SIX ROSEBURG' NEWS-REVIEW, WEDNESDAY: Iin.V IV 1927 f. .iJ. 1 SWIMMING SIMPLIFIED Intertiming of Head and Arms Important in Crawl Stroke. BY JAMES A. LEE Athletic Director, Cleveland (Ohio) Athletic Club ' . ..--wzj .7.' ..M -J , wf ' y As correct Inlerliinlng of bead nnd arm movements In essential to gain body balance In tho cruwl, tho combined action should be glv- en n brief trlnl, standing on hot - torn 'before undertaking it In ft swimming position. - Ilend forward, extend right arm in front nnd left arm backwnrd, OREGON DRUGGIST SHY AT BEAUTY PARLOR BOGEY ' , ( AuocliilctI 1'rcNS l.pniM!tl Wirt-) ' ' HEND, Ore., .July 13 Oregon druggists in annual convention hero deplore the tendency of drug stores to become beauty parlors, marcel shops and roslaurants, In which pliarmacenutleal training 1b relegated to the background. "J shudder to think what the drugstores of tho future may be come, if present tendencies .con tinue," said L. J3. Russell, l'ort i. Jay H. Upton, centrul Orogon senutor, told members of the asso ciation they should acquaint tliom Hodlves fully with the states scen ery, In order to he of sej-vlce to tourists with whom they come in closo contact. There's a nice present for ll.o lucky bidder at tho Auction House next Saturday. Sale starts at 2 p. m. WHEN ANKLES Pretty ankles are a common commodity on Broadway but when Barbara Barondess, of the screen, broke out in blossoms about her comely tootsies little ol' New York just naturally gathered 'round for an eyeful. And now, they say, no cute littte chorine will Teel competcly dresesd unless sen sports a bouquet anktet. y ' ; . . . IiumlH touching ' the water, nml luni to tin- left. Then, wlllionl moving bead r jihoulderH. simul taneously sweep the right unn down nml iKiik, the left up nnd forward. TIib right should pvet,s directly down, grazing the Align In paus ing; the left should circle high and strike the surface close to where the right urm Blurted. Next turn head nnd shirt shoul derH to right, repealing tho move ments in the opposite direction, left moving down and back, right up -ind forward whan v.i m. ,. iiia t and slioulders with fair success, Iry actual swimuifng. Start with a push-off, Bet Iho feet In motion, then press direelly down and back with the left arm, keeping h e a d a n il slioulders straight. As -tills arm noars the thigh, press down and Irck with tho right arm, at the saino lime twisting the lieud and rolling the entire hotly, feet and all, to the left, bringing tho left arm out of the water. Itetain the pnsltloli now assumed above the wnler and the right while Ihe left arm sweeps forward drives hnckward. Then, when the left, arm hits tho surface and starts to press down again, twist 1 the bond and roll the body right, keeping it so rolled throughout the forward motion of the right arm and backward of the left. Do not hurry the movements. jaitl Jk. mucj! afatiaeto tSi Mm-, fjuidmut I j ARE ABLOOM 1 stsuMvaaoaaoaaiiMat lJoWiSJys X I i-fpfiiij' msmti fa LOCAL Business Visitor '. I Harry Gr-mex, of nice Creek, ! wiiii In Ibis illy Tuesday afternoon ' w trading. Business Visitor Henry j'osliui, of OlaJIn, spent the uriurnoiiii Tuesday looking af ter business .mutters and trading In this city. From Melrose .Mrs. Otlo Marlhews, of Mi-Jrose, was In lloseburg for several Hours on Tuesday attending to husjiiess and sliopplng. , In. Shopping Mrs. II. 1'earson, of Winchester, spent Tuesday afternoon in Jfnse- burg shopping and visiting .with friends. , On Business .1 I. fuseheer. resilient of Glide. speut several liours Tuesday in this city looking after business aflairs and visiting with friends. . From Reston E. M. .Matthews, of Iteston, was attending to bminess matters and visillng In lloseburg for a brief time Tuesday afternoon. Visit Tuesday Mrs. U. Kllers and daughter, of Brockwuy, were In tills city Tues- ti'dnv afternoon sliopiilnj? and at- tending to business affairs. Spend Afternoon K. M. Olllvant and Tom Ollivanl, of hooking Glass, spent Tuesday afternoon in Roseburg trading anil attending to business nfl'nlrs. Visitors Tuesday Mrs. Robert Chnmhorlln and children. Geneva and Kred, of J.ooK iik Glass snent Tuesday alternoon shopping and visiting with friends in this city. , Mrs. Michaels Visiting Mrs. Elizabeth Michaels, of Cor vallls, formerly of this cily and Mvrtlo Creek. Is vlBitlng at the latter place with her daughter and other relatives. Brother Visits , ' Wesley Owens and wife of Marys- ville, Calif., are guests of Mrs. John King at-Coos Jlay Junction. Mr. Owens 1b u brother of Mrs. King. Former Resident Visits Mrs. J. A. Cnmpbell of Long Bench,' California, is n guest of I Mrs. W. li. Walr at Dlllard. Mrs. Campbell formerly lived at Dillarti and has' numerous friends. ( , Drain' Folks Visit , i Mr. arid Mm. Hlmei New.ton and ,throe chlldreir of Uralii, hnvn been guests of the former's brother, U R." Newton nnd family at Cnnyon vllle. They i also visited -relatives In (Uendale before returning home. Visit at Chapin's Cleo Caswell of Oakland, Cnllt., formerly ai Myrtle, Crock boy, Is. tt I guest at tho F.'S. Cliapln home 'lit I Mvrtlo Creek.' With a friend he Is -n..n..n ,n ftl.lnnnn trx a viull n-ilh ralatlvca. . . .--: Tho Melbodlst Missionary Socie ty of Hlllnrd wa entertained by Mrs. W. II. Illnlr at her now homo on the highway north of IMIInrd yesterday. Mrs.. Illnlr served dainty refreshments", . ; V. Mr. Radlck Visits' Win. Rntllck of Mnrshfleld was a visitor in this cily Tuesday and was looking after business inter OBts; Mr. Radlck is a . business partner of W. O. dinger; ex-Rose-burg man, at the const city. Mrs. Bond Visits . 1 Mrs. Perry Road, of Glide, spent Tuesday aftornoon in Roseburg vis iting with friends and nttendlng to business mutters. Mr. and Mra. Pond, whose homo was lost in a recent fire, are building a fine new stucco, one-story home, work having Marled already structure. the I Myrtle Creek Man Dies Word was recelvctr in Creek yesterday of the i.. sudden ! death of Joe Miller 111 linndnn. He formerly lived in Mytile Creek and was known lo many people. His wife's relatives live there also. Mr. Wilier was about 1,0 years old. No word regarding funeral arrange ments bad been received. Visit At Miller Home Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith have returned lo their home at Marsh field after visiting at the home of llr. aud Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Smilh's bro(ller-lli-iaw and sister, over the week-end. The coast rest tlenls were gliosis or Mr. and Mrs Wilier on a fishing trip nri tho N'orlh Vmpqua Sunday. GET nil OF PILt THI'l illFlHI IWilY IIIIU ULU lini i fHvimnttnnnl. Vi Jin tip! .Mtnic ii'ltt'iicntnl !)lnvrrjr r llni'k liuiiriiitU'rl Tlm-overr nwulo liy a .lo-vcar pile sun.-rpr. St"!'1 prtln. m Mntr. Mim .U liur. Ita nxut'tlv tli i or cv.m v cr-nt ri-rinuiiul. liuitnintccil to contain no Not nn ointment, salvo poMlm-y. a bnunl new which nlisnrbs nml drl- or sun- up the pllod. Nothing Ri-';tsy Ikh.1 Quickly l'om ti'.Mrs ami drtvo out (ht c-iinnciniii. Ut n-ir;itien. Y rn in our "j ft . .i r K n . w 1 nl a o nf pll(S VK KNOW that t; yt-u vvi!,h rnl rolltf tngi ilhop iirc .1. C, i'tlo Iteuictlv pr tn ii snrt-'l-cul oeciutioi. M,il truii:iin of t"s! hrv tirovr.i J. C. I'll lum pily to no nupiTlor to siir - rv (ti:d In nn Heir lot" vovtlv rn-l pj infill. Cem en. yen ClIKONIC IMr.H prKiKlii:l!S! t'so j. r. pile lum f1v nd nJoy Hfo nciln. II. AO ipr hoT. with unlimited imoiipv-tin.'W Kunrnnt. At nil Rood tlruKKlsta. J. C. Pile Remedy Sold by Nathan Fullerton NEWS ; From Hoaglln Jtoy M. Foster, of Hoaglln was '. in this citv Tuesday and t ,.,.,nlH unrr UUMU esg 1 IIUII-R fill, visiting ilh friends. There's a nice nrr-Kent fr 4i.- ; lucky bidder at the Auction House next Saturday. Hale slam ut p. Ill, Visitor Tuesday- Mrs. Arthur Al:,ru!i nt T,.l.l i (;la ,,, 'r,.,i,.' , j Hosehurg with rrlcrids and shop I ping. , ' ' iHere From Eugene ; -Mr. and Mrs. r. J. Ciitoser j Eugene arrived this morning i visit with relatives and rrlcndH ; this cily for a brief time, i ....... From Myrtle Creek- Mis. K. K. Allen and Miss VI. ginla I'.ushnell of Myrtle Creek wero In this city Tuesday shopping and transacting business. Garrets Here Today -Mr. anil Mrs. C. O. Garrett of Glendale were arrivals here last evening and remained over todai visiting and on business. Visiting In Salem ' Mrs. It.'W. Marslers and daugh ter, Dorolby, have gone to Salem where they will spend a week visiting with relatives and frlonds- Expected Home Today Hay Sliupe of Ihe Denot liarhni- shop is exjtected homo this eve ning from Portland where he hnf been looking after business affairs Blnce Saturday. . ' Return Home Mrs. Roy Walker and two chil dren retunir-trto their home at flyers, north of I his city, I his morn ing after spending Tuesday, here visiting and shopping. Expected Home" Today J. I. Chapman, Wilbur resident, who has been spending the past few weeks visillng with friends in Tacoma and Seattle, is expected home today. Returns to Portland . nirs. a. F. Ellis, who lias boon visiting in Ihls cily as a guest of Mrs. Tom Wharton nnd Mrs. F. H Churchill, returned to Portland' the first of the week. - Returnlnq-to Aberdeen : ' Mrs. Oeorire rtenrlrteks Tvl.n 'i. noon hero visillng at tho home of her brother. C. W. MeAlllfnr i leaving tonight for her homo' at Aberdeen, Washington. ' Former Resident Visits i " H. S. Conn, .of Portlanit, formerly of Hosehurg. accompanied by her daughter of Medford; wore hero the first of (he week visillng with friends on (heir way to Med ford by auto. Marriaoe Licenses Issued Marriage .licenses were grnnled veslertlay evening to Rnlnli n .Faulkner nnd Marie McCnlllst or iirm-ia-v n,..i i r.....,. i.. r,.. ' I netl. and (i. Anna Fisher, of San Francisco. Enroute Eureka . Joe Itownstey of Pentllefnn slop ped overnight Tuesday In visit on his way to l-lureka, Calif., on busi ness. Mr. Rownsley Is a friend of T. 13. Swearlngen ot Ihls cily. a former resident of eastern Oregon. Returns to Sacramento Mrs. Seth Harry, who has been visiting at tho homo of her uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Jen nings, nnd friends since Sunday, left Ihls morning for her homo in Sarcnniento. Mrs. Grayblll Visits Mrs. If. N. Grayblll, and two small sons have returned to Grants Pass aflei- a week's visit with Mrs. John King at Coos Junction. Mrs. Grayblll lived last year at Hosehurg ami was very active in Camp Fire work. Iler husband Is In charge of the Shell Oil station al Grants ! Pass. Condition Not Improved Tho comlillon of Mrs. H. W. Hiitrs, who la seriously HI fnliow tiiK un (monition at tho flood Sa mariiar llnnnital In Vortlaiul. was reported unimproved this ntter noon iukI i lliiht liopos am hold for hor recovery.' air. li. V TIji'ps, (IntipMor nnd son are at, her bed FitU-. Is Improving Kit hard. Ihe small son of Mr. and Mrs. heon MeCJintock. Is reported to he improving today following an areident Saturday In which the lad rn tight his h;ind in a wringer at home, the hand heing drawn as far ns tho .vnlst the niaehlne. Tho momborn were had ly bruised hut ito serious injury resulted. "lissCaLu"llle Lenox, stem pher ut the offices of Quine o:ra-i andj ! company. Is on n two weeks vnca jtton and has left for lyrlle Point , to visit with hor sister. Her nioth , er and brother. Mrs. Kmnm and . liny Lenox, who nrromp:mied her j there have returned home. Dur l lug her absence Mrs. Verne Shrum ; 1h in charge of her duties at tho I insurance office. Washington People Visit Mr nnd Mm. Horace Knnncupon land children. Phyllis nnd CIwulcs. jof Pellvlew. Wash., neeompnnird by I Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Payne ot Sc uttle, were guests for sevni! days of Mr. Hitch Hownie. who with! Frank Aiiirn conduct The rove i Auto camp, north of canvonville. Mr. Oownte rmiip to Tvuiel;t; roun-1 ty from Seattle, and hns nlso lived i in Rritish Columbia. Hif miosis lilted IVuiu-las county and plan to return. Sets Her Wings for Rome Hop J r nrZP rr-: ti i i B I Gladys Roy, pretty Los Angeles . i si. W.t-i jumps at both high and low altitudes. Now she has made uo her , lrl . the kind that Lindbergh used, has which she hopes to make the trip. "mjui vi wiB,cimiU yj. Home from Eastern Orenon Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rose and fam ily returned Tuesday from a three weeks' vacation In Eastern Ore gon. 'Jhey were accompanied home by Mr. Rose's two nieces, who will visit here. - ; Spend Week At Burnt Flatts Morrill Hitler aud Roy Pettey re-. iiuineu tins morning from a week's I vacation spent at Burnt Platts on "10 Tw'" Lakes trail. Mr. Pettey, ia en"IIoyed at the First State land Savings Rank, Is on his vaca- ! lion and has another week's leave I before resuming his duties. ! . cxpecica ror visit Mrs. 'Minnie Snooks of Oakland, C"'if01 'nla, and her brother-in-law, A- G- Jackson, of Portland are ex- pected here Saturday ami will visit at the home of the former's cousin, Mrs. Tom Wharton. Mrs. Snooks has been visiting. -with 'relatives in Portland and from this city will return home. ' .- " . Los Angeles People Visit : ' j . J. W. Henderson, president of the Henderson Petroleum compnny of Los Angeles, .Mrs. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Worlhlngton, Miss H. Wortllington, Miss D. Wortllington and Ted Worthington, burg, staying at tho Umnqua hotel. The party Is enroute to Alaska by motor. , , - . FOR AUTO THEFT Philip Frank and James Pres ton, transients, claiming to be on the way from Portland to San Fran cisco, were bound over to the grand Jury here this afternoon on charges of auto theft. The two young men wive arrested early this morning near Myrtle Creek by ti. A. Fitzpatrick and liia brother, .1. W. Kit zpn trk-k. The former, the owner of the car, stated that he was awakened Hhortly utter mid- night by tho barking of the dogsj aud ran out of the house in time to see Frank and Preston pushing I his automobile towards the high way. He called to them ami they ran. He returned to the house, and brother and together they started dressed htnuelC and cahe.d, his I in pursuit, overtaking Frank and ! Preston a short distance south of j the Kitzpatrick place. I The Jwo young men were taken' Into custody nnd turned over to ' Sheriff Stunner. They wore given j a hearing this afternoon before, Justice of the Peace Hopkins and. were held for the grand jury. They were unable to furnish bonds, fix ed in the sum of $r00 each, and are confined in the county jail. OFFICER LOSES HIS OWN AUTOMOBILE IN HUNT FOR THIEVES ( Awririntfit Prow t.rawtl Wire.) PHNDLKTON, Ore.. July 13. July VA has been a most un- lucky dny for Charles Hos- I kins, chief deputy sheriff. laie last night and early this morning while he was nt ' templing to trace automobile ( 4 thieves that bad abandoned j the car of Henry Olosscn of j Salem, near Keho. his own car was stolen from outsido the j court house. ; The officers believe the ! thieves abandoned the Clos- j sen car when one of tho (ires ; was punctured and took the : deputy's car to continue -their , flight eastward. ; rwiv n ttrn NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS flyer, holds records! for parachute special nyan monoplane, of been selected as the machine In Her co-pilot is Lieutenant Delmar ELKS CHOOSE MIAMI . . w f Auiocliited rrsa LeaNl Wire 1 CINCINNATI, Ohio, July v 1.5 raiami, ia., waB selected as the 1928 meeting place for the Elks National convention, defeating Los Angeles -when the. second poll was taken today. Miami received 1050 votes and Los Angeles 360. NEW MANAGER AT WESTERN UNION A change in. the management I of the Western Union offices here j has been made, D. C. Young, who has been manager for the past year being transferred to Baker, where he will hold a similar position. Mr. Young's place at the offices ,ia Tioscburg is beng tken by L. 13. Italic of New York City, who 1ms been, employed by the Western Union In Eugene the past two months. " Mr. Halls was formerly an Associated Press operator in New. York City. ' Mr. Young has gone, to Baker to Immediately take over ' bin duties at the "Western Union office. TODAY'S BASEBALL American First game At Detroit Washington R. II. Detroit ..7 10 Tlutteries: Lisenbee, Hurke, Coff- man and Tale; Gibson, Stoner and Woodall. National. First game At Boston ' R. IT. E. Chicago 3 U Uoston 6 IS 1 Uatteries: Carlson, Dean and liartuett; Greenfield, Weitz and Hogan. At New York Cincinnati New York R. H. E. .11 10 1 ...3 .12 5 Uatteries: Lucas and Hargrave; flu rk son. I-Inii rv. Ttiuipv n ml Tn v- ir. CummlngH. " Sturdy Walls quick! THERE'S nothing slow or tedious aboutbuiidins walls when Schumacher Wall Board is used. Just" nail the big sheets in place and yourwallisfinished. No muss, or waiting for them todry. Yet they're walls that nre smooth, sturdy and enduring. umacher Wall Board SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD CORP. Lm Angela Scant San Franctoco 'Tatoma, Portland. Stockton, San Rafael, Oakland, San Fnuvciaco, San Joe, San Dhrso Scti Have Your Printing Done in Town Help build up a local industry and increase a local payroll. Our printing plant is run loy lo cal men living in our own com munity. . You can get an excellent quality of printing from us. We have a . modern plant, a fine variety of favorites types, up-to-date facili ties.' You can get anything from us in printing from a menu card to a handbill stationery, tick 1 ets, menus, booklets, announce ments, programmes, cards, Let us do you next job of 'printing. Roseburg News-Review Exclusive Job Printing Department 114 N.JACKSON PHONE 13S 12 INDIAN GIRLS ALLEGED TO HAVE FIRED DORMITORY (Afwoctotnl Prcsa Loawd Wlr) ' PORTLAND, Ore., July 13 As sistant United States District At torney McGilchrist, in federal court here, today asked that bench warrants, each carrying $500 hail requirement, bo issued for the ar rest of the 12 Indian girls on. the Klamath reservation, indicted yes terday for burning down the dor mitory in which they lived. They -will, presumably, be brought to Portland and held, pend ing trial, in some Juvenile deten tion home. Albert PIcard, Umatilla Indian charged with theft of personal be longings of Joseph Craig, was sen tenced to serve 9 months In the county jail, : . . . . Deoring 7-ft. binder in stock -nb Wharton Bros, , ; CULLEN LANDIS ALIMONY SLACKER; 5 DAYS IN JAIL LOS ANGELES, July 13 Cullcn Lanriis, motion picture actor, was sen.tencpd to five days In jail here today, for failing in his nlhnony payments to his divorced wife, MiKnon Lebrun Landis. : Superior JudRe Robert H. Scott, who sentenced Landis about noon, gave tho actor until 2 p. m., to ar range his ntfairs and present him self at the county Jail for Ills term behind tho bars. Judge Scott, in passing sentence In a legal argument that has been before the courts off and on for months, said: "I see no redeeming feature in. tills case.' The defend ant has apparently not mado good use of the money he has earned."- This comment followed testi mony by Landis himself that he had made $17,000 since last Nov ember and that since the first of the year he had given his divorced wife about $2,700. He was $1,000 behind In his alimony remittances. Leaving For California Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Klore ot Looking Glass leave in the morn ing on an auto trip for California to spend two or three weeks. They will visit in San Luis Obispo and Santa Bnrbara. to where their daughter is moving. ADVERTISERS PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW t LODGE DIRECTORY J DE MOLAY CHAPTER kegular communication 2nd and Uh Thursdays, Masonic Hall. Union Encampment No. 9, I. O. Q. F. Meets in Odd Fellows Tem ple on 2nd and 4th. Wednesdays of each month. Visiting Patri archs always welcome. STANLEY FARNS WORTH, C. P. BEN PALM, H. P. CARL W. OHMAN, Scrlbf,. United Artisans Meet in K. H Hsll first and third Thursdays Visiting members always wel come, j CONSTANCE HLACR. M. A. MILDRED McOL'LLOCH. Treas. BELLE STEPHENSON. See i. O. O. F., Philetarlan Lodge No. H Meets In Odd Fellows Tem pie every Friday evening. Visit ing bretbern are always wel come. W. J. BDRKE, N. G. A. J. GEDDES. Reo. Sec. J. B. BAILEYFin. See. Job's Daughters ilo. 8. Meet! first and third Fridays at 7:3n p, tn. Masonic Temple. Master Ma sons and O. E. 8. members al wnvs welcome. ELIZABETH ABRAHAM, Secy. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lllao , Circlo No. 49. Meets on. first and third Monday evenings, In K. of P. Hall. Visiting neighbors invited to attend. IRA TAYLOR, G. N. MARGARET WHITNEY. Clerk. Eagles, Roseburg Aerie Meets In Maccabee Hall, on Cass street on second and fourth . Wednes day evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. ViBlting brethern In good standing always welcome. J. B. BAILEY, Jr., W. Prts. GEO. STALEY, Jr., P. W. Pres. B. P. GOODMAN. Sec. Pythian Sisters, Umpqua Temple, No. 4. Meets the second and fourth Monday evenings of eacl month, at the K. of P. hall. Via ltors alwavs welcome. , - HAZEL RAST, M. E. C. EVA MARKS, M. of R. C. MAY E. PARKER. M. of P. Knights of Pythias, Alpna Lodgt -No. 47 Meets every Wednesday in Knights of Pythias hall, 13 Hoso street. Visltora always wel come. GEO. R. WARE, C. C. ROY O. YOUNG, M. F. E. E. WIMBERLY. K. R. 8. O. E. S., Roseburg Chapter No. 3 Holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays Vj each month. All sojourning broth.' ers and sisters are respectfully invited to attend. MYRTLE BOND. W. M. FREB JOHNSON. Sec. K. O. - T. M. Meets eaco second I and fourth Thursday of each month, In Maccabee hall, cor. ner Cass and Pine streets. Visit lug Knights always welcome. L. C. GOODMAN, Com. a. W. RAPP. XL K. Woodmen of the World, camp No. 125 Meets In the Odd- Fellows Hall In Roseburg every flral and third Monday evenings. Vis iting neighbors always welcoma . M. M. MILLER, Clerk. ;W. O. M. L. Meets In Mooso lial 1 flrat and third Fridays at o'clock. Visitors welcome. MARION SHAW, S. R. JESSIE CALHOUN, Hoc. VIVIAN PHILLIPS, Treas. B. P. O. Elks, Roseburg Lodge No 326. Holds regular communica tion nt the Elks Temple on each second and fourth Thursdays each month. All members re quested to attend regularly, antf all visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. H. W.' BOOTH. E. R. DOUGLAS WA1TE, Sec. A. F. & A. M., Laurel Lodge No. 13. Regular communication sea ond and fourth Wednesdays eicl month at Masonic Temple, Rosei burg, Ore. visitors welcome. F. P. CLEMENS. W. M. - W. F. HARRIS. Sec. Laurel Chapter No. 31, Ft. A. M. Meets every third Tuesday ol each month In Masonic Temple, All members requested to attend and visiting companions wel come. v . W. a. BURT. High Priest. r W. F. HARRIS, sec. Roseburg Lodge No. 1037 L. OTTJ nn. Meets first and third Wed nesdays of the month, Moose Hall, 248 N. Jackson street. Clui rooms open 7:30 to 10 p. m. Vis iting brothers welcome. JOHN E. FLURRY, Diet H. O. PARGETER, Sec. JNO. M. THRONE. Treas. W. B. A. O. TA Ftoseturg RB vle-v No 11. Holds regular meet Infsj on second and fourth Thurs days at 7:30 p. m. Veiling sis ters invited .to attend review! Maccabee Hall, Pine aad Casl streets. , MRS. HELEN HUFFMAN. JKSSIE RAPP. Col. Floseburg' Rebekah Lodge No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Fel lows Temple every week on Tues day evening. Visiting member! In good standing are cordially in- " vlted to attend. , ELSIE RUSSELL, Jf o J GERTRUDE HATFIELD IL Fj' EMMA LENOX. F. S