ilii arinsr UUIIlOl urn ell nir 1 !IH. "" .".. -- afwulnat Deinpsey From now on the Lithuanians workouts will be lltihtor. Spar? ring will be cut short but the morn- lug roau work probably will con tinue right up to tho day before tho battle. iorocUy. reminiscent of the dayB ot Toledo and' lloyles' 'I'tiiity Aores, indicate that Jack Doinpsey is well j advanced on the road thut may lead to the most scusuuomu come back in nug history. With a long week remalnlug be fore Dompsey meets Sharkey in i the Yankee Stadium, every increas ing inclination to drop boxing lea sons for the sheer joy of crushing a spurring partner appears uany in the former champion's workuuu. The black scowl so characteristic of tho hoydey deepens daily as Jack feels the growing tenseness oi perlect fighting trim. The drawn lace of the Denipsey of 1926. when legal diiflcullies be set him, has given way to tho old fighting vlsuge and tho lent of Jack's physical makeup scorns to have followed suit. Despite the constant effort of Jack's handlers to hold him to the grind that comprises learning a de- fourth round of a'15-round fight tense for SharKeys cutting ieitilaHt niKn, ut Kbbots Field. hand, Dempsey showed, yoHionlay After three-rounds of lethargic utruliiHl said estate are hereby quired to lO'cueiit tho tmuiu to me. Iiroporlv verified hh required hy nw, at HoHDburir, OreKon, within ttx nionthti fiiiin thin diitu. uatott tum iitn uuv or Jtiiy. iuf. AdinlnlHtrator with Mm will nn nexed of tho ciitatu of T. J. Me I lor. deccuued. UZCUDUN KNOCKS OUT HARRY WILLS IN FOURTH ROUND ;'feu1,S5hu,?eR?Ac8KHOSfy fflp. Jotigtiis county, Oregon, to tuncel tho ouutnndlnr certbluitea of title to tho luiid hurelnaiter doiiiriued and covered hy tlio lespoclivu de llmiueiit iuX ceriilieatea horclnuf iur nuintiered unil ruierrcu iu, and further liuuiorlthig uud directing tlio isiiiil ri'ttibtrur to iuuhu ui.i - fer of KUih title to tho pluiuilff. county. And ygu will further Uiko notice that tho niunea of the roniuctivo owners of the said registered lai)ii. i lio liuinuor oi mo coiliucaiq o title held by such owner, tho de (AwocUtcd TrtM triaed Wire.) NEW YORK, July 14 Although he accomplished only what one mau before him had done over a slretch of 17 years, Paulino. Uacu- ilt.i n.uiiKKi lv mimlinK nf Lite certit icato oi, deii)Miuency. fwreeiused up on, unu uiu amount, oi mo jM(S meiit entered tgulnst each piuce, tract or parcel l esptotlveiy, arc tu follows, to-wit; Ji K, l-UHl-J W jircHouti owner of Certlflcuto ol Title luua': ui'e hereby required to present tho aume to mo ut mo oiueo ot i;uuh. 1'. HopUins, 417 Perkins Uldg., llosebuig, Oregon, properly veri fied us required by luw, wilhlti nix months from, thin date. Lotted Juno 3Ulh, 1127. IIAUHJJT LOlUt, Administrator of tho Emu to ot lien jam In b 1.0 hr, Dooounod. NOTirii TO f'ltlODITOIIN In the Cuuuiy Court or tho Hluto of uretton tor uoukhis t ounty. In the matte)- of tint etitalo of Liurn U. l'H.ur, deccatit'd. Noth'o Ik hereby glvm, that tho uuderslKiH'd Iiiih by order of the uiiov iKtint of l,u ru It. l'Vtstur, dneeased uax iiuiy tiualir eu at utirli. All persoiiH IiuvIuk elnhun HKulUHt Hahl uKiutv are hereby re quired to present lh xame duly verlfteil to the onderidKned ut HoMeburg, DoukIhh County, Oregon, within nix montlm from the flint publh-ulion oT tit I k notice which 1h tho 14th day of July, ll27. I. JO. KOKTKU. AdniiuiHtrutor. OTlCi: OV AIIMlNIHTHATOIlfl bAI.C Ob' IILIAL. L'llUWUiTV In tho County Court of tho Hluto of Oregon, for. Douglas. County, Oregon. mo inuuiT oi iito csmio oi i'o entlth-d court been duly up-j George M. Liullenhuugh, deccuued ted utlnilnlKlrator nf the eKtalu Notlcu Is hereby given thut Kit it. i'osti'r, (liH'eased, . unu fiuaiiiieu that he was unable to keop leash the torrific punch that knows Is again in his ilKhtlng mnchinory. After following faithfully the de fensive advices of his manager and ring tutor, Leo P. Klynn, Jack sud denly loosed tlio full force of his lashing attack against tho giant Indian chief, Metoquah, and the iiui powur oi mroQ zuumiiuk luits to the body quickly smashed the brave to the canvas. It way the second' time In two workouts that Jack had, flattened the big Okla- homan. still as far way from the heavy-1 eouiity October lUJa, amount iiiuu, woiirht thiono as ho was before he due u.0 with Interest ut t-2' from knocked out Harry Wills m "'8 V : 11 " . , , .1. LUHW CO.. iireHont owner cerliflcuto of ttllo :tra covtirlng lumla In sec. 11) und, 15 '1'. 2o, a. H. i V D. C. 6100 Issued to l)outiltiH County Octo.ber 0, lltii:!. iiinouut thou dun M.tir with Interest at Vl0 massive knou9 t0 thQ eluut 1U)g,-Q'8 chin from a S1.!;- l;gllftill,tflru,", and Wills, rolled to tho canvas. I w. A. 1uh1a1U, preHent ownur Ho was up at tho count of nine, f cortifU;iito cr ll.Vw ,VriirKVUAau only to run into a volley of lefts otsRi-.i-4 hm. Hogurd a,iu. and l L'hts that nut him under tne nouirlus County October , in aimvi'lnir. Piinllnn hrnuuht a. riirllt ihunil blow on. a Ulruol lino from His When Fashion dictates soft materials and light colors for summer then the large hat. holds sway. Becoming new ones fof only $2.98 Jaciel Compact Single and Double Dainty, attractive and indij pensablc our own brand; 49c to 98c For Warm Days Cool Wash Fsrocks Always, fresh and particularly becoming thii year because they fc so smart 1 A score of new styles and all sizes. , lower rope, whore he lay supported oil his elbows while ilul'eree Lou MaKiiolia counted him out. Tho Spaniard's victory availed him nothing, insofnr as a title chance this year Is concerned. He was dropped from Tex Kiokard's heavyweight elimination tourna ment after Jack Dempsey had re fused to engage In more than, one amount then duo I'Ja.iio with intci CHt at 12',. from mild date, inukluK interest 911. vi, eotim, f-.uu, fcw MARKIj HAHNKH.S, plCHqnt oyn er certificate of title iVAV, covcrliiB lota 6-6 hlk. 7. 1st Add. Kinney a Add. to HosebmK- l. 0. ibbii ed to IJoiiKlua County octoh-ir 6. I'JiJ, amount, tueu uuu " Interest thereon at Zv irom hulil dulo, inakiiitf iiiLerent tt.7, costs .... Itilul lOXI'HTiTOIt'N OTICr, 'IHI ( iti:il ioits In the Count Court of tho State ot OreKon for DuUKhts County, in the mutter of tho entitle of KHvil lli'lllah llotltier. DeeeiiMud. Nolro Ih hereby iflven, that tho undersltf tied, linn been duly un pointed executor nt tho last . will und tcKtament of Hllva Delilah Ilou Hor, deeoiiHed, hy an .order of tho County Court for Dounhis County, Oreuoii, therefore all porHons h'iv iriff elalms imJiliiHt Nitld eutato are nureoy imiiiH'ti m im-okiu me mihuu at tho ofrico of It. W. Mursteri, 220-21 1'erklnH biilhlluu;, UoseburK. Orou;on, duly verified nn 'by law. le- uiretl, wiliun six Hiomus 11001 ate hereof. ' Uateil ami flrnt nuhlltdicd thl llth day ot July, 1327. Kxoeutor of tho ' hint will and tnHtanient of SILvti Uellluh llousur. docuused. OUT OF HIS PATH proMunt owner nrollminnrv limit InniHniT tn ft flcllt t enrtlf icillu ot tltlu 1761 COVOl'lllS " - i.,, in i.ik 11 nf Kilt I with tiotiu Tunney. lot 10, blk. fl of Sutlierlin. v. . ai4 Issued to DoUKlun County Oc in-) ' iniimmt tilt; II due I4.fi6 witn interest ai i-vn "'" '"I" rlni.. mak ntr lliteresi i:.iu, eoaii a At 'im'tm MINUS. nreent owner certiricato of title cov- blk 12. Sutlierlin. D. C. ttai5 iMiied t, nniiifluH Oountv October V 1A Wnr ;....,.. Mum (llln 14. 22 Will llltor- HKt- Ht iroill H hi UU'U, championship I i r.i " '' c..m..r T i ii T.ITKH5 CO.. present owner Mand.ll of llockford, 111.,' will risk "f'' mllTn Zit"! i.i.. ,..i k n,nnt ru.ll Mn. k.V.... ..n.. it i n-!":i to DoilK- in.i.niinH iih bounty weiouui- u. i--, i!hD.Uir iu niimit - dnwn tn t bout tomorrow at the Univorslty in'- maklnu- intorcst SKi.Jl, coslu ...ti.t lu u.n i 'nf nnlrniL Hludluiu. S.l)5. total HMU.u.i. iiiiiiLiiiii wuiu il iui ma lu'iuuuu - ... i i,t i i is! ii MANDELL TQ GIVE McGRAW ANOTHER FIGHT TOMORROW DETROIT, Mich.. July the first time since he won the lightweight boxing mora than a year ago, (Associated. Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK, July 14 Jack! w ADMl NINTH A'I'Olt'.H HAIJS Olf ltUAL l'ltOl'ISltTV Notice Is hereby Btven that by vlrtuo of an order of the County Court of L.nno County, Oregon, duly mudo und entered on too sec mul duv of December. 1920. tho on- dui-HlKned. udmluiK trator ot the esiaiu oi ji . jn'fli" . iii,'nr,oii. will, on und after the :i(th ilay of July, iliil, orter ror sale anu son, nt- iirlvnlrt mii I n. tn tho bliilieKt bid der for cuhIi lu hand, thu followluK described real property belonging to suld oatuto, to-wlt: Lot K oven (7) and Eight (8) tn Notlcu Is hereby Kiven thut Elton Hulleubuugh, udmlnitilratur of tho euiutu of (leorgu M. liolloubuuith, di'ueused, will hell ut private Hitlo tor cush In hand ull thu rignt, tltio uud interest or (jour kg ai. uoiiououugu. -deceased. In and to tho following described premises, situate 111 Ouuglus county, uregon, suia suio i to. bo subjfcot to tho widow's rJght of dower, und also subject to one mortgage for tho sum of tUU&o.OO, und IntoroHt thereon umouiiUpy to, $738.00, to-wlt: Tho ICast (Vj) of tho Northeast (14) and tho Houthwoat (W of tl.o Northeast (W. und tho tioutucust (14)- of tho .Northwest (4 of Hue Hon 32, TowutOitp itU. South Ituugu & West, of Willamette Meridian, excepting therefrom 11.91)1)8 ucreu sold to J. 11. Dorders, on tho 20th day of November, liHiO, und record- . od In Hook 81, of Deeds for Doug- lus County, Oregon, ut pugu 468; ul-. so excepting 7.-0 ucres sold to A. 11 Hnrilui-H. on Novembor -till. 11)(1. ' uud recorded, in Hook 82, of Doods for DougluH County, page 08. uud also excepting u roud-way deeded lo uougpis uouiity, uregon, us shown nt pil go M of Hook 7D, deed , records oe DuugloH County, Oregon, ' lllds for Uiu purchusu of said property will bo received by tho un dersigned Administrator at Canyon- vine, Oregon, irom unu alter juiy 2Sth, 1927, said property to be sold: subject to the confirmation of ihe. Court. Dated and first published this, ' 23rd day of .tune, 1!27. Kl.TON ilOIJ.BNnAUUll AdmlnlRtrntor nf tho ostntq ot George M. Dollenbuugli, docoasodt SUMMONS two agresslvo fighters havo met. lou 20 to 24 inoluslyu nu.,. rnt.nlt r.liiiH.iiiiriii wtll luivn n Suthor ill. D. J. . fighting weight for his 15-round contest- with Jack Dempsey. Under a broiling sun, Sharkey yesterday, worked off four pounds, in a. short sparring session, some rope jumping and shadow boxing. Because of the fear of getting too fine the former sailor, abandoned his usual road grind in Central Park. "When I whip Dempsey I am go- ui.iM rlirlit hn hold In New York. 1 a iiuutuoi ui umivuw "- ....... oi.i,,r but always under weight agreo Sm oim.ncj. k tl Hlln nut. nf Hi didn't use the word "it." ricim-ni wmuu ... said he had fought his way to ibbik This will be tho socoml llmo tne ;;ri; "of" Ull Sue4 eoverlng LINKS ADDED TO EVIDENCE CM In s-lj Cliaiioo 'to show- whotlion -iK ' Amount t huu dno' JKS' with 'lljlw- ablllly 1ms Improvod mora umn t at 12; , n o 'j,'"" taandell'g slnco tlio pair fought to l..t.r.t, a (haw two years aso. ' j'. R I.USH CO., irtpiit mtwf Manilull, who won tlio ohanipion- coitlt lento or t 1 .V." "V," Khll) from Kock Kansas In a Chi- iV.,1.t i i l 32G Issucl lo cai;o rainstorm on. July 3, W20, by iouslan County O'-i"1"'';., ., :':,f; a decision In lu rounds, has fought amou.a t .on m.o 'r,i'lfhlw,!.t'!1,!1'!c'iH1 t0.2U, costs total 1,' i) WA1TH. proHCnt owner or coFtlflouli ot tltio 870 uovorl.itt lots issued to UOOKU.S County 0"J'';J . 11122. amount then duo " Willi lulorust ut 12 .""( .f.'. tliitf. maulntf iiiutosi ,3.0,. to HI . i .- . nri. own ooVliriiato of till" -"l .!'Vur,.V,- " in l " Ct IW T-Vuod to i-iouKlns ;....... il,.ol,..r . 11122. llinount thou ,! ,r,7.i(i wiiu i".;:.'r;" ",L.-A l,UMli" c6.. priisoiit ownor UIK. i. PORTLAND PLANS ENTEuTIINTFll VI3IIE yes PORTLAND,, Ore.. July 14 l)la'housc. Tuesday 8 u. m. at the Vortland Collsoum; 20,000 yarda of drapes are UeliiK uUlliwil. for deuoralions. i A special "I'ashion bhow ol t-oit-lnnd jobberB anil nianufaclurera will be held in this building follow ed by a study of window trimming. The wind-up will bo a mardi Rias danco with refreshments, berpen tlne and all sorts of favors will be (given guests. Wednesday mo women coming IwlIJi the visiting merchants will bo i entertained at a special production ot tho Henry Dufly flayers at tne CLAIRE WINDSOR AND BERT LYTELL WON'T "PATCH UP" LOS ANGELES, July II. The Examiner says: Hopes of a recon ciliation between Claire Windsor and Jlert Lytell, filn! stars, dwin dled last night with thu drafting ot a divorce complaint charging Lytell with menial cruelty. Barring the long chance of a re conciliation between the couple, the complaint will be filed as the Nows-Ile'view). ;nelg theatre. All 'visiting men soon as a propurly division is C,,n,.ir,l til Thn niricinl urogram of tho i'if-: merchants will be entertained at I agreed upon toenlh Annual Buyers' Week Ex- j iortlaiil's Coliseum with a show cculivo Commlltce of the Portland ..A kik,1 Erom Urnadway" which Chamber of Commerce, which w 111 js a regular road touring company take place, during the. week of Ju-1 aeciiroil for ihls occasion, ly 25 to 30. Thursday The visiting mer- Itegisiratitin headquarters will omiits will bo guesls at Council .be open daily from 8 a. m. to i i crest anil have tho privilege- of i using all ot the. concessions nuu i amusements. Special street cars will be, engaged for the transnort- Ing of visitors. Friday Nlnlit AH visiting mer Ichanls will be guesls at the varl lous theatres l:i Portland. The This agneeincnt probably will bo reached today following confer ences between attorneys for the couple. Every effort to secure a reconcll' lallon of the popular film pair was being niailo yesterday by their close friends. HoUi-of tho slarii woro in confer ence, with Ihcir attorneys yester day ami counsel for each frankly admitted, tho contemplation of a property adjustment. Miss Windsor, at tho homo of vesterdny was ordered to appear at, the lull at Z l). m. ami at tiiu appointed tlmo was assigned lo a call and locked up. Yoslerday in court Lnndis tost!- flod: Unit ho oarned $17,000 slnco November, and had paid his for mer wife S2.700. Ho was declarod i Just beroro eniering uiu nan ui .t.criifiCnto ot uuo sbiu JUBIICO to servo ki, nil ' , 'T,,,,, i,,! lo Land s said: rve trieu: to oo a , , J :i , k ci unty Oetobor o. geiHIClllilll OUUUl lino ,.w.u v.....nt . amount Oiuil uuu " .'", ,V,iH. but they are just nun g a goou f ' VJ7.i coiti t..tal 1 iu BO JOB iu jnu c7 i.i i hum rv tiroui-lll HV I'M FUNERAL SUjn-IERLIN iMSVtiX MAN TQ. f KIDAX ? .7 .. tar,.u. costs I2.U5. total CITATION In tho County Court of tlio Stato of Ori-Kon lor Douglua County. In tiiu mutter ot tho oh tut q of UoLiocl'u Ktuvunuon, LtcceuaoU. To Hubert jU IStt'plnMiwon, Alot'ln Klutf, Ourinulu jU (Juuton and Aluy Foyitort, Oruutlus: In tlm iiuiuo of tho Htuta of Oru aroii. you uru huroliy oiluil uud ro- iiulrou to ftppour In Llto Couuty Court of tho hluto of ut-ogun for tlio county or. iJuiiKms, in mo eourt ruuiu thuruof, in ItouuliurK. In iJouKliia County. t)rctf;on, on Mon day, tho any .of Aubiihi. rjaj. ni 1 10 o'clock A. AI.,' of thul:' (luVriHfil! uiul thord to hIjuw ouutjo, if utiy thoro bo, why mi oritur of biiiu hIioiiIiI not bo inutlo uutliorlKlnff thu administrator of tho RHtuto oi Ho bucoa Ktovuiuion, (Ioouuhc-iJ, to hoII thu rtu I propurty. ot' tmiil esttito nt privulu huIo for c-.UHlt lu hand for tho purpouo of- pnyinijr tho ulmrtfuH, UXpOIIHUH UUd CllllUIH UKUlilHt UIlIU oalntu, which ruul propurly la uo Bcrlbud an tollows, lo-wlt: Tho tiouth half of Urn Houthwwfit nuurinr of Bucttun Tvonty-onu; tho Nqi'thuuHt quarltii' of thu Isurtliouttt (luartur of Huctlou Twonty-uim, und1 ttio KiiHt half of tho Soulhuust quur tur or Hoctlon Twunly, ull in Town Bliip Twinty-two Houtli, Kuiibo Kour Woat of YilluInutlo Morldlun, in. Doutflua County, Oregon. WltuuMH iho Hon. Uoo. K. Qulno, JuilKo of tho Couuty Court of tho fcJtuto of Ortitron lor Douslua Coun ty, with tho Huul of tlio mtld court uffixed this 27th day of Juno, 1027. AltOHt; iUA is. niuuiJi'j, Couuty Clork. I ho rso to dentil, n..!n.wl tri.u ljnRP(l Wire) NKW YORK, July U Kviilenco ; to. gut a. good vent." IntlicHtluB thut Miss Sarah Eliza beth Urownull,' ono ot HrookJ:n's two iixe-rnunlor victiniH, had been held prisoner for a lime prior to her death, was in. tho hunUs o police todtiy. John K. Sheftlehl, friend and fl- I..t ...l,,!.,.. nC tUn CU.VfUIV.dld uii m i i- tnhl nolieo ho hud Bono TneHday nionilnK, will ho held i T nr ' l n u Htroot rooming i o Preby.o,; church in Suthe, ""a " " . i; ""..V. hi...-ltake Placu in tho Fair Oaks cenm- ;, " i". Z m.'u t.rUnn'.MInn. Ilo Is survived by Ills wife, Dennett, M. Lee, he said, told him'"- '"l"'1 ""r!"'" Miss llrownell was out ot town. Cnllinn nmiln July 2, Sheffield Funeral Borvlces ot Mr. Martin Hiirnt .lobnaon, who passed away at. his homo In Kutherltll early will ho held In will HOY KTKAIINH, priiHuln. ownor covorhiH lot ea'rtiricalq of tltlu HUCIU tO IJOUHO'" . ' .i'l w 1 1 1 diilu. an 1(1 he found the front door open, walked In and tried the cellar door, which he found locked. He said he loitered near It a while. Then, he said. It suddenly opened and Lee. appearing very ill at ease, emerit ed and explained that Miss llrow nell was away on a trip. . A well dressed woman, whose najne was not revealed by police, yesterday .picked Leo from a line up of ten men as a man she saw crawl thru a renco within fifteen feet of tlio spot where Miss Ilrow neH's head was found in the Urooklyn-.Manhattau Transit com- ipany s yards. Earl M., of Lliinton, Ore.; Miss ltulh Smith, of I'orlland, and Daniel Smith, of. Sulherlin, Ore., iIko tho followlliB brothers and sis ters, Kdwiild, ol Uellvlew, Wash.; Alfred, of I'rosser. Wash.; Mrs. Louise Currier. Nicliolotlc, Minn.; Mrs. Anna Kiionzil, of Redwood. .Minn.; Mrs. Ilannuli llonncr, of lloRiio Ulver, Ore.; Mrs. Emma Door. Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Ida Larson, lirandvlew, , Wash., and .Mrs. (JhrlBliiio Itlsliop, of Stratford, Wash. Kuneral arraiiKenienis uru beiliK Uiken euro of hy H. C. Stuains. funeral dlrocLor of Lbe Douglas Funeral liomu. 11122, HlUOUUt I 1011 UUO ... umklnif Jntorost ,2..I2, cosls i.oi, i.l.ATT J. VAN DUHUN, priisciil ownor certlflcnlo of title l'"' ": i.i'llilt lots 22- I U hlk .11, HotlMO- ii I) C l" from Willi dulo, inakl"K ,:i:in, costs ,2.11.1, loiai ,n...J. ' A. 1- flll.l.KTTf . pros.'iit own r lot 21. blk. 31. Hilllinrllli. I), l'. 3 11 l:s22. o,om,nt tio.,,-.lo with .... u, ..1 L from solo o . niiikUiit Intorost ll.HI, costs , '". ...... -....! owi.Ol- KT- 10 '4 coupon adnilttlnK them to any at-1 her motliur. said, last nUtht thai p. m.. In the Oregon uuiiuing, oui und Dak streets, where the Port land Chamber ot Commerce Is lo cated. Visiting merchants from iho westurn slates arriving in J'oitland will resistor ul headquar ters where thev will be ilvcn a luu.1, nr n.,..lnmnl llflietA that lll 1.. .1 I- nf Hie .',ln Ihn.- .loiIlK In See illiere la . cIlSHKO 111 lllO SllllatlOll enterlalnmont features, an anKed! Saturday, 8:.10 a. ni. until 12 M. Lytell said: I here Is no oilier by thn 120 jobbers and manufae-! visiting nicrchanls will part lei-1 woman or man In the case, that Is turers, which occur on the follow-1 pate In the "open houe" belnu held H I can say at the present. lug days: I by jobbers ami manufacturers. Monday The Hon. (IcorKo L. Ila-; 'tiip various business executives ker. mayor of Portland, will wel-nf I'orlland aro exerting every of come the visiting merchants in i fort tn make this the greatest mer Portland's ll.ono.QOO Droadway ; chants' caihorlng thai has ever llieatre. followed by a special show been held In I'orlland. planned bv Fanchon and Marco which appears at this niagniliceiit.1 Camp al Idleyld Park. NOTICE Parties who took Fox east of town on morning of -luly Ith. had better return and avoid trouble. (JJXmCE DIKTSCU. CUT GLASo VASE 15o Special lot of fine glass vases, beautiful cut patlerns, 6-Inch size 5c; klnell also 2i"io; and Klierh size COc. Also S and 10-lncll 11 muni' glass vases nt llic each, liny at Curr'n "whero you savo." , CULLEN LANDIS iN JAIL FOR SLACKING IN HIS ALIMONY 200 YD. 6EWINQ THREAD A famous brulid ot sowing thread, 200 yard spools. Only Oc u spool. Carr's. It. ( I'rr-u U'uuyI Wire.) LOS ANtiKLKS. July 14 Culleii Laniils, 1 i I in actor, waa In tank number ten of the county jail to day, where he was sentenced to five days by Judge Hubert Scott, for failure Ut. meet alimony pay ments due his divorced wife. Mlgnou. Lebrun Lauclls. The actor mitii;i4 lu tile I'hvllll i:ooi t of tlio Hluto of OrcKoii for IjoukIiik County. iJuiiftlUH County, a body politic anil ooiporiilo of 1110 HlllLU ot '.MOttOO, pin on i:.. v s. Currol .1. iilerkliiK anil minierous others, ImliHllliir .1. K. I'""" '.o. w A. lo.iziiril. Miiln-1 Humous, .I ii i-,...i..v l-:ilo M. (.:tiiiiiollius, I'. I. W'ulli'. Itny Hli-ni'oi. I'lJIl .1. Villi Iiiihi-ii. A. 1. Illllelle Allien. Anna It. frlilillilt. I lluswell. Ivl. W. M inltc-i . unu ' l.uaii IjiihI Co.. Ltd.. Iii-fi-iiilanls. i To .1. I. US" :., W. A. lloKiinl. , .Mcl.,-1 MliriuiiiH. .1. ti. Clopli-y, lOtlo I M. (.'iiiiiiulims, V. H. Wall", iloy ' KtiiiniK. Plait .1. Van lumen. A. 1,. illlli-tli. II. P. Alili-n, Anna Ii. f.hiniill. A. C. Iluawoll. Kd. Vv .Miii-llor, Lone Iind Cu . Ltd.. mid Hl)o lo im:li noil i;Vi-ry 1'olnoii. firm or i orporalloii owiihiir or i:liillnitiK lo own. or IihvIoi,' or lulnilmc lo him- uny lialil. tille. tic, Jlen or iuteivsi. In the ruul II I.'. AI. IBN, pri'SOIIi. "lira tlfl.nlo of tltio 22!i I iivon IB Oli, lois , ,.hll !'." I. C 03 11 l 1 lo UollKlu Coiinly Ootoli.-r II. 1U22. aino it ' " " v1.1.:::. 7i ..... . mtorost : .' . ...i.,i 111.41 ui".'i . u 1 ut. oii-sout own- ,.r cu'rtlflcilu ol till.- 2II.I. covi-rli.K lot 1. I.Ik. 2. of t.; h. rllii 1iU'l i.'.....- I'litL K. D. C. 6..I5 IK- ,... , ,.,,.,,.iv nriooor '."'." h.V .1.10 112. Ill will. a. c. tiiiHWKi.L, k:;'"1.,,"":;!" f"l." r,BV..Ui. Iillt. 1 of Hlllliellll. 1 ;r...... .... in,,, "i." i. liS'li Issuo.l' to IMMlKlaM Cmnily '"'";r "'At w. iu'lil .l.-.lo. nu.kli.ic interest I.UJ. COKls ,2.05, lolul IIS. II. i'..iy.'M!.,K'.',:R,1!: fisrn"; pVa in i.ik. 2. ;f "-;;''. 'i'Vi'iJ'fe,' ;on"' ; J"" p' Mrricu to citiciiiTOua Nfl'IMlMl Ih hereby irlvrn llmt tho unili-Mluiuil Iiiih bi-un ilulv iinuolut- eil hy Lhu County CuiirL ut thu Hluto of Ort'Kun. lur UouhIuh L'ouuty, Atl- uuiilHlrutur or uiu uhuuo ui ainry 10. UllWIllriB, tloCOUHIMl. All pUIHUUD llIlVllIK (MUII1IH IIKIlillHt Hillll fiHlfltU uru liurohy ruiiilrl lo pruHcnl tho hiiiiiu lu 1110 ul lhu oiTk'u ut It. U. I'JiWy, Atloriu-y ul mw, AIiibuiiIc Ttjinplo, ItoaohuiK, Or!(iuu, uropoiiy vurllluil tin roiUlrt.l' by luw, within six montliH from thla (into. . Dutuu. juiiu min, ivti. .Ull IN hi. UOWNINO. Arlmlnlatrntur of tho UhUUo of Mury W. Uu wnlng: JJucoiibcii. NUTIUU TO (JltKDlTOIIS In tho Circuit Cptirt of the Stntq of oroKon for Douglua County. Wudimiiifj '& Co., ' lnvuriiurutiMli IMuliilill, va. U H fruylor, Idu, Fruylur, hiu wllo, untl uUu nil oth or puraouti or nui'ilutt uiiKuuwn ululmlng uny light, title, uatuiu, lion or luioruat in thu rual eatulo . duacrlbed In tho coiitnlulnt hcrulu, . LmfnniliiiitH. to 1 la. iToyicr, 10 iaa i'xoyior . hla wllo. und ulao to ull other uei- auua or parti us uiiltnown claiming - uny riKiii viiiu, uaiuiu, nun ur in toiost In thu ruul otttulo duurlbud lu tho coinpluiut liuroln,. thu ubovy. nuniud dufuduuta: lu Hi nun a of tho State or Ore go 11, you, und ouch, of you, ur( hurohy ruqulrud tu uppuur unu , unuwur thu compliant Hied, uguiiiat you lu thu ubuvu untitled court und cuuso within lour wooka from thu tin to of tlio flrat publloutlou of thlt. Buinmonn, or, within four woolta from tho duto of thd avrvlyo ihoru- o, If tho Hiuno bu aurvert upon you,, poraonally without tho stato of Uro gun, und If you full to uppour und' iLuawor auld complaint, tor want thoruof thu plulutlff will upn' tu thu court for thu rullof thoruln do-, mundiiii, u uuuclnot atuUiiuout ul which Is as followu: . For a duorau of thu nbovo ontltlcd court aulotlug plulntlffa tltio In j und to tho following doaarlbod real propurty, numoly; t,ot four In bloc it flftuun In tho town of Olundulu, lu Douglua County, Oregon. Tula suiutuuua lu aorvutl upon you, and each of you. Known and un known, by publication thereof in tho UoKuburg Nows - liuvluw, u , nuwapapur oi genoral circulation, publlahcd ut Jtuaoburg, In Duuglusi County, Oregon, purauuut to thu, oritur of thu honoruhln .1. W. Huitiii-. tun, Judso of tho nbovo entitled court, duly mudo nnd uuturcd on. tlio anu uuy oi juno, iv-ii, utrcci lng and- authorizing that thla sum' muna bo pubUahed unco a week Tor, - lour Bucccuaivu wqoku unu reuuin lng you to appear and uuawoc plulntlffa compluiut within four, weeks from tho duto of tho flrat publication of thin Bummons, which Ih tho 23rd day of Juno, li27, tho uuto or mo laai puoiicuiiuu oi uhh . suinniona being tho lat duy ot July, VJ27, or within four wooku aftur puraonal Horvlco hereof. It poraunal aurvlco of this summons bu inudu upon you without tho Htut, of. Oregon. OUTrT CORDON, Atlornuy fur Malntiff rtOHldunoo aixl poatofflco uddr'juai. lloauburg, Oregon. SOTlCli OK' l'INAI, Nirri'LE.UlU.VX No tiro Ik hiji'oby given, that the uitdiTHlgncd liua fM-en hy an union of tho Cuunty Court ul tho htulu of Ori-Kon rr Doukiuh Cuuniy, duly uppoitii):il uxucuior u, lhu Ima will und luHUiimiiil of Clyde White, de cuuaod. All jHTHons having (alum ngulnrtt said oHluto are hereby iiiHlllml to, pruHont iho mime veill'ltid hh reiiulr ed by luw lo llto uinh'i'HlgiHMl iSxeijn lor ut his trn;o lu ItoHulmrg. Doug lua ;ouuLy, Oitgun, within six iiiunlhs from lhu duto of thla no net'. this iltlth day uf Juno, VJVt. DKXTKIt JtlCM. lixeculor of the Lata Will and Tes luiuuiiL of t.'lytlo White, deceuaud. AUMJMKTIIATOH'M NdTCCIi TO CltlllMTOItri Knlirn Ih hurnby Klvon Mint the uiKlCMlmii'd baa been duly appoint ed by lhu touiity urL of DnUglits 4-oitnty, Htete ol Oregon, ndniinlri iruiur of Iho edto nf J'lffiu Jna (lllkeaou. leL.:uH tl. All pernuna huv IDK 1'IUllnH IIUItlUHl rill in hereby r,iilied lo pn-fcut the auine to nm innperly veilfUd uh by law i'eiitr'd ut Jloueburg, Oregon, or lo ieui;o .luiiuM, Atloi imy f"r aid cHtate at rouiiiH f. unit 6 Doiiulan Nu I Imiul I In nk . Hldn-. Itosuhtil k. (jri'Kon, wlihht nti inoniliH (rout dale hereof. Diiled Juii" nOlh. l!(27. . . ISAAC I- (JIUCKHOW AdmlnlHtrator f lhu iHlntn of Jrit'J lo JtMIUH Gfild'Hon, dfiie( , Notlcu Is huroby given, that th'j. uiideralKucd Admlnlalrutor uf . thu eathtu of lowla Aah, dueeused, has.' riled bia final account lu the Conn ty Court of tho Hluto of Oregon, -fur DougiuH County, und tho Hon, Geo. K. Quluo, Judgo uf Hald court , Iiuh appointed TuuHduy, tho 2nd day of AuHtml, ivil, ut IU o'clock lu tho ' forenoon of hiiIi) day In tho county courtroom lu lhu courilioimo iu -itoaebtirg, Douglus County, Oregon, ; hh the lime ami placu for lu'urmg objucthuis. If any, to sultl account " and thu HOlllenieiit thereof. All pei Hona interealed iu nalt), n lain are llertiby notified to file their ohJeetlmiK, If uuy, to Hold account at or before thu duto appointed for final hearing us ufureauld. Dated this "ilrd day of Juno, 1027 ADDISON II. ASH AdmlolHtrator of Iho Kututu of lewia Ah(i, Deceased. SLMAIONS Kit. S1UL - o .NOTH Ii OK FIN KIJTI'I.KMIi.N1 Hit 1(1 dnte, pri-K making liituieat l,M iiMiii i;ani co.. 1rn. ",. date. liii.kl.iK Inlenut ,.... ,''JS-fWK """ rorilfl.'lo of MHO 2M " rLn,,t ouU.'coumy October 'V In the Counlv Ceurl of tho Ktnlo of Oi'i'Kon for DougiuM County . In (he Mn Iter nf thu U 8 tutu of 0, W. I.ynn, dercaiied. Notl.-e la her. -by kIvpu that the undeiHlKtitd (id in in Iui rn Mix of the r.ntiitu of (1. W. Ivnn, d'feHt d. h ! filed In the i'miiy conn mi iouh Inn Couiilv, State of Oi'-gmi. h'T final Hccoiinl iim sin h adminlMtia Itilx of said enlnte, and that 'rtira duy. Iho 2Htli day of July, J!7, ut t tin- hour of ten oVIni k. A. M., ban Otji-n IlXetl Uy HUH! huh "S in- nmr for heailliK obJertloiiK to fsiild re port, and the Sftlb-nti'iit tberoof. D.i fid nnd flrnt ntililiHhcd tills 2Hrd dy uf Juno, 1!'J7. ZONA K. UNN Admlntwtratrlx of thf Uctate of O. W. lyiin, Ueceascd. In tho Circuit Court of tho Htuto of oreK"it for Douglas County. Clari'iiee O. Ilaki'i'. Plaintiff, va,, Mabel linker. Defendant Tu; Alahel Ilaker, tlio " ubovo. Iiairifd defeiidnnt; lu tho tniiuo of Uio Ktato of (ire Koit, you ure hereby reiuired- li up pear and anawor the coinpluiut of nlitintiff filed UKulnst you in. thu Ktutu aro f above enlllled court and can ho on of the filHt pulilleatlou of thin MiimmoiiH, and If you fall to no up pcur and n nswer said coin plaint plaintiff fur want thereof will ap ply lo tho court for Iho relief de manded in nu Id coin plaint, a sue Hurt statement of which is us fol lows, lo-wlt: l-'or a deereo dissolving tho mar rbiKe contract now fixlHthm bo tween plaintiff and defendant, ami awnt'liiirf to plulutlff fin almoin It, dfrree of divorce from defendant, and for niuh other and further rev llnf its lo lhu court may seem equit able. This HiimmortH t nnryed upon yo'i bv publication thereof once each week for four conocutlvu weeks hi the llimehurg News - Review, u . mwpnper of general' elrMilnte pnblixlH-d mill iHHiied rgulnrly " lrt( Ittixeliiirg. DoiikIhh Conntv. (tr,-rrM, ; hv order of thu lion. J. W. Hamil ton. JudKe of the above entilledl court, uiiulo on the I Tilt day ot June. l'.iJ7, and you nre hereby re lulrH to nopeiir und atinwer thu H-uite on or Iteforu four weeks from the dutn nf the flrnt piiblleatloM b.-reuf. which Is tho 2.1rd day ot June, 10-7. mora St onct'TT Attorneys for Plalntrrf, Hofnffice Addiess; Roseburg, Or son.